Newsletter 69

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69th SUMMER 2011-2012

Cape Green Times No 69


dream Bevan Thomas, Alfa Variegata Nurseries

Coming from an agricultural background and deciding to go study horticulture, I found myself not wet behind the ears, but waterlogged to what exactly it meant to partake in the practice of Horticulture. Through many teachings by those who gave me their time, I grew to understand the true meaning of being a horticulturist. I couldn’t have asked for a more meaningful understanding to life. I wish to thank all my teachers and mentors who have been an amazing inspiration to me. They are Rosy Koopman, the lecturers at CPUT, the staff of Kirstenbosch Retail, Bridget Kitley, Jan Oprins, Graham Whitman, Michael Hendricks and Dirk Zwiegelaar. Dirk and I shared the same dream of horticulture and we walked this path together all the way. One day in 2010 while working at AVN listening to SAFM during lunch, I heard about Greenpop. Within the first 30 seconds of the interview my brain went Greeeeeeeen Pop! I wanted to join these guys on their mission to green undergreened areas… I had to follow my dream. Thanks to the Cape Green Forum of February 2011, the co-founder of Greenpop, Misha Teasdale, introduced himself to me and I immediately knew who he was. I found myself enquiring about when I could start assisting them as a Horticulturist. In less than two weeks my dream had begun, I & AVN started giving of our time and knowledge to Greenpop wherever possible, consulting to people who wanted to acquire knowledge to green their environment and take care of it! What a life enhancing experience it was meeting all these cool folks! One such person is Kelvin Chatake, who took responsibility for the Greenpop holding nursery without prior nursery experience. On my first visit to the nursery it didn’t look like much, lacking a sound structure. Kelvin didn’t hesitate to bombard me with questions; was he doing the right thing or following the right procedure, what should he be doing, how should he be doing it and what is the secret to these

plants? Unfortunately, that day I could only spend an hour at the nursery with this passionate personality. On my second visit, I was blown away with pride to see how Kelvin had completely restructured everything to transform it to a functioning organised nursery. It was like Kelvin was there tending to his newly found children. That day we spent close to five hours in deep conversation, how he had done it, how he had grown to understand the plants he was working with and what more he could do. In a short time Kelvin had converted the unused nursery space into a productive vegetable garden to feed his new friends and himself. In June 2011, Greenpop organised a weekend festival of tree planting in Platbos, just outside Gansbaai and they called it the Greenpop Reforest Fest. Never had I known such a magical forest existed out there. The slogan for the weekend certainly rang true in my mind: 1 forest, 2 days, 100 People, 1000 Trees. This group of 100 consisted mostly of inexperienced spade handlers and virgins to tree planting, but quickly evolved to super planting machines early in the planting day. We moved 1000 trees, one trailer and bakkie a distance of plus minus 500 metres, dug and planted them. For everyone the experience was like none other before! My gratitude stretches boundless to Greenpop and the carers of Platbos, the Krige family. At another Greenpop event a month later, at the end of a planting day in celebration of President Nelson Mandela’s birthday, Misha asked me if I would go to Zambia for them to improve the production management systems of a tree nursery who will be supplying trees for Greenpop’s own Trees for Zambia programme happening in 2012. This programme plans to educate subsistence farmers on growing their own trees from seed, in order to supply the project in the future. Suddenly Greenpop had just taken me 100 steps closer to my dream of practicing horticulture across Africa. In the last few weeks, a fellow landscaper, Danie Steenkamp owner of D.D.S Projects, has joined our team and in December we will both be leaving


P.O. Box 5513, Helderberg, 7135, Cape. Tel: 021 855 0092 e-mail:

for two months to have the Horticultural experience of a lifetime. During July 2012, we will be planting between 5000 & 10 000 trees in the Livingstone area in Zambia at schools, subsistence farming communities, heritage sites and concession areas that have suffered from deforestation. Emphasis will be on education surrounding the environment and sustainable use of trees for people of Zambia. How are we going to do this? With faith, passion, volunteers, companies interested in helping out, and the people of Zambia. So now, as I prepare to leave, finishing off the finer details of my new drainage system and preparing myself for my biggest adventure ever, I take no teachers but I’m sure to find many more along the road through Africa. Through the support of teachers, family, friends (new and old) and my Greenpop family, I am ready for my journey to grow in the practice of horticulture, the life choice I have made. The art of horticulture is one of the oldest practices in the world; through it, man has harnessed the knowledge of food production & it has allowed us to move all over the world. Today there are 7 billion people on our planet and a lot of them are still hungry. I think now is the time for horticulturists to harness our knowledge and do something about it.

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The view expressed are not necessarily those of the CGF. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents. The CGF cannot be held responsible for any errors.

The end of the year is approaching fast, where does the time go? The Cape Green Forum held a wonderful year end function, a walk around the Cavalli Wine & Stud Farm and then dinner at Somerbosch. It was well attended, 90 people in total, and a great time was had by all. It started at Somerbosch Wine Farm, where we parked, then a short walk through the vineyards to the Cavalli Estate, refreshments at the viewing site before walking the estate with Keith Kirsten and Ray Hudson. Wow..... what a place! No expense has been spared! The lines are clean and classical with the eyes continuously being drawn to the magnificent mountains in the background. It was great to identify many plants from our local growers thriving in their environment. Thanks to Keith for making the site visit possible and to Ray for coming out, once again, to take the CGF around an estate. Back at the Somerbosch Bistro, the tables looked very festive with little plants for each person wrapped in red paper from Nonke Plants and beautiful Dipladenias on the tables from Shadowlands as lucky chair give aways. During the evening there were some great lucky draws, thanks to Arnelia Proteas, Reliance, New Plants and Starke Ayres Garden Centre. The committee and members of the Cape Green Forum presented

Warwick Bayer with a trophy to thank him for his contribution to the industry in the Cape. They also gave me a wonderful gift voucher, to thank me for my contribution....thanks you all, I will really enjoy spending it! It was a wonderful relaxed evening - good food and company. Thanks to the sponsors who contributed to the cost for members please see them below. We have set our dates for the Trade Days in 2012, they are 22nd February and 22nd August - easy to remember! Many thanks to those who replied to the survey, there are some good ideas for the new year. Once again membership is due at the beginning of the year, still great value for money, only R410 for an individual and R1500 for a company. It looks like this will be the last printed newsletter, in the survey 94% responded that they would rather have an e-newsletter, so we’ll lessening our carbon footprint and reducing costs. Advertising should become cheaper and we’ll be able to use full colour pics, which are all great pluses. If you wish to continue to receive the newsletters, PLEASE make sure that I have your correct email address. Wishing you all a wonderful festive season, enjoy your holiday (if you get one), drive safely and we look forward to seeing you rested, refreshed and revived in 2012! Di Irish

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

TO ALL OF MY FRIENDS OF THE CAPE GREEN FORUM I am so delighted with the award you have given me, acknowledging a contribution to our Industry. It is so much more, knowing that this comes from voluntary nominations from many of you. The little trophy is a polished steel Wild Fig growing on rock with an etched glass backing, personalized with my name and then mounted on polished wood – a very special work of art. It seems a lifetime has passed since I qualified as a Horticulturist in 1990 and then started my nursery in 1994; I’ve enjoyed such generous support by so many through this time – and I do look forward to close work and contact with you for many more years. This award is treasured; with a huge thank you. Warwick


Trade Days 22 FEBRUARY AND 22 AUGUST 2012 We’ve just managed to book the Paul Roos Gymnasium hall in Stellenbosch for February. We’ll add on a marquee to increase floor space. This beautiful venue in the heart of the winelands, with oaks and mountains all around, provides a perfect central venue for our Trade Day. Info should reach you by mid December, via email. As usual, members get first choice and a 20% discount. Please contact Di 082 376 0377, if you’re interested and not on my mailing list.

Ray Hudson, Nick Stodel and Keith Kirsten at Somerbosch Bistro

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