Spring 2022

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5IF #M¶E BOE µF Dr. Dennis Lindsay

The mosquito is the deadliest creature in the world. The most vulnerable people are children and pregnant women. No other bite kills more humans or makes more of us sick. So, what makes a mosquito’s bite so effective? For starters, they’re programmed. Only females bite us; they need blood to make eggs. She has a sophisticated, built-in drill with six needles that drills through the skin. They’re so sharp that you can barely feel LIV TYWLMRK XLIQ MRXS XLI FPSSH ZIWWIPW 7LI YWIW XLI RIIHPI PMOI E WXVE[ ERH ½PPW YT LIV KYX [MXL RYXVMXMSYW red blood cells; then she spits in chemicals that give us itchy welts. Before she departs, she leaves a parting gift in her saliva, a virus or parasite that can sicken or kill us. The viruses and parasites are just hitching a ride, but this is what makes them mortal enemies to us. The pesky, blood–sucking mosquito’s drill is a miniaturized hypodermic needle.

Why Did God Create the Mosquito? To begin with, mosquitos don’t see very well, but they can zoom in like a heat-seeking missile that can destroy an enemy aircraft. In the spherical arrangement of their compound eyes, a mosquito GER HIXIGX E QSZMRK XEVKIX XS ½RH MXW LSWX 9WMRK infrared radiation, the mosquito can detect warm bodies emitting carbon dioxide. It can detect CO2 from as high as 160 feet above its target, which is higher than the Statue of Liberty. Then it zooms in for the attack. What is even more amazing is its stealth aeronautics. Most everyone recognizes the LYQQMRKFMVH´W MRGVIHMFPI ¾]MRK EFMPMX] EW MX LSZIVW MR QMH EMV ¾ETTMRK MXW [MRKW WSQI XMQIW TIV WIGSRH ,S[IZIV XLI QSWUYMXS GER ¾ET MXW [MRKW more than 700 times per second, which allows its rapid wing beat to quickly get aloft, without anyone noticing. Gone in a blink without being zapped. It is truly a miniature marvel of creation.

Satan’s Mission: Contaminate the Blood Satan hates and wants to contaminate the blood of man. One way he does this is to use the mosquito to contaminate healthy blood with malaria. Malaria kills more than 600,000 people a year, and infects over 200 million. Satan especially hates the blood of Christ because that is what conquered him—



defeated him once and for all. There is power in the blood of Jesus—power to break anything that keeps us in bondage. This is why it is good to be covered with Jesus’ blood.

WARNING: Is there something that can contaminate the blood of Jesus? SIN. Even a tiny sinful thought that enters your mind can penetrate your heart and begin to destroy the living, protective blood of Christ. That’s why it must be rejected immediately. In 2 Corinthians 10: 5 it states, “Take every thought captive ...” Satan and the mosquito have the same goal—to contaminate the human body and mind. This is why we need the Word of God to eradicate every sin that enters your heart. Hebrews 9:1-15 reveals the power of the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ will save the vilest sinner. 1EXXLI[ WE]W ±*SV XLMW MW Q] blood. The blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many, for the forgiveness of sins.”

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