Florida Courier, June 28, 2019

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Crips and Bloods unified in grief See Page B1

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JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019

VOLUME 27 NO. 26

ALCEE UNPLUGGED ‘I’m a fighter,’ says Alcee Hastings. That’s all you need to know about his health and what’s to come. When I entered the foyer at the Marriott City Place in West Palm Beach on Father’s Day, I was stunned when I heard someone call out my name. To my surprise, it was Congressman Alcee Hastings. “Daphne! How are you doing?” he said twice. Lord knows I really didn’t expect to see the congressman. It was as though he had read my mind.

Would he come? Yes, I knew he was supposed to be honored as Father of the Year by his longtime friend, Everee Jimerson Clarke, founder and president of the Pleasant City Family Reunion Committee. I came to the event hoping on a wing and a prayer that he would be there. But truth is, I didn’t think he would come. I know his health


PART 2 is impaired, and I figured the chances of him actually showing up were slim to none. But still I went. And before I could land my two feet in the doors good, his voice called out to me as if to shout, “See, I’m here!” I was tickled pink!

A burning question As we exchanged pleasantries, I pondered whether to ask him about his current state of health. But as a journalist I knew I had

to. I knew it was what the people were curious about and concerned about. Was he beating it? Had it taken its toll on him? Did he look the same? These questions, I knew, were on the minds of the people who’d watched this giant of a man for years. Somehow, even if gently, I had to broach the subject. “Congressman, in January you went public with a serious illness. May I ask you how you are today?” That’s how I framed it.

Going public It was January when he first went public with having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of cancer. The news broke the hearts of many of his diehard fans and supporters. See ALCEE, Page A2


Congressman Alcee Hastings’ latest and most important personal battle is to stay alive and productive for as long as possible.


The political fight begins

Open primaries, gun ban High court examines proposals BY JIM SAUNDERS NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA

TALLAHASSEE – Proposed constitutional amendments that would revamp Florida’s primary elections and ban “assault” weapons took a key step Wednesday as supporters have submitted enough petition signatures to trigger reviews by the state Supreme Court. Both proposals have cleared a 76,632-signature threshold that makes them eligible to go to the Supreme Court. The Florida Division of Elections on Wednesday listed them as being ready for court review, joining four other ballot proposals that already had cleared the threshold.

Running the gauntlet


‘Blacks for Trump’ advocate Maurice Symonette, right, shouts at Omar Mohamed, left, during a protest outside of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in Miami on Wednesday. They were at the site of the first Democratic presidential primary debates for the 2020 elections.

The proposals, however, have a long way to go before they could reach the November 2020 ballot. The Supreme Court serves as a gatekeeper to make sure ballot wording meets legal standards. If the Supreme Court signs off, supporters of each measure ultimately would have to submit 766,200 valid signatures. Also posing a potential obstacle is a newly signed law that will make it harder to carry out ballot-petition drives. A political committee supporting the proposed constitutional amendment to change the primary-election process See COURT, Page A2


Sheriff urges ‘harm mitigation’ for school shootings BY DARA KAM NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA

HAVANA – Three minutes and 51 seconds. That’s how long it took Nikolas Cruz to kill 17 students and staff members and injure another 17 during last year’s shooting rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. And that’s the timeframe Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri repeated again and again during a presentation to law enforcement officers and educators Wednesday.


‘Head in the sand’ “Anybody who thinks it’s not going to happen again is just being unrealistic, is being naïve and probably has their head in the sand,” Gualtieri told a crowd of more than 250 people gathered at a rural counties’ “Violence Against Children in a Modern Society” summit in Gadsden County. Gualtieri, a no-nonsense law officer who is also a lawyer, has drawn national attention through his role as chairman of a statewide commission that has explored the events

leading up to the horrific Broward County shooting and the response to it. The commission issued a 458-page report, which included dozens of recommendations, in January. Speaking earlier to law enforcement officers and education workers at the summit, Gualtieri repeatedly stressed the importance of “harm mitigation.” “Identify the threat, communicate the threat, react to the threat,” he said. “Harm mitigation is accepting the premise that it is going to happen, and you want to stop it as soon as

it starts. One person shot is too many, but one person is better than 34.”

‘No excuse’


Gualtieri showed little patience for schools that are not complying with safety requirements passed by the Legislature last year after the shooting and strengthened during this year’s legislative session. “Focus on the low-cost and no-cost things like having a hard-corner policy and having training,” he said. “There are so

Virgin Trains’ service moves forward Blind teens ‘see’ cars through touch

See SHERIFF, Page A2



Trump blames border separations on Obama Suicide rate increased 33%



JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


In 2019, the political losers are getting paid In 1787, a group of political activists in America began to call themselves the Federalists, largely created by Alexander Hamilton as the first political party. In 1796, a group of anti-Federalists, which included Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, banded together and called themselves Democratic-Republicans, referred to at that time as the Republican Party. The party you know as the Democratic Party came to be during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, a slave trader, slave owner and an enemy of Native Americans. Today, the Federalist Party is dead as a doornail and the Democrat and Republican parties are the major political parties in the United States.

America divided It’s no secret America’s White voters are divided, as are most ethnic voters. You have Whites that are Democrats and Whites that are Republican. You also have Jews, Hispanics, Asians and


other groups that split their political allegiance. In 2018 elections, several races were so close that numerous recounts had to take place because the margins of victory or loss were minute. Black women were monumental voters in 2018. They propelled so many Democrats to victories that the U.S. House of Representatives changed leadership from Republican to Democrat.

Lose, then get paid But too many Black Democratic candidates for governor, U.S. Senate and many high positions in federal, state and local elections lost. Then the losers suddenly became expert political analysts, the losers began to get financed in the millions of dollars to coordinate

“voter registration,” voter outreach” and “voter education.” Everybody didn’t get money. Black media didn’t get millions of dollars. Black printers didn’t get paid. Black caterers didn’t serve food a political rallies and events. And the Black political professionals practically didn’t get a crumb from the political tables! Only the losers got money. Only the political puppets got money. Only the political head scratchers and buck dancers got invited to the political balls and galas!

Think about it The Black people involved in politics that get the most political contributions and financing are the Black politicos that hire the most non-Blacks, that contract the most non-Blacks and those that talk like non-Blacks and act like non-Blacks. But the upcoming 2020 elections will be crucial! If voters fail to clean political house and get rid of deceitful, decadent, disrespectful, disingenuous, dumb

and duplicitous politicians in 2020, America will be irreparably damaged!

Messengers exist In every election cycle, God sends the political parties true messengers that can communicate with voters, that can befriend voters, that can influence voters and can turn out significant numbers of voters that previously wanted nothing to do with political pirates, so to speak. The answer to political questions about 2020 begins with political parties knowing who they are dealing with. Would you rather have a political loser advising you on how to win an election? Would you put all of your political hopes and dreams into the hands of a loser that cares more about his political contributors than he does about his community? Hmmm? Not me!

From the streets The 2020 elections are more than a year away, but I can tell

you the strength of Black political power comes from the streets, not the suites! I can tell you the 25 to 35 percent of usual Black voters that go to the polls to support their candidates and political parties of choice will not be enough to win in 2020. Political parties must generate a huge surge in voter activism and participation! And I can tell you if you put losing candidates with losing consultants with losing political strategies, you and your party of choice will lose! If you want a change in political results, change the way your political party does political business! Demand political inclusion. All interested Blacks have a political role to play in 2020 election success!

Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” on Amazon.com and from bookstores everywhere. “Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook. Contact Lucius at www. allworldconsultants.net.

COURT from A1 has shown a huge jump in petition signatures in recent weeks, with the total at 132,604 as of Wednesday afternoon.

Major change Under the proposal, all registered voters, regardless of political affiliation, would be able to cast ballots in primary elections in races for the Legislature, governor and Cabinet posts. The two candidates getting the most votes in each primary would advance to the general election. That would be a huge change from the state’s “closed” primary system, which limits voting to people registered with political parties. “No voter will be excluded from voting based on their party affiliation or lack of affiliation,” said Glenn Burhans, chairman of the political committee known as All Voters Vote. “More than 3.7 million registered Florida voters are currently blocked from participating in primary elections. Adding insult to injury, those disenfranchised voters pay taxes to fund the elections that they are blocked from voting in.”

Dems, GOP united But if the measure reaches the 2020 ballot, it could face opposition from Republican and Democratic leaders. As an example, during a discussion of potential primary changes at a Florida Democratic Party annual conference this month, Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Fort Lauderdale, pointed to a “fun-

ALCEE from A1 But he was courageous enough to let the public in on this news, issuing the following statement “I was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in the midst of this traumatizing news, I found myself wondering not only if I would survive this disease, but also if it would impact my ability to perform my duties. Now that I have begun treatment, I feel hopeful about survival and about my ability to continue serving my constituents of Florida’s 20th Congressional district and the nation. “My doctors have stated that the advancement in the treatment of cancer is evolutionary and the success rates continue to climb, resulting in a dramatic decrease in the number of cancerrelated deaths. “I have been convinced that this is a battle worth fighting, and my life is defined by fighting battles worth fighting. Should it become clear that this cancer which has invaded my body cannot be defeated, I will tell you so. “I release this statement, because I want to be the source providing you with this information. I ask for your prayers at this time.” His statement was honest, sincere, forthcoming. He acknowledged his need for prayers because with any form of cancer – especially pancreatic cancer –


A Palm Beach County Elections poll worker greets a voter at an early voting location at Florida Atlantic University in October 2018. damental idea” that Democrats should nominate their nominee and Republicans should nominate theirs. “Consider the word ‘primary,’ it is party-based,” he said. “We have parties for a reason.”

Gun ban Supporters of the proposed ban on assault weapons, meanwhile, announced June 10 that they had enough signatures to spur Supreme Court review, but

you need more than doctors. (He is being treated at the Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.)

At the banquet Back to the Father’s Day tribute. Congressman Hastings was being honored as a biological father to three as well as a father of the greater community. After he verbally dabbled a bit in the politics of the day, he ended his speech by summing up his life as of that moment. “I’m fighting another battle. A battle with cancer,” he said, subdued and soberly. And with that, he concluded his remarks. Hastings is a man whose fight for justice has spanned over five decades. He’s faced serious personal and professional challenges. But now he acknowledges he’s in a fight for his life.

All about survival The good news is that the survival rates for pancreatic cancer have improved from decade to decade. The bad news is that nearly all statistics show the disease as largely incurable. According to the American Cancer Society, for all stages of pancreatic cancer combined, the one-year relative survival rate is just 20 percent; the five-year survival rate, just 7 percent. The statistics are dismal. But as he told me in his own words, “Daphne, I’m a fighter.” He continued to say that on this partic-

that was not formally reflected by the Division of Elections until Wednesday. The assault-weapon issue has long been controversial, but Florida lawmakers have repeatedly rejected calls from gun-control activists to impose a ban. The ballot proposal would define assault weapons as “semiautomatic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition at once, either in fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammuni-

tion-feeding device.” As of Wednesday afternoon, the political committee Ban Assault Weapons Now had submitted 91,211 valid petition signatures to the state, according to the Division of Elections website.

The other four proposed constitutional amendments that are eligible for Supreme Court review would revamp the state’s electric utility industry; gradually

raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour; expand Medicaid coverage; and change wording in the Constitution about the citizenship of voters. The Supreme Court has scheduled Aug. 28 arguments on the electric-utility proposal and has said it will consider the minimum-wage proposal without holding oral arguments. It has not indicated how it will handle the Medicaid and citizenship measures.

ular day, it was a good day – implying that some days are not so good. “I feel fine today,” he quipped. “I’m outperforming this. The cancer is responding well to treatment and I’ve outdone what the doctors expected. The doctors say the tumor is ‘quiet.’ It’s not metastasizing (spreading) so that’s great. At the end of June, we’ll see where things are.”

“I have always respected Alcee. He has continually been a strong voice fighting for…the minority community. Many of us in the political arena have sought his wise counsel on a number of occasions, including myself. I’m praying for him and that this illness be contained, as he told me it is.” Alcee Lamar Hastings contin-

ues to ask for the public’s prayers as he endures his latest trial. But as he stated in his own words, “It’s a battle worth fighting for.” I believe there’s more for this warrior to do for himself and on behalf of the people who have depended on his strong voice year after year. I know I’ll see him around.

Standing with him While waiting for the start of the Father’s Day event, wellwishers shook his hand and told him they were in his corner and praying for him. He graciously accepted their prayers and sentiments. Palm Beach County Mayor Mack Bernard said at an event this week that Hastings certainly has his backing during this difficult period. “He has been a legend in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. He has fought the fight for every resident,” said Mayor Bernard. “We should all pray for him as he recovers from this devastating illness. We have to fight for him, just as he’s fought for us for all these years. We are certainly believing in the best for him during this trying time.”

Praying for containment Priscilla Taylor, former county commissioner and county mayor, echoed those sentiments. She considers the congressman as a valued friend.

Four others

SHERIFF from A1 many things that can be done to make a difference and make the schools safer, that don’t cost anything. There is no excuse for not doing it. All it takes is a decision maker to have the will to say, ‘We are doing it’ and to hold people accountable for not doing it.” This year’s school-safety legislation expanded the “guardian” program, which authorizes specially trained school personnel to be armed. The expansion will allow full-time teachers to join the program, a move that was recommended by the commission.

Changed his mind Gualtieri at one time had insisted that only trained lawenforcement officers should

be allowed to carry guns at schools, but he said his view has changed, “based on facts, based on evidence, and based on what we have learned.” Only half of Florida’s 4,000 schools have a full-time school resource officer, who is usually a deputy, Gualtieri said. And police departments are unable to fill vacancies. He said expanding the pool of people – “with the right mind set, the right skill set” and rigorous training – who can bring guns to schools will make campuses safer. Opponents of allowing teachers to participate in the guardian program served up a “parade of horribles” as the proposal was being considered this year, Gualtieri said. “What if this. What if that. I don’t know. What if? What if we got 34 shot and killed people in three minutes and 51 seconds? No greater parade of horribles,” he said.

JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019






Virgin Trains executives, elected officials and airport leaders wear hard hats on June 24 at Orlando International Airport for the ceremonial pounding of the first spike during the groundbreaking for the Orlando leg of Virgin’s Orlando-South Florida route.

High-speed train service moves forward Groundbreaking held in Orlando for Virgin Trains’ route from Orlando to South Florida BY LISA MARIA GARZA ORLANDO SENTINEL/TNS

ORLANDO – Although construction got underway last month, Virgin Trains held a ceremonial groundbreaking Monday at Orlando International Airport for its planned high-speed train between Orlando and South Florida. The privately owned passenger rail company, formerly known as Brightline, is starting 36 months

Governor signs state technology changes NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill that will eliminate the Agency for State Technology and seek to improve cybersecurity. The bill (HB 5301) was passed unanimously by the House and Senate during the legislative session that ended May 4. It will move the duties of the Agency for State Technology to the Department of Management Services. The bill also includes issues such as creating a task force to make recommendations to improve the state’s cybersecurity. The task force will be chaired by Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez or her designee and will include private-sector appointees of the governor, appointees of the Senate president and House speaker and representatives of agencies such as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Division of Emergency Management.

of construction, fueled by more than $2.5 million in tax-exempt bonds, to extend train service north from West Palm Beach to Orlando’s airport. Passenger service between Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach began last year with the 67-mile trip lasting about 70 minutes. The 39 miles of track is calibrated to minimize bumping or jarring, providing for a smooth ride when service begins in 2022.

Airport hub done The company estimated that the high-speed train route will remove 300 million cars from major Florida roadways on the route between Orlando and Miami. “We will change the mobili-

ty in this state forever,” said Patrick Goddard, president of Virgin Trains. “The most visited city in the world will now be connected to the cruise capital in the world.” Although the train’s speed, which tops outs at 125 mph, won’t be the fastest in the U.S., company officials said the traffic running parallel on State Road 528 will be “left in the dust.” Virgin’s station at the airport was finished two years ago at the Intermodal Terminal Facility, a $221 million hub designed to accommodate multiple forms of shuttles and rail traffic, including a possible Central Florida’s SunRail commuter system.

ect includes 170 miles of new track at the terminal, representing a total private investment of $4 billion, according to the rail company. About 225 million pounds of American steel will be used and 2 million spikes and bolts will be hammered in place during the construction phase, which Goddard dubbed as “one of the most significant infrastructure projects in America today.” Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, who gave a shout out to the Virgin project at Monday morning’s State of the City address, dashed to the airport for the groundbreaking ceremony.

Phase two

‘Red spike era’

The phase two expansion proj-

The city had 75 million visi-

tors last year and Dyer said he expects the numbers to significantly increase after the train route is completed. “Certainly if you’re going to be a future-ready city, you have to invest in transportation structure,” Dyer said. “That’s going to be a great connection for us.” At the end of the ceremony, local officials and company representatives donned hard hats and pounded a red spike, which released steam into the air, signaling the start of the “red spike era.” Virgin has also begun site clearing at the Orlando Airport for a 200,000-square-foot maintenance building to service the high-tech trains.

Visually impaired teens ‘see’ antique cars through touch ‘Proud of them’


The “look, but don’t touch” rule at the Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum was briefly suspended on a recent Tuesday morning. Wearing white gloves to protect the automobiles, about 20 visiting teens ran their hands over the massive, luxurious Packard automobiles. They poked the 2-foot tires, caressed the leather seats and palmed the steering wheels twice the size of their heads. “It’s really interesting because I can see the differences, and a few similarities, compared to cars today by touching them,” said Silvio Plata, 15. “It’s almost as if I had eyes and was able to see the structure, and I can get an idea of what they had back then.”

Transition program Silvio and the other teens, visiting from the Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, listened as assistants described the dozens of cars lined around the shop so that through their senses of touch and hearing, they could “see” the vehicles for themselves. The museum visit was part of the organization’s transition program that aims to prepare teens for future job opportunities, said Carol Brady-Simmons, the chief program officer. It also places a special focus on independent living and communication skills one needs for employment and college. “Someone who is blind can do anything a sighted person can do. They just have to do it differently,” she said. “But it’s really important that these kids get blind and technical skills at an early age so they can be included in society.”


Timothy Nijon, 14, sits in the driver’s seat of a 1929 Dual Cowl Phaeton Packard at the Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum on June 18. Teens from Miami Lighthouse for the Blind wore white gloves so they could “see” the cars with their hands.

Other field trips The antique car museum was just one of many field trips the group takes to teach the kids about different industries, BradySimmons added. They have visited the Holocaust Documentation and Education Center, a Costco Wholesale store and a Florida Panthers hockey clinic, Brady-Simmons said. Bob Jacko, chief restoration officer for the Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum, welcomed the group with a brief history lesson about the cars, some of which date to 1908. Packard cars were all custom built by hand, which was why they were so expensive, Jacko told the teens. He explained how much work went into creating these nearly 5,000 pound metal beasts and how the museum has maintained them all these years, which spurred a lot of questions.

“How loud is the engine?” “How fast can it go?” “How much gas can it hold, and what gas do you even put in it?” “How do you keep these cars so shiny?!”

Descriptions, advice Jacko answered all of them with ease while also providing visual descriptions of the cars, such as size, color, varying parts and design. Virginia Jacko, the president of Miami Lighthouse and Bob Jacko’s wife, said it’s vital to speak with blind and visually impaired persons the same as you would anyone else, so it’s easier for them to assimilate into society. She said that when people see someone with a cane or seeingeye dog, they often attempt to communicate with them through another person, instead of speaking directly with the blind person.

Miami Lighthouse’s program has a “huge impact on thousands of children’s lives,” she said, because it teaches them how to effectively communicate with others and actively include themselves. “Just to see them grow and learn how to advocate for themselves, it makes us so proud of them,” said Virginia Jacko, who completely lost her vision a few years ago. The teen program, which currently has 42 members, brings children together from schools across Miami-Dade County, not only to learn these fundamental skills, but to also meet others who are blind or visually impaired.

‘A unique experience’ Kaden Jamid, 13, said he was the only blind student at his middle school. A self-proclaimed social butterfly, blindness didn’t stop Kaden from making friends and interacting with other students, but he said he loves being surrounded by others like him at Miami Lighthouse. “It’s very fun to hang out with a bunch of people and meet new people who, more or less, have the same disability that I have,” Kaden said. “When I come here, I’m not alone.” Silvio and Kaden, who both lost their eyesight to cancer at a very young age, have been with Miami Lighthouse since they were babies and agreed that they would not be where they are today without it. “With Miami Lighthouse, you have an ocean of opportunities that no other person would have,” Silvio said. “You have to be very special to come here, and that’s what Miami Lighthouse has given us — a unique experience.”




JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


Biden and the Black Misleaders’ shame The disgraceful promotion of Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy is all the proof one needs that the Black Misleadership class is a grave danger to their community and to the nation. Biden was chosen to be Barack Obama’s running mate in 2008 precisely because of his rightwing credentials. But he no longer has Obama’s imprimatur to protect him and his racist history is now out in the open for all to see.

Not too smart He was always a lesser light in the Senate and was no better as vice president. Even in 2008, he opined that Obama was “clean and articulate” – a remark which ought to have disqualified him from vice presidential consideration with a Black candidate. But Obama’s goal was to make clear his own rightward trajectory. Choosing a senator who was anything but progressive and a staunch Zionist gave great comfort to the Democratic party donor class. The unwavering support from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) should be an embarrassment, but these are shameless people. One wouldn’t know that Biden thanked Dixiecrat Senator James Eastland for assisting him in bringing anti-busing legislation to a vote. These facts are inconvenient for people whose presence in office is meant to squelch any effort at Black self-



Busing opponent Biden began his political career in the 1970s and the hot issue of the day was how to integrate public schools. Biden called busing “asinine” and lamented that White people who were “good citizens” would be forced to send children to “inferior” (read Black) schools. He opposed school desegregation and he said so quite openly and used all the common racist tropes of that era.

Stop the GOP The duplicitous work of the CBC isn’t difficult to get away with. Black politics has been reduced to one overarching goal: keeping Republicans out of office. If Black voters support Biden as much as they are said to, it’s because they have been convinced that he is best able to defeat Trump. The Democratic Party establishment and their friends in corporate media are hoping to make this debatable point a selffulfilling prophecy. Black voters will again be the

Biden, Scarborough are creatures of the deep Former Vice President Joe Biden speaking in his “Aw shucks, I’m just Joe” style has set off a firestorm within the ranks of the Democratic presidential contenders. During a June 18 fundraiser with wealthy potential donors, he lamented the lack of civility in government. To make his point, Biden recalled how well he got along with Southern segregationists in Congress, such as former Sens. James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia. This struck a sour note with many progressive and leftleaning Democrats. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey issued a statement calling for Biden to apologize for his insensitivity. New York City Mayor and presidential candidate Bill de Blasio also weighed in, pointing out that the segregationists with whom Biden had a civil relationship thought that his multiracial family was illegal and that his


children should not exist.

Biden defended House Majority Whip James Clyburn, an African American Democrat from S.C., argued that you have to work with people with whom you disagree in order to get things done. Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi gave a more careful statement about Biden and said, “If he was able to work with Eastland, he’s a great person.” Several of the hosts of the television show “The View” jumped to the former vice president’s defense and resolutely declared that

Sanders’ free college proposal and HBCUs Vox.com has a solid writeup on Bernie Sanders’ plan for saving the nation’s college students trillions in student loan debt. Here’s their breakdown of the proposed “College For All” Act: • To receive the federal funding, states and tribes would essentially have to show the Department of Education that they will maintain higher education and need-based financial aid funding and rely less on adjunct faculty to teach classes. • States and tribes would also have to show that they can cover the full cost of higher education for the poorest families, those who earn less than $25,000. For tribal colleges with at least 75 percent low-income student enroll-


ment – students eligible for the Pell Grant – the federal government would cover 95 percent of costs to eliminate tuition and fees. • The funding would prohibit underwriting salaries and non-academic construction projects, and would be awarded in a dollar-fordollar matching program for state investments for public schools. HBCUs and minority-serving institutions (MSIs) would also qualify for this federal funding.


losers in 2020, even if the Democrats manage to defeat Donald Trump. The desire to defeat him overrides all else. Every issue of importance to Black people is ignored, every need will be unmet in what we are told is a foolproof plan to get rid of the orange-faced racist. Biden enablers like James Clyburn and John Lewis excuse the overt racism with claims that they too did business with the segregationists. But they won’t say anything about mass incarceration, police murder or displacement of entire communities caused by gentrification.

Failed strategy The old canard of making do with a lesser bigot in order to forestall a worse one is an old and failed strategy. Another failed strategy is to ignore the blatant sucking-up to rich donors. Biden recently told a group of them that he wouldn’t “demonize” the wealthy and assured them that “nothing would fundamentally change.” Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate who can beat Trump who also speaks to the needs of the people. But he is unacceptable because he does that. The Democrats and their funders have already decided that we can’t have free college, Medicare for All, or an increased minimum wage. Sanders is an existential threat to the austerity project,

Biden is not a racist.

Biden’s comfort level But the issue here is not that Biden is a racist, and Booker did not call him a racist. What gives so many people concern about Biden is that he can be comfortable with racists without realizing that he is normalizing their hateful views. The most glaring example of the tone-deafness of some of the advocates joining this debate is a statement made by TV host Joe Scarborough during the MSNBC show “Morning Joe.” Scarborough likened Biden to former President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he said Roosevelt “had to deal with the same segregationists as we moved toward World War II to defeat Hitler.”

Think about it President Roosevelt was willing to work with segregationists for the sake of the war effort. But Roosevelt, unlike the African American soldiers stationed in Southern states, was not humiliated and disrespected because of the color of his skin.

• Sanders’s proposal allocates $1.3 billion per year to reduce tuition and fees at private nonprofit universities and colleges with at least 35 percent of students from low-income households. Roughly 200 institutions would be eligible, Sanders’s office said.

A few questions The concept sounds untenable in the political sphere. With a majority of HBCUs in Republican-leaning states, what happens if state legislators refuse the federal dollars (as they did under the Affordable Care Act) for public institutions, or cut state appropriations to be filled in by federal dollars, which can change from year to year under new sessions of Congress? Will HBCUs have to compete for shared funding with Minority Serving Institutions – a handful of which are large state-funded institutions in Texas and California with far more stable budget out-


so his candidacy is dead on arrival.

Marching orders The CBC and up-and-comers like Stacy Abrams protect Biden because they are told to do so. They have no independence from the Democratic party donor class and they won’t drop Biden unless the one-percent clique tell them to. For now, the dim-bulb former vice president is hidden. He makes few appearances and doesn’t talk to the press because he’s “gaffe-prone.” He isn’t just a cynical opportunist; he is also stupid and can’t be trusted to be unscripted with the media. No wonder Democrats miss Obama, who is very smart and could convince everyone that he was on their side. They are now

Black G.I.s suffered the indignity of watching Nazi prisoners of war they were guarding sit down and eat meals in restaurants where the Black soldiers themselves were barred by law. Neither Roosevelt nor Joe Biden nor Joe Scarborough had a relative treated with less respect than the enemies fighting to destroy our country – a country that African Americans were giving their lives to defend. People like Franklin Roosevelt, Joe Biden and Joe Scarborough can survive in the depths of a racist nation because they, like the segregationists they “work with,” are configured for survival.

Protective skin cover They are “Creatures of the Deep.” They live and thrive in a racist America that is like the bottom of a deep ocean – an environment where such great pressure is exerted, only those equipped with protective shells can survive. And while that protective cover may be the hard exoskeleton of a lobster at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, in America, that protective cover is White skin. If Joe Scarborough gave an

looks than those at Black colleges in the same regions? Will increasing Pell Grant and work study cut into other budget lines for HBCUs, such as Upward Bound programming or STEM preparatory programs from high schools, or graduate education funding? If funding is attached to schools’ capacity to hire more full-time faculty and less adjuncts, will HBCUs be in an immediate position to comply with these rules, given the high percentages of undergraduate courses taught by adjunct professors? If more emphasis is placed on low-income students attending college, will the federal government revise its view of performance-based ranking tools like the College Scorecard to sift schools based on entering SAT scores, average year of completion and post-graduate outcomes? After all, if HBCUs are being

Charles W. Cherry II, Esq., Publisher

Opinions expressed on this editorial page are those of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect the editorial stance of the newspaper or the publisher.

CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press believes that Americans can best lead the world away from racism and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person. The Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief...that all are hurt as long as anyone is held back.

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left with the dregs, an old-school party hack who can’t hide his mediocrity.

What we must do The 2020 election will end in disaster for Black people no matter who becomes the next president. Dumping the Democrats is the only solution to what ails us. They don’t want to change, and they aren’t even likely to win. If Biden crashes and burns, another puppet will be presented as the savior. Black misleaders will prop up that person too and their constituents will be the losers.

Margaret Kimberley is a cofounder of BlackAgendaReport.com, and writes a weekly column there. Contact her at Margaret.Kimberley@BlackAgendaReport.com.

ounce of consideration to this issue, would he conclude that all Americans were setting aside their differences and prejudices in order to defeat Hitler during World War II? Of course, Joe Biden could be civil with Sens. Eastland and Talmadge – because Joe Biden is White. But if Biden gave the slightest bit of thought to the matter, would he really believe those staunch segregationists would have shown the same civility and respect to a Black senator?

No empathy The criticism of Joe Biden is not that he is a racist, but that he is a creature of the deep, blithely swimming around without noticing that others are being crushed by the enormous weight of racism. And if he does not have enough empathy to recognize human suffering, why should anyone think that he deserves to lead a nation as diverse as America?

Oscar H. Blayton is a former Marine Corps combat pilot and human rights activist who practices law in Virginia.

encouraged to enroll even more poor students than whom are already walking through the doors, then the government and accreditors must publicly account for the work that will be required to catch them up and get them out of the doors with degrees in 4-6 years.

More plans coming Plans from Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others are inching towards a more comprehensive view of how to educate an increasingly under-resourced nation. But HBCU presidents, alumni and students have to be diligent in asking the right questions about from where exactly the money for these programs will come, and what the price may require in scaling back the HBCU mission of access and opportunity.

Jarrett L. Carter, Sr. is publisher of HBCU Digest (www. hbcudigest.com).

Central Florida Communicators Group, LLC, P.O. Box 48857 Tampa, FL 33646, publishes the Florida Courier on Fridays. Phone: 877-352-4455, toll-free. For all sales inquiries, call 877-352-4455; e-mail sales@flcourier.com. Subscriptions to the print version are $69 per year. Mail check to P.O. Box 48857 Tampa, FL 33646, or log on to www.flcourier.com; click on ‘Subscribe’.

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JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


America’s rulers want austerity to continue With 24 Democrats running for president and most of them lying about their plans for the nation and the world, the current U.S. electoral arena may seem chaotic. But the fog clears dramatically if one understands that the corporate duopoly is designed to systematically narrow the electoral choices available to the populace so that, at end of the process, the rule of Capital remains secure. The duopoly party both facilitates and legitimizes the rule of the rich and is, therefore, a profoundly anti-democratic institution. In such an arrangement, majorities never get what they want – which is the evil genius of the system.

Just one path The only path to democracy is over the dead carcasses of the duopoly parties. This is especially true for the Black polity, whose political life has been all but hermetically sealed within the confines of the Democratic half of the corporate duopoly – a political prison that the Black inmates mistake for a sanctuary. Nearly every Black political aspiration and vote is systematically channeled through a corporate vetting process whose end result is the utter neutering of Black Power. Under the illusion that corporate Democrats are their protectors rather than jailers, much of Black America has forgotten how to formulate coherent demands. As a consequence, the Black economic condition relative to Whites has deteriorated to 1980 levels under the leadership of a corporate Democrat-controlled Black political class. It is been left to impoverished ghetto youth to periodically register the only effective resistance to the Mass Black Incarceration Austerity State.


White Man’s Party By expressly positioning the GOP as the White Man’s Party, Donald Trump guarantees himself a viable national constituency that will make no demands other than that he demonstrably share their hatred of non-White Others. Historically, such Whites have always been eager to cut off their own noses to spite Black and brown faces. But the challenge facing corporate Democrats and their media is daunting. Super-majorities of Americans favor austeritybusting proposals like Medicare for All, free public college and a Green New Deal, as well as higher minimum wages and other measures that would make working people more secure – the diametrical opposite of the future as envisioned by the Lords of Capital.

Deficits no problem Austerity has little to do with reducing government debt. Corporate Republicans routinely run up trillion-dollar deficits with spending on war, corporate subsidies and tax cuts. Austerity is the methodical imposition of progressively lower living standards and greater employment insecurity for the masses in order to weaken working people’s ability to reject any kind of job, at any terms of employment, thus channeling evergreater wealth into the coffers of the oligarchs. Simultaneously, austerity is wholesale privatization of all human relations, eliminating as

America’s challenge is racial healing, transformation Months after Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam came under fire for the racist images on his yearbook page from Eastern Virginia Medical School in 1984, he remains in office, a battered and chastised public figure. But maybe this isn’t a bad thing. A quick resignation would have elicited rhetorical condemnations, a symbolic “washing of hands,” and sent the wrong message that everything has been resolved. It most certainly has not been, and in late May an investigation by the medical school couldn’t conclusively determine whether it’s the governor in the photo.

The root problem But the Commonwealth of Virginia, and our nation, have an even weightier problem: they must address the root cause of racism 35 years ago, and today – the belief in a hierarchy of human value that poisons our society. Through centuries, America has failed to do the required work


of uprooting and finally eliminating the idea and belief in a hierarchy of humanity – the empowering of one human being over another because of skin color or religion or ethnicity. It was stunning that when USA Today examined 900 yearbooks from the same era, they found more than 200 examples of racist materials, demonstrating the depth of racial bias in our society. The heart of the problem is the hierarchy of human value. This core belief is the myth that built America. Human value hierarchy fueled unfettered land confiscation from Native Americans and unprecedented human decimation and enslavement of Africans, all of which fueled a young country’s rapid economic growth and emergence as a world power.

Comments show Democrats are anti-Jewish It looks like President Trump was right when he said that the Democrat Party has become an “anti-Israel” and “anti-Jewish” party.” Congressional Democrats are proving him right by refusing to criticize recent anti-Semitic and insensitive comments of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. In March, House of Representative leaders failed to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., for her anti-Semitic comments. Instead of condemning Omar and anti-Semitism directly, House leaders cowered and approved a resolution which condemned “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry.” Now, three months after Omar’s comments and the House resolution, Ocasio-Cortez showed her penchant for political “foot-in-

Subject to manipulation As long as the foundational myth of unequal human value is allowed to fester consciously and unconsciously, the idea can, will and indeed IS being manipulated for political gain and potentially authoritarian power. Adolph Hitler perfected this art of fearmongering and emotional manipulation using the idea of a hierarchy of human worth and value. His Nuremberg laws became the basis of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. These laws were modeled after racist laws and practices here in the United States. The 2017 book, “Hitler’s American Model” by Yale legal scholar James Whitman, documents how America’s racial oppression helped inspire the Nazis’ anti-Jewish legislation. Clearly, if America only “washes our hands” after every incident of racism, we fail to enact any meaningful change. The action that is long overdue in Virginia and the whole of America is a truth and racial healing process.

The next steps To heal is to make whole, to set right. A broken bone must be reset in order to heal without deformity. Setting the United States right requires humanely and sincerely facing and unpacking the truths of our past; and finally

There has been no condemnation from House leaders or any prominent Democrats, including the 2020 presidential candidates – although Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., timidly said that he “didn’t use that terminology” and has a “lot of respect for Alexandria.” At least some prominent Jewish Americans have had the courage




much of the public sphere as possible – thus commodifying and financializing all aspects of life. An austerity planet, with themselves on top, is what the Lords of Capital were seeking when they used their imperial military/economic machinery to set all the working classes of the world in competition with each other, in a Race to the Bottom. The workers in the U.S. and Europe saw their wages and living standards decline over the decades, most never suspecting that their own rulers had thrown them into the same boiling labor pot as the despised “gooks,” “chinks,” spics,” and other wage workers in the Global South, formerly the Hillary Clinton was eager to deepThird World. en the bipartisan austerity regime. Bernie Sanders’ push for The real reason Medicare For All would cause “a The whole point of the auster- terrible, terrible national deity project is to disempower work- bate,” she said , and would “never, ers and concentrate wealth at the ever come to pass.” top. Barack Obama was following Now Sanders is back, hawking orders from the oligarchs when a raft of austerity-busting meahe announced, weeks before tak- sures that have not only garnered ing office in 2009, that all “entitle- super-majority support among ments,” including Medicare, Med- Democrats, but are attractive to icaid and Social Security, would half of Republicans! The corpobe “on the table” for cutting. rate Democrats’ duty is to save the Obama was a protégé of Bill oligarch’s dream of global austerClinton, who ravaged the social ity from unraveling. safety net for poor women and Terrified that Sanders might children while hiring 100,000 sweep the 2020 primaries, the more cops and setting the bank- Democratic Party bum-rushed ers free to blow up the economy the Vermont senator, flooding the eight years later. field with 24 candidates, outdoing Democrats held both houses the Republican establishment’s of Congress under Obama, who 16-candidate bid to stop Donald openly sought to forge a “bipar- Trump in 2016. tisan” austerity consensus. AlThe game plan: throw every though his “grand bargain” with type of candidate into the mix, Republicans was never fully con- appealing to every “identity” consummated, Obama-era impedi- stituency, to fragment a Demoments to social spending remain cratic primary base that was as embedded in the legislative struc- much as 90 percent in favor of ture. Sanders’ campaign planks. The bottom line: prevent SandHillary a continuation ers from arriving at the DemoAs the presumptive corporate cratic National Convention with Democratic nominee in 2016, enough delegates to win on the

burying the myth of a hierarchy of human value; replacing it with awareness and appreciation of the sacred interconnected reality of humanity. We must all realize that we are truly one human family, ultimately tracing our genomic ancestry to common ancestors on the continent of Africa. Only at this point can we begin to envision a healed and shared future together as one America with a shared vision of a truly reconstructed America that values all equally. No more susceptibility to manipulation through “dog whistle politics” and social media tricksters. No more deeply held racial resentments ripe for the picking by domestic and foreign enemies.

A new story Together, we can then create a new, more complete narrative. We can construct a new story of America for our children, one honoring and embracing all of them. We can heal our perceived divides; share authentic memories and listen to one another, forging relationships of mutual understanding, trust and respect. We can leverage these new bonds to meld division and separation into the “Beloved Community” envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Working together, communities are capable of creating afford-

media pundits who want to compare the president to Hitler because of his immigration policies. He states that although the president and his policies are open to “legitimate criticism,” calling the president a “fascist” implying he is following “in the footsteps” of Hitler “has no basis in reality.” Political commentator and former pollster and advisor to President Clinton Doug Schoen, who is Jewish, said on Fox News’s “Outnumbered” that to compare detaining people at the border with institutions that were used for the systematic slaughter of Jews and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, as- other people was “really an obsociate Dean of the Simon Wie- scenity.” senthal Center in Los Angeles also condemned Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Go visit’ remarks. He called her comments At least one Democrat, Dov Hi“obscene, shockingly ignorant, kind, former Democratic New and an insult to the memory of York State Assemblyman and the 6 million Jews and millions of founder of Americans Against Anothers murdered by the Nazis.” tisemitism spoke out tweeting: “@ Most notable in the rabbi’s AOC desecrates the memories of writing is the fact that it had a six million Jews who were brutally message for those Democrats and murdered all in the name of dis-

to speak out. One such notable person is Craig R. Weiner, president of Holocaust Learning and Education Fund, Inc. In his very powerful and emotional Letter to the Editor in the Miami Herald, he calls her comments “naive, immature and reprehensible.” He then asks serious questions: “Has Ocasio-Cortez ever visited CLARENCE V. Auschwitz… Dachau, BuchenMCKEE, ESQ. wald…Treblinka…as I have? Has she seen people being marched to GUEST COLUMNIST gas chambers who then had their the mouth” disease by comparing flesh burned and rise through detention centers for illegal im- chimneys?” migrants on the southern border to “concentration camps.” ‘An insult’

Dem leaders silent



first ballot. On the second ballot, the corporate-dependable “super delegates” would kick in to derail the self-styled socialist.

Confusing supporters However, simply throwing a multi-colored cast of candidates at Sanders was not enough. They had to mimic his super-majority political program as well to further confuse the voters. Loyal corporate hacks pretended to support Medicare for All including Cory Booker, the biggest recipient of Big Pharma money in the Congress. Since Donald Trump’s capture of the Republican Party machinery, the Democratic Party has become the main political instrument of the ruling class. Its capture by leftish elements intent on ending the austerity regime is unthinkable to the oligarchs who are determined to defeat and discredit Sanders by any means necessary.

Glen Ford is executive editor of BlackAgendaReport.com. Email him at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com.

able housing, employing equitably, educating and caring for all. Laws and policies need to redress inequities created by centuries of adhering to a human hierarchy.

A real democracy A compassionate, united and thoughtful people can create an authentic and expansive form of democracy that is poised to generate a far more fair and equitable economy, rather than continuing to increase wealth and income divides. This change in our core belief and perception, in our way of seeing and willingness to relate to and with one another is America’s unfinished business. The persistence of blackface, Klansmen (with and without hoods), racial, anti-Semitic, gender and xenophobic violence are symptoms of the deeper pathology of having embraced human hierarchy as a way of life. Let us take this moment to begin the true journey of healing that our future demands.

Dr. Gail Christopher is the former senior advisor and vice president of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Her Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation framework is being implemented in organizations across America.

ingenuous political calculations! Hey AOC, go visit Auschwitz before you ever utter the word ‘Holocaust’ again!!” Other than Hikind, not one major Democrat has come forward to criticize Ocasio-Cortez. In fact, the only prominent Democrat to speak on the issue has been House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., who is Jewish, retweeted them! Obviously, Democrat leaders believe that, like Blacks, they have the Jewish vote in the bag and that it is better to offend Jews than the Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tibia wing of left-drifting raft that was once the Democrat Party! Yes, Democrats really do have an anti-Semitic problem!

Clarence V. McKee is a government, political and media relations consultant and president of McKee Communications, Inc., as well as a Newsmax.com contributor. This article originally appeared on Newsmax.com.




JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


what’s happened.”

Flu, lice outbreaks Trump’s interview coincided with a string of reports about children held in substandard condition in Border Patrol facilities, including a New Yorker article on June 22 that described flu and lice outbreaks going untreated, and children sleeping on cold floors. The hashtag #CloseTheCamps was trending on June 23 on Twitter. “They’re really coming up for the economics,” Trump said of the stream of migrants attempting to enter the U.S. “But I ended separation. I inherited separation from President Obama.” That isn’t true. While President Barack Obama’s administration detained migrant children who entered the U.S. alone, it didn’t have a policy to separate children from caregivers when they crossed the border together. That practice emerged in 2018, under Trump, after his then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a policy known as “zero tolerance” that called for all migrants who crossed the border outside official ports of entry to be arrested and detained.

Conditions worse Trump ended family separations with an executive order in July 2018 after bipartisan outrage among the public and lawmakers, though there have been periodic reports that the practice continues less systematically. The host of “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd, said that Trump has made conditions in U.S. detention centers worse for children by scaling back recreation and education services. “We’re doing a fantastic job, under the circumstances,” Trump said. “The Democrats aren’t even approving giving us money. Where is the money? You know what? The Democrats are holding up the humanitarian aid. “If the Democrats would change the asylum laws and the loopholes, which they refuse to do because they think it’s good politics, everything would be solved immediately,” Trump said.


Lirio Funes holds onto her daughter Melissa Funes just after being detained by local officials after crossing the U.S.- Mexico border on March 15, 2018 in McAllen, Texas.

Trump falsely claims Obama began migrant family separations BY ALEX WAYNE BLOOMBERG NEWS/TNS

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump dismissed the plight of migrant children housed in U.S. detention centers and false-

ly claimed that his predecessor enacted a policy to separate kids from their caregivers after they illegally cross the border. Asked in an interview broadcast on June 23 about recent reports that migrant children have been held in Customs and Bor-

der Protection detention centers for weeks without sufficient food, medical care or even basic hygiene supplies such as soap or toothpaste, Trump brushed off responsibility. “This has been happening long before I got there,” Trump said in

an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “You know, under President Obama you had separation. I was the one that ended it. Now I said one thing, when I ended it I said, ‘Here’s what’s going to happen. More families are going to come up.’ And that’s

Suicide rate in nation increased 33% from 1999 to 2017 BY ANERI PATTANI PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER/TNS

The suicide rate in the United States increased 33% between 1999 and 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on June 20 – the latest in a troubling trend of reports showing more men and women, in nearly all states and across various racial and ethnic groups, dying by suicide. Experts say it’s a public health crisis. In 1999, about 10.5 suicides occurred per 100,000 people, the CDC report said. In 2017, the rate was 14 per 100,000. The sharpest increases have been among adolescents and young adults. The only decrease in the suicide rate was seen among people over 75. Among young adults, both men and women, the rate of suicide was highest among American Indians or Alaskan Natives. But among middle-aged individuals, the rate was highest for White men and women.

Mostly men Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Tel Aviv University took a closer look at suicides among adolescents and young adults, groups in which suicide is the second leading cause of death. In a report published on June 18, they found there were 6,252 suicides of people aged 15 to 24 in 2017 — the highest number since 2000. The majority were males, which fits a well-established trend that women attempt suicide more often than men, but men die more often from it. Researchers believe this has to do with the means used. Men more often use guns, which are more likely to result in death. Women often use pills — a trend that has more than doubled in the last decade.

Complex topic Particularly concerning, both groups of researchers noted, is that this data might underestimate the problem. Causes of death on death certificates can be wrong; for example, if a suicide using opioids is mistaken for an accidental overdose. Suicide is a complex topic, and any individual death is typically driven by a number of factors. But


If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text TALK to the Crisis Text Line at 741741. researchers have suggested several potential drivers behind the recent increase. Among adolescents and young adults, researchers point to the growing use of social media and the proliferation of smartphones, which may increase cyberbullying and lead to feelings of loneliness, but research on the topic is still divided.

Warning signs For middle-aged White adults, researchers have suggested the increasing suicide rate may be linked to a loss of blue-collar jobs, especially in rural or low-income areas, and concerns that they will not be financially better off than their parents. Although there’s no one solution, suicide is preventable, experts say, and requires a public health approach. Identifying people at risk and getting them help early is a major step.

Look for warning signs such as an individual talking about feeling trapped or hopeless, experiencing major changes in sleeping or eating habits, or becoming more withdrawn. If you’re concerned about someone, experts recommend asking them directly if they’re thinking of killing themselves rather than using euphemisms. It’s also important to remove any lethal means from the person’s home, experts say. Lock up guns and get rid of pills, for instance.

Getting help Many schools and companies are trying to promote mental health through training in positive psychology and how to build emotional resilience. Experts suggest using social media in small doses and with a specific purpose in mind to limit any harmful effects it may have on mental health. If someone does attempt sui-

Percent change in suicide rate, 1999-2017 The bars indicate how much the suicide rate among each age and gender group has increased or decreased between 1999 and 2017. Percent change, female 250% 240

Percent change, male










62 27


51 6


-50 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

cide, it’s critical that they get counseling and support immediately afterward, experts say, as research shows they are at higher risk to try again.



65-74 -11 -6

Graphic: Philadelphia Inquirer/TNS

If you or someone you know is thinking of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text TALK to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.


IFE/FAITH to speak at Miami conference See page B2

JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


Like ranch dressing? See how brands rank See page B4







UNIFIED IN GRIEF Since Nipsey Hussle’s death, the Crips and the Bloods have begun the most extensive peace talks since 1992.

Nipsey Hussle performs onstage at the Warner Music PreGrammy Party at the NoMad Hotel on Feb. 7 in Los Angeles.



OS ANGELES – The men arrived in twos and threes, Crips and Bloods, young and middle-aged, gathering around a picnic table in a Compton park to confront their sworn enemies. After two hours of negotiations on a chilly, overcast Saturday in April, they came to an agreement — not a truce, exactly, but a tentative cease-fire. The losses had been heavy, with nearly a dozen dead on each side. It was too soon to talk friendship. But at least the Swamp Crips and the Bloods-affiliated Campanella Park Pirus could agree to stay away from each other’s territory and stop shooting at people. “It’s a troubled past. A lot occurred, and we can’t heal that fast,” said Lamar “Crocodile” Robinson, 46, a Swamp Crip. “But it’s important for us to take the initiative and school the youngsters on what’s at stake and what they can gain.”


Fans of rapper Nipsey Hussle gather and pay their respects at a makeshift memorial in the parking lot of the Marathon Clothing store in Los Angeles on April 1. Hussle was killed in a shooting outside his clothing store on Slauson Avenue on May 31.

An inspiration The cease-fire talks in Compton were part of an audacious effort by Los Angeles-area gang leaders to curtail violence in their own ranks following the killing of rapper, activist and entrepreneur Nipsey Hussle, whose influence extended beyond hip-hop culture to the realms of business and politics. Unique among artists of his stature, Hussle, born Ermias Asghedom, remained embedded in his South Los Angeles community, and his biography — a gang-affiliated, tattooed Black man pulled into street life before attaining stardom — resonated with young gang members. Hussle spoke openly of his membership in the widely feared Rollin’ 60s Crips while setting an example by performing with rappers who were Bloods. Leaders of the peace movement say the outpouring of grief after Hussle’s March 31 death has made it easier to convince others that the cycle of violence needs to stop.

Tangible results Not since the landmark truces of 1992, which followed the devastation of the L.A. riots, has such a concerted wave of peacemaking swept through the area’s hundreds of Black gangs. “We’re going to carry what Nipsey wanted, what he was trying to preach in his songs,” said Shamond “Lil AD” Bennett, 38, of the Rollin’ 60s. “It don’t make no sense that you’re fighting over a block that you don’t own.” Starting with a cross-section of gangs marching together at a memorial for Hussle and continuing with summits in L.A. and Compton attended by dozens of gang leaders, the movement has already yielded tangible results.

‘Let’s live’ The Rollin’ 40s Crips are deep into cease-fire talks with the Rollin’ 60s, despite a war dating to 2013 and the killing of a promi-

“Killing Nipsey Hussle only birthed a hundred more. Imagine if Black people didn’t kill each other no more.”


– Laurence “Boogalue” Cartwright

nent 40s elder last summer. The Van Ness Gangsters recently held a family-friendly “hood day,” including bounce houses for kids — a departure from the unruly color-strutting that is characteristic of such celebrations. As with world diplomacy, there is no such thing as global peace among L.A. gangs, with their longrunning feuds and complex alliances. Advocates for peace say that even if only a few beefs are put to rest for a short time, lives will be saved. “We’re going to still be Bloods. They’re going to still be Crips,” said Melinda Lockhart, 49, an organizer of the May 4 hood day at Van Ness Park. “But put the guns down and let’s live.” A key to peace, many say, is to get buy-in from gang members in their teens and early 20s who are not inclined to bow to authority, even within their own organizations.

An open vigil As mourners thronged Hussle’s

Marathon Clothing store the Friday after his death, Eugene “Big U” Henley issued an invitation. All gang members, Crips and Bloods alike, were welcome to attend a vigil at the store that afternoon, the well-known rap impresario, community activist and Rollin’ 60s OG said in an Instagram video. A video of the vigil shows dozens of gang members marching somberly toward the store. Afterward, people in red posed for photos next to others in blue. The peacemaking has continued since then, with large-scale meetings as well as behind-thescenes negotiations between warring sets.

Weekly meetings An online flyer advertising weekly Thursday meetings for L.A. gang members states that the goal is to “orchestrate a non-aggression agreement, NOT a truce or peace treaty.” Weekly peace meetings are also taking place among gangs east of the Harbor Freeway, with leaders

trying to stem provocative actions such as gang graffiti, said Charles “Bear” Spratley of the East Coast Crips. Because the cease-fire talks are just beginning and the number of gang conflicts is so immense, it is too soon to establish a link to recent decreases in violence.

Dip in homicides This year in L.A., homicides have dipped slightly, while shootings were up 12% from the same time last year. Gun violence has lessened since a surge in March that stemmed primarily from gang feuds in South L.A. But the city is entering the summer months, when conflicts often heat up. The Compton area has been relatively quiet in the last few months, in a year that began violently. Through the end of April, there were 11 homicides in Compton, compared with seven in the same period last year. See GRIEF, Page B2

Laurence “Boogalue” Cartwright, a former gang member with the Campanella Park Pirus, enjoys a light moment with Akan Ubia, of the Campanella Park Pirus, after gang members and former gang members had gathered to iron out their differences and work toward a lasting ceasefire at the Faith Inspirational Missionary Baptist Church in Compton on May 25. GENARO MOLINA/LOS ANGELES TIMES/TNS



FLORIDA COMMUNITY CALENDAR Orlando: Khalid performs at Amway Center on Aug. 16 and Aug. 17 at Miami’s AmericanAirlinesArena. Miami Gardens: The City of Miami Gardens and the Florida Freedom Writers will present Teen Open Mic Night at 6 p.m. June 27 at Starbucks Miami Gardens. Orlando: Catch TLC on June 28 at Hard Rock Live Orlando. Fort Lauderdale: Iyanla Vanzant’s Acts of Faith Remix Tour stops at the Broward Center on Aug. 1 and Jacksonville’s Florida Theatre on Aug. 2. Details: iyanlavanzantlive.com Boca Raton: Saxophonist and flautist JackieM Joyner will be at the Funky Biscuit on June 28. Hollywood: Lionel Richie

GRIEF from B1 Some skeptics Other experts are skeptical. The gang world is too complicated, with too many individual interests to appease, for ill feelings to be completely suppressed, said Wayne Caffey, a veteran LAPD detective. “I just don’t have any faith,” Caffey said. “You didn’t talk to this clique or that dude — how are you

JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


performs July 27 at Hard Rock Live and July 28 at Tampa’s Amalie Arena. Jacksonville: Gospel star Kirk Franklin will be at the Florida Theatre Jacksonville on July 15. Miramar: The Caribbean Village Festival is June 23 at Miramar Regional Park Amphitheater. Jacksonville: Mary J. Blige will be at Daily’s Place on July 14. West Palm Beach: Mary J. Blige and Nas will perform at the Coral Sky Amphitheater on July 11 and MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheater in Tampa on July 13. Orlando: TLC performs June 28 at Hard Rock Live Orlando. Ponte Vedra: Catch Leela James at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall on July 5 and Plaza Live – Orlando on July 8. Coconut Creek: Catch Kool & the Gang on Aug. 15 at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek.

going to bring anybody together?” The toll of gun violence is apparent in Laurence “ Boogalue” Cartwright’s limp. Once a promising running back and sprinter, he was shot and paralyzed when he was 15. After two years of physical therapy, he regained enough movement in his legs to manage a bowlegged gait. He cannot stand for long without leaning against something.

Shot again Deprived of a future as


The actor and activist will be the guest at the Universal Foundation for Better Living’s Panorama of Truth conference in Miami next month. Details: ufbl.org or call 305-624-4991


Meek Mill and Future’s tour stop in Tampa on Sept. 23 and West Palm Beach on Sept. 24.

an athlete, he veered more sharply to the gang life. A few years later, he was shot again, this time outside the front gate of his Compton apartment complex. A thick scar is visible on the back of his neck. The depth of his previous involvement in the Campanella Park Pirus gives him the credibility to advocate for peace with younger gang members. “I used to really live this life, to really, really be out here,” said Cartwright, 30, a music producer and rapper. “So when it came to do something like this, it was


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only right that I was the right person to stand up for this.” Soon after Hussle’s death, Cartwright and other Campanella Park leaders struck a cease-fire with the Nutty Blocc Crips.

More negotiations Cartwright then focused on getting Compton’s many Piru sets on the same page before sitting down with more Crips. But another leader from Campanella Park had a suggestion: Why wait? Why not kill our beef with our real enemy? That led to the April 20 negotiations with the Swamp Crips. “Anybody that’s real … and understand and been out here for a long time and lost people to death or lost somebody to jail, you tired of this,” Cartwright

said. “Gangbanging ain’t never did nothing for none of us. “None of us. This … ain’t never spoke up for me, got me out of situations in jail. This … done only cost me my brother’s life, my cousin’s life, my best friend’s life behind bars.”

Peace effort Lamar “Crocodile” Robinson from the Swamp Crips said it was time for influential gang members to take action. “I hear a lot of dudes saying, ‘Man, them little dudes ain’t going to go for that. Them youngsters ain’t going to go for that,’” he said. “Yes, they is. They’re either going to go for it or get the … up out of here.” Some of the gang leaders he has tried to enlist in the peace effort have been pessimistic, claiming that their

organizations aren’t structured enough to get on the same page. “Man, look man. You dudes is main dudes,” Robinson said. “If I’m talking to you on the phone — I don’t mess with no suckers, man. If I’m talking to you on the phone, that means you’re in a position to do what’s necessary.”

Nods work Someone complained about Black gangs aligning with Latinos against other Black gangs. People stood up and began arguing. The meeting disbanded with a suggestion that gang members should stop flashing hand signs at rivals. Instead, they should nod and see if the other person nods back — a sign that both are onboard with the cease-fire movement.

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“I’m telling you, that was my friend. My friend’s dead. He was my childhood friend,” said Marquesa Lawson, 34, facing, over the shooting death of rapper Nipsey Hussle outside his store in Los Angeles on March 31.


JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


Reduce your residential risk Advice to make your home storm-ready FROM FAMILY FEATURES

In the United States, more than 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year. These storms, which can be accompanied by high winds, hail and tornadoes, can cause power outages, fires and flooding, all of which pose serious threats to people and property across the country. When these storms hit, many of the features that make your home more comfortable and enjoyable can also pose serious risks. Learn how to prevent damage and protect your family’s safety from these common hazards.

Landscaping Lush, well-developed trees provide valuable curb appeal, but they can also be dangerous in storm conditions. Although it’s virtually impossible to fully prevent damage from falling branches or even entire trees, you can minimize the risk. Prune trees regularly to maintain a safe distance from the house and power lines, and eliminate dead trees or damaged branches that are more susceptible to high winds. Take a similar approach with any large shrubs, bushes or other vegetation that could cause damage to your home or vehicles.

Decorative Features The strong winds that accompany many storms can turn everyday items in your yard into airborne hazards. If items like decorations and patio furniture aren’t secured, bring them in or safely secure them before the storm hits. Also check for decorative features like shutters, which can shake loose in a strong wind and cause significant damage to your home’s exterior.

Propane Tanks Numerous variations of severe weather, including floods and strong winds, can cause falling tree limbs or other debris to impair or even destroy a propane tank. More important than the property damage are the potential safety risks, such as gas leaks. In addition to trimming back landscaping that could fall onto a tank, also have a service technician survey your tank for possible risk factors, such as rust, loose fittings or faulty valves.

Doors and Windows Poorly fitted or sealed doors and windows are especially vulnerable in a storm. They can invite leaks or, even worse, blow in completely when weakened by blustery force. It’s a good idea to give all openings to your home a careful review at least a couple of times a year and again after any major weather event. For additional information on preparing for severe weather conditions, visit Propane.com/ Safety.




10 STORM SAFETY TIPS If your home uses propane, consider these tips from the Propane Education & Research Council to help keep your family safe. 1. Create an emergency contact list with information for your propane supplier and emergency services, along with instructions for turning off propane, electricity and water. If you do need to turn off your propane, contact a service technician to inspect your propane system prior to turning it back on. 2. Consider installing UL-listed propane gas detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, which provide you with an additional measure of security. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding installation, location and maintenance. 3. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. Metal objects such as propane tanks and equipment, tractors and telephone lines can conduct electricity. Do not go near them. If you are caught outside and cannot get to a safe dwelling, find a low-lying, open place away from trees, poles or metal objects. Make sure the place you choose is not subject to flooding. 4. In the event of a flood, shut off the gas. Turn off the main gas supply valve on your propane tank if it is safe to do so. To close the valve, turn it to the right (clockwise). Also, it’s typically a good idea to turn off the gas supply valves located near individual indoor appliances. Before you attempt to use any of your propane appliances again, have a propane retailer or qualified service technician check the entire system to ensure it is leak-free. 5. If a tornado is approaching, immediately take action. If you are inside your home or a building, go to the lowest level possible such as a basement or a storm cellar. If there is no basement, go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level. If you are in a mobile home, trailer or vehicle, get out immediately and seek shelter in a sturdy building or storm shelter. 6. After the storm passes and it is safe to do so, check the entire area for damaged gas lines or damage to your propane tank. High winds and hail can move, shift or damage gas lines and tanks. If it is dark, use flashlights, not candles. Immediately call your local utility company or propane retailer if any of these hazards exist. Do not attempt repairs yourself. 7. Never use outdoor propane appliances like portable heaters, barbecue grills or generators indoors or in enclosed areas, particularly during a power outage. This can result in carbon monoxide poisoning or potentially death. Never store, place or use a propane cylinder indoors or in enclosed areas such as a basement, garage, shed or tent. 8. Inspect propane appliances for water or other damage, if it is safe to do so. If the appliances have electric components and have been exposed to water, they can create a fire hazard. Do not turn on a light switch, use any power source or inspect your household appliances while standing in water. This can result in electrocution. 9. Schedule a time for a qualified service technician to perform a complete inspection of your propane system if you suspect any of your propane appliances, equipment or vehicles have been underwater or damaged, or you have turned off your gas supply. Never use or operate appliances, equipment or vehicles, or turn on the gas supply, until your system has been inspected by a qualified service technician. 10. Exercise sound judgment. Stay calm and use radios, television and telephones to stay informed and connected. If any questions arise, contact your propane retailer or local fire department.



JUNE 28 – JULY 4, 2019


Who makes the best ranch dressing? 14 brands tried to find the tastiest one for veggies, pizza and much more

multiple people said it tasted less like ranch and more like Caesar dressing, writing that the flavor was off and totally unbalanced.

Simply Balanced Organic Ranch Dressing


According to the Santa Barbara Independent, ranch dressing was created by Steve Henson, who worked as a plumbing contractor in Alaska in 1949 and fed it to his crew. After Henson retired, he and his wife, Gayle, settled at Hidden Valley Ranch near Santa Barbara, Calif., in 1956. With outdoor activities and home-cooked meals, the ranch catered to tourists who quickly spread the word about the dressing served with their salads. By the early 1970s, the sauce was nationally coveted. With a huge variety of brands, which one is best for your dipping and spreading? There’s only one way to find out — a blind tasting. We tried 14 brands of bottled, shelf-stable plain ranch dressings, avoiding ones found in the refrigerated section. Each dressing was placed in a bowl and served with carrot sticks for dipping. See the results below, listed from worst to best.

Walden Farms Calorie Free Ranch Dressing “This tastes like straight up chemicals mixed with dirty water,” one taster wrote about Walden Farms, the last-place finisher. The consistency was watery and thin, and the dressing smelled like paint or a public pool. Many complained of a dirty water or chemical flavor, but one optimistically said that it could be the kind of ranch used for bagged iceberg lettuce or a cheap banquet salad.

Annie’s Naturals Cowgirl Ranch Dressing Participants were not kind to Annie’s dressing. “I literally

gagged,” one wrote. Tasters hated the consistency, saying that it was too watery and looked “oddly gray, drab and sad.” It smelled like feet or sweat and tasted like bad cheese with a powdery aftertaste, they said. “This is maybe the grossest one. I couldn’t taste it again,” one wrote.

Sir Kensington’s Avocado Oil Ranch Made with avocado oil and eggs, Sir Kensington’s is glutenfree, dairy-free, sugar-free and seasoned with mustard extract, black pepper, garlic and onion. It was the most expensive bottle of ranch included in this taste test. Nevertheless, tasters did not enjoy it. Describing its flavor as like lemon Pledge or poppyseed dressing, tasters complained that this ranch was too salty, cloyingly sweet and acidic. “This is super gross,” one taster wrote.

O Organics Ranch Organic Dressing While O Organics ranch dressing from Jewel-Osco evoked childhood memories for one taster, others complained that it tasted like spoiled dairy with an overpowering tartness. Another complained that it smelled like fish or mayo, neither of which were what they wanted

in a ranch dressing, and that it was too sweet.

Daiya Homestyle Ranch Dressing

This ultra-thick, Target-brand dressing had a strong, garlicky scent and a super thick consistency. “This tastes like ranch I grew up eating,” one taster said, complimenting it for its vinegar profile and calling it the “ideal carrot dip.” But other participants had issues with it tasting too much like mayo and not enough like ranch, saying that the flavor was too mellow.

Wish-Bone Ranch Dressing

Daiya’s ranch was dairy-, gluten-, soy- and egg-free. One taster said that despite being strangely sweet, the dressing had texture and flavor profiles one would expect from ranch dressing. Another participant wrote that though the dressing looked cheap, it tasted better than expected. But many complained that it tasted chalky and smelled like cheese.

This is the kind of ranch dressing that one taster would serve to vegetable-averse children to convince them that vegetables are good. It could also be a good complement to cheese curds, but most tasters complained that WishBone was oddly sweet without any tang or herb flavors. Tasters said this was a lighter style and looked cheap on a table.

Newman’s Own Ranch Dressing

Trader Joe’s Organic Ranch Dressing

With a runny consistency and evident spices, Newman’s was super sweet and sour with a chemical note. Some said it tasted like a factory, and others complained it was too citrusy, almost like an AirHead candy. Another taster said that it tasted like cheap pickles. $4.39, 16 ounces

For people who want a dressing that is on the sweeter end and without that tangy zip, this is the one for you. Although it had an egg-forward flavor and a thinner consistency than others, tasters complained that it “lacked something to tie it together.” Another went as far as to say “this is absolutely not ranch. I refuse to accept it.” A more optimistic taster said it had potential if served with fries.

365 Organic Ranch Dressing Tasters praised this 365 ranch from Whole Foods for its nottoo-thick, not-too-thin consistency and said it hit the tangy and sour notes that they looked for in a good ranch dressing. However,

Ken’s Steak House Ranch Dressing “Unremarkable, but gets the job done without messing it up,” one commenter said. Ken’s Steak

House also received compliments for its rich flavor, consistency and appearance. Although one taster said she would dip her pizza in this ranch, another participant said it reminded him of the ranch from the salad bar in middle school. “It’s a little boring,” one said.

Tuscan Garden Ranch Dressing The most common praise for this Aldi-brand ranch dressing was the consistency, which is thicker than most of its competitors. Participants said Tuscan Garden would be good on fries and wings and has a creamy flavor that reminded them of buttermilk. But some complained that it was too sweet, almost like ranch candy, and had a strange aftertaste.

Kraft Classic Ranch Dressing Although Kraft Classic didn’t receive marks as high as the winner, tasters were pleased with its balanced flavor and called it “generic and inoffensive” with a great consistency and pleasant, egglike aroma. However, others said it tasted cheap, like a grocery store brand, and one taster complained that the consistency was too thick for a dressing.

Hidden Valley The Original Ranch Hidden Valley’s The Original Ranch is proof that sometimes, the original really is the best. Tasters loved this one for its creamy texture, strong tang and peppery flavor. One commenter said this would go perfectly with pizza, and another said that the more she tasted it, the more she grew to like it. Another participant accurately called it “classic,” and another said “it tastes like ranch and makes me happy.”

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