1 minute read


In 2021 CFCC was awarded the largest grant in college history a $3.9+ million Pathway Home 2 Grant through the U.S. Department of Labor. This project is designed to assist people transitioning from incarceration to employment, increasing the rate of successful reentry.


We’re calling on local businesses to invest in our community and give someone a second chance. You can join other local employers by participating in the Pathway Home 2 grant. “The Pathway Home Project Grant provides clients a chance at success through job training and placement,“ said CFCC’s Associate Vice President of Economic and Workforce Training Erica Talbert. “A key piece of this program is employer participation. Giving someone a second chance not only improves their life but the lives of their families and the wellbeing of our entire community.“

“A criminal record can create significant challenges for individuals as they search for housing or employment after incarceration. Successful reentry is vital to the health of our community. We need employers to invest in our community by hiring individuals who are ready for a second chance at productive citizenship.”

—CFCC President Jim Morton

Are you an employer who would like to help?

Get started! Email us at ph2@cfcc.edu or scan this code for more information.