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Cfcc Nursing Grad Returns As Instructor

CFCC Associate Degree Nursing

(ADN) instructor Tamara Kavanaugh began her education as an adult learner at CFCC, pursuing a business degree. During her studies, Kavanaugh realized she wanted to change course and study nursing but thought she was too old to start on a new career path.


Kavanaugh learned from her advisor that she could switch majors with some of her courses counting towards the nursing program.

At 38, she graduated with her associate degree in nursing. Then while working in healthcare, she earned her master’s degree. Now, she is proud to serve as a nursing instructor at Cape Fear Community College.

“It’s such an honor to teach at my alma mater,” says Kavanaugh. “CFCC has such a good reputation and it’s surreal to work with my former instructors.”

CFCC Nursing Grad Lands Dream Job

When Isaiah Norton was eight years old, his mother was diagnosed with brain cancer. Surgery and radiation cured her, and the experience left Norton with a great appreciation for nurses.

Norton began his nursing education in his home state of Wisconsin and later relocated to Wilmington where he discovered CFCC’s Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program.

Norton credits CFCC for optimizing his outlook on life and people, and attributes the quality of the program to the support students receive from faculty and staff.

“I feel like an adult and have completely changed the way I think about the world,” shares Norton. “I interact differently with people and my maturity level has increased since starting at CFCC.”


Norton’s next step is the surgical trauma intensive care step-down unit at the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia.