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Marilyn Goodman Anderson Excellence In Teaching Award


Each year, the Marilyn Goodman Anderson Award for Excellence in Teaching is awarded to an outstanding CFCC faculty member. Supported by a generous anonymous donor, it recognizes all aspects of excellence in teaching that foster students’ lifelong learning and success. This year for the first time, nominations were open only to students and the college received 256 nominations—more than ever before.

This year’s recipient was Patrick Freeland. Sadly, we lost Patrick in October of 2021. He is deeply missed by all at CFCC, and all those that had the opportunity to know him. His wife, Kate, accepted the award on his behalf. Patrick received the most nominations of any instructor. Here are just a few comments from his many nominations.: He helped me change my life for a better future • The best teacher I have had • He was like a father figure and a life coach • He left a lasting impact on me by seeing his work ethic and how much he genuinely cared about his students • He always tried his hardest to do as much as he could for us • He was extremely supportive in my endeavor to break into my field of work • His patience and encouragement kept me in a program I was not sure was intended for me • Without him I would not have the job I do today or the drive I have to excel in my field • He has helped many people gain knowledge crucial to their occupation and also inspired them to succeed.