Society Update Summer 2014

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SOCIETY UPDATE SUMMER 2014 EDUCATION & PROGRAMMING First workshop in Munich The CFA Society Germany is proud to present the Workshop ‘Finanzmodellierung und DCFBewertung’ held by Prof. Dr. Dirk Schilling on September 19th in Munich.

to Munich. Participants will develop in Excel a case study based integrated financial plan calculation and based on this a DCF model. Last chance to register by August 18th and benefit from our early bird offer! Please click here for details and registration.

Future of Finance Event

asset owners are adapting, before focusing more specifically on the evolution of pension systems and the ongoing pension reform processes. Speakers: - Roger Urwin, Global Head of

Investment content, Towers Watson - Dr. Christina Benita Wilke Hamburgisches Welt WirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützige GmbH (HWWI)

The CFA Society Germany and the CFA Society Italy will partner to host the event Pensions in Europe: Creating a sustainable system for the 21st century on October 8th in Rome and on October 9th in Frankfurt. Prof. Dr. Dirk Schilling

After successfully offering this workshop four times in Frankfurt, the Society is delighted to expand its offer

ETHICS & ADVOCACY Ethics Seminar ‘Managing Conflicts of Interest: Moving from Theory to Practice’ On September 16th we are offering an Ethics event, which will take place in Frankfurt. This seminar offers a practical approach to positively managing the conflicts of interest that many investment professionals face during their career. During the interactive session you will learn about the experiences of an investment professional who realized he was acting unethically and decided to

A look back at where we have come from in the financial system and where we might be going and how the world’s leading pension funds and

change his business practices, hear advice from industry experts, have the opportunity to share concerns and ask questions, participate in a brief ethics training case studies and then take away actionable solutions to serve you, your organisation and the wider industry. Speakers 

Professor Robert Jenkins from London Business School Hans Peter Rohrer of Rohrer Asset Management

Roger Urwin

Dr. Christina Wilke

Please click here for details and registration.

Susan Spinner, Managing Director, CFA Society Germany

Christina Rulfs, Director of Society Advocacy Engagement at CFA Institute

To learn more about other ways you can help shape a more trustworthy financial industry, visit: Please click here for details and registration.

Contact Information CFA Society Germany Kaiserstraße 23 60311 Frankfurt am Main

August 2014 NEWSLETTER

UPCOMING EVENTS NEWS 68th CFA-Institute Annual Conference

Congratulations to our new Charterholders! This week the results of this year’s Level III Exam were released. The CFA Society Germany congratulates all of the CFA candidates that passed the last level of the CFA Exam. We hope to welcome our new charterholders and also passed level III candidates at our Charter Award Dinner which will take th place on November 28 in Frankfurt. More information will be provided soon.

The 68th CFA-Institute Annual Conference will take place from 26-29 April 2015 in Frankfurt. The CFA Society Germany is looking forward to this outstanding event. In advance we met Peter Jakobus, CFA, board member of the CFA Society Germany and Chair of the planning committee of the CFA Institute Annual Conference 2015 to give us some insights about the conference. Please tell us more about next year’s conference. What are the topics and who attends? PJ: We are very excited that the next Annual Conference will be held in Frankfurt in April 2015, the first time that Germany will be the host country and only the third time that the conference has been held in Europe. As you may be aware, the Annual Conference attracts hundreds of delegates from all over the world who gather together to hear world class speakers, attend educational workshops and of course, to network with peers. In which ways does the CFA-Institute Annual Conference differ from other conferences?

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PJ: What is unique about this event is that it delivers outstanding value over three days with a focus on issues of importance to investment practitioners. The speakers include top economists, legendary investors, best-selling investment authors, and governmental and regulatory leaders who share insights on today’s most critical investment issues, examine marketing trends, uncover new investment opportunities, and deliver practical investment advice.

enjoyed most was meeting world-renowned experts, including Nobel prize laureates like Bill Sharpe or Eugene Fama, and the stimulating discussions around a broad range of topics, including relevant nonfinancial topics such as geopolitics, demographic trends or environmental issues. Another highlight has always been the evening program which provided plenty of opportunities for networking and connecting on an informal level. What kind of sponsorship opportunities are there for companies and what are the benefits of sponsoring the conference? PJ: From the perspective of the sponsor, the Annual Conference provides a platform for personal interaction with a diverse audience of decision makers in senior positions in the investment industry: The setting provides unparalleled exposure for a company’s products and services as well as opportunities for clients and customers to have access to senior executives, products and research. Other benefits include on-site recognition during the event, recognition in conference promotions to CFA Institute members and other potential delegates, one-time access to pre- and post-event physical mailing lists, etc. For a company interested in strengthening its market presence among investment professionals in Germany or Europe, this is a great opportunity. Please click here for more information about the conference! If you are interested in more detailed information about sponsorship opportunities please contact Susan Spinner, CFA.

You have been to several CFA-Institute Annual Conferences. Tell us a bit more about your experiences there. PJ: Having indeed attended a few of the Annual Conferences, I can say that I always enjoyed them very much. What I Peter Jakobus, CFA and Susan Spinner, CFA at this year’s CFA Annual Conference in Seattle, speaking to 1800 delegates.

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