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Key findings Online channels

Social media

To add personality to the brands by defining a tone for each one of them.

To use engaging hashtags and promote guest interaction by asking questions.

To ensure that translations are professionally done so that texts flow in each language whilst conveying the message intended; gramma, spelling, use of capital letters

To open separate accounts for the brand and the brand properties

To avoid overusing words such as “luxury”, “free” and exchange them for “high-end”, “complimentary”, etc.

To verify that only one account per hotel or brand is open

To ensure that texts convey how the brands’ offerings align with the customers’ needs and values.

To ensure that all comments are replied to

To produce subtle yet sales oriented copies, evoking emotions to engage with the customer and highlighting benefits rather than simply describing.

To avoid overusing adjectives that do not add value to the content whilst promoting the use of verbs as the main driver. C O N F I D E N T I A L

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