October 2016 Front Page

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O c tober 31, 2016


Informer 12500 E. 183rd St. Cerritos, CA 90703

Volume 45 Issue 1

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Cerritos High School

Apparently, all caps are not created equal.


The CHS hat policy has been a longdebated topic among students; but are there advantages to having a policy?

Center Spread


A student from each grade shares advice for getting through the rest of the school year.

Memories made at Mardi Gras Masquerade BY AYNE AGUILOS Staff Writer The 2016-2017 school dance year started off with a bang with this year’s Mardi Gras theme. The Homecoming Game and the Homecoming dance are time honored traditions the are, for many, highlights of high-school life; and the wonderful night that the senior class of ‘17 put on was no exception. From creative askings to selecting our Homecoming Queen, Christie Kim, much anticipation and preparation had been put in for this very night. While there were no beignets (there really should should have been some), Cerritos High School perfectly emulated the spirit of the world famous celebration of Mardi Gras. The gym was beautifully decorated in the colors of purple, yellow, and green which set the tone for the whole night. All students in attendance, from freshmen and seniors alike, gathered on the dance floor together to dance the night away. Often in a campus setting, students are divided by the social cliques. Thereś the upper classmen and the lower classmen. However, on the dance floor there was only one class, though everyone had their own way of expressing themselves. There was no definitive way to dance as everyone brought their own style and moves. Despite it being very hot and crowded, everyone maintained high spirits. And Mr. Walker cooled the dance floor by blasting dry ice air which appeared to thoroughly excite the crowd.

Students are snapped crowding the dance floor as the DJ plays their favorite songs. Photo by Jason Watanabe

The festivities did not stop at the dance floor, for if you ventured out of the East Gym there was karaoke and photo booths. Senior, Sarah Woo, said her favorite part was, ¨taking pictures with her friends¨ because it was her first and last homecoming. Many students let their guard down at the karaoke station as they belted out to their favorite songs. Students sang classics ranging from “Bohemian Rhapsody” to childhood favorites from High School Musical. Either way classmates sang along and cheered for those who were on the stage. Overall, Cerritos High School’s Mardi Gras extravaganza was a worthwhile way to kick-off a brand new school year. While some left sad that Homecoming 2016 was over, it set the precedent for the rest of this school year’s events.

MUN starts the year right with Novice 2016 BY SETU PATEL Staff Writer

Maybe the zombies should fear us?


The Walking Dead has been a popular show for the past few years; but the season premiere left everyone in shock. Go to page 8... but spoilers await you.

Saturday, October 8, 2016, was the annual Cerritos Model United Nations Novice Conference. With over 50 schools attending, the conference began at 8:45 a.m. However, the Cerritos students running the conference arrived to school at 6 a.m and stayed until 6 p.m. They worked incredibly hard to make sure the conference ran smoothly. Underclassmen participated in the conference, while upperclasmen Cerritos students conducted the conference. Many of the delegates attending this conference had never experienced an actual Model United Nations conference, and felt nervous. One Cerritos freshman, Paul Dihn, said, “This conference taught me that I need to work a lot more if I want to do well in committee. I had a great time because everyone I met was very welcoming and accepting. However

Junior moderators stand outside the gym before opening ceremony as they wait for delegates to join committees. Photo by Setu Patel

I learned that I should relax and be more confident in myself.” This conference was, in other words, a great learning experience for many first-time delegates, as many were seen leaving their comfort zones and speak ing front of people they did not know. The opening ceremony began promptly at 8:45 when Secretary General, Angel Nwosu, began her introduction for the conference. As she spoke, she introduced the

directors of each committee to the schools and delegates. One director, Nikita Advani, said, “My favorite part of the conference was getting to help all the newcomers and guiding them on what to do. I loved how open my committee was about questions they had; it made all of us more comfortable and open with each other allowing all of us to really have a great time.” The delegates then went outside, as moderators of each committee waited outside holding up signs directing delegates to their committee. Delegates were then led to one of the 28 classrooms used, scattered across campus. “I walked a total of 12 miles around campus on the day of the conference,” said Mr. Woodbury, who was also experiencing MUN for the first time. “It was rewarding to see all of the students shine and I loved having the opportunity to serve the students in this conference.” The conference came to an end at 4p.m., with delegates receiving awards in the ceremony for their achievements.

Who would win a CHS campus presedential election? BY ALLISON LUAN Editor

80.6% Hillary Clinton

19.4% Donald Trump With the upcoming presedential election being the biggest topic at the dinner table, Donald Trump’s outrageous claims have made the election infamous. However, his claims have also fueled the fire for his passionate supporters. Although Trump has been the face of memes and troll posts after every debate, America knows that Trump’s influence is not little, even compared to Clinton’s. While at first he was mocked by many when he announced his campaign year and a half ago, he secured an improbable nomination and has withstood dozens of (mostly self-inflicted) controversies to still stand a chance. With just over a week left before election day, his chances of becoming the next President of the United States are, at the very least, more likely than most would have believed possible.

Cartoon by Ian Mcdonnell

Hillary Clinton has faced contoversies of her own during this campaign, though hers were for past blunders. While she has been able to run a smooth and, mostly, dignified campaign in the face of personal attacks, she has not been able to run away from potentially serious mistakes of her past, most notably an email scandal that may have put our nation’s security at risk, and controversies concerning her husband, former President Bill Clinton. By taking the high road through the debates, she has been able to hold the lead in most polls. (377 students were surveyed)

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