CeReNeM Journal Issue 4

Page 148

CeReNeM Journal, issue 4

References Blanchot, M. (1998) Death Sentence. New York: Station Hill. Capdevila, R. and Brown, S. (1999) Perpetuum Mobile: Substance, Force, and the Sociology of Translation. In Law, J. and Hassard, J. (eds.). Actor Network Theory and After. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Derrida, J. (Author) and McDonald, C. (Editor) (1988) The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation. Texts and Discussion With Jacques Derrida, New York: Schocken Books. Lachenmann, H. (1996) ‘Über das Komponieren’. In Musik als Existenzielle Erfahrung, Wiesbaden: Breitkopf und Härtel. pp. 73-82. Law, J. (1992) ‘Notes on the Theory of the Actor-Network: Ordering, Strategy and Heterogeneity’. Systems Practice, 5. http://www.heterogeneities.net/publications/Law1992NotesOnTheThe oryOfTheActor-Network.pdf [Accessed 13 September 2012]. Law, J. (2007) ‘Actor-Network Theory and Material Semiotics’, Heterogeneities. http://www.heterogeneities.net/publications/Law2007ANTandMaterial Semiotics.pdf [Accessed 13 September 2012]. Stockhausen, K. (1964) Mikrophonie I: General Introduction. London: Universal Edition. Toop, R. (1988) ‘Four Facets of the New Complexity’. Contact, no. 32, pp. 4– 50.


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