NAAC RAR- 2013

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1.3.3 Enumerate the efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross cutting issues such as Gender, Climate Change, Environmental Education, Human Rights, ICT etc., into the curriculum? The cross cutting issues like Gender, Climate Change, Environment Education, Human Rights, ICT etc., find an ample space when it comes to applying them positively into the curriculum. Gender: Our Institution is making untiring efforts for empowerment of women and eliminating gender disparities and discrimination. The efforts made by the institution to ensure this are as follows: At present the reservation quota 33.33 per cent of seats are allotted to Girl students in admission of various courses.  Some seats are reserved for women students to join in NCC.  The Women Empowerment Cell strives towards up-liftment of girls socially, culturally and physically. Various activities are conducted by this cell for the benefit of girl students. Special days like International Day for Women (8th March), International Girl Child Day (24th Jan) etc. are celebrated and organizes extension lectures to bring awareness among the women students about hygiene and nutrition and avoiding early marriages and suicides.  The institution provides all types of facilities to girl students such as separate girls common room with all the facilities.  The Management has been supporting the cause of women education by offering free books to the girl students. Climate Change & Environmental Education: Andhra University introduced a compulsory subject, Environmental Studies at second year degree level from the academic year 2004-05. By the integration and addition of this course, the students are getting aware of the cross cutting equal opportunities to men & women and mining industry issues such as industrial pollution, hygiene and sanitation awareness in the public, need for clean and green, conservation of forests and biodiversity, global warming, dissolving icebergs, resulting in the rise of ocean levels, cyclones leading to tsunamis and earth quakes, power and energy, preservation of flora and fauna in addition to crisis management. The Eco-club gives “Go Green” lessons to the students by planting herbal plants in the campus and by giving them opportunities to learn caring for plants. Human Rights: Institution is arranging various awareness programmes regarding human rights such as “Right to Information Act”, “Consumer Act”, “Violence or injustice met to Women”, Right to vote, Atrocities against women weaker sections, domestic violence Act 2005 against Women in collaboration and coordination \

V.S.M. College

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