Diseases of the Rejuvenating Spine

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CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | Sep-Oct 2022 ISSN: 2660-4159 http://cajmns.centralasianstudies.org

Diseases of the Rejuvenating Spine 1. Hotamov Bekzod Farhodovich

Abstract: this article cited information about the spine, which is considered the holding organ of the human body, and some of the castlates found in the spine.

Received 7th Aug 2022, Accepted 6th Sep 2022, Online 10th Oct 2022

Key words: spine, waist, neck, chest, osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc hernia, scoliosis.


Faculty of Neurology of Bukhara Institute of inovation Medicine of Bukhara City of Bukhara region

Introduction The spine is the main part of the skeleton of humans and vertebrates.In a person, the spine consists of the neck, chest, waist, buttocks and tail bones — the overlapping joint of the vertebrae. The spine extends at the expense of the cartilage discs located between these vertebral bodies.As a result of the fact that the vertebrae are connected to each other, a spinal canal is formed, in which the spinal cord lies. The human spine is adapted to the person's upright gait, expanding downward. Main Part The spine is the main part of the support and skeleton to keep the body of Man and animals upright. There are physiological folds in the neck, waist, chest and buttocks of the spine. Sprains in the neck and lumbar region are called lordosis (physiologiclordosis), and sprains in the chest and buttocks are called kyphosis (physiological kyphosis). The neck and waist parts will be bent forward, and the chest and buttocks will be bent backwards. These folds are formed from the fact that the child independently lifts his head, begins to sit and walks upright.The cervical and lumbar part of the spine is abundant, the thoracic part moves little. The value of a person depends on the state of the vessels,muscles of the spine. The spine keeps the back lying in the spinal canal from crushing, stretching, keeps the torso upright, participates in the formation of chest, abdominal and groin cavities, among others. From diseases of the spine, congenital anomalies of the spine, acquired diseases, injuries and other occur most often. More than congenital defects are observed in the interconnection of 2 or 3 vertebrae, the presence of excess vertebrae, etc. In the spine with this type of defect, pain is often not felt. Acquired diseases include, mainly, osteochondrosis, deformities of the spine, inflammatory diseases, interruption or stretching of the vessels of the spine, dislocation of the vertebrae and other.


Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES" http://www.centralasianstudies.org

Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | Sep-Oct 2022

There are many causes and factors that cause diseases of the spine:  Obesity (excess weight) – increases the mechanical load on the spine.  Smoking disrupts the regenerative processes and metabolism in the body.  edentary lifestyle increases the static load on the spine, reduces the tone of the muscles that properly maintain the shape of the spine, and causes incorrect development of the posture.  Improper posture leads to pathological flexion of the spine.

 Excessive physical exertion-increases the load on the spine. Warning signs. Many of us go to the doctor when our waist begins to hurt unbearably. But the spine sends the first signals much earlier. This includes:  Back or neck pain when getting up in the morning;  Unpleasant feeling when throwing the head back;  headache and dizziness;

 unpleasant feeling in the shovel area when taking a deep breath;  slight numbness of the arm or leg;  pain when moving sharply;  excessive tension and tightness of the lumbar muscles. Any discomfort at the waist that is repetitive and lasts longer (even if only a little) requires attention! In such situations, of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is not only symptomsthat are necessary for rejuvenation, but also, first of all, for the Prevention of later injuries of the spine. Various diseases can occur in the spine; Intervertebral disc herniation. Vertebralo disc herniation can cause painful back pain. The disease occurs as a result of rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc. In doing so, the resulting hernia will bend back and side and crush the nerve roots protruding from the spinal canal. After the onset of inflammation, edema is formed. Neck radiculitis. Neck radiculitis is often a complication of an intervertebral disc herniation of the cervical area of the spine. The cause of the disease is associated with a pinched nerve roots in the spinal cord. For example, due to age-related changes in the vertebral bodies, the distance between them is reduced. Or the disease develops due to inflammation of the muscles located near the nerve. Scoliosis.Curvature of the spine(scoliosis). It should be straight when you look at the spine from behind. However in some people it will have received the S Appearance. When the spine is only tilted, pain also occurs when moving. Osteochondrosis.In this case, a violation of the process of exchange of substances in the muscles and tendons surrounding the spine occurs. With age, under the influence of certain factors, the spine itself also changes – tumors and bumps appear. With them, the organism tries to restore the damaged spine. Due to eroding processes in the bone and cartilage tissues of the intervertebral discs, pain occurs, movement in damaged joints is limited, diseases such as neuralgia, radiculitis, scoliosis are caused. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION The conclusion is that the spine is the main part of the human skeleton, keeping the human torso upright. The spine is formed by the joint of the neck, chest, waist, buttocks and tail bones —


Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES" http://www.centralasianstudies.org

Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | Sep-Oct 2022

vertebrae.Various diseases of the spine arise through excess weight, smoking, improper movement. There are diseases in the spine, such as herniated disc, osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine. USED LITERATURE 1. www.wikipedia.uz. 2. Uzme, Tashkent, 2005


Published by “ CENTRAL ASIAN STUDIES" http://www.centralasianstudies.org

Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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