Biological Characteristics of Local Goats of Karakalpakia

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Biological Characteristics of Local Goats of Karakalpakia 1. Toreshova Amina Ubbiniyazovna

Received 7th Aug 2022, Accepted 6th Sep 2022, Online 8th Oct 2022

Abstract: This article provides for biological features such as fertility, survival and offspring in the conditions of Karakalpakstan, and also draws conclusions on the biological characteristics of local goats. Key words: Goats, fertility, offspring, biological features, insemination.


Nukus branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology (Uzbekistan, Nukus)

Introduction. Goat breeding is practiced in almost all countries of the world. This is facilitated by their unpretentiousness, high adaptability to various conditions of detention, the variety of products they produce. They are bred high in the mountains, in harsh desert conditions; in countries with dry and humid climates; kept in stalls and pastures. From their breeding receive high-quality fluff, semifine wool; dietary meat and milk; thin and thick skin. Goat breeding is an important part of the agriculture of Karakalpakstan, contributing to the provision of the population with food, and the industry with raw materials. Its importance is growing especially sharply in connection with the intensive growth of industry, the creation of new industries, and the increase in the number of inhabitants in cities and centralized settlements. In Karakalpakstan, goats are primarily bred for meat production. Goat meat has been eaten since ancient times and is not inferior in quality to lamb. The yield of meat and fat after slaughter of goats, depending on the sex, fatness and age of the animal, ranges from 35.0 to 50.0%. The best meat is obtained from young animals and castrati. In addition to meat, local goats produce fluff (0.1-0.3 kg), coarse wool (0.5-1.0 kg), goat skins (goat skins), etc. Proper and rational production and use of goat products contributes to an increase in the profitability of the industry, respectively, to an increase in the standard of living of local livestock breeders. Researches [3;P.27-28], [4;P.22] and others have established that the level of meat, wool and milk productivity of local goats, first of all, depends on economic and biological characteristics, breed, technology of their feeding and keeping . Local goats are bred in all regions of the Republic, however, targeted research and breeding work has not been carried out with them, there are no breeding farms or farms, the economic and biological characteristics of these goats have not been studied in conditions of year-round grazing. Object of research. The object of research was local goats and their offspring.



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Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | Sep-Oct 2022

Research methods. The studies used generally accepted zootechnical, biological, technological and statistical methods of analysis. Main part. One of the main requirements for farm animals is the ability to reproduce and produce viable offspring. The reproductive ability of goats is predetermined by their ability to actively come into the hunt, the degree of fertilization, fertility and viability of the resulting offspring. [2;P.23] Genetic variations in reproductive qualities in goats have been studied quite fully, which is explained by several reasons. Reproduction in goats, as well as in sheep and cattle, is regarded as the main reason for limiting production, this animal species is particularly suitable for research, since its genetic variability is higher than in other types of domestic animals. So, [5; P.43], [6; P.32], notes that in young goats sexual activity is manifested at the age of six to seven months, while he found that sexual activity in local, native goats and goats manifests itself earlier than in imported angora. He also established relatively low sexual activity and the ability to fertilize adult Angora goats in comparison with local goats. The reports of a number of scientists about the results of breeding sheep and goats for multiple pregnancies and the fact of the existence of previously little known multiple breeds changed this point of view [1P.27-30]. It is now generally accepted that it is possible to bring the genetic potential of fertility from one to two or three. Therefore, in scientific research, the main attention has been shifted to establishing the optimal level of fertility for various production conditions. It must be borne in mind that there are at least five potentially available methods to increase the fertility, respectively, and the reproduction of goats. 1. Use of breed resources, this method usually involves exploiting the potential of multiple breeds by absorbing blood, repetitive crossbreeding, or breeding a new breed based on crossbreeding. With all three methods, the effect is obtained due to the additive action of the genes of multiple breeds, in the first and second generations, in addition, due to heterosis. Crossing breeds with the same fecundity can also give an increase in fecundity as a result of heterosis. 2. Intrabreeding selection directly for fertility, or for traits associated with it. 3. Use of a fertility gene such as burulla; selection based on the use of the master gene causes a high ovulation rate, which suggests the possibility of increasing fertility within a population adapted to local conditions. 4. The use of gonadotropic hormones that increase the ovulation ability of the ovaries of the uterus. Optimal fertility is an important component of adaptation to environmental conditions and housing systems. The maximum possible fertility is often not optimal. 5. The use of intensive reproduction technologies, such as early sexual use, compacted goats, etc. The data obtained by us on the study of the reproductive qualities of goats in the conditions of Karakalpakstan are shown in table-1 Table 1. Reproductive qualities of goats Indicators Goats inseminated pissed off Fertility


Heads 257 252 -

% 100 98


Copyright (c) 2022 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this license, visit


Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | Sep-Oct 2022

Goats received, total: including: goats Goats kid of which: twins triplets Received kids per 100 heads of goats

311 154 157 19 7 -

100 49,5 50,5 7,5 2,8 121,1

The analysis of the data given in Table-1 shows that goats in the conditions of Karakalpakstan showed high sexual activity. So, in the autumn period (October-November), they came together to hunt, while they were characterized by a high ability to fertilize (98%). Out of 257 heads of goats, only five heads remained dry. Seven triplets (2.8%) and nineteen twins (7.5%) were produced, with an overall fertility of 121.1 percent. Conclusions. Thus, it should be stated that the aboriginal goats of Karakalpakstan, despite the poor pasture and fodder conditions, are characterized by a relatively high reproductive capacity (fertility 98.0 and fertility 121.1%), and these qualities should be preserved and promoted through selection. List of used literature 1. Альков Г.В и др. Современное состояние и перспективы развития козоводства в Горном Алтае. Ж. Овцы, козы шерстяное дело. М.2002г, №1, С. 27-30. 2. Булатов А. С. Конституциональные, продуктивные и некоторые биологические особенности зааненских коз разных лактаций. Автореф. диссер. канд. с/х наук. Ставрополь. 2003г, С.23. 3. Ерохин А. И., Карасев Е.А., Шувариков А. С., Ерохин С. А., Динамика производства молока овец и коз в мире и в России. Ж. Овцы, козы, шерстяное дело. М. 2015, № 2, С.27-28. 4. Тощев В.К. Козоводство России. Йошкар-Ола. 2007, №2, С.20-22. 5. Юсупов С. – Овцы и козы Узбекистана. Ташкент 2002, С.43. 6. Юсупов С. и др. – Козоводство: состояние и перспективы развития Т. Ж. “Зооветеринария” № 8 2016, С. 30-3



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