2013 Spring : CEMS Magazine

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CEMS Magazine | April 2013

Think Tank

CEMS offers new language training opportunity to students and alumni ____

Jamie Romanet – CEMS MIM Programme Assistant

____ Whether you want to practice for your Management and Business Communication test or brush up on your language skills, Lingueo, in partnership with CEMS, is now offering customised language tutoring for CEMS MIM students and alumni. Established in 2007, Lingueo is a Parisbased group which distinguishes itself from other language companies. Awarded the Language Label by the European Commission, Lingueo is recognised as the leader of innovation for language learning. What’s more, Lingueo is the forerunner in one-on-one distance learning, providing video-conferencing courses from professionally trained native speakers all over the world. Allowing an accessible, affordable, and easy-to-use platform, CEMS students and alumni can now benefit from tailored training classes that work into their schedule. CEMS Magazine spoke with Guillaume le Dieu de Ville, founder of Lingueo.

What are the benefits of choosing Lingueo? First off, I’d have to say quality based on one-to-one classes. Our native-speaker teachers are experienced and prepared to meet your needs. They will provide tailor-made courses complementary to your traditional learning programme. Flexibility is another key asset. You can take your classes at the time that best fits your schedule, be it the day, night or weekend, wherever you are.

How are your teachers prepared to work with CEMS MIM students and alumni? We provide two different trainings for CEMS: the first is the general training, perfect for alumni or students, it’s useful for updating your skills in a language or for learning a new one. The second is the CEMS prep, which focuses on the MBC test. The CEMS pedagogical team provided us with previous exams and we defined together the goals to be reached in order to coach our teachers and to ensure their classes will fit the CEMS quality requirements.

How do we book a class? First you may want to try a free lesson - ask for it on cems.lingueo.fr. Then, it’s easy! Login and click on the “Book a class” button. You are done. At the time of the class, log in to the site being sure Skype is on and click on the “call your teacher” button. During the first class, the teacher will evaluate your level and introduce the learning

method. A sharing document section will allow you to access the different exercises and documents provided to prepare each lesson. Also you will be able to follow your improvement in the level section. If you have any questions you can call us at +33(1) or send us an email to contact@lingueo.com specifying you are a CEMS member. A dedicated adviser is at your disposal and conditions are the same whether you are an alumni or current student.

The theme for this issue is “Leadership: Theories and Practices.” What’s your leadership advice? For those who aim to run their own business, never forget entrepreneurship is about vision and implementation.

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