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WP5 - Guidelines for DIALOGUE phase

What is the DIALOGUE phase? The Senior Pass DIALOGUE phase involves from 10 to 15 participants of SP training, who have already created their COMP-PASS e-Portfolio. The aim is to provide them the opportunity to put in practice their revised set of competences (education, work, life skills) throughout an intergenerational challenge. Thanks to their reinforced self-awareness and exploiting COMP-PASS e-Portfolio as a tool for personal branding, seniors will study, organize and carry out an activity with young people within a local organisation dealing with this target group.

The aim of the DIALOGUE phase? Seniors will establish a direct relationship with educators and representatives of the hosting structures starting from their COMP-PASS e-Portfolio. The DIALOGUE phase will simulate the same situation it could happen in the work field. Any "entrepreneur" (educator), before letting a “newcomer” (senior) to undertake any activity with his/her “group” (the youngsters), must get to know him/her and choose to have him/her in the working team, recognising this as an opportunity and an added value. Each senior will elaborate a proposal for an action targeted at young people, putting in value his/her own characteristics and allowing him/her to exercise his/her competences in a new context. This method of transfer will let them act as CHAPERONS of knowledge.

The actors of the DIALOGUE phase? The Senior Pass organisations should facilitate opportunities in order to create a range of social, cultural and educational offers, aimed to welcome the transfer of knowledge from seniors to a group of young people. They will use their relationship with structures such as youth centres, associations working directly with young people or available for supporting an action targeted at them. The cooperation with these structures, established directly by the members of the SP consortium or initiated by the senior himself/herself, is fundamental. It will ensure that the workshops realized by seniors will respect the environment in which they are introduced, answering to or stimulating young people’s interests. This ambitious goal will be built with the support of the SP advisors, in accordance with referents of the hosting structures.


Step by step - what to do in practice? SP advisors go through competences and interests put in the COMP-PASS e-Portfolio by seniors. If needed, SP advisors will provide coaching about personal branding, giving suggestion to improve the e-Portfolio.

The members of the consortium will identify and contact, together with seniors, possible local organisations dealing with young people, available to welcome the chaperons of knowledge

SP advisors facilitate the matching between seniors’ availability and knowledge and the hosting organisations’ working plan and needs. The COM-PASS e-Portfolio will be the communication tool used to introduce seniors

Seniors receive the SP HANDBOOK, translated in the local language by SP partners, containing a PRACTICAL GUIDE with pedagogical suggestions for planning the workshops and a TOOLKIT with examples of methods/exercises to be used with young people, that could be adapted to the topic of their workshop.

Hosting organisations take an active role in counselling seniors, accompanying them in studying, organising and realising the workshops with their young users. Workshops can be leaded individually or in team with other seniors and could be:  an event completed in one day (prepared in advance, probably over several days)  a weekly workshop with several meetings  a series of meetings concentrated in a short period (i.e. a few hours every day for a week)

SP Advisors supervise all the local workshops realised by seniors and cooperate with the WP5 leader transmitting information about what seniors have planned to do. These information will be available on the European calendar on the e-Platform for Chaperons of Knowledge. All the consortium will have access to a general overview about the situation in the partner countries, concerning the intergenerational dialogue phase.

Seniors’ workshops have to be concluded not later than the 15th February 2015.

SP Advisors inform seniors about the need to video-documenting their action. These video-evidences will be shared on the e-Platform for Chaperons of Knowledge and could be uploaded in their e-Portfolio. Part of these videos will be also used to foster communication on SP official website and will be used for social marketing of Senior Pass method.

SP Advisors accompany the seniors to self-evaluate the impact of the project on their own life. Senior Pass certificate is issued and it will represent an evidence to be uploaded on their personal COMP-PASS e-Portfolio. TO DO SP advisors fill in a form for each workshop realised, contributing to the WP5 final report for the consortium.

Which resources you can count on? The e-PLATFORM dedicated to CHAPERONS OF KNOWLEDGE allowing the access to the online version of the ToolKit and the download of the Handbook. It contains also the European calendar of the activities done at local level, the gallery of photos of the different workshops and a gallery of the videos realised by seniors. www.cemea.eu/senorpass/spchaperons

The HANDBOOK is in local language, therefore easy to access and contains a PRACTICAL GUIDE with pedagogical suggestions for planning the workshops and a TOOLKIT with examples of methods/exercises to be used with young people, that could be adapted to the topic of the workshops.

The REPORT FORM gathers information about the content of the workshops realized by seniors and suggests a common EVALUATION METHOD, in order to harmonize and to compare results in the different countries.

The SENIOR PASS CERTIFICATE form gathers a brief description of the experience done during the dialogue phase as evidence for the gains and discoveries in terms of competences of the seniors.


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