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more relatable (and affordable) than ever by marissa candela

Whether it’s red or white, to enjoy a fine bottle of wine is an experience in itself. Wine enthusiasts know the drill. Observe the color and clarity, and appreciate the aromas as the wine swirls within the glass, then taste. Observe the subtle nuances and notes, feel the weight of it on your tongue and enjoy its finish. While the “nectar of the gods” has existed for centuries with the oldest bottle of wine corked in 325 A.D., wine interest continues to soar, moreso in recent years with the help of mainstream media and box office hits like Sideways in 2004. What’s more, the popularity of California wines has enabled the U.S. to become a major player in the market. In fact, seventy-five percent of wine consumed in the U.S. comes from the States, leaving just 25% to the imports. Not surprising, as every state in the U.S. has at least 2 wineries, and California leads the way with 90% of production. Following is 88 fall 2009 woodbury

Washington, New York, (with Long Island producing some unbelievable wines) and Oregon. No longer is wine appreciation an otherworldly “snobby hobby,” It’s more relatable than ever.

Weeding Through the Vines Kevin Zraly, founder and instructor of the Windows on the World Wine School and best selling author of the number one wine book entitled, Windows on the World Complete Wine Course (currently celebrating its 25th anniversary) has traveled around the world for 40 years to 20 different countries, to build on his vast wine knowledge. But how much do you really need to know when you simply want to buy a good bottle at a great price? Zraly commented, “The overwhelming choices when someone walks into a wine store are staggering, moreso than 40 years ago. Part of my job is to find a $10 bottle of wine that tastes like $20. For me as a professional consumer, I’m still always searching for that great, well-priced bottle of wine. So to begin, simply find the best value – and there are many. In fact, in the history of world, this is the ‘golden age of wine’ in terms of quality.”

East Hills Wine Market on Glen Cove Road offers clients a wide selection and staff who are in the know, especially if you’re willing to try new wines. In fact, owner Matt Schweiger always advises his clients to take risks when making a selection. “The only way to learn or to gain experience is keep trying different wines. Why always go for the brand names? There are literally thousands of small production wineries, so try a wine that you have never heard of that is made with love and passion. There are just too many great bottles to enjoy under $20.”

Ladies, Did You Know? Women are the #1 buyers of wine in the U.S.; women also have a better sense of smell than men, and wine is all about its aroma.

© iStockphoto.com/danesteffes

Wine has evolved for thousands of years. Just like you, each varietal has unique characteristics and is a product of its environment – a direct result of the love and care it’s shown from the vine to the bottle, just waiting to be uncorked.

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