Housing extension project

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GREENBUI L DI NG OBJ ECT I VE •ReduceEner gyCons umpt i on •Reduceoper at i ngcos t •S us t ai nedS avi ngs •S uppor t i ngEnvi r onment •I mpr ovePr oduct i vi t y •Heal t handS af et yBenef i t s

Gr eenBui l di ngi sal s oknownas s us t ai nabl e bui l di ng i s t he pr act i ceofi ncr eas i ng t heef f i ci ency ofbui l di ngsand t hei r us eofener gy,wat er ,andmat er i al s ,and r educi ng bui l di ng i mpact sonhumanheal t hand t he envi r onment , t hr ough bet t ers i t i ng,des i gn,cons t r uct i on,oper at i on,mai nt enance, and r emoval— t he compl et e bui l di ngl i f e.

peci f i cener gyef f i ci entagendat ocons t r ucthome As us i ng ecol ogi cal l ys us t ai nabl e mat er i al s ,ener gyef f i ci entHVAC s ys t ems ,hi gh ef f i ci encyl i ght i ng s ys t ems , el ect r i ci t y& wat erheat i ng f r om s ol ar ,r ai nwat erhar ves t i ng s ys t em,was t e wat ert r eat ment,f l oor sar e made ofr ecycl e gl as s,bamboo and ener gy s t ar r at edappl i ances .Cont r olwat er ,ai rands oundpol l u t i ont hr oughef f i ci entt echnol ogy.


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