Parliamentary guide

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We used the following sources for the development of "Parliamentary guide" 1. The Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro; 2. The Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro, 3. The Rules of Procedure of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro, 4. Montenegrin Constitutions, Organizations and Composition of State Organs, MPs and Ministers from 1946-1998 - by Slobodan Dragovi}, 5. Constitutional Law, PhD R. Markovi}, 6. Website of the Parliament of Montenegro,, 7. NDI website, 7. Website of Podgorica We want to thank the Speaker of the Montenegrin Parliament, Mr. Ranko Krivokapi} and members of his cabinet and Secretary General of the Montenegrin Parliament, Mr. Milan Radovi} and members of the Parliamentary administration for giving support in drafting the second updated edition of the "Parliamentary guide". We would also like to thank PhD Radoslav Raspopovi} and Tatjana Koprivica for their support and censorship they provided us in drafting the second part of this guide. We owe special gratitude to Lisa C McLean, Zuzana Dzurikova and Nata{a Bulatovi} from the National Democratic Institute and Deputy Secretary General, Mr. Slobodan Dragovi} for their suggestions and support given in drafting of the "Parliamentary guide". At the end we would like to thank all the participants of all generations of the Internship Program in the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro and all those who helped us in any other way in order to publish this guide.






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