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Foreword The previous two editions of The Underwater Photographer have earned Martin Edge an international reputation as an excellent tutor of a subject which is multi-faceted and often difficult to explain simply yet comprehensively. This latest edition, whilst carrying on the successful formula, is really a major new working and should quickly establish itself as both a comprehensive reference manual and a continual source of inspiration. Martin’s approach is very personal and his book is littered with decades of experience imparted to help the reader not only produce better photographs, but also to understand why, without the feeling of being a slave to the learning process. There is no doubt that the advent of digital photography has revolutionised underwater photography and now accounts for the majority of shots being taken underwater. The exciting capability of digital cameras has opened up underwater photography to a whole new audience and Martin’s teachings apply equally well to this new technology. In a fast-changing world capable of producing instant results it still pays to understand the basics in order to maximise the quality of your shots. The Underwater Photographer provides all the technical knowledge you need but more importantly gives you the benefit of Martin’s considerable practical experience. This is a very comprehensive book which you can either immerse yourself in from cover to cover or dip into randomly to solve a problem or seek inspiration but, above all, learn from someone who is both passionate and knowledgeable as well as being a good teacher. Peter Rowlands PR Productions Editor/Publisher, Underwater Photography magazine www.uwpmag.com

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