Hong Kong Moodle Moot 2012

Page 18

Conference Report

What Did You Enjoy Most?

Any Other Comments?

Networking and teachers sharing their use of Moodle, transportation and catering.

I really enjoyed the weekend, thank you!

Conversations with colleagues, the boat trip

subsequent Moot for sure. However, I wish it

was nice also.

had started Friday instead of Thursday. If school's in session there's a danger we can't

The various sessions. I was able to learn a lot from the sessions and can take them back to my school and implement elements. Student panel session was very good. We can know more about their views of using Moodle. Targeted workshops. Great sessions geared towards teaching & learning. Attending the stream sessions and listening to Martin Dougiamas. Learning new approaches to using Moodle and speaking to other users/educators. The Moodle Master Class beforehand. Meeting and talking with others. Having time to talk to other IT Facilitiators, seeing/hearing from techno-innovators. The sharing of ideas by teachers from around the globe. Learning new things with very good presenters, networking with others that use Moodle. Seeing how others are using Moodle in the classroom. The closing keynote by Mr Martin Dougiamas, sharing session by Michelle Lovett and student panel session.

Hong Kong Moodle Moot 2012

I enjoyed it a great deal and would attend a

get away to the Moot, especially if we are from out of town. This Moot could easily have been a weekend event. Thanks for organising. I'd love to come again. Too much down time. More workshops dealing with Moodle usage in specific curricular areas would be very useful. Please focus more on workshops and practical applications. Less on theory. It was great! I really enjoyed the event. Thank you for putting it on. More sharing from the Higher Education sector. Venue a bit difficult to access Excellent start. I would recommend this to any of our staff who are interested in learning more about Moodle. The time for each sessions is too short. Very well organized! The internet was really bad! I wanted to attend more than one session strand at times and it would have been great if you could run a session towards the end of the conference where people could vote for a repeat of one of the ones they missed.


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