Code for Failure

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dishes, like the stench of being kicked out of college emanates from me. Craig, my boss, is selling cigarettes to a guy with a crew cut and a muscle tee. “When I was in ‘Nam,” he says. I don’t listen to the rest. I finish washing the customer’s windshield. When the car leaves I go back in the office and wait for Randy Savage to make his exit. “No way you were in Vietnam,” I say. “Of course I was,” Craig says, shooting me a bug-eyed look. “You’re forty-two, right?” Craig nods. “You were too young to be in Vietnam.” “How the hell would you know, kid?” “I was a history minor.” “Before you got the boot you mean.” Oh, the knife in the side. “Yes,” I say. “Regardless, you were too young to be in Vietnam.” “You don’t know what I’ve seen,” he says. “Gooks everywhere. I laid in trenches for days in the mud.” I can’t help laughing. “Maybe the trenches of your backyard.”

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