CC Life 2013 Fall

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Cooperation: Learning to Work in Teams at a Christian Liberal Arts College Dr. Quentin Nantz



Cooperation Is What Language Is All About! Dr. Joseph Sorell, English Major Chairperson


Cooperation in Communication Dr. Julie Shen, Communication Major Chairperson


Teamwork in the Pursuit of Excellence Dr. Martin Chien, Music Major Chairperson



Christ’s College and Me Class of 1978 Amos Shih


Christ’s College, the Turning Point of My Life Class of 2001 Jia Qi Jamie Liu


When I Came to Know God Class of 2009 Jack Yang


Ruby’s FB Message to Her ‘Kids’ Class of 2013 Ruby Chen


Adopted Child of God Sophomore Music Major: Angela She



Teamwork Dr. Benjamin Wu, Vice President


Christ’s College Activities Calendar

Cooperation: Learning to Work in Teams at a Christian Liberal Arts College By Dr. Quentin Nantz


The outcomes of a Christian liberal arts college program can be summarized by 8 C’s that include Christian Character, Compassion, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Cooperation, Competence, and Contribution. This issue of CC Life magazine centers on cooperation and how it is developed in a Christian liberal arts college. The definition of cooperation is people working together to achieve results or people helping each other to achieve a common goal1. It is the opposite of working in competition own species and across species. The ability people have to empathize with each other and the ability to use language allow humans to cooperate on an even greater scale.

Cooperation: Learning to Work in Teams at a Christian Liberal Arts College

In today’s fast-changing and hyper-competitive business environment, teamwork and cooperation can enhance an organization’s adaptive capability. The team, rather than the individual, is increasingly seen as the building block of organizations and a key source of competitive advantage2.

that it helps with problem-solving. A group of people working together can bounce different ideas off each other. Each team member can contribute and offer his or her unique perspective on a problem to arrive at the best possible solution. Thus teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or services.

allows organizations to accomplish tasks faster. A single person taking on multiple tasks will not be able to perform at the same pace as a team. When people work together they can complete tasks faster by dividing the work among people with differing abilities and knowledge. Teamwork also allows for healthy the good of the team. This healthy group competition can motivate and stimulate individual workers to excel for the


Teamwork can also help workers develop good relationships. A team that continues to work together will eventually develop an increased level can be avoided simply by getting to know one another. Finally, teamwork allows for the most effective use of each individual’s unique qualities. As each team member offers his or her unique

knowledge and ability, the team becomes more productive than any individual would be working independently. How does Christ’s College encourage students to value and develop cooperation? This is done in several ways. In the classrooms, many teachers use cooperative learning as key methodology. Cooperative learning refers to instructional strategies which include cooperative student-to-student interaction over subject matter as an integral part of the learning process3. Teachers may arrange for students to work in teams of two to four students to complete tasks or projects that relate to their subject of study. A teacher may create an environment for cooperation by arranging the classroom so that students can work together or by allowing for some work to be done outside of class. The teacher can

1 2 3

help student teams establish team identities and encourage students to develop some cooperative skills such as learning to listen to each

outside of the classroom as well. Whether they are engaged in groups such as the student association, the gospel ministry teams, intramural sports teams and/or musical performance groups like the community choir, students have many opportunities to practice teamwork.

of the same gender are assigned to live in one dorm room. For many students who are used to having their own room at home,

way, they not only gain cooperative skills but form friendships and forge a common bond that lasts a lifetime.


Cooperation is a natural part of the English curriculum of

students listen to an extended monologue by the

Christ’s College, since the purpose of language is to allow us

teacher, most Christ’s College English teachers

to work together. Cooperative tasks are found in almost every

present students with an idea, situation or problem

Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Theater

allows students time to access prior knowledge.

Production. In these classes, students work together as a team. In

In the “pair” portion of the task, students express their ideas orally and compare what they think with

school English class for an entire school year. background and experience are identical, sharing Collaborative tasks, such as think-pair-share 1 , take

increases everyone’s understanding. Hearing what

advantage of the fact that cognition occurs between people – not just between their ears. How does this affect the teaching

to take even further cognitive steps. This is one of

of English? Rather than following the lecture model in which

the key objectives of the whole-class discussion

Dr. Joseph Sorell, English Major Chairperson

Cooperation Is What Language Is All About ! as different teams “share” their conclusions. In

especially in today’s hyper-connected world.

the math of cooperative learning, ideas are not Teamwork encourages students to practice listening with their minds and hearts, not just their ears. An essential part of Cooperative learning is also important

cooperation is learning to consider the ideas and opinions of

socially. Working or living in isolation has never

others, even when they disagree with us. Cooperation also helps students develop leadership skills as they evaluate the many alternatives presented by the group and decide on a joint course of action. 1

than acquiring skills or knowledge. One needs to able to use what one knows as part of a team,

Working in teams is one of the major learning outcomes for students in the

includes the more difficult tasks of producing films, compiling the practicum magazine CC Community, and

one need to know how to work alone, but also how to work with others to complete media productions. Therefore, cooperation and communication are a perfect blend.

encouraged to know themselves and observe others to get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses so they can complement each other as a group. For example, juniors need to produce the CC Community

There are different levels of cooperation in which students can be involved. The smallest on the scale would be group discussions and making reports by groups instead of working individually. The other end of the scale

people and editing the content, they also need to manage the sophomores who work on the advertising and the freshmen who are responsible for the circulation of the magazine. It takes three-fourths of the Communication students to publish the magazine. If one class doesn’t do its job, the magazine will not be produced. Cooperation



Exhibition. There is no way that one senior class can plan, produce, and move tons of materials for the exhibition without getting support from the underclassmen.

brings them closer to each other. Learning to cooperate with other people not only helps students grow in maturity, it will also help them in the future as they choose their life partners and as they enter the world of business.

having team spirit and unity. Besides learning to work together in class, we also deepen our team spirit by

The Bible teaches us to value others above

we participate in activities such as the tug-of-war and the relay races.

to learn from his meekness and humility. By learning to cooperate with other people, how to support one another, but also grow to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

and its resolution makes the students more mature and

同心協力 合作無間做傳媒 Dr. Julie Shen, Communication Major Chairperson

Teamwork When my daughter turned four, we had a Cinderella-themed birthday party, complete with a giant piñata shaped like the pumpkin carriage. All of the preschoolers were thrilled to take turns hitting it until it broke and showered them with candy. It to produce the sweet “rain” of candy teamwork. Teamwork is fundamental for building a masterpiece. Whether it


is performing on stage or chasing after

What does teamwork mean in the life of a musician? There are the obvious things like following the conductor and listening to each other, but ultimately,

in the Pursuit of Excellence Dr. Martin Chien, Music Major Chairperson

even though there is no “I” in “team,” teamwork begins with

Teamwork is vital to our pursuit of Christ.

the individual. It means integrity in practicing, even when no one is watching. It means showing up on time to rehearsal, so

many, form one body, and each member belongs

that everything proceeds smoothly. It means encouraging others

to all the others. We have different gifts, according

to do their best, while giving it your all. When the audience sees

to the grace given to each of us.” With each of us

a dazzling performance on stage, they will not know how many painstaking hours were spent to ensure perfection; however, if

unites our talents to glorify Him as one body.

even just a few people fail to commit to teamwork, then the results are a dull presentation. cooperation and teamwork, we easily lose sight To a solo performer teamwork might seem irrelevant, but

of each person’s commitment to the big picture.

nothing could be further from the truth. When I released my

If we as musicians and even more importantly, as disciples of Christ, desire to present an outstanding

solitary task actually relied on the efforts of hundreds of people

performance, we must dedicate ourselves

throughout the course of a year. Fundraising concerts, recording

completely to creating a whole that is greater than

the album in Hong Kong, and mixing and mastering until the

the sum of its parts.

talent of producer Peter Kam, and complete motivation on my all of our individual efforts would have been in vain.


Christ’s College and Me Class of 1978 Amos Shih It has been 35 years since I graduated from Christ’s College. I started serving the Lord as a tent-maker and later I became a full-time minister. As I now a minister, I find that not only did the education I received from the seminary help me a lot, but also the Bible courses at Christ's College provided a firm foundation for my seminary study and my path of serving the Lord. Even though the Bible classes at the college weren't taught as deeply as those theology courses in seminary, they surely had their position as the cornerstone in my life. In addition to imparting a knowledge of the Bible, Christ’s College has provided an environment where we can put what we learn into practice.

of the education package is that we learn to follow the regulations of the dorm and live with students coming from various backgrounds and different habits for at least one full year before being given different roommates the next year. It is through the high frequency of interaction with roommates in a small space that we learn to accept each other and appreciate our individual differences.

Associations and working together with one another has formed a special bond between us. This special bonding continued as we graduated and after we spread to the different continents for work and family life. In addition to the relationships we built among ourselves as students, we connected with the faculty and staff on a deeper level. They set good examples for us, and they cared for us so much that we felt the love as if we were home with our own families.

One benefit of that environment is Christ’s College and continue to pour out on us His love College has its special discipline in the area of being obedient to authority and being respectful to others. The college requires all students to live in the dorm as part of the education of the whole person. Whether we like it or not, part

Christ’s College, the Turning Point of My Life Class of 2001 Jia Qi Jamie Liu


Have you heard of people coming to Christ by reading a church bulletin? When I was in high school, a friend mailed me her bulletin from her church with marks of the key points in the sermon every week. Her patience and persistence stirred my interest in having a church home. Finally, I went to her church. The first time I attended I was touched by how

It was a journey that eventually led me to Christ’s College.

somewhat fearful because it wasn’t recognized by the how that would affect my future. Little did I know that the time I would spend at Christ’s College would become the turning point of my life.

influences on me during my freshman year. I joined the Plains winter vacations, carrying out different responsibilities. Feeling called to care about the souls of others; I applied to be a dorm leader for the next three years with the purpose of

placed such a love in my heart that I started a small group and began sharing messages with my younger classmates. afterward. As I review those years, I am not trying to emphasize how capable or holy I was because, on the contrary, being was to be an unnoticeable staff member. I thought I would just do something without attracting anyone’s attention and avoid anything that would create change in my life because I didn’t like attention and change at all. It was unfathomable to me then that I would do what I am doing right now. It is out of my comfort zone. Although I have excelled in English since I was little, the Christ’s College English curriculum nurtured my English

helped me develop the gift of serving others. I then realized that I wanted to use both of these gifts – language ability and service to others – as a full time minister. I started attending


during church services, weddings and other different

translator in a church. I hope I can use my language ability to bless overseas Chinese speakers.

brought us even closer together than before.

an answer to our prayer. We believe that it’s a lifelong service to the Lord and we should be well equipped in order to serve more needy people. As a minister’s wife, I especially sense the need of training in counseling as I often talk and listen to people. Besides praying with and for people, reading the Word, and having faith in the Lord, I would also like to be able to provide more in-depth help.

I look forward to becoming a counselor to help broken people restore their marriages, families and even their self-image so that they can become the people

light for us on our journey. I would like to express my appreciation to Christ’s College and its faculty and staff who encouraged me to pursue my dream. It was at Christ’s College that my life was changed and given over to the Lord for His service.

It has been four years since I graduated from Christ’s College. A year of army service delayed my graduation and helped me become a more mature and responsible person. After

teaching materials and teaching English. Two seminary in Taiwan, preparing to become a

When I Came to Know Christ I wasn’t a Christian when I was little, but I had a Christian aunt. When I lost my direction in life after graduating from high school, my aunt recommended that I study at Christ’s College. I always remember the pastor called for those who would like to become Christians, I was the second person to walk to the front of the congregation to


Class of 2009 Jack Yang


confess my faith. When I was in high school, I had very low self-esteem. I didn’t value myself or feel loved. I had no interest

have a good relationship back then. When I saw my mother heartbroken, I totally crashed. The only thing I could do was

at Christ’s College are very different from other universities. They really gave me a lot of opportunities to learn. I want to say to all the teachers, “Thank you so much. not only in English, but also in everything.” when I graduated, “It’s amazing that you

revealed these scenes and He wrapped me with His love. When I

believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord? I hope those who are still studying at Christ’s College can grab this chance of knowing Him.

are a late bloomer like me, but you can start

Studying at Christ’s College

you, and a school that is supported by prayers and donations. The faith we have in the Lord has made this school a place of

me. I entered with a very low TOEFL grade and I wondered if I was the last one accepted. However, I studied very hard. I spent hours and hours studying every night, but I still got a zero

you should treasure the opportunities you

best working ability, but what set me apart from others was the character and attitude with which Christ’s College had equipped

motivated me as I kept studying hard. When I was about to enter because my grades were not good enough to continue staying in the major. I worked so hard that my roommates heard me talking

gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.”

other teachers for being my role models.

Answering His Call Because I was trained well at Christ’s started improving. Everyone has his own pace in learning languages. I need more time than others. The teachers here

not a familiar environment. I really didn’t


willing to see me become a pastor. But as I clearly saw was giving me a hard lesson to learn and I was in pain. Even though my mind was weak then, I continued having devotions every day and attending church services regularly. When I ran

heart when I made up my mind. I took a leap of faith and family disagreed with my decision at the beginning, but

I started doing really well in my job, but I still found myself unhappy. As I looked around, all other supervisors were busy working, making money and losing their health and quality time with people they loved. I wondered if I would have a life like theirs. serve Him as a fulltime pastor. to consider becoming a director at the school with the plan of becoming the principal one day. I didn’t know how to respond, nor did I want to keep hesitating. I urgently asked Him to show

was able also to perform,� and cried. I realized I wanted to serve the Lord fulltime, but worried about not being adequate to the job and not supported by my family. I had a lot of fears. Although my parents didn’t oppose my becoming

I was holy, having enough knowledge about the Bible and enough serving experience. After two years of studying in the seminary, I have to become more humble because I

I depend on Him. As we continue walking down His path,

Ruby Chen


Class of 2013 Ruby



Thank you for giving Annie and me such a memorable farewell party. It really made it hard for me to leave you behind. I really didn't want to cry, but I wasn't able to hold my tears back when I saw you crying and what you did for us. In the Bible, Jesus washed his disciples' feet so people could understand His love, humbleness, and heart of service to others. We really cried when you washed our feet. At that moment, we deeply felt the reality of our leaving. However, we know that our graduation doesn't mean separation, especially in this big family of Christ's College serving as your dorm leaders, and we hope that we have set a good model for you to pass on. Kids, don't be sad. We will always be there for you. We hope you can soar like eagles in the future.

to bed too late. We do feel proud of how you dedicate yourself to studying.

should also go to bed earlier for the sake of your will be a great musician. We look forward to attending your concert at the international level. I'd also like to ask you to play at my wedding someday.

Editor’s Note: Christ’s College is the only fully residential college in Taiwan. The college has separate male and female dorms with six students in each room. Each room has four “Kids” - referring to younger classmates in the same dorm room and the two upper class dorm leaders are called Die (daddy) and Niang (mommy).


Ruby Chen


people’s lies. Other than that, I want to encourage you to take fewer photos of taught me a lot and has helped me understand how it feels when I am loved.

missed a day bringing me breakfast. [Annie received a special award when she graduated because she had attended breakfast everyday and she took her roommates breakfast, too.] I still remember the answer you gave during our freshmen year “the woman who gave birth to Jesus, and therefore she was a surrogate mother.” Only someone as innocent as you would think of an answer like this. I believe I’ve had a dramatic life in the past four years. I don’t think any of the soap operas can top my experience. I am often asked if I would choose a non-

family members. Please don’t minimize who you are at the college, my younger brothers and sisters. This school has become a more beautiful place because of you. As I leave the college now, I’m proud to say that I am taking a few things away than pursuing worldly success; taking responsibility for my decisions; love; and the college, enjoy your dorm life and keep looking for treasures for your life. As an alumnus, I will be a good example for you in the work place. Thank you for your love. I love you.

sick often and I was bothered by an evil spirit. upperclassmen whose academic performance


and popularity attracted me. They were the

a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. I haven’t been bothered by an evil spirit services as well as serving others. At Hsing Wu, I majored in Finance. While I was studying, I also worked part-time in the service industry for three and a half years. Knowing the reality of the business world, I wasn’t sure I wanted that for my future. After

Adopted Child of God Sophomore Music Major: Angela She

talking to my parents, instead of pursuing another

church friends in moving into the dorm. Third, I got a very

position in business, I applied to teach piano in a preschool. After working for 18 months, I knew I

This was such a surprise and encouragement to my mom that she

encouraged me in this. After failing to pass the

try Christ’s College. By that time, I only had three

a much better relationship with my parents now. I am studying music, something I really enjoy and plan to use as a way to minister

I completed the application on the third day. Four

His child and changed my life.

major, I enrolled in Christ’s College. about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” study at Christ’s College. First, my non-Christian parents agreed that I could study at a Christian

Teamwork 團隊合作

Dr. Benjamin Wu, Vice President


strong wind troubled me the whole night of July 12, and I wondered what damage done to our campus.


unmaintained trees fell, not to mention pile after pile of leaves and branches. As I wondered how we could remove some of the fallen tree trunks, two residents had already started cleaning.

to school the next day to help clean. As more residents joined the crew, we were able to open up the main roads later in the day. A few alumni came and cleaned and one alumnus donated

The weather became really hot after the typhoon left. People worked in the heat of the sun every day. In the midst of the hard work, we found two strangers helping us quietly by the Chapel area. After I greeted them, I realized they were an incoming freshman and parent.

They learned of our need and decided to come all the way up from Tainan to help us. I was so touched by their love for the Lord and support toward a school in which they

or an incinerator. I'd like to encourage our brothers, sisters and alumni to consider this need as part of their contribution to Christ’s College.

newly registered school, we continue doing our best to operate the college, but we also

bless the work of our hands.

臺北基督學院年度盛事 Christ’s College Activities Calendar Date & Time



11/16/2013 Sat. 12:00~14:00

12/07/2013 Sat.

Thanksgiving / Fundraising Luncheon

Founder’s Day


Innovation Out of Tradition (Isaiah 43:19)

Christ’s College

Christ’s College

10:00~11:30 Chapel Service


Garden Party / Open Campus Day

Sports Field & Dorms

Alumni Tea

Riverview Lounge

Music Major Graduation Production

Carrie Chang Fine Art

of "Forever Moving"

Center, Tamkang University



12/12/2013 Sat. 19:30~21:30

12/14/2013 Sat. 10:00~15:00

12/16/2013 Mon. 19:00~20:30

01/04/2014 Sat.

Spring 2014

Christmas Dinner with Grace Home Church Association

English Major Graduation Production of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

Christ’s College

Christ’s College

New Year with Nguhuw RuMa

Alang Tai’ang

Praise and Worship Music Festival

Christ’s College

Bible Conference

Christ’s College

Christian Micro Film Festival

Christ’s College

Communication Major Graduation Exhibition

Taipei City

04/19/2014 Sat. 14:00~17:00 04/20/2014 Sun. 14:00~17:00

Spring 2014


Spring 2014

May 23~25, 2014

Christians in English Language Teaching Conference

Christ’s College

Christ’s College Making a Difference


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