JJ LookBook 2018

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Celebrating Great Chapter Programming 2017-2018

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Jack And Jill Palm Beach Chapter 1 www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org

President Kimberly Mingo Jack and Jill Palm Beach Mothers, It has been a privilege to serve as the President of our Palm Beach Chapter for the 2016 – 2018 program years. It has been a very rewarding experience and I am grateful to have served with a wonderful group of mothers on our Executive Board and our Committee Chairs. Everyone’s hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated and the passion for our growing chapter is evident. We got off to a rocky start with the hurricane this program year, but we rallied back and had a successful program year from Jack and Jill Day to this end of year Black Family Day event. Congratulations to our graduating teens. We hope your Jack and Jill experience is something that you’ll cherish along with the friendships you’ve made over the years. We are very proud of you and wish you continued success as you head off to begin your collegiate years. Please stay in touch as connected to other teens. It’s so important for them to learn about your experiences and tips that will be helpful for them. To our graduating mothers, words can’t express the love, appreciation and gratitude our chapter has for you and your families. From our founding mothers to our sponsored mother, you will always be a part of our fabric and hope you will continue to be a part of the chapter as an Associate Member. We are excited to charter It is an honor to serve as your Jack and Chapter Jill Palmand Beach Chapter an Associate’s hope you’ll be interested in joining. President this year. I am truly blessed to serve with an awesome group of women. I am also so thankful for the support of my husband, Todd and our children, Sydni, Kelsi andyou Madison. To our remaining Chapter Mothers, thank for what you do for our chapter. It takes a strong chapter to create the Jack and Jill experience and your ideas and commitment to our children is clear. We are excited to bring in 4 new Legacy Mothers this year and look forward to getting to know them, their families and helping them transition into our Palm Beach Chapter family.


Finally, as we transition to President Karlene’s term and the new Executive Board, I couldn’t be more excited about the next 2 years. She has demonstrated her leadership, commitment, passion, creativity and is very prepared and excited to lead our chapter over the next 2 years. She knows that our chapter is completely behind her and committed to continued success. I encourage everyone to support the Planning Retreat in June so we can get off to a strong start for the 2017-2018 Program Year. We are making a difference Mothers and I pray we continue to grow strong together. Let’s continue working together to create experiences for our children that they will remember for a lifetime. I hope you take time to relax, recharge and enjoy Teen Conference and the National Convention over the summer. Best, Kim






The Executive Board of Jack and Jill Palm Beach for 2016-2018 is (from left to right): Vice President Karlene Kiminyo, Program Chair Jennifer Maczyk-Brown, Program Chair Katrina Williams, Recording Secretary Tonya Thomas, Corresponding Secretary Vernique Williams, Treasurer Lakiesha Thomas, Financial Secretary Rita Darden, Foundation Chair Deawn Roundtree, Audit Committee Chair Ashley Pinnock, Historian Marjorie Garcia, Parliamentarian Kianta Prince-Bryant, and Chaplain Celeste Bolden. Our chapters salutes these women of excellence for their service and leadership in our Palm Beach Chapter.




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THE CLASS OF This year, the Palm Beach chapter has six graduating seniors. This programming year ends with the mothers and children congratulating Skylar Anthony, Alexandra Baxley, Noelle Bradford, Kai James, Jadyn Matthews and Ahmad Williams. Skylar Anthony will graduate from Dreyfoos School of the Arts and will be headed to Howard University in Washington, DC. Alexandra Baxley will graduate from Boca High School and will attend Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Noelle Bradford, the last in her family to graduate from Palm Beach Lakes High School, will attend Xavier University in New Orleans, LA. Kai James, also the last in her family to graduate, attended Oxbridge Academy and will attend Howard University in the fall. Jadyn Matthews will graduate from the William T. Dwyer and has been accepted at Cornell University in New York. Finally, Ahmad Williams will graduate from Coral Springs High School and attend Florida Atlantic University in the fall. We offer prayers and blessings over our children and send them out in the world confidently knowing that we have gifted them with strong roots. Now we must set them free to try out their wings. Take flight and soar! We are cheering for you.


JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org


Jack & Jill Children made surgical hats to donate to a local pediatric hospital on Friday, March 2, 2018. “ >>>Moms/Teens & Tweens volunteered to serve Thanksgiving Dinner on– 5:00pm Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 7:00pm to the children of the Max & Fisher Boys & Girls Club in Rivera Beach, FL. Children will receive Volunteer hours. >>> <<<Harry Willis sews the basic stitch for a surgical hat he is making to donate to the children’s hospital in West Palm Beach.<<<< >>>Moms donated $75/Mom to buy gifts for the Children’s Home Society and to provide a Black Santa and Photographer for the Boys & Girls Club. >>> >>>Mothers, Fathers and Children volunteered at Winter Wonderland by helping with set up, serving dinner, making crafts, passing out toys and donated over 40-$20 gift cards for the Teens of the children of the Max & Fisher Boys & Girls Club in Rivera Beach, FL. Father Kitonga Kiminyo graciously played Santa and Danielle Kiminyo was Santa’s Helper. They saw over 200 children, took photos and passed out candy canes on Friday, December 15, 2017 from 5:00pm-7:00pm. The Children received volunteer hours.>>> >>>Supported Mother Michelle Hendricks at the Susan Komen Race for the Cure on Saturday, January 27, 2018. >>> <<<Supported March of Dimes – March for Babies Walk-a-thon on Saturday, April 28, 2018.<<<

Community service as a senior is temporary. Learning to love service in life is forever. JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH I



Mother Tammy Anthony Mom, Mama Anthony, My Favorite Person, My Bully You’ve been in my life for 18 years. To be honest, I don’t know how you put up with me...between my mental breakdowns, where you just stare at me and tell me to suck it up (which I do and realize I was overreacting), my Snapchat videos, shopping with mum and skyy. I don’t know how you put up with it: My baking at 11pm and my cooking at 3am and leaving dishes in the sink, the matching outfits we did every Mother’s Day for like 14 years that you hated...I could keep going on but as you can see we’ve been through a lot. We get along like the hallmark channel and HGTV...funny considering that’s all we watch. We’re both tired of a lot of things, but one thing we’ll never get tired of is eachother. Actually I don’t know. You have earned mother of the year 18 years over by a long shot. I’m glad I have an open line of communication with you. We can talk about literally anything and I know you say you’re not my best friend, but you really are. You mean the entire world to me and I don’t know how I’m going to make it without you in the fall. I love you forever, Skylar, skebee, peperhead, annoying, mistake, you’re favorite child, your only child or whatever else you like to call me. I love you.

So hard to say 6

GOODBYE JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org

MOTHER Tammy anthony

Mother Lisa Jones Dear Mom, I cannot express how thankful I am to have a woman like you as a mother. You are the personification of compassion, grace, elegance, & kindness. You have always made sure I had everything I needed, & wanted. Thank you for always doing your best to make sure that I am happy, it is because of you that at the end of the day I always am. You’ve made me believe in myself, because you believe in me wholeheartedly, and I want nothing more than to make you proud, to be able to somehow repay you for everything you do for me. You’ve instilled in me that I am going to be great, and because of that I promise you I am. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, and always being so understanding, no matter the circumstance. Thank you for forgiving me even when I didn’t deserve it. You are the gleam of sun on a cloudy day. You are love and light. I know I’m not the best at showing it sometimes, but I love you with all of my heart. I don’t know what I did to deserve a woman like you as a mother, but you’re heaven-sent and I thank God for you.




Mother juliet bradford I met Juliet T Bradford June 5, 2000. She just so happened to be my mother. My mom is my greatest inspiration. She inspires me to want to do my best and be the best I can possibly be. It takes a special kind of person to deal with me 24/7, but this woman does it very well. I honestly don’t know where I would be without her and don’t want to know either. I appreciate all the sacrifices she has made for me even though I may not show it all the time. I love you forever and always, Noelle B

Reflections “She inspires me to want to do my best...”


JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org

More COMMUNITY SERVICE Gleaning For Our Community Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. Through gleaning, hungry persons get fresh produce that food pantries and soup kitchens could never afford to buy themselves. On Saturday, March 10, the teens spent 4 hours gleaning tomatoes in the fields in Boynton Beach, Florida. The teens blew away the goal and picked/boxed/loaded 650+ boxes of tomatoes! The supply will be distributed to the Palm Beach food kitchen to aid in feeding the homeless and less fortunate! The teens shared this experience of bridging the gap between the field and the pantry to bring food to locations where persons in need can receive it. The most affected in our communities are persons of color. The teens physical exertion and effort in their community reinforced the importance of civic and community involvement espoused by Jack & Jill of America. Community service hours were available to participants. We ended the event by sharing our experience and importance of our civic engagment impact on our community over lunch.

JJPBC Teens CHS Wrapping Party and Social Our Jack and Jill Palm Beach Teens were honored to be requested by the chapter to shop for Christmas gifts for 60 kids (ages 1-12) and 45 gift cards for teens (ages 13-20) from the Children’s Home Society. The Children’s Home Society (CHS) of Florida provides residential home care for children who have been subject to severe abuse or neglect. In our annual partnership with CHS, the Jack and Jill Palm Beach Chapter (JJPBC) donated to 105 children this Christmas season. Our teens were provided a Christmas wish list for CHS children along with a budget to shop, purchase and wrap gifts. Using the money assessed and collected by our JJPBC Moms, the teens shopped and purchased Christmas gifts from the CHS children’s wish list. Once all gifts were been purchased, our teens wrapped and created personalized labels for each CHS child. Lastly, our teens partnered with the Father’s Auxillary to deliver the gifts to the Children’s Home Society of Florida. It wouldn’t be a Jack and Jill event if we didn’t create meaningful experiences for OUR children, while supporting ALL children.

“Igniting, Inspiring and Impact Change for ALL Children



Karston Bottorff

Peyton Duncan

Delaney Duncan

Vincent Ford

Harrison Mahan

Russell Mahan, lll

Blythe Pinnock

Jalen Rolle

Daschle Searcy

Liam Stewart




Perry Stewart



JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org JACKJACK AND AND JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org



Dylyan Baxley

Tyler Baxley

Ryan Baxley

Redick “Trey” Brown

Jordon “JoJo”Brown

Bradley Collier

Britton Daggs

Conner Doherty

Riley Doherty

Nicholas Foster

Gianna Garcia


Taylor Hayden

Lane Lockhart

Hudson Oversheet

Rayven Richards

Xavier Walker

Evan Williams

Micah Williams

JACK AND JILL PALM I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org JACK ANDBEACH JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org



Madison Brown

Lanai Lockhart

Kevin Braggs

Gabrielle Kiminyo

Lauryn Mahan

Madison Mingo

Lauren Lockhart

Rayna Richards

Matthew Roundtree

Tai Thomas

Ellis Daggs


Jamir Rolle

Anaya Thomas

McKenzie Williams

Amari Rolle

Chistian Williams

Zachary Williams

Justin Mosley

Amina Walker





Skylar Anthony

Christian Bolden

Noelle Bradford

Alexandra Baxley

Trace Baxley

Paige Braggs

Kailyn Bryant

Kendall Foreman

Kai James

Logan Lockhart

Andrew Luchey



Kelsi Mingo

Jadyn Matthews

Chandler Searcy

Edward “Trey” Thomas

Ramesses Walker

Harry Willis

Jonathan Willams



Ahmad Williams



All She Does is Win.

Skylar Anthony wins at Teen Conference to become Teen Vice- President, Southeastern Region.


So Amazing

JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH I www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org

We’ve been busy this year.




This is not the end... this starts something greater. Palm Beach Chapter. JACK AND JILL PALM BEACH CHAPTER www.jackandjillpalmbeach.org

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