April 2017

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Club spotlight: Valor



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April 2017 vol. 4 issue 8

CCGA Hosts

the Board of regents meeting

pg. 4-5


Summer FUN: with class |pg. 2|

big leadership weekend |pg.3|

klean appetities |pg. 6-7|

club spotlight:valor |pg. 13|

2 www.ccga-crowsnest.com

Coastal corner

Summer fun: With Class Why Summer Classes Could Benefit You by: lexi dybe lot of students always debate whether or not to take summer classes. They believe that it cuts down on their ‘free-time’ or that they will have a harder time trying to make plans with friends. Others do not go to school in the summer in order to earn more money. However, the real question is: “Are their any benefits to summer classes?”



ere are a few benefits that I have thought of: - Summer classes provide a way for students to gain credit hours, hours that make their overall requirement (depending on major) closer to accomplishment. - It is cheaper than going in the fall/spring. Since less students usually take summer classes, that means savings for those taking summer classes. - If taking online classes, they can be a little tedious, especially for those who are forgetful, however it keeps the schedule freed up. All that is needed is making sure the work is turned in on time! - Some classes are not “web-courses,” yet, students only go to the classroom once maybe twice a week for an hour or two, then boom! Free rest of the day!

- With less students in a classroom, that means students and teachers bond even more. In the end that means more help when a student is lost about an assignment. - Students can still work, even with doing summer classes. And besides having three to five classes and work to balance, there is only one to two classes with usually minimum requirements. More hours, yay - Want to relax, yet need to study? Students can go to the beach, put on sunblock, and pull out their books to study while enjoying tanning. (Just do not fall asleep with the book!) - Need help raising GPA? Summer classes can help boost it, while making sure students are learning a thing or two. Without as much stress!


here are plenty of reasons to join summer classes at CCGA, from the relaxing time with friends to all the benefits above. I have not listed them all. If there are questions or wishing to take summer classes, talk to an advisor and they can help you find the best course to take. Remember, summer fun, all day long. But summer classes, don’t forget the sunglasses, it is just too bright and fun.

Dean of Students' COrner Mariners,


t is an exciting time, yet a busy time at the College. There are a number of celebratory events occurring on campus, such as the Student Affairs Leadership Awards, Mariner Milestone, Athletic Banquet, Service-Learning Symposium, Symposium on Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression, Honors Day, and Commencement. It is great to see our students not only accomplish their goals over the past academic year, but that they are also recognized for them during these events. I see students studying hard for the last remaining tests, making the final updates to a group project, and preparing for the final exams. The study rooms, lounges, and library are used quite frequently. s we head into the remaining weeks in the semester, take a moment to reflect on what you have accomplished. Set your goals for the summer and next fall. Register for summer and fall classes so that you are on track to complete your degree. Think about the different ways to get involved and engaged on campus next year. All of our students contribute to creating a vibrant campus – we appreciate you being here. We look forward to seeing you this summer and/or fall and congratulations to our graduates!


Dr. Michael F. Butcher Assistant VP for Student Affairs, Dean of Students, and Title IX Coordinator mbutcher@ccga.edu

@DrMichaelButcher @DrMButcher .com/Michael.Butcher3750

Coastal corner


Big Leadership Weekend by: Marina Rubio


ts GAMETIME! Yelled motivational speaker Jan Spence after running out on to the stage and tossing foam footballs to the audience. This began the exciting, informative, and inspiring annual event that is known as Big Leadership Weekend (BLW). This well-put together event was hosted by the Student Government Association gives students a free opportunity to learn essential leadership skills and ways to apply these skills to life in college. Whether you want to improve your leadership skills, learn some great life lessons, or get a delicious free meal, BLW is an event you don’t want to miss in the future. he event kicked off with an entertaining performance from the College of Coastal Georgia’s Dance Team, which really helped to get people pumped and excited for the day. After the show Jan Spence took the stage and talked about her inspiring and highly entertaining story of when she tried out for an all women’s football team! This had always been a dream of hers and when her husband saw an ad for try outs in the newspaper, she couldn’t resist taking the opportunity. While using her energetic and comical personality, Jan told her story that both entertained and inspired the audience. She shared some of the great life lessons that she learned throughout her time on the football field and explained how you must take risks in life, be confident and go hard when trying to reach your goals. Applying these lessons can make you happier, and more successful altogether! fter Jan’s motivating speech, the students all broke for lunch. The Student Government Association provided a delicious meal which included Chick-fil-a, a wonderful array of fruits, vegetables, a salad and a huge assortment of various snacks. Once everyone finished eating it was time for the breakout sessions. These sessions were short fun activities (including coloring, Pokémon Go, and a hilarious bidding war) that talked about important leadership skills and values such as communication, work ethic, and taking risks. I think the only complaints about these sessions is that you had to choose two of the three to go to, and that they weren’t long enough! “My favorite part of BLW were the breakout sessions. I enjoyed the interactive games that incorporated valuable life lessons as well as entertained me. Brittany Garcia and Justice Bryant were wonderful breakout session speakers!” says Morgan Piratsky, who enjoyed the event immensely. fter a fun filled and insightful few hours, it was time to grab our notes, claim our awesome free t-shirt, and say good bye to Big Leadership Weekend. But just because the event ended doesn’t mean the things we learned will be forgotten. I think many people learned a lot of valuable lessons and skills that will be applied to better our lives and our school. If you didn’t attend this year or did and enjoyed the event just as much, make sure to sign up next time! It really was a monumental event that was productive, inspiring, and a whole bunch of fun!



Do you have a dream, vision or goal that you wish you could make happen in your life?

Have you been hiding it from the world in fear that it may be too difficult, unrealistic, or scary? During the 2017 Big Leadership Weekend at the College of Coastal Georgia, speaker Jan Spence showed us how to get past those fears and work to make our dreams come true. Here are 6 tips that she learned after following her dream of joining an official all women’s football team! (Try to keep your dream in mind while reading these!)

5 Life Lessons from Jan Spence:

4. Confidence is critical.

1. Share your vision with people.

One of the most important things when reaching your goals is being confident. If you don’t feel confident, then just “fake it till you make it!” Keep telling yourself that you can do this and soon you will start to see that you really can. This will make you more successful.

Making your dreams known to others is a great way to network and get help reaching your goals. Figure out what your vision is, and tell people. If Jan’s husband hadn’t known about her dream, she would have never heard about the try outs in the first place! 2. Seize the opportunity. Jan mentioned that once an opportunity is gone, its usually gone forever. After realizing that the try outs were in TWO HOURS and that she wasn’t prepared at all, she almost didn’t go. But she took a chance and because of her supportive and positive attitude on the field, she made the team. Stop making excuses, get out of your comfort zone and just do it! If you don’t attend the try outs, you will never get to play. Don’t hesitate! 3. Feel the fear, do it anyway. It is normal to be afraid, but great things happen outside of your comfort zone. So accept that it’s scary, and do it anyway. Something life changing could come from it.

5. Obstacles may not be as big as they appear. “I got on the field, looked up and at 6 feet tall weighing 300 lbs in front of me…was Sasquatch” says Jan. She was terrified of this women in her face knowing how easily she could squash her. But not backing down, she got pumped and put on the meanest face she could. Once the whistle blew, the woman jumped back and said, “Don’t hurt me #52! Don’t hurt me!” She was more afraid of Jan than Jan was of her! A lot of the time, obstacles aren’t as big as they appear and if we face our fears, we may discover just that. 6. Go and go hard! Don’t hesitate. Once the game starts, don’t hesitate. Get in the zone and play hard! Give it your all and your chances of success are much higher. Go after your dreams and give it 100%. You may end up living the life you never thought you could, and you will never wonder what it might have been like. Its GAMETIME! Time to start chasing your dreams.


Coastal Corner

CCGA Hosts the board of regents meeting Look How Far We’ve Come! by: Alexandra Heeter


ollege of Coastal Georgia has grown tremendously in the past decade. Starting in July 2008, CCGA became accredited to offer bachelorette degrees, which has allowed for the student population number to increase. Shortly after the transition to a four-year college, CCGA expanded further by building The Nunnally Health and Science Building, the Correll Teacher Education and Learning Center, the Campus Center, and campus housing. In 2016, College of Coastal Georgia was named one of the Best Regional Public Colleges in the South by U.S. News and World Report. CCGA is ranked number 7 among public state and regional colleges in the 12 southern states. Now, CCGA was chosen to host the Board of Regents meeting in April 2017. CGA is governed by the Board of Regents committee. The Board of Regents will be meeting eight times this year with only two being held at institutions in the Georgia system. Not many schools are chosen to be hosts for these meetings, so we are very fortunate that our school has been selected. Dr. Umfress, CCGA’s Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, believes that we were chosen because “we’ve been incredibly successful at managing our institution - growing in areas such as enrollment, faculty, facilities and our programs- and we have a great location.” During these board meetings, board members discuss financial entities, rules and regulations, and other important concepts for Georgia’s University School System. he College of Coastal Georgia has the great opportunity to host one of the meetings this year with “the ability to show off how hard the school system has been working and even to brag on a few of our students,’ says Dr. Umfress. CCGA’s faculty and staff sat down with the administrators to create a list of the students that they thought would be helpful and who would have the ability to interact appropriately with the board members. These students were then nominated to be student hosts for the meeting’s happenings. he luncheon was held at the Southeast Georgia Conference Center on our Brunswick campus. This event presented the opportunity for students to converse with some of the well respected board members as well as the presidents from other universities. CCGA’s culinary students served a delicious, three course meal while the Hospitality students served our attendees.




Above: Multiple student hosts interacting with Board members at the luncheon hosted at the Southeast Georgia Conference Center.

Coastal Corner

April | 5

Above: Foster Hayes, President of the Student Government Association at CCGA, gives a speech during the Board of Regents luncheon. He spoke on behalf of the student body thanking the multiple board members who joined us. left: Alexandra Heeter, Editor in Chief for the newspaper at CCGA, converses with the Interim President at Bainbridge State College. “The single best piece of advice Dr. Rayfield shared with me,” Ms. Heeter mentioned ”was to seize every great opportunity that comes my way. Even if it doesn’t seem to match perfectly with my precisely planned path, take the leap and enjoy the amazing benefits that typically follow.”

right: Presidential Ambassadors, Kayla Lad and Arron Beck, meeting Dr. Amstutz, Interim President of the College of Coastal Georgia

left: Culinary students, Monica Kessler and Anthony Barley, set up the buffet tables filled with gourmet foods that they made themselves! Right: Culinary student, Nick Thrasher, serves one of the Board members. All of the servers created and maintained beautiful table setups and took great care of all attendees.


6 by: alexandra Heeter

klean appetites and a healthy lifestyle

The Energized Edition

Get Energized with Exercise

1. 2. 3.

Why Exercise?

Beat Fatigue!

Studies show that exercise helps increase alertness and energy which in turn will keep you amped during the last weeks of school. So even if you’re already tired, get up and at least exercise for 20 minutes.

How to eat for optimal exercising: Pre-Workout: Fuel Up

Don’t operate on empty. Be sure to hydrate with water, eat healthy carbs such as apples or bananas, and avoid saturated fats and a lot of protein.

Look good, feel good!

When you look good, you feel good. Exercising is a natural activity that will get you looking more like your natural self, which is good lookin’. So start exercising, spruce up a little, and get energized.

Stress Less!

Studies show that the more you exercise, the more endorphins you release. Endorphins=happiness and happiness=less stress. Source: acefitness.org

During Workout: Pit Stops

Stay hydrated with small, frequent sips of water. Don’t eat during a workout unless it is longer than an hour.

Post-Workout: Refuel

Refuel your body with fluids, carbs and proteins. A balanced diet is the way to go!


Dorm, Good Cooking

Energize-me Smoothie

Ingredients: • • • • • • •

Banana Kale Berries Greek Yogurt Almond Milk Chia Seeds Spirulina Powder


Health Benefits of Spirulina: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Immune Support Protein Supplement Maintainence of eye health High in B vitamins (ENERGY!) 18 different amino acids

Directions: Put everything in a blender, blend until smooth, and drink up!




April | 7

How To Get Energized


1. 2. 3.

ith final exams among us, we are typically studying more and overworking our mind and bodies. We pull all-nighters, drink enough caffeine to fuel our mission to mars, and study until the words on our notecards start to blur. e typically worry about how to de-stress ourselves around these intense exam schedules. However, after some self analyzing during my meditation sessions, I have realized that I, myself, need more energy! Here are a few ways that I get energized so that I am fully prepared to take on exams’ week.

Get a good night’s sleep. Form nightly rituals

that allow for you to pass out at the desired time that you wish. I usually have to wake up by 6:00 or 7:00 am, so I start my hour-long nightly ritual around 9:00 pm. I typically start with a candlelit bath with lavender

Naps! Too old to nap? Too busy to nap? Think again. Just 15-20 minutes of shut eye could give you an energy boost. In the middle of my busy 1 job, 1 internship and 15-hour school schedule, I try to either sit in my car or hide in the office for at least 15 minutes after lunch to get a quick nap in before I get right back Meditate! My other, second favorite thing. After I

scramble getting my things together for the long day ahead of me and right before I head out the door, I sit on my patio for 6 minutes every day to meditate. This is vitally important for my mind-body connection. If you haven’t started meditating yet, you should probably look into forming a daily habit of it.


5. 6. 7.

Afternoon tea instead of coffee. I start my day with a large cup of Joe. However, if it’s mid-day, I try to stay away from coffee and aim towards green tea. I prefer green tea because it has a lot of antioxidants, supports my metabolic functions, and has a little caffeine to give me an afternoon boost.

WATER! My favorite thing. Water is life=life is..life? Trust me, drink tons of water, okay?!

Music! My second favorite thing. This part doesn’t need much explanation. Just play some good tunes and get your body movin’ to wake up with some energy. Exercise. In order for my hyper-active self to become

tired enough to fall asleep at night, I have to do some form of strenuous physical activity at least once a day. If I do not exercise, I find myself scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest until 2am in the morning AFTER my nightly ritual was performed. What a waste!

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820 Scranton Rd

Coastal Corner



Nest Editorial Department:

editor in chief ...................................Alexandra Heeter editorinchief@ccga.edu Sports Editor................................Sam Doppke sportseditor@ccga.edu DESIGN EDITOR ....................................... Kaye Rich designeditor@ccga.edu Copy EDItor ..................................... Lexi Dybe copyeditor@ccga.edu Ad Manager .......................................Marina Rubio admanager@ccga.edu ADVISOR .......................................Ginger Chaffinch gchaffinch@ccga.edu

Staff Writers & Contributors: Sam Doppke Kaye Rich Ginger Chaffinch Derek Pak

Allie Heeter Lexi Dybe Kynder Ganoe Robert Gabriel

Statement of Operations: The Crow’s Nest is the official student newspaper of the College of Coastal Georgia, owned and operated by CCGA students using facilities provided by the College. MISSION: Our mission is to provide the Coastal Georgia community with truthful and ethical content of interest. Any questions regarding content or anyone wishing to report corrections and errors please call 912.279.5898 or email crowsnest@ccga.edu. Publication Information: The newspaper is published approximately every three weeks during the academic year and is printed by The Brunswick News Publishing Co. in Brunswick, Ga. Advertising: The Crow’s Nest allots advertising space each issue for both on-campus and offcampus entities. For more information about rates, payment methods, formatting and deadlines, please call 912.279.5898 or email admanager@ccga. edu. Notice: Unauthorized removal of multiple copies from a distribution site constitutes theft under Georgia law, a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine and/or jail time. The advertiser is responsible for all information







arts & Entertainment

March | 9

Join us for a


FREE WI-FI ORDER ONLINE at applebees.com. Applebee’s® Brunswick • 177 Altama Connector • Brunswick, GA 31525 • 912.262.5800 *

Excludes Build Your Own Sampler, Classic Combo and Bar Snacks. Dine-in only.

Coastal corner


Freedom of expression college of coastal georgia

A New Policy at CCGA by: Lexi dybe s of April 5th, 2017, there is a new policy on the CCGA campus. It is a policy that allows both students and non-students to come together and show their views. With a simple filing out of a document and an approval anything is possible. he policy “makes sure that the institution keeps students safe while the peaceful assembly goes on, without disturbing the normal school day” Dr. Michael Butcher, Assistant VP of Student Affairs says, breaking down the terms. This policy actually just “talks about how free speech and peaceful assembly are guaranteed as an American, and that does not change when you enter the college campus. CCGA wanted to provide that opportunity for both students and even community members.” Another quote from Dr. Butcher, saying that not only can students voice their opinions, but community members as well. It does not change anything on campus,



but puts students’ rights in a clearer view. t was not just staff who made this policy, but it was the faculty, SGA, and the President’s Cabinet provided input. SGA was honored to help with the making of the Freedom of Expression Policy, as SGA President Foster Hayes said, “anytime that CCGA makes a policy with SGA, it is a really cool opportunity.” He also agrees that students’ input and opinion is essential on a college campus. Without their voice there is no college. It also turns out that Campus Police were putting their part in, Dr. Butcher pointed out “Campus Police have been very supportive of this policy because of the way they do their community policing and they very much respect this right of students to express themselves, and it gives guidelines to continue the friendly campus policing. The policy was developed in conjuction with the University System of Georgia’s legal counsel. he policy points out that the public



forum location on the Brunswick campus is right in front of the Campus Center in the grassy area, and the north side of the Camden Center. The policy could have placed the public forum locations anywhere on campus. However, they wanted the assembly to be in a location very visible, yet far enough from classes that there would be no disturbances. Therefore, the grassy lawn of the Campus Center and the Camden Center location was the ideal place. As Foster reassures, “CCGA is not trying to limit us, but support us in the process.” With the way the policy lays out the form and suggestions “it makes it easier for both those requesting permission to meet on campus and the administration who review it,” Dr. Butcher says. Even if the assembly is on a very controversial topic, as long as there is respect on both sides the assembly is perfectly fine. But respect is key in any situation, from both the assembly and passing students.

health center

Let the caps fly and the celebration begin! It’s the time of year when graduates receive various congratulatory notes and messages about finding their passions, chasing success, and thriving in the real world. These messages encompass what a healthy lifestyle is all about – making positive choices relating to our physical, social and mental health. Below are some helpful tips from Open Education Database for students to maintain a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle after college. Sleep Patterns: Many college students suffer from sleep deprivation due to all night study sessions. It’s best to develop healthy sleep habits post-graduation in order to prepare you for a nine-to-five gig. If you are having difficulties establishing a routine try taking a hot bath, reading or listening to music to enter into a relaxed state of mind. Avoid any physical activity, caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol right before bedtime. Eating Habits: After graduation students will not have access to meals in the dining hall. When preparing meals, stay away from prepackaged meals or calling for takeout. These foods have more fat, salt and sugar than our bodies need.ww As you transition to work life, stay away from foods out of the vending machine. Have snacks like nuts, apples, carrots, or celery available for those afternoon munchies. Work-Life Balance: Unplug from technology and make quality time, true quality time. Get involved with social or spiritual groups that enrich your life. Spend time with loved ones even if it’s a phone call. Thearon fiFilson Administrative Assistant Student Health Center

Coastal Corner

April |October 11 11

Getting Involved

From One Student To Another

By: Sam Doppke


tudents mainly come to college so they can learn, right? Well if that’s all you’re getting out of the ‘college experience’ then there is nobody to put at fault, but yourself. There are so much more fun and exciting things going on around the campus yearround to help you have a better college experience. So, from one student to another I encourage you to go out and start getting involved! ll students should be more involved in activities around campus because that participation and diversity helps to enrich everyone’s college experience. It helps make each student’s college experience more rewarding by fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie you don’t get by just being a commuter student. ou came to college in part to successfully mature and advance to the next stage of your life, and the social interaction you have with a diverse student body will teach you many things the classroom alone can’t deliver. Students also come to college to prepare themselves to enter their careers and society as wellbalanced members, not only knowledgeable in things they have learned, but also assemble into larger groups of people with often different values, systems, goals, and desires as you do. ew students can often benefit greatly from the kernels of knowledge, tips, and tricks picked up by senior students.



Students can avoid common pitfalls and mistakes by taking advantage of a wider knowledge bank offered by those who have been there and done that. Socialization for first-year and transferring students has unlimited benefits, including getting more familiar with the campus and the extracurricular activities offered in the community. It also encourages students to grow beyond their usual comfort zone. Which will allow for a richer experience by exposing students who are willing to take part. he College of Coastal Georgia is growing each and every year so as one student to another I encourage everybody to start getting more involved and live it up while here at CCGA. Take it from somebody who stayed trapped in a box during my first semester. I was too nervous to go out and meet new people so all I did was go to class then go to my room at the house. My first semester dragged by because of this, but once I signed up to be a member of Mariner Recreation each day started to fly by. ow I’m on my way to being a Junior and the past year has flown by thanks to me going out and becoming more involved at Coastal. So, I encourage every student to start getting more involved and take advantage of every opportunity to become completely immersed in college life for a richer, more rewarding college experience.



Email us: crowsnest@ccga.edu


hey, from sga!

Coastal Corner


he Student Government Association is a student organization on campus that provides leadership to represent and advocate for students and also improve student life at CCGA. SGA at the College of Coastal Georgia strives to be the voice for every Mariner! Below, we have listed some feedback and concerns that we have received about our campus and responded to them. sga@ccga.edu

Concern/Feedback: As a student who is a science major I find it really hard to have classes only on Monday through Thursday. I find that everything conflicts and I am not able to take the amount of classes needed to graduate as soon as I could if there were also Friday classes offered. I didn't know what I would have to do to try and get Friday classes reinstated even if it were just for the science classes or their lab. If you wouldn't mind helping me get into the right path to possibly make this happen I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time and consideration.

SGA’s Response SGA is currently in the process of making a survey to send out to students to see if the student body as a whole prefers having Friday classes or sticking to the schedule that we are currently on. Be on the look out for that survey so you can give us more of your feedback.

Concern/Feedback: It states that cable is offered, but you have to purchase a converter to access the cable, which I did and still was unable to aquire any channels. I accompanied a friend to college last year and upon arrival the students had an option of getting an appropriate cable box supplied by the provider maybe there can be some type of agreement with the service provider of the school.

SGA’s Response “Our cable provider Apogee/Resnet provides cable for our two on campus residence halls. It is an upgrade from out previous cable provider and therefore is not compatible with older tvs and those tvs need what is called a “QAM Tuner.” These tuners help the TV pick up higher definition channels. Most TVs now come with that installed but some do not and they must be purchased. The cable company does provide those to students for purchase, but they are also sold through

senior spotlight What is your full name? Jacquelyn Jenkins

What is your major? American studies

What are your career goals? Career in public history

Walmart, Amazon and other familiar providers. The cable company also sends a representative out if the student needs help installing the QAM tuner.” –Tiffany Davis, Associate Director of Residence Life and Housing

Concern/Feedback: I like this school ok but it could really use some improvement. The workers at Financial Aid and Academic Advising are always rude. Getting financial aid coming to this school was hell on earth. I don't know where to begin. A lot of disorganization in the Financial Aid office. Lack of communication and motivation to get the job done, but I can understand due to the influx of kids coming in since the school went four-year. I would apply for FAFSA, Parent Plus and the girls would never seem to get it together. It sometimes just got ridiculous. Some of the people here are snobby, but that's really not a big deal. I don't really like the fact that it cost money to use the washer and dryer, but I have heard the administration would make it free next year. I like Chartswell but I feel like we should have more options, especially during lunch time. I did NOT like the fact that one of my classes required me to purchase very expensive, non-refundable books and supplies, come to figure out that we can't use them.

SGA’s Response Thank you for your detailed concerns about the campus. You bring up many important issues that are currently under review. For campus housing, our laundry will be free beginning Fall 2017. We are working with Dining Services to provide additional options and availability for next year. We are continuing to expand our free online textbook options to lower costs for students.

Jacquelyn Jenkins What activities/club were you involved in at CCGA?

Who was your favorite faculty/ staff?


Dr. Mulry and Dr. Morris

Where are you from? Savannah, GA

What was the best part of CCGA?

Did you transfer to CCGA? From where?

Meeting great people


Do you have a funny CCGA story? N/A

Anything that you want people to know about CCGA? The College of Coastal Georgia has grown exponentially in the short time I’ve been here. Attending this college has been a great learning experience and where I’ve made the best memories and met great people.

Coastal Corner Sports

February April October | 13 | 13 | 13

CLUB Spotlight:

VALOR By: Lexi Dybe


CGA has a club unlike any other, it is called VALOR. An acronym for Veterans Academic Learning Opportunities and Resources. It is a family, and just like family, it is informal. I will be switching things up and writing in a more relaxed form, for this club changed my view on a lot of aspects. ALOR is a club that “helps veterans move from a military setting to a civilian and education setting” and Shonda, the president tells me. Irvan, a VALOR member, then tells me that VALOR is much more than that statement. Its aim is “to help veterans to feel like family as they enter school regardless of Above: Club members of VALOR gather for a club photo. branch. It goes deeper than just ‘VALOR’. It is a family line”. Being a member of VALOR, he loves everyone there dearly. Brenda, another member of VALOR, was a sweet character who speaks the truth, she told me “we come here and they accept us and we don’t feel different. Even with our disabilities.” VALOR is a mix of meanings, but all of them are for the good. ALOR does community service, volunteer work, and more. They helped Altama Elementary and nursing homes. It is to build a better resume, to help them grow and to help them find what they love. They have meetings every two weeks, the next one being April 28th at 11am in the Veteran’s Lounge (in the SAC). But if you wish to join VALOR then you can even just visit the lounge. It is usually occupied and they can answer any questions you have, whether you are a veteran or not. Anyone can join the club. They also have events coming up such as the Military Appreciation Day April 28th, and Party for Graduating members May 1st. They are worth coming to. ALOR is for “civilians” as well, or individuals who have never been part of the military. It is a great learning experience and can change your life and views. As another non-military member points out that “I think it is great. I think it helps me to understand my husband more, who is a vet.” Everyone knows someone either in the military or who has been. “Which is why we want more non-military people to join us too, because we want everyone to understand and so that they cannot just help us, but help other people understand,” Chris tells me. Because people can judge without knowing. Some people who are being judged have served our country and need respect. They help others as family would help a relative in need. hey also told me that their mascot is James’ cat Keanu jokingly. They have wits and joy, and just overall, they are amazing. If you just wish to talk to them then your entire mindset might be changed. Just as mine has been. VALOR is close-connected and in all, they are always willing to add a new member to their family.



Final Exam Schedule



Email us: crowsnest@ccga.edu



Sports Spotlight Hometown? Nahunta, Ga

Favorite sport to watch? Softball/Baseball (Braves)

Favorite feeling in the world? Getting in bed after a long day

Worst feeling? Getting cleated in a softball game

Favorite song/artist? Fl/Ga line

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

Storms – Cool or Scary? I’m terrified of storms


Zodiac sign?

Baby Blue

SPORT: Softball


Favorite Board game? Favorite color?

Ceejay Ham

Favorite type of music?

Ringtone? Normal annoying Verizon ringtone

How many times do you let your phone ring before picking up? Probably as soon as it rings

What is most important in your life right now? Finishing school

Favorite food?


If you could meet one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be? Kevin Hart

Dream Job? Owning a Daycare

Favorite movie? The Holiday

Is the glass half empty or half full? Always half full

Chicken and Rice


Favorite type of music?

Hoboken, GA

I like all music

Favorite sport to watch?

Favorite song/artist?

College Basketball

The Weekend

Favorite feeling in the world?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Beating Banks every day at practice


Worst feeling?

Storms – Cool or Scary?

No toilet paper

If I’m inside I’m having a grand time

Favorite Board game?

Zodiac sign?

Chutes and Ladders


Favorite color?

If you could meet one famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?


jared johns SPORT: tennis

Ringtone? King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard- Rattlesnake

How many times do you let your phone ring before picking up?

Jesus Christ

Dream Job? Donald Trump’s caddy

Favorite movie?

Until everyone in the room starts dancing

The Revenant

What’s most important in your life right now?

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Taking life one step at the time

Depends what I’m drinking

Favorite food? Any of Grandmas fixins

March | 15


april sports schedule men’s Golf: April 17th – Opening round of the SSAC Men’s Golf Championship

WOMen’s Golf: April 24th – Opening round of the SSAC Women's Golf Championship

Men’s Tennis: April 20th – Opening round of the SSAC Men’s Tennis Tournament

Women’s Tennis: April 20th – opening round of the SSAC Women’s Tennis Tournament

Softball: April 21st – Double-header @ (3) Brenau University 2:00 PM April 22nd – Double-header @ Faulkner University 2:00 PM April 27th – Opening round of the SSAC Softball Tournament

Another year, another record breaking season T

he College of Coastal Georgia Women’s Softball team (32-16) has had yet another record breaking season. The team has a set a new school record for wins in a single season for a second straight year with more games left to play in the 2017 season. The Mariners received three top-25 in the latest coaches’ poll this past week. After that, chances are looking high for the Mariners to end up cracking the top-25 for the first time in school history as only two of the remaining games on their schedule are away from home. ead Coach Mike Minick is pleased with the strides the team has been able to make this season. It has been a very good season so far,” said Coach Minick on how the season has progressed. “If we continue to play well and win we can accomplish our preseason goals.” he Mariners have made waves all season long in the Southern States Athletic Conference with a handful of wins over Top-25 teams to top it off. Senior Dawn Stewart has played a huge role in the team’s success and says she has had an extremely fun time in the process. “I would describe this season as the best year that I have had while here at Coastal. The girls are great players on the field and also great people off of the field,” she said when talking about her experience this season. This season has been record breaking! We have broken many school records already, and we have a lot more softball to play. For the first time ever we have had two players nominated for player of the week for the conference. Olivia Husted was

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conference player of the week for week 1. And I was conference pitcher of the week this past week after throwing a 7 inning shutout on senior day,” said Stewart when reflecting on of the Women’s accomplishments this season. his is an amazing season for the Mariners who have been working hard all season long to improve and their record defiantly shows that. Each year this team gets better and it shows after not being able to qualify for the conference tournament in 2013, to this year looking forward to Nationals. We were looked at as kind of the underdog of our conference and now we are beating nationally ranked teams and currently hold fourth place in the SSAC conference standings.” Stewart added. hese women are enjoying what has been a remarkable season here at Coastal Georgia and plan to continue to ride the momentum of it to close out the regular season. These women still have games left to play and have their toughest test coming with a double header against the division leader and number three team in the nation, Brenau University. encourage everybody here at The College of Coastal Georgia to go out and support your fellow Mariners as they continue to rewrite the record books here at CCGA. Free admission to all students with their CCGA ID in hand.

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By: sam doppke

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