2 minute read


Written by Chris Staak, ESO Surveyors, FIC Chair

In line with the theme of this issue of Civil Connect (Look how far we’ve come), I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on what we as a committee have achieved.

We started off the year in planning mode, working on developing our inaugural professional development program, with facilitator Peter Karounos. The 8-week program will give participants the knowledge, skills and motivation to grow, improve, perform and change to ultimately achieve success. Delivered in a mixture of online and face to face, the inaugural program has 8 participants, and we can’t wait to share with you their experiences and feedback. We will be running two programs in 2023, so keep your eyes out for those dates early next year. I would like to thank Stewart Edwards (formally from BMD) for his commitment to working with Peter to pull this program together. Stewart is about to embark on a new adventure, as he is moving to the UK. We wish him the best of luck, and we will miss his energy and commitment for the FIC.

We have held 2 social media workshops, thanks to CCF SA Business Partners, Digital Marketing AOK. Attendees learnt who their celebrity twin is, and how to get the most out of your profiles on LinkedIn. Another successful program which we will look at hosting again in 2023. Committee members Markus Schuster, from Bennett Plumbing & Civil, worked with the team at Biancos and arranged a site tour of the precast yards. A great turn out from across industry, along with attendees representing Uni SA and DIT. We have the most exciting news to kick off 2023 – with a big celebration to match. Make sure you get along to our first event in 2023 to find out more!

If you, or anyone you know would like to get involved in the Future in Civil Committee, please send an email to futureincivil@ccfsa.com.au to find out more!

On behalf of the FIC, I would like to wish you, your team, and your families a very happy Christmas and a here’s cheers to a prosperous 2023.