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civil train



CCF SA were honoured to be shortlisted as a Finalist for the Civil Industry Schoolbased Pre-Apprenticeship model at the 2022 South Australian Training Awards. Although the project remained as a finalist, we are proud to be recognised for the success of ROADS2Civil.

In addition, Roads2Civil became proud FINALIST for the Industry Collaboration Award.

Why an Industry collaboration award? Well, it is the 8 collaborative partners who support this project to ensure its success.


Roads2Civil is a school based pre apprenticeship program creating opportunities for students to become Civil Apprentices. CCF SA have created a streamline pathway into the Civil industry, with Civil Train SA delivering the accredited training and employability skills to students, and CACL GTO activating Industry support and employment opportunities. Our extended partners who drive the project, have come together to produce a partnership program that offers practical real-life experience to participants on live work sites that will result in the beautification of the grounds where they work on to acquire their skills – the local councils, community centres and local host schools. Renewal SA supports live site visits, and CITB supplies PPE to all the students. Local Secondary schools enable the exposure of the project for all Year 10-12 students. These support the $10 billion infrastructure investment from government whose key focus is to create sustainable careers in the sector for a new and younger workforce.


Roads2Civil model is an intensive, immersive training project with innovative, alternative delivery pathways that addresses the needs of the SACE system and our Civil industry. The ability to deliver a cluster of units rather than a whole qualification to meet SACE requirements has allowed us to tailor flexible and appropriate programs that meet our industry’s needs. Secondary Schools now have a viable alternative trade pathway with genuine employment opportunities at the end of each program for suitable participants, either as a school-based apprenticeship or full-time apprenticeship at the completion of their schooling years. The future introduction of a new Flexible Industry Pathway, by Department of Education in Civil Construction, will be a key outcome and acknowledgement of the program's success. WHAT ARE THE EXPECTED OUTCOMES OF ROADS2CIVIL?

Local communities will benefit from the beautification of the community spaces and the positive engagement of young people in their local areas. Many of them are at risk of disengaging from the school environment and missing opportunities to access positive connection relating to local community support, training opportunities, employment, and workplace experiences. Secondary schools have been able to secure employment outcomes for many of their students using clear, established pathways to create opportunities to those interested in pursuing careers in the Civil industry. Activating an innovative method of SACE completion. The GTO is able to take time over the course of each program, to carefully screen potential apprentices before offering apprenticeships to the right candidates. Thus, the potential of improving the completion rates of each of those apprenticeships is exponential. Industry partners have the option to either hire apprentices directly, or they can choose to use the services of CACL (the GTO) to broker the recruitment of their apprentices. They can also meet with prospective apprentices and observe their development over a sustained period, which should result in improving apprenticeship completion and ongoing employment rates.

AXcelerate Client Portal: Timetable Report

Civil Train has created an easy step-by-step video tutorial so you can learn how to generate a timetable report for your students or clients using your client portal!

Scan the QR code below to watch the tutorial on YouTube. If you don’t have a client portal, or would like more information, call one of our friendly staff on (08) 8111 8000