Cercle n10

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By Cosmina Stan & Andreea Belba How did you come up with the idea of setting up this company? The art world is a very exciting place to be right now. There is a proliferation of new galleries, cultures and artists not just in London but right the way around the world. One of the new trends that I particularly like, for instance, is what could be called pop up galleries and museums. The exciting aspect is that whereas these often would be in designated buildings they are now popping up in unconventional spaces such as restaurants, cafes, hotels and night clubs. These type of places attract new audiences and generate a very different buzz. That’s how we came up with our first art show hosted by a high end Japanese restaurant in Belgravia. We showcased the work of one emerging artist from East Europe who was exhibiting here

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for the first time. The show was an enormous success in its own right and as a result we were approached by other artists.

What does your company do? How would you describe your brand? Belsta Art and Events focuses on Art Consultancy, Events Management and PR. We look at everybody on a case-by-case basis – because art is very personalized. So we determine where they are in their career and what their current interests and objectives are. As a result of this approach, our network of clients is growing around the world. Art after all is both global and local. Our inventory and directory of locations, alongside our desire to turn an event into a party is what gives us a very distinctive identity.

Who do target at? Who is your clientele? Belsta has a portfolio of over 2,000 clients and collectors and we have a large black address book to fall back upon when it comes to arranging private art views, organizing exhibitions and performances, creating custom made events and management, and branding. Effectively we cover all aspects of art consultancy.

Which locations do you use for your art shows? Belsta carefully chooses glamorous and breath-taking locations around the world such as high-end hotels, art galleries, private member clubs, restaurants, maisons, loft apartments and penthouses. We look for the unusual and unique and, of course, places that have a very refined and upmarket feel. We’d say we are trying to stage and build an atmosphere of drama and theatrics that excites people.

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