October Issue 2015

Page 37




“Fantastic Four� movie not so fantastic “Holy Cow� brings unique spin to novels “Fantastic Four� BY RYAN SOLOMON

“Fantastic Fourâ€? was released on Aug. 7, and was a tremendous disappointment. The only highlights of the movie were the nostalgia it brought back from the RULJLQDO Ă€OP EDFN LQ DQG WKH DPD]ing special effects that tend to make superhero movies so appealing to viewers. Starring Miles Teller as Reed Richards, also known as Mr. Fantastic, the movie opens with D Ă DVKEDFN RI KLP DV KH Ă€QDOO\ FRPpletes his invention of transporting objects into unknown places and dimensions for his school science fair. It is one of the IHZ JUHDW LPSOHPHQWDWLRQV LQ WKH Ă€OP DV it gives the audience a sense of the characters’ early life. 7KH Ă€OP WKHQ WUDQVLWLRQV WR WKH SUHVent, when Richards and his team of four transport into an alternate universe. They come back to discover new physical and mental superpowers. Together the Fantastic Four work towards defeating Doctor

Doom, a brilliant scientist who was once a friend of Richards, and since obtaining his powers, has only planned destruction for the world around him. The movie was a remake of the origiQDO ´)DQWDVWLF )RXU Âľ PDGH EDFN LQ but it did not live up to the standards the media surrounded it with. The attempt to EULQJ \RXQJ Ă DVK\ DFWRUV LQWR WKH SODFH RI WKH SUHYLRXV DGXOW Ă€OOHG UROHV ZDV D mistake, as the dialogue was childish, ill humored and jumbled. 7KH Ă€OP IDLOHG WR HQWHUWDLQ WKH DXGLence. The plot was dull, with no twists or turns to excite the audience, leaving the audience sitting back in their chairs as opposed to hanging off WKH HGJH 7KH Ă€OP HVVHQtially acted as one long trailer. Nothing major ever happened, and when it did, no one seemed to notice or care. “Fantastic Fourâ€? was a big failure on Hollywood’s end. It was surrounded with so much hype and money, and ended up with such few sales compared to previous superhero movLHV %R[ RIĂ€FHV VDLG ´WKH opening weekend was a nightmare for Fox,â€? only JURVVLQJ PLOOLRQ WKH ORZHVW RI DQ\ 0DUYHO PRYLH VLQFH Slow and downbeat, this version of “Fantastic Fourâ€? shows Director Josh Trank’s awful attempt to remake such a FODVVLF Ă€OP PLVVLQJ DOO RI WKH NH\ HOHments that once made Tim Story’s verVLRQ LQ VR VXFFHVVIXO

“Holy Cow�


The novel “Holy Cowâ€? by David 'XFKRYQ\ LV D ZLWW\ SLHFH Ă€OOHG ZLWK serious moments, dry humor and very unique characters that Duchovny made very charming. “Holy Cowâ€? is based on a cow, Elsie Bovary, and her best friend, Mallory, also a cow, who both live on a family farm with her friends. Mallory and Elsie go through transformations of character together but become cows that are really quite different. Elsie and Mallory were best friends who gossiped, explored and had makeovers together, but they turned an age where Mallory became interested in the farm’s bulls and hanging out with them and Elsie became interested in the family’s “Box Godâ€? (the television) that they, and she, watched every night. The other characters convey their humor based off of their diversity. Shalom, formerly known as Jerry, a pig, who after recently converting to Judaism, studies Torah everyday, regardless of the fact

that he is not allowed to go to his homeland due to the uncontrollable fact that he is not kosher. Lastly, Tom, a turkey with a heavy German accent, gives great advice. Each character is unique, with his or her personalities, troubles, and priorities. 0DOORU\ LV FUD]\ IRU WKH EXOOV HVSHFLDOO\ 6WHYH (OVLH KRZHYHU SULRULWL]HV HVFDSing her fate. She watches the horrors of what goes on in an industrial meat farm through the window of the family’s house as they watched the “Box God.â€? :KLOH 0DOORU\ LV EXV\ Ă LUWLQJ ZLWK and being enchanted by the bulls, Elsie H[SORUHV WKH IDUP (OVLH VRRQ Ă€QGV WKH family sitting in their living room, mesPHUL]HG E\ WKH ´%R[ God.â€? As Elsie learns more about the world off the farm from it she becomes more and more engrossed with the real ZRUOG K\SQRWL]HG DOmost every night. “Holy Cowâ€? documents the journey of Ms. Bovary and her friends, out of the farm, into the airport, on the plane and more. The adventure is like no other, both intriguing and funny. 7KLV QRYHO LV Ă€OOHG with witty humor, and it gives a delightful personality to the farm animals that most people don’t think about as having feelings. In this wild adventure with the most charming farm animals, Duchovny succeeded in giving this unique crew, especially Elsie, charm, character, wit and humor, while also addressing the pressing issues of the world, like animal cruelty.

The Weeknd album explores new genres YoNutz brings together two sweet treats “Beauty Behind the Madness� BY KAITLYN PFEIL

Abel Tesfaye has proven to his audience that he is not only a soothing R&B singer, but also a pop sensation with his new debut album, “Beauty Behind the Madness.â€? Using voices from many known artists ranging from the earthy vibe of Lana Del Rey to the melodic keys of Labrinth, the album generates a newfound love and appreciation for the world around celebrities. The album, released on Aug. KDV FUHDWHG D whole new realm to the sound of rhythm and blues. 7KH :HHNQG JRHV RQ WR DPD]H SHRple with his ability to change sounds so gracefully. The album provides sounds for a muVLFDOO\ GLYHUVH DXGLHQFH 7KH Ă€UVW WUDFN on the release, “Real Life,â€? is a rock song but later proceeds to interest many with an instrumental base and less electronics, which deviates from his normal music, such as “Often,â€? and his earlier hit, “Wicked Games.â€? This album seems to tell more about his life as an international sensation rath-

er than his life as R&B singer, which gives his audience a taste of his life outside of fame and his personal objectives as a celebrity. He starts to go deeper into his personal life by his third track, “Tell Your Friends.� On this track, Tesfaye sides back with his original sound, reminiscing on his earlier hits, which had generDWHG KLV LQLWLDO IDPH LQ The Weeknd also adds some of his PRVW K\SQRWL]LQJ DQG IDPRXV O\ULFV RQ songs that have already been leaked and placed on iTunes a few weeks before the album was even released. Tracks include: “Often,� “The Hills,� “Can’t Feel my Face,� and “Earned it (Fifty Shades of Grey).� Lana Del Rey adds a mysterious effect to this collection of music, taking part in the track “Prisoner.� The song goes on to tell a love story. It has become a piece that consists of a kind of haunting beauty, with melodies in the background of the song that add an effect to the powerful feeling the song gives. Overall, this album is not The Weeknd’s best but it shows another side of his music that his listeners have never seen before. The album could have had more new tracks—only having 14. The pros of this album had a lot to do with the way every song had a relationship that tied in closely to the title of the album. Tesfaye will perform these songs, as well as some of his classics, on his Beauty Behind the Madness Tour.


In South Florida, there are a variety of places to go when craving a sugary treat. <R1XW] LV GHÀQLWHO\ WKH PRVW XQLTXH DQG delicious dessert shop in the area. The familyoperated shop opened last year in Sunrise behind Ikea, focusing on two very different desserts and creating an original menu. The store name cleverly combines yogurt and donuts to clearly state the shop’s specialties. The inside of the store gives off a comfortable, friendly vibe. With quirky mismatched furniture and smiling staff members, the food is not the only thing that keeps customers coming back for more. <R1XW] KDV D YDULHW\ RI GRQXWV LQFOXGLQJ RULJLQDOV OLNH JOD]HG DQG chocolate frosted as well as bold, strange à DYRUV VXFK DV PDSOH EDFRQ DQG FUqPH brÝlÊe. There are no preservatives, trans IDW RU DQ\ DUWLÀFLDO à DYRULQJV LQ WKH donuts and they are made from scratch

on a daily basis. 7KHUH LV DOVR IUR]HQ \RJXUW ZLWK Ă DYRUV WKDW VDWLVI\ HYHU\ WDVWH SUHIHUHQFH LQFOXGLQJ IUXLW\ Ă DYRUV DV ZHOO DV VZHHW DQG VDYRU\ Ă DYRUV 7KH \RJXUW LV QRW RQO\ delectable, but also healthy. There are no additives or preservatives and the yogurt is even available in sugar free and gluten IUHH Ă DYRUV $QRWKHU IUR]HQ WUHDW <R1XW] offers is ice cream. Compared to the ZDWHU\ WH[WXUH RI WKH IUR]HQ \RJXUW WKH ice cream is smooth and rich. There are also items on the menu that combine the two foods to get the full <R1XW] H[SHULHQFH $ <R1XW] VKDNH blends the donut of choice and soft serve ice cream into a creamy donut milkshake. This blend creates an exquisite QHZ Ă DYRU WKDW is incredibly pleasing. Since the donuts are delivered every morning the freshness of the donuts is guaranteed. Although it is nice to know when and where your donut was made there is a downside. Depending on how much business the shop gets, they may run out of donuts for that day. It would EH EHQHĂ€FLDO WR ERWK WKH EXVLQHVV DQG WKH customers to make the donuts in the store and have an unlimited supply. Although the combination of donuts DQG IUR]HQ \RJXUW LV XQFRPPRQ WKH WZR Ă DYRUV FRPSOHPHQW HDFK RWKHU DQG DUH sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.

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