1 minute read


Featured Speaker Captain Richard Phillips

An amazing leader...a highly intriguing story...a presentation of remarkable impact. Captain Phillips will not only share his compelling story, but as a “floating CEO” in charge of the day-today operations of a multi-million dollar ship and the crew he managed, he also draws lessons from those dramatic events that can help you and your organization survive and thrive, even in these times when hope and support seem to be in very short supply. He will discuss the vital importance of leadership and teamwork, combined with a belief in the power and potential of yourself and your team, as seen through the eyes of an unassuming hero who conquered an extraordinary challenge. This “Hero of the High Seas” has a powerful and timely message that will dramatically energize and inform you and your team.

Thursday, November 9 - 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.


Steering Your Ship Through Rough Waters: Lessons on Leadership


Learn from the man who had Osama Bin Laden in his sights and led the team that killed him. When Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator Robert J. O’Neill was a SEAL Team Six leader, he led extractions under enemy fire, tailed terrorists for days, and snuck onto land to meet with sources. His training taught him to be resourceful and make good decisions no matter the circumstances. Now he shares his lessons from these experiences to show you how to achieve what may seem impossible and become the best version of yourself. Based on his book The Way Forward: Master Life’s Toughest Battles and Create Your Lasting Legacy, Robert O’Neill offers audiences a deeper look into how to use hard-earned lessons from both his time in combat and his personal life to accomplish their goals, overcome adversity, and discover the hero within you.

Friday, November 10

7:00 a.m - 8:30 a.m. - A. O. SMITH BREAKFAST

The Way Forward: Master Life’s Toughest Battles and Create Your Lasting Legacy