CBC Winter Newsletter 2021-22

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Christian Brothers’ College Monkstown Park Winter Newsletter 2021-22 Dear Parent/Guardian and Student, As we emerge from the Christmas season and begin anew in 2022, it is a good time to reflect on the past few months in CBC and document many of the activities that are taking place within our school. Against the rampant nature of the global pandemic, CBC, like many organisations, has managed to maintain a level of ‘normality’ with your fantastic support. The past few months have affirmed our genuine belief that all schools are much more than places where information is simply passed on. Schools are about relationships, connections and experiences. Our students, staff, parents and the wider school community have collectively galvanised their efforts to ensure that teaching, learning and our students’ well-being are very much at the core of all things in CBC. Pope Francis recently shared a message that I feel we need to reclaim in 2022 and beyond. He said, “the future does have a name, and its name is Hope. Feeling hopeful does not mean to be optimistically naïve and ignore the tragedy that humanity is facing. Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn’t lock itself into darkness, that doesn’t dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see a tomorrow.” Staff in CBC feel so proud when we see our students, your sons, participating in the many aspects of school life - they continue to inspire, motivate and encourage us all to be the very best that we can be and it is always a privilege for us to welcome them to CBC each day. This Winter Newsletter presents a snap-shot of some of the activities that are taking place in CBC to date during this school year. Many thanks to all who have contributed articles and photographs. The 2021-22 school year began with the opening of our four new, state-of-the-art modular classrooms which have helped to ease our classroom capacity issues. With a student population of 540, we are now catering for four classes in each year group. We welcomed some new staff and said farewell to others who have moved to pastures anew. We were delighted to welcome 96 bright-eyed First-Year students in late August. We hope that their time in CBC will prove to be fruitful, enjoyable and challenging – challenging in the sense that they will learn to question everything. We would like our First-Year cohort to create new relationships; to develop the skill of having a strong and informed point of view; to ensure that when they disagree, they’re not disagreeable; and to have a strong work ethic imbued with a sense of fun! We have a new Board of Management, under the chairmanship of Mr Martin Duggan, in place. We wish Martin and the members well in all their collective endeavours as they guide the school over the next three years. We thank Mr Gerry Horkan (Chairperson for the past 9 years) and the members of the previous CBC Board for their astute guidance, time and commitment to CBC. CBC is a living and learning Edmund Rice school community that remains open to your voice and feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us and share your wisdom, hopes and concerns as we continue to make our journey together through the pandemic and beyond. Ráth Dē ar an obair! Gerry Duffy. School Principal.

CBC Prefects 2021/22 New Year Message from Head-Prefect Jack Mulhall On behalf of all the students at CBC, I would like to say a big and thank you to all the staff at CBC for helping us get through the difficult year that we’ve all had. We’re very grateful for everything the school has done to try and make the year as normal as possible for us. Everyone here at CBC is looking forward to the new year ahead of us and overcoming its challenges together.

Head-Prefect for 2021-22 Jack Mulhall (front centre) with his four Deputy-Head Prefects (front row L to R: Charlie Garland-O’Connor, Charlie McLoughlin, Carl Byrne, Jamie Collins) and the other prefects from Sixth-Year.

Retirement – Mr Anthony Fay After 24 years of dedicated and loyal service to the students of CBC, Mr Anthony Fay, a teacher of Religion and History, retired at the end of October 2021. Many thanks to Anthony for all his great work as a teacher in CBC over the years. He taught and inspired students to ask questions and to be independent, always offering them support and encouragement. We sincerely hope that his retirement is wonderful and we wish him lots of joyous time with his family. No doubt, when the pandemic ends, he will be dusting off his passport so that he can travel abroad and explore the many places of interest to him.

CBC Board of Management 2021-24 Following the completion of the three-year term of the previous Board of Management, the Edmund Rice Schools’ Trust have recently appointed a new Board to CBC with Mr Martin Duggan as Chairperson. We wish Mr Duggan and the new Board well in all their collective endeavours as they guide the school over the next three years. We thank Mr Gerry Horkan (Chairperson for the past 9 years) and the members of the previous CBC Board for their astute guidance, time and commitment to CBC. The members of the Board of Management for the period of October 2021- October 2024 are: Chairperson: Mr Martin Duggan Trust Nominees: Ms Siobhan Hickey Mr David Devlin Mr Cormac Madden Parent Nominees: Ms Joan Breslin Mr Lionel Mahon Teacher Nominees: Ms Pauline O’Toole Mr Ryan Corcoran Mr Gerry Duffy, School Principal, is Secretary to the Board.

CBC Parents’ Council 2021-22 All parents/guardians of students attending CBC Monkstown Park are members of the Parents' Council. The aims of the Council are: -to support the aims and objectives of the school; -to act in an advisory capacity in promoting the educational and Christian ethos of the school and general welfare of its students; -to promote understanding and communication between parents, management and students; and -to encourage parent participation in school activities. Committee Chairperson - 2021/22 The current Chairperson is Mr Alan Jones who can be contacted at office@cbcmonkstown.ie The CBC Parents’ Council are actively seeking new members, especially from parents/guardians who are new to the school. Please contact Alan for further information.

November - Masses of Remembrance

In November, CBC staff and students were able to gather for the celebration of mass at two separate sittings in St. Patrick’s Parish Church in Monkstown. We thank Father Kevin Rowan for helping to facilitate our safe return to our local church. November is a time for remembering and praying for our loved ones who have gone before us and whose loss we feel. It is a time when we are particularly conscious of those in our school community who are grieving and all those families who have lost loved ones in the past year. More than most years, this November was especially poignant as we remembered all those who have died during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ní imithe uainn atá siad, ach imithe romhainn. They are not gone from us, but gone before us. CBC created a sacred space within the school during the month of November. Staff and students were invited to add the names of their deceased loved ones to a Book of Remembrance. Our remembrance candle was in place beside the Book of Remembrance. The candle is a ritual that promotes reflection and signifies remembrance. It can be traced back to ancient pagan rites and the beginning of Christianity. Light is considered pure, it dispels darkness, nourishes life, and illuminates everything.

Remembrance Tree Planting in CBC The CBC Board of Management have committed to sponsoring the planting of a ‘Remember Me Tree’ in the grounds of CBC in the near future. This is to commemorate and remember all those who have died during the Covid-19 pandemic. It allows CBC to offer something to our grieving loved ones beyond words. By planting a tree, the person’s memory can live on through a compassionate act that lasts a lifetime and supports the work of the Irish Hospice Foundation. A tree will be planted and a certificate will be posted confirming the tree species selected and that CBC has donated on behalf of those being honoured.

CBC Leaving Certificate Results in 2021 Congratulations to the CBC Leaving Certificate Class of 2021. Against a back-drop of much uncertainty, our 61 Leaving Certificate students remained steadfast, focused and committed throughout the year. They performed exceptionally well in the State exams. Many thanks to their parents and families for the support that they gave the students throughout their time in CBC, especially during the final two years. Our hard-working and dedicated teachers, guidance counsellors and special needs staff also played a pivotal role in preparing the boys for the exams. We sincerely thank them for their great work efforts, their inspiring enthusiasm and their levels of infectious commitment to the students in CBC. Well done! - 10% of the CBC 2021 students achieved the maximum 625 points - 20% of the CBC 2021 students achieved over 600 points - 54% of the CBC 2021 students achieved over 500 points - Average points scored by CBC students in 2021 was 510 points

Study Tips Studying is a deliberate form of learning in which a pupil attempts to obtain specific answers to specific questions. It involves reading with a purpose. Students have to learn how to study effectively, how to take good notes in classes and how to think critically about what they hear and read. But the biggest challenge they face is how to manage their own learning, a task that involves planning, conducting and evaluating their academic work - thinking for oneself. •

Establish a Definite Routine: If possible try to study at the same time in the same place every day. Keep temptation away. Get used to a quiet environment without the distraction of friends, music, mobile phones, television etc. They won’t be with you in the exam hall! Time Management: Study for the duration of 40/50 minutes before taking a break. Better to study regularly and in these time sessions than to cram at the end. Cramming coming up to exams causes extreme tiredness and is a major cause of “exam blank”. Follow up with 10 minutes of review at the end. Study Questions: Write down 2/3 study questions on a blank sheet of paper before you read your books. These are the questions that you want answered in your subject over the next 40/50 minutes. In this way, a purpose and a framework for your study session is established and the material will be processed more deeply. Summarise: When reading your books, summarise key points which are relevant to your study questions. Putting material into your own words increases your understanding of it to a greater extent. Don’t transcribe. Feedback: Frequent revision and regular feedback help to consolidate and develop your learning. Try to do some exam questions against the clock under exam-like conditions. Routine is the key to good and worthwhile study patterns.

Alcoholics Anonymous - Talk in CBC In November, members of Alcoholics Anonymous came to the school to speak with our Fifth-Year students. The speakers gave an honest account of their own experiences and relationship with drinking and discussed how they became involved in AA. They gave CBC students the opportunity to ask their own questions about alcohol and drinking. This gave our students the opportunity to reflect on their own attitudes to drinking and to become more aware of the support systems that are in place.

The Benevolence of Humanity in Zambia - Angela Malik Angela Malik (1948 – 2021) Edmund Rice schools provide opportunities for staff and students to connect with communities in the developing world. This programme, known as the Immersion Programme, reflects our mission as Catholic schools and affords the opportunity for CBC staff and students to connect with other communities in the Developing World, and, in doing so, forge relationships of radical solidarity, mutual affirmation and friendship with marginalised, poor people. The emphasis at all times is “on being with” not on “seeing and passing through”. It is important that people meet each other as equals and avail of the opportunity to explore cultures, understand ways of life and enter into lasting friendships. Taking the word “immersion” in its literal sense, it is about immersing into the culture of the host community, living like them and experiencing their way of life for the duration of the visit. It was in the early years of this millennium that CBC Monkstown first got involved in an immersion programme in Zambia. Many of our staff members and students, led by Ms O’Connor, have proudly participated in immersion programmes to Zambia and our school community has actively fund-raised for a number of projects there. Angela Malik was our contact person over the years and one of the main driving forces advocating for the poor in Lusaka. It was with great sadness that we learnt in early November of Angela’s death in Zambia. Angela, an orphan herself, was the founder of three orphan projects in Ng'ombe - a shanty compound in the capital city of Zambia with more than 150,000 residents. The compound is packed tightly with small, cinder-block homes – most of which have no running water or electricity. Make-shift market stands of old wood, cardboard boxes and sheets of plastic are scattered throughout with individuals selling tomatoes, cooking oil, groundnuts, eggs and other essentials amidst the litter-covered streets. No matter where you travel in Ng’ombe, you will always find children – playing by the roadside, selling at the market, fetching water, sweeping their houses. There are more than 78,000 children living in Ng’ombe. Angela started as a home-based caregiver more than 25 years ago when people were dying from Aids-related illnesses. She saw that many children were losing their parents; were dropping out of school; and suffering from malnutrition, so she founded the Kondwa Day Care Centre in 2000. This nursery school now educates and cares for 200 children from 3 to 7 years of age with two meals a day and loving care. When the time came for the children at the nursery to go to primary school, Angela soon realised that it would be easier to start her own school, which is how Pakachele School was founded in 2011. Eleven years later, the school is now catering for 500 children from Grades 1 to 9. However, Angela was still concerned as she saw that some of the children didn’t have a safe place to call home. She noticed that there were orphans who, despite her best efforts, did not go to school. These young children were often used to contribute to the income of their guardians and many had experienced an abusive past. Their parents had died of HIV or were too ill to care for them. Consequently, Seko Village was built in 2011. Now there are 2 houses where 40 children are living under the loving care of 4 house-mothers, receiving shelter, education, healthy food and psychosocial support. Angela, we thank you for caring, we thank you for putting smiles on their faces every day! Ar dheis Dé go raibh d-anam uasal.

The Vision of Angela Malik – An Appreciation by Helen O’Connor I first met Angela in 2009 when I visited her at the ‘Kondwa’ Centre in Lusaka, Zambia. She had established this Centre from an old, unused bar that her husband had left her when he had passed away. She set up the Centre as a safe place for orphaned, preschool children to be fed, loved and counselled so that they could recover from their loss and make progress. She drove me to a plot of land that she had bought outside the Ng’ombe Compound in Lusaka. The plot was a collection of dark, muddy fields with just one little hut on the site. This was where she had her vision to build a Primary School and Care Village. Here, children could get fed, avail of an education and get away from the smells of the rotten food and sewage of the shanty town. They could grow up here in the clean air of the countryside and be nurtured under the Kachele tree. Angela called the location ‘Pakachele’ and her vision of the big Kachele tree, typical of African villages where all gathered beneath its branches and foliage, would be the metaphor for her new centre, school and care-home. Her vision was to shelter the children under her wing in a safe place for them all. Angela truly was a daughter of Zambia, caring for all its children and teaching us all how to love and care for others through her vision. I certainly know that the many (past and present) CBC Monkstown students, teachers, special needs assistants, donors, parents and wider school community members have all been touched by this wonderful woman. She has shown us all the way to do good for our fellow human beings.

‘Kondwa’ in the local Bantu dialect means ‘to be happy’… and I can truly say I am happy because I have met you Angela. You have most definitely ‘Fought the good fight’ and ‘You have won the race’. And we will miss you Angela, a force for good with action inspired by a genuine concern for others. Slán agus Beannacht. Helen O’Connor, CBC Monkstown Zambian Immersion Project.

CBC Transition Year & Fifth-Year Students Raise Money for the Mark Pollock Trust In December, our Transition Year students and some of our 5th Year students took part in CBC's own 5K Run-In-The-Dark. Organised by Mr McNestry, Mr Jennings and other staff members, eighty CBC students took part and raised almost €1,000 for the Mark Pollock Trust. See our school website for full results and some photos from the day!

(L to R above) Well done to Tom O'Halloran (2nd), Sean McMahon (1st) and Joe Doody (3rd) in the 5K Run-In-The Dark.

Maths Week 2021

Maths Week 2021 was a great success this year with numerous events, games, trips to GoQuest and competitions organised for each year group. Well done to all who took part. We’re already looking forward to Maths Week 2022. Listed below are some of the events that CBC participated in during the week.

1st Years at GoQuest GoQuest provides fun and exciting challenges in a fully automated indoor venue. GoQuest Arena has 29 unique challenges in a huge building located in Carrickmines Exit 15 M50. GoQuest Arena is for adults, teenagers and older families with teenagers while GoQuest Junior is for slightly younger families where most are 13 or under and for groups of 9-13 year olds. It’s the best live scoring, fully automated, indoor challenge adventure for school groups. GoQuest is not an escape room – it’s much bigger and you get to explore and play as many of the challenges as you wish in your time slot. If you like watching The Cube or those type of TV shows or if you like any sort of interactive challenge, then you’ll love GoQuest!

How does it work?t works When you enter a room you have a limited amount of time to try and solve the challenge within – succeed and you’ll get the points for that room, fail and you can re-try it or attempt another challenge. You’re on a quest to get as many points as possible in a session and you’ll have great fun doing it! You can leave a room at any time and try another by pressing the exit button. A GoQuest session is 1hr 30 mins of intense interactive, highly recommended and action-packed fun! ↓ CBC First-Year Students enjoying their trip to GoQuest ↓

Maths Week 2021 ↓ CBC Sixth-Year Students attended a Maths versus Sport Live Talk ↓

↓ CBC Transition Year Students at GoQuest ↓

Maths Week 2021 Junior and Senior Maths Puzzle Competition 2021 To finish off Maths Week, we announced the Junior and Senior Puzzle Prize-winners. We had multiple correct entries for both the Junior and Senior Maths Puzzles. Well done to all of those who entered. The prize-winners were chosen randomly from those who submitted correct answers. Our Senior winners were Jack Mulhall and Caelan Lamb. Well done puzzlers!

↑ Pictured above with our Head-Prefect Jack Mulhall are our two Junior Maths Puzzle winners for 2021 (From Left to Right): Charles MacCarthy and Madhav Nambiar.

Transition Years at GoQuest – by Andrew McEnrí (TY) Go Quest is a competitive Game Centre where you enter a multitude of different rooms with different puzzles to solve. Each game has either 1, 2, 3 or 4 points on offer. The experience was great as some puzzles are mental challenges while others are purely physical. The harder the challenge, the more points you get. We were put into groups of four. We learned how to apply some of the content that we already knew but we had to think clearly and we really had to work together. My group were pleased as we finished in joint fourth place out of the nineteen groups that took part. Maths with fun!

CBC’s Top Funny Maths Jokes (Courtesy of the CBC Maths Department!) 1. Which tool is best for math? The multi-pliers. 2. Once there was a hen who counted her own eggs. She was a mathemachicken! 3. Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven, eight, nine! 4. Did you know that there are three kinds of people in the world? Here they are: people who can count and people who can’t. 5. Do you know the special trick to turn seven into an even number? Remove the s! 6. Who’s in charge in a pencil case? The ruler. 7. The minus sign was talking to the positive sign. The minus sign asked, “Are you sure I make a difference?” and the other sign said “I’m positive!” 8. A teacher asked her student “Why are you doing maths on the floor?” The student answered, “You told us not to use any tables!”

Science Week 2021 Science Week 2021 in CBC was a roaring success. There were scientific events and opportunities for all year groups throughout the week. The Junior cohort of the school completed different experiments and challenges including an egg drop, dissections and car and rocket-making. The First-Year students took part in a Science Quiz which was organised and corrected by a group of TY students who have a keen interest in science. All of our TY students took part in the annual Forensic Science Workshop which they found to be extremely interesting and informative. The senior cohort of the school took part in a socially-distant STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Careers Fair organised by Ms McKeon. Parents, past pupils and friends of the school who are involved in various STEM areas made presentations to our students about what is involved in a STEM career; the many STEM college courses; and employment prospects at home and abroad. Whole-school initiatives for the week included “Creating a Brighter Future” ideas competition, matching the celebrity to the science degree and science scavenger hunts around the school. All-in-all, a great week for the Science Department and students of CBC.

↑ Science Week Quiz Winners ↑

↑ Science Week - Time for an experiment!

STEM Careers Fair ↑

Fifth Year Tag Rugby Tournament with Loreto Foxrock in aid of Jigsaw In October, a number of CBC and Loreto Foxrock students from 5th Year organised a Charity Tag Rugby Blitz among their year groups. The students decided that all proceeds of the blitz would go the Jigsaw - the Youth Mental Health Charity. Jigsaw is there to make sure that every young person’s mental health is valued and supported. Mental health can affect every aspect of a young person’s life and every young person should have the support that’s right for them, whatever they are going through. Jigsaw understands and supports young people’s mental health. Both online and in their services around the country, Jigsaw provides advice and support to young people aged between 12–25 years of age. They give families, educators, and those who support young people’s mental health, ways to cope and the skills to be there for young people. Using their collective power, knowledge and expertise, Jigsaw makes sure that youth mental health is a national and local priority. 150 students participated in the blitz that took place in Stradbrook Park – home of Blackrock Rugby club. The students, who were organised into 16 teams of different coloured jerseys had great fun competing for two hours before victory was claimed by the Yellow team. The event would not have been possible without the help of Mr Kenny, Ms Smyth and Ms Lorigan, who made it all come together. Also, a big thanks to Mr Ferguson, Ms Fitzsimons (Loreto Foxrock) and CBC past pupils, Paul Jones and Conor Lehane, for giving up their valuable time and expertise to referee the games. Thanks to all of the teachers from CBC and Loreto Foxrock who came down to support the students also. We look forward to more events like this in the future! The Winning Team ↓

↓ Some Action Shots from the Tag Rugby Fundraiser in aid of Jigsaw ↓

Debating Success: Two CBC Students Selected to Represent Ireland at World Championships CBC 6th Year student Leon Reilly and 5th Year student Andy Cullinan have been selected as part of the Irish Schools National Debating Team that will represent Ireland at the World Championships this summer. This marks the third year in a row that two CBC students have been selected for the fiveperson team. Leon was part of the team for the last two years and this is Andy’s first time to be selected. For Leon, his third selection marks a highpoint in a debating career which has seen him win both the Leinster and National Championships as well as numerous other competitions. For Andy, this is a phenomenal achievement as he only began impromptu debating (the format of the World Schools) in the last year and only did one full competition before the trials. Their selection is a testament to their hard work and dedication and to the immense work and guidance that Mr O’Neill has devoted to debating in CBC over the years. The trials for the team are a two-step process, firstly at regional level where over 100 students from all over the country compete against each and then secondly, a national trial where the final twelve trialists are narrowed down to the five selected. Selection for the team is seen as the pinnacle for school debaters and CBC is so proud of the two of them for this success. Traditionally, the World Schools’ Debating Championships are held in different countries all over the world. Recently, they have been in Croatia, Thailand and Indonesia. Unfortunately, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that they have had to move on-line for the last two years. We have been delighted to be able to host Team Ireland in CBC for the last two summers and very much hope that with the easing of travel restrictions around the world, we will see a return to an in-person championships in the near future.

↑ Team Ireland CBC World Debaters: (L to R) Andy Cullinan and Leon Reilly

Cúrsaí Gaeilge i CBC Aon Scéal? The Irish writer Áine Uí Fhoghlú sent a message to the boys of 3rd Year in CBC who are studying her novel for the Junior Cycle. “A bhuachaillí i CBC Baile na Manach, tá áthas orm a chloisint go mbeidh sibh ag tabhairt faoi mo leabhar LabhairAmach.com don Teastas Sóisearach i mbliana. Tá súil agam ar an gcéad dul síos, go mbainfidh sibh taitneamh as mar scéal agus mar leabhar léitheoireachta. Ach ós rud é gur téacs scrúdaithe a bheidh ann daoibh, tuigim go mbeidh roinnt oibre ag baint leis chomh maith. Ar mhaithe leis an obair sin a dhéanamh níor éasca daoibh, tá nasc anseo daoibh chuig sraith de chúig fhíseán ina míním i bhfocail shimplí (tá súil agam) na rudaí is tábhachtaí a bhaineann le staidéar a dhéanamh ar an téacs. Seo é an nasc: https://vimeo.com/451883523 Ar ndóigh, tá múinteoirí den scoth agaibh a bheidh ábalta aon cheist eile a bheadh agaibh a fhreagairt! Mar sin, bainigí taitneamh is tairbhe as an scéal, agus cuimhnigí... cé nach bhfuil i gCiara, Ruairí agus Stevo ach carachtair ficsin, is cinnte go bhfuil go leor dá macasamhail sa bhfíorshaol. Mar sin, ná bíodh eagla oraibhse riamh "Labhairt Amach" sa chás is go mbeadh gá leis!! Le mórmheas, Áine Uí Fhoghlú “.

Teachtaireacht ó Keith Ó Briain. A message from Keith Ó Briain from the band Seo Linn to the students of CBC who are studying the Song 'Solas' for their Junior Certificate. “Maith sibh a leaids as ucht Solas a roghnú don Teastas Sóisearach. Rinne mé físeán daoibh, tá sé faoi íomh thíos. I have made a video for you and it will be posted to your Google Classroom. Coinnigh leis, Keitho ↑ Seo Linn

Cúrsaí Gaeilge i CBC Gaeilge 24

↑ Chuamar ar ais go dtí ár bhfréamhacha agus bhuaileamar le iarscoláire CBC David Meehan. Bhí an seacláid thé an bhlasta go deo! GRMMA @roots_dublin

T-Rex has also been busy selling Christmas Cards with all profits going to the Irish Cancer Society. ← This card was designed by CBC Student Max Tormey who is in 6th Year. Maith thú Max!

Our Third Years enjoy a Roman Banquet with a Toga Theme in CBC! When in Rome…… Our Classical Studies class decided to hold an ancient Roman banquet in CBC. There were couches, togas, ancient Roman cuisine food, floral head-bands and loads of fun. The idea was proposed by our teacher, Mr Acres and the whole class loved it. We were split into four groups: Starters, Mains, Desserts and Beverages and each group decided who would bring in what was needed. The day of the banquet arrived and loads of ancient Roman foods and drinks were served. There was everything from grapes and grapefruit juice to bread served with garum which is a fish sauce used in ancient Roman times. I made a honey-cake with spelt flour, eggs and honey and it was enjoyed by everyone. The party had everything, including togas! Many students were wearing home-made togas, fashioned from white bedsheets. We had three makeshift couches around a table that we lay on and feasted just as the Romans did. All-in-all, it was a great experience and loads of fun. Charlie McNally (Class 3SA)

↑ Toga Party ↑

999 for Valentines Six of our teachers completed the CPR4Schools hands-only CPR training in November, marking a start to our aim of familiarising all members of our school community with handsonly CPR before the February midterm.

Prefects & Sixth Year Students Organise Raffle & Non-Uniform Day to Raise Funds for New Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Cabinet in CBC

↑ (L to R) CBC Prefects Charlie McLoughlin, Jamie Collins and Carl Byrne at the unveiling of the AED device that the prefects organised for CBC. Each year our CBC 6th Year Prefects get involved in a number of worthy and beneficial school projects. This year’s group of twenty-five, led by Head-Prefect Jack Mulhall, decided to fundraise for an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for public access within CBC. An AED is a portable, simple to use, computerised device. When someone suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, it delivers a shock to the heart to allow it to resume its normal rhythm. The group decided to raise funds not only for a defibrillator but also for an outdoor storage cabinet for the device. This cabinet is 24v mains-powered with a heater and fan to maintain the AED at optimum temperature. The prefects raised over €1500 by hosting a Non-uniform Day in the school and running a raffle among the students. Donated prizes for the raffle included tickets for the Six Nations, a bumper hamper of ‘Chocolate Goodies’ and a voucher for Life Style Sports. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the prefects for the time and work that they put into making this project a reality. The AED is now installed in its cabinet outside the dressing rooms in CBC. IMPORTANT: If you come across someone who is unconscious, unresponsive, not breathing or not breathing normally, they are in cardiac arrest. The most important thing is to call 999 or 112 and start CPR to keep the blood flowing to the brain and around the body. After a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces someone's chance of survival by 10 per cent.

CBC Transition Year News 2021-22 Trip to Dalkey Island - By Blake Ryan During the first week of transition year, the Transition Year students went on a trip to Dalkey Island. We met up after a regular school morning. We were taken in groups of about a dozen students to the island on a powerboat. The boat trip lasted only a couple of minutes, so everyone arrived on the island in no time. The Island is largely still very wild. The rugged landscape is untouched by structures, apart from the Martello Tower facing out to sea and an accompanying barracks. Even the Tower has been claimed back by the island, the dysfunctional cannon mounts and rails are choked with brush and weeds.

One of the highlights of the trip was the spotting of the herd of wild goats. We kept our distance from them while still looking on with awe and amusement. The herd were lounging on a large rock that jutted out of the far side of the Island. Some students suggested that we should feed the goats the remains of a dead seagull that we had discovered on the island previously. Other students calmly and rationally explained that seagull was not, in fact, part of a healthy and balanced goat diet. To cap off the trip, the students changed into swimwear and waded into the freezing Irish Sea. We skittishly swam through a surplus amount of seaweed, but once we made it out into open sea, we were able to maneuver freely. We spotted three seals, who in turn all treaded water and stared at us. But the trip had to come to an end, so the students were whisked away on the powerboat back to the mainland and we made our way home. A most enjoyable trip.

CBC Transition Year News 2021-22 Learning Chinese in Transition Year – By Charlie O’Connell The Chinese Workshop was great fun. We went over to the school Hall and were all given digital tablets to work on. We told about the language and how it is written. Lots of the alphabet looked the same but had various meanings. We had to use the tablets to play games to identify the different words and meanings. The games were very enjoyable we were learning about the language and also having fun with your class-mates. One game I liked was when the main screen had lots of different symbols rolling across it. A word was called out and you had to tap whichever symbol represented that word. At first the games weren’t easy, but they got easier as we progressed in the language. We learned quite a lot in a short space of time! Great fun!

Killiney Hill Walk and Kayaking in Dun Laoghaire Harbour - By James Emerson

In late August, half of the Transition Year group met at 9.30am at Killiney Hill. When everyone got there, we went for a walk and then we safely cooked a barbecue in the forest. Our cooking skills were not great, but we all survived. After we finished the barbecue, we made our way down to the Irish National Sailing School (INSS) in Dun Laoghaire for 1pm. We got the Dart down. After everyone arrived, some people had to get wet suits from the INSS, others had their own and we got changed in the changing rooms. We were given buoyancy aids from the INSS and a few people brought their own. Then after everyone was ready, we followed the instructor to the slipway where we got on their powerboats to go to the pontoon to get our kayaks. We all got our own single kayak and followed the instructor's powerboat. We kayaked up beside the west pier and when we got to a platform we stopped and jumped in and had some fun in the water. We got back in the kayaks and kayaked back to the pontoon. We swam back to shore in the freezing choppy water. We ran back to the changing rooms and changed quickly into nice warm clothes. It was a really fun day and I would love to do it again.

Transition Year Quiz in Aid of Oddballs Charity Our Transition Year students held a quiz for all our First-Year students in December. Prizes were donated by local businesses and all the proceeds were donated to the Oddballs Charity Foundation which was founded in 2015 to raise awareness of Testicular Cancer. Through the Foundation they hope to make a difference to male health around the world.

CBC Transition Year News 2021-22 Kilruddery Estate: Alive Outside – By Oran O’Keeffe My favourite activity so far of all the TY activities was the trip to Alive Outside in Kilruddery Estate near Bray. I really enjoyed this trip because there were both mental and physical challenges. My group’s first activity was all about gaining some outdoor survival skills. We had to design a footbridge from branches and pieces of wood that we found in the forest. At the start everybody thought this was going to be boring but once we got started and worked together, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. After that, we had the physically taxing challenge of ‘To Hell and Back’. We had to crawl through tubes and climb over hay bales - it was very difficult but also so much fun at the same time. After lunch my group had to solve some riddles to try and get the code to open the lock on a box of sweets. Then we had to figure out how to get a table-tennis ball from the bottom of a narrow pipe. Working as a team we were able to get enough water to float it out! The day in Kilruddery Alive Outside was really enjoyable, helping us to bond as a year group.

French Cooking: Haute Cuisine in Transition Year Our TY French class dabbled in haute cuisine by making Oreo Truffles in French class. These Oreo Truffles are about as no-fuss as a dessert can be! They're basically a cheater truffle. To make them all you do is stir together finely crushed Oreo crumbs, cream cheese, and vanilla extract until combined, then use a small cookie scoop to scoop balls of the mixture and freeze until firm, say 30 minutes or so. Once firm, you dunk them in melted chocolate and let them harden and... you’re done! They make a wonderful last-minute holiday dessert or homemade gift for a friend. The Michelin Star is on its way!

GOAL Jersey Day By Blake Ryan The Annual GOAL Jersey Day took place in CBC on Friday, 3rd of December. GOAL’s aim is to send aid to disadvantaged and impoverished communities around the world. Each CBC student was asked to wear a jersey of their choice and make a €2 donation to GOAL. Students wore a variety of jerseys from an array of different sports and teams. During the day, some Transition Year students visited each of the classes and collected the donations. The students were very generous with their donations in to help aid this most worthy cause. All-in-all, the Jersey Day was a success, as we raised a significant amount for a worthy charity.

CBC Transition Year News 2021-22 Ghostbusters After-life Cinema Trip By Caelan Lambe We went to watch Ghostbusters Afterlife in the cinema in November. We walked to the IMC in Dun Laoghaire for a 1pm screening. I really enjoyed the movie as it had a solid plot and some enjoyable characters. I liked the jokes; they included some references to the original movie. The casting was very good with a lot of new faces and some well-known actors. I think all the actors suited their roles well. Although the movie was targeted towards a younger audience, I still enjoyed it. The music was excellent and the CGI was very good as well. I would give it an 8/10. This was probably my favourite trip this term and I look forward to a similar trip next term.

Comedy Workshop By James Doyle The comedy and improv workshop was one that I was looking forward to for days in advance. I could just picture the comedy and it lived up to my expectations. It was hosted by our teacher Mr Byrne and a man named Peter, who came into the school especially to conduct the workshop. We started off by doing one-word stories which gave some comical results! Then we moved on to improv situations such as hosting a talk show or going to a job interview. Overall it went really well and I learned a lot about self-confidence.

Forensic Science Workshop

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 pm CST in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. President Kennedy was riding with his wife Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife Nellie when he was fatally shot from a nearby building by Lee Harvey Oswald. Governor Connally was seriously wounded in the attack. The motorcade rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where President Kennedy was pronounced dead about 30 minutes after the shooting. Our Transition Year students were treated to a fabulous Forensic Science Workshop which looked at the assassination of President Kennedy. Using analytical and critical thinking skills, it was a great way for our students who enjoy a challenge. They explored ballistics and gunshot residue (GSR), photographic analysis, fingerprints, autopsy and the main theories/links with history.

Rowing Coaching Transition Year indoor rowing coaching is back in CBC, with our current cohort of students attending an in-school coaching workshop facilitated by Rowing Ireland and then applying their newly-gained knowledge to First and Second-Year PE classes.

Stand-Up Awareness Week 2021 Stand Up Week, in which we celebrate the LGBTQI+ members of the school community has now become a fixture on the school calendar. From the flag raising, DiversiTIE and BiSOCKtuality, film screenings, a talk from an Emerald Warriors rugby player, tie dye, poster competitions and the final Rainbow Day, this week reflects the vibrancy and diversity of the CBC Community as we continue to make our school a welcoming, caring and inclusive environment for all.

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Sports Update from the CBC’s Head of Sport Mr Karl Miller Firstly, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new 'Head of Sports' in CBC Monkstown. I left a career in the Tech Industry to focus on sports full-time and found myself as the Head Coach of Seapoint Rugby Club and also working for Leinster Rugby. My initial connection with CBC was as an external rugby coach and I am delighted to now come on board full time in this new role. The primary responsibility of this role is to create a diverse sports programme that encourages as many students as possible to participate. I have a Sports and Exercise degree from IT Carlow and a broad interest in many sports. I am very much looking forward to starting this new journey with the school. I welcome the appointment of Stephen O’Hanrahan as a full-time Strength and Conditioning Coach to CBC Sports and the PE Department in CBC. Since starting in late August, the following are the projects that I have been working on: 1) In order to encourage more teachers to get involved in sports at the school, the structures around each sport have been entirely re-oriented. 2) The addition of new sports in the school such as Rock Climbing, Senior Soccer, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Golf and Rowing - this has brought the total number of sporting options within the school into double figures. 3) Establishing a new comprehensive 'CBC Concussion Protocol' system modelled around the IRFU framework. This is still an ongoing rugby project with Player Welfare at the heart of it. 4) To help with communication, I created an online 'Weekly Sports Schedule' which is openly available to all parents/guardians at any time. It displays all the week's sporting activities and details. The link has been shared via email and also by text through the schools VS Ware system. The link is here again for your convenience bit.ly/3mkdW8l In the New Year I will be focusing on a Spring/Summer Sports Schedule to begin when the rugby season ends. I am also organising a mobile app to further improve communications with parents and I will be exploring ways to help fund the proposed development of the new Sports Hall in CBC. Should you want to get in touch please contact me at kmiller@cbcmonkstown.ie Wishing you all the very best in 2022. Karl Miller

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Mr Emmet Jennings - CBC PE Teacher & International Elite Athlete Congratulations to CBC teacher Mr Emmet Jennings who ran for Team Ireland at the European Senior Men’s Cross-County Championships in Abbotstown last month. Mr Jennings was one of three athletes from his club, Dundrum South Dublin, representing the senior men’s national team. Mr Jennings had previously finished fourth in the National Cross-Country Championships – a run that earned him a spot on the Irish team for the European Championships. Ireland was actually hosting the European Championships in a newly-constructed course in Abbotstown last month. Mr Jennings finished the 10km race in a time of 32 minutes and 14 seconds – a very respectable time considering the eventual winner was the Norwegian Jakob Ingebrigtsen (30 minutes and 15 seconds), who won two European Indoor titles in March along with the Olympic 1500m title in Tokyo last August. Well done Mr Jennings! The staff and students are all very proud of your achievements. As Mr Springsteen says “You were Born to Run!”.

Ms Linda Dempsey – CBC Maths Teacher & Ladies All-Ireland GAA Football Champion Congratulations to CBC teacher Ms Linda Dempsey, who was the very impressive goalkeeper on the victorious Wicklow Ladies GAA Football team that captured the Junior Ladies TG4 AllIreland crown last September. Ms Dempsey has been a key player for Wicklow all season. Bringing her ‘A’ game to the final in Croke Park, Ms Dempsey’s kick-outs were long and accurate and she gave the Wicklow defence a definite soundness behind a solid full-back line. Ms Dempsey’s steadying influence was a key element in giving Wicklow the best possible platform to capture the West County Hotel Cup against a gallant Antrim team. The final score was Wicklow 2-17, Antrim 1-9. Well done Ms Dempsey! The staff and students are all very proud of your achievements. Go on the Garden County!

Christmas Tree Sales for Crumlin Children’s Hospital Well done to Mr Corcoran and the Senior Rugby Squad who, at short notice, managed to sell 30 Christmas Trees in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital and raise over €500.

Rugby Cup Draws Best wishes to our Junior and Senior Rugby Squads as they embark upon their respective 2022 Cup Campaigns. Their initial fixtures are as follows but dates are subject to change: -CBC Juniors V Skerries CC/Naas CBS on January 21st in Energia Park Donnybrook @ 1.30pm -CBC Seniors V High School on January 18th in Energia Park Donnybrook @ 1.30pm

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Rowing on the River Liffey – by Cillian Mulvey I’ve always enjoyed kayaking and sailing so when I heard we were going to be rowing on the Liffey, I was overjoyed. I had rowed on the school’s rowing machines but never on the water. I was really excited about being on the Liffey in a real rowing boat. We were in boats of three or four rowers with an instructor at the front of the boat facing us. We were taught the basics of paddling and soon we had pushed off from the slip and were out on the water. At first, we all found it difficult to stay in sync with each other, but with the help of our instructor we found our rhythm and were soon flying along the Liffey. We rowed for a good distance upstream and then our instructor taught us how to turn around using the paddles. In what felt like a short but extremely fun space of time, we were all proficient rowers. I really enjoyed our time on the water and can’t wait until we get another opportunity like this one.

Tag Rugby Blitzes Tag Rugby is similar to Rugby League or Touch Rugby with attacking players attempting to dodge, evade and pass a rugby ball while defenders attempt to prevent them scoring by “tagging” – pulling a velcro attached tag from the ball carrier. CBC Fifth and Sixth-Year students got to make up for some of the school activities previously cancelled due to Covid19 when they took part in a mixed tag-rugby blitz with the senior students from Loreto Foxrock. From students who gave rugby a go in first-year to current Senior Cup players, everyone got a chance to show off their skills. 150 students participated in the blitz that took place in Stradbrook Park . The students, who were organised into 16 teams of different coloured jerseys had great fun competing for two hours

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Climbing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are two new sports in CBC. Here are the first impressions of two Transition Year students about these new sports. Climbing - By Caelan Lambe Climbing is a new sport in CBC and it is the first year that it has been a Wednesday sport. The way climbing works is you get a bus from the school after getting changed and travel to the Wall in Sandyford. Here you do an hour of climbing on the Wall. At the Wall, instead of climbing you do bouldering which is climbing shorter walls without ropes or harnesses. You are faced with climbs of differing difficulties which are indicated by their colours. Yellow being the easiest, going to blue then pink, then orange etc. I really enjoy bouldering there as the employees are very helpful and will help you if you are stuck. I have really enjoyed my experience of climbing as it is very rewarding. I would recommend it to anyone who is unsure of what sport to do as it caters for all levels of skill and strength. This is a great sport to improve your strength in your core and forearms. I have been climbing for about a month now and I can really see the progression.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - By James Doyle Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been recently added to the Wednesday after-school sports options and has proved itself to be tiring, rewarding and excellent workout. After-School Jiu Jitsu is held at the East Coast Jiu Jitsu Academy. The gym has teachers who are very knowledgeable about the sport. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art and combat sport based on ground fighting and submission holds. It focuses on the skill of taking an opponent to the ground, controlling one's opponent, gaining a dominant position, and using a number of techniques to force them into submission via joint locks or holds. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is mainly about grappling and gaining an advantageous position over your opponent. Then you use one of the many submissions to tap them out, all while avoiding getting tapped out yourself. There is a surplus of options on how to reach your goal and an even larger amount of ways to lose if you aren't careful. Overall, I think it is a most welcome addition to the Wednesday sports options. Climb On!

Sport in CBC 2021-22 CBC Under 17 Football by Will Lambert (TY) For the first time ever, CBC Monkstown has registered a team in the FAI Schools Under 17 League. At the beginning of the year, trials were held for all those who wished to take part among our 5th, 4th and 3rd Year cohorts. After two weeks of pitch training and a fitness test, the squad of 22 for the season ahead was named. We also registered us in the Tom Ticher Junior Cup along with 93 other schools in Leinster! We aspire to an exciting cup run and it is driving on the players. As a team, we train three times a week, on Tuesday and Thursday and one early morning session. Our school has no dedicated football pitch of its own, however, we have been training hard in Kilbogget Park and on the ‘Gut‘ area in CBC. Our coaches Mr TuiteTrappatoni, Ms McKeon-Vera Pauw and Mr Maher-Tardelli have been working hard on ensuring that we are in the best condition technically and from a fitness perspective. We would like to express a huge thank you to all those in the school community who have helped us set up the team that we have wanted for so long. A special word of thanks to our three main sponsors, SOS Cleaning Services, Aria Capital and The Lunch-Box. Everyone on the team is very excited to get their school football careers underway. We have a great team in-the-making here at CBC and hope to go a long way this coming season. We know that we can count on your support!

↑ CBC’s Under 17 footballers played a friendly against Presentation College Bray in October. CBC won the game on a final score line of 5 – 3, with a hat-trick from Charlie McMorrow and another two goals from Kieran Fitzgerald.

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Under 17 Football Team Update ←Captain Will Lambert It’s been a busy couple of months for the CBC Under 17 football team. We were drawn against St Mark’s Community School Tallaght in the Tom Ticher Junior Cup and a tricky trip to Tallaght ensued. Despite a valiant effort and a late encampment of the St Mark’s penalty area, we succumbed to a narrow 2-1 defeat. Spirits remained high however as we saw that we could compete with the best teams in the competition and our confidence grew. Our league campaign began with a local derby against Oatlands College. Due to our rented pitch in Kilbogget Park being unavailable, we were forced to go on the road again and play Oatlands away. A wet and cold afternoon required us to dig deep and we kept our composure to secure a valuable 2-1 win to go top of the league table with the remaining matches to come in January against Marian College and St Joseph’s CBS Fairview. We are delighted with our progress so far and are grateful for the support of the whole school community! We’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous and successful New Year. Viva CBC! ↓ Under 17 Soccer Squad ↓

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Senior & Junior Rugby

↑ Senior Cup Squad 2021 ↑ The Senior team (pictured above) had a tough start to their season and a sequence of narrow losses leaves them with plenty of work to do. They won't be shy of effort though and head coach, Ian Dumbleton with the aid of Stephen O’Hanrahan in the gym, will be certain of bigger performances leading up to the cup campaign.

CBC Junior Cup 2021 Team v St. Vincent’s Castleknock - By Joel Ryan The CBC Monkstown 2021 Junior Cup Team took part in the 2021 Cup Quarter-Final against Castleknock in November. The team was composed of students mainly from Transition Year. The CBC supporters made their way to Donnybrook’s Energia Park on nine buses. Being back and supporting the team after lockdown was a fantastic experience as was the performance of the chants and songs that we had learned in First-Year! We had all missed the feeling of supporting our school’s rugby players and all the supporters were eager to show our pride in our team, especially when our peers were on the pitch. CBC had secured a lead in the first half and many players showed just how much effort and training they had put in to prepare for the match. After half-time however, Castleknock had shortened the gap between the two teams and managed to keep the game close. Unfortunately, Castleknock managed to secure a lead and played defensively so as to maintain it and the boys on the CBC side couldn’t come back from. Although it was a close match, Castleknock won 21-19. The CBC supporters cheered on our team all the way to the bus and this kept our spirits up despite the loss. Well done to the CBC JCT!

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Basketball With indoor sports being played again, we were able to initiate Basketball in CBC once again. We have three teams involved this year; 2nd Year, Under 16 and Under 19. They will all be playing in the D League of the Leinster Schools’ Competition. Our Under 16 and Under 19 teams started their matches in October and our 2nd Years will be competing after Christmas.

↑ Under 16 CBC Squad with coach Ms Kennelly ↑

↑ Under 19 CBC Squad with coach Ms Dempsey ↑

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Basketball

↑ Under 16 CBC Basketball Squad 2021 ↑ Our Under 16 team competed in the D League of the Leinster Schools Competition. After falling short in the league to very strong Clonkeen and Cabinteely sides, our Under 16 team qualified for the Plate Competition, where they met Presentation Terenure. After a slow start the CBC team were leading by 3 points heading into the last few seconds of the game, only for Terenure to make a 3-point shot to tie the game. CBC players had given everything and just couldn’t get the ball into the net in overtime. Terenure scored one basket to send them into the semi-finals. A heart-breaking end to a really competitive season for the Under 16 squad. They will be able to improve and get more game practice with friendlies in the new year.

Under 19 Basketball After a good win against Cabinteely, we were unlucky to lose to Ballinteer Community School in the league. A final loss against a very strong Clonkeen College outfit meant that the CBC Under 19’s qualified for the Plate Competition. First up they met Presentation Terenure where they dominated the game from the start for a comfortable win with 9 out of 12 of the squad soring. Final Score CBC 44 – Terenure 21. The semi-final against St. Josephs CBS Fairview, proved to be a much tougher assignment. With CBC slow to start and the scores not dropping in the first two quarters, they found themselves trailing by three points at half-time. A really strong second-half with excellent passing, scoring and calm play against a very physical side saw the CBC team come through with a strong finish to advance to the Final of the D Plate in January. Final Score CBC Monkstown 39 – St. Joseph’s CBS 23.

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Rowing Students from all year groups are taking on the challenge of indoor rowing this year in CBC. With seven new rowing machines in operation, the students are constantly aiming to improve their techniques and fitness levels. In the 500-metre leader-boards, 6th Year students Harry O’Neill, Caleb Ryan and Max Tormey are currently filling out the medal positions on the senior board, while on the junior board, Tom Reynolds, Yuhang Tong and Tommy Little are taking the honours. Senior Rowers Max Tormey, Louie Claes and Caleb Ryan joined Mr Corcoran in competing in the Provincial Indoor Championships in UL. All rowers achieved personal bests over the demanding 2000m distance. Well done lads!

Sport in CBC 2021-22 Rowing TY Rowing in Islandbridge For one of their first outings in Transition Year, our students got to spend a bright and breezy day getting to grips with rowing on the River Liffey. Despite a wobbly beginning, by the end of the session the boats in the CBC Armada were racing each other along the river.

A to Z of CBC Core Values Our school motto = Certa Bonum Certamen = Do the right thing! A value system is a set of principles or ideals that drive and/or guide your behaviour. As a student in CBC Monkstown Park your personal value system gives you structure and purpose by helping you determine what is meaningful and important to you. It helps you express who you are and what you stand for. If you are unaware of, or become disconnected with your values, you end up making choices out of impulse or instant gratification rather than on solid reasoning and responsible decision-making. Your values define your character. They impact every aspect of your life including: • • • • • •

personal and work behaviours your interactions with family, friends and co-workers your decision-making processes the direction you take in life the overall quality of your life your happiness and wellbeing

This is why it is so important to know what you value, why you value it and what precedence it takes in your life. In CBC, our core values are included in this list ↓.

A Musical Antidote to Covid-19 Music can lift the spirits. Whether you’re performing or listening to it, music can increase your happiness (as well as the happiness of those around you). Think of the annual New Year’s Day Concert from the Vienna Philharmonic. But science has now shown that it has a physical effect on our bodies too. As we listen, music works on the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling blood pressure and heartbeat, as well as the limbic system, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. A review of 23 studies by Bradt & Dileo (in 2009) involving almost 1,500 people found music helped to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety in heart disease patients. Music can benefit psychological wellbeing too. Research from the University of Missouri published in The Journal Of Positive Psychology found for the first time, that upbeat music can have a very positive effect on our wellbeing. ‘People were successful at raising their positive mood as long as the music they listened to was happy and upbeat,’ said Dr Yuna Ferguson, the lead author. Music can make us feel uplifted, contented and can improve our health too. Here is a list of some catchy, musical therapy in the form of favourite Chirpy Instrumental Tunes – Check them out on your device!

TUNE Music Box Dancer Time is Tight Classical Gas Blue Danube Waltz Zorba’s Dance Popcorn Redetzky March 1978 World Cup Theme Love is Blue The High Reel Tabhair Dom Do Lámh On the Rebound Mexican Whistler Eye Level/Van De Valk Storms in Africa

ARTIST Frank Mills Booker T. & the M.G.'s Mason Williams Johann Strauss II M Theodorakis\M Minerbi Hot Butter Johann Strauss I Sport Theme Tunes Paul Mauriat Horslips Planxty Floyd Cramer Roger Whittaker Simon Park Orchestra Enya

CBC Secondary School Contact Details 2021-22 Name Mr G Duffy Mr L Murnane School Office Office Phone Mr D Murphy Ms M Barnwell Ms A Duffy Mr B O’Farrell Mr G O’Neill Mr R O’Sullivan Ms E Roche Ms A Smyth Mr K Walsh Mr K Miller

Role Principal Deputy-Principal Secretary 01-2805854 Guidance & Counselling Guidance & Counselling Additional Needs / SEN First Year Year-Head Second Year Year-Head Third Year Year-Head Fourth Year Year-Head Fifth Year Year-Head Sixth Year Year-Head Head of Sport

Email Address office@cbcmonkstown.ie office@cbcmonkstown.ie office@cbcmonkstown.ie --------------------------------------------------cbcmonkstownguidance@outlook.com mbgc@cbcmonkstown.ie ady@cbcmonkstown.ie bof@cbcmonkstown.ie gon@cbcmonkstown.ie ros@cbcmonkstown.ie er@cbcmonkstown.ie as@cbcmonkstown.ie kw@cbcmonkstown.ie kmiller@cbcmonkstown.ie

CBC Annual Admissions: Dates for First-Year 2023/24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copies of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2023/2024 year are available as follows: 1. Download from the Admissions/Enrolment section of school website under the ‘Our School’ drop-down bar https://www.cbcmonkstown.ie 2. On request: By emailing the Admissions Secretary at admissions@cbcmonkstown.ie 3. By writing to the Admissions Secretary, CBC Monkstown Park, Mounttown Road Upper, Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin, A96 TF64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Application and Decision Dates for Admission to Christian Brothers’ College (First-Year) for 2023/2024

1. The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 1st October 2022 @ 9.00am 2. The school will cease accepting applications for admission on Monday 24th October 2022 @ 4.00pm 3. Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision on their application by 14th November 2022 4. Applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission by 28th November 2022 @ 4.00 pm Failure by an applicant to accept an offer by 4pm on Monday, 28th November 2022 may result in the offer being withdrawn. The number of places being made available in the 2023/2024 school year is 96.

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