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CROSS CURRICULAR ENGLISH Stars and planets were buzzing around in English during Science week. The classes read the extract ’Building a Planet’ by Bill Bryson where they learned the intricate ways planets were created. The students were presented with two activities. The first one was to describe their planet. Using ambitious vocabulary, planets of all imaginations were written about. This extract from Luke Wadding illustrates the creativity of our `Year 7 classes; ‘ Hundreds of small magnetic fields surround the planet, embracing it like a mother holding her child .’ The second task was to create a haiku. This is an example of the work, by Elke De Vries, ‘ Dark, lonely, empty/Where no one can hear you scream/ No wind, no air, dark.’ It was a great week of space and creating. SPORT As part of Science Week the Sports Team decided to look at how Astronauts train. In their core Physical Education lessons Year 7 students performed the official NASA Crew Strength Session. This intense circuit consists of many exercises designed to improve strength and stamina in both the upper and lower parts of the body. As an extension task, students were also encouraged to think about: other ways an astronaut might physically prepare for a space mission; how living in space for a sustained period of time would impact upon an astronaut’s physical condition; and reasons why exercising aboard a space shuttle might be problematic. ART & DESIGN In Art and Design, students were set the task to produce creatures that could survive on a set of different types of planet (if it was plausible for it to sustain life). Students considered what features creatures have on earth and how they have evolved to survive in different climates and environments. Using that knowledge, and their imagination, students then used the skills and techniques they have developed over the year to produce a design for their very own creature. In Design and Technology, students had to create a model for their very own Mars Rover. Using a variety of modelling materials, students considered what types of data the rover would need to collect and what kinds of terrain the rover would need to contend with and produced different attachments. Working in teams, students then reviewed their designs against others and looked at what the existing rovers use. FRENCH In French on Wednesday we learnt about a person that went on a space shuttle and sang a song. We also learnt about what you can and can’t do on the international space station. Did you know you can go to the gym in space even though there is virtually no gravity. The international space station was made in space and can be used by many countries for research. We also learnt lots of words to do with space in French, such as L’astronaute which means astronaut and espace which means space. I thoroughly enjoyed space week and hope there is another themed week soon. Finlay Gabbert and Lauren Gear 7S

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