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Mourners pray for migrants killed in shipwreck off Italian coast; Greece’s worst train crash in history leaves many dead

(Vatican News) - Pope Francis and the Roman Curia dedicated the first week of Lent to Spiritual Exercises, focused on private, personal prayer.

Last month, the Holy See Press Office announced the Pope had invited all Cardinals residing in Rome, heads of Dicasteries, and Superiors of the Roman Curia to take the week for prayer.


Pope Francis’ engagements were suspended this week, including the Wednesday General Audience of 1 March.

His next public event will be his Sunday Angelus.

The Holy Father urged top officials of the Roman Curia to “experience in a personal way a period of Spiritual Exercises.”

In order to facilitate their personal retreat, he requested them to suspend their “work activities and engage in prayer from the afternoon of Sunday, 26 February, to the afternoon of Friday, 3 March."❖

CROTONE, Italy (OSV News) Archbishop Angelo Raffaele Panzetta of Crotone-Santa Severina joined other faith leaders, local officials and members of the public March 1 in praying for migrants aboard a wooden boat who died in a Feb. 26 shipwreck off the southern Italian coast.

The coffins of those whose bodies were recovered from the water were lined up at the local sports hall in Crotone to allow people to pay their respects to the deceased.

The boat, crowded with about 200 passengers heading to Europe, smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn Feb. 26 amid rough seas.

According to Reuters, at least 65 people died, with 12 of them children, including a baby. At least 82 passengers survived the shipwreck, an official from Italy’s Crotone prefecture told CNN Feb. 27. Dozens more people were still missing. Reuters also reported that Italian authorities arrested three people and were looking for a fourth suspect who they believe trafficked the migrants.

“This morning I learned with sorrow of the shipwreck off the Calabrian coast, near Crotone,” Pope Francis said after his Angelus Feb. 26. “I pray for each one of them, for the missing and for the other surviving migrants. I thank those who have brought relief and those who are providing shelter. May Our Lady sustain these brothers and sisters of ours.”

Rescue workers said passengers on the shipwrecked boat included people from Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. More tragedy struck this region of the Mediterranean when just before midnight March 1 a passenger train carrying 350 people collided with a freight train “after both ended up on the same track” near the city of Larissa in northern Greece, the BBC reported.

By midday March 2, at least 57 people were confirmed dead in what is being called the country’s worst rail crash. Rescue workers continued to search for survivors in the mangled, burned-out wreckage of the two trains.

According to the BBC, a 59-year-old station master in Larissa has been charged with “manslaughter by negligence” and was to appear in court March 2. “He has denied any wrongdoing, blaming the crash on a technical fault.”

Rail workers across Greece staged a walkout and held a one-day strike following the crash. The BBC quoted a statement from the workers’ union: “Pain has turned into anger for the dozens of dead and wounded colleagues and fellow citizens.”❖

Segment II of the Lay Ministers' Formation Programme (February to April 2023) will be held via Zoom from 3 - 5pm every Saturday afternoon. All interested persons are invited to participate.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 5614 2686

Passcode: 445718

18 & 25 February, 04 March

First Session: Basic Pastoral Counselling: Sr. Katrina Charles, O. Carm.

Second Session: Liturgy II: Preparing for Lent & Easter: Andrew Kerry & Bro. Paschal Jordan, OSB

11, 18 & 25 March

First Session: Homilies for Holy Week & Easter Triduum: Msgr. Terrence Montrose.

Second Session: Liturgy II [cont'd] Holy Week Liturgies: Andrew Kerry & Bro. Paschal Jordan, OSB

01 April Sessions 1 & 2: Retreat: Bp. Francis Alleyne, OSB

Easter Break: 08 - 15 April

Segment III - end of April to Junewill begin on Saturday 22 April .