Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Learning Toolkit

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“Relational” in this framework refers to people who have faceto-face relationships; that is, people who meet, interact, and are interdependent in everyday settings such as family, school, work, neighborhood, and local communities. It also includes relationships that may not be “everyday” in nature, but that are important in reference to a wider conflict setting, like the meeting of key local or national leaders, or representatives of community, religious, or ethnic groups from different sides of a divisive conflict. The focus is on the actual relationship patterns between individual people who interact, as distinct from a relational pattern that is structural in nature. Many aspects of direct relationship may affect conflict and peacebuilding; a few that are often most important in constructive transformation are listed below. Communication Patterns • • •

Cooperation •

What is the level of collaboration—both initiating and working together on—projects or goals that are important to both sides, and require cooperation from both sides for their success (little or none to robust and active)?

Decision-making • • •

Do people feel they are adequately included in decisions that affect their lives and their communities? Is information-sharing open, accessible and equitable? Are decision-making processes clear and fair?

Conflict handling mechanisms

What is the level of contact (regular, open or avoiding/ restricted) between or among the “sides”? Do people have the capacity to express themselves accurately in conversation without fear, judgment, or restriction? Do people have the capacity to listen, that is, to hear accurately the concerns of others, without judgment?

• • •

When conflict arises, are there appropriate and effective mechanisms by which it is handled? What patterns emerge when conflict escalates (e.g. does it move quickly from seemingly small incidents to sharp polarization)? Who are the key people who fulfill the peacemaker role in relationships, and are they adequately prepared?

CHAPTER 5: Conflict Transformation and Four Dimensions of Change


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