Fruita Catalyst Issue #8 2017

Page 1

The Catalyst Volume 21, Issue 8 May, 2017

District 51 School Repairs Page 3

Walking the Windy City

Page 6

Fruita Monument High School

13 Reasons Why: The Debate Page 8

1102 Wildcat Ave. Fruita, Co 81521

SWL Champi- The Art of onships Hard Work Page 11 Page 13

“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”- Celia Thaxter

The Catalyst

2 May 2017

Photos by Anika Roelands and Campbell Atkins

The Catalyst Staff Managing Editors Anika Roelands Alexa Willms

Business Manager Mallori Powell

News Editor Anika Roelands

Commentary Editor Alexa Willms

Features Editor Abbie Brown

Sports Editor Kade Thayer

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Alexa Willms Kade Thayer Abbie Brown Odessey Stiff Rachel Meleski Mallori Powell Campbell Atkins Michelle Buffum Trey Dickerson Kobe Johnson Jori Moore Bethany Murray Morgan Daniels

Staff Adviser

Trent Wuster

The Catalyst is a publication of Fruita Monument High School, 1102 Wildcat Avenue, Fruita, Colorado. The Catalyst is published twice per quarter and is distributed free to Fruita Monument High School students and staff. Advertising rates and deadlines are available via e-mail at Content of the student newspaper is an expression of First Amendment freedom of speech and press rights and do not represent the position or policies of Mesa County Valley School District #51 or of Fruita Monument High School’s administration or staff. As stated in School Board policy, school-sponsored publications are a public forum for students as well as an educational activity through which students can gain experience in reporting, writing, editing and more in the effort to promote responsible journalism. Content of school publications may reflect all areas of student interest, which may include topics about which there may be dissent or controversy. Comments, questions, suggestions, or letters to the editor are welcome. Unsigned editorials will not be printed. Letters may be edited for length and grammar. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors and/or MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Printed in the U.S.A. by Montrose Daily Press 3684 N Townsend Ave. Montrose, CO 81401

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News 3

Buzzing College Riots By Jori Moore, Reporter

College, late night study-

ing or partying, finding out who you are and you want to be. College is known for pursuing your career and exploring your options also it is known for speaking on what’s on your mind. Colleges in California have spoken their mind. The president of the United States Donald Trump has sparked protests and rallies at college campuses all over even still to this day.

on the steps of Los Angeles city hall, burning a giant Trump head in effigy and blocking traffic along Spring and 1st streets.” A student named Vishal Signh said to L.A. Times that he expected more from his electoral. He was shocked that people supported a man who opposed immigrants and LGBT rights. Signh said that he expected more from his country. People in the downtown area of L.A people

“He was shocked that people supported a man who opposed immigrants and LGBT rights.” According to Los Angeles Times, Trump’s election have provoked rallies at college universities and staging walk outs. “A throng more than 1,000 young protesters gathered

brought signs and were fires that were arising, the police had to show up and in was a battle between the students and the police. Some of these protests weren’t about Donald

values. We want to provide a venue for speakers across the political spectrum,” Dan Mogulof assistant vice chancellor of UC Berkeley said. Protester’s used the “It is supposed to make the people black bloc tactic of wearing all understand the danger they pose by black and masks around their faces so the police wouldn’t treating the insane neo-Nazi ideas see who they were. An anonycavaleirary.” mous protester said in an email that they were trying to it was cancelled after violent protest. Some of those protest- send out a message to everyrioters shut down the univerers brought a homemade dove one. They wanted to say that they weren’t going to allow sity. “Setting fires that turned to symbolize their peaceful the campus into what CNN intentions but it didn’t end up white supremacist views to be anchor Jake Tapper described being as peaceful as they were normalized. It is supposed to make the people understand as an inferno”). The rioters expecting it to be. at Berkeley were saying that Rioters brought clubs, the danger they pose by treating the insane neo-Nazi ideas Yiannopoulos was a tool of smashed windows and lit cavaleirary. “People talk about Trump’s fascist government fires. They did achieve their a lot of freedom of speech, and according to The Daily Caller. objective, letting Yiannopo“The rioters wanted to fight ulos not speak. The university I think this is fetish of speech against the fascism that could officials were very disappoint- misses the larger point. It is destroy the humanity”. ed and said that it wasn’t their about freedom itself. Who has it and who is denied”, the At the college, even proudest moment. “It was a 100 faculty members signed sad day, given UC Berkeley’s anonymous protester said. letters of protests to cancel legacy, history and industrial Trump. At the University of California Berkeley, Milo Yiannopoulos who is a conservative was giving a speech but

his visits according to the RollingStone. The night that Yiannopoulos arrived at the campus 1,500 showed up to

District 51 School Repairs By Mallori Powell, Reporter

District 51 is one of the most

under budgeted school districts in the state. There is not a lot of money to make improvements to our schools. Therefore, we have not been keeping up on repairs, and we have not worked towards improving our conditions. Many ceiling tiles are rotting away with water damage, lockers are getting old, and desks are in poor condition. There are many problems that the school board is looking to address. Unfortunately, the buildings in our school district are relatively old. Fruita Middle School, for example, is so old, it used to be the high school. School board member Jon William states that, “we’ve got $55 million worth of repairs that we need for our schools,” (KKCO News). Our schools are looking to get the money so that they can maintain a better condition. So, a new school bond is being proposed. This ballot measure will propose having $2 million

dollars a year for curriculum and $300,000 for technology, along with an large fund specific for repairs. They are proposing that to get some of this money, the people in the valley who have a house valued at $200,000 and over will pay around $10 a month in increased property taxes. Along with raising money, the proposal also includes other things. Students will have to go to school for at least 5 extra days under this measure. Also, they are planning on improving the security in schools, which means replacing all the lock and key- entrances and replacing them with keyless locks. “I don’t think it is worth it. Yes, some of our schools do need money, but it is unnecessary to try and get 2 million dollars. Also, we are already almost at a year-round schedule. It doesn’t make sense to add even more contact hours. And lastly, security is important, but replacing every single lock and replacing it with a keyless lock is a waste of money. We could be spending that money on things

we actually need, like better desks or computers or anything that is useful to our education,” says Amber Skillicorn, junior. The school board is

planning on looking at the proposal in July, so that they have time to asses every aspect of it before it has the possibility of being on the ballot. But, there is the

possibility that we will see this proposal on the ballot in fall this year.

Photo by Mallori Powell

The Fruita Monument Wildcat mascot on the blue gates surrounding the school’s main entrance.

News 4

National Parks Facing Cuts

By Rachel Meleski, Reporter

Donald Trump fulfilled

his promise to the American people that he will donate his entire salary to charities, including a generous seventy eight

Zinke to review all national monuments over 100,000 acres created since 2006. Former presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have created a total of 21 national monu-

“...the cuts that he plans to take out of the Park Service’s budget is staggering 1.5 billion dollars, about 12% of the previous budget.” thousand dollars to the US Park Service. However, the cuts that he plans to take out of the Park Service’s budget is staggering 1.5 billion dollars, about 12% of the previous budget. Michael Brune, leader of the environmental group Sierra Club, called out the president for his proposal, claiming that his donation was a “publicity stunt” (CNN). The budget cut proposal was followed by an executive order which directs interior secretary Ryan

ments in that time period. Trump considered the review as a tool to put an end to the “egregious abuse of power” that Obama had supposedly exhibited in his presidency through the creation of monuments like Bear’s Ears, located in Utah. Before his review, Zinke stated that “in some cases, the designation of the

monuments may have resulted tional Park Service, regardless in loss of jobs, reduced wages, of the reason for the executive and reduced public access.” order. However, the secretary was Photo by Anika Roelands unable to give examples of how the monuments had The Colorado National Monuresulted in any of the above ment in Grand Junction, CO. arguments made by Zinke. This is probably because the land is more accessible to the public if it is protected by law as a national monument. Also, the monuments have provided jobs for citizens by working for the National Park Service; Zinke gave no example of job loss or reduced wages in the monuments or areas surrounding them. Considering the 1.5 billion dollar budget cut, the reviewing (and reducing) of our monuments may become a necessary action due to the expensive needs of the Na-

“...the reviewing (and reducing) of our monuments may become a necessary action due to the expensive needs of the National Park Service...”

Senior Pranks By Mallori Powell, Reporter

Senior pranks have been a tradition at virtually all high schools across the country. They usually take place at the end of the school year, and they are performed by the senior class. Although they may seem like immature little pranks, they carry more significance than that. But what is so special about senior pranks? They are the final act done by the seniors. The senior class uses the pranks as a way of saying farewell to the school, to the teachers, and to their high school career. As people go through high school, they create a strong bond with their classmates. Senior pranks allows the graduating class to come

together as a group of friends and organize something interesting and fun. Seniors use the pranks as a way to do one last fun thing together as a class. And although they can be somewhat disruptive, they can also be fun and very creative.

tiles that go off during school. There have been many more that have caused commotion and have just brought laughter to the students at FMHS. Most of the senior pranks we see are really thought out and are organized well. It shows the

It is always interesting to see what kind of pranks the seniors come up with, and how far they are willing to go with the fun. Throughout the years, Fruita has seen some great senior pranks. One that sticks out in my mind is when the graduating class put the flag pole in the front of the school through one of the administrator’s cars. There has been times when the senior class put alarm clocks in the ceiling

strong bond of the graduating class and the large amount of creativity they possess.

Senior pranks reveal a lot about the graduating class. Some senior pranks are pretty laid back and virtually harmless. But others are very risky and bold. Some create total chaos at the high school. It is always interesting to see what kind of pranks the seniors come up with, and how far they are willing to go with the fun. The end of this school year is coming up. It is getting closer and closer to the time when seniors check-out from high school. This means that the senior class should

The senior class uses the pranks as a way of saying farewell to the school, to the teachers, and to their high school career.

be starting to do their senior pranks. Ben Johnson, senior, told me, “We have a couple pranks planned, but I am not allowed to say what they are. Part of the fun of senior pranks is the element of surprise. It is fun to organize something that nobody is expecting. We want it to be a total surprise.” Although no pranks have happened yet, it should be expected to see some in the near future. The seniors are getting more and more excited for graduation, and they are starting to think about saying farewell to the school. Therefore, they are starting to think about the pranks they will do at the school as a class.

Features 5

Dusty Shelves

By Kobe Johnson, Reporter

Books disregarded

could contain false information. In Wikipedia, it depends on the anonymous users that which could put in any information be

The haiku poem represents what state the library is currently in, books dusty and disused. I know the technology has far surpassed our necessities in the academic world and keep us endlessly entertained, but the real problem here is not technology, but our attitude about the lexicon world in the books of library, which has been abandoned and disused. We rarely read any more due to our increasing focus and usage of technology, especially the phone. Yes, the library computers are sometimes properly used for academia, but when we are finished (or procrastinating) what we do in the library? Hint: it’s not reading. Too often the people in the library are either on their phones or computers, I haven’t seen even one person really passionately reading in the library or SAT time. But the misuse of books isn’t just one issue; it’s a issue with mistreating ALL books. Yup, even these ancient resource books. The librarian, Ira Creasman says that resources may be “irrelevant but really not outdated.” and “All printed sources are verified.” It means that the resource books may be massively irrelevant but safer and more trusted option because Wikipedia and other Internet-based databases the students regularly use may be not verified and

“...I haven’t seen even one person really passionately reading in the library or SAT time.”

Abandoned, dusty old shelves Wanting to be read.

it wrongful or not. But on other side, even that these resource books have been left in dust for a long time (far too long in my opinion), they has been carefully

reviewed and verified, and thus more trustworthy and safer to use in assignments because the teachers generally, if not all, trust the

school resource books. So my problem is not just “students aren’t READING!” It’s more of “Students aren’t using these free, fun and incred-

ibly useful books as it should be used.” But you know what really prompted me to write this strongly-worded article? I’ve always been passionate about history, so I decided to read a book, and you know what I noticed the first thing? The last past due date stamped inside the cover was nearly 20

years ago. That was what really made me notice how ignored and disused the old books were and I once again picked another one, and the past due was once again,

more than 10 years ago since it was last used. But you know what really made me disgusted? I found a book THAT WAS LAST USED IN 1970’s! That’s simply unacceptable. The reason why I feel so strongly about the books left in dust is because it means students aren’t reading with passion anymore and that is what made me really dejected. There’s so many worlds in the fiction section and so much to learn in nonfiction section and yet they’re callously disregarded and disinterestedly ignored! It’s because that our ignorant minds are simply focusing on the phones and computers after they’re done with academia. I am simply outraged at how we don’t use and read these incredibly important and joyful reading experiences. If you still can’t see my point, then try to imagine that the school district decided to defund and get rid of the libraries in all schools. No more books, no more environment to read and relax. How would you feel? You would be upset and dismayed that the district would DARE to think of taking away one of our most precious resources. Well, guess what? It could be possible because you and many more students here and in the district aren’t using these libraries as it should be used for. My point is, we take the library and its books for granted, and we should & can change our attitudes and once again read the books just as the books were meant to be. Books are all treasured Why disregard it at all When you could read it?

Job Struggle

By Abbie Kinder, Reporter

Student employment trends

another 20 or more hours to earn some cash many students here at Fruita Monument are doing just that.

at work, like free drinks and popcorn and free movies.” It seems seem to be on the rise, and as that the benefits definitely outmore and, more students are weigh the cost for this student in getting jobs it seems relevant particular because he has to discuss the opportunity to make “At times I felt as though I had just the costs money and enjoy himself and benclosed my eyes and the next second my in a low stress environefits to be ment. While this is not a working alarm was going off...” the case for all working student students, there are many while still When Sophomore Trey lessons to be learned from having attending high school. While it Dickerson was asked what it’s a job in high school. may seem hard to imagine golike to have a job in high school One of the greatest things I ing to class for 40 hours a week he responded with “It’s not that learned while working through and then heading into work for bad, because I get a lot of perks my junior year of high school

was how to effectively manage my time as a student, a member of the marching band and while working over 25 hours most weeks. At times it felt as though I had just closed my eyes and the next second my alarm was going off, and while sometimes this was a reality I was often able to accomplish the things I needed to while getting almost adequate amounts of sleep. Hav-

ing places to be and things to do at every hour of the day really showed me that we have more time than we think and that it’s all about priorities. Being able to work hard and get along with coworkers as well as save and manage money are all valuable skills that working students are getting an early jump on incorporating into their lives.

“There are many lessons to be learned from having a job in high school.”

Features 6

Walking the Windy City

By Kade Thayer, Sports Editor


ay 1 My eyes were bleary and my legs shuddered early in the morning at FMHS where we were to meet in the dark. Strange and foreboding vehicles would come from the shadows and deposit their weary passengers on the sidewalk until a great multitude of tired, but ready passengers loitered about waiting. Our convoy of students boarded the expensive Wi-Fi available bus with extensive features beyond belief, but we were too sleepy to care. We shifted in our seats and slept till the sun dared peak its head over the mountains as we drove to Denver. Leaving the bus, adrenaline rushed into our blood as we hurried through TSA security, frightened by the chance that one of us could be detained. All passed fine, till we got to our boarding line where after a fast bite to eat we were funneled on that tin can that flew us into the sky. Boredom ensued as the couple (a man and his wife) from Wyoming I was stuffed between talked of their daughter’s culinary show in Charleston. Touchdown then panic as the plane skidded to a stop on the too short runway, but we lived and were herded onto a bus. 10 minutes after leaving the airport, students shouted in surprise as they witnessed a half-naked women with her child bleeding from the head. That’s the South Side. Soon we got to the hotel and were issued our rooms for rest. Scott Kwiatkowski, Jimmy Tortilla, and I shared a room with me on a couch and the others on their own beds. P.S Scott does not sleep. After dinner at Epic Burger, and desert at Firecakes (a doughnut shop) we took a walk down Michigan Avenue seeing the Chicago Tribune and, the Chicago Trump Tower. Day 2 After a night of minimal sleep we met in the lobby and were herded away again by another bus, but this marked were the fun began. We had a tour guide who made cheesy jokes and tried to sell us cheap junk for large prices. He did however know his way around the cluttered city as he pointed out to us landmarks and historical sites. We even saw where the St. Valentine massacre occurred and went in to what used to be the red light district, but is now a high class housing market. Our tour guide departed and we drove to the Museum of Science and Industry. We left our bus and joined our own groups for touring. My group grabbed a map and rushed to many sites in the

museum worth seeing. One of the best sites was U-505 which was is one of 4 museum U-boats left today. Her codebooks (enigma) helped allied forces break German messages. Another amazing exhibit we saw was the model boats collection which housed miniature

cool things we saw included a huge model train exhibit, a big hologram of the planet earth, and a big interactive screen where your silhouette is put on a wall, and then stuff would fall from the top and not be able to go past your shadow. There was even a large Tesla coil that hung from

walked to the Chicago Symphony Center. We witnessed the world famous Chicago Symphony perform with the pianist Radu Lupu and heard with our own ears a piece from Beethoven which he played that moved the audience to a standing applause. We left with our ears content and

that is shaped like a big concave bean that’s a popular tourist attraction. We set off from the Bean passing Millennium Park and by walking along the Lake Michigan waterfront and finally reached the Aquarium. We spotted many interesting sea, river, and lake creatures including but not limited to seahorses, turtles, belugas, dolphins and king crab. Of the more interesting creatures, we saw paddlefish (weird looking filter feeders), Galapagos iguanas and sea otters. Then after a spree in the gift shop and one keychain later we exited the building and walked to the Field Museum. When entering the Field museum, one is greeted instantly by the smell of old dead things and is transferred into another world. Sue the T-Rex stands gallantly in the main hall in a pose befitting a great and ancient warrior. With a quick pic we (as in my group) left to look at the dead bird exhibit. I personally think it was for the birds, although my friends seemed to enjoy it. I saw a sparkle of excitement in Jimmy’s eyes as he found on the brochure the ancient Egypt exhibit. We rushed to see what that consisted of and we were happily surprised to find mummies, statues and carvings in our midst. My favorite exhibit of the day followed shortly as we found the jade room. Elaborate and old was what we found. Great sculptures, amulets and ceremonial swords sat in cases, and for the person just wanting to touch the big bucks in the center of the room, there was a monumental boulder entirely made of jade; at a whopping 2,490 pounds the boulder waits for anyone wanting to touch it.

“Elaborate and old was what we found.”

models of various types of boats from the past. We also visited the mirror maze where you tried to find your way through a corridor where everything looked the same. All of the mirrors were spotless so it was incredibly hard to find your way around. Other

the ceiling, and it would go off every hour sending huge lightning bolts across itself. This was definitely an interesting stop on our journey, and was a place I would certainly go to again. After returning to the hotel to refresh ourselves, we ate out at Dough Bros pizzeria and

our faces full of joy to enjoy a night of sleep. Even though Scott does not sleep. Day 3 We arose early and left heading for the Shedd Aquarium, but first we stopped by the Cloud Gate or as it’s more commonly called the Bean. A large mirror

With too little time spent in the museum, I left saddened but still with excitement as there was still more too see. We left and again returned to the hotel where we were left off our leash to go feed ourselves. We went to Epic Burger again. After a new shirt, pants and a fresh shave we regrouped in the lobby and left to go to the Cadillac Palace Theater. We arrived and were given our tickets for the Broadway play Aladdin. There where cries of laughter as subtle jokes where made of our current political situation, somewhat like something SNL would do. We all seemed to enjoy it and leaved jovially. (Story Continued on Page)

Features 7

The Windy City...(Continued)

By Kade Thayer, Sports Editor


ay 4 Still not much sleep, and on top of that wind. We exited in normal fashion with a fast Northern Gale running in our hair. With spry steps, we moved along the rivers waterfront as faces chilled with the strong icy wind. Pushing ourselves forward with runny red nose, we reached navy pier and our boat ride. We boarded the BLANK a medium sized two deck passenger boat. As the top deck was exposed to the wind, most people stayed below deck, but a few hardy souls managed to

as the painful popping of our ears rewarded our eyes with a spectacular view. Buying tickets for tilt, we saw people tense in tight fear as they were leaned out the edge of a building. Tilt is an addition onto the skyscraper that puts you in a standing position and gradually the floor tilts putting part of your body out of line with the building. It was okay, but not great; another gimmick to get your money. Returning back into the elevator we zipped down back to the ground floor. Concern set in as the rain was worse than before.

“These wet glistening teardrops from heaven soaked our clothes in sadness almost instantly.” stick it out on top. After our brief run on the water and our magnificent view of the Chicago skyline, we docked. Our groups were let loose at Navy Pier, which is in essence a collection of shops, and small eateries. After Chinese food and churros, we had to leave before I had a chance to go on the Ferris wheel “dang”. I managed to buy Magnets for my parents and a hat for myself before we had to go. Disaster Struck as Rain. These wet glistening teardrops from heaven soaked our clothes in sadness almost instantly. We trudged through the downpour to the Hancock tower and with appreciation coveted the 100 floors above our heads protecting us from the rainy onslaught. We got on a crowded elevator and whizzed our way to the viewing floor. Agitation then amusement

Walking back to the hotel our clothes became sopping wet. After putting my clothes in the dryer for half an hour I put them on, and when I stepped outside I was given about 3 minutes of dryness until they were finally wet again. We walked (again) along the streets that had been turned to rivers by the downpour, but we eventually got to our destination. Geno’s East a Famous Chicago Pizza parlor known for its deep dish pizza and walls. Walls? People are allowed to write anywhere on the walls adding to the establishments character. Two slices of pizza and one spirited speech by Mr. Crabtree later we left. Day 5 Departure. We flew out of the Windy city and as looked back I knew I would hold memories with me from this journey that will last a life time.

Commentary 8

13 Reasons Why: The Debate

By Anika Roelands, Reporter


outh suicide in the Grand Valley has been drawing more attention to the fact that mental health may be worse than ever (at least in the pressing atmosphere of high schools). In March of 2017, a Netflix series based on a novel called “13 Reasons Why” was released to raise awareness about what the average teenager goes through. It also gives personal insight on how we can see new perspectives on mental illness, and help to prevent future suicide occurrences. Although the show was meant to do these things, School District 51 and other districts across the country have been having a debate over whether or not the show is “glorifying suicide” and if it is okay for young adults to have access to. Kristen Gross, an AP Language teacher here at Fruita Monument High, explained that she has listened to many “book talks” in class about this novel. She never once “had any red flags” or “felt like a kid walked away from the reading as if it “glorified” suicide.” “These are things that kids have to encoun-

ter,” she explains, “and it’s a disservice to them that we’re trying to take the resources they have away in order to “shelter them.” As most students at Fruita Monument know, suicide has been discussed openly once or twice, however many incidents have taken place this past year to where it should’ve been more of an open discussion to those who wanted or needed to listen. Students were told that counselors were available to talk to, but the stigma that goes along with the word “suicide” or the phrase “killing yourself” is not a good one. Talking about your feelings with a complete stranger is not necessarily common for high school students who tend to keep to themselves. “That’s another thing though,” Gross explains. “A show that portrays counselors as not being there for those in need… is truly tragic because that is supposed to be a safe place in high school, and the way they portray it isn’t how we aim for them to feel in that environment.” Last month, a School District 51 official named Leigh

Grasso ordered school librarians to remove the novel “13 Reasons Why” from their shelves because of raised concerns about censorship,” and the sensitivity to the issue this year. The Daily Sentinel stated on May 8 “Not only could I not just remove those books from student’s hands and backpacks, but I’m against the banning of books for any reason,” says Ira, a Fruita Monument school librarian. He claims that yes, sensitivity is high and of course we should all be respectful of that, but shutting out the problem is not the way to recover our society. The district official had sent out emails to every librarian in the school district ordering them to remove the book from circulation, which was later reversed the same day after the librarians responded indignantly. Ira exhorted, “People should have that voice...those type of subjects should be discussed. We’re trying to teach students how to cope and what they can and can’t handle, and restriction is not the solution. The only way to do that is to be more open.” Why are we worrying about a book and a show? “Peo-

ple don’t kill themselves because they read a book or watch a Netflix series….” There are causes way beyond that, he explains. Not only will the banning of this book not stop kids from getting access to it, but it will encourage the act of watching the Netflix series or getting their hands on the story even more so than now. “It’s a sad show, and it definitely made me drag out the tissues, but regardless, it opened my eyes to a new and hidden perspective on suicide that I couldn’t get from an assembly in high school,” says FMHS student Devin Horvat. Coping with issues is a learned skill, but it is everything in life. This book and show is only a small fraction of what is

out there regarding suicide, and the way it is alarming the district is a bit belated and an unnecessary debacle. Running from problems will only scare others and avoid the goal of breaking the stigma. As Ira says, facing problems and “being open” is the only way to know yourself and what you need. Our society needs to face the issue of suicide and be aware that talking about it and having it open to conversation is the only way to know how to fix it. A Netflix series and book regarding one of the biggest issues of this school year is just another way to open up the conversation to people and break the stigma that suicide is not something that needs to be hidden, but discussed

SAT: The Decision By Abbie Brown, Reporter


tudent Access Time has characterized FMHS for the past two years. In that time, it has managed to win the hearts of many exhausted, homeworkladen students, forcing a good hour and a half of free work time into the school day simply to visit teachers with perplexing questions or finish a mountain of essays. The chunk of time set aside just for students was established a couple years ago when a small group of teachers journeyed to Boulder Fairview High School, one of the best high schools in Colorado, to discern what made their school so great. It was on this trip that our administrators decided to adopt the SAT system. It seems that the very existence of this space just for homework is a bit questionable. Despite all of its usefulness, the administration at our school is beginning to wonder if SAT time is really any help at all. If it is useful, perhaps it ought to be moved into a different time frame. So why not learn a little about the ordeal? PROs: SAT is a time for students to get homework done, especially during weeks when their lives are crammed

full with work, practice, and extracurricular activities. Oh, and let’s not forget having a social life. (Some people find this important.) It gives students time that they might not have at home to finish assignments, work on computers, and most importantly talk to their teachers. The four core subjects (math, literacy, social studies, and science) are assigned either Wednesday or Thursday for students to come in and get help over concepts they might’ve not understood. In this aspect, I think SAT is a lot like college. Where universities have

to get work done, or retake tests that maybe didn’t go so well the first time around. “It frees the teachers up a little bit,” says Principal Todd McClaskey, “so that they’re not always using their lunch time and before time and after school time to help students.” CONs: While some may be quick to dub SAT a “winwin” for all parties involved, let’s not be too hasty. You might make the argument

Photo by Campbell Atkins

Students at FMHS using SAT time

lunch at a restaurant that’s not Maverick or the always-over“Despite all of its usefulness, the adcrowded Hot Tomato. It’s days ministration at our school is beginlike these when administrators begin to wonder if their efforts ning to wonder if SAT time is really to carve out more time for their any help at all.” hard-working students and teachers are being wasted. Not only this, but on assembly days, many students seize the opportunity “open hours” for kids to walk that SAT in all its usefulness goes simply to make themselves an right in and go over challenging completely unused. While the extended lunch and skip the pep material with a professor they’ve rare group of kids that go in to in between. This, though it may only seen from the back of a the library to form a study group, seem like a better alternative, lecture hall. We provide somea majority of others might use the isn’t fair to our Student Senate thing similar that allows our own time to catch up on their favorite who work hard to create askids to use SAT time to talk to Netflix show or spend it enjoying semblies that could (with a little their teachers, have a quiet room hope) bring us closer together.

McClaskey did mention a short survey the school was going to be extending to students to hear some feedback on how helpful SAT has been for them. This little bit of insight could help our administrators to decide on if “we need to tweak student access time at all.” Whatever their decision, whether SAT be moved from mid-day to between block classes, the student body can rest assured their voice will be heard in the decision.

Commentary 9

30 Steps To An Awesome Summer

By Jori Moore, Reporter


weat comes from the heat of the bright sun, the light reflects off your shades, your tan line gets darker and darker, ice cream comes to the tip of your mouth. You don’t have to worry about how late you stay up or how late you sleep in it’s summer. We have all mostly heard of the quote summer, when hair gets lighter, skin gets darker, water gets warmer, drinks get colder, music get louder, nights gets longer. But no one tends to talk about the awkward time during summer where you’re done traveling and going to the pool everyday starts to get a little old and you’re just a little bit bored, well no worries here are some fun things do during that awkward period in summer. 1. Have the biggest, baddest best ice cream sundae party. Get you and your friends to come over and create either the most delicious or the grossest ice cream sundae that they can and have a contest on who’s is the best. 2. Make tie-dye shirts. Get the wildest design and colors and make some cool tie-dye shirts just right for summer. 3. Open a lemonade stand. Go

back to your young self and make some sweet and refreshing lemonade and it can’t hurt to make a couple bucks.

4. If the pool is getting old go to a pond and feed the little cute ducks that waddle around. Bring some bread or crackers stroll around the pond, count and name all of the ducks then feed them. 5. If you want to be really proactive go become a volunteer somewhere. Help out the community and the people in the community. 6. Go to a baseball game. Summer is the right time to go watch the great game of baseball and if you’re not really into watching baseball get your friends and family together and create your own game. 7. If you’re not really feeling very outdoorsy find a show on Netflix and binge watch it. If you think that you’ve watched very show on Netflix you haven’t. 8. If you’ve really had watched every single show on a Netflix then how dare I say it read a book. If you can’t really travel to a new place travel to a new place in a book. 9. If you are feeling outdoorsy then go on a hike we are sur-

The sun sets over the Colorado National Monument.

rounded by beautiful scenery why not go up and admire for a while.

10. Have a water balloon fight. You can either do it with your friends or family or random strangers (no don’t throw water balloons at random people do it with your friends or family). 11. Make a home movie. Get those creative juices flowing and use the technology that we have and make your own movie. 12. Go to the lake. You can go fishing or if you’re not into slimy fish then go waterskiing or knee boarding or just ride around in a boat. You can even just chill and enjoy the water. 13. Go mini golfing, just try not the hit anyone in the face with a club or a ball. 14. Have a tea party. Dress up really fancy and drink some “fancy” tea with some “fancy’ desserts. Really it can just be cookies that you baked. 15. Bake. Bake anything that you want from just plain cookies to creme brulee. Have fun with it they don’t have to look the best they just have to taste the best. 16. Solve a jigsaw puzzle, it

might work your brain a little but it will be good for you. The ending result might be pretty cool too.

17. Plant a garden. Get those garden gloves on and grow fruit, flowers and vegetables and you can even eat it if you want to. 18. Reorganize your room it might be time for a change. 19. How dare I say it read a book. 20. Give yourself a spa day. Take those bath bombs and take a bubble bath. You need to do some relaxing. 21. Find new music to listen to. If you’re tired of the same old things that you hear on the radio or if you’re tired of listening to the same playlist on Spotify find some music that is different but that you enjoy listening to. 22. Start to learn a different language. Learn french, mandarin, portuguese learn any language that you want to learn. 23. Make a time capsule. Get some of your old things together and bury it where you know that you won’t find it. 24. Go on a bike ride. Dig out

that old bike that you know you have and then go on a ride. 25. Go vintage shopping. Go the nearest vintage or flea market and see what little odd things you can find. 26. Go to a pet store. Look around at the cute dogs and cats maybe even some fish if you find fish cute. 27. Do some yoga. Get a mat or blanket, stay inside or go outside and learn some yoga moves. 28. Stage a photo shoot. Get the craziest things you can find put it on your friends or family even your pets and grab a camera or even your phone and do take photos. 29. Make popsicles. They can be full of fresh fruit and juices 30. Do a flashmob. Get some people together go to the mall, the park or just a random place and sing a song or choreograph a dance or just do a something crazy. Summer is so nice. You get to travel and hang out with friends and stay out late and you are able to sleep in but if you ever do get bored during summer those are just a few odd things that you

Photo by Campbell Atkins

Sports 10

America’s Favorite Past Time By Morgan Daniels, Reporter

Grand Junction is

overwhelmed by the amount of people brought in to watch the Junior College World Series every year. This event not only attracts baseball lovers, but it brings in young players full of talent, commitment, and enthusiasm. This year is also a special year because JUCO is celebrating their 60th anniversary. An overview of what the players do before each game from a former staff member,, “they show up early, and then they do their practices. They either practice at CMU or Canyon View. Then they have a player’s banquet, and it is super boring and they all hate it, but this year Dante Bichette is (A Former Colorado Rockies outfielder) speaking at the banquet. Then they go out and start the game.” Quote from Kaleb Baxter America’s past time is known for the different snacks they provide. For JUCO these snacks are abused. Baseball, but JUCO in particular is known for their sunflower seed chewing , Bubble Gum, Liquorish, Hot Dogs, Gelato, Ice Cream (that come in

little hats), Chili cheese fries, and popcorn. “Sunflower seeds are the most popular by far because they are quick and easy, they are also easy to clean off the ground once they are dry, because that’s always where they end up.” Jacob Shive Top 10 ranking this year are 1. Chipola, FL 2. Yavapai, AZ 3. San Jacinto, TX 4. Iowa western, IA 5. SCF-M, FL 6. Chattahoochee Valley, AL 7. Santa Rosa, CA 8. Santa Fe, FL 9. Jones County, MS 10. Connors State, OK “I’m excited to see teams that I haven’t seen yet, and all the new players. The San Jacinto’s are my favorite, they always have good energy, and always put up a good game.” Says Kaleb Baxter This summer enjoy America’s favorite past time the week of May 27- June 3. “This is my favorite event of the summer, defiantly something to be excited about.” Says Jacob Shive, fan of JUCO Be excited for the amazing young talent, the snacks, or some good ole baseball watching.

Aligator News too Large?

By Rylee Martin, Reporter Can we talk a little bit Can we talk a little bit about how crazy these headlines are getting? I’m going through my news and I see a story titled Really Brave PGA Golfer Smack Alligator to Get It Off the Course, so I’m interested. I click on the story but it has no video so I google search it… and these are some of the headlines I see. PGA golfer uses his bare hands to shoo 8-foot alligator off the course, Pro golfer fearlessly pushes a gator into a water hazard at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, Cody Gribble ain’t afraid of no alligator, PGA golfer Cody Gribble casually pushes alligator away like it’s a golden retriever puppy, Golfer Cody Gribble slaps sunbath-

“Golfer Cody Gribble slaps sunbathing alligator on the tail...”

ing alligator on the tail, Watch this PGA golfer prove he has balls of steel after messing with an alligator. The guy really just reminds me of like Jim Halpert from The Office. He goes up and taps the lil gator on his tail, like telling him, rise

“PGA golfer uses his bare hands to shoo 8-foot alligator off the course...” and shine little boy it’s time for you get up. I’m pretty sure this guy plays golf a lot so he’s probably seen alligators on the course before but it was a good time for a lot of other people to see him wake that dude up.

Wikimedia Commens picture of a giant ‘gator.

Sports 11

SWL Championships

By Alexa Willms, Commentary Editor

Grand Fruita

Monument has been known for their excellent athletes over the years, whether it be state qualifications, record breaking events, or athletic signings. One of the biggest accomplishments that a team shoots for is to win their league during season. Tennis and baseball have worked hard this spring to achieve their SWL championship and hold onto their title for another year. The tennis team has been SWL champs for the 4th year in a row. Coach Davis has been the tennis

says Amber Skillicorn, a junior one doubles player, who has been a part of two SWL championships. Tennis is a sport that does not require much team effort on the court. Although, winning championships and cheering on each other on and off the court would beg to differ. “Competing for SWL is when you know that tennis really is a team sport,” argues Sofia Treider, a junior two doubles player, who has been a part of three title wins. The team had to face Durango in order to win

“Durango and Fruita crowded the sidelines as they competed in a cheering battle for their doubles team.” coach for all four years of winning the SWL title. “It’s very gratifying and makes me very proud of the hard work that the girls have put in for the culture that we have and that we consistently strive for excellence.” The tennis team refers themselves as bulldogs and have used that as their motivation this season to “let themselves off their chain and attack their opponent” (meaning with a killer serve, not actual violence). “I feel like a baller. I think that we deserve it because we work the hardest and put in the most on and off the court. Our comradery as a team helps us be bulldogs,”

their title. The last match of the day left both teams with an even amount of wins. Sofia Treider and Katie Wood found themselves in a third set with the league title on the line. Durango and Fruita crowded the sidelines as they competed in a cheering battle for their doubles team. Fruita won the third set 7-5, bringing home the 4th SWL title for the Wildcats. “Playing these local teams and winning helps us prepare for state and know that we are capable of taking on tougher opponents,” says Katie Wood, a junior who has made it to state two years in a row. The tennis Photo by Creative Commons

everything they had on the field and redeemed themselves from the loss to Durango the week before. Fruita was caught in the seventh inning in a tie of 6-6. The Wildcats managed to pull out a 9-6 win in 9 innings and win their 3rd straight title. The team worked titles. The baseball team finhard this season and it all ished with a 6-2 (W-L) ratio payed off when they were able with losing only to Durango to go to the playoffs in Denver. and Montrose this season. Our sports teams work toKohl Hagee, a junior, has been a part of each SWL title. gether to bring home titles that “It was really awesome and a make the whole school proud great reward because our team to be a Wildcat. The differis so tightly knit. We go out on ence between an athlete and a Fruita Monument athlete is the field and play for the guy that we want it more than our next to us. The title is a good indicator to see how far we’ve opponent. And to that I say: What team? WILDCATS! Get come as a team.” In order to your head in the game! win the league, the team had to take on Durango just as the tennis team did. The team would not stop until they left

“It’s very gratifying and makes me very proud of the hard work that the girls have put in for the culture that we have and that we consistently strive for excellence.” team had a great season and had 10 girls go onto the state tournament in Denver. Another team that has achieved the SWL title for a 3-peat is the baseball team. Coach McLennan has been the baseball coach for all three titles. “It was a super fun experience to play and get the 3rd SWL with the seniors, along with everyone else. It was super fun to win it with and for them,” says Zach Rush, a sophomore who has been a part of 2 of the 3 winning

A&E 12

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 Review By Trey Dickerson, A&E Editor

Finally the dreadful

wait is over. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” has hit theaters with its bright beautiful colors, and its 80’s music. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” is written and directed by James Gunn, and is the hyped sequel fans have been waiting for ever sense we first saw them in 2014. Guardians is staring Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper. The original cast is back for its biggest adventure yet and is going to pull off one of the funniest and most action packed Marvel movies to date. To begin, “Guardians of the galaxy vol. 2” is mainly a character driven movie with fun action set pieces mixed in. What I mean is that you go deeper with each character and you get to know them fully this time around. In the first movie, you’re introduced to these characters and learn a little bit about them and their past. This time around, you learn why each character acts the way they act. That’s Guardians greatest triumph because you feel more invested with each character after the movie ends. Speaking of the characters, they’re great in the film. After I saw the first Guardians, Dave Bautista’s character “Drax” was my favorite character because of his quick jokes and his story about his past. This time Chris Pratt’s charac-

ter “Star-Lord” was my favorite because of his story between the Guardians and his Father played by Kurt Russell. His battle between what is family and who can you trust griped my emotion while watching the movie. Another great character that I loved this time was Michael Rooker’s character “Yondu”. Out of all of the characters, “Yondu” brings out all of the heart and feeling in this movie. If they ever make a “Yondu” / “StarLord” movie I’ll be the first person in line for that movie. Lastly “Baby Groot” and “Rocket” are the saving grace with their buddy comedy. I can’t wait to see their next adventure. Next, James Gunn’s direction in this movie is amazing. He brings out bright, beautiful colors that pop out of the screen. Also, his choice of music in this movie is fantastic! I’m a huge 70’s, 80’s music guy. I loved the music in the first one, but I love this soundtrack even more. And even more the comedy in this marvel film is one of the best so far. Gunn knows how to make a fun time at the movies. Lastly, no movie is ever perfect. But this film has some problems. To begin, Marvel has some of the greatest heros like “Iron Man”, “Captain America” or even “Star-Lord.” But they don’t have good villain portrayal in the movies. That’s a huge problem for me because I love a great villain

in a comic book movie. The Marvel movies do a great job with their heros, but fall flat with some of their villains. At the beginning of the movie, you meet a group of gold people. I don’t even know what there called because the movie doesn’t tell you. These people are the weakest villains I’ve seen in a marvel movie. But there is a stronger villain at the end of the movie. Like I said before, this movie is really funny. But at times were you need the emotional aspect they place a joke that makes the overall feeling lower. That was a disappointment because the movie was riding on this big emotional scene and it replaces it with a joke. Next time please just leave the joke were you need them. Those are my positive and negatives for “Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2” and I’m going to give it an 8.5 out of 10. The movie is fantastic overall and one of the best marvel movies in a long time. I beat your wondering which Guardians of the Galaxy movie is my favorite? Well I really love this one, but the first one is still better than the second one. Please go see this movie, and stay around for its 5 after credit scenes. You won’t be disappointed.

Top 5 Anime Photo By Marvel Studio’s

By Bethany Murrary, Reporter


he Japanese world of anime is amazing full of all sorts of stories. Anime means Japanese animation not specifying to any sort of style story or genre. You may have never found an anime you like but I guaranty there is one you may fall in love with. It may be hard to find one you love but here are a few great starters to kick off the love of anime. These are the top 5 best starter animes . 1) “Sword art online”Genre: sifi, romance, action/adventure Author/Creator: Reki Kawahara Episodes: 25 (not counting sword art online 2) Watch on: Netflix, Crunchyroll, kiss anime, Hulu, and adult swim Summary: In the year 2022, technology has advanced especially in the video game world. The newest system called the nerve gear has just come out and everyone is super hyped about it. The game sword art online the first game made for the nerve gear has made its release as well. Over millions of players all over the world log in to sword art online the first day including a few unknown beta testers. Not long af-

ter the game starts, players begin to try and long out but they are unable to. Everyone is trapped in this game with almost no way out except to beat the 100th floor, but here’s a little twist. If the player dies in the game, there avatar is deleted and the not only disappear from sao but also from the real world. Kirito a beta tester with the highest score is determined to get out of this game alive and beat the 100th floor aka the final level of sao that will save every player. 2) Mekakucity actors- Genre: sifi, fiction, psychological, action/ adventure Author/Creator: Shinzen no Teki-p Jin Episodes: 12 Watch on: (this anime is a little difficult to find) crunchyroll for sure though Summary: This is an anime based on the “Kagerou project” songs by “Jin”. Shintaro is an awkward shut in ( he never leaves his home) one day he receives a mysterious message from unknown. It turns out to be a digital girl named Ene. Shintaro gets use to Ene after a year, but one day he spills soda on his keyboard. He has to make an attempt

to go out and get a new one. keep in mind he hasn’t left his house in a year. While he’s out, everything that could go wrong. The mall is attacked and he’s taken hostage but manages to get away thanks to a certain group of people with special abilities. This event results in him joining the mekakucity actor. 3) Durarara!!- Genre: sifi, fiction, action/adventure, thriller, supernatural, romance, mystery Author/Creator: Ryōgo Narita & Suzuhito Yasuda Episodes: 26 Watch on: funmation, Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix, kiss anime Summary: Mikado a young boy from a small town moves to Ikebukuro a large city in Japan where his best friend Masaomi lives. This big city may seem amazing and extravagant but group’s gangs and supernatural is roaming wild. The dollars (a large gang more like a group that no one really knows much about) is at large and having run ins with the yellow scarves (a color gang) mean while the black rider( a motorcyclist with no head) is being spotted and there are clams of sightings of the slasher(a supernatural being that slashing people

in ally’s. Mikado is suddenly feeling that maybe Ikebukuro isn’t all that safe. 4) Assassination ClassroomGenre: sifi, comedy, fiction, action/ adventure Author/creator: Yusei Matsui Episodes: 22 Watch on: Crunchyroll, Hulu Summary: In class 3-E the students are faced with the task of assassinating there alien teacher Koro Sensei before the year ends. The fate of the world lies in the students hands due to the fact that Koro Sensei plans to wipe out earth. This may seem like an easy task but Koro sensei is extremely observant and unbelievably fast causing more of a challenge for the students of class 3-E. 5) Tokyo ghoul- Genre: sifi, horror, gore, action/adventure Author/creator: Sui Ishida Episodes: 12 (season one) Watch on: Hulu, Crunchyroll, Funmation, kiss anime Summary: Kaneki is a college student in Tokyo japan. But Tokyo ha a ghoul problem (ghouls are special beings that feed on human flesh and have a kagune a weapon that’s a part of them) Kaneki meets a girl

at a coffee shop and goes out on a date with her later on that night he finds out she a ghoul in her attempt to kill him. A construction accident happens and kills her and injures him in order to save his life that doctor put the girl’s organs him. Later that day he finds out that he’s now a ghoul. His whole life is flipped upside down as he finds out about the ghoul world with in japo japan.

A&E 13

The Art of Hard Work By Campbell Atkins, Reporter

The Art of Hard Work- The

many hours of cutting, matting, identifying, and arranging the art show is this thursday, my hundreds of art pieces into a idea was to get quotes and phobountiful array of the students’ tos then, since the teachers and work, all thoughtfully posistudents haven't been able to be tioned to accent the talent and interviewed any other time effort put forth in them. If you’ve ever been enrolled On Thursday night, May 18, in one of Fruita’s manifold art parents, relatives, students, and classes, than the end-of-semesteachers gathered in the school's ter art library to shows “Hundreds of art pieces into admire are noththe hard ing new a bountiful array of the stuwork these dents’ work” to you. kids had As the put into end of their art. Classes including Art the school year slowly turns to 1, Drawing and Painting 1 & an end, there is still one more 2, Mixed Media, Ceramics, 3D activity for you to anticipate. Design, Advanced Art, PhotogAfter each semester, the art raphy 1 and 2, and AP Studio teachers, Mrs. Sturrock and Art are encompassed in this Mrs. Widhammer, assemble show. Although this art show an art show to exhibit what the may seem as nothing more than students thought was their best a way to kick off the end of a work of the semester. Students semester of a class, it is actuand teachers alike endeavor ally much more than that. This

show not only contains the many pieces that students felt was their best work, but it also contains pieces that have been recognized and awarded on a bigger level: being entered in art shows such as the Altrusa art fair and others. These pieces have been prized and recognized. They have been winning pieces and the time and effort put into them are incomparable to any other school project. Our small FMHS art show is not just a place to display our school projects, it’s a place that some unrecognized talent is shown, where first place pieces are presented, where meaning and depth are found in each and every one of the projects on exhibit, and mature technique and form is used throughout. The art that can be found at one of these underrated art shows is something that is truly astounding, and it’s worth noticing.

The last art show of the school year!

Photo By Campbell Atkins

Registration for Despair

By Abbie Brown, Feathers Editor

We all know what it

feels like every year that packet hits your desk. That dreadful thud in the pit of your stomach as the counselors beamingly tell you “It’s okay! You can pick any classes you want!” But can you really? Registration is something both horrifyingly monstrous and yet pleasantly satisfying. Coming with that neatly stapled stack of papers, is everything you need to succeed in your high school classes…and therefore life. While you ponder over the mysteries of your GPA and how ever you are going to squeeze in all of your required classes with the electives you want to take, and on top of that the classes that colleges would like to see for your major, you are then met with a monumental wall of stress that is seemingly unsurpassable. Especially with AP and Honors courses, the burden coming from choosing the right

want to be stranded in college having skipped a year of math and forgotten anything remotely related to trigonometry and the law of cosines. 3.) Put in the effort. Challenge yourself with courses that won’t just let you relax into a constant hum of nothingness, they’ll force you to use your head the way it was meant to be used. 4.) Take something fun! As unrealistic as it may sound, high school can actually be a blast…if you allow yourself just a little bit of adventure with classes that you actually enjoy. 5.) Keep the future in mind. Don’t forget to look ahead at how your choices now will affect your career in the future. Even if you don’t have a major picked out just yet, it’s always good to try and follow a set of classes that could potentially fit with the field you’d like to invest in. As stressful as registration can be,

“Registration is something both horrifyingly monstrous and yet pleasantly satisfying.” classes grows tremendously. If you haven’t begun the process already, here’s a few tips that might come in handy: 1.) Get your hardest classes out of the way before your senior year. That way you can spend the rest of your high school life without undergoing traumatic amounts of stress every night. 2.) Try and take at least one math class every year! You don’t

my biggest word of advice would simply be not to panic. It’s not the end of the world if you wind up taking through the wrong classes. Do what you love to do with some hard work in between, and maybe, just maybe it’ll all turn out okay.

Photo by Quickmeme

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