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NYC is a brand that fully represents

what it means to « think outside the box ». Inspired by dreams, these beautiful pieces of jewelry come alive when worn. Wearers catch a glimpse of the darkside whilst diamonds and stones also add beauty and life to the pieces. Castro is a unique and innovative designer who strives to be uncommon and stand out from the rest.The new collection by Castro is a marriage between elegance and darkness. This press kit will provide a better understanding of Castro and his work. Castro’s press publications are included.


Castro NYC was established in 2006, in New York, by jewelry designer Castro. Castro was born in 1972 in Toledo, Ohio, but truely believes that he was born deep in the black void of outer space. What is creation for him? Whenever Castro creates he strives to make his work as unique as possible. He is the « creator of dreams ». That’s his job; that’s who he is. What fulfills him? Designing: the process by which the birth of an idea arrives as a physical manifestation. Like Oscar Wilde said « A w o r k o f art is the result of a unique t e m p e r a m e n t » .

What is his dreamscape? Each piece is based on ideas and dreams which he recreates in a 3D form to appeal to the eyes of the beholder . Their appreciation is what makes the piece come alive. As an artist and creator he is striving for the attention of his customer. Plain and simple. What inspires him? Castro gets inspiration through his dreams as well as animals. The Medieval era and Africa also provide inspiration. What is his target market? Castro targets those who are intrested in jewlery that tells a story and want to be in a universe filled with dark, eclectic beauty. How does he see his future? He would like to include more materials such as handtreated leather and hand-cut fur to embellish the collection. Â

Z i p p o r a h Z a 1 a r a h S t e r l i n g S i l v e r , 1 8 k t G o l d , B l a c k o r W h i t e D i a m o n d s , O n y x I n n e r , 1 2 k t B l a c k D i a m o n d

H e a d D o c t o r N e c k l a c e i n c l u d e s S t e r l i n g S i l v e r , 1 8 k t g o l d , B r o n z e , P e a r l , A f r i c a n B e a d s .

Y i n & Y a n g S a p p h i r e s , R u b i e s , a n d b l k & w h i t e D i a m o n d s . 1 8 k t b l a c k G o l d , B o n e

P l a n e t e r r y R i n g

D i a m o n d , B l u e S a p p h i r e 1 4 k t G o l d

Castro NYC Press Vogue Italia «Avant-garde jewelry with spiritual value. In New York Working with a foundation of a bird's carcass, claw or paw, sprinkled with diamonds, crystals or pearls, Castro NYC is a collection of avant-garde jewelry with spiritual value. "The birds claws are a representation of the dark ages when the doctor's used to wear bird masks to ward off evil and the plague. These pieces are actually amulets to ward off the evil eye and to protect you." Moreover, " the bird has the most beautiful shape of any animal. You can do so much with it creatively." YMK for Castro is a mix of medieval and organic. Its shape takes the form of metal hardware and hand-stitched leather cuffs overflowing with feathers and fur. For Castro, this reflects, perhaps, a character he wishes he were, or strives to be - a well-heeled Thor. "The new collection is about strength," Castro explains."…About how far I can go into the rabbit hole. Hands with eyeballs in them, a hand holding a 300 carat garnet crystal. Stones set inside of stones. Stones set in pearls. It’s more about layering, more powerful pieces. This season is about blowing people's minds. There is one thing that cannot be trapped and that is the mind.» Write by Massah Kaikai

Link : the-black-blog/2010/08/castro-s-jewels

The Black nouveau: « T.B.N Interviews: Terry Castro Such a quote was only proper for me to open up discussion for our latest guest for The Black Nouveau. I would like to introduce to you all, Mr Terry Castro who is the founder and designer of Castro NYC, his brilliant jewelry line. I was referred to Mr Castro by a very dear friend of mine in Milan via Facebook (go figure) and she informed me that he was a very unique individual who makes truly beautiful works of art, I was sold since I revel in all art forms and love jewelry myself. I composed this interview with himbabout 2 weeks ago and I would love to share it with you all now. Please enjoy! »

Link : 2012/04/25/t-b-n-interviews-terrycastro/

Fiasco Magazine: FIASCO HOMME – ISSUE ONE MAY 2011

Link : fiascomagazine/docs/issue1f

Boutique.Ru : Новая марка Castro NYC Cаstro NYC - ювелирная марка для женщин, хотя многие украшения выглядят весьма мужественно и могут приглянуться и мужчине. Брутальность - вот пластический язык «творца мечты», как называет себя сам дизайнер Терри Кастро, создающий в самом центре Манхеттена украшения, пришедшие то ли из далекого прошлого, то ли залетевших из космических просторов. Органические материалы, вроде меха норки, дерева, жемчуга он, наподобие старинных амулетов совмещает с серебряной основой. А благодаря обтекаемым неправильным формам изделий и графичной легкости тяжелых металлов подвески, кольца и браслеты приобретают инопланетный оттенок. Сам Кастро сравнивает работу с драгоценными материалами не иначе, как с рождением детей, а покупателей - со своими единомышленниками: "На украшениях я не просто делаю деньги, мне по большому счету наплевать понравится публике мое новое изделие или нет. Настоящее удовольствие мне приносит сам процесс от зарождения идея, до ее воплощения. В этом смысле я - не прогибаем!" Кулоны, кольца и подвески Cаstro NYC теперь и на


Collaboration Castro collaborates with artists who share his passion. From their encounter comes a collection, a perfect harmony of several notes ringing across a somber and beautiful universe.

Brandon Sun Collection New-York

David Andersen Denmark

Asger Juel Larsen UK

Stores Products sold in stores across the US, Asia and Europe Maxfield (Los Angeles) Ikram (Chicago) Luisa via Roma (Roma- Italia) L’éclaireur (Paris-France) Joyce (Hong-Cong China)

Contact :


Phone : 419 944 9032 Address : 1751 Lexington ave #3 NY, NY 10029 Website : EMail : Press : c/o Sophie Gautier Facebook page : 117053475025675 Twitter page :!/castronyc

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