Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro: Eclipse

Page 174


a colonial labyrinth. I’m either going through the labyrinth as a travesti or I’m going to make the labyrinth my "travestiality." Or I’m going to make my travestiality another labyrinth.

¹ An abbreviated and affectionate way of saying travesti. T/N. ² Abbreviation of encruzilhada, meaning “crossroads”. The word denotes an important space for Afro-Brazilian forms of spirituality. Closely related to the Orixá Exú, it is a recurring site for the realization of offerings and rituals. T/N.

Or I will make my trava¹ place an encruza². And the encruza is not a labyrinth, but a twirled space that is infinite in all directions — encruzilhadas — like air. And if I’m a travesti ruled by the power of Planet Gemini, so I have been learning to move quickly and intelligently through these places of speech that just choke and hang me. Well, the Travesti Transition is from a place to which place? That being said, I also need to admit that I don’t care much about what Travesti is, but how we, Travestis, unthink (stop thinking) about the Modern World in order to accomplish being travestis. And for that I abandon any oedipal, fetishist, psychological, anthropological analysis to say that there isn’t — a priori — an essential or fundamental content or form for the Travesti Transmutation to happen. Each trava rejects or flirts with the hormone that makes her none of what racist cisgenderism thinks about itself and about us. My thought is a contradictory fold that says: travestiliality is transmutation. Atthe beginning and the end, I’m interested in transmutation and not in transition.


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