Children's Aid Annual Report 2023

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This past year from Staten Island to the Bronx, Children’s Aid young people were bustling with life and laughter, and forming new connections. Summer camps were filled with eager young minds, enthusiastically discovering new passions and developing meaningful bonds. Our classrooms echoed with students reclaiming lost time — rejuvenating their minds, bodies, and spirits. Fundraising events, like the Golf Classic and annual benefit, were resounding successes, highlighting our community’s unwavering support. 2023 gave our community a lot to celebrate.

Despite these triumphs, we know that many uncertainties and challenges — global and local — continue to threaten the safety and well-being of young people and their families. We remain keenly focused on our mission to provide resources and stability, ensuring our communities are supported and uplifted. Whether our clients are recent arrivals or have been part of our family for years, we strive to ensure they have all the tools they need to create the lives they envision for themselves. When they succeed in reaching their goals, we know it is the collective support of individuals like you that helped them get across the finish line, and we thank you for helping create these wins.

2023 Annual Report

With gratitude,

Our Mission

Children’s Aid helps children living in poverty to succeed and thrive. We do this by providing comprehensive supports to children, youth, and their families in targeted high-needs New York City neighborhoods.

Our Vision

All children have access to the opportunities and supports they need to realize their fullest potential and lead successful, healthy, and productive lives.

Jill J. Olson Chair, Board of Trustees Phoebe C. Boyer President and CEO
Our Mission and Our Vision 1 For the Win! 2 Family 4 Education 10 Health 16 Connections and Locations 22 Financial Report 24 Patrons .......................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Our Leadership 32 Ready, Set, Join Us. Get Involved. 33

For the win!

When we think of big wins, we often imagine our sports heroes. We remember the obstacles they overcame and the determination they displayed. We celebrate how their steadfast commitment to their craft paved the path to success. At Children’s Aid, winning may mean coming in first place at a basketball championship or clinching a healthy cooking competition trophy; but more often, wins at Children’s Aid mean celebrating both everyday gains and life-changing victories.

These could be a previously disengaged student improving their reading or earning their GED, a judge finalizing the adoption of a child in foster care, or a young chef mastering their first dish — and we believe each win is a cause for celebration, no matter how big or small it is.

And just as it is on the playing field, at Children’s Aid, it’s about teamwork. Our integrated services address the whole child, paving the way for them to achieve the wins they imagine for themselves in life.

As you read the pages of this report, relish the wins with us. After all, you are an integral part of the Children’s Aid team. Our success is your success, because we can’t succeed without your support.


of families enrolled in our crisis interventions avoid foster care placements and forge a path toward maintaining strong and healthy homes.


of our families are satisfied with services received during their children’s preschool years, the most critical stage of human cognitive development.


of high schoolers who obtain internal referrals for behavioral health services successfully receive treatment, enabling them to take the first steps toward achieving their goals.

2023 Annual Report 3 Children’s Aid 2
health family


It’s all about creating a positive home life for children and families to succeed.

When households cannot offer the stability, safety, and love that every child deserves, social workers intervene to create benchmarks for caregivers to curb negative behaviors and become the best versions of themselves. Children’s Aid leads the pack in such interventions, achieving a nearly perfect record of helping families heal and stay united.

In extreme cases when foster home placements do become necessary, we continue to work with that child’s birth parents toward possible reunification or facilitate permanent placements elsewhere. As children nationwide in foster care grow up, they confront poor outcomes in education, employment, and housing. When Children’s Aid intervenes, our comprehensive network of 100-plus programs offers everything children need to unlock their inner grit and beat the odds.

2,405 young people received family crisis interventions through Prevention Services.

Our family stability toolkit includes:

adoption placement and support

domestic violence interventions

family engagement activities

family life and sex education

family reunification

207 children in foster care were adopted or placed in permanent foster homes.

food and nutrition assistance

foster care placement and support

foster care prevention services

housing and legal advocacy

2023 Annual Report 5

Seeing Phoenix, I felt a connection.

She called to my heart. She needed a home.

Child Welfare and Family Services

Children’s Aid Family Phoenix and Ruth

In a decade-long nursing career, Ruth encountered numerous medically fragile newborns in the cardiac unit, but none captured her heart like Phoenix. Phoenix was born with serious heart defects and battled drug addictions, and when Ruth witnessed the vulnerability of this tiny patient looking up at her during a routine treatment, Ruth felt an overwhelming desire for someone to shower Phoenix with the unconditional love every child deserves.

That someone turned out to be Ruth. She decided to foster Phoenix, ultimately sealing their bond through adoption on Valentine’s Day 2023. This act of love not only changed Phoenix’s life but also inspired Ruth’s friend and a colleague to both become foster parents themselves.

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And that voice can be powerful enough to transform families.
have a voice.


We go beyond the basics to transform children’s learning, launch successful careers, and put any goal within reach.

Starting in early childhood, our preschool staff lay the groundwork for academic success and a lifetime of healthy habits. As a child enters grade school, the baton is passed to our community school, after-school, and summer camp staff. They enable students to receive academic enrichment and explore diverse interests, while integrating socialemotional learning into every facet of our programming. Aspirations take flight when students collaborate with our college and career counselors to map out their next steps.

At Children’s Aid, we go above and beyond to position young people for success in school, career, and life. We design and deliver programs customized to the needs of each student to cultivate lifelong learners. In doing so, we instill in each child the courage to achieve a winning record from the moment they step through our doors.

3,414 young people were provided with tutoring in 23,935 individual and group sessions.

93% of our specialized college prep high school program participants who applied to college were accepted to college.

Our education toolkit includes:

deaf and hard-of-hearing services early childhood development high school equivalency programs mentorship after-school and summer programs attendance support college and career readiness college persistence support community schools

2023 Annual Report
My whole family has learned and grown.

My grandparents, parents, siblings, and I were able to achieve incredible milestones.

Dedicated support leads to success.

I advocate on behalf of families so that children can thrive at school.

2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid


Setting the pace for a life of health and wellness begins during childhood and is most successful when all areas of healthy lifestyles are strengthened.

What does it look like to “win” in health and wellness? For New York City’s children growing up in the most disadvantaged circumstances and for the young asylum seekers who recently arrived, it means overcoming health and environmental disparities putting them at higher risk for asthma, diabetes, mental health struggles, and other conditions. It also means having access to nutritious foods and active lifestyles to promote healthy childhood development, and securing health insurance coverage to ensure a continuity of care.

At Children’s Aid, we offer clinic-, center-, and school-based services to support all these goals, removing every hurdle that stands in front of children so they can live long, happy, and healthy lives, regardless of their income or ZIP code.

100% of early childhood participants received a flu shot.

Our well-being toolkit includes:

at-home care

case management

community- and school-based clinics

fitness activities

food access

health insurance support

1,282 patients made 24,243 behavioral health visits via telehealth, at our sites, and in their own homes.

nutrition and health education

preventive, dental, and mental health care screenings

teen-targeted support


2023 Annual Report

Children’s Aid Youth

At the tender age of 5, Misael entered Children’s Aid foster care, finding a new family through adoption. Tragically, during his teenage years, both of his adoptive parents passed away, leading him to re-enter foster care. These profound losses brought forth challenging mental health struggles for Misael. However, he discovered solace in the unwavering support of his Children’s Aid family who have provided consistency, comfort, and stability.

Social workers like Gabriel offer grief counseling and powerful advice. His life coach, Junior, regularly creates memorable experiences for Misael. Once he took Misael on a trip to a water park to lift his spirits, and another time he boosted Misael’s self-esteem by connecting him to a business internship.

I am surrounded by people who care.
Through tough situations, Children’s Aid makes sure that I am mentally and physically well.
Misael Foster Care, Adoption Services, and Behavioral Health Services
2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid
The work we do is so rewarding.

I feel connected to improving the health of our communities at every level of my service.

2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid
Our wins are built on connection.

For more than 170 years, we’ve helped New York City hit it out of the park as a leader in developing innovative social services, and we take pride in our long history here. But our focus is on the present and the future.

Every day, we work hard to create strong connections within the neighborhoods we serve.

This happens on a personal level through our dedicated teachers, social workers, and mentors who engage with children and families. We also extend our impact on a larger scale by collecting survey data from within our communities and collaborating with oversight boards and local government leaders to develop first-ofits-kind program models. We are honored to work hand-in-hand with our community partners, aiming to create a future that is better and fairer for all New Yorkers.

Program Sites

Brooklyn, Harlem, northern Staten Island, the South Bronx, and Washington Heights are among the areas in New York City that are hardest hit by poverty and its attendant challenges. We concentrate our services in these neighborhoods where they are needed most and work hard to become trusted members of the communities that we serve.

As of December 31, 2023

Bronx Career and College Preparatory High School

Bronx Early Childhood Center

Bronx Family Services Center

Bronx Health Center and Foster Care Services

Brooklyn Family Services Center

Brooklyn Prevention Services Center

Central Park East II

Charles Drew Campus

• Frederick Douglass Academy III Secondary School

• I.S. 219 New Venture School

• Kappa

Children’s Aid College Prep Charter School (Gr. Pre-K-5)

C.S. 61 Francisco Oller

Curtis High School

Drew Hamilton Early Childhood Center

Dunlevy Milbank Community Center

East Harlem Community Center

Executive Headquarters

Fairmont-Samara Campus

• Fairmont Neighborhood School

• Samara Community School

Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School

Fort Washington Armory

Frederick Douglass Community Center

Goodhue Community Center

Gospel Center

Harlem Family Services Center

Hope Leadership Academy

I.S. 61 William A. Morris

The Lexington Academy

Manhattan Family Services Center

Mirabal Sisters Campus

• M.S. 319 Maria Teresa

• M.S. 324 Patria Mirabal

M.S. 301 Paul L. Dunbar

National Center for Community Schools

Next Generation Center

P.S. 5 Ellen Lurie

P.S. 8 Luis Belliard

P.S. 152 Dyckman Valley

Richmond Early Learning Center

Salomé Ureña Campus

• City College Academy of the Arts

• M.S. 322

Staten Island Family Services Center

Taft Early Childhood Center

Wagon Road Camp (Chappaqua, NY)

Whitney Young Jr. Campus

• Children’s Aid College Prep Charter School (Gr. 6-8)

• C.S. 211

• I.S. X318 Math, Science & Technology Through Arts

Children’s Aid Headquarters

Children’s Aid Program Site

Manhattan Queens Brooklyn
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When you invest in us, your generosity is put to wise and effective use, as evidenced by our four-star rating from Charity Navigator — the nation’s premier charity evaluator. Your donation can be the deciding factor in a child receiving all the services they need. Every dollar matters, and your gift goes a long way in shaping a better future for those we serve.

On the next page are our financial highlights for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. With an operating revenue of $183.8 million and operating expenses of $168.4 million, we ended with a $15.4 million operating surplus. Within this surplus, $14.4 million resulted from a one-time gain on the sale of our East Harlem Community Center, currently under redevelopment. Excluding this item, we essentially break even on an operating basis for the year. Program expenses accounted for 84% of our total, with management, general, and fundraising comprising the remaining 16%.

Non-operating items, influenced by investment performance and pension results, can vary from year to year. In fiscal year 2023, these factors contributed to an overall surplus, while the previous year saw a deficit. Our financial strength endures, thanks to diverse funding sources — government, private, and internal — and a robust balance sheet boasting total assets of $531 million.

Visit for the full audited financial statements and more information. $183.8 Million $168.4 Million

FY 2023 Revenue FY 2023 Expense Government: $107.67M • 59% Contributions: $24.20M • 13% Program Fees: $15.38M • 8% Gain on Sale of Property: $14.36M • 8% Board-Approved Use of Reserves: $14.20M • 8% Other Income: $7.99M • 4% Child Welfare and Family Services: $61.03M • 36% Youth: $40.04M • 24% Health and Wellness: $21.90M • 13% Early Childhood: $15.32M • 9% Collective Impact and National Center for Community Schools: $2.53M • 2% Management and General: $23.93M • 14% Fundraising: $3.65M • 2% Program Services Support Services
Revenue Expenses Net Assets $50M $100M $150M $200M $250M $300M $350M
FY 2023 Financial Report Five-Year Financial Analysis
25 24 2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid
2021 2022 2019 2020

Squarepoint Foundation

Estate of Shirley Sternberg

Lise Strickler and Mark Gallogly Charitable Fund

Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption

Our wins are built on teamwork.

Thank you for supporting us and cheering us on.

FY 2023 Patrons

Foundations and Individuals

Children’s Aid is extremely grateful to the following foundations, individuals, trusts, and estates for their generous support. Amounts shown reflect gifts of $2,500 and more in fiscal year 2023.


Blue Meridian Partners

Robin Hood Foundation

Eleanora McDonald Worth Irrevocable Trust



The Carson Family Charitable Trust

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

The New York Times Communities Fund

The Taft Foundation


Bruges Realty Corp. Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Charina Endowment Fund

The Clark Foundation

Doris Duke Foundation

Charles Hayden Foundation

Estate of Susan S. Lyall

In Memory of Melvin R. Seiden

Tiger Foundation

Trinity Church Wall Street


Bezos Family Foundation

Leslie and Ashish Bhutani

Booth Ferris Foundation

Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Coleman Family Ventures

Michelle and Christopher DeLong

Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation

Becky and Mike Goss

The Gottesman Fund

Grace & Mercy Foundation

Beth and Ira Leventhal

Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation

Melkus Family Foundation

Jill and Brian Olson

Laurie and David Pauker

The Pinkerton Foundation

Redlich Horwitz Foundation

Estate of Guenther Roth

Lauren Razook Roth and John Roth

Edith M. Schweckendieck

Charitable Trusts

Kate Stroup and Matthew Berger

Solon E. Summerfield Foundation

Viking Global Foundation, Inc.

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Foundation

Estate of Fred Weil

Leonard & Robert Weintraub Family Foundation


Achelis and Bodman Foundation

Heather Baker, Ph.D. and Felix Baker, Ph.D.

Bank of America Foundation

Bayer Fund

Marjorie and William Berkley

Burlingame Foundation

Carmel Hill Fund

Ira W. DeCamp Foundation

Judy and Jamie Dimon

Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation, Inc.

The Hagedorn Fund

Janet and Jon Harrington

Hispanic Federation

Waltraud Ireland

Adrian H. Jackson Charitable Trust

Cathy and Christopher Lawrence

Estelle A. Manning Residuary Trust

New Yorkers for Children

Linnea and George Roberts

Ian A. Rosenthal

Amy and Charles Scharf

Sirus Fund

Sabra Turnbull and Clifford Burnstein

Suzanne Waltman and Martin Friedman

Wasily Family Foundation

Joseph and Laura Wortman Foundation

Anonymous (2)


Iris Abrons

Sheila M. Baird

Jackie Barth and Jay Nydick

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Phoebe Boyer and Todd Snyder

Estate of Susan Doukas Brady

Susan and Frank Brown

Elizabeth and Richard Cashin

Celtic Football Club Foundation

Centerbridge Foundation

Filomen M. D’Agostino Foundation Corp.

Mica and Russell Diamond

Lisa and Mark Edmiston

The Ferriday Fund

Kathryn Quadracci Flores, M.D. and Raja M. Flores, M.D.

Estate of Brian Keith Foster

Charles A. Frueauff Foundation

Judith Gibbons and Francesco Scattone

Goldie Anna Charitable Trust

Jonathan Gray

Russel T. Hamilton

Helen Hoffritz Charitable Trust

Ellen Jewett and Richard Kauffman

Susan and Ronald Kaufmann

Gregory E. Kerr, M.D. and David Vaucher

The Klein Family Foundation

Elaine and Kenneth Langone

Levitt Foundation

Susan and Martin Lipton

Anne and Vincent Mai

The Mancheski Foundation, Inc.

Jeremy Mindich

The Ambrose Monell Foundation

Yesim and Dusty Philip

The Potter’s Wheel Foundation

Pumpkin Foundation / Joe Reich

PwC Charitable Foundation

Belden Roach Trust

Eren Rosenfeld and John Dunne

Sarah and Christopher Snow

Stern Family Charitable Foundation

Kelly Tullier and Hugh Johnston

The Wallace Foundation

Jennifer and Peter Wallace

Tracy Weller and Michael Ranson

Lois and Bruce Zenkel



Marie Abma and Dike Blair

Michele B. Ankuda

Theodore H. Barth Foundation

Sandra Atlas Bass

Estate of Norma H. Baum

Estate of Claire B. Benenson

Anouk and Larry Berger

Cheyenne and David Bocchi

The Bondi Foundation

Nancy Calcagnini

Estate of Ruth P. Cashman

Chapman Hanson Foundation

Yolanda Ciancia

Conscious Kids

Ellen A. Dearborn Fund

Chris Draper

Michaelene and Jonathan Durst

Cheryl and Blair Effron

Martin Elias

Cathy Engelbert

Tracy and Clinton Factor

Family Disco Foundation

Kathleen Fisher

Barbara and Stephen Friedman

Jennifer Gates and Nayel Nassar

Howard Genderson

Lisa Beth Gerstman Foundation

Saadi Ghatan, M.D. and Courtney Carrera-Ghatan

Kirill Goncharenko

Maria Green

Julie Guth, Ph.D. and Sebastian Guth, Ph.D.

Hope for Poor Children Foundation / Helen S. and Desmond G. FitzGerald

Elizabeth and Oliver Jenkyn

Linda Kao and David Woo

Lane H. Katz

Barker Welfare Foundation

Bernadette Keller and William Daley

Michelle and Eliot Knudsen

Janet Kuhl and John Orberg

Chani and Steven Laufer

Dennis H. Leibowitz

Carol Sutton Lewis and William Lewis

Longhill Charitable Foundation Inc

Estate of Joseph Martinson

Charlotte Mayerson

Melrose Fund

Ronay and Richard Menschel

Yasmeen S. Mock

Morgan Stanley Foundation

Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.

Erica Jade Mullen and Paul S. Mishkin

Origo-Levy Child Welfare Fund

Nancy and Larry Pantirer

The Edward and Dorothy Perkins Foundation

Sarah Peterson

Rite Aid Healthy Futures

Elizabeth and Elihu Robertson

Jonathan Root, M.D. and Betsy Blumenthal

Lisa Rosenblum

Madeleine Schachter

The Children’s Aid Annual Report celebrates gifts made during the fiscal year 2023, from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this report. Should you notice an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify the Development Office at 212.949.4936. Please note an asterisk next to a name indicates they are deceased.

27 26 2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid

José Tavarez

President • Bank of America, New York City Children’s Aid Trustee

For José, being a trustee is more than just leadership; it’s personal. “I take pride in my roots in Washington Heights. My background and heritage have shaped my perspective on what can happen when inspiration meets opportunity.”

José grew up in a modest-income family but seized opportunities by excelling in sports, academics, and his career, eventually becoming the president of Bank of America, New York City. At Children’s Aid, he played a vital role as a benefit honoree, participated as a panelist in a staff event, and spearheaded Bank of America’s support for our college and career programs — igniting inspiration and championing opportunities for all.

Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust

Select Equity Group Foundation

Marilyn and James Simons

Trust U/A for St. John’s Guild (Z. Palmer)

Sunshine Foundation

Allyson Tang

Katrin Theodoli

Mary P.R. Thomas Trust

Lisa Timmel and David Markus

Jeannie Tseng and Colin Rust

Venable Foundation

Kirsten Ziotas, Ph.D. and Angelo Ziotas

Anonymous (4)


Barbara A. Abeles

Kim and Mark Allen

Andante Fund

Cynthia Arato and Daniel Weisberg, Esq.

Susan and Edward Babbitt

The Bachman Family Charitable Fund

The Bahnik Foundation

Landon Barretto

Barbara Becker and Jonathan Gallant

Lara and Stuart Bergen

Amy and Kenneth Berkowitz

Richard E. Besser, M.D. and Jeanne Besser

Lynn and Douglas Borck

Blair Boyer

Gala Brabhu and Rajeev Bhaman

Jane W. Braus

Derick Brown and Ronald Temple

Florence V. Burden Foundation

CAL Foundation

Kimberly and Matt Cantor

Ann and Peter Case

The Charles and Margaret Clark

Family Charitable Fund

D. Holly Daly and William F. Logan

Susan and Lawrence Daniels

Nicholas De Martini

Merril Delon and Harold Gunderson

Peter Dimon

Mahendra Durai

Christine Wachter-Campbell and William Campbell

Susan N. Wagner

George P. Wakefield Residuary Trust

Lucille Werlinich

Ransom C. Wilson

Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust Workforce Professionals Training Institute

Glenn Yarnis

Merryl and Charles Zegar

Victor Zhao

Terri and Bart J. Eagle

John D. Eckstein, M.D. and Diane Eckstein

Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg

Lisa and Brian Enslow

Amy Feinstein

Susan and Leonard Feinstein

Evelyn and William Follit

Franklin Philanthropic Foundation

The Gage Fund, Inc.

Frances and Thomas* Gambino

Emily Glasser and William Susman

Jane and Budd Goldman

Barbara Gottesman

JSI Research & Training Institute

Kim and Loren Katzovitz

Kaufmann Foundation

Katherine Kelly

John Kevin Kenny, Jr.

James A. Kirsch

Guy Kohles

Jane Lebow

Diane and Anthony Lembke

Thalia & George Liberatos

Foundation, Inc.

Michelle and Steven Litt

Jane and James McGraw

Amy and John McHugh

Martha B. McLanahan

Lynn and Rick McNabb

Karen and Sanjeev Mehra

Morrison & Foerster Foundation

Elizabeth and Gregory Myers

Micheline and Francois Nader

Michael A. Nash

The Asha and D.V. Nayak Fund

Margaret Neal and Gregory Cashman

Nancy and Morris Offit

Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation

Henrik P. Patel

Tracey and Robert Pruzan

Shari and Jon Resnick

Cory Robbins

Betty Rollin and Harold Edwards

Elif Rosenfeld and Christopher DeConti

Harry & Andrew H. Rosenthal

Foundation, Inc.

Phyllis Ross and Michael Minard

Nicholas C. Roth

Pamela and Richard Rubinstein Foundation

Soonae and Jason Sakow

The Schiff Foundation

Virginia M. Schirrmeister

Sharon and Peter Schuur

Seventh District Foundation

Nicole and Brad I. Silver

Mary E. Solomon

Margaret Sung and Michael Schmidtberger

Ingrid C. Swenson

The Telesco Family Foundation

TJX Foundation

Jane E. Turley

Unalane Foundation

United Hospital Fund of New York

Joyce A. Vastola, Psy.D. and Raymond Vastola

Jane Veron and Andrew Feldstein

Deepali and Sapan Vyas

Patricia Wang

Estate of Daniel D. Waxman

Dale R. Weigel

Nancy Workman and Jonathan Miller

Cynthia Young and George Eberstadt

Wendy Zimmermann and Stephen Cutler

Amelia J. Zoler

Barbara and Donald Zucker

Anonymous (3)


Rosalie* and Jay Abraham

Suzanne and John Adams, Jr.

Jacqueline and Scott Alfieri

Danicia Ambron and Robert Beers

Dianne Balfour and Carl Adkins

Valari and James Beloyianis

Belson Family Fund

Anne and Lear Beyer

Eunice and David* Bigelow

Georgia Boothe

Ted Bourke

Josephine Brienza

Charles D. Brown

Bull’s Head Foundation, Inc.

Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund Administration

M. Patricia Casey and Dennis Roger Connolly

Jennifer and David Clausen

The Raymond E. and Ellen F. Crane Foundation

Laura and Timothy Curry

Barbara DeFina

David R. Dietrich

Caroline R. Donhauser

The Deborah and Ronald Eisenberg Family Foundation, Inc.

Rebecca and Martin Eisenberg

Marcy Engel and Stuart Cobert

Carol and Richard Feinstein Foundation

Ronne Fisher

Howie Furst

Betsy Glans and Rich Langberg

Catherine Rocco Goodwin

Joan Granlund

Anne and John Hall

Elizabeth Herbert and David Demnitz

Yvonne T. Jackson

Roni Jacobson and David Feldman

Annmarie and Kevin Jonsson

Peter B. Kellner

Elizabeth Kipp-Giusti and Alexander Dabertin

Virginia and Richard Kirkland, Jr.

Ellen Klein and Michael Gunther

Margot E. Landman

Lazard Foundation

Tiffany Le and Philippe Trouvé

Michelle and Andrew Levine

Susan and David Levine

Donna Levy and Richard Leroy

Martha Berman Lipp and Robert Lipp

Helen and John Lobrano

Catherine Magee

Nicholas Matarazzo

Kevin P. McAuliffe, Ph.D. and Katharine Frase

Kathleen Michael

Shelly and Neil Mitchell

Donna Morea

Geethika Nair

Louis M. Nowikas

Lindsay Ornstein

Steven M. Pilgrim

Deborah Pines and Tony Schwartz

Jennifer and Barry Price

Jean Rabunski and Marvin Durell

Mark P. Rankin

Zac Rider

Elisa Rivlin and Eric Nadler

Elise M. Romanik, M.D. and John Field

Andrew Sabin Family Foundation

29 28 2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid

Lori and Brian Schreiber

Jessica Seaton and Linda Swartz

Janet and Charles Seidler

Joyce and Joel Seligman

Robert E. Sell

Randi and Eric Sellinger Foundation

Henry Seltzer

Gregory J. Sheppard

Lois and Arthur Stainman

Peggy and David Tanner

Susan and James Tryforos

Reggie Van Lee

Rielly and Dax Vlassis

Ilene and Edwin Vroom

Kathy and Kevin Watson

Jordan Wertlieb

Rosemary and Kenneth Willman

Anonymous (3)

Corporate Donors

Children’s Aid salutes our corporate donors, whose generosity advanced our mission to help children in poverty during fiscal year 2023.


Acumen Capital Partners LLC

Aetna, Inc.


Agon Ltd.

Albert Risk Management Consultants

Amame, LLC

American Benefits Consulting

American Express

The Angell Pension Group

Art Intelligence Global

Aston Martin Summit

Baltusrol Golf Club

Bank of America


Beam Suntory

BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.

Bloomberg L.P.

BNY Mellon

Bright Funds

Brook Hill Properties




Chelsea Piers



ClearBridge Investments

Con Edison

Context Consulting Ltd

Cree Wine Company

Cricket Wireless

Crotona Terrace Building A LLC

Cruise Industry News

DRA Advisors LLC

Duo Locations LLC

EDGE Fund Advisors

Elevance Health


EP Engineering


Faculty Tutoring Service, Inc.

Game Seven Marketing


Gen II Fund Services

Google, Inc.

The Grant Access

Greenfield Stein & Senior, LLP

Hardwood Tree Service

Hearst Corporation

High Point Wealth Management, LLC

Hilton Capital Management

HSO Enterprise Solutions LLC

HUB International Northeast Ltd.

Interior Move Consultants

JANA Partners LLC

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JT’s Confections

Kendra Scott

Kings Street Capital Management

Lord Abbett

Madison Square Garden

Magee Landscape

McCann New York

Mediterranean Shipping Company (USA) Inc.


Michael Kors


Mizzen Capital

Monoceros Ltd.

Morilee by Madeline Gardner

Morning Brew, Inc

Mueser Rutledge Consulting


Mutual of Omaha

New York Football Giants, Inc.

Nixon Peabody LLP

Nordic Agency Group

NSB Realty

OPEN Impact Real Estate

Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler

Payless ShoeSource


Prospect Ridge


Quidnet Media

Reader’s Digest

Rockborn Trucking & Excavation Inc.

Rockhill Management

Rosin Steinhagen Mendel

Saylor NYC Inc.

Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis

ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company

Shenkman Capital Management, Inc.


Smathers and Branson

Soterix Medical

Splash Fit Swim Club

Tal Healthcare

Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP

Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP

Tiger Global Impact Ventures

The Upstate Bookshelf


USI Insurance Services

Valley National Bank

Vinson & Elkins LLP



Wealthspire Advisors

Wells Fargo

Zubatkin Owner Representation, LLC

White & Case

Zurich American Insurance Company


One of the most personal ways to honor loved ones is to support an organization close to their hearts. Children’s Aid received many thoughtful gifts in honor and memory of family and friends this past year. We have included those tributes for which Children’s Aid received gifts totaling $1,000 or more during fiscal year 2023.

In Honor Of

Iris Abrons

Amy Alport

Americas Canada Legal Team

Leslie Bhutani

Georgia Boothe

Douglas Borck

Jeffrey Borck

Phoebe Boyer and Todd Snyder

Drema Brown

Children’s Aid Staff

Russell Diamond

Patrycja Duchniak

Michael Ettinger

Abe Fernández

Jane Goldman

Jill Holler

Brian, Daniel, and Jessica Hyland

Alan E. Katz

Ronald H. Kaufmann

Martha Bicknell Kellner

Rachel and William Knobler

Susan and Martin Lipton

Janine E. Luke

Geraldine Mazza, Kate Waters, and Emily Watford

Lauren Melkus

Jeffrey Myers

Jay S. Nydick

Julien Robitaille

Lauren Razook Roth and John M. Roth

Amy Engel Scharf

Marta Talik

Javin Trail

Suzanne Waltman

Edgar R. Koerner

(1932 – 2022)

Children’s Aid Trustee and Supporter

We’ve honored and celebrated many individuals, but Edgar Koerner was in a league of his own. Compelled by the plight of homeless children, Edgar got involved as a volunteer tutoring Children’s Aid young people living in temporary housing once a week and eventually went on to passionately lead our youth-run newspaper club. Then, Edgar served as a trustee for over three decades, 16 of them as chair of the board, all while contributing and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for our work. In 2021 when we shared the news of him winning the Charles Loring Brace Award, our highest honor, Edgar’s response was a casual, “Again?” Little did we know he had already received it more than 30 years ago!

Jessica Damille, a former member of that newspaper club, holds warm memories of Edgar: “Edgar sparked my love for writing at a young age. He taught me to express myself when words fell short.” Edgar’s impact on Jessica is enduring, much like the influence he continues to have on many of us.

In Memory Of

Patricia Karen Abanilla, M.D.

Melissa Bank

Sergio Benedetti

Joseph Bruno

Janet Burstein, Ph.D.

Rosanna Almonte Kelly

Edgar R. Koerner

Carolyn Masters

Sol Eckstein Nadel

Melvin R. Seiden

Sophia T. Walkiewicz

Isaac Zelcer

31 30 2023 Annual Report Children’s Aid

As of December 31, 2023

Board of Trustees


Jill J. Olson

Chair Gregory E. Kerr, M.D.

Beth Leventhal

Vice Chairs


Ashish Bhutani

Russell Diamond

Raja M. Flores, M.D.

Ivan Giraud

Mike F. Goss

Sebastian Guth, Ph.D.

Linda S. Kao

Alan E. Katz

Christopher R. Lawrence

David Markus

Rick D. McNabb

Trustees Emeriti

Iris Abrons

Chair Emerita

Sheila M. Baird

Elly Christophersen

Susan M. Coupey, M.D.

Bart J. Eagle

Mark M. Edmiston

Chair Emeritus

Desmond G. FitzGerald

Marshall M. Green

Ellen Jewett


Eren Rosenfeld


Peter Wallace

Assistant Treasurer

Yasmeen S. Mock

Roselly Molina

Jay S. Nydick

Tom Reynolds

Lauren Razook Roth

Madeleine Schachter

Brad I. Silver

José L. Tavarez

Kelly Mahon Tullier

Suzanne Waltman

Lolita K. Jackson

Lane H. Katz

Ronald H. Kaufmann

Martha Bicknell Kellner

Janine E. Luke

Felix A. Orbe

Amy Engel Scharf

Chair Emerita

Kevin J. Watson

Executive Leadership Staff

Phoebe C. Boyer

President and Chief Executive Officer

Martin Baicker

Chief Operating Officer

Georgia Boothe

Executive Vice President

Moria Cappio

Chief of Staff

Meet Lianna, a remarkable 12-year-old from Mirabal Sisters Campus in Washington Heights, who embodies the spirit of an emerging leader. After school, she collaborates with teachers to help tutor fellow students. In the track club and competitive robotics team, Lianna takes the lead, guiding both teams to cross every finish line set before them. Donate once or monthly, through your will, or by crowdfunding. Attend our annual Children’s Aid Benefit or Golf Classic. Run with our team in New York City’s marathon or half-marathon. Visit

Sandra Escamilla-Davies

Executive Vice President

Caroline Gallagher

Chief Development Officer

Michael Greenberg

Chief Financial Officer

Sheryl Haughton Taylor

Chief of People and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer

Connect us with your
to develop a partnership. Coordinate a
for young people. When you get involved, you help us win. Ready, set, join us. 33 ©2023 Children’s Aid. Creative Direction and Design: Petting Zoo. Photography: The Rathkopfs, except pages 1 (Melissa Bunni Elian), 28 (Lily Kesselman), and 31 (Ben Russell). We’ll help you choose a lane that gets a child one step closer to becoming a champion. FACEBOOK-F X-TWITTER INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN-IN YOUTUBE @ChildrensAidNYC 212.949.4936
a site through a group tour.
holiday gift drive
117 West 124th Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10027 212.949.4936 FACEBOOK-F X-TWITTER INSTAGRAM LINKEDIN-IN YOUTUBE @ChildrensAidNYC

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