Turn Off Your Vampire Electronics or Get a Loan Online

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Turn Off Your Vampire Electronics

Seek out Your Vampire Electronics:

They Have a Remote Control

They Have an Eternal Power Supply

They Have a Continuous LED Display (such as a digital clock)

They Charge Batteries

Flat Screen TVs

Maybe unplugging all your TVs when they are not in use sounds like too much of a hassle? You can buy Advanced Power Strips (APS) on the cheap. These plugs will keep your stuff from using power when not in use.

Save up to

$160 a year

Video Game Consoles

That Playstation or Xbox could be drawing power when it’s not in use. To solve this problem you can connect your monitor or TV and the game system into one strip and click it off when you’re not gaming.

Save up to

$75 a year


Your home computer or laptop should be set to ‘sleep’ mode after 20 minutes or less. Do the same with any external monitors.

Save up to

$40 a year

Kitchen Appliances

Your kitchen has a few devices, right? Each of those small appliances can cost you up to 5 bucks apiece. You’re wasting a lot of money if you leave them plugged in when not in use.

Save up to


a year

Home Theaters

Fancy home theater systems with surround sound can pull some serious power when not in use. Hook ‘em all up to a power strip and click the switch when not in use.

Save up to


a year

Cable Boxes

Many folks have 3 or 4 cable boxes in their home and when they are not in use they are costing you 11 bucks apiece. And remember, if a device has an electric clock on it - it’s probably an energy vampire.

Save up to


a year

Portable Device Chargers

How many portable devices are charging in your home? Phones, tablets, cameras, handheld game consoles will dramatically increase power consumption. Unplug them when not in use.

Save up to


a year

Laser Printer

Most of us have a printer in our house. Most of us don’t use it too much and most of us forget to unplug it.

Save up to


a year

Combat the Vampires

If you’re wondering how to prevent the devices from wasting energy, we’ve come up with a few easy fixes.

Unplug Your Devices

When an appliance is not in use you can unplug it to prevent wasting electricity. Hunt diown the device chargers as well and encourage your family to do the same.

Use Power Strips

If you have devices within a close proximity, plug them into one power strip and turn it off when not in use.

Watch the Wi-Fi

Wireless devices are more common than ever. Turn off your wireless printers, your routers and your wireless computer peripherals.

Adjust the “Sleep Mode”

Changing the sleep and shutdown settings on your TV, computer, or even your wireless speakers can save you money on your utility bill. Shut ‘em down.

Get a Loan Online cash1loans.com

If you’re having trouble paying the electric bill this month, come see us to get a loan online or get social with us and share some money-saving tips. SOURCES: energy.gov | pbs.org | standby.lbl.gov | www.marketwatch.com

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