The Warrior

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Volume VII, Issue III, Summer 2016

Recent Releases

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THE WARRIOR Military History at Its Best


The 75th Anniversary of Operation Barbarossa

The 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme 50% Off Kagero Modeling Titles



AT 35% OFF!

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Greetings Military History Enthusiast! Welcome to the Summer 2016 issue of The Warrior. In addition to our most recent releases and related titles, this issue has several special features that we are excited to share with you. June 22, 2016 marked the 75th Anniversary of the start of Operation Barbarossa. To commemorate this crucial turning point in World War II, we’ve included a selection of titles, beginning on page 7, all about Hitler’s massive invasion of the Soviet Union. Don’t miss Operation Barbarossa 1941, a new title from Casemate. This stunning book is the definitive account of the monumental campaign. Including over 250 largely unpublished photos, along with several detailed maps, it is a timely and necessary edition to your World War II collection. On page 4, you’ll find a special feature on this book, including a sneak peak at some of the images within. This year marks the Centenary Anniversary of an infamous World War I battle: The Somme. July 1, 1916 was the beginning of what would become one of the largest battles in history, and its 100th Anniversary is the perfect time to brush up on your World War I knowledge. Check out our selection of Somme titles on pages 10–15. We think you’ll find Richard van Emden’s new book, The Somme: The Epic Battle in the Soldiers’ own Words and Photographs, especially interesting. While a vast many books have been written on the Somme, this one stands out from the pack. Photographs taken by the soldiers who experienced and participated in the legendary battle, many previously unpublished, illustrate the rare firsthand accounts of the battle in this book. It gives a fresh, poignant perspective on the Battle of the Somme. If you’re interested in modeling, this Warrior has a special deal for you. All Kagero modeling titles found on pages 25–36 are 50% off! You’ll find modeling books for every area of interest, including aviation, naval & maritime, and tanks & armored vehicles. Books from many of Kagero’s popular series can be found in this section, including Monographs, TopDrawings, and Photosniper titles. As always, thank you for continued support of The Warrior. We welcome your comments and suggestions so we can make sure The Warrior always best serves you!

Best Wishes, Carlie Rivera Editor, The Warrior

Forthcoming from Casemate And the World Went Dark Steven N. Patricia This beautiful and evocative book gives an illustrated overview of the First World War, on land, on sea and in the air.With original drawings in full color, Steven Patricia uses 30 years’ experience as a historical illustrator to give an informative and insightful account of the war. Accompanied by soldier’s diary extracts and other contemporary literature, there are many drawings of the hardware of war. We also get a glimpse of weary officers relaxing in an RAF mess, see panicking sailors swimming desperately away from a sinking ship, soldiers stumbling across no-man’s land, and the dramatic scene of one of last great cavalry charges of any war, in Egypt. Designed for readers with little familiarity of the conflict, this is a unique and unmissable book in the centenary of the “war to end all wars.” 9781612003481, $25.00, $16.50, hardback, 96 pages

Eyes All Over the Sky James Streckfuss Aerial reconnaissance, observation and photography impacted the fighting in many ways during WWI, but little has been written about it.The story told here involves the early American Lafayette Escadrille pilots who were looking for heroic deeds and romantic adventure in aerial combat, as well as the German, British and French aces of popular imagination. But the real value of military aviation lay elsewhere; balloonists, unsung heroes, were an essential part of the observation chain, and forever altered the nature of artillery operations. Observation spotters from planes further enhanced the benefit of being able to extend the target range well out of the line of sight and direct artillery fire. Eyes All Over the Sky fully explores all the aspects of aerial reconnaissance, and its previously under-appreciated significance. 9781612003672, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 240 pages The front cover image is from Operation Barbarossa 1941 by Christer Bergstrom, Casemate Publishers, 2016.


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•NEW FROM CASEMATE• Under Fire Henri Barbusse & William Fitzwater Wray Under Fire, first published in French as Le Feu, was one of the first novels about WWI, appearing in December 1916, before the outcome of the war was clear. Set in early 1916, it follows a squad of French volunteer soldiers through the eyes of an unnamed foot soldier, who participates in and also observes the action. It combines soaring, poetic descriptions with the mundane, messy, human reality of soldiers living in their own excrement. Intermingled with details of how they navigate daily life in the putrefied atmosphere of the trenches are both harrowing descriptions and a political, pacifist argument about this war and war more generally. Caught up in events they cannot control, the soldiers go through their daily routines: foraging for food, reading letters from wives and mothers, drinking, fighting in battle, and in heavily realistic scenes which the novel is noted for, discovering dead bodies in advanced stages of decomposition; the human detritus of a brutal war. Through it all, they talk about the war, attempting to make sense of the altered world in which they find themselves. Under Fire drew criticism at the time of its publication for its harsh realism, but won the Prix Goncourt. The original translation by Fitzwater Wray which first appeared in 1917 is published here. It captures the essence of the era; a glossary is also provided to help with unfamiliar vocabulary. 9781612003825, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 304 pages

Bretherton: Khaki or Field-Grey? W.F. Morris Towards the end of the war as the Germans are in their final retreat in November 1918, a British raiding party stumbles across a strange and eerie scene in a ruined chateau, under fire. Following the strains of a familiar tune, and understandably perplexed as to who would be playing the piano in the midst of shellfire, they discover a German officer lying dead at the keys, next to a beautiful woman in full evening dress, also deceased. But the officer is the spitting image of G.B. Bretherton, a British officer missing in action…. So follows a tale of mystery and identity, first published in 1930, which is not only an authentic account of conditions at the Front, but also a remarkable thriller, with a highly unusual plot, which won Bretherton comparisons to John Buchan and the best of the espionage writers. John Squire, the influential editor of the London Mercury said, “of the English war-books, undoubtedly the best is Bretherton.” The Morning Post thought it, “one of the best of the English war novels. I do not expect anything much better.” The Sunday Times pinpointed its dual attraction: it was both “a mystery as exciting as a good detective story and an extraordinarily vivid account of trench-warfare”. 9781612003764, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 320 pages

Patrol Philip Macdonald “Already loose sand had drifted over the stamped-down square which momentarily had distinguished the subaltern’s grave: no there was no sign, no mark, no indication whatsoever. There had been, here, eleven men. Now ten rode away.” In the Mesopotamian desert during World War I, the leader of a British patrol is shot and killed, by an unseen enemy. The officer is the only one who knows their orders and has not told anyone else where they are located. From then on the sergeant has to try to lead the men through a hostile desert landscape which is full of invisible Arab snipers. One by one they are picked off, and the group of diverse characters from different backgrounds has to try to come together in order to survive.The decision making process proves far from easy as tensions and prejudices from their former lives come to the fore.This thrilling tale of suspense goes right to the last page and was a best seller in the 1920s.The novel was filmed twice, by Walter Summers (as Lost Patrol in 1929) and by John Ford (as The Lost Patrol in 1934). 9781612003788, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 246 pages

The Somme also including The Coward A.D. Gristwood & H.G.Wells “Mr Gristwood has had the relentless simplicity to recall things as they were; he was as nearly dead as he could be without dying, and he has smelt the stench of his own corruption.This is the story of millions of men – of millions.” –H. G. Wells, from the preface. In The Somme and its companion The Coward, first published in 1927, the heroics of war and noble self-sacrifice are completely absent; replaced by the gritty realism of life in WWI for the ordinary soldier, and the unflinching portrayal of the horrors of war. Written under the guidance of the master storyteller H. G. Wells, they are classics of the genre. The Somme revolves around a futile attack in 1916 during the Somme campaign. Everitt, the central protagonist is wounded and moved back through a series of dressing stations to the General Hospital at Rouen. Both in and out of the line he behaves selfishly and unheroically, but in a manner with which it is hard for the reader not to identify. Based on A D Gristwood’s own wartime experiences, critics have said that few other accounts of the war give such an accurate picture of trench life. The Coward concerns a man who shoots himself in the hand to escape the war, during the March 1918 retreat – an offense punishable by death. He gets away with it, but is haunted by fear of discovery and self-loathing. 9781612003801, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 208 pages


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•NEW FROM CASEMATE• The Lafayette Escadrille Steven A. Ruffin The Lafayette Escadrille was an all-volunteer squadron of Americans who flew for France during World War I. One hundred years later, it is still arguably the best-known fighter squadron ever to take to the skies. In this work the entire history of these gallant volunteers is laid out in both text and pictorial form. In time for the centennial celebration, this work not only tells the fascinating story of the Lafayette Escadrille, it shows it. Already a student of the squadron, the author spent a full year sifting through university and museum archives in the United States and France for photographs and documents relating to the famed unit. To complement these images, he traveled extensively, taking snapshots of existing markers and memorials honoring the men of the Lafayette Escadrille. In several cases, he was able to match his present-day color photos with contemporary images of the same scene, thus creating a jaw-dropping then-and-now comparison. To add even more color, the author included artwork and aircraft profiles by recognized illustrators, along with numerous full-color photographs of artifacts relating to the squadron’s men and airplanes, as they are displayed today in various museums. The result is undoubtedly the finest photographic collection of the Lafayette Escadrille to appear in print. Along with the expert text revealing air-combat experiences as well as life at the front during the Great War, it is a never-before-seen visual history that both World War I aviation aficionados and those with a passing interest in history will appreciate. 9781612003504, $37.95, $24.99, hardback, 288 pages

Escape to Pagan Brian Devereux A gripping true story of survival set in Hong Kong and Burma, as one family struggles against overwhelming odds in World War Two. Divided by war, in order to see each other again they must overcome terrible danger. The beautiful landscape of Burma and the tragedy of war are evocatively portrayed in this haunting and moving book. In Hong Kong, leading an attack on Golden Hill, Jack Devereux of the Royal Scots is shot through the head. He miraculously survives capture as the Japanese are both impressed and fascinated by his wounds. In Burma, Jack’s wife Kate Devereux, her infant son (the author), and mother Harriet desperately flee their home, taking only what they can carry and walk the jungles foraging for food while avoiding predators, snakes, and armed bandits. Terrified Kate’s marriage certificate will be discovered by the Japanese, they adopt the guise of the Mons Burmese tribe. The once prosperous family becomes destitute and starving. Their chance of survival was slim; multitudes of people like the Devereux’s fleeing the Japanese died of exposure and starvation, were shot by dacoits, or killed in bombing raids. They are kept alive by the author’s incredible grandmother, a strong-willed resourceful woman with a proud bearing, able to speak fluent Japanese but also to pass herself off as native Burmese. Their destination is the deserted and mystic city of Pagan. The beautiful but deadly landscape of Burma is the setting for their adventure-filled story. 9781612003733, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 320 pages

Bluff, Bluster, Lies and Spies David Perry In the first years of the Civil War, Southern arms won spectacular victories on the battlefield; however, cooler heads in the Confederacy recognized the demographic and industrial weight pitted against them, and counted on British intervention to even those scales in order to deny the United States victory. Bluff, Bluster Lies and Spies is a wild ride through the mismanaged State Department of William Henry Seward in Washington, DC, to the more skillful work of Lords Palmerston, Russell, and Lyons in the British Foreign Office. Fearful that Great Britain would recognize the Confederacy and provide the help that might have defeated the Union, the Lincoln administration was careful not to upset the greatest naval power on earth. At the same time, however, Great Britain needed to retain influence on American foreign policy, because her very safety and existence as an empire depended upon it. In addition to the naval arms race between Britain and France, Europe was covered with the spies, arms dealers, detectives and publicists who struggled to buy guns and to influence European opinion about the validity of either the Union or Confederate cause.This book describes in full how the Civil War in the New World was ultimately left to Southern battlefield prowess alone to determine, as the powers of the Old World declined to overtly intervene in the American question. 9781612003627, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages

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•NEW FROM CASEMATE• New in Paperback Unsung Eagles Jay A. Stout The nearly half-million American airmen who served during World War II have almost disappeared. And so have their stories. In Unsung Eagles, award-winning writer and former fighter pilot Jay Stout has saved an exciting collection of those accounts from oblivion. These are not rehashed tales from the hoary icons of the war. Rather, they are stories from the masses of largely unrecognized men who―in the aggregate―actually won it. These are “everyman” accounts that are important but fast disappearing. Ray Crandall describes how he was nearly knocked into the Pacific by a heavy cruiser’s main battery during the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea. Jesse Barker―a displaced dive-bomber pilot―tells of dodging naval bombardments in the stinking mud of Guadalcanal. Bob Popeney relates how his friend and fellow A-20 pilot was blown out of formation by German antiaircraft fire: “I could see the inside of the airplane―and I could see Nordstrom’s eyes. He looked confused… and then immediately he flipped up and went tumbling down.” The combat careers of 22 different pilots from all the services are captured in this crisply written book, now available in paperback, which captivates the reader not only as an engaging oral history, but also puts personal context into the great air battles of World War II. 9781612003948, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 288 pages

I Am Soldier of Fortune Lt. Col. Robert Brown, USAR (Ret.) & Vann Spencer Robert K. Brown, former Green Beret, after a bizarre military career that succeeded in getting him kicked out of Special Forces not once but twice, and completing the Command and General Staff College without a security clearance, while meantime being wounded in Nam, finally found his true calling as a publisher. Forty years ago he launched an upstart magazine from his basement called Soldier of Fortune, which pushed the bounds of journalism to its limits with his untamed brand of reporting―a camera in one hand, a gun in the other, and soon thereafter he discovered that he’d established a worldwide community. His notorious magazine became an icon for action-seekers in the U.S. and around the world. In this book, now in paperback, Brown tells his own story, taking the readers into combat zones where he and his “dogs of war” trotted across the globe. His rogue warrior journalists embedded themselves with anti-Communist guerillas or freedom fighters, often training and fighting with rebels against oppressive regimes. In their revolutionary journalistic style, they created the action and then wrote about it. This is the story of Robert Brown’s dogged quest, in journalism as well as warfare, to “Slay Dragons, do noble deeds and never, never give up.” 9781612003931, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 408 pages

Sacrifice on the Steppe Hope Hamilton When Germany’s Sixth Army advanced to Stalingrad in 1942, its long-extended flanks were mainly held by allied armies—the Romanians, Hungarians, and Italians. But as history tells us, these flanks quickly caved in before the massive Soviet counter-offensive which commenced that November, dooming the Germans to their first catastrophe of the war. However, the historical record also makes clear that one allied unit held out to the very end, fighting to stem the tide—the Italian Alpine Corps.When the Don front collapsed under Soviet hammer blows, it was the Alpine Corps that continued to hold out until it was completely isolated, and which then tried to fight its way out through both Russian encirclement and “General Winter” to rejoin the rest of the Axis front. Only one of the three alpine divisions was able to emerge from the Russian encirclement with survivors. In this all-sides battle across the snowy steppe, thousands were killed and wounded, and even more were captured. By the summer of 1946, only 10,000 survivors returned to Italy from Russian POW camps. Hope Hamilton, fluent in Italian and having spent many years in Italy, has drawn on many interviews with survivors—including two of her uncles who served in the Alpine Corps—as well as massive research, in order to provide this first full English-language account, now in paperback, of one of World War II’s legendary stands against great odds. 9781612003924, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 268 pages


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Operation Barbarossa 1941 Christer Bergström Operation Barbarossa was the largest military campaign in history. Springing from Hitler’s fanatical desire to conquer the Soviet territories, defeat Bolshevism, and create Lebensraum for the German people, it pitted two diametrically opposed armed forces against one another. Based on decades of research work in both German and Russian archives, as well as interviews with a large number of key figures and veterans, Operation Barbarossa 1941 brings our knowledge on the war on the Eastern Front several big steps forward. Illustrated with over 250 photos, many never previously published, and several clear and detailed maps, this is an objective, balanced account, published in time for the 75th anniversary of the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22nd June 2016. It is the definitive account of this monumental campaign. 9781612004013, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 300 pages

Barbarossa: Hitler Turns East Bob Carruthers This is the fascinating account of the massive German attack on Soviet Russia and the fierce fighting which took place. It was first published as part of the German Report Series, a unique run of publications that emerged as a result of the intensive program of post-war interviews conducted by US Intelligence with senior German officers who had served on the Eastern Front. The scope of the book is very wide and takes into account the planning and operational aspects of Operations Barbarossa and Typhoon in 1941 and Operation Blue in 1942, which saw the German Sixth Army drive into Stalingrad. This excellent book is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the operational issues which shaped the course of the war on the Eastern Front. 9781781592328, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 288 pages

Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front 1941–1945 Ian Baxter This book in the popular Images of War series covers the deeds of the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front during the Second World War. With extensive text and in-depth captions with many rare and unpublished photographs it is an absorbing analysis of the part they played on the Eastern Front. It reveals in detail how this elite band of men fought during the opening phase of Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia, how it supported and took part in the victory at Kharkov, Demyansk and other battles in the Soviet Union. 9781781591864, $24.95, $17.99, paperback, 160 pages

Operation Barbarossa Ian Baxter Hitler’s decision to renege on his alliance with Stalin and invade Russia in June 1941 was to have the most far reaching consequences for the world. Indeed, if there was one critical turning point in the Second World War, it would have to be this. This volume in the Images of War series uses over 300 rare contemporary photographs to capture the scale, intensity and brutality of the fighting that was unleashed on June 22, 1941. No less than 4.5 million men of the Axis Power advanced on a 2,900 kilometer front. We see how the apparently unstoppable German-led assaults crushed the Soviet resistance. But Russian determination, aided by the terrible winter conditions and over extended lines of communication, checked the Nazi onslaught. 9781848843295, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

The Defeat of the Luftwaffe Jonathan Trigg In 1939 and 1940 the Nazi blitzkrieg crushed Poland and the West.This was a new type of warfare with ground and air forces sweeping away all resistance. On the ground, the new panzer divisions symbolized this combat revolution, and in the air it was the all-conquering Luftwaffe.When Hitler turned to the East in 1941, the Luftwaffe turned with him, spearheading the largest invasion in history as the Wehrmacht launched Operation Barbarossa.Within weeks they had destroyed thousands of Red Air Force planes and ruled the skies; less than four years later, the Red Air Force was flying unopposed over Germany. Using original research and exceptional illustrations, this book explains how the Luftwaffe’s certain victory in the East was transformed into ashes through incompetence, misjudgment, and hubris. 9781445651866, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 320 pages

SS Hell on the Eastern Front Christopher Ailsby Barbarossa, Leningrad, Kursk, Kharkov — the Eastern Front was the scene of the most decisive campaign of World War II and Hitler’s elite soldiers, the Waffen-SS, fought in the East from the beginning of the Russian campaign in 1941 to the fall of Berlin in 1945. As the war in the Soviet Union progressed, the premier Waffen-SS formations proved themselves to be masters of mechanized warfare and the all-arms battle. Enhanced by more than 100 exciting black-and-white photographs, SS: Hell on the Eastern Front is a detailed account of every aspect of the Waffen-SS’s war on the Eastern Front – its battles, its organization, its recruitment of non-Germans, its tactics and equipment, orders of battle and its mentality. 9781782743675, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 192 pages

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•OPERATION BARBAROSSA• Barbarossa Derailed. Volume 2 David M. Glantz This groundbreaking new study, now significantly expanded, exploits a wealth of Soviet and German archival materials to present a detailed mosaic and definitive account of what took place, why, and how during the prolonged and complex battles in the Smolensk region from 10 July through 10 September 1941. Within the context of Guderian’s southward march toward the Kiev region, volume 2 in this series describes in unprecedented detail the Red Army’s attempts to thwart German offensive plans by defeating Army Group Center in the Smolensk region with a general counteroffensive by three Red Army fronts. This volume restores to the pages of history two major military operations which, for political and military reasons, Soviet historians concealed from view, largely because both offensives failed. 9781911096108, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 624 pages

Barbarossa Derailed. Volume 4 David M. Glantz At dawn on 10 July 1941, massed tanks and motorized infantry of German Army Group Center’s Second and Third Panzer Groups crossed the Dnepr and Western Dvina Rivers, beginning what Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany’s Third Reich, and most German officers and soldiers believed would be a triumphal march on Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union. The ‘derailment’ of the Wehrmacht at Smolensk ultimately became the crucial turning point in Operation Barbarossa. Serving as both a companion to the previous three text volumes in this monumental study, and as a standalone battlefield atlas, this volume provides over one hundred specially commissioned color maps that trace the course of the campaign, each accompanied by a detailed caption. 9781909982833, $99.95, $64.99, hardback, 152 pages

The Battle of Moscow 1941–1942 Soviet General Staff & Richard W. Harrison This is a detailed examination of one of the major turning points of World War II, as seen from the Soviet side. The Battle of Moscow marked the climax of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa, which sought to destroy the Soviet Union in a single campaign. The failure to do so condemned Germany to a prolonged war it could not win. This work originally appeared in 1943, under the title Razgrom Nemetskikh Voisk pod Moskvoi (The Rout of the German Forces Around Moscow). It was produced by the Red Army General Staff’s military-historical section, which was charged with collecting and analyzing the war’s experience and disseminating it to the army’s higher echelons. 9781910294642, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 528 pages


War on the Eastern Front James Lucas Dawn on Sunday 22 June 1941 saw the opening onslaughts of Operation Barbarossa as German forces stormed forward into the Soviet Union. Few of them were to survive the five long years of bitter struggle. A posting to the Eastern Front during the Second World War was rightly regarded with dread by the German soldiers. They were faced by the unremitting hostility of the climate, the people and even, at times, their own leadership. This classic account examines different aspects of the fighting, from war in the trenches to a bicycle-mounted antitank unit fighting against the oncoming Russian hordes. Told through the experiences of the German soldiers who endured these nightmarish years of warfare, this is a unique record of the cataclysmic campaign. 9781848327870, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 224 pages

A German General on the Eastern Front Johannes Hurter The Eastern Front, 1941. Operation Barbarossa. Hitler’s armies advance into the Soviet Union to conquer Lebensraum in the East. Among the corps commanders is General Gotthard Heinrici, a career soldier, a highly decorated First World War veteran, who observed and recorded in his diary and letters the unprecedented harshness of the German conduct of the campaign. With remarkable candor he described his experiences at the front and the everyday lives of the troops under his command. This selection from Heinrici’s diaries and letters gives a fascinating inside view of the fighting on the Eastern Front from a commander’s perspective. 9781781593967, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 176 pages

Barbarossa Derailed. Volume 3 David M. Glantz Volume 3, the documentary companion to Barbarossa Derailed, contains the documentary evidence for the two volumes of narrative. In addition to key Führer Directives issued by Adolf Hitler to provide direction to his forces during the Barbarossa Campaign, this book includes the daily operational summaries of the participating Soviet fronts, armies, and some divisions and many if not most of the orders and reports issued by the struggling Soviet armies. Precise translations illustrate not only the capabilities and states-of-mind of key Soviet commanders as they dealt with crisis after crisis, and how an army attempted to use its operational directives and tactical orders to educate its soldiers and officers in the basics of waging war in the midst of active and bloody operations. 9781909982116, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 568 pages

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•OPERATION BARBAROSSA• Opération Barbarossa Charles Trang French Text. Among the 3.5 million men lined up by the Wehrmacht for Operation Barbarossa, approximately one hundred thousand belonged to the Waffen-SS. While they represented a small percentage of troops, their role was proportionally greater than their numbers foreshadowed. Indeed, because of their power, the Leibstandarte, Reich, Totenkopf and Wiking divisions were employed within Panzergruppen, spearheads of the German offensive. But alongside their solid training, there were Waffen-SS units of weak value, such as the SS-InfantryRegiment 9 or the SS-Division Nord, whose combat performance was disappointing to say the least. Finally, one cannot ignore the actions of “cleansing” carried on the rear of the German armies by troops under the direct command of Himmler. Their crimes were forever marked by the seal of infamy. 9782840483632, $66.00, $42.99, hardback, 160 pages

Eastern Inferno Christine Alexander & Mason Kunze This book presents the remarkable personal journals of a German soldier who participated in Operation Barbarossa and subsequent battles on the Eastern Front, revealing the combat experience of the German-Russian War as seldom seen before. In these journals, attacks and counterattacks are described in ‘you are there’ detail. Roth wrote privately, as if to keep himself sane, knowing that his honest accounts of the horrors in the East could never pass through Wehrmacht censors. Although Roth’s ultimate fate remains unknown, what he did leave behind, now finally revealed, is an incredible firsthand account of the horrific war the Germans waged in Russia. 9781612002187, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 240 pages

The Waffen SS in the East: 1941–1943 Nicholas Milton This is the illustrated history of the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front. The life and death of the Waffen SS can be traced in the surviving photographs, and the brooding saga of the decline from triumph into disaster is told through these powerful images, which clearly document the reality of combat on the Russian Front. These rare images capture the optimism of opening stage of the war and the challenges of Barbarossa more clearly than words can ever tell. The seasons of mud and the white hell of a Russian winter are encapsulated in this excellent selection of evocative images. Essential reading for anyone with an interest in the course of the war in the East and the role played by the Waffen SS. 9781781591376, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 208 pages

Barbarossa Through Soviet Eyes Artem Drabkin & Alexei Isaev Unleashing a massive, threepronged assault into Soviet territory, the German army unwittingly created its own nemesis, forging the modern Russian state in the process. Thus, for most Russians, 22 June 1941 was a critical point in their nation’s history. After the first day of Barbarossa nothing would be the same again. Now, for the first time in English, Russians speak of their experiences. Apparently caught off guard by Hitler’s initiative, the Soviets struggled to make sense of a disaster that had seemingly struck from nowhere. Here are generals scrambling to mobilize ill-prepared divisions, pilots defying orders not to grapple with the mighty Luftwaffe, bewildered soldiers showing individual acts of blind courage, and civilians dumbstruck by air raid sirens and radio broadcasts telling of German treachery. 9781844159239, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 224 pages

Barbarossa Derailed. Volume 1 David M. Glantz This groundbreaking new study, now significantly expanded, exploits a wealth of Soviet and German archival materials to present a detailed mosaic and definitive account of what took place, why, and how during the prolonged and complex battles in the Smolensk region from 10 July through 10 September 1941. The structure of the study is designed specifically to appeal to both general readers and specialists by a detailed fourvolume, containing archival maps and an extensive collection of specific orders and reports translated verbatim from Russian. This volume reviews the first two weeks of Operation Barbarossa and then describes in unprecedented detail Plan Barbarossa, Opposing Forces, and the Border Battles. Quite simply, this series breaks new ground in World War II Eastern Front and Soviet military studies. 9781906033729, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 656 pages

Hitler’s Panzer Armies on the Eastern Front Robert Kirchubel Hitler’s panzer armies spearheaded the blitzkrieg on the Eastern Front. They played a key role in every major campaign, not simply as tactical tools but also as operational weapons that shaped strategy. Their extraordinary triumphs and their eventual defeat mirrors the fate of German forces in the East. And yet no previous study has concentrated on the history of these elite formations in the bitter struggle against the Soviet Union. This absorbing and meticulously researched account of the operational history of the panzer armies fills this gap in the literature. 9781844159284, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, pages

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•OPERATION BARBAROSSA • THE SOMME• Men of Barbarossa Samuel W. Mitcham, JR This book not only tells the story of Operation Barbarossa but describes the expertise, skills, and decision-making powers of the men who directed it. The result is an illuminating look at the personalities behind the carnage, including new insights into the invasion’s many tactical successes, as well as its ultimate failure. Pitting Germany in total war against the Soviet Union on a 1,000-mile front, Operation Barbarossa was truly staggering in its magnitude. In this book we learn of the goats and heroes, famous commanders and undersung leaders, and about those who were willing to stand up to the Führer and those who subordinated themselves to his will. The result is a book that casts a fresh perspective on one of history’s most crucial military campaigns. 9781935149156, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 256 pages

Red Air Force at War Barbarossa and the Retreat to Moscow Artem Drabkin The onset of war in the summer of 1941 was a disaster for the Soviet Air Force. In a few weeks, faced by the onslaught of the Luftwaffe, most of the Soviet frontline aircraft were destroyed, and the casualty rate among the pilots was cripplingly high.Yet the surviving few gained precious battle experience and they formed the core of the fighter force that turned the tables on the Germans and eventually won air superiority over the Eastern Front. Many of these Soviet pilots are still alive today and in this book they vividly recall the air battles of 60 years ago. 9781844155637, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Barbarossa: The First Seven Days Will Fowler On 22 June 1941 The Germans launched their long-expected invasion of the Soviet Union. Codenamed Operation Barbarossa, after the famous 12th century crusading emperor, what followed was perhaps the greatest clash of arms the world has ever witnessed, and one of the most ferocious, uncompromising conflicts in the history of modern warfare. With the aid of specially commissioned maps, this book describes the dramatic history of the first week of the invasion of the Soviet Union. With firsthand accounts from both sides, vivid photographs, detailed fact boxes, and specially commissioned maps of the German advance and the Soviet defensive actions, Barbarossa: The First 7 Days is a comprehensive examination of the first week of the four-year war on the Eastern Front. 9781932033236, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 208 pages


THE SOMME The Somme: The Epic Battle in the Soldiers’ own Words and Photographs

Richard Van Emden The offensive on the Somme took place between July and November 1916 and is perhaps the most iconic battle of the Great War. It was there that Kitchener’s famous ‘Pals’ Battalions were first sent into action en masse and it was a battlefield where many of the dreams and aspirations of a nation, hopeful of victory, were agonizingly dashed. Because of its legendary status, the Somme has been the subject of many books. However, nothing has ever been published on the Battle in which the soldiers’ own photographs have been used to illustrate both the campaign’s extraordinary comradeship and its carnage. Approximately 150 neverbefore-published images taken by the men who fought in the campaign illustrate rarely-read accounts of the fighting written by the men who were there. 9781473855212, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 400 pages

An Illustrated Introduction to Somme Robert Parker The Battle of the Somme epitomized the mud and death of the Western Front. Preceded by an artillery bombardment of over 1500 big guns and lasting a week, the newly formed and virtually inexperienced members of Lord Kitchener’s ‘New Army’ went ‘over the top’ to suffer the deadliest day in British military history. The first day losses alone totaled 60,000 casualties, one-third of those being killed. In the next four and one-half months of combat, over 420,000 British soldiers would become casualties to one of the most intense, lethal, and futile engagements in history. The slaughter also saw over 190,000 French and perhaps as many as 600,000 German casualties. To this end, little or no geographical or strategic goal was even closely attained. 9781445644424, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

Beaucourt: Somme Michael Renshaw Beaucourt is one of the last parts of the Battle of the Somme still to be covered, until now, by the Battleground Europe Series. It was also one of the last actions of the Battle of the Somme, 1916. The eventual capture of Beaucourt along with Beaumont Hamel forced the Germans to retreat to the Hindenburg Line. The Battle of Beaucourt was also known as the Gough Offensive, with a large proportion of the troops involved being from the Royal Naval Division. 9780850528534, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 160 pages

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•THE SOMME• Hamel: Somme Peter Pedersen On 4 July 1918, American and Australian troops captured the village of Hamel and the ridge overlooking it. It was not a big battle: the equivalent of one Australian division and one battalion of newly arrived Americans were the only infantry involved. Although Hamel is not a famous named battle it is noteworthy for an increased level of sophistication. At Hamel machines went a long way towards relieving the infantry of the obligation to fight its way forward. After the battle, Haig’s Headquarters promulgated its lessons for other commanders. The military thinker and former Tank Corps officer, Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, thought Hamel more important in making the reputation of the Tank Corps than the battle of Cambrai. 9780850529388, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 176 pages

La Boiselle Michael Stedman Drawing upon the wealth of material available in national and local archives, documentary evidence, personal reminiscence and British and German unit histories, this book adds enormously to the experience of any visitor to this location on the Somme battlefield. This volume has ample detail to satisfy the discerning expert whilst retaining the accessible style which will ensure that anyone new to these informative places will feel at home with the text. Apart from the historical detail, La Boiselle is illuminated by a detailed array of maps and aerial photographs which will guide the reader both at home and in the field. La Boiselle can transport you back across eight decades to understand something of the experience of the soldiers who fought and died here during the Great War. 9780850525403, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 47 pages

The German Army on Campaign 1914–1918 Bob Carruthers This volume in the Images of War series features the actions of the German Army on the Somme. It is comprised of rare photographs illustrating the German Army fighting a defensive war against superior odds. It is accompanied by a powerful text written by Official War Correspondent Philip Gibbs, who was an eyewitness to the events. Photographs from the battlefield illustrate the terrible conditions, which the beleaguered German forces on the battlefield endured in the notorious engagement.This book incorporates a wide range of images that encompass the actions of the German infantry and their supporting artillery. Portraits of the German troops are contrasted with surviving images of captured British prisoners of war and the endless battle to get the supply columns through to the front. 9781473837829, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pages

Germans on the Somme David Bilton This highly illustrated book covers the activities of the German Army on the River Somme throughout the long years of The Great War. The initial fighting in 1914 was against the French prior to the arrival of the British Army.The 1916 Allied Offensive eventually resulted in the German withdrawal but only at a terrible cost to both sides.The 1918 Kaiserschlacht saw the Germans return, albeit briefly. Each phase is covered from the German perspective using primary and secondary sources. Being arguably the most evocative area in British military history, much has been written on the Somme.What makes this splendid book so different is the author’s successful attempt to view events through the eyes of our adversaries. 9781844158652, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 224 pages

Welsh on the Somme Michael Renshaw The Battle for Mametz Wood is normally associated with the endeavors of the 38th Welsh Division and was the first of those great battles to secure possession of the woodlands of the Somme. The author looks at events after the 1st July, but also relates the story of the 17th Northern Division who attacked the quadrangle, a defensive system guarding the western approaches to the wood. Also related is the demise of both generals commanding these divisions who were sent home. 9781473832695, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 176 pages

Somme: Battlefield Guide Tonie Holt & Valmai Holt The 100th Anniversary of the most infamous battle of WW1 the battle of the Somme, will be on July 1, 2016.This new updated and expanded edition is the definitive guide to the Somme battlefield. It is a legacy that should be on every bookshelf. The book is based upon over 30 years of traveling and writing by Major and Mrs. Holt, who are credited with having started the modern era of battlefield tours and were awarded the Somme Centenary Medal for their work in “opening the doors to the battlefields” with their books. Now in full color, this excellent value guide from the unrivalled Battlefield touring experts is in tune with modern travelling, including not only photos of important sites, but also GPS references for satnavs. 9781473866720, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 368 pages

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•THE SOMME• Pocket Guide to the Somme Tonie Holt & Valmai Holt This pocket guide is designed conveniently in a small size, for those who have only limited time to visit, or who are simply interested in as an introduction to the historic battlefields, whether on the ground or from an armchair. They contain selections from the Holts’ more detailed guides of the most popular and accessible sites plus hand tourist information, capturing the essential features of the Battles.The Somme is the epicenter for most people in the study of the First World War from a UK and Commonwealth perspective. Major and Mrs. Holt’s Pocket Guide to the Somme has been put together to take you around the area.The book contains full color maps and photographs and detailed instructions on what to see and where to visit. 9781844153954, $13.95, $9.50, paperback, 112 pages

Against the Tommies David Bilton This unique collection of images details the travels of a German infantry division along the entire Western Front, where it fought from the start until the end of the war. Interspersed with the captions and photographs are brief summaries of the actions the division fought in.What makes this book particularly interesting is the unique focus provided on battles many readers are already familiar with, such as the Somme, Flanders, and Arras. Also covered are the initial combats with the French in the Vosges, an area about which little has been written in English.The photographs were chosen by the men of the division to form a commemorative book published in 1920, which detailed their experiences in the four years of war. 9781473833678, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

The First Day on the Somme Martin Middlebrook At 7.30 am on 1 July 1916 the British Army went over the top and attacked the German trenches. It was the first day of the battle of the Somme, and on that day the British suffered nearly 60,000 casualties, two for every yard of their front. 1 July 1916 was the blackest day in the history of the British Army. But, more than that, as Lloyd George recognized, it was a watershed in the history of the First World War. Martin Middlebrook’s research has covered not just official and regimental histories and tours of the battlefields, but interviews with hundreds of survivors, both British and German. As to the action itself, he conveys the overall strategic view and the terrifying reality that it was for frontline soldiers. 9781473877160, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 384 pages


Ghosts on the Somme Alastair Fraser & Andrew Robertshaw The Battle of the Somme is one of the most famous, and earliest, films of war ever made. It had a huge impact when it was shown in Britain during the war. Since then, images from it have been repeated so often in books and documentaries that it has profoundly influenced our view of the battle and of the Great War itself. Yet this book, now in paperback, is the first in-depth study of this historic film, and it is the first to relate it to the surviving battleground of the Somme.The authors explore the film and its history in fascinating detail. Modern photographs of the locations give a telling insight into the landscape of the battle. This is compelling reading for anyone interested in WW1. 9781473878211, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

The Middlebrook Guide to the Somme Battlefields Martin Middlebrook & Mary Middlebrook While best known as being the scene of the most terrible carnage in the WW1, the French department of the Somme has seen many battles, from Roman times to 1944. William the Conqueror launched his invasion from there; the French and English fought at Crecy in 1346; Henry V’s army marched through on their way to Agincourt in 1415; the Prussians came in 1870. The Great War saw three great battles. This new, fully updated edition of the evocative book, written by the authors of the iconic First Day on the Somme, is a thorough guide to the cemeteries, memorials, and battlefields of the area, with the emphasis on the fighting of 1916 and 1918, with fascinating descriptions and anecdotes. 9781473879072, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 400 pages

Eyewitness on the Somme 1916 Matthew Richardson This graphic account, which is based on the vivid personal testimony of those who took part, offers us a direct impression of the reality of the battle from the perspective of the ordinary soldiers and junior officers on the front line. It draws heavily on previously unpublished personal accounts (letters, diaries, and memoirs, some never before translated into English) to build up a multifaceted picture of the Somme offensive from the first disastrous day of the attack, through the subsequent operations between July and November 1916. In their own words, the soldiers who were caught up in the conflict recall in unflinching detail the fighting across the entire Somme battlefield. Over 100 black-and-white contemporary photographs, many previously unpublished, accompany the text. 9781781592991, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•THE SOMME• Old Enough to Fight Dan Black & John Boileau Between 15,000 and 20,000 underage youths, some as young as ten, signed up to fight in Canada’s armed forces in the First World War. They served in the trenches alongside their elders, and fought in all the major battles: Ypres, the Somme, Passchendaele,Vimy Ridge, and the rest. Many were injured or suffered psychological wounds. Many died.This is the first book to tell their story.The authors combed archives and collections to bring these stories to life. Passages from letters the boy soldiers wrote home reveal the range of emotions and experiences they underwent, from the humorous to the unspeakably horrible. Meticulously researched and abundantly illustrated with photographs, paintings, and a collection of specially commissioned maps, this is military and social history at its most fascinating. 9781459405417, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 448 pages

Frontline Medic – Gallipoli, Somme, Ypres Michael Lucas Captain George Pirie, R.A.M.C., kept a detailed diary throughout his front line service with the British Army at Gallipoli and the Somme, up to his death in action at Ypres in July 1917. He was a brave and skillful medic, serving as a regimental medical officer with infantry battalions, who was twice mentioned in Dispatches. Unlike so many accounts, written decades after the war and distorted by fading memories and hindsight, Pirie’s diary is fresh: it tells how things were and, rightly or wrongly, how they were perceived at the time. Often, he did not know what tomorrow would bring for him and his companions. This book is profusely illustrated with photographs, maps, and contemporary caricatures, including of Pirie and his friends. 9781909982895, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 224 pages

From the Somme to Victory Peter Simkins Peter Simkins has established a reputation over the last forty years as one of the most original and stimulating historians of the First World War.This collection of his most perceptive and challenging essays, which concentrates on British operations in France between 1916 and 1918, shows that this reputation is richly deserved. He focuses on key aspects of the army’s performance in battle, from the first day of the Somme to the Hundred Days, and gives a fascinating insight into the developing theory and practice of the army as it struggled to find a way to break through the German line. His rigorous analysis undermines some of the common assumptions - and the myths - that still cling to the history of these British battles. 9781781593127, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Visiting the Somme and Ypres Battlefields Made Easy Gareth Hughes This splendid book will be invaluable to those visiting the battlefields, sites, museums, memorials, and cemeteries of France and Belgium. It is intended for those planning and leading school groups and similar parties, but is also ideal for individual/family visitors. Rather than list every site, it provides realistic itineraries to the best places in the two major areas of the Somme and Ypres. Even these are flexible to allow party leaders suitable discretion. The author provides helpful information for each site such as its context in the War, visitor orientation, suggested activities, and relevant photos and maps. This combines to make every visit of maximum benefit and interest and reduce the workload of party leaders. There are also valuable tips for lunch breaks, free time ideas, and other helpful pointers. 9781473821392, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

With the British Army on the Somme Sir William Beach Thomas A rare and vivid account of life on the battlefields of the Great War, this book details the experiences of war journalist William Beach Thomas. One of five men chosen in 1915 to document the war from the Western Front, Thomas was in the terrifying, unique position of supplying the people of England with a glimpse of the Somme. His reporting featured in the Daily Mail in 1916; however, excerpts appearing here have been rewritten to fill in the gaps left by the war censors. First published in 1917, Thomas’ account provides a stark and unwavering account on what was one of humanities bloodiest battles. Moving and intriguing in equal parts, this book is sure to resonate with generations yet to come. 9781783463107, $24.95, $16.50, hardback, 208 pages

Somme Campaign Andrew Rawson A concise account of each stage of the Somme battles. This book concentrates on the British Army’s experience during the five and a half month long campaign on the Somme during July and November 1916. The information contained in the book has been gathered from a variety of sources. It also includes a series of controversial conclusions on the conduct of the campaign and the casualties.You will find plenty of information on the reasoning behind each battle and the objectives. Where possible, the men who made a difference are mentioned; the men who lead the assault companies and bombing teams, those who led the survivors into the German trenches, those who stopped the counterattacks, and those awarded the VC. 9781783030514, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•THE SOMME• The Somme Chronicles Chris Schoeman This is the story of South African soldiers during the Somme offensive. In July 1916, the men of the 1st South African Infantry Brigade were involved in recapturing the village of Lingueval and clearing Delville Wood of enemy soldiers, but they suffered extreme casualties. After six days of fighting, of the Brigade’s 3433 soldiers, only 750 were left standing. This book tells the stories of the men of the Brigade via their letters, diaries, and interviews that the author conducted with survivors. Not much has been written about South Africans during World War I. Surprisingly, it is a relatively untapped period of military history. This fascinating new book covers the iconic battle of Delville Wood, the most famous event involving South Africans during the war. 9781770226760, $20.00, $13.50, paperback, pages

Slaughter on the Somme John Grehan & Martin Mace At 07.30 hours on 1 July 1916, tens of thousands of British soldiers climbed out from the trenches on their part of the Western Front, and began to make their way steadily towards the German lines opposite. It was the first day of the Battle of the Somme. In this publication, the authors have drawn together, for the first time ever, all the War Diary entries for 171 British Regiments that went “over the top” that day – a day that even now still touches so many families around the world.The result is a vital work of reference to the events of 1 July 1916, a valuable information source for not only for those interested in military history, but genealogists and historians alike. 9781848847705, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 304 pages

Walking the Somme Great Push William Langford In 1916, Sir Douglas Haig began his great offensive to drive the invaders off the ground they had been occupying for over a year and a half. The ‘Great Push’ as the offensive was advertised to the nation, began 1 July 1916. A glossy picture magazine was produced to inform the British public of the progress of the offensive. As is well known, the Great Push turned out to be little more than a nudge, but, for the sake of national morale, the British public had to be encouraged to believe that all was going well. This book helps capture the propaganda thrust of the times and presents the illustrations of those bewildering days, along with an ID number for easy reference. 9781781590416, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 240 pages

Somme Intelligence William Langford In the buildup months to Haig’s Great Push, a steady flow of intelligence was being compiled; captured German documents, intercepted messages, prisoners’ letters, diaries, and information gleaned from prisoner interviews were entered into ledgers where the planners could peruse them. Harry Platt originally compiled the hand-written journal of intelligence reports upon which this work is formed. As the reader goes through these reports it would be helpful to keep in mind that members of the British staff at Querrieu chateau, including Generals Haig and Rawlinson, would have had their impressions colored by the words you are reading and doubtless their optimism for a successful outcome to the Somme offensive greatly enhanced. 9781781590829, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 160 pages


Paul Reed This updated edition of Paul Reed’s classic book Walking the Somme is an essential traveling companion for anyone visiting the Somme battlefields of 1916. His book, first published over ten years ago, is the result of a lifetime’s research into the battle and the landscape over which it was fought. He guides the walker across the major sites associated with the fighting. In total there are 16 walks, including a new one tracing the operations around Mametz Wood, and all the original walks have been fully revised and brought up to date. This book brings the visitor not only to the places where the armies clashed but to the landscape of monuments, cemeteries and villages that make the Somme battlefield so moving to explore. 9781848844735, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 240 pages

Tanks on the Somme Trevor Pidgeon On 15 September 1916 during the Battle of the Somme, tanks one of the decisive weapons of twentieth-century warfare were sent into action for the first time. In his previous books Trevor Pidgeon, one of the leading authorities on the early tanks, has told the story of that memorable day, but only now has his account of later tank operations during the Somme battle become available. This book reconstructs the tank actions that took place between late September and November when the Somme offensive was closed down. This account gives a vivid insight into the actions and experiences of the tank crews, and it shows the appalling dangers they faced as they maneuvered their crude, vulnerable and unreliable machines towards the enemy. 9781848842533, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 176 pages

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•THE SOMME • 17TH & 18TH CENTURY• Twelve Days on the Somme Sidney Rogerson This is a memoir of the last spell of front-line duty performed by the 2nd Battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment. It gives an extraordinarily frank and often moving account of what it was really like to fight through one of the most notorious battles of the First World War. Its special message, however, is that, contrary to received assumptions and the popular works of writers like Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, men could face up to the terrible ordeal such a battle presented with resilience, good humor, and without loss of morale. This is a classic work whose reprinting is long overdue. This edition includes a new Introduction by Malcolm Brown and a Foreword by Rogerson’s son Commander Jeremy Rogerson. 9781848325340, $25.99, $16.99, paperback 160 pages

Pals on the Somme 1916 Roni Wilkinson This book covers the history of all the Pals Battalions who fought on the Somme during the First World War.The book looks at the events which led to the war and how the ’Pals’ phenomenon was born. It considers the attitude and social conditions in Britain at the time. It covers the training and equipping of the Battalions, the preparations for the ‘Big Push’, 1st July 1916, and going over the top, and how each battalion fared. It looks at how the Battalions had to undergo a change after the 1st July due to the heavy casualties, the final victory in 1918, and how the battalions were eventually amalgamated. It also covers the organizations and visits to the Battlefields as they are today. 9781844157655, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 224 pages

Middlebrook Guide to the Somme Battlefields Martin Middlebrook & Mary Middlebrook While best known as being the scene of the most terrible carnage in the WW1, the French department of the Somme has seen many battles, from Roman times to 1944.William the Conqueror launched his invasion from there; the French and English fought at Crecy in 1346; Henry V’s army marched through on their way to Agincourt in 1415; the Prussians came in 1870.The Great War saw three great battles.This evocative book written by the authors of the iconic First Day on the Somme is a thorough guide to the cemeteries, memorials, and battlefields of the area, with the emphasis on the fighting of 1916 and 1918, with fascinating descriptions and anecdotes. 9781844155330, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 400 pages

Serre Somme Jack Horsfall This “Battleground Europe” book contains detailed information on the 1916 battles at the village of Serre on the Somme, and detailed walking and car tours of the battlefields and monuments as they are today. 9780850525083, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 180 pages

17TH & 18TH CENTURY To Settle the Crown Jonathan Worton While the First, or ‘Great’, English Civil War of 1642–6 was largely contested at regional and county level, in often hard-fought and long-lasting local campaigns, historians often still continue to dwell on the well-known major battles, such as Edgehill and Naseby, and the prominent national leaders. To help redress this imbalance, To Settle The Crown: Waging Civil War in Shropshire, 1642–1648 provides the most detailed bipartisan study published to date of how the war was actually organized and conducted at county level. Extensively illustrated, fully referenced to an extensive bibliography, and including a useful review of Civil War historiography, To Settle The Crown: Waging Civil War in Shropshire, 1642–1648 is a significant fresh approach to the military history of the English Civil Wars. 9781910777985, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 288 pages

Loyalist Rebellion in New Brunswick David Bell The American refugees who fled north to Canada after Britain’s defeat by the revolutionary U.S. army were determined to build a culture separate from the U.S. By their numbers and their politics they became effectively the founders of English Canada. In 1784 Britain carved out the new province, New Brunswick, for these Loyalist refugees, creating a special homeland where they could run their own show. But, given a chance to found a new society, the Loyalist refugees turned against each other in a savage contest for political power. Using extensive research in early records, this is a fascinating account of early Canadian politics that challenges many conventional ideas about the role of Loyalists and British colonial administrators in Canada’s original political culture. 9781459502772, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 180 pages

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•17TH & 18TH CENTURY • 19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• The First Anglo-Sikh War Amarpal Singh During the eighteenth and early years of the nineteenth century, the red tide of British expansion had covered almost the entire Indian subcontinent, stretching to the borders of the Punjab. On the death of Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh, unworthy successors and disparate forces fought over his legacy while the British East India Company seized on the opportunity and prepared for battle. This is a warts-and-all tale of a conflict characterized by treachery, tragedy, and incredible bravery on both sides. In an innovative approach to history writing, the narrative of the campaign is accompanied by battlefield guides that draw on eyewitness accounts and invite the reader to take a tour of the battlefields. This book gives a forgotten conflict the meticulous attention it deserves. 9781445641959, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 336 pages

Bayonets and Scimitars William Urban The eighteenth century marked a watershed in European history. This was a period of significant economic, political and technological upheaval, which led to the American and French revolutions, and was to ultimately pave the way for Europe’s domination of much of the world during the nineteenth century.This excellent new book by esteemed military historian William Urban traces the evolution of war making throughout this turbulent period – the politics, the weaponry, the organization of armies, and the transformation of mercenaries into professionals.This highly readable account concentrates not just on high politics and military strategy but also on the everyday experiences of those involved giving us a compelling glimpse of the human face of warfare during this important period. 9781848327115, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages


Voices from the Peninsula Ian Fletcher The Peninsular War was one of the most successful campaigns ever fought by the British Army. Drawing on rare letters, diaries and memoirs, Ian Fletcher presents a superb insight into the daily lives of British soldiers in this momentous period and evokes such key battles and sieges.The author’s skillful compilation of accounts, placed in context by important background detail, make this the story of the Peninsular War in the words of the men who marched, fought and triumphed with Wellington. 9781848328044, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages


Napoleon’s Campaign In Poland 1806–1807 F. Lorraine Petre After Napoleon’s humiliation of Prussia on the battlefield at Jena, he turned his attention to subduing his Russian foe and marched into Poland in the winter of 1806. Six months later, the Russians had been beaten and brought to the peace table. In his detailed study of this remarkable episode of Napoleonic history, F. Loraine Petre follows every move of the campaign. He assesses the defeat of Prussia, analyses the strengths and weaknesses of both Napoleon’s army and that of his Russian opponents, details the bloody battle of Eylau and describes Napoleon’s crushing victory over the Russians at Friedland.This is a brilliant overview of Napoleon’s vaunted army confronting some of its most worthy opponents at a time when Napoleon dominated Europe. 9781848328471, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Campaign of Waterloo Sir John Fortescue The Campaign of Waterloo is the complete account of the climatic campaign and battle of the Napoleonic Wars abstracted from Sir John Fortescue’s monumental A History of the British Army. Issued as an independent volume, The Campaign of Waterloo chronicles the events from Napoleon’s exile to Elba on 28 April 1814 to his departure from France on 15 July 1815 and exile on St Helena. Between those dates was the Campaign of Waterloo and the final, ferocious battle of 18 June 1815 which destroyed Napoleon’s power. Fortescue’s analytical approach, strips away the mysterious and complexities of the campaign to allow readers a clear understanding of this short but epoch-changing series of events. 9781848328822, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Napoleon’s Mercenaries Guy Dempsey This superb and comprehensive book details the foreign units which formed such an important part of Napoleon’s forces. It examines each non-French unit in turn, giving an overview of the unit’s origins, its organizational and combat history, its uniforms and standards, and details of the unit’s eventual fate. Colorful accounts, taken from contemporary reports and memoirs, emphasize the qualities of the unit and throw light on what life was like for many of the foreign soldiers recruited into the Grande Armée. Some foreign units fought and flourished throughout the Consulate and Empire, whilst others lasted for just a few months. Napoleon’s Mercenaries is the best single-volume study of this aspect of Napoleon’s army and a vital reference for every Napoleonic enthusiast. 9781848328310, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• With Napoleon’s Guns Jean-Nicolas-Auguste Noel In 1795 – the year Napoleon Bonaparte was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the French army in Italy – the seventeen-year-old Jean-NicolasAuguste Noël entered the Artillery School at Châlons. A year later, with Napoleon proclaiming himself the liberator of Italy, Noël was appointed second lieutenant in the 8th Regiment of Horse Artillery. Written in 1850, With Napoleon’s Guns is his remarkable memoir of two decades in the Emperor’s service. From the optimism of the early years in Italy, through the privations of the retreat from Moscow and the horrors of the Battle of Leipzig to the disillusionment of the Emperor’s defeat at Waterloo, Noël charts both his personal career and, at close hand, the rise and fall of the First Empire with frankness and percipience. 9781848328358, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Somme 1870–71 Quintin Barry After the battle of Sedan on September 1, 1870 and the collapse of the Second Empire, followed by the investment of Paris, the Government of National Defense set about raising fresh armies. These had as their first objective the relief of the capital. The Campaign was fought to a large extent over the area of the Somme battlefields of the First World War, and the names of the towns and villages are grimly familiar with the resonance of what was to come. This draws on rare contemporary sources to describe the Campaign, which was fought in appalling weather conditions. The book is copiously illustrated, with specially drawn color battle maps to demonstrate the course of the Campaign, and also includes extensive orders of battle. 9781911096160, $49.95, $32.50, paperback, 296 pages

Triumph and Disaster Wellington Against Soult David Buttery At the heart of this book on the Peninsular War lies the comparison between two great commanders of enormous experience and reputation – Arthur Wellesley, later Duke of Wellington, and Jean de Dieu Soult. In Soult,Wellesley met one of his most formidable opponents and they confronted each other during one of the most remarkable, and neglected, of the Peninsular campaigns. Soult’s invasion of Portugal is rarely studied in great depth and, likewise, the offensive Wellesley launched, which defeated and expelled the French, has also received scant coverage. As well as giving a fresh insight into the contrasting characters of the two generals, the narrative offers a gripping and detailed, reconstruction of the organization and experience of a military campaign 200 years ago. 9781473821439, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Grand Old Duke of York Derek Winterbottom Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany is famous because of the nursery rhyme which ridicules him for poor leadership, but he was far from incompetent as a commander.The famous rhyme does not even hint at his achievements as commander-inchief of the British army during the Napoleonic Wars. His career as a commander and administrator and his scandalous private life are long overdue for reassessment, and that is what this perceptive study provides. He transformed the British military machine, and the Duke of Wellington admitted that without York’s reforms he would not have had the army that fought so well in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo.This biography should go some way towards restoring his reputation as a commander and military reformer. 9781473845770, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 216 pages

Andrew Bamford This compelling new book brings together six of the shorter accounts, several of them never before seen in print, to help shed new light on the triumphs and disasters of these forgotten operations. Mixing formal reports with lively personal narratives, and contemporary letters and diaries with later reflections, this selection covers all the major actions of the campaign and the authors range from one of Graham’s senior staff to an NCO in one of his infantry battalions. Detailed appendices resolve some of the controversies arising from these and other eyewitness accounts, helping to increase our understanding of these little-known but important operations. This is a valuable and absorbing new source, which will be of great interest to any student of the period. 9781473835252, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Victoria Crosses that Saved an Empire Brian Best The Indian Mutiny struck at the very heart of the British Empire. If India was lost the whole edifice of British domination across its colonies was in jeopardy. The situation was considered to be so serious that the British authorities extended the warrant of the newly-created Victoria Cross to include anyone, even civil servants, who performed prodigious acts of valor to save India, and save the Empire. A total 182 VCs were awarded during the Mutiny, the same number as in the whole of the Second World War. This is the story of those few months between May 1857 and June 1858 when the world turned its gaze upon the jewel in Victoria’s crown and 182 men wrote their names into the history books. 9781473844766, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC • AFRICA• William Simpson’s Afghanistan Peter Harrington Scottish artist William Simpson kept a daily journal during the Campaign of 1878–79. Simpson was no stranger to the life of a ‘special’ having previously covered military campaigns in Abyssinia, France, and California on behalf of his employer, the Illustrated London News. The diary paints a rare picture of the life of a 19th century ’special’ artist in a war zone and the mechanics and editorial decisions that went into the pictorial coverage of a colonial war. It also offers a unique insight into early colonial archaeology undertaken by Simpson and a number of British officers while on campaign continuing the tradition of oriental scholarship among army officials. This edition of the diary benefits from an extensive introduction and appendices. 9781909982802, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 312 pages

Picton’s Division at Waterloo Philip Haythornthwaite In the two hundred years since the Battle of Waterloo, studies examining almost every aspect of this momentous event have been published. But what has not been written is an in-depth study of a division, one of the larger formations on that decisive battlefield, and that is exactly the purpose of this original and highly readable new book. It concentrates on the famous Fifth Division, commanded by Sir Thomas Picton, which was a key element in Wellington’s Reserve.The experiences of this division form a microcosm of those of the entire army.Vividly, using a range of firsthand accounts, the author describes the actions of the officers and men throughout this short, intense campaign, in particular their involvement the fighting at Quatre Bras and at Waterloo itself. 9781781591024, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

Donald Dean VC Terry Crowdy & Susan Bavin Donald Dean lied about his age to enlist in the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment and serve on the Western Front, where he worked his way up to acting Captain. It was in the last weeks of the war that he won his VC for leading a platoon in the determined defense of a recently captured and isolated trench against repeated German counterattacks. Dean also served in World War II, witnessing the fall of France in 1940. Military historian Terry Crowdy has edited Dean’s letters and diaries, never previously published, adding additional notes and material from official reports to give the reader context. The result is a moving, often amusing and inspiring portrait of a littleknown hero of two world wars. 9781473877153, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages


In a Guardsman’s Boots Caroline Rochford & Paddy Rochford When he was just eight years old, Paddy Rochford enrolled at Dublin’s Royal Hibernian Military School. During the Second World War, he was part of the Western Desert Campaign in Egypt, defending British territories. The young sergeant went on to train the Egyptian Army, where a bond of friendship grew between him and the future president, Colonel Nasser. Learning Nasser’s plans to oust the British from Egypt, Paddy tried in vain to warn his superiors prior to the bloody revolution of 1952, which signaled the end of British supremacy in the Middle East. Paddy retired from the army soon afterwards, moving his young family to Yorkshire, where he began writing these, his enthralling memoirs about a young boy who spent a lifetime growing into his boots. 9781473863910, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 256 pages


The Road to Ulundi Revisited Ken Gillings In the Victorian era, there were seldom properly surveyed maps of wherever the British were fighting, and so an important part of the duties of an officer was to be able to produce a good sketch map and panorama for his commanding officer. Lt-Col John North Crealock was one such officer during the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, and was also a skilled painter in watercolors. In 1964, a selection of the watercolors was copied by the University of Natal Press and published in a book entitled The Road to Ulundi. The trustees of the Museum of the Mercian Regiment have allowed the sketches to be republished, with the accompanying photographs and explanatory notes prepared by South African historian Ken Gillings. 9781928211280, $125.00, $81.50, hardback, 128 pages

Ebony and Scarlet Harry Turner The nineteenth century saw the British army engaged in a series of conflicts around the globe. The Anglo-Zulu War, fought in southern Africa in 1879, was one of the bloodiest of these conflicts, and one of the most famous, and it has fascinated historians ever since. But the story has never, until now, been re-told in verse – and that is what Harry Turner does in the sequence of poems he has composed for this memorable volume. He concentrates on the relationship between the British and the Zulus, on the politics and ambition that gave rise to the war, and on the series of bloody battles that followed. The story has often been told before, but rarely in such an original and evocative way. 9781473863026, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 112 pages

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•AFRICA • ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• How Can Man Die Better Lieutenant Colonel Mike Snook Wednesday 22 January 1879 was one of the most dramatic days in the long and distinguished history of the British Army. At noon a massive Zulu host attacked the 24th Regiment in its encampment at the foot of the mountain of Isandlwana. Disaster ensued. This is a unique analysis of Isandlwana, of the weapons, tactics, ground, and the intriguing characters who made the key military decisions. This is a work of unparalleled depth, which eschews the commonly held perception that the British collapse was sudden and that the 24th Regiment was quickly overwhelmed. The author reconstructs the final phase of the battle in a way that has never been attempted before. The stuff of legend is brought vividly to life here. 9781848325814, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 288 pages


Michael Kerrigan From around 750 BC to 12 BC, the Celts were the most powerful people in central and northern Europe.With the expansion of the Roman Empire and the later Christianization of these lands, they were pushed to the fringes of northwestern Spain, France and the British Isles. But there the mythology of these peoples held strong.The tales from Celtic myth were noted down and also absorbed into other cultures. From Roman and Christian scribes we know of characters like Morrigan, Cu Chulainn, and the Cauldron of Bran. Illustrated with more than 180 color and black-and-white artworks and photographs and maps, Celtic Legends is an expertly written account of the mythological tales that both fascinate us and influence other writings. 9781782743316, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 224 pages

A Strategist in Exile Rainer Nickel Thucydides was the chronicler of the almost 30-year long Peloponnesian war, which came to a close with Sparta’s victory over Athens in 404 BC. His famous historical work was preserved, but ends abruptly many ears before the end of the war. It was continued decades later by Xenophon.This book covers Xenophon’s search for Thucydides, in order to protect his friend from the Thirty Tyrant’s regime of terror, as well as save some important historical documents which he had placed in Thucydides’ safe keeping.The narrative is based on the linking of historical reports of the operations, plausible constructions and imagined recollections in order to create a coherent narrative, allowing us a first-hand insight into the operations based on fact, not fiction. 9781473846999, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 144 pages

Rome Seizes the Trident Marc C De Santis Sea power played a greater part in ancient empire building than is often appreciated. The Punic Wars were characterized by massive naval battles. The Romans did not even possess a navy of their own when war broke out between them and the Carthaginians in Sicily in 264 B.C. Prior to that, the Romans had relied upon several South Italian Greek cities to provide ships. The Romans were nevertheless determined to acquire a navy that could challenge that of Carthage. They used a captured galley as a model, reverse engineered it, and constructed hundreds of copies. Although not decisive on its own, Rome’s new found naval power was, as Marc De Santis shows, a vital component in their ultimate victory in each of the three Punic Wars. 9781473826984, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 272 pages

Four Days in September Jason R. Abdale For twenty years, the Roman Empire conquered its way through modern-day Germany. However, when at last all appeared to be under control, a catastrophe erupted that claimed the lives of 10,000 legionnaires and laid Rome’s imperial ambitions for Germania into the dust. In late September of 9 AD, three Roman legions were attacked in a four-day battle with the Germanic barbarians. The Romans were taken completely by surprise, betrayed by a member of their own ranks: the secret rebel leader, Arminius. The defeat was a heavy blow to both Rome’s military and its pride. This book thoroughly examines the ancient sources and challenges the hypotheses of modern scholars to present a clear picture of the prelude to the battle, the fighting itself, and its aftermath. 9781473860858, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

Gladiateurs Silvano Mattesini This wonderful book combines archaeological documents, paintings and reconstituted photos. There is a complete documentation of the wooden amphitheater at the Coliseum showing all categories of gladiators with their special equipment to their fighting methods and ways to die. 9782840484196, $68.00, $44.50, hardback, 236 pages

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First Out in Earnest David Gunby John Oliver (Jo) Lancaster DFC had a remarkable career in aviation spanning half a century. Starting out in 1935 as an engineering apprentice with Armstrong Whitworth Jo went on to fly an extraordinary 54 operations against the enemy during the Second World War. Post-war, Jo took up numerous appointments as a test pilot, including duties with Boulton Paul and Saunders-Roe, where he test flew the revolutionary Saro S.R. A/1 single-seat jet flying boat fighter. By retirement in 1984 Jo had accumulated 11,000 flying hours on some 150 different aircraft types. This is a highly detailed account of the outstanding aviator. Featuring numerous previously unpublished photographs, it is the remarkable account of a life dedicated to flying from the golden age in British aviation. 9780993212970, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

The Zeppelin: An Illustrated History Phil Carradice For a brief period in the early Twentieth Century it seemed as if the future of air travel lay with the giant airships of Count von Zeppelin. The First World War ended that dream, fixed wing aircraft superseding the slow moving and unwieldy airships. As vehicles of mass destruction the Zeppelins were remarkably ineffective. Their real value lay in their ability to make silent reconnaissance missions over enemy territory and sea lanes. In the postwar days the public began to realize that airships offered a form of air travel that was comfortable, mostly stable, and even luxurious. Unfortunately, they were vulnerable to the elements and highly flammable. The Hindenburg disaster of 1937 effectively spelled the end of the giant airship as a commercial enterprise. 9781781555057, $24.00, $15.99, paperback, 128 pages

The Lafayette Escadrille Steven A. Ruffin The Lafayette Escadrille was an all-volunteer squadron of Americans who flew for France during World War I. One hundred years later, it is still arguably the best-known fighter squadron ever to take to the skies. In this work the entire history of these gallant volunteers—who named themselves after the Marquis Lafayette, who came to America’s aid during its Revolution—is laid out in both text and pictorial form. In time for the centennial celebration, this work not only tells the fascinating story of the Lafayette Escadrille, it shows it. 9781612003504, $37.95, $24.99, hardback, 288 pages


Britain’s Jet Age. Volume 1 Guy Ellis The Jet Age began in Britain in May 1941 when the Gloster E.28/39 made its first flight. The first British jet fighter was the Gloster Meteor, which entered service with the RAF in 1944 and went on to serve with air forces all over the world, and the RAF never looked back. This was the start of the first generation of British jet aircraft, from the Meteor and the de Havilland Vampire in the years immediately after the Second World War through the ill-fated Comet airliner and the Hawker Sea Hawk in the 1950s to the Gloster Javelin, the start of the second generation in the 1960s. In this book, aviation historian Guy Ellis looks at the development of this first generation of British jet aircraft. 9781445649009, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 128 pages

Forever Vigilant Graham Pitchfork 208 Squadron based at RAF Valley in Anglesey will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in October 2016, making it one of the few RAF squadrons to achieve this unique distinction whilst still part of the RAF’s current order of battle. To celebrate this achievement, Air Commodore Pitchfork has compiled a chronological history of the squadron’s main activities and personnel with the aim of illustrating the spirit, comradeship, and professionalism of the squadron. This history has been written with the use of important sources from the squadron’s archives, along with interviews from veterans and current members of the squadron. It also has the support of the squadron’s Old Comrade’s Association. The association is very active and one of the longest serving and strongest associations within the RAF. 9781910690147, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Under their Own Flag Owen Clark This book details the remarkable story of No. 47 Squadron from its birth in 1916 through to the culmination of the Second World War. Formed at Beverley,Yorkshire, on 1 March 1916, No. 47 Squadron went on to operate in far flung corners of the world, frequently as the sole representatives of the Royal Air Force and the United Kingdom. Author Owen Clark has drawn on his considerable archive, and utilized a wealth of previously unpublished photographs, to tell the story of the first three decades of this unique, distinguished squadron. It also includes specially commissioned aircraft profiles. The squadron of today prides itself on its ability ‘to get the job done’, an approach that is as present today as it was in the beginning. 9780993212994, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 160 pages

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•AVIATION• Air Combat over the Eastern Front and Korea Sergei Kramarenko As a Soviet fighter pilot ace, Sergei Kramarenko fought in two wars. This is his story. On the Eastern Front in the bitter conflict with the Germans, he dueled with Messerschmitt 109s and Focke-Wulf 190s. Then, in Korea, flying a MiG-15, he came up against the Americans, British, and Australians. His accounts of combat against the F-86 Sabres, F-84 Thunderjets and Gloster Meteors are among the most vivid and remarkable of his long career. In over ten years of as a front-line fighter pilot he took part in a revolution in the development of combat flying. His candid, intensely personal and unflinching account gives a rare inside view of life in the Red Air Force. 9781844157358, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 176 pages

Bomber Pilot on the Eastern Front Vasily Reshetnikov Soviet bombers played a vital role in defeating the Germans on the Eastern Front, yet their contribution is often forgotten. This graphic memoir should help to set the record straight. The author, a leading Soviet bomber pilot who flew throughout the conflict, tells his story from the desperate days of the German assault in 1941 to the point where Germany was invaded and the Nazis were destroyed. He gives a vivid account of his experiences during over 300 bombing missions in the dangerous skies over Russia, the Ukraine, Poland and Germany. His story is compelling reading. 9781844156603, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Path Finder Force Martin W. Bowman Charged with the formidable task of locating and marking German targets for attack by the main force of Bomber Command, the Path Finder Force - 8 (PFF) Group and those in 5 Group - was perhaps the most experienced and highly trained elite group created within the Royal Air Force during World War II. This remarkable evocation of a remarkable force is made up largely of narrative and photographs from the men who flew with or were an integral part of the PFF. They alone are best qualified to recount the Path Finder story. This book is a fitting tribute to the PFF and in particular, to the crews who failed to return from the PFF’s many operations. 9781473837713, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

The Heavy Bomber Offensive of WWII Martin W. Bowman This book contains fourteen stirring accounts, each conveying an authentic sense of what it was really like to fly during the various bombing operations of the Second World War. The storytellers are an eclectic mix of pilots, navigators, bomb aimers, wireless operators, and gunners who flew on operations in heavy bombers. It conveys the terror of being coned by German searchlights over the target, attacks by Luftwaffe night-fighters, and catastrophic damage to aircraft and the struggle to stay airborne on the return trip to base. It tells of the comradeship between the crew and the humor between them, often borne of fear. It is a fitting tribute to those that survived and the many thousands who died in the struggle against Hitler?s dreadful ambitions in Europe. 9781783831937, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 224 pages

Daylight Bombing Operations 1939–1942 Martin W. Bowman The vivid honesty of the stories on display here brings into sharp focus the personal fears and the sheer exhilaration of flying sorties by day, often through heavy flak, as the squadrons of Blenheims, Mosquitoes, Mitchells, and Venturas swept across the Continent towards their targets. While sharing in the triumph of their bombing successes, we are not spared details of the appalling sacrifices. These details are relayed in a series of poignant personal snapshots, highlighting the extraordinary valor of these ordinary men. Remarkable photographs include aerial views of targets under attack, as well as dramatic portraits of the aircraft involved. This book serves as a moving tribute to the efforts of the pilots involved in some of the most perilous daylight bombing operations of the Second World War. 9781783831777, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 232 pages

The Wellington Bomber Martin W. Bowman The Wellington Bomber was omnipresent during the Second World War, employed in a variety of contexts in the fight against the Axis powers. The pilots who flew this aircraft did so with an immense amount of pride, and there is perhaps noone better placed to tell the story of this incredible aircraft than these men. Martin Bowman has drawn together a selection of firsthand pilot testimonies in an effort to record authentically the experience of flying the muchmythologized Wellington during one of the most challenging eras of aviation history. The book is supplemented by two plate sections of stirring black and white images. 9781783831760, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

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•AVIATION• RAF Escapers and Evaders in WWII Martin W. Bowman During the Second World War, 156 RAF men successfully escaped from German PoW camps in Western Europe. A further 1,975 men evaded capture after having been shot down over this same territory. Here are the tales of just a handful of these men, illustrating the bravery and resourcefulness that characterized their experiences. British, American, and Canadian pilot testimonies all feature, as does the fascinating story of a female secret agent, parachuted behind enemy lines. This book captures the reality of life as an escaper/evader during this tumultuous and incredibly dangerous time. This is an entertaining publication set to keep readers on the edge of the seats, and it serves as a tribute to the courageous individuals who found themselves behind enemy lines during the Second World War. 9781783831753, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 240 pages

The Royal Naval Air Services during WWI Malcolm Smith This is a compendium of reminiscences from pilots who flew for the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines during the First World War. It includes firsthand testimonies from pilots manning early seaplane stations; an enthralling account from F.J. Rutland (the ’Rutland of Jutland’), who became the first pilot to take off in a Sopwith Pup from a platform on the roof of one of HMS Yarmouth’s gun turrets; the true tale behind Rudyard Kipling’s short story ’A Flight of Fact’; and many other personalized and illuminating stories. Excerpts from diaries, transcripts of spoken firsthand accounts and other recorded narratives make up the bulk of the book.This thoughtful consolidation of pilot reflections is sure to appeal broadly. 9781783463831, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 224 pages

The Dambuster Squadron Colin Higgs & Bruce Vigar This evocative and beautifully crafted piece of work is sure to appeal to the aviation fraternity as well as serving as a memorial to the veterans whose exploits characterize this most daring and iconic of raids. The authors interviewed as wide a crosssection of veterans as they could, in order to fill out a book of representative recollections. Each chapter is dedicated to a separate veteran, woven together with the author’s supplementary historical narrative, setting each account in context. Complete with a selection of black and white photographs, set in plates, the finished work presents itself as a kind of scrapbook that creates a real sense of the times at hand, with authentic commentary from those who engaged at the forefront of the action. 9781781593714, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages


The Fleet Air Arm Malcolm Smith The Fleet Air Arm was the branch of the British Royal Navy responsible for the operation of naval aircraft, and its history is a varied one as these accounts attest. The Royal Navy, in common with the other armed services, expanded enormously during the Second World War, so anecdotes from this period naturally predominate. To illustrate the varied experiences of the contributors, these are grouped into “War in the West” and “War in the East”. Whether drawn from peace or war, however, what emerges from these pages is a particular spirit, peculiar to the Fleet Air Arm and reflecting its somewhat hybrid nature; a spirit derived from a high level of professional competence combined with a certain irreverence towards Authority. 9781781590928, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 288 pages

Lighter-than-Air Guy Warner Neville Florian Usborne entered the Royal Navy as a cadet in 1897. In the years between him joining up and the outbreak of the First World War, he engaged in a huge number of enterprises and endeavors. Praise and respect garnered in accordance with his achievements all helped to establish his reputation in later years as an irreplaceable pioneer and a leading light of early British airship design. His chief task during the Great War was to dream up new tactics and designs to combat the Zeppelin menace, perceived as one of the most damaging threats of the entire conflict. This new biography seeks to shine a light on an overlooked pioneer of early aviation and it does so in entertaining and reverential style. 9781473829022, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 320 pages

Luftwaffe versus USAAF 8th Air Force Marek J. Murawski Another remarkable book in Air Battles series gives its readers exceptional chance to follow the history of relentless combat fought between Luftwaffe and USAF in the skies over Europe. The story begins with the first Flying Fortresses air raid against targets in France on August 17, 1942 and continues till the last day of April 1943. Precise air clashes descriptions complemented by pilots’ personal stories are one of the unique features of this book which also includes 109 archival photos and 8 color profiles of described aircrafts. 9788362878604, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 80 pages

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•AVIATION • HISTORICAL FICTION• Phoenix. Volume 1: The Phoenix is Reborn 1918–1934 Richard Meredith Based on forty years of detailed research, the Phoenix Project is a unique history of the wartime German Luftwaffe. Going far beyond a simple description of famous air battles and operations the overall work draws extensively on original documents, secondary sources and contemporary accounts to place the Luftwaffe within its proper historical context, gather together its many disparate components, and provide a hitherto unpublished balance to its diverse activities. Volume 1:The Phoenix Reborn covers a particularly neglected area, specifically the postwar Reichswehr and the years of secrecy leading up to the unveiling of the Luftwaffe in 1935. It shows how Goring and Hitler essentially inherited an air arm in waiting – a product of covert military professional endeavor over a period of fifteen years. 9781910294505, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 712 pages

Iraqi Air Force Reborn Arnaud Delalande This book provides the most authoritative account of the Iraqi air arms in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom. This book summarizes the history of the Iraqi Air Force and its various incarnations until 2003 before detailing the efforts to establish a new-look Air Force. Coverage also extends to Iraqi Army Aviation, and its various squadrons. As well as an overview of Iraq’s air arsenal, this work also serves as a primer of the ongoing conflict within the country. A map of all current Iraqi air bases complements the comprehensive photographic coverage and a detailed order of battle is included, together with squadron patches. A full list is provided of aircraft serial numbers and attrition to all causes since 2004. 9780985455477, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 80 pages

Apache over Libya Will Laidlaw In May 2011, HMS Ocean and her embarked Apache attack helicopters from 656 Squadron, Army Air Corps were about to head home. But the civil war in Libya and the resulting NATO air campaign intervened. A few days later the author and his fellow Apache pilots were in action at night over hostile territory. Within the range of Gaddafi’s capable air defense systems and land forces once in sight of the coast, they had to fight their way into Libya and complete their mission, evading lethal ground fire, before the hazardous return. Here are the experiences of eight Army and two Royal Navy pilots who played a significant role in the campaign. 9781473867628, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 200 pages


Henri Barbusse & William Fitzwater Wray Under Fire, first published in French as Le Feu, was one of the first novels about WWI, appearing in December 1916, before the outcome of the war was clear. Set in early 1916, it follows a squad of French volunteer soldiers through the eyes of an unnamed foot soldier, who participates in and also observes the action. It combines soaring, poetic descriptions with the mundane, messy, human reality of war. Through it all, they talk about the war, attempting to make sense of the altered world in which they find themselves. Under Fire drew criticism at the time of its publication for its harsh realism, but won the Prix Goncourt. The original translation by Fitzwater Wray which first appeared in 1917 is published here. 9781612003825, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 304 pages

Bretherton: Khaki or Field-Grey? W.F. Morris Towards the end of the war as the Germans are in their final retreat in November 1918, a British raiding party stumbles across a strange, eerie scene in a ruined chateau. Following the strains of a familiar tune, and perplexed as to who would be playing the piano in the midst of shellfire, they discover a German officer lying dead at the keys, next to a beautiful woman in full evening dress, also deceased. But the officer is the spitting image of Bretherton, a British officer missing in action… So follows a tale of mystery and identity, first published in 1930, which is not only an authentic account of conditions at the Front, but also a remarkable thriller, with a highly unusual plot. 9781612003764, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 320 pages

Patrol Philip Macdonald In the Mesopotamian desert during World War I, the leader of a British patrol is shot and killed, by an unseen enemy. The officer is the only one who knows their orders and has not told anyone else where they are located. From then on the sergeant has to try to lead the men through a hostile desert landscape full of invisible Arab snipers. One by one they are picked off, and the group of diverse characters has to try to come together in order to survive. The decision making process proves far from easy as tensions and prejudices from their former lives come to the fore. This thrilling tale of suspense goes right to the last page, and was a bestseller in the 1920s. 9781612003788, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 246 pages

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•HISTORICAL FICTION• The Somme also including The Coward A.D. Gristwood & H.G.Wells In The Somme and its companion The Coward, first published in 1927, the heroics of war and noble self-sacrifice are completely absent; replaced by the gritty realism of life for the ordinary soldier, and the unflinching portrayal of the horrors of war. Written under the guidance of H. G. Wells, they are classics of the genre. The Somme revolves around a futile attack in 1916 during the Somme campaign. Everitt behaves selfishly and unheroically, but in a manner with which it is hard for the reader not to identify. The Coward concerns a man who shoots himself in the hand to escape the war, during the March 1918 retreat. He gets away with it, but is haunted by fear of discovery and self-loathing. 9781612003801, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 208 pages

Invasion Kenneth Macksey In June 1940, German troops massed across the Channel, poised for the invasion of Britain. With France defeated and Britain cowed, Hitler seemed ready for his greatest gamble. In this brilliant and compelling alternate history the Germans launch the invasion that, in reality, was never more than a plan. Landing between Dover and Hythe, German troops push inland supported by the Luftwaffe and the impregnable panzers, and strike out towards London. The British, desperate to defeat the invaders, rally and prepare for a crucial confrontation – at Maidstone. Realistic, carefully researched and superbly written, this best-selling study is a classic of alternate history and a thought-provoking look at how Britain’s war might have been. 9781848327856, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

The Final Service Gary W. Moore During her childhood, Sandy was inseparable from her largerthan-life father, a World War II hero she adored. For reasons she would not fully understand until many years later, something went horribly wrong and their relationship fractured, seemingly forever, when her father died of lung cancer on one long hot summer evening. Then, when and where she needed him most, a stranger entered her life. And everything changed once more. The Final Service offers a riveting story about human nature, emotional abandonment, and how unfulfilled dreams left a middle-aged woman on the brink of personal destruction until one event forever altered the core of her belief system and her life. 9781611212945, $22.95, $14.99, hardback, 192 pages

Into the Gates of Hell Bob Carruthers & Sinclair McLay 22nd June 1941: Barbarossa is unleashed and Kampfgruppe von Schroif is right there at the cutting edge of the battle for Russia.Thrown into action against the fortress of Brest-Litovsk, von Schroif and his crew drive a new weapon into battle - the legendary Sturmgeschütz. However, even with this latest armored marvel there is hard fighting as the Reds dig in and defend the island fortress. Penetrating, authentic, and stunning in its detail, the long awaited prequel to the highly acclaimed Tiger Command! is a powerful addition to the series. Based on a true story, this atmospheric new novel puts the reader right into the action and unveils the story of how a legend was forged in the first great battle of the campaign. 9781783462421, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 320 pages


Sniper Jackson Frederick Sleath Although it reads as a novel, Sniper Jackson can be justifiably viewed as “faction” – weaving true events around a mythical character. This work bears all the hallmarks of personal experience, in particular those small details of trench life and the insights into the close-knit camaraderie commonly found in specialist units that only those who have experienced it could know. It would be a mistake to dismiss such literature as imagination or fabrication, bearing little relationship to reality. The truth is that such books actually contain a wealth of information and Sniper Jackson is a very rare piece of eyewitness history about sniping, a little-known and rarely discussed element of trench warfare. 9781848327450, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 208 pages

Those Measureless Fields Caroline Scott Captain Laurence Greene was gassed at Ypres. He takes ten years to die.With her fiancé, Joseph, lost in France, Effie Shaw spends a decade as Laurence’s cook. It is a surprise to Effie when Laurence bequeaths her a railway ticket and a declaration of his unspoken love. In carrying out Laurence’s last requests, and following his wartime diary, Effie is to discover something shocking. Joseph wasn’t quite as heroic as she was told – and he also isn’t quite so dead.The stories of three soldiers connect through Laurence’s diary. As Effie travels on, from Passchendaele to Paris, these men become linked together once again. Effie is about to realize just how many echoes - and untidy ends - 1918 has left behind. 9781783463961, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 376 pages

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Last Hope of the Luftwaffe Maciej Góralczyk & Jacek Pasieczny A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 3 Me 163s, 4 He 162s and 3 Me 262s. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn color profiles and described in the 16 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878710, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Fw 190s over Europe Part II

Maciej Góralczyk & Janusz Światloń A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 8 colorful “Butcher Birds”. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn 4-view color profiles and described in the 16 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878741, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Pz.Kpfw. III family Marek Jaszczolt & Slawomir Zajaczkowksi A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:35 individual and national markings for 8 Pz.Kpfw. III tanks and 8 Sturmgeschütz assault guns built on the chassis of the Pz.Kpfw. III. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on a beautifully drawn color profile and described in the 20 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878666, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Fw 190s over Europe Part 1

Messershcmitt Bf 109s Over the Mediterranean Maciej Góralczyk & Arkadiusz Wrobel A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 8 Bf 109s which served in the MTO. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn 4-view color profiles and described in the 20-page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878581, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 20 pages

P-38 Lightning at War, Part 2 Andrzej Sadlo Two big decal sheets with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 8 P-38 Lightnings. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn 4-view color profiles and described in the 20 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878482, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Junkers Ju 88

Marek Murawki & Marek Ryś 9788364596278, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 120 pages

Junkers Ju 88

Marek J. Murawski & Marek Ryś 9788364596117, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 120 pages

Janusz Światloń & Maciej Góralczyk 9788362878574, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• Dornier Do 17/Do 215 Marek J. Murawksi The monograph on the WW2 German bombers Dornier Do 17 and Dornier Do 215 discusses their design, development and operational history. Each variant is specified and comprehensively described with coverage of changes made in its sub-variants, including the special modifications for the foreign recipients. Designed and built in the late 1930s, originally as reconnaissance and bomber plane, the Do 17/215 was also used as a night fighter equipped with radar systems. A large part of the book is devoted to the combat use of the aircraft in the Spanish Civil War, Poland, the Balkans and Russia together with the Western Campaign and Battle of Britain. A short account of the night fighting missions is also included. 9788364596339, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 136 pages

Arado Ar 196 Marek J. Murawski This superb monograph is devoted to the Ar 196, a shipboard reconnaissance aircraft, which became the standard aircraft of the Kriegsmarine throughout World War II. Loved by its pilots for its superior handling both in the air and on the water, the A-1s were added to coastal squadrons, and continued to fly reconnaissance missions and submarine hunts into late 1944. Although it was no match for a fighter, it was considerably better than its Allied counterparts, and generally considered the best of its class. Owing to its good handling on water, the Finnish Air Force utilized Ar 196 solely on transporting and supplying special forces patrols behind enemy lines. This volume includes many rare color profile artworks, detailing the aircraft. 9788361220961, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 80 pages

Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate Leszek A.Wieliczko The monograph on the Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate, WW2 Japanese fighter plane, discusses its origins and development (including subsequent modifications and variants: Ki106, Ki-113, Ki-116, Ki-84R, Ki-84P and Ki-84N), camouflage and markings and operational history since its combat debut over China in Summer of 1944 till the end of the WW2. Each version is specified and described. The author uncovers the fates of Ki-84s captured by the Americans and presents an evaluation of the aircraft. The book includes a comprehensive technical description, technical data, a glossary of some Japanese terms and names and lists of the IJAAF units equipped with Ki-84s and the IJAAF ranks. 9788362878871, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 92 pages

Vought F4U Corsair Tomasz Szlagor & Leszek A.Wieliczko Vought F4U Corsair was one of the best and most famous fighters of World War Two era. Developed since 1938, it didn’t see serial production until mid1942. The first volume deals with the design and development phase from the XF4U-1 prototype through F4U-1, F4U-1A and F4U-1D models to F4U-2 night fighter version and the high-altitude XF4U-3 prototype. A separate chapter has been devoted to camouflage and markings of the Corsairs serving with the US Navy and US Marine Corps between 1942 and 1945. Another chapter, based on hundreds of pages from original war diaries of Marine squadrons operating Corsairs, details their operational service during the Solomons campaign and the aerial offensive against the Japanese fortress of Rabaul, covering the period between February 1943 and early 1944. 9788362878734, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 104 pages

Vought F4U Corsair Tomasz Szlagor & Leszek A.Wieliczko The second volume carries on the story of the F4U Corsair by examining its development and operational service in later stages of the World War Two. By early 1944 the Corsair well proved its worth in combat. Vought and Goodyear engineers continued to improve and refine the Corsair. New, more powerful engines enabled them to develop two more versions before the war’s end – the ultimate Corsair (Vought F4U-4) and the Super Corsair (Goodyear F2G-1/2). Their story is related in the opening chapter. 9788364596087, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 112 pages


Arado Ar 234 Blitz. Volume 1 Marek J. Murawski The new edition of Arado Ar 234 monograph devoted to the history of the Arado Ar 234 Blitz, the first German jet bomber and reconnaissance plane. The book has been supplemented with new pictures and include a large number of detailed 3D visualization featuring aircraft design. The first volume covers its design and development in regard to the evolution of jet propulsion. Each variant is specified and described, including few which never progressed beyond the drawing board. 9788364596346, $29.95, $14.99, paperback, 128 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• Arado Ar 234 Blitz. Volume 2 Marek J. Murawski Near-supersonic flights demanded a completely new approach to wing geometry. On 9th December 1942 two Arado company engineers, Rüdiger Kosin and Walter Lehmann, patented a crescent shaped wing, which had its sweep and chord decreasing from root to tip. In mid-1944 Kosin decided to use his wing design on the Arado 234. Five variants of the wing were built, designated Versuchsflügel I through V, each differing in its sweep. Nevertheless, none of them was used in practice. The most advanced work on this project was carried out at Dedelsdorf airbase, where the Ar 234 V16 was being re-built as part of this research. The aircraft was destroyed in mid-April 1945 by advancing British troops as they captured the airfield. 9788364596650, $29.95, $14.99, paperback, 120 pages Marek J Murawski & Marek Ryś This monograph of the most famous dive bomber of World War II focuses on the design and combat operations of the late marks of the Stuka: the Ju 87D dive bomber and strike aircraft and the Ju 87G tank buster. In addition to the detailed description of the design, the book covers combat operations of the Luftwaffe units equipped with the D and G models, as well as the biographies of the most prominent aircrews who flew those aircraft in combat. The text is supplemented by original photographs and 3D drawings showing details of the design. 9788362878932, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 112 pages

Ju 87 D/G

Marek J. Murawki & Marek Ryś Part two of the monograph on the legendary World War II dive bomber takes a closer look at the history of the final production versions the Ju 87: the "Dora" – a dedicated dive bomber and strike platform and the Ju 87 G tank buster. In addition to combat histories of the front-line units that operated the types, the book presents profiles of some of the most prominent Stuka pilots.The text is supplemented by firsthand accounts of the men who flew the Ju 87s in combat, as well as a large selection of original photographs and 3D drawings offering a great insight into the intricacies of the aircraft’s design. 9788362878970, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 112 pages

Junkers Ju 87D/G

Focke-Wulf Ta 154 “Moskito”

Marek J. Murawski & Marek Ryś This monograph is dedicated to the German Ta 154 night fighter which was supposed to be an answer to the British Mosquito. The book covers both Ta 154 development history and the combat record of only few of those fighters ever deployed. Numerous rare archive photographs combined with many 3D renders depicting almost every detail of Ta 154 give a remarkable chance to discover all aspects of this unique aircraft. 9788362878727, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 104 pages

Messerschmitt BF 109 E. Marek J. Murawski & Jakub Plewka The latest addition to the ’Monographs Special Edition’ series is devoted to the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E. This new book gives not only a thorough insight into the development, variants, technical features and camouflage of the ‘Emil’, but also an excellent overview of the aircraft’s service with the Luftwaffe. Packed with period photos, color profiles and scale drawings, this title is a perfect guide for aviation modelers. 9788362878840, $29.95, $14.99, paperback, 188 pages

Messerschmitt Bf 109 Marek J. Murawski & Asen Atanasov The monograph devoted to the early versions of the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the most famous WW2 German fighter, discusses its origins and development with coverage of changes made in its first prototypes, A-D variants and their sub-variants. The combat use of the aircraft in the Spanish Civil War, Polish campaign and Phony War is thoroughly described with many first-hand accounts included. The book also features short chapters on Bf 109 Ds in Swiss service and camouflage and markings of early Bf 109s. 9788364596384, $39.95, $19.99, hardback, 192 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• 1/48 Mustangs over Europe The Red Series is back with another issue devoted to the P-51 Mustang. This time the authors focused on the planes used in Europe. All planes are presented and described in a 12 page, full-color guidebook, which also includes five archive photos. One of the aircraft carries attractive nose art applied by the crew. The decals were printed by Cartograf. They include individual and national markings for all three schemes. 9788362878765, $12.99, $6.50, paperback, 12 pages

1/32 Mustangs over Europe The Red Series is back with another issue devoted to the P-51 Mustang. This time the authors focused on the planes used in Europe. All planes are presented and described in a 12 page, full-color guidebook, which also includes five archive photos. One of the aircraft carries attractive nose art applied by the crew. The decals were printed by Cartograf. They include individual and national markings for all three schemes. 9788362878772, $12.99, $6.50, paperback, 12 pages

P-51/F-6 Mustangs with the USAAF - European Theater of Operations Tomasz Szlagor The North American P-51 Mustang powered by the British-designed Rolls-Royce Merlin/Packard engine was, quite simply, the best long-range escort fighter of the World War Two era. Entering service in November 1943, it curtailed prohibitive losses suffered by the heavy bombers of the US Eight Army Air Force which carried out the strategic daylight bombing campaign against the Third Reich. In the European Theater of Operations the USAAF also deployed Mustangs, with great success, as freeranging strafers, fighter-bombers, scouts and reconnaissance aircraft. Eventually, it was the P-51 that broke the backbone of the Luftwaffe. 9788364596681, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 88 pages


Curtiss P-40 Warhawk Tomasz Szlagor Curtiss P-40, known to Americans as Warhawk, and to their allies of the British Commonwealth as Tomahawk and Kittyhawk, fought on nearly all fronts of the Second World War, serving with the American, British, Australian, New Zealand, South African, Canadian, Free French, Chinese, Dutch and Soviet air forces. During the first years of the war the P-40 helped the Allies stem the offensive of the Axis powers and fight them back at the lastditch defensive positions. Never a high-performance fighter, it nonetheless proved a potent weapon in capable hands. Often turned into a fighter-bomber in later years, it soldiered on until phased out in favor of more advanced designs. 9788364596315, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 88 pages

Grumman F6F Hellcat Tomasz Szlagor & Leszek A.Wieliczko Grumman F6F Hellcat was one of the best fighter aircraft of the World War Two era and the most effective fighter of the US Navy.Volume One presents this legendary fighter in its first year of operational service through the end of the Marianas operation in late summer 1944. Throughout the war the only foreign user of Hellcats was Great Britain, receiving first aircraft in March 1943. Until late 1944 the Royal Navy Hellcats operated mainly in northern European waters and in the Mediterranean, participating in several air strikes on German battleship Tirpitz moored in Norwegian fiords, supporting Allied landings in Normandy and southern France, and joining operations in the Aegean Sea. 9788364596056, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 96 pages

B-17 Flying Fortress in Combat Over Europe Tomasz Szlagor The B-17 Flying Fortress epitomized the American airpower for most of the Second World War. It was by far the most effective weapon to carry out the strategic, daylight bombing campaign in Europe. The battles fought by B-17 crews during raids on such tough targets as Schweinfurt, Berlin or Ploesti were nothing short of epic. The combined effort of the two US Army Air Forces, 8th and 15th, stationed in England and Italy respectively, eventually denied the enemy the means to wage war and sealed the fate of the European Axis powers and their allies. 9788362878918, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 92 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• B-25J “Mitchell” in Combat Over Europe (MTO) Marek Katarzynski This unique photo album contains numerous B-25J “Mitchell” photographs showing this particular B-25 version participating in air campaign in the skies over southern Europe (MTO).You will find 140 photos including 36 in color published on 80 pages. All images are captioned with author’s descriptions both in English and Polish. Many of the photographs presented here have never been published before. Another interesting feature of this album worth attention highlights participation of Polish fliers among bombing crews. Moreover this publication includes not only 4 outstanding B-25J color profiles painted by Janusz Światłoń but also extremely rare decal sheet with individual markings for the following planes: B-25J-2 “MMR” – (Margaret Mary Rustin) – s/n 43-27751 – nr 50, B-25J-2 “Paper Doll” s/n 43-27473 – nr 73, B-25J-2 “My Naked Ass!” s/n 43-27704 – 7A. 9788362878659, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 80 pages

P-47 Thunderbolt with the USAAF in the MTO, Asia and Pacific Tomasz Szlagor P-47 Thunderbot’s service outside Western Europe, in the Mediterranean, Asia and Pacific, although perhaps not as publicized, was no less colorful and varied, which makes it an excellent subject for a photostory. During the long campaign in Italy, Thunderbolt was the best air interdiction aircraft the Allies had; pitted against German and Italian fighters, it proved more than a match. In the Pacific, Thunderbolt easily held its own against Japanese fighters over New Guinea, and later over Japan’s Home Islands. Armed with ‘fire bombs’, bazookas and other ordnance, it earned distinction as close air support aircraft during the invasion of Marianas. Also in China-Burma-India theater the P-47 excelled both as fighter and fighter-bomber, with the renowned Air Commandos, among other units. 9788362878673, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 96 pages

P-47 Thunderbolt with the USAAF

Super Model International No. 3 Tomasz Chacewicz & Michal Rosiak Super Model International presents the best modellers from around the world profiling their great models, with hints and tips, step-by-step instructions for building, reports from model kit shows and modelling competitions. With hundreds of colour photos, including archival shots and current museum pieces, supporting colour profile artwork. It is a fantastic series which will prove an invaluable reference tool for all modellers. 9788362878543, $15.95, $7.99, paperback, 80 pages

Junkers Ju 88 Bomber Variants Maciej Noszczak The sixteenth issue of the Topdrawings series is dedicated to the bomber variants of the Junkers Ju 88. It contains scale drawings of the most important sub variants of the A-variant. Also included are color profiles of 4 aircraft. Their individual markings in 1:32, 1:48 and 1:72 scales, as well as the swastikas, are present on the decal sheet printed by Cartograf, which is also attached to the booklet. 9788362878796, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 20 pages

JG 53 “Pik As” Marek J Murawski The book presents the history and combat operations of JG 53 “Pik As” - one of the Luftwaffe’s most famous fighter wings. A collection of forty original photographs is supplemented by a list of all JG 53 commanders, details of each of the wing’s squadrons and flights and a listing of the unit’s equipment used during the war. Full-page, color aircraft profiles will serve as an excellent source of documentation and a welcome addition to a set of decals included with the book. 9788362878949, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 28 pages

Tomasz Szlagor 9788362878505, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 84 pages

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JG 54. Green Heart Fighters

Marek J. Murawski The sixth title in the series is devoted to the history of JG 26 “Schlageter”. The 28 page book with English text contains a chronological overview of the unit’s activities, which is supplemented with 41 photos and color profiles of 4 aircraft. The book also includes a decal sheet printed by Cartograf, which contains 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings. 9788362878819, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 28 pages

Marek J. Murawski The second title in the Units series is devoted to the famous Jagdgeschwader 54. The 32 page book with English text includes a chronological overview of the unit’s history supplemented with 49 photos; tables of top scoring pilots, unit commanders, and planes; and color profiles of 4 aircraft. 9788362878437, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 32 pages

JG 2. Jagdgeschwader “Richthofen”

Mariusz Motyka Yahagi, the second Japanese warship of that name, was the third of the four Agano-class vessels (the other three being Agano, Noshiro and Sakawa). Construction of the Agano-class cruisers was approved by the Japanese parliament (Diet) in March 1939 under the Fourth Naval Armaments Enhancement Program (Dai-Yon-Ji Kaigun Gunbi Jujitsu Keikaku), also known as “Four-in-Circle” Program (Maru Yon Keikaku), or simply Maru 4. Under the terms of the program, the four light cruisers (kei jun’yōkan), also referred to as type B cruisers (otsu-gata jun’yōkan, or simply otsu jun) and officially classed as second-class cruisers (ni-tō jun’yōkan), were to fulfill the role of destroyer squadron flagships. 9788364596667, $28.95, $14.50, paperback, 92 pages

Marek J. Murawksi A brief history of one of the most famous fighter units of the Luftwaffe, JG 2 “Richthofen”. The 28 page book with English text contains a chronological overview of the unit’s activities, which is supplemented with 43 photos, tables of unit commanders and planes used, as well as color profiles of 4 aircraft and a decal sheet printed by Cartograf. 9788362878703, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 28 pages

JG 51 Jagdgeschwader “Molders” Marek J. Murawski The fourth title in the ‘Units’ series tells the story of JG 51 “Molders”. The 32 page book with English text contains a chronological overview of the unit’s history supplemented with 40 photos; tables of unit commanders and planes used as well as color profiles of 4 aircraft painted by Janusz Swiatlon and Arkadiusz Wrobel. 9788362878550, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 32 pages

St.G 2 “Immelmann” Marek J. Murawski

Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 (StG 2) Immelmann was a Luftwaffe Dive bomber-wing of World War II. It was named after Max Immelmann in 1939.ˇIncludes concise text, documents, list of top scoring pilots, table of losses, equipment and commanders. Illustrated with more than 40 b/w photographs and color artworks. 9788362878512, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 32 pages


The Light Cruiser Yahagi

The Light Cruiser SMS Emden Samir Karmieh SMS Emden light cruiser was built by Kaiserliche Werft Danzig dockyard (nowadays Gdańsk in Poland). The construction process began in 1906, the launching of the ship took place on 26 May 1908. Together with SMS Dresden, she belonged to Dresden protected cruiser class. SMS Emden was put into service on 1 April 1910. Eleven days later she was sent to the German colony Qingdao (Tsingtao) in China. The destination was reached on September that year. There the ship was incorporated into German East Asia Squadron. In 1913 Lieutenant-Commander Karl von Müller took command of the ship. He was soon promoted to the rank of full Commander. 9788364596674, $28.95, $14.50, paperback, 80 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• SMS Viribus Unitis Andrew Wilkie & Friedrich Prasky In 1907 the navy of the dualist, multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire placed an order for a new class of warships, whose design was based on the “all big gun” concept pioneered by HMS Dreadnought. Eventually four Tegetthoff class vessels were laid down, including the flagship Viribus Unitis, Tagetthoff, Prinz Eugen and Szent Istvan. The Battleship IV was laid down at San Marco on July 23, 1910 and launched on June 24, 1911. The Emperor’s court used the occasion to organize a lavish celebration designed to carry a strong political message. The Emperor insisted that the battleship be given a rather unusual, Latin name Viribus Unitis (Strength in Unity – Emperor’s personal motto). 9788364596643, $28.95, $14.50, paperback, 73 pages

The Japanese Cruiser Chikuma Waldemar Góralski The Japanese cruiser Chikuma According to the provisions of the Treaty of London light cruisers could be armed with cannons with a maximum caliber of 155mm in quantities up to 15 pieces. Japanese engineers, admirals and Fukuda Fujimoto developed a draft of the ship classified as “medium cruiser type”. His task was to guard the main force fleet from attacks by enemy light forces and the fight against cruisers. The ship was ordered under the Second Fleet Expansion Program of 1934roku. Funds for the construction of the cruiser entered in the budget for 1935/1936. The ship, which was named Chikuma River (in Nagano Prefecture on the island of Honshu) was built in the shipyard of Mitsubishi Nagasaki. 9788364596629, $28.95, $14.50, paperback, 80 pages

The Battleship USS North Carolina

Stefan Dramiń ski Launched in 1940, North Carolina was the first U.S. newly built battleship to have taken part in the war in the Pacific. During her busy combat career she demonstrated that battleships could perform very well indeed in their new role as escorts for fleet aircraft carriers and weapon platforms providing fire support for ground troops. Having earned no fewer than 15 Battle Stars during her wartime service, North Carolina was the most highly decorated US Navy battleship of World War II. After decommissioning, she escaped the chopping block and is preserved to this day as a floating museum. 9788364596360, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 80 pages

Protected Cruiser Varyag

Stefan Dramiński In-depth look the Imperial Russian cruiser Varyag, famed for her crew’s heroic defiance during the Russo-Japanese War includes design and construction notes, technical characteristics, data tables, machinery, propulsion, armament and operational history. Excellent visual guide to the ship from all aspects - overall and in detail - color schemes, ship’s boats, weapons, masts and fittings. 9788361220640, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 54 pages

The Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper Waldemar Góralski This is an in-depth look the heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper. Amply illustrated with full color profiles. English text; Super Drawings in 3D. 9788364596148, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 80 pages

The Heavy Cruiser Lutzow

Stefan Dramiński The text part of this book describes technical specifications of the ship and her operational history in detail. This is accompanied by more than 100 color illustrations showing Lutzow’s appearance during Operation Rösselsprung, July 1942. Elements that are shown in detail include armament, rangefinders, radar, searchlights, catapult with aircraft, etc. Blueprints in 1:350, 1:200, 1:100 and 1:50 scales (general views and details) are included on a separate sheet. 9788364596070, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 80 pages

Japanese Heavy Cruiser Takao 1937–1946 Janusz Skulski & Waldemar Góralski The design of four-member Japanese Takao-class heavy cruisers built between 1927–1928 was based on earlier Myōkō-class heavy cruisers.The Takao-class was better armored and equipped including the main artillery being modified to engage air targets.The Takao-class had a distinctive look thanks to the massive superstructure and the first chimney being inclined towards the second one which was set vertically. Only the lead ship of her class, i.e.Takao survived the war and was scrapped in 1946. 9788362878901, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 92 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• The Japanese Destroyer Kagero Waldemar Góralski The Japanese destroyers truly made their mark during the war in the Pacific. Fast, heavily armed and manned by well-trained crews, they took part in some of the most memorable surface and air-sea battles of the Pacific War, but also in hundreds of lesser known actions. Those workhorses of the Imperial Navy were employed in a wide variety of roles – from direct action against enemy fleet to escort duties and even pure transport tasks. Commander Hara Tameichi rightly observes that it was the destroyers that bore the brunt of the fighting at sea, and very few among them were as good as the Kagero class warships. 9788362878857, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 68 pages

The Type II U-boat Waldemar Góralski This book presents a brief description of the German Type II coastal submarines along with their general characteristics. Since “an image can speak a thousand words”, the text is accompanied by 160 renderings which show the external appearance of all four sub-types including details such as various conning towers and armament variants as well as other fittings. Blueprints of the four subtypes in 1:144 scale (general and isometric views) are included on a separate sheet. This publication is an invaluable help to any modeler interested in building a replica of any of the Type II submarines. 9788362878642, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 76 pages

Admiral Graf Spee

The Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen Waldemar Góralski Following the defeat in the World War I, the Treaty of Versailles limited the tonnage of the German Navy to 144 thousand tons. Moreover, the treaty stipulated that new warships could only be built to replace the decommissioned ones. In 1921 a new law was enacted which brought about the creation of the Reichsmarine. The few warships that Germany was allowed to keep were modernized and new ones were being built to replace the obsolete ones. In 1927, during the disarmament conference in Geneva, Germany demanded equal right as far as the expansion of the navy was concerned. Those demands were rejected, therefore, the Reichsmarine drew up the “expansion plan”. It stipulated construction of new warships within the coming years, including submarines, which were forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles. 9788362878864, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 96 pages

Miroslaw Skwiot & Stefan Dramiński The text part of this book describes technical specifications of the ship and her operational history in detail. This is accompanied by more than 100 color illustrations showing Admiral Graf Spee’s appearance during the Battle of River Plate. Elements that are shown in detail include armament, rangefinders, radar, searchlights, catapult with aircraft, etc. In addition, superstructure’s different camouflage schemes from the 1939 raid are shown. 9788362878567, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 76 pages

The Battleship USS Arizona Waldemar Góralski & Leszek A. Wieliczko 9788362878536, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 88 pages

The Japanese Destroyer Akizuki Mariusz Motyka & Lukasz Stach The book is primarily focused on the development history, technical data and design features, the battle record of the Akizuki class destroyers including their combat trail and the fate awaited them. 9788362878697, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 64 pages


The Battleship Richelieu Andrzej Sobucki The Richelieu was a French battleship, and the lead ship of her class. She was the first French 35,000-ton battleship, designed to counter the Italian Littorio class battleships, the first modern battleships built since the 1922 Treaty of Washington. Ordered in 1935, she was a scaled-up version of the Dunkerque class battleships, featuring a main armament of eight 380 mm guns in two quadruple turrets in forward super firing positions. 9788362878420, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 80 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• The Battleship Gneisenau Miroslaw Skwiot An invaluable modeler’s guide to the Battleship Gneisenau. Gneisenau was built at the Deutsche Werke dockyard in Kiel and launched on 8 December 1936. The ship was armed with a main battery of nine 28 cm (11 in) C/34 guns in three triple turrets. Featuring 140 computer generated color images this volume covers, in full, the majesty of this great ship. From the initial design to the ship’s armor and operational history the authors cover the complete history of this mammoth vessel. Numerous scale plans are included. 9788362878284, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 80 pages

Battlecruiser Miroslaw Skwiot 9788362878383, $26.95, $13.50, paperback, 84 pages

The German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee

Stefan Dramiński The Deutschland-class ships were the first heavy vessels of the German Navy after the First World War. In Germany they were classified as “Panzerschiffe”, or “pocket battleships”. The third and last vessel of this class was Admiral Graf Spee. She was laid down on 1 October 1932, launched on 30 June 1934 and commissioned on 6 January 1936. On the morning of 13 December Graf Spee encountered a group of Allied warships near South American coast. The commander of Graf Spee decided to break off the battle and enter the nearby port of Montevideo. On 17 December Admiral Graf Spee steamed to the roadstead and there the explosive charges were fired. The German ship sunk in shallow waters. In the post-war years many single parts of the ship were recovered. 9788364596308, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 24 pages

The Battleship Haruna

The Battleship USS Alabama Witold Koszela The battleship USS Alabama is one of the very few “big ones” that saw service in World War II and survive to this day as museum ships. A recipient of nine Battle Stars for her wartime service, Alabama was a South Dakota class warship, widely considered to be the best US Navy treaty battleship design, featuring heavy armor, good underwater protection, tight superstructure arrangement and formidable armament. The ship was built at Norfolk Navy Yard in Portsmouth,Virginia. 9788364596377, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 32 pages

Waldemar Góralski Before the Konga class battle cruiser design was created, a similar type of British ship construction had been studied thoroughly (Thunderer, Neptune, Lion, and Indefatigable). During a council held on April 13, 1910, an order for a new class of ships was discussed, but a final decision was not made until May 23, 1910. In December 1910, during the Parliament meeting, the Japanese Prime Minister proposed construction of, as he described them in his speech, “huge armored cruisers” based on the British Invincible class. 9788364596216, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 24 pages

The Battleship USS Missouri Witold Koszela 9788364596124, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 32 pages

The Battlecruiser HMS Hood

Stefan Dramiński Hood, launched in 1918 was the last battlecruiser built in Great Britain. She was named in honor of Admiral Samuel Hood and was to be the first of the Admiral- class battlecruisers, but further three vessels were never completed. During the construction the design had to be extensively modified to embody the experience of the Battle of Jutland, which markedly exposed insufficient armor of British battlecruisers. 9788364596612, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 36 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• The Battleship HMS Duke of York Witold Koszela HMS Duke of York was the third of the King George V class battleships to be built after a lull in battleship design and construction following the signing of the Washington Naval Treaty. The battleship was laid down on May 5, 1937 at John Brown & Company Limited, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works in Clydebank, Scotland. She was commissioned four and a half years later, on November 4, 1941. 9788364596025, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 32 pages

The Battleship HMS Warspite Witold Koszela The battleship HMS Warspite is packed with countless drawing sheets and color profiles of the famous ship. 9788362878925, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, pages

Captured Panzers Marek Jaszczolt & Arkadiusz Wrobel A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:35 markings for no less than 16 German armored fighting vehicles captured by Allied troops and used against their former owners. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn color profile and described in the 18 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878895, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Pz.Kpfw IV Family Marek Jaszczolt & Jacek Pasieczny A big decal sheet with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:35 individual and national markings for 11 Pz.Kpfw. IV tanks and 5 other vehicles built around the Panzer IV hull. The decal sheet was printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn color profile and described in the 20 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878475, $16.95, $8.50, paperback, 16 pages

Char Leclerc The Battleship HMS King George V Witold Koszela At the beginning of the 1930s in Britain, standard displacement for any new battleship was limited to 35,000 tons with the caliber of main armament not exceeding 406 millimeters. Britain was trying to impose the next treaty decreasing guns caliber even further to 356 mm. Five King George V-class battleships eventually were armed with guns of such caliber. Standard displacement limits compelled placing main guns in three separate turrets with two of them carrying four cannons each. King George V-class entered service in 1940. Out of the five battleships of this class ever built one was sunk (HMS Prince of Wales) while the other four survived the war and were scrapped in the 1950s. 9788362878802, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, pages

M.P. Ribinson & Thiery Guillemain The Leclerc is the only battle tank serving in operational combat units in the French Army. Despite its fame, relatively little has appeared on the Leclerc in English, and much of the information about the Leclerc on the web is incorrect. This is a survey of the Leclerc’s development and service in the French Army right up to the present day. It explains the differences between the eleven Leclerc production batches produced for the French Army, the different Leclerc derived vehicles, and the changes that have transformed the French armored force since the Leclerc first entered service. It is illustrated with over 220 unpublished photographs and ten color plates, making it an ideal reference for historians and modelers alike. 9788364596353, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 96 pages

The Battleship Bismarck Waldemar Góralski 9788362878598, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 28 pages


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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• AMX-30 Family M.P. Robinson The AMX-30 was used as the basis for a range of armored vehicles that have seen extensive service in the French army and elsewhere. In this Photosniper, which completes the study of the AMX-30 series by M.P. Robinson, the stories of France’s specialized artillery and engineer variants are explained. The AMX-30D recovery vehicle, the GCT and Au-F1 series of self-propelled guns, the AMX-30R Roland and AMX-30SA Shahine antiaircraft missile launchers, the AMX-30 Bitube DCA antiaircraft tank, the AMX-30H Bridgelayer and the EBG armored engineers vehicle are all covered in text and photographs. 9788364596247, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 96 pages

Königstiger Łukasz Gładysiak & Mike Koenig 9788364596230, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 84 pages

Challenger 1 Robert Griffin This book outlines the service career of the Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank and Challenger Repair and Recovery Vehicle. This exciting Photosniper title includes numerous period photographs in color and in black and white, ten color plates and vehicle plans for the Challenger 1 Mk.3 as deployed into combat during Operation Granby. The photos selected for this book include original images from the vehicle’s trials, its service in BAOR, in Bosnia and in Operation Granby. The Challenger 1 and CRARRV are documented in many unpublished photos and detailed walk around photos include examples taken of the Challengers employed in Operation Granby in 1991 and of the CRARRV in its most recent guise. This work is an excellent reference for the modeler, AFV enthusiast and former crewman. 9788364596001, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 80 pages


Sturmgeschütz IV Łukasz Gładysiak & Tomasz Idzikowksi The main objective of the publication is to present the history of Sturmgeschutz IV , its characteristics and rules of combat use in combat, taking into account the specific applications in linear units. The whole adds an extensive collection of photographs of the vehicle preserved in the Museum of Armoured Weapons in Poznan, Wielkopolska excavated from the river Rgilewka. Photos allow not only closer look at the machine, but also to trace the process of restoring it to working condition. 9788364596209, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 80 pages

AMX-30 M.P. Robinson The second volume of Kagero’s AMX-30: Char de Bataille covers the later part of the long career of the AMX-30 in French Army service. The text and photographic coverage is focused on the improvement of the AMX-30B, which resulted in the adoption of the AMX-30B2 in 1982 and its long subsequent service. 9788364596049, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 80 pages

M.P. Robinson The AMX-30 was France’s principal battle tank for over 30 years and continues to serve the French Army in later forms even to this day. In this first work of a two volume study examining the history of the AMX-30 battle tank, M.P. Robinson describes the development and introduction to service of this long serving weapon system. Photographic coverage in Volume 1 is focused on the AMX30B gun tank, its service life and the supporting vehicles that served alongside it in the Arme Blindée Cavalerie in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Over 150 color and black and white photographs tell the story of this tank in its environment, as well as in detail, for the historian and modeler alike. 9788362878994, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 80 pages

Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär Samir Karmieh & Krzysztof Mucha Germans had been produced many specialist armored vehicles. Storm tanks are among them. They were used as infantry support heavy vehicles. They destroyed buildings, fortifications, barricades etc.STURMPANZER IV BRUMMBAR built on PANZER IV chassis was one of them. It was armed with 150 mm StuH storm howitzer. From 1943 till 1945 BRUMMBAR took part in fights on all fronts. The publication is illustrated with unique 3D renderings by Samir Karmieha that show a lot of detail not only the external details of the vehicle, but also its inside. 9788364596322, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 112 pages

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•50% OFF KAGERO MODELING TITLES• Panzerjäger 38(t) Hetzer & G-13 Mariusz Motyka & Hubert Michalski The new format of the book A4 pages, archive photos, color profiles, mate coated paper, and soft cover binding. 9788364596285, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 80 pages

Panzerjäger 38 (t) Mariusz Motyka & Hubert Michalski 9788364596131, $24.95, $12.50, paperback, 80 pages

Jagdpanther Łukasz Gładysiak & Adam Rejmak Self-propelled tank destroyers constituted an essential component of the Third Reich’s armored arm.Vehicles, which were especially useful in defensive warfare, in which the German army found itself after losing strategic initiative on the Eastern Front in the summer 1943 and following the Allied landing in Italy and France, with time began to effectively compete in armored sub-units with classic tanks. One of the largest vehicles of that type was Jagdpanther Sd.Kfz. 173, based on the chassis of the famous Panther tank. 9788362878833, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 108 pages

BMW R 75 Lukasz Gladysiak The BMW R75 is a World War II-era motorcycle and sidecar combination produced by the German company BMW. In the 1930s BMW were producing a number of popular and highly effective motorcycles. In 1938 development of the R75 started in response to a request from the German Army.

Super Model International No. 4 Adam Juszczak & Robert Chmiel Super Model International presents the best modellers from around the world profiling their great models, with hints and tips, step-by-step instructions for building, reports from model kit shows and modelling competitions. With hundreds of colour photos, including archival shots and current museum pieces, supporting colour profile artwork. It is a fantastic series which will prove an invaluable reference tool for all modellers. 9788362878635, $15.95, $7.99, paperback, 80 pages

Jagdpanther and SU-122-54 Przemyslaw Szymczyk Lukasz Kapelski Super Model International presents the best modelers from around the world profiling their great models, with hints and tips, step-by-step instructions for building, reports from model kit shows and modeling competitions. With hundreds of color photos, including archival shots and current museum pieces, supporting color profile artwork, and in this first volume, two DVDs with accompanying modeling advice on those models presented here. It is a fantastic new series which will prove an invaluable reference tool for all modelers. 9788362878406, $15.95, $7.99, paperback, 80 pages

Sd.Kfz. 161 Panzer IV Krzysztof Mucha In June 1943 the production of Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H began in order to increase the armor piercing capabilities of its main armament. Although the new model received the modified 75mm KwK43 L/48 tank gun, the Ausf. H was still sharing many components with the previous version. This Panzer IV version first saw combat in the summer of 1943 during the German retreat on the Eastern front. The tank proved to be quite complicated and laborconsuming in production which led to simplifying its design. As a result, the less complex Ausf. J model was introduced into production in June 1944. 9788364596704, $22.95, $11.50, paperback, 40 pages

9788362878390, $19.95, $9.99, paperback, 56 pages


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Mi-1, Mi-6 and Mi-26 Yefim Gordon Developed in the early 1950s and first flown in June 1957, the Mi-6 was the largest-yet helicopter created in the Soviet Union. The Mi-6 saw service with the Soviet Air Force and the air arms of several Soviet allies. It also proved valuable as a civil air-lifter during oilfield exploration in Siberia. A worthy successor to the Mi-6 appeared in 1977 – the Mi-26. With its 20-ton payload, it was (and still is) the world’s largest and most capable transport helicopter. Again, the Mi-26 had both military and commercial uses. The book describes the history, variants and service career of the Mil’ ‘big lifters’ and contains a detailed overview of the scale model kits covering these types which are currently available on the market. 9781473823891, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Mikoyan MiG-31 Yefim Gordon The MiG-31 started life as an advanced derivative of the famous MiG-25P interceptor, becoming the first Soviet fourthgeneration combat aircraft. First flown in 1975, it differed from its progenitor primarily in having a crew of two (pilot and weapons systems operator), a highly capable passive phased-array radar – a world first – and new R-33 long-range missiles as its primary armament. . The type entered service in 1981; more than 500 copies were built between 1981 and 1994. To this day the MiG-31 remains one of the key air defense assets of the Russian Air Force. The book describes the MiG-31’s developmental history, including upgrade programs, and features a full and comprehensive survey of the various MiG-31 model-making kits currently available on the market. 9781473823921, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

V Bombers Martin W. Bowman & Dave Windle Britain’s desire to stay at the leading edge in the design and development of modern jet powered aircraft was born in the later stages of the Second World War. The Vickers Valiant, Vulcan and Victor saw prolific and varied service during the course of their careers. This book contains fabulous color profiles (created by Dave Windle) of all three types in different operational modes, configurations and color schemes. Martin Bowman has written detailed descriptions and photographs to create the perfect enthusiasts reference. 9781473834248, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 64 pages

Sukhoi Su-15 Yefim Gordon In the late 1950s, the Sukhoi Design Bureau, already an established fighter maker, started work on a successor to its Su-9 and Su-11 single-engine interceptors for the national Air defense Force. First flown in May 1962, the Su-15 officially entered service in 1965 and was built in several versions, the late ones having cranked-delta wings and a more capable radar. Unfortunately the aircraft gained notoriety in two separate incidents involving shoot-downs of Boeing airliners, both of which were South Korean and had intruded into Soviet airspace on what was very probably clandestine spy missions. This book describes the developmental and service history of the Sukhoi-Su-15, containing a comprehensive survey of all model-making kits currently available on the market. 9781473823907, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Il’yushin/Beriyev A-50 Yefim Gordon Brought out in the late 1970s as a successor to the obsolete Tu126 airborne early warning aircraft, the A-50 co-developed by the Il’yushin and Beriyev bureaux is one of the most interesting military variants in the field of IL-76 military transport. Differing outwardly from the latter mainly in having a conventional “saucer” rotodome, the A-50 entered flight testing in 1980; the new Soviet AWACS entered service four years later. This book describes the A-50’s thrilling developmental history, taking in its many variants (including the A-50EI export model for India) and gives an extensive overview of the various scale model kits covering the subject currently available on the market. 9781473823914, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Hawker Hurricane and Sea Hurricane Neil Robinson & Martin Derry When Sidney Camm’s masterpiece, the Hawker Hurricane, entered RAF service in late 1937 it quickly became one of the most important aircraft in Britain’s military arsenal. This title covers the history of this iconic design, from the prototype and the initial production, through its development and use, first as a day fighter, and then night fighter, intruder, fighter-bomber, catapult-launched and then carrier-based fighter, and eventually dedicated ground attack machine. 9781473827257, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

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•MODELING• Avro Lancaster 1945–1964 Neil Robinson & Martin Derry The Avro Lancaster, such a stalwart of the skies during the Second World War, also enjoyed a colorful and exciting postwar career. It is this era that the authors have chosen to focus on here, profiling the aircraft type across its many variants. Split into three primary sections, this book offers a concise yet informative history of the Avro Lancaster’s postwar operational career (from 1945-1964) charting the course of all the various design improvements that occurred across this timeframe and including a selection of contemporary photographs with detailed captions. A 16-page color illustration section also features, profiling 48 separate aircraft (in profiles and 2-views). A model-making section completes this publication, offering exciting new instructional content. 9781473827240, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Pfalz - Fighter Aircraft Tomasz J. Kowalski Fighters made in a Bavarian GmbH Flugzeugwerke factory were the third most common type of fighter aircraft used by the Imperial Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte). Although having elegant lines, they turned out to be inferior not only to Albatros D.V and D.Va or Fokker D.VII but also to most allied fighters sent into action in 1917. They were just a workhorse of the Luftstreitkräfte fulfilling the permanent shortage of combat-ready fighters. They were definitely a deadly weapon in the hands of experienced German and Bavarian Jastas pilots. 9788362878611, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Pacific Lightnings Part 1 Maciej Góralczyk & Andrzej Sadlo Two decal sheets with 1:72, 1:48 and 1:32 individual markings for 8 P-38 Lightnings with sexy nose art. The decal sheets were printed by Cartograf. Each painting scheme is depicted on beautifully drawn 4-view color profiles and described in the 18 page guidebook with English and Polish text. 9788362878888, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 16 pages


Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest V

Janusz Światloń Fifty color profiles of Hawker Tornado, Typhoon, Tempest V showing a variety of the camouflage and markings of planes in the RAF. 9788365281098, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 48 pages

The Avro Arrow Lawrence Miller When it first flew in 1957, the Avro Arrow was the world’s best supersonic combat aircraft. It was the proudest achievement of the engineers and designers who came out of Canada’s world-leading aircraft industry. Yet, after only six airplanes were built, the Arrow was killed. It was canceled by a Conservative government overnight— thousands lost their jobs. Astonishingly, the government ordered the finished airplanes cut up and destroyed. Using hundreds of photos, most in color, along with original documents, this book tells this amazing story—a key development in Canada’s Cold War history. It provides the information that will let readers decide for themselves what best explains a decision which even today is hard to understand. 9781459407275, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 128 pages

German Battlecruisers of the First World War Steve Backer The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. This volume is devoted to the famous ships of Admiral Hipper’s First Scouting Group. Slower but more robust than their British equivalents, German battlecruisers enjoyed a reputation for absorbing punishment, and although Lutzow was sunk at Jutland, Seydlitz and the rest of the Scouting Group survived heavy damage. This book concentrates on the seven completed ships but coverage extends to the ‘proto-battlecruiser’ Blucher and the ships building or designed by the end of the war. 9781848321816, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

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•MODELING• King George V Class Battleships Roger Chesneau The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring color profiles and highly-detailed line drawings and scale plans. The five battleships of the class covered by this volume were the most modern British capital ships to serve in the Second World War. They were involved in many famous actions including the sinking of both Bismarck and Scharnhorst, while Prince of Wales suffered the unfortunate distinction of being the first capital ship sunk at sea by air attack. 9781848321144, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Rodney and Nelson Les Brown & Robert Brown The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. The modeling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for superdetailing of the ships, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. The two ships covered in this volume were the only capital ships designed and built between the wars - a special concession of the Washington Treaty’s ban on new battleships - and they were unlike anything before them, with the superstructure three-quarters aft and all main armament turrets forward of the bridge. During the war Nelson survived mine and torpedo damage, while Rodney played a major part in the destruction of the Bismarck, both surviving to be broken up post-war. 9781848322196, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

British Battlecruisers of the Second World War Steve Backer This title in the ShipCraft series covers the three ships of this First World War type, Hood, Repulse and Renown, which survived to fight in the Second. Still the fastest capital ships in the world in 1939, their protection was not up to contemporary standards and two were famously lost in action. Hood in an old-fashioned gunnery duel, but Repulse succumbed to the more modern threat of aerial attack. The one modernized ship, Renown, survived an adventurous wartime career. 9781844156986, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Yamato Class Battleships Steve Wiper The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. The Yamato class battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy were the largest warships of the Second World War and the largest battleships ever constructed, displacing 78,800 tons. They also carried the largest naval artillery ever fitted to a warship - 18in guns. Neither Yamato nor her sistership Musashi made much impact on the War. Musashi was sunk during the battle of Leyte Gulf while Yamato, deployed in a deliberate suicide attack on Allied forces at the battle of Okinawa, was finally sunk by US carrier-based aircraft; Not 300 of her 3,330 crew survived. 9781848320451, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Japanese Heavy Cruisers Steve Backer This volume is devoted to the largest cruisers in the Imperial Japanese Navy. Built in defiance of treaty restrictions, they were the fastest and most powerful heavy cruisers of their day, and were heavily engaged in every campaign from Pearl Harbor to the end of the Pacific War. The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. This includes paint schemes and camouflage. The modeling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits. This is followed by an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and the book concludes with a section on research references. 9781848321076, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Kongo Class Battlecruisers Steve Wiper The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. The subject of this volume is the Japanese Kongo class, four ships built during the First World War as battlecruisers, but extensively modified and reconstructed between the wars as fast battleships, so that each ship presented a different appearance. They were the chosen escorts for the elite IJN carrier forces, and saw much action during the Pacific War. 9781848320048, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

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•MODELING• County Class Cruisers Les Brown The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This volume covers the British 10,000-ton ‘Treaty Cruisers’, thirteen of which were built to three slightly varying designs between the wars. With three funnels and a high freeboard, they were impressive ships, and all enjoyed very active wartime careers - three were involved in the Bismarck action and another with the sinking of the Scharnhorst. 9781848321274, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Titanic and Her Sisters Olympic and Britannic Peter Davies-Garner This is the first volume in the ShipCraft series not devoted to a naval vessel, but the most famous liner of all time is a suitable subject as one of the most popular of all ship modeling subjects. Apart from Titanic herself, this volume also covers her sister ships Olympic and Britannic which enjoyed longer and more varied careers, including wartime service as troopship and hospital ship. The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. 9781848321106, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Essex Class Carriers of the Second World War Steve Backer The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. Built in larger numbers than any fleet carrier before or since, the Essex class can claim to be the US Navy’s most significant weapon in the defeat of Japan. Carrying up to 100 aircraft and capable of absorbing enormous punishment (not one was sunk), they spearheaded the Fast Carrier Task Forces for most of the Pacific War. Each ShipCraft book includes an extensive photographic survey of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and a section on research references books, monographs, large-scale plans and relevant websites. 9781848320185, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages


Yorktown Class Carriers Roger Chesneau The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class. Hints on building the model, and on modifying and improving the basic kit, are followed by a section on paint schemes and camouflage. The subject of this volume is the Yorktown class, the near-legendary American aircraft carriers that kept the Japanese at bay in the dark days between Pearl Harbor and the decisive battle of Midway, where Yorktown herself was lost. Hornet launched the famous Doolittle Raid on Japan before being sunk at Santa Cruz in October 1942, but Enterprise survived the fierce fighting of the early war years to become the US Navy’s most decorated ship. 9781848322271, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Bismarck and Tirpitz Steve Backer The ShipCraft series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Each book includes a brief history of the subject class, paint schemes and camouflage, hints on modifying and improving the basic kit, an extensive photographic survey of models in a variety of scales, and a section on research references. This volume covers the famous German sister-ships whose fates were so very different - Bismarck had a short but glorious career, first sinking HMS Hood and then in turn being sunk by the Home Fleet, whereas the Tirpitz spent most of the war skulking in Norwegian fjords, fending off attacks by midget submarines and carrier aircraft before being finally sunk by enormous specially designed bombs dropped by RAF Lancasters. 9781848320055, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Fletcher Class Destroyers Lester Abbey The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly Illustrated, each book includes a brief history of the subject class, hints on modifying and improving the basic kit, an extensive photographic survey of models in a variety of scales, and more. The subject of this volume is the Fletcher class, often considered the most successful of all American destroyers. Built to the first design that was freed from treaty restrictions, they came into service near the beginning of the Pacific War and fought with distinction through all the most ferocious of the campaigns against Japan. 9781844156979, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

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•MODELING• German Pocket Battleships Roger Chesneau The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. For the first volume in this series, the author chose the German ‘pocket battleships’ of WW2, the best-known of which was the Graf Spee of Battle of the River Plate fame. This innovative and infamous class of surface raiders has long been a popular subject for ship modelers, many manufacturers producing kits of the Graf Spee and the rather different Admiral Scheer and Lutzow. This book will show ship modelers how to turn their kits into something really special, but its unparalleled level of visual information will also appeal to the more general warship enthusiast. 9781848321885, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Type VII U-Boats Roger Chesneau The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. This volume is devoted to the largest class of submarines ever built, the Type VII, which formed the backbone of the German effort in the critical Battle of the Atlantic. A pre-war design, the Type VII was developed as the campaign progressed and was still in frontline service in 1945. All the major variants, as well as minor changes to equipment, are covered here. With its unparalleled level of visual information – paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs – it is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build one of these famous boats. 9781848321236, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 64 pages

Grand Fleet Battecruisers Steve Backer The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring color profiles and highly detailed line drawings and scale plans. This volume follows the format of the highly successful Flower Class where the extent has been doubled to include far more illustrations of the many different designs, from the Invincible of 1906 to the Renowns of 1915, and including the hybrid ‘large light cruisers’ Courageous, Glorious, and Furious. 9781848321045, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 128 pages

Allied Torpedo Boats John Lambert & Les Brown The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. The modeling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for super-detailing of the ships, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. This volume follows the format of the highly successful Flower Class where the extent has been doubled to include far more detailed drawings of the many different designs of British MTBs and US PT-boats, including their fittings, sensors and weapons. 9781848320604, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 128 pages

Flower Class Corvettes John Lambert & Les Brown The ShipCraft series provides indepth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. The book also includes an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and a section on research references. This volume includes all the features of the regular series but the extent has been doubled to include far more detailed drawings of a class of ship that was built in huge numbers and in many variations. Mainstay of the Atlantic battle against the U-boats, Flower class corvettes were used by the British, Canadian, French and US Navies. 9781848320642, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 128 pages

Hell on Wheels Christopher Anderson This valuable addition to the G.I. series is an illustrated guide to America’s armored forces from the use of prototypes tanks sputtering their way forward in 1918, to the complex technology of Operation Desert Storm. With detailed commentary by John P. Longellier, this book demonstrates just why these lethal troops were known as ‘Hell on Wheels’. This pictorial history of America’s armored forces from 1918 to the end of the 20th century includes images from the First World War to Operation Desert Storm, offers a glimpse into the lives of soldiers and their combat experiencesˇ, and includes more than a hundred rare photographs and images. It is an essential reference for historians, collectors and model-builders. 9781848328099, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

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•MODELING • REFERENCE• T-34-85 Przemyslaw Skulski & Thierry Vallet T-34 served in huge numbers with the Soviet Army and its allies, and was also used by their enemies! This book describes the colors and markings applied to the T-34-85 in service with all major users, including unit and tactical markings, individual names and insignia, and air recognition features. Profusely illustrated with photos and color profiles, this is essential reading for armor enthusiasts and modelers. 9788363678661, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 120 pages

Jagdpanzer 38 Lee Archer & Felipe Rodna This is the first of a new series from Panzerwrecks. As the titles implies, the subject is the German Jagdpanzer 38 tank hunter, often incorrectly referred to as the Hetzer. The subject has been written about before and many photos published, but this book, the first of a series, combines 20 years of original research to take a fresh look at this vehicle. The cornerstone of every Panzerwrecks publication is the large format photos, and this book includes many previously unseen images. These images are supplemented by specially commissioned high quality artwork from Felipe Rodna. It incorporates the latest findings to offer the reader the most authentic color plates of the Jagdpanzer 38 yet published. This book will become a ‘must have’ for the serious modeler and military vehicle enthusiast. 9781908032133, $37.95, $24.99, paperback, 112 pages

Panzerwrecks 20 Lee Archer & Kamen Nevenkin Kamen Nevenkin and Lee Archer join forces to bring you hitherto unseen photos from the depths of the Russian archives in Panzerwrecks 20: Ostfront 3. This book is exclusively about the havoc and wreckage inflicted on the Panzerwaffe by the Russian airforce around Lake Balaton in Hungary. Lots of late war German AFVs in varying stages of destruction - perfect for the modeler or student of armored conflict. Specially commissioned colour artwork by Felipe Rodna show selected Panzers and the weapons used by the Soviet airforce. Includes a map of the battlefield. 9781908032140, $31.95, $20.99, paperback, 96 pages


REFERENCE The Tommies Manual 1916

Hannah Holman An amazing array of leaflets, books and manuals were issued by the War Office during the First World War to aid soldiers on the Western Front. Here for the first time they are collated into a single book. Most were supremely practical or highly technical; others became obsolete almost immediately overtaken by technological advances while others hid the grimiest reality of war behind a prosaic title. All make fascinating reading. In addition there were a small offering from commercial publishers, marketed at soldiers loved ones to buy and post off to the front. 9781445638225, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 288 pages

Kleinkrieg Charles D. Melson In recent years the great powers of the West have most often been relegated to fighting small, guerilla wars rather than the great confrontational battles for which they once prepared. This work examines the German analysis to the problem, covering their experiences from the Napoleonic era to the Third Reich. It is built around the historical analysis titled Kleinkrieg, provided by Arthur Earhardt in 1935, and the Bandenbekampfung document provided to Germany’s OKW in 1944. While small wars are not new, how they should be fought by a modern industrial nation is still a question to be answered. Rediscovered and presented in English, these German thoughts on the issue are now made available to a new generation of guerilla and irregular war fighters in the West. 9781612003566, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 216 pages

L’enfer du Pacifique Matthieu Longue In this book, Matthew Long offers us a unique evocation and complete journey of Eugene B. Sledge. Describing the battles of the Marines at Peleliu and Okinawa, the author relates, step by step, each tragic moment marking the journey. The book also includes a rich set of chart descriptions informing us of the composition of the units and accurate information on weapons and the equipment in use among the troops of the US Marine Corps at that time. 9782840484172, $69.00, $44.99, hardback, 140 pages

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•REFERENCE• I Am Soldier of Fortune Lt. Col. Robert Brown, USAR (Ret.) & Vann Spencer Robert K. Brown, former Green Beret, after a bizarre military career that succeeded in getting him kicked out of Special Forces not once but twice, and completing the Command and General Staff College without a security clearance, while meantime being wounded in Nam, finally found his true calling as a publisher. In this book Brown tells his own story, taking the readers into combat zones where he and his “dogs of war” trotted across the globe. In their revolutionary journalistic style, they created the action and then wrote about it.This is the story of Robert Brown’s dogged quest, in journalism as well as warfare, to “Slay Dragons, do noble deeds and never, never give up.” 9781612003931, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 408 pages

Flashpoint China Andreas Rupprecht & Tom Cooper From the South China Sea to the mountains of Nepal, the continued economic rise of the People’s Republic of China has led to a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the region. As a result, the relationship between China and its neighbors, as well as with the United States and its allies, has become increasingly important for the future of the region – and for the rest of the world. This uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory serves as a richly illustrated, in-depth analysis and overview of the most important conflicts in which China is currently involved – and those that it is likely to be involved with in the future – with a particular focus on People’s Liberation Army air power. 9780985455484, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 80 pages

Syria John D. Grainger Syria has always been at the center of events of world importance. It was in this region that pastoral-stock rearing, settled agriculture, and alphabetic writing were invented (and the dog domesticated). From Syria, Phoenician explorers set out to explore the whole Mediterranean region and sailed round Africa 2,000 years before Vasco de Gama. This is a sweeping overview (though replete with telling details) of the making of this historical region. From the end of the ice age through the procession of Assyrian, Phoenician, Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab, Turkish, French, and British attempts to dominate this area, the key events and influences are clearly explained and analyzed. The events playing out on our TV screens over recent years are put in the context of 12,000 years of history. 9781473860810, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 384 pages

Invasion 1982 Graham Bound Falkland Islanders were the first British people to come under enemy occupation since the Channel Islanders during the Second World War. This book tells how islanders’ warnings were ignored in London, how their slim defenses gave way to a massive invasion, and how they survived occupation. While some established a cautiously pragmatic modus vivendi with the occupiers, some Islanders opted for active resistance. Islanders’ leaders and “troublemakers” faced internal exile, and whole settlements were imprisoned, becoming virtual hostages. A new chapter about Falklands history since 1982 reveals that while the Falklands have benefited greatly from Britain’s ongoing commitment to them, a cold war continues in the south Atlantic. The islands have prospered, and may now be poised on the brink of an oil bonanza. 9781473853430, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 256 pages

Irish Coastal Landings 1922 Ralph A. Riccio This book is a history of Irish National Army coastal landings, many of which have been previously unreported in histories of the Irish Civil War, that were carried out against Republican forces from July through December 1922. It provides details on each of the landings to include specific landing sites, the ships used to transport the troops, number of troops, armored cars and artillery involved, casualties, major personalities who participated, and objectives achieved. In addition to period photos of the ships, equipment and troops involved, the text is also supported by both vintage and current comparative photographs of most of the landing sites. The book also includes, for the first time ever, superb scale drawings of all of the ships involved in the landings. 9788363678609, $49.00, $31.99, paperback, 160 pages

A Guide to British Military History Ian F W Beckett Forty years ago, military history meant battles, campaigns, great commanders, drums, and trumpets. It was used to support national history and nationalism. Now, though, the study of war has been transformed by the “war and society” approach, by the examination of identity, memory, and gender, and a more global perspective. Generally it is recognized that war and conflict must be integrated into the wider narrative of historical development, and this research guide is a useful tool for anyone working in this growing field. It introduces students to all the key debates, issues, and resources. 9781473856646, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

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•REFERENCE • UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT & WARGAMING• Tracing Your Kent Ancestors David Wright Genealogically and historically, Kent is an important maritime county which has played a prime defensive role in English history. It is large and diverse and replete with great houses, castles and other family homes, many with their own archives. It is also a fascinating area of research for family and local historians, and David Wright’s handbook is the perfect guide to it. Tracing Your Kent Ancestors is essential reading and reference for newcomers to family history, and it will be a mine of practical information for researchers who have already started to work in the field. 9781473833456, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 240 pages

Unearthing Family Tree Mysteries Ruth A Symes The characters in these real family history mysteries include an agricultural laborer who left secrets behind in Somerset when he migrated to Manchester, a working-class woman who bafflingly lost ten of her fourteen children in infancy, a miner who purportedly went to “live with the Red Indians”, and a merchant prince of the Empire who was rumored to have two wives. This book shows how a variety of sources including birth, marriage, and death certificates, censuses, newspaper reports, passports, recipe books, and more were all used to uncover information, and how much can be detected by setting the characters from your family tree in their proper historical backgrounds. This book is an updated edition of Stories From Your Family Tree: Researching Ancestors Within Living Memory (2008). 9781473862944, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

Up the Micks! James Wilson The unique history of The Micks – the Irish Guards – is chronicled in over 1000 images, starting with their formation in 1900 and taking the reader through to the recent war in Afghanistan. It is the story of a remarkable family regiment that continues to enhance the values, standards and reputation of the British infantry in an everchanging world. The two world wars are covered in detail with dramatic pictures. The book shows the development of regimental soldiering from the rigidity of the Victorian era, to armored warfare in Europe and light infantry soldiering worldwide. This book has been compiled to show the Micks’ ability to find humor even in the most adverse conditions while demonstrating excellence at both operational and ceremonial soldiering. 9781473835634, $70.00, $45.99, hardback, 352 pages


Hard Fighting Jonathan Hunt This account, a companion to Unicorns - The History of the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry 1794- 1899, covers the Regiment’s war service between 1900 and 1945. During the Boer War the SRY formed part of the first volunteer unit to see active service overseas fighting the Boer Commandos as cavalry. For its role in the ill-fated 1915 Gallipoli campaign, the Regiment was awarded the King’s Colour and then fought Allenby’s victorious campaign against the Turks. During the Second World War the Regiment initially saw service in Palestine. They were converted to armor and fought through from Alamein to Tripoli, before returning to North-west Europe for D-Day. In so doing they won thirty Battle Honours and 159 awards including eighty-three for gallantry. 9781848848917, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 352 pages

Gurkhas at War J.P. Cross This book, the result of in-depth interviews, provides the remarkable Gurkha soldiers with the opportunity to put their own experiences and stories in print. These first-person narratives center on the sixtyyear period from the outbreak of the Second World War to the confrontation in East Timor, including the lengthy battles against the Japanese in the Burmese jungle, campaigns against the Communists in Malaya and Hong Kong, as wells as more recent deployments in the Falklands Campaign and Gulf War. 9781848328174, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 320 pages

UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT & WARGAMING Marines in Vietnam Christopher Anderson This illustrated series presents the uniforms and equipment of the United States Army from the nineteenth century to the present day. This book is a must for anyone interested in American military uniforms and the history of the United States Army. The illustrated guide brings together more than 100 rare and unusual photographs to demonstrate the uniforms, insignia and equipment of the U.S.M.C., including the M14 rifle (later replaced by the M16); grenades, mines and flamethrowers; body armor flak jackets, helmets, camouflage and jungle boots; and transports such as the LVTP-5, Sea Knight and Chinook. With detailed captions by an expert on American uniform history, this is an essential reference for historians, collectors and model-builders 9781848328105, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

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•UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT & WARGAMING• Men Inside the Metal: The British AFV Crewman in WW2 Dick Taylor This book,Volume 2 in a series of two, completes the story of the uniforms and equipment of British and Commonwealth tank and AFV crews. The evolution of uniforms, and the variations in actual use on all fronts, are described and illustrated, as is the personal equipment of AFV crews. The advantages and drawbacks of all the designs are discussed, in the context of actual front-line operational experience. Illustrated with many photos and drawings, covering all uniform variations and equipment.Vol. 2 contains information on REGIMENTAL INSIGNIA. 9788363678289, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 180 pages Bohumír Kudlička Radosław Szewczyk The 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen was a German mountain infantry division of the Waffen-SS, the armed wing of the German Nazi Party that served alongside but was never formally part of the Wehrmacht during World War II. It was given the title Prinz Eugen after Prince Eugene of Savoy, an outstanding military leader of the Habsburg Empire who liberated the Banat and Belgrade from the Ottoman Empire in the Austro-Turkish War of 1716–1718. It was initially named the SS-Freiwilligen-Division Prinz Eugen. This lavishly illustrated book tells the story of this unit and its operations. Many previously unpublished photos are included, and maps of the operational areas. Essential reading for armor enthusiasts, WW2 military enthusiasts and modelers. 9788363678180, $69.00, $44.99, hardback, 240 pages

The Irish Artillery Corps Since 1922 Ralph A. Riccio The story of the artillery used by the armed forces of the Republic of Ireland (Eire), from independence to the present day. Following on from the author’s acclaimed book on AFVs in Irish service, this new book covers the operations and equipment of all the artillery units in the Irish armed forces. From the early days of Independence and civil war to modern-day peace keeping, from coastal artillery to light mortars, all the units and their equipment are described and illustrated. Profusely illustrated with photos, maps, and scale plans. Essential reading for all military historians and artillery enthusiasts! 9788361421528, $51.00, $33.50, paperback, 180 pages

Prinz Eugen

Men Inside the Metal Dick Taylor This is a detailed study of the uniform and equipment used by British AFV crews in WW2. The evolution of uniforms, and the variations in actual use on all fronts, are described and illustrated, as is the personal equipment of AFV crews. The advantages and drawbacks of all the designs are discussed, in the context of actual front-line operational experience. Illustrated with many photos and drawings, covering all uniform variations and equipment. 9788389450661, $39.00, $25.50, paperback, 160 pages

Combat History of the Panzer-Abteilung 103 Norbert Számvéber The book presents the detailed combat history of German Panzer-Abteilung 103 as part of the 3. Panzergrenadier-Division in Italy from September 1943 to August 1944 based on the almost unknown war diary of this unit. The Panzer-Abteilung 103 was fully equipped with Sturmgeschütz III assault guns. This is an impressive look at tactical-level events and command decisions, highlighting the German armored combat tactics in Italy. The book includes a number of original maps and excellent photos. 9786155583018, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, pages

Le Casque Allemand Carole Suppo-Diefenthal & Frédérik Suppo-Diefenthal The German helmet has become a myth over time. Its silhouette has always been a prominent object commonly used on vintage posters or by modern filmmakers. This book delivers most of the secrets of the German helmet known only to a few insiders. Its secrets and details will be described here in the pages revealed in the same manner of an autopsy. The shape of the rivets insignia, through manufacturers and models. It will cover both the jugular as paints or strapping. This book will provide you with the keys to a good buy and you will avoid the pitfalls of counterfeiters or other hackers who do not hesitate to make false paintings and markings on all models of M35 M42. 9782840484202, $69.00, $44.99, hardback, 208 pages

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•UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT & WARGAMING • US HISTORY• La Légion étrangère en Algérie 1954–1962 Raymond Guyader This detailed study on the uniforms of the Foreign Legion during the war in Algeria has more than 400 collection pieces and about 200 vintage photographs and make us relive this painful war that ended French Algeria after 23 years of uninterrupted fighting for the Foreign Legion. The first part outlines the main phases of the history of this elite weapon on Algerian soil. The second part is devoted to the military uniforms of the Foreign Legion. The third part presents a comprehensive and unique study of Saharan uniform formations of the Foreign Legion. The end pages of this book are dedicated to 3475 legionnaires fallen in combat in Algeria since 1831 and to all French and all Algerians who died for French Algeria. 9782840484127, $99.00, $64.50, hardback, 256 pages

Les troupes d’assaut de l’armée allemande Ricardo Recio Cardona The first assault units were formed in the spring and summer of 1916, after General Falkenhayn gave the orders for the creation of special detachments. But long before that, another type of troops had been created within the German infantry during the winter of 1914-1915: shock troops, infantry groups that were never officially recognized as such and have never belonged to a permanent unit, but remained active until the end of the war and who contributed to the improvement of the offensive capability of the German infantry. This book is an account of the history of assault troops and it covers their fighting methods. It offers a full description of their uniforms, their equipment, their weapons, with many illustrations and period photographs rarely seen. 9782840484288, $73.00, $47.50, hardback, 216 pages

The Kingdom is Ours James Daniels With the Bicorne English Civil War Catalogue and Rules the reader is given a very simple and enjoyable insight into the English Civil War. A compellingly playable set of fast play rules provide entertainment and challenge for both the novice and veteran players alike, entwined with glorious pictures of the Bicorne English Civil War miniature figure range. The reader is encouraged to collect and paint an army of model soldiers, with a view to playing enjoyable wargames with friends. To this end there is a section on how to build up your army if you are new to the period, as well as a couple of scenarios to give the reader a good idea of what can be achieved with this fun-to-play set of rules. 9781910777688, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 88 pages


Battle for Britain Peter Dennis In this series renowned historical illustrator Peter Dennis breathes life into the 19th Century paper soldier and invites the reader to re-fight the wars that surged across the nation of Britain. All the artwork needed to make historically- accurate armies is presented in a source-book format, copyright free for personal use. In this first title, the Horse, Foot, and Dragoons of King and Parliament, along with period buildings can be made, using traditional skills with scissors and glue. Simple ‘one sheet’ rules by veteran wargamer Andy Callan enable the maker to stage battles limited only by the size of the player’s available table-space. 9781910777909, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 48 pages

US HISTORY The Last Road North Dan Welch & Robert Orrison A string of battlefield victories through 1862 had culminated in the spring of 1863 with Lee’s greatest victory yet: the battle of Chancellorsville. Propelled by the momentum of that supreme moment, confident in the abilities of his men, Lee decided to once more take the fight to the Yankees and launched this army on another invasion of the North. An appointment with destiny awaited in the little Pennsylvania college town of Gettysburg. This book follows in the footsteps of the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac as the two foes cat-and-mouse their way northward, ultimately clashing in the costliest battle in North American history. This book offers the ultimate Civil War road trip. 9781611212433, $12.95, $8.50, paperback, 192 pages

Out Flew the Sabres Eric J.Wittenberg & Daniel T. Davis Twelve thousand Union cavalrymen against 9,000 of their Confederate counterparts—with three thousand Union infantry thrown in for good measure. Amidst the thunder of hooves and the clashing of sabers, they slugged it out Culpepper County,Virginia. It escalated into the largest cavalry battle ever fought on the North American continent. Fleetwood Hill at Brandy Station was the site of four major cavalry battles during the course of the Civil War, but none was more important than the one fought on June 9, 1863. That clash turned out to be the opening engagement of the Gettysburg Campaign, and the one-day delay it caused may have impacted the outcome of the entire campaign. 9781611212563, $12.95, $8.50, paperback, 168 pages

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•US HISTORY• Hell Itself Chris Mackowski Ulysses S. Grant, commanding all Federal armies, opened the campaign with a vow to never turn back. Robert E. Lee, commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, moved into the Wilderness to block Grant’s advance. Immovable object intercepted irresistible force—and the Wilderness burst into flame. With the forest itself burning around them, men died by the thousands. The armies bloodied each other without mercy and, at times, without any semblance of order. The brush grew so dense, and the smoke hung so thick, men could not see who stood next to them—or in front of them. Driven by desperation, duty, confusion, and fire, soldiers on both sides marveled that anyone might make it out alive. 9781611213157, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

A Want of Vigilance Bill Backus & Robert Orrison The months after Gettysburg, Union commander Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade had yet to come to serious blows with his Confederate counterpart, Gen. Robert E. Lee. Lee’s army did not have quite the offensive capability it once possessed, yet Lee’s aggressive nature could not be quelled. In mid-October, 1863, both men shifted their armies into motion. Each surprised the other. Quickly, Meade found himself racing northward for safety along the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, with Lee charging up the rail line behind him. Last stop: Bristoe Station. This book traces the campaign from the armies’ camps around Orange and Culpeper northwest through the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and along the vital railroad in one of the most overlooked periods of the war. 9781611213003, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

The Aftermath of Battle Meg Groeling Unlike battle narratives, this book picks up the story as the battle ends. The burial of the dead was an overwhelming experience for the armies or communities forced to clean up after the destruction of battle. In the short-term action, bodies were hastily buried to avoid the stench and the horrific health concerns of massive death; in the long-term, families struggled to reclaim loved ones and properly reinter them in established cemeteries. In this easy-to-read overview that will complement any Civil War library, author Meg Thompson provides a look at the aftermath of battle and the process of burying the Civil War dead. The masterful storytelling is richly enhanced with hundreds of photos and illustrations. 9781611211894, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

Grant’s Last Battle Chris Mackowski Ulysses S. Grant was dying. The hardscrabble man who regularly smoked 20 cigars a day had developed terminal throat cancer. Thus began Grant’s final battle: a race against his own failing health to complete his Personal Memoirs in an attempt to secure his family’s financial future. The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant would cement his place as not only one of America’s greatest heroes but also as one of its most sublime literary voices. Filled with personal intrigues and supported by a cast of colorful characters that included Mark Twain, William Vanderbilt, and P. T. Barnum, Grant’s Last Battle recounts a deeply personal story as dramatic for Grant as any of his battlefield exploits. 9781611211603, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

“The Bloody Fifth”— The 5th Texas Infantry, Hood’s Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia John F. Schmutz The 5th Texas Infantry was one of only three Texas regiments to fight with Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. The 5th Texas established an exceptional combat record in an army known for its fighting capabilities. The regiment took part in 38 engagements, before laying down its arms forever at Appomattox. The Bloody Fifth, in a pair of magnificent volumes, is the first full-length study to document this fabled regimental command. The first installment, Secession to the Suffolk Campaign, opens the regiment’s rich history from the withdrawal of the Lone Star State from the Union and the organization of ten independent east and central Texas companies, through the spring of 1863 and its complex and often-misunderstood mission around Suffolk,Virginia. 9781611212044, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages

Decision at Tom’s Brook William J. Miller The story of the Tom’s Brook cavalry affair centers on two young men who had risen to prominence as soldiers: George A. Custer and Thomas L. Rosser. Each possessed almost all of the traits of the ideal cavalryman— courage, intelligence, physical strength, inner-fire. Only their judgment was questionable. Their separate paths converged in the Shenandoah Valley in the summer of 1864, when Custer was ordered to destroy, and Rosser was ordered to stop him. Based upon extensive research in primary documents and gracefully written, this book presents significant new material on Thomas Rosser. Rosser’s decision-making that day changed his life and the lives of hundreds of other men. Miller’s new study is Civil War history and high personal drama at its finest. 9781611213089, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 216 pages

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•US HISTORY • VIETNAM• The Chickamauga Campaign - A Mad Irregular Battle David A. Powell In September 1863 the Union Army of the Cumberland and Confederate Army of Tennessee waged bloody combat along the banks of West Chickamauga Creek. Long considered a twoday affair, award-winning author David Powell embraces a fresh approach that explores Chickamauga as a three-day battle, with September 18 being key to understanding how the fighting developed the next morning. Powell’s magnificent study fully explores the battle from all perspectives and is based upon fifteen years of intensive study and research that has uncovered nearly 2,000 primary sources, all stitched together to relate the remarkable story that was Chickamauga. 9781611213232, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 744 pages

“Stand to It and Give Them Hell” John Michael Priest This is unlike any other Gettysburg book you will ever read. Instead of a dry recitation of the facts, it chronicles the desperate marching, fighting, command decisions, and suffering as depicted in the letters, memoirs, diaries, and postwar recollections of the men from both armies. This invaluable methodology uses the words of those who lived these events to paint a rich tapestry of personal courage, cowardice, failures, and triumphs. The hundreds of word portraits are supported by 58 detailed original maps, most on the regimental level. 9781611213249, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 528 pages

Bluff, Bluster, Lies and Spies David Perry This is a wild ride through the mismanaged State Department of William Henry Seward, to the more skillful work of the British Foreign Office. Fearful that Great Britain would recognize the Confederacy and provide the help that might have defeated the Union, the Lincoln administration was careful not to upset the greatest naval power on earth. Europe was covered with the spies, arms dealers, detectives, and publicists who struggled to buy guns and to influence European opinion about the validity of either the Union or Confederate cause. This book describes in full how the Civil War in the New World was ultimately left to Southern battlefield prowess alone to determine, as the powers of the Old World declined to overtly intervene in the American question. 9781612003627, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages



Arthur Wiknik Jr. An honest tour of the Vietnam War from the soldier’s eye view, Nam Sense is the brilliantly written story of a combat squad leader in the 101st Airborne Division. Arthur Wiknik was a 19-year-old kid from New England when he was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1968. Wiknik’s account of life and death in Vietnam includes everything from heavy combat, to faking insanity to get some R & R. Nam Sense offers a perfect blend of candor, sarcasm, and humor - and it spares nothing and no one in its attempt to accurately convey what really transpired during the Vietnam War. Wiknik has produced a gripping and complete record of life and death in Vietnam, and he has done so with a style and flair few others will ever achieve. 9781935149095, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 288 pages

U.S. Forces in Vietnam: 1968–1975 Guillaume Rousseaux This book is the logical sequel to the first volume (1962–1967), chronologically presents the evolution of uniforms, equipment and weapons of the American soldier during the Vietnam war, during the period 1968 to 1975. This second volume deals with the 1968 Tet offensive, the maximum commitment of U.S. forces in 1969, incursions into Cambodia in 1970, then the gradual withdrawal of US troops (1970-72). And finally the tragic outcome of this conflict with the evacuation of the American Embassy, which marks the end of the war in Vietnam in 1975. 9782352502876, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 84 pages

My Vietnam War Dave Morgan My Vietnam is Dave Morgan’s story. A typical 20 year old, he was forced into extraordinary circumstances in Vietnam. The Vietnam War would expose Dave to an omnipresent danger and sheer terror that would impact him forever. Dave’s story focuses on his time as a soldier and his return psychologically exhausted to a divided nation. 9781922132772, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 296 pages

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•WEAPONRY• WEAPONRY Socket Bayonets Graham Priest The bayonet was originally developed in the 17th century in its early ‘plug’ form; from this starting point, it became a military success. Innovative technologies were used to allow both bayonet and musket to be used together, by adoption of a socket. In the nineteenth century new guns appeared, but the bayonet lived on—even during the First World War, the socket bayonet was Russia’s primary issue. The remainder of the twentieth century saw further development of the bayonet in many countries. In this book, Graham Priest uses clear, detailed images to guide the reader through the history of the bayonet, showing examples both common and rare, providing a rounded introduction to the topic. 9781445649917, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 96 pages

Guns of Special Forces 2001–2015 Leigh Neville In the years since 9/11, the Special Forces of many nations have been in almost constant action in covert, high risk operations around the globe. These include the two long conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, fighting nationalist insurgents and jihadist terrorists, as well as other lesser known operations. The weapons used by SF are a constant source of interest and speculation. The armories of these elite units have developed rapidly to meet their demands, and they include suppressed piston-driven carbines, programmable grenade launchers that airburst behind hidden enemies, and sniper rifles of extreme accuracy and range. This highly researched book gives the reader a privileged insight into this secret world exploring the custom-built weapons that operators carry on capture/kill missions in the 21st Century. 9781473821064, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

Firing Now! Guns of the Elite Forces John Walter Guns of the Elite Forces provides a penetrating account of the weapons that elite fighting troops carry into combat. Such elites have always existed in the armies of the world. During the Second World War, elite units sprang up in most theaters of conflict. In the last few decades, and particularly since 9/11, a very special sort of fighting man has risen to prominence. In this highly illustrated book, expert John Walter provides an overview of the weapons elite forces carry into action, as well as the guns their enemies wield. This is highly recommended to anyone interested in the arming of the elite forces of the military and civil powers around the world. 9781848328235, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 272 pages

Fix Bayonets! John Norris The bayonet is an essential item of a soldier’s kit even on today’s modern hi-tech battlefield. This work examines the origins of this humble weapon and the “cult of the bayonet”. It examines the spread of this simple weapon and how it led to fundamental changes being made in battlefield tactics. Over 300 years later, the bayonet is still in service with armies around the world. The weapon has become an icon of defiance and the determination to do whatever it takes to win. This book draws on personal accounts of soldiers using bayonets in combat from the Napoleonic and Crimean Wars, into the 21st century in Afghanistan. In so doing it explains the survival of this simple weapon on the modern battlefield. 9781781593363, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

Dick Taylor This book explores the fascinating history of tank, antitank and self-propelled artillery ammunition used by the British and Americans in World War 2. As well as examining the major ammunition types in detail, the work also explains, for the first time in a book of this type, how ammunition functions and is made to be accurate. The guns and weapons used to fire the ammunition are also covered, as is a comprehensive lexicon of terminology and an extensive list of references. The whole is complemented by stunning artwork showing the ammunition and its associated packaging, with many period photographs of the ammunition in use. 9788363678913, $49.00, $31.99, paperback, 160 pages

Illustrated History of the SturmgeschützAbteilung 202 Norbert Számvéber The Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 202 was one of the most successful German assault gun units in the Second World War. It had been deployed exclusively on the Eastern Front against the Red Army between 1941 and 1945. The StuGs of this unit were very effective AFVs on the battlefield in the role of heavy weapons for infantry fire support and also as mobile antitank firepower. Dr. Norbert Számvéber, author of Waffen-SS Armour in Normandy and Days of Battle, presents a detailed combat history of this unit, primarily based on archival sources. The book includes a significant number of rare photographs and several maps. 9786158007269, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, pages

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The Writers’ War Felicity Trotman This is a collection of excerpts from outstanding accounts of the First World War. It provides an essential insight to anyone interested in modern history or early twentieth-century literature. Extraordinary extracts bring the human experience of war brilliantly to life – from the terror of bombardment, or the camaraderie of military service, to the home front. The writing reflects an enormous range of nationalities and personalities. It includes memorable poetry, fiction, and journalism. Some great names of modern English literature appear, such as Arthur Conan Doyle, D. H. Lawrence, and Rudyard Kipling. 9781445655352, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 352 pages

Retreat and Rearguard Somme 1918 Jerry Murland The German Spring offensive was a period of great danger for the Allies. Both sides were exhausted after years of bitter fighting and huge losses. While eventually catastrophically unsuccessful and the prelude to their final defeat, the German forced the Allies back over hard-won ground until the tide turned. This book describes in graphic detail the battles fought by British, Irish, and South African regiments in the area from St Leger to La Fere. It unearths the extraordinary stories of unit and individual courage. He also examines the work of the Royal Engineers who blew bridges and disrupted lines of communication. 9781781592670, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Western Front North: Battlefield Guide Tonie Holt & Valmai Holt This is a companion volume to the Holts’ Western Front – South Guide. Between the two, they cover the main WW1 Western Front battlefields. This book covers 15 of the most significant battles of the northern area from Nieuwport to just north of The Somme. Whether travelling on the ground or in the mind, the reader is carefully guided through the battlefields with a mixture of succinct military history, cameo memories and stories of VCs and other personalities, interspersed with references to the literature and poetry of the war. 9781781593974, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 368 pages


Operation Market Garden: Battlefield Guide Tonie Holt & Valmai Holt Operation Market Garden was the name given to the US, UK and Polish airborne assault on the Arnhem, Nijmegen and Eindhoven bridges and the illfated 30 Corps advance to relieve the hard-pressed paras. While everyone knows that Arnhem was ‘a bridge too far’, few understand the true reasons for the catastrophic failure to link up. There have been numerous guide books to the fighting around Arnhem in particular but this is the first to tell the whole story as it happened. The authors get to the nub of the story, explaining the action clearly and directing the visitor to the key sites. With its full color touring map, this book will prove as big a success as its forerunners, on both sides of the Atlantic and the Channel. 9781781593783, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 336 pages

Verdun 1916 J.E. Kaufmann & H.W. Kaufmann Wrapped in myth and distortion, the Battle of Verdun is one of the most enigmatic battles of the Great War.Verdun was actually a hollow shell since its forts were largely disarmed and the trench lines were incomplete. So why did the Germans fail to take Verdun? As well as seeking to answer this fundamental question, the authors of this perceptive new study reconsider other key aspects of the battle – the German deployment of stormtroopers, the use of artillery and aircraft, how the French developed the idea of methodical battle. They look too at how Verdun brought about a renaissance of fortress engineering that resulted in the creation of the Maginot Line and the other fortifications constructed in Europe before the Second World War. 9781473827028, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

With Winston Churchill at the Front Andrew Dewar Gibb Following his resignation from the Government after the disastrous Gallipoli campaign, Winston Churchill’s political career stalled. Never one to give in, Churchill was determined to continue fighting the enemy. Packed with amusing anecdotes and fascinating detail, Gibb’s story shows an entirely different side to Churchill’s character from the forceful public figure normally presented to the world. Churchill proved to be a caring and compassionate commander and utterly fearless. Despised on his arrival, by the time he departed he was adored by his men. 9781848324299, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• The Zeebrugge Raid 1918 Paul Kendall Approximately a third of all Allied merchant vessels sunk during the First World War were by German boats and submarines based at BrugeZeebrugge on the coast of Belgium. By 1918 it was feared that Britain would be starved into surrender unless the enemy raiders could be stopped. A daring plan was therefore devised to sail directly into the heavily defended port of Zeebrugge and then to sink three obsolete cruisers in the harbour in the hope they would block German vessels from reaching the English Channel. On 23 April the most ambitious amphibious raid of the First World War was carried out, told here through a huge collection of personal accounts and official reports on the bitter fighting. 9781473876712, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 328 pages

Skagerrak Gary Staff The Battle of Jutland, known to the Germans as der Skagerrakschlacht, was the most significant naval action of the First World War. Many works have dealt with this clash of titans, but the German perspective has been sorely neglected. By cross-referencing both German and British official records and accounts, this bok has established the most coherent narrative of the battle possible. Including eyewitness accounts from the crews of the German ships, the result is a gripping read that gives a real sense of the terror of being in battle inside one of the steel behemoths. 9781783831234, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

Winchester in the Great War John J. Eddleston The war of 1914–18 changed Britain forever. Winchester played its part. Whilst this is a book about the Great War, that terrible conflagration which claimed so many lives, it is also expertly covers how that war touched the citizens of Winchester. It is true that Winchester was a major army depot, but it was also a city concerned with attempts to keep some normality in life. There were stories of loss but there was also humor, entertainment, fund raising, patriotism and tales of the darker side of life. With over thirty illustrations, some never seen before, this is a thorough account of the daily hardships and triumphs of those living in the city during one of the most defining periods in the history of Britain. 9781783463299, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 112 pages

City of London in the Great War Stephen John Wynn Throughout the First World War, London played a major part in Great Britain’s war effort, both at home and abroad. A far as Germany was concerned, the city was their ultimate goal – the ultimate target that would bring them the sought-after victory they so desired. The book looks at many different aspects of wartime London: the Members of Parliament who left their comfortable lifestyles, who fought and died for their country, the Silvertown munitions factory explosion, the twelve German spies who were shot at the Tower of London, and the hundreds of military hospitals that were spread across London. This book records yet another chapter in the history of the nation’s capital which will live in the memory of the city forever more. 9781473828599, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 208 pages

Lincoln in the Great War Louise Blackah Lincoln contributed significantly to the Great War. The town produced many heroes during WW1, and a winged version of the Lincoln Imp adorned many of the First World War aircraft, including the famous Sopwith Camel, manufactured extensively by Lincoln firms. This book also looks at how the experience of war impacted on the City, from the initial enthusiasm for sorting out the German Kaiser in time for Christmas 1914, to the gradual realization of the enormity of human sacrifice the families of Lincoln were committed to as the war stretched out over the next four years. Extracts from contemporary letters reveal their heroism and give insights into what it was like under battle conditions, particularly from those of the Lincolnshire Yeomanry. 9781783831562, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 96 pages

Pontefract and Castleford in the Great War Timothy Lynch By the end of 1914, 15,000 Yorkshire miners had volunteered for the army, with around 1,000 from a single Castleford pit. Local women faced the grueling hardships and dangers of munitions work. Former male pupils at the Quaker school struggled with their consciences. Some would fight, some would serve in the front lines as ambulance men and others would go to prison for their beliefs. Using original material, diaries, letters, and newspaper reports, this enthralling book tells the fascinating and largely forgotten story of the Great War at home. 9781473852150, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 176 pages

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•WORLD WAR I • WORLD WAR II• Stockport in the Great War Glynis Cooper Always in competition with Manchester, Stockport folk did things their way during the Great War. Following Zeppelin attacks on the east coast, street lights were ordered to be partially shaded. Manchester shaded its lights from the top, while Stockport shaded its lights from the bottom, causing confusion in the darkened streets below and prompting one wit to write that while Manchester was expecting attacks from Zeppelins, Stockport was clearly expecting attacks from submarines. However, despite much political and material disaffection, the townsfolk united firmly against the Kaiser. 9781473833784, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pages

South Devon in the Great War Tony Rea This book provides the first definitive history of events in this part of Devon during the First World War, with more than fifty pictures, some unpublished for 100 years. The author’s succinct and engaging text is further enhanced by a unique set of then and now photographs, and provides readers with an incomparable pictorial overview of events on the Home Front. By late 1915 many of the young men and, significantly, almost all of the horses had gone away to war. Within these pages the reader will find many personal tales of sacrifice, loss and grief. Most of all, however, readers will be ultimately uplifted by tales of the endurance of the human spirit. 9781473834255, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 144 pages

WORLD WAR II First Year of World War II, 1919 Richard Osborne This book puts forward the idea that the events of 1919 were so significant that they in fact saw the beginning of World War Two, such a short while after the end of the First World War. Key events such as Hitler and Mussolini entering politics, the Bolsheviks beginning to win the Russian Civil War and Stalin gaining power, and the effect of the severe Treaty of Versailles on an already damaged Germany are covered in detail. But it was not only Europe that saw changes. America entered isolation and prohibition, and Japan became a major threat in the Far East. 9780962832482, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 256 pages


Eastern Front: Encirclement and Escape by German Forces Bob Carruthers The ferocious battles for survival fought by trapped German forces in Russia have become synonymous with that most terrible of all military campaigns. Shortly after the war, the personal experiences of those who had fought in the battles were collected together as the German Report Series. These reports include invaluable information from impeccable sources on the pockets formed at Klin,Velikiye Luki, Cherkassy and Kamenets-Podolskiy. Also included are contemporary reports featuring German encirclement tactics, and an in-depth feature on the Kiev operation. This new compilation is essential reading for anyone interested in discovering the real experience of the German forces trapped in Russia. 9781781592212, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

Eastern Front: Night Combat Bob Carruthers With the onset of the Cold War the pool of hard won knowledge gained by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front was invaluable and had to be collected and systematically recycled to the US and British forces as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. The extensive interview program eventually appeared as the German Report Series and today they represent a fascinating glimpse from the operational and tactical viewpoint of the war in the east. Featured is a detailed report on the principles of Russian and German night combat tactics, and an in-depth training manual written from the German point of view. 9781781592229, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 144 pages

The Eastern Front Air War 1941–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones This selection of over 150 photographs provides a visual guide to the desperate air war fought over the Eastern Front between 1941 and 1945. Most of these black-and-white wartime photographs have never been published before. They show Stalin’s Red Air Force and Hitler’s Luftwaffe, their equipment and the role they played in supporting the war on the ground. Although it was a major aspect of the struggle on the Eastern Front, aerial combat has long been neglected, and this photographic history is a vivid introduction to it. The photographs and text give a fascinating insight into this aspect of the war. They also record the principal Soviet and German aircraft that featured in the aerial fighting and the pilots who flew them. 9781473861626, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Fighting in Ukraine David Mitchelhill-Green The outcome of the Second World War was decided on the Eastern Front. Denied a swift victory over Stalin’s Red Army, Hitler’s Wehrmacht found itself in a bloody, protracted struggle from late 1941 that it was illprepared to fight. Although many pictorial books have been published on Germany’s hapless invasion of the Soviet Union, they are typically a collection of soldiers’ snapshots or “official” photographs taken by Propagandakompanien (PK) reporters. This book is different. It contains an extraordinary personal record of the war captured by a professional photographer, Walter Grimm, who served in the German Army in a communications unit. 9781473848665, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

Hitler Versus Stalin: The Eastern Front 1941–1942 Nik Cornish This third volume of the photographic history of the Second World War on the Eastern Front records the sequence of Red Army offensives that pushed the Wehrmacht back across Russia after the failure of Operation Citadel. Previously unpublished images show the epic scale of the build-up to the Kursk battle and the enormous cost in terms of lives and material of the battle itself. They also show that the military initiative was now firmly in Soviet hands, as the Germans were on the defensive and in retreat. The photographs track the sequence of events on the ground, and they show the equipment and the weapons used by both sides, the living conditions experienced by the troops, and the devastation the war left in its wake. 9781783463985, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 128 pages

The Battle for Kharkov 1941–1943 Anthony Tucker-Jones The four battles fought for Kharkov during the Second World War are often overshadowed by the battles for Moscow, Leningrad, and Stalingrad, yet they were critical stages in the struggle between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army. This volume in the Images of War series offers a visual record of the dramatic and bloody conflict that took place there, showing every grim aspect of the fighting. Kharkov became one of the most bitterly contested cities during the war on the Eastern Front, and this book presents a graphic overview of the atrocious conditions the soldiers on both sides had to endure. 9781473827479, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

German Army on the Eastern Front - The Advance Ian Baxter German Army on the Eastern Front – The Advance is a highly illustrated record of the extraordinary feat of arms that saw the Nazi armies drive deep into the vast terrain of the Soviet Union, to the gates of Stalingrad and Moscow. It traces the campaign from these hopeful beginnings until, on the brink of victory, the defenders and the winter contrived to slow and then halt the advance. It vividly conveys the appalling conditions endured by the invaders. By early 1943 the German advance finally petered out, leaving some 1.5 million dead from the battle of Stalingrad alone. The long and costly retreat was about to begin. 9781473822665, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

The Waffen SS on the Eastern Front Bob Carruthers This is the illustrated history of the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front. The life and death of the Waffen SS can be traced in the surviving photographs, and the brooding saga of the decline from triumph into disaster is told through these powerful images which clearly document the reality of combat on the Russian Front. 9781783462452, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 400 pages

Partisan Warfare on the Eastern Front 1941–1944 Nik Cornish Between 1941 and 1944, Soviet partisans fought a ruthless underground campaign behind the German lines. They spied on the Germans, disrupted their communications, sabotaged road and rail routes, and carried out assassinations and raids, and thousands of these irregular soldiers lost their lives.Yet their exploits are frequently overlooked in general histories of the conflict, and their contribution to the Soviet victory are rarely recognized. This collection of photographs of the Soviet partisans is a landmark in the field. In a sequence of over 150 images, most of them previously unpublished, it gives a fascinating portrait of the lives of the partisans and their struggle to resist and survive in a war that was waged with almost unparalleled cruelty on both sides. 9781848843769, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Hitler’s Defeat on the Eastern Front Ian Baxter Drawing on rare and previously unpublished photographs accompanied by in-depth captions, the book provides an absorbing analysis of a traumatic period of WW2. It reveals how the battle of Kursk was the beginning of the end and how this massive operation led to the Red Army recapturing huge areas of the Soviet Union and bleeding white the German armies it struck. The German forces that survived fought vicious battles through the Baltic States, Byelorussia, and built up new defense along the Vistula in Poland. As the final months of the War were played out on the Eastern Front, the Army and Waffen-SS, with diminishing resources, withdrew across a devastated Reich and fought out their last battle with party militia forces around a devastated Berlin. 9781844159772, $29.99, $19.50, paperback, 160 pages

Escape to Pagan Brian Devereux A gripping true story of survival, as one family struggles against overwhelming odds in WW2. In order to see each other again they must overcome terrible danger. In Hong Kong, leading an attack on Golden Hill, Jack Devereux of the Royal Scots is shot through the head. He miraculously survives capture. In Burma, Kate Devereux, her infant son (the author), and mother Harriet desperately flee their home. The once prosperous family becomes destitute and starving. They are kept alive by the author’s grandmother, a resourceful woman with a proud bearing, able to speak fluent Japanese but also to pass herself off as native Burmese. Their destination is the deserted and mystic city of Pagan. The beautiful but deadly landscape of Burma is the setting for their adventure-filled story. 9781612003733, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 320 pages

Sacrifice on the Steppe Hope Hamilton When Germany’s Sixth Army advanced to Stalingrad in 1942, its long-extended flanks were mainly held by allied armies. But as history tells us, these flanks quickly caved in before the massive Soviet counter-offensive which commenced that November, dooming the Germans to their first catastrophe of the war. However, the historical record also makes clear that one allied unit held out to the very end, fighting to stem the tide—the Italian Alpine Corps. Hope Hamilton, fluent in Italian and having spent many years in Italy, has drawn on many interviews with survivors as well as massive research, in order to provide this first full English-language account of one of World War II’s legendary stands against great odds. 9781612003924, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 268 pages


Stalin’s Claws E.R. Hooton In the late 1930s the Soviet Union experienced a brutal Ezhovshchina – or Purge – which swept through all levels of its society with millions arrested and tens of thousands shot for reasons lacking any form of ethics or justification. This absorbing history reveals that the Soviet armed forces did not escape the bloody tidal wave which swept away the majority of their most experienced and gifted officers. In the aftermath, the Red Army hurriedly sought to modernize and to expand in order to meet the growing threat from Nazi Germany. Following detailed research, the author provides a vivid and important insight into the operations conducted by the Red Army from 1937 to 1941 and makes some surprising conclusions about the impact of the Purges. 9780954311551, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

Eagles Over North Africa and the Mediterranean 1940–1943 Jeffrey Ethell Although the Luftwaffe achieved a great deal of success in North Africa between 1940 and 1943, it was hampered by the constant demand for men and machines elsewhere, logistical problems, such as a crippling lack of fuel, and the harsh desert conditions. An impressive selection of photographs from archives and private collections reveal the German and Italian aircraft used and developed in this theater as well as the people involved. With insightful captions and supporting text, this offers a fascinating perspective on the Luftwaffe at war. 9781848327924, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Focke Wulf 190 Morten Jessen ALong with its well-known counterpart, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the Fw 190 became the backbone of the Luftwaffe’s fighting force. Capable of performing in theaters as diverse as North Africa, the Russian Front and in Western Europe, its superior killing ability earned it the nickname, the ‘Butcher Bird’. Famed for its speed and maneuverability – some of the Luftwaffe’s most successful fighter aces – from Otto Kittel to Erich Rudorffer – claimed a great many of their kills while flying it. This addition to the Luftwaffe at War series illustrates the different versions of the plane to see service, the theaters in which the plane served and the pilots who carved a name for themselves with the Butcher Bird. 9781848327948, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 64 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Nachtjagd Versus Bomber Command 1943–1945 Martin W. Bowman This volume from Martin Bowman examines the closing years of the Second World War, as the tide turned against the German and Axis forces. It includes riveting firsthand accounts from German fighter pilots caught up in some of the most dramatic nighttime conflicts of the latter war years.Viewing Bomber Command’s operations through the eyes of the enemy, the reader is offered a fresh and intriguing perspective. Set in context by Bowman’s historical narrative, these snippets of pilot testimony work to offer an authentic sense of the times at hand. The text is complemented by a thoughtful selection of black and white photographs. 9781473849792, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Operation LUSTY Graham M. Simons This book draws on Category 1, top secret documents, prepared by the Director of Technical Services at Wright Field in 1945, that feature lists of aircraft, radar equipment, and other military and aviation accessories that the United States and the Allies lusted after in the dying days of The Second World War and during the post-War period. Details of information gleaned over the course of Operation LUSTY (LUftwaffe Secret TechnologY) are included in the form of reports, tables, and typed transcripts of conversations. Photographs also feature in this visual publication that seeks to consolidate all the various scraps of documentation filed around this time in an effort to create an authentic impression of events as they unfolded during the course of this mammoth retrieval operation. 9781473847378, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

V-Weapons Bomber Command Failed to Return Steve Bond & Steve Darlow In the summer of 1944 Nazi Germany launched a terrifying Vweapon attack against the population of southeast England. The Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower was quite clear that the Vweapon counter measures were of paramount importance over everything except the urgent requirements of the D-Day and Normandy land battle. He would use all the resources at his disposal, including the Royal Air Force’s heavy bomber force. This book tells the story of some of those airmen who gave their lives countering the German V-Weapon offensive in direct defense of the civilian population. 9780992620790, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 128 pages

Luftwaffe Over America Manfred Griehl This thought-provoking book examines the Nazi German plans to raid and bomb the US eastern seaboard in the event of a successful invasion of the Soviet Union. The plans rested upon the use of transoceanic aircraft. The Third Reich was unable to produce these machines in sufficient numbers; however, if the Soviet Union had been conquered, the seizure of vital resources from the Soviet Union would have provided enough fuel and material to mass-produce giant bomber aircraft. This fascinating, thoroughly researched study offers valuable insights into how Germany developed new weapons and shows why the attempts to develop long range bombers were frustrated until they were terminated by the end of hostilities. Includes more than a hundred rarely seen photographs and original plans. 9781848328426, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 256 pages

British Aircraft of the Second World War John Frayn Turner This unique book, now republished, was the first of its kind to be published on British aircraft of the Second World War. Aviation enthusiasts and aero-modelers can see British aircraft as they really were, through magnificently reproduced color photographs. Each of the forty-nine types of aircraft is accompanied by a brief ‘biography’ together with tables of the most important marks and their specifications, engine, span, length, height, weight, crew number, maximum speed, service ceiling, normal range and armament. There is also a section on British aircraft in action, which includes accounts of outstanding exploits by the pilots of different types. John Frayn Turner, the well-known aviation author, has chosen the pictures and provided the text. 9781783831197, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Luck of a Lancaster Gordon Thorburn No 9 Squadron of Bomber Command converted from the Wellington to the Lancaster in August 1942. W4964 was the seventieth Lanc to arrive on squadron, in mid April 1943. Across all squadrons and all the war, the average life of a Lancaster was 22.75 sorties, but rather less for the front-line squadrons going to Germany three and four times a week in 1943 and ‘44, which was when W4964 was flying her 107 sorties, all with No 9 Squadron and all from RAF Bardney. On September 15 1944, her Tallboy special bomb was the only one to hit the battleship Tirpitz. This is the story of the over 200 airmen who flew in this plane, and the story of one lucky Lancaster. 9781473834385, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Nuremberg: The Blackest Night in RAF History Martin W. Bowman This is a brand-new, updated history of the Nuremburg Raid, taking advantage of new stores of information that have come to light in recent years. In his usual, highly-praised style, Martin Bowman’s historical narrative is supplemented throughout by first-hand snippets of pilot testimony, offering an authentic sense of events as they played out. Having access to extensive archives of images ensures that this is a visually pleasing and comprehensive account of one of the most iconic raids of the Second World War. 9781473852112, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

Poles in Defence of Britain Robert Gretzyngier Fifteen years since it was originally published, Grub Street is proud to present the re-issue of Poles in Defence of Britain. To the Polish volunteers who were to fly and fight so brilliantly and tenaciously throughout the Battle of Britain, the United Kingdom was known as ‘Last Hope Island’. Many lost their lives, and many achieved glory and became aces. The RAF came to depend on these men, with over 100 Polish pilots supporting almost thirty fighter squadrons. The result of years of research, this book includes detailed combat descriptions, personal accounts, memoirs, and diaries from the Polish, British, and German perspective. It is a tremendous account of their contribution in the days before the RAF began to take the offensive across the Channel. 9781910690154, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 294 pages

Unsung Eagles Jay A. Stout The nearly half-million American airmen who served during World War II have almost disappeared. And so have their stories. In Unsung Eagles, awardwinning writer and former fighter pilot Jay Stout has saved an exciting collection of those accounts from oblivion. These are not rehashed tales from the hoary icons of the war. Rather, they are stories from the masses of largely unrecognized men who—in the aggregate—actually won it. The combat careers of 22 different pilots from all the services are captured in this crisply written book which captivates the reader not only as an engaging oral history, but also puts personal context into the great air battles of World War II. 9781612003948, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 288 pages


Walking the London Blitz Clive Harris This Battleground Europe special is a fascinating and highly informative guidebook to London, which will be invaluable to those who wish to understand what Londoners went through during the Second World War. By means of seven easily manageable walks, the reader is transported back to those dark days of devastating destruction. Using rich anecdotes and first-hand accounts the scale of the Luftwaffe raids becomes apparent and the horror of Hitler’s V-weapon attacks unfurls. An original and fascinating way to visit London. 9780850529609, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 160 pages

World War II Museums, Memorials & Historic Displays in the United States Richard Osborne A companion guide to World War II Sites in the United States, this book is a directory listing the descriptions of the hundreds of museums, memorials, and historical displays in the United States. Listed alphabetically by state, this book provides a tour guide on how to find and visit each museum, memorial, or historic display. This is a great reference guide for the traveling World War II buff. 9780981489803, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 293 pages

World War II Trivia Fayth Dressel & Hannah Osborne General Eisenhower personally watched the first planes take off carrying the U.S. paratroops that were to land in Normandy on the eve of the invasion of Normandy. It was reported that he had tears in his eyes. Hitler reached the point where he had little need for money. Almost all of his expenses were paid for by the state. He stopped collecting royalties on his book Mein Kampf and by 1944 it was recorded that the book’s publishers owed him 5,525,811 marks in uncollected royalties. Adolf Hitler had a Nephew, Patrick Hitler, who served in the United States Army. World War II Trivia explains these and other interesting facts about World War 2 and its major players. 9780981489827, $7.95, $5.50, paperback, 72 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• World War II Sites in the United States Richard E. Osborne This book identifies and locates the hundreds of military facilities that existed in the United States during World War II - Army camps, airfields, naval bases, prisoner of war camps, ordnance plants, ports of embarkation, military hospitals, buildings and homes related to the war effort or any famous individuals of the wartime era, and much more. At many of these sites, memorials have been erected which are not listed in this book because they are so numerous. These memorials can be located by utilizing the companion book - World War II Museums, Memorials, and Historic Displays in the United States. 9780981489810, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 303 pages

Within the Barbed Wire Fence Takeo Ujo Nakano & Leatrice M.Willson Chan Takeo Nakano immigrated to Canada from Japan in 1920, later marrying and starting a family in his adopted homeland. Takeo’s passion was poetry, and he cultivated the exquisite form known as tanka. Then came the Second World War. Takeo Nakano was one of thousands of Japanese men forcibly separated from his family in 1942 and interned in labor camps in the British Columbia interior. This book, first published in 1982, is a rare first-person account of the experience of internment. This new edition includes a foreword by his daughter, Leatrice M. Willson Chan, with whom he collaborated in preparing his memoir. 9781459402607, $19.95, $12.99, hardback, 144 pages

SAS with the Maquis Ian Wellsted On the night of 5/6 June 1944, D-Day, a Lockheed Hudson dropped a small group of parachutists into the mountainous Morvan area of central France. Their mission was to operate as an advance reconnaissance party 400 miles behind the German lines and to make contact with the French Resistance. Camped deep in the woods of the Montsaughe region, the small force worked alongside the local groups of Maquis, forging strong links of mutual respect and friendship. Ian Wellsted’s exciting firsthand account of his operations behind enemy lines is a tale of gallantry and daring, of comradeship and cooperation, full of humor and perceptive insight – revealing one of the most significant chapters in the history of the SAS. 9781848328983, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 216 pages

Fight the Good Fight: Voices of Faith from the Second World War John Broom The Second World War challenged many of the concepts that had provided stability and unity in the world. As totalitarian regimes in Europe and Asia attempted to impose their world view on their neighbors, a struggle for what Winston Churchill described as “Christian civilization” took place on many fronts. For many, the challenging of their Christian beliefs provided an affirmation of that faith, as it provided a rock amidst the ever shifting sands of circumstance. This book contains the accounts of twenty such individuals, many drawn from previously unpublished sources. Their testimonies provide evidence that during a time of discord, disruption, dislocation and death, the Christian faith remained a key force in sustaining morale and a willingness to fight the good fight. 9781473862395, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Sniper on the Eastern Front Albrecht Wacker Josef “Sepp” Allerberger was the second most successful sniper of the German Wehrmacht and one of the few private soldiers to be honored with the award of the Knight’s Cross. An Austrian conscript, after qualifying as a machine gunner he was drafted to the southern sector of the Russian Front in July 1942. In this sometimes harrowing memoir, Allerberger provides an excellent introduction to the commitment in field craft, discipline, and routine required of the sniper, a man apart. There was no place for chivalry on the Russian Front. Away from the film cameras, no prisoner survived long after surrendering. Allerberger was a cold-blooded killer, but few will find a place in their hearts for the soldiers of the Red Army against whom he fought. 9781781590041, $19.99, $12.99, paperback, 192 pages

Red Sniper on the Eastern Front Joseph Pilyushin Joseph Pilyushin, a top Red Army sniper in the ruthless fight against the Germans on the Eastern Front, was an exceptional soldier and has a remarkable story to tell. His firsthand account of his wartime service gives a graphic insight into his lethal skill with a rifle and into the desperate fight put up by Soviet forces to defend Leningrad. He also records how, during the three-year siege, close members of this family died, including his wife and two sons, as well as many of his comrades in arms. He describes these often-terrible events with such honesty and clarity that his memoir is remarkable. His gripping narrative will be fascinating reading for anyone interested in the role and technique of the sniper during WW2. 9781848841208, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 288 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• RAF Liberator over the Eastern Front Jim Auton MBE Jim Auton was posted to 178 Squadron who were operating ex-USAAF, war-weary Liberator heavy bombers. This squadron was based in Italy, living under canvas without the barest of military or personal necessities. The duration of a tour at that time was 40 front-line operations over such dangerous targets as Ploesti and the Danube. His part in the desperate attempts to supply the besieged city of Warsaw came when the Liberators were ordered to fly in at 500 feet, at their lowest speed and with flaps and undercarriage down, to drop desperately needed ammunition and supplies. On his 37th sortie Jim was severely wounded when he was hit by Flak whilst is in his bomb-aimer’s position in the aircraft’s nose. 9781844157297, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

The Dambuster Raid: A German View Helmuth Euler Operation Chastise, the audacious RAF bombing raid that struck at the heart of industrial Germany on the 17th May 1943, brought catastrophic damage to the three dams that served the Ruhr Valley. Water and electricity supplies were disrupted in a key area of the manufacture of Germany’s war munitions, and the consequences were disastrous. Considered from an Allied perspective, the Dambuster Raid was a triumphant success, not only of British engineering but also of pilot endeavor.View it from the German perspective however, and an entirely new story emerges. 9781473828025, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 264 pages

Relics of the Reich Colin Philpott This is the story of what happened to the buildings the Nazis left behind. Hitler’s Reich may have been defeated in 1945 but many buildings, military installations, and other sites remained. At the end of the War, some were obliterated by the victorious Allies, but others survived. For almost fifty years, these were left crumbling and ignored. This book visits many of the buildings and structures built or adapted by the Nazis and looks at what has happened since 1945 to try to discover what it tells us about Germany’s attitude to Nazism now. It also acts as a commemoration of mankind’s deliverance from a dark decade and serves as renewal of our commitment to ensure history does not repeat itself. 9781473844247, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 216 pages


The Axis Richard E. Osborne Here are the bad guys of World War II. Fifteen nations comprised the Axis Alliance & 14 of them declared war on the US. All of them declared war on the British Empire. This book, written from the Axis perspective, records their often stormy and sometimes treacherous relationships. Here is a mountain of detailed information on the Axis Alliance found in no other book on this subject. By war’s end, six of these nations had changed sides and were fighting for the Allies and some of their leaders are hailed today as national heroes. 9780981489834, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 364 pages

Villers-Bocage Frédéric Deprun & Yann Jouault French Text.Villers -Bocage is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic events of the Battle of Normandy. Many historians have recounted the highly documented events of June 13, 1944, notably the destruction of a British armored column by Obersturmführer Tiger Michael Wittmann. Although one might think nothing more could be said, the veil of fog of this war still hangs heavy in 2014, and the battle continues to reveal more secrets! This is a thorough and extremely detailed analysis of the battles that took place on that fateful day. Such a thorough examination of the battle has now been made possible thanks to the testimonies and unpublished photographs that have surfaced over the last ten years. 9782840483847, $63.00, $40.99, hardback, 216 pages

The Normandy Battlefields: D-Day and the Bridgehead Leo Marriott & Simon Forty In this beautiful, full-color book, the reader goes “on-site” to the sacred battleground from its scarred medieval villages to the remains of modern means of destruction. The Normandy Battlefields details what can be seen on the ground today using a mixture of media to provide a complete overview of the campaign. Maps old and new highlight what has survived and what hasn’t; then-and-now photography allows fascinating comparisons with the images taken at the time and computer artwork provides graphic details of things that can’t be seen today. This book provides a handbook for the visitor and an overview for the armchair traveler, and it covers, wherever possible, the forces from both sides and the memorials to those young men who fought so many years ago. 9781612002316, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 192 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• China and Japan at War 1937–1945 Philip S. Jowett The 1937–1945 war between China and Japan was one of the bitterest conflicts of the twentieth century. This book is one of the first photographic histories of this devastating confrontation. Using almost 200 historic photographs, it traces the course of the entire war – from the Japanese invasion and the retreat of the Chinese armies and their refusal to surrender, to the involvement of the Americans and the eventual Japanese defeat in 1945. This graphic account is an absorbing introduction this often-neglected theater of the Second World War. The images show the armies on all sides and the weaponry and equipment they used, and they record the experience of the troops, Chinese and Japanese, and of the Chinese civilians who suffered terribly through eight years of war. 9781473827523, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

From Calais to Colditz Harry Pardoe The author was a young platoon commander when his battalion was ordered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill to defend Calais to the last man and so distract German attention from the evacuation of the BEF at Dunkirk. After an intense four day battle, the survivors were subjected to a grueling twelve day march towards Germany. There followed incarceration in a succession of POW camps during which the author succeeded in escaping twice. These exploits qualified him for a place in the notorious Colditz Castle, the supposed escape-proof camp. The descriptions of his colorful fellow prisoners, their captors and their extraordinary experiences are as good as any of the previous accounts and in many respects more revealing. 9781473875395, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Flight from Colditz Anthony Hoskins Colditz Castle was one of the most famous Prisoner of War camps of the Second World War. Hundreds of ingenious escape attempts were made, but the most ambitious of all was to build a glider and fly to freedom. Though the glider was built, the war ended before it could be used. Using the original plans and materials used by the prisoners, in March 2012 a replica of the glider was constructed in a bid to see if the escape attempt would have succeeded. The glider was then launched from the roof of the castle roof. Packed with photos of the glider and its flight over Colditz, this is the inside story of the recreation of one of the most intriguing episodes of the Second World War. 9781473848542, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 184 pages

After Stalingrad Adelbert Holl & Tony Le Tissier The battle for Stalingrad has been studied and recalled in exhaustive detail ever since the Red Army trapped the German 6th Army in the ruined city in 1942. But most of these accounts finish at the end of the battle, with columns of tens of thousands of German soldiers disappearing into Soviet captivity. Their fate is rarely described. That is why Adelbert Holl’s harrowing and vivid memoir of his seven-year ordeal as a prisoner in the Soviet camps is such an important record as well as an absorbing story. As he moves from camp to camp across the Soviet Union, an unsparing inside view of the prison system and its population of ex-soldiers emerges. He describes the daily life in the camps in authentic detail. 9781473856110, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 240 pages

The Waffen SS in Combat Bob Carruthers This is the photographic history of the Waffen-SS in combat on all fronts. The short six year history of the Waffen SS spanned triumph and disaster, and their story can be traced through these powerful images, which clearly document the reality of combat. These rare images span the combat history of the Waffen-SS from the optimism of the opening phases of the war in the west through the challenges of Barbarossa and the retreat against a numerically far superior enemy in both the east and the west. This powerful photographic record is essential reading for anyone with an interest in the course of the war from the German perspective and clearly demonstrates the scale of the task undertaken by the Waffen-SS on all fronts. 9781473833531, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Men of Steel: The Ardennes and Eastern Front 1944–45 Michael Reynolds In March 1943 the three senior Divisions of the Waffen-SS – Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (Bodyguard), Das Reich (Empire) and Totenkopf (Death’s Head) – were fighting against Stalin’s armies in the Ukraine under the command of SS Lieutenant General Paul Hausser. Aware of the need to create more divisions for his army and under constant pressure from Heinrich Himmler for more troops, Adolf Hitler chose this moment to order the formation of a new SS Panzer corps. This meticulously researched book documents the actions of the Corps throughout the last offensives of the war. This book is strongly recommended for those interested in the personality of Hitler’s most trusted armored and armored-infantry field commanders. 9781848840096, $24.99, $16.50, paperback, 368 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• The Truth About Rudolf Hess James Douglas-Hamilton Rudolph Hess’ flight to Britain in May 1941 stands out as one of the most intriguing and bizarre episodes of the Second World War.This book explores many of the myths which still surround the affair. It traces the developments which persuaded Hess to undertake the flight without Hitler’s knowledge, and shows why he chose to approach the Duke of Hamilton. In the process it throws light on the importance of Albrect Haushofer. Drawing on British War Cabinet papers and the author’s unparalleled access to both the Hamilton papers and the Haushofer letters, this new and expanded edition takes the reader into the heart of the Third Reich, combining adventure and intrigue with a scholarly historical approach. 9781473876163, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 368 pages

OSS Station Victor Philip Williams Over the past 1000 years, the ancient village of Hurley in Berkshire has experienced its fair share of historic events, from Royal visitations to the Glorious Revolution of 1688. It has now been discovered that during the Second World War Hurley was used as a top secret communication center, known by its code name Station VICTOR. This is the story of Station VICTOR, from its conception, construction, and operation and about the lives of those agents who risked torture and death in order to rid Europe of the Nazi tyranny. The story of VICTOR can now be told due to the declassification of its operational war diary by the CIA and the discovery of a remarkable set of official photographs. 9781445654287, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 96 pages

Hitler’s Interpreter Paul Schmidt As the main interpreter for Adolf Hitler during the key prewar moments, such as the Munich Agreement, the British Declaration of War and the surrender of France, Paul-Otto Schmidt was well placed to record his impressions of events from 1935 up to 1945. He was an interpreter working in the German foreign ministry where he served from 1923 to 1945, and being fluent in English and French he gained respect and was Hitler’s usual first choice for the important meetings. During the war years he served as Hitler’s interpreter during his meetings with Marshal Philippe Pétain and Francisco Franco. Schmidt’s book is helpful in gaining an insight into the minutiae of Third Reich thinking and planning—as much as planning went beyond Hitler’s will. 9781781555163, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 248 pages

The Spy in Hitler’s Inner Circle Paul Paillole & Curtis Key In this first English edition of The Spy in Hitler’s Inner Circle, Paillole brings us to the very heart of the world of espionage and counterintelligence, providing unique insight into the key figures that led to the decoding of the Enigma machine at Bletchley and the ultimate collapse of Hitler’s Third Reich, most notably through HansThilo Schmidt, France’s German spy embedded in the very heart of the Third Reich. Revealed here are the most secret aspects of the ‘secret war,’ the ‘war of numbers.’ Paillole brings renewed focus onto one of the most important espionage affairs of the war, revealing new aspects of the participation of Enigma during the decisive phases of the Second World War. 9781612003719, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 304 pages

Operation Big Colin Brown In April 1945, Farm Hall acted as a ‘country club’ for ten of Germany’s top nuclear physicists after they had been captured in Germany and secretly flown back to England in a daring raid codenamed Operation Big. After the dropping of the bomb these men would claim they could have developed it for the Third Reich but did not ‘for the greater good of mankind’. Most believe this to be a deception. But was there an even greater deception? Were they captured not to stop Hitler, but to stop Stalin? Did the US drop the bomb not as a show of power to the Japanese, but to the Soviets? 9781445651842, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 304 pages


Hollow Heroes Michael Arnold The book reveals the truths behind the conventional images of three of Great Britain’s primary military leaders during and immediately after the Second World War. In each case there was a totally different side to each man, which demonstrates that a great deal of their reputation was built on contrived results, deception, and dishonesty. It examines the influence and impediment of “class” on the performance of the British Army in World War II, and quotes the views of the Americans that far too often there was an unwillingness among the British to base officer promotion on effectiveness rather than on social background. Conforming was more important than performing, as anyone who has served in the British Army’s ranks would agree. 9781612002736, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 304 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• The Second World War Through Soldiers? Eyes James Goulty Discover a soldier’s view of life in the British Army – from recruitment and training to the brutal realities of combat. Using first-hand sources, this book reconstructs the experiences of the men and women who made up the citizen’s army. Learn about the weapons and equipment they used, the uniforms they wore, and how they adjusted to army discipline and faced the challenges of active service overseas. By D-Day Britain had a wellequipped, disciplined army of over three million men and women and during the war they served in a diverse range of places across the world. This book uncovers some of their stories and gives a fascinating insight into the realities of army life in wartime. 9781781592984, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Hitler’s Heavy Panzers 1943–45 Ian Baxter This work, with its in-depth text, captions, and rare images, chronicles the last desperate years of the Wehrmacht Panzerwaffe. Despite a orsening strategic situation both on the Eastern Front and in the West, Hitler’s Panzers and their highly motivated crews showed superior tactical abilities and killing power abut such was the overall picture that this was not enough to alter the course of the war as the Allies closed remorselessly in on Berlin. Covered in this superb book are many variants, some wellknown and others less so including often modified, up-armored and up-gunned models. Copious images of Tigers 1 and 11, Panzerjager, Panthers, Panzer 4’s, StuG IV and III, Wespes, Hummels are provided as well as other fine examples of German engineering. 9781473833579, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front 1943–1945 Robert Forczyk By 1943, after the catastrophic German defeat at Stalingrad, the Wehmacht’s panzer armies gradually lost the initiative on the Eastern Front. This incisive study offers fresh insight into how the two most powerful mechanized armies of the Second World War developed their tank tactics and weaponry during this period of growing Soviet dominance. He uses German, Russian and English sources to provide the first comprehensive overview and analysis of armored warfare from the German and Soviet perspectives. This major study of the greatest tank war in history is compelling reading. 9781783462780, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

Armoured Warfare from the Riviera to the Rhine 1944–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones While the Allied armies were deadlocked with the Germans in Normandy after D-Day and as they began their long advance, another campaign was being fought against the Germans in southern France. This campaign, which is often neglected in accounts of the liberation of Europe, is the subject of this photographic history. In over 150 wartime photographs it tells the story, from Operation Dragoon to the battle at Montelimar, the forcing of the Belfort gap, the destruction of German resistance in the Colmar pocket and the entry of Allied forces into southern Germany. The photographs are a valuable visual record of the tanks, guns, jeeps and trucks as they moved along the roads and through the towns and countryside of southern France. 9781473821460, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Italian Artillery of WWII Ralph A. Riccio & Enrico Finazzer This book covers technical aspects of the artillery pieces used by Italian Army during WWII. Covers: Modern and WWII guns of Italian origin, German or war booty guns, Self-propelled guns, Artillery Tractors.Technical details and scale plans of every described piece. 9788363678616, $69.00, $44.99, paperback, 200 pages

Retreat and Rearguard Dunkirk 1940 Jerry Murland This book, the third title in the author’s Retreat and Rearguard series, covers the actions of the BEF during the retreat from the Dyle Line to the evacuation points of Dunkirk, Boulogne, Calais, St Valery-en-Caux and finally the Cherbourg Peninsula. Some of the engagements are relatively well known (Cassell, the Arras counter-attack and the notorious Le Paradis SS massacre) but the author has unearthed many less known engagements from the long and painful withdrawal. While the main Dunkirk evacuation from the port and beaches was over by early June, elements of the BEF fought on until 21 June. In relating those, often heroic, actions the author catches the atmosphere of desperate defiance that typified this never-to-be-forgotten period. 9781473823662, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

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Barbarossa The German Propaganda Kompanien (PK) captured the events of Hitler’s war on every front. Their footage was used to produce Die Deutsche Wochenschau, a weekly cinema newsreel detailing the events of World War II on land, sea, and air. For the first time these unique primary source films have been collated, edited, and translated into English in order to produce a complete military history of the Third Reich drawn exclusively from German primary sources. This amazing range of films captures the events of World War II exactly as they were presented to cinema audiences while the actions on the battlefield were still unfolding. This volume records the military events of the opening moves in Hitler’s greatest gamble - the invasion of the Soviet Union. 5060247620572, $14.95, $9.99, DVD PAL

Somme: Part 3 Ed Skelding The Walking the Western Front series turns its attention to the infamous Battle of the Somme, where almost 60,000 British men were killed, wounded, or classed as missing on the first day alone. Spread across three seventy-minute DVDs, acclaimed filmmaker Ed Skelding and eminent military historian Nigel Cave take us on a tour of the Somme battlefields as they exist today and explain the Battle of the Somme in its entirety, from the opening day offensive where thousands of troops lost their lives against a determined German defense to the abandonment of the operation on 18 November with the final failed Battle of the Ancre. 5060247620251, $24.95, $16.50, DVD NTSC

Somme: Part 2 Ed Skelding The Walking the Western Front series turns its attention to the infamous Battle of the Somme, where almost 60,000 British men were killed, wounded, or classed as missing on the first day alone. Spread across three seventy-minute DVDs, acclaimed filmmaker Ed Skelding and eminent military historian Nigel Cave take us on a tour of the Somme battlefields as they exist today and explain theBattle of the Somme in its entirety, from the opening day offensive where thousands of troops lost their lives against a determined German defense to the abandonment of the operation on 18 November with the final failed Battle of the Ancre. 5060247620268, $24.95, $16.50, DVD NTSC


Hitler’s Eastern Front On June 22 1941, three huge German Army Groups launched a surprise attack on Soviet Russia. The most barbaric and brutal struggle in history was about to be played out. History is always written by the victors, but this is the other side of the coin. Here is the German experience of the war in Russia, a powerful study of that titanic conflict as seen through contemporary German newsreels and told in the words of the men who fought and died for Hitler. The three films on this DVD trace the fate of the three Army Groups which began the campaign, and follow the course of this vicious campaign as the optimism of Barbarossa inexorably rolls on towards to the crushing disappointment of the final bitter surrender to the victorious Red Army. 5060247620688, $14.95, $9.99, DVD NTSC

The German Wehrmacht: Winter War on the Northern and Eastern Fronts The German Wehrmacht was the name given to the unified armed forces of Germany during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945. The Wehrmacht consisted of the Heer, the Kriegsmarine, and the Luftwaffe. Forming part of a three part series, this DVD documents the battles in North Africa and Stalingrad and the ground units that fought in them. This documentary shows many aspects of the war and many combat missions. Combined with a selection of original and unseen German archive footage, this DVD explores numerous areas of the German Wehrmacht, from the Northern Front and the Battle for Stalingrad to Motorcycle troop missions and FLAK positions, making this essential viewing for all Second World War enthusiasts. 4260110581622, $30.00, $19.99, DVD PAL

The German Wehrmacht: Main Front Lines on the Eastern Front “The German Wehrmacht was the name given to the unified armed forces of Germany during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945. Forming part of a three part series, this DVD documents the operations carried out by the Armored Forces, tanks and infantry units. In addition to the German attacks against the Stalin Line, other fascinating actions are also shown. Using a selection of rare and unseen archive footage, this DVD explores numerous areas of the German Wehrmacht, from the origins of the Wehrmacht and the Eastern Campaign to the Attack on the Stalin Line and Maritime Distress and Transport Squadrons of the Luftwaffe, making this essential viewing for all Second World War enthusiasts. 4260110581646, $30.00, $19.99, DVD PAL

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