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Valida9on using Sandia Flame D Sandia Flame D experiment (www.sandia.gov/TNF/ DataArch/FlameD.html) provides a standard and high-­‐ quality reference dataset for valida9on of turbulent flame calcula9ons. The case consists of a piloted methane-­‐air jet flame at Reynolds number Re = 22400. ADAPTTM is used to generate a locally refined axi-­‐

symmetric grid. Simula9on was performed using Cascade’s mul9-­‐physics low Mach number reac9ng flow solver VIDATM. Axial Velocity



The figures on the leS show


comparison of mean and fluctua9ng temperature and axial velocity profiles along the jet centerline. The LES results from VIDATM are in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements.



Unsteady flamelet model with radia9on was applied to predict pollutants such as NOx. The figure on leS shows that VIDATM predicts the NO mass frac9on with a high accuracy.

Cascade Technologies, Inc.


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