September 2019 - August 2020
LETTER FROM LEADERSHIP It should come as no surprise that FY2020 was an exciting year for CASA, both due to planned milestones like our Forever Home move as well as the unplanned quick pivots related to the onset of a global pandemic. In the face of these developments, and in some ways because of them, CASA of McLennan County is growing and thriving. As we wrapped up our Forever Home campaign and moved into our new facility, agency leadership has been able to establish priorities for this new chapter and focus on enhancing our programming and advocacy. Our dedicated volunteer advocates are the heartbeat of our organization and we are honored to provide them with quality support, guidance, resources and camaraderie as they serve our community’s children in foster care. As we have honed the quality of our advocacy and celebrated our growth of service to children, we have also strategically grown our staff. The addition of two Advocate Supervisors allows us to provide increased capacity for our growing advocate team, and the addition of a Program Assistant provides full agency-wide support for all functions. Meanwhile, we enhanced our recruitment, communication and development functions by creating a new Director of Communications and Development role. This new position joins a skilled management team, which includes the Director of Advocacy and the Executive Director. Dedicated, skilled staff and leadership bring about productive program operations. Our agency underwent an extensive onsite Quality Assurance Review process this fiscal year, which is conducted by Texas CASA every three years to ensure local CASA programs are operating according to National CASA standards. We are happy to report that this review produced no findings or corrections needed for our operations and advocacy work. CASA is fortunate to operate within such a caring, generous, and active community who continues to support us through volunteerism, funding, services, and networking. We couldn’t be where we are today, and we can’t reach the goals we have set for the future, without this ongoing engagement from our volunteer advocates, donors, grant funders, partner professionals, and community leaders. We sincerely thank you and appreciate your support.
Anna Futral Executive Director
Mandi DuPuy Board President
VISION A CASA volunteer for every abused and neglected child in the foster care system.
To provide a trained volunteer, a Court Appointed Special Advocate, for every abused and neglected child in the county we serve so that these children may ultimately thrive in safe, nurturing, and permanent homes. We are making a difference — one child at a time.
CASA is part of a nationwide organization of Court Appointed Special Advocates with 948 chapters in 49 states, and more than 97,000 volunteers. CASA volunteers are everyday people – teachers, business people, retirees, stay-at-home parents, and grandparents – who are committed to making a difference for children who might otherwise slip through the cracks in an overburdened foster care system.
Our volunteer advocates are appointed by a judge and assigned to a case where they spend time getting to know the child(ren) involved. Their purpose is to gather as much information about the child(ren), as well as all the stakeholders in their life, such as family of origin, foster placement, doctors, teachers, CPS workers, etc. All of this information is then compiled into a report for the court. CASA volunteers also identify and address risks, work
with supportive people in the child’s life, and ensure appropriate physical and mental health assessments are completed to ensure the child’s safety and well-being. They also make sure that educational assessments are completed and educational supports are in place. CASA volunteers provide a consistent presence in a child’s life and work to ensure they are safe during their time in foster care.
We know that many of the ways CASA makes a difference in the lives of children and families in crisis is hard to measure. Nevertheless, it is exciting to see how the capacity of our organization to serve these families has increased in recent years.
Volunteer advocates serving
Children Served
children in foster care in FY 2020
children served by CASA in
McLennan County
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
in FY 2020
increase in revenue since FY 2016
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Further financial information available upon request.
FY 2019
FY 2020
As McLennan County adapted to
have diligently attended meetings and
the effects of COVID-19 in our
court hearings on Zoom, and
community, CASA pivoted in many
continue to impress us with their
of our practices to ensure we can
dedication and adaptability. We are
carry out our advocacy for children
so grateful for their ongoing quality
advocacy for our community's children in foster care.
We quickly set up remote work options for staff, focused our
Waco and McLennan County have
recruitment and awareness efforts
stepped up and continue to support
to digital platforms, moved our
our program's advocacy and growth,
advocate pre-service training
including donors and new volunteers.
online, and shifted casework to
During a season when it is necessary
virtual alongside our professional
to close ourselves off in some regards
partners like Child Protective
in the interest of safety, we have been
Services, the Court, and attorneys.
amazed by those who are actively
Our volunteer advocates have
reaching out and wanting to give
found creative ways to connect with
back. We are ready to engage and
their CASA kids electronically,
welcome your continued support.
At the beginning of this fiscal year, CASA completed renovations of our very own Forever Home and moved into our new facility at 1208 North 5th Street in October 2019. Formerly Mount Zion Methodist Church, this permanent facility now provides our program with office space for administrative and advocacy staff, training and meeting rooms, a child friendly area, ample parking, and a nice yard.
Though COVID-19 caused us to limit in-person use of our facility for much of this fiscal year, we experienced our Forever Home’s full potential prior to March and look forward to using our facility for many years to come once it is safe to do so.
This facility offers more than just offices or programming space. Our volunteer advocates have a home base where they can receive training and ongoing quality support from CASA staff, as well as opportunities to interact with other advocates. The property also provides for a comfortable, neutral space for our child welfare community and partner professionals to come together to collaborate, meet, plan, train, and network. CASA is able to host Family Group Conferences, Collaborative Family Engagement meetings, case conferences with attorneys and CPS staff, and some approved visits between parents and children. CASA is honored to open our doors and share our space as we collectively work toward the goal of safety for our community’s children.
We could not have accomplished this project without the financial support of many generous donors.
Advocacy Wing provided by The Bowen Family Foundation & Cooper Foundation Administrative Wing provided by Waco Foundation Children's Suite provided by Kay & Lyndon Olson
Offices and Conference Rooms provided by Ann & Jay Campbell CASA Board of Directors 2018-2019 Lacy & Doug McNamee Rudy & Myla Schmuck Charitable Fund Baylor Philanthropy & The Public Good Central National Bank
Security & Technology provided by The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation Volunteer Development Suite provided by The Fentress Foundation Welcome Suite provided by Magnolia Foundation
Kay & Lyndon Olson The First National Bank of Central Texas Community Bank & Trust Baylor Kappa Alpha Theta Gordon & Valerie Robinson Ascension Providence Special Thanks to RBDR Architects and Barsh Construction
Our community rallied around us in this effort and we are incredibly grateful for their partnership.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Mandi DuPuy, President Stephen Carl, Vice President Kristin Henry, Treasurer Nick Deaver, Secretary
Board Members Alexandra Adesina
Jordan Hannah
Marissa Stovall
Management Team
Christina Swanson
Anna Futral, Executive Director
Slim Thompson
Rolanda Burns, Director of Advocacy
Bryan Fonville
Lucas Land, Dir. of Communication & Development Julie Abernathy, Program Assistant
Advocate Supervisors Rhonda Ayers, Advocate Trainer & CFE Lead Sonya Cooper Karen Davis, LMSW Katie Mitchell, MSW John Moorman Chelsea Oliver, LMSW Kimberly Witt
United Way of Waco-McLennan County
CHAMPIONS $5,000 - $10,000 Ascension Providence
TFNB Your Bank For Life
First Woodway Baptist Church
Vida Capital-Magna Servicing
Dina Sheets-Roth
Walmart Return Center #9153
Rudy & Myla Schmuck Memorial Fund
PROTECTORS $1,000-$5,000 American Bank
Jimmy John’s Franchise
Ann & Jay Campbell
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Matt Crew
Central National Bank
Lacy & Doug McNamee
Community Bank & Trust
Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee
DuPuy Oxygen
Helena Pinson
Grande Communications
Sacramento Intl. Jet Center, Inc.
H&B Packing
First National Bank of Central Texas
Home State County Mutual Ins.
The Prunty Family Trust
In-N-Out Burger Foundation
Waco Ventures
Walmart Corporate Foundation
VOICES $500-$1,000 Kate Bendewald
Louis Englander
Sarah Bracken
Stephen Hall
Ellen & Ray Deaver
Elizabeth Pristash
Mandi & Cary DuPuy
Cody & Callie Schrank
Virginia DuPuy
Matt Smith
GET INVOLVED CASA volunteers are screened and highly trained and then appointed by judges to represent and advocate for a child’s best interests in the child protection system. CASA volunteers are each assigned to help one child or set of siblings at a time, so they can focus on giving that child or sibling group the individualized advocacy and attention they need.
Go to to get started!
Spread the Word! Sign up for our email newsletter, follow us on social media, and most importantly tell your friends and family about the critical work that CASA does to serve children and families in crisis in our community. Know someone who would make a great CASA?
Nominate them by going to
As our organization continues to grow its capacity to serve every child in McLennan County that needs a CASA, we will have to grow our sources of income to pay for the staff and resources that make that possible. YOU can join us in reaching that goal by becoming a donor.
Go to to give today!
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Every child has a chance - it's YOU!
1208 N 5th St. Waco, TX 76707 | | (254) 304-7982