VOICE Magazine: July 9, 2021

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magazine www.VoiceSB.com AKA: CASA Magazine

Friday, July 9, 2021


Photo by Phil Channing

MAW Festival

Music Academy to present concert with Larry Rachleff conducting on July 11th at 2pm


Photo by U.S. Secretary of Defense

Vaccination Mandate SBCC debates the need for a vaccine mandate 3



U.S. 101 FWY SB

CalTrans R/W

Photo courtesy of Santa Barbara Museum of Art


Community News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Music Academy of the West Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . 7





Sigrid Toye: Harbor Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 John Palminteri’s Community VOICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Downtown Markets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 BUS STOP

Harlan Green: Economic Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22



Community Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

A State Street Underpass proposal reaches the Arts Advisory Committee



Lost in Time (detail) by Patricia Houghton Clarke 27





Advanced reservations/ tickets are available to the public starting July 15th. www.sbma.net


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Courtesy photo

CalTrans R/W

Movies... 8

U.S. 101 FWY NB

Calendar... 8-11*


Photo courtesy of SBMNH


Galleries & Art Venues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 - 2 7 * * Español y Inglés




Grand Re-Opening Community Day August 15, 2021

Explore the undersea world of coral



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In This Issue A



The Crafter’s Library is now open!



Photo by Max Abrams

New Business




VOICE Magazine cover story see page



Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021


Behind the Baton: A Conversation with Larry Rachleff


ender violins, exciting trumpet blasts, and rolling percussion will once again surround Granada Theatre guests as conductor Larry Rachleff leads the Music Academy of the West’s Chamber Orchestra in his twelth in-person season in the Academy’s Welcome Concert on Sunday, July 11th at 2pm. Featuring Mozart’s Symphony No. 39, Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite, and Punch by Katy Abbott, this Sunday’s concert is sure to be memorable not only for marking the comeback of live performances, but Rachleff’s expert guidance of Academy musicians. A critically-acclaimed conductor, Rachleff served as the Music Director of the Rhode Island Philharmonic for over 20 years. Currently, he acts as the Walter Kris Hubert Professor of Orchestral Conducting and Music Director of the Shepherd School Symphony and Chamber Orchestras. A longtime supporter of music education and the Music Academy of the West, Rachleff took the time to speak with

For tickets, visit www.musicacademy.org or call the Ticket Office (805-969-8787) Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm

VOICE Magazine about his creative process, the Academy, and this Sunday’s concert. What do you value most about your work there?

Tied for first place would be the opportunity to make music with the fellows, to interact with the faculty and administration, and to be in Santa Barbara. What first compelled you to pursue conducting?

I would say the possibility of making music with people, for people. I was always drawn to the idea that the conductor is there as a kind of conduit. I was never drawn to the power, or whatever you call those things. I love the idea of being around and being with people. How do you approach conducting a new piece?

The Katy Abbott piece that we’re doing Sunday is a piece that is totally new to me. So I called Katy Abbott on the telephone in Australia to get her thoughts about why it is she wrote it, what it means to her, if there’s a backstory, and if I can illuminate those things in my understanding of the music. Now, I would say any new piece, and it could be a work by Brahms or Beethoven that could be a new piece to me, I try to do the same thing that I do with an old piece, which is to start big and get small, to figure out what the architecture is, see where the larger sematic areas are within the texture of the architecture, look at what I can find about maybe the dramatic messages or point of view of the piece, how it would be paced or timed so I could develop an interpretation. But all of the

Photo by Phil Channing

By Daisy Scott

Conductor Larry Rachleff

interpretative, musical benefits and pleasures take place after you’ve done the structural, theoretical, harmonic — sort of the dirty work — all of that leads you to understanding more about the piece and then hopefully takes a new piece into the worlds of your familiarity. Can you speak to your experiences working with younger, aspiring musicians and conductors like at the Academy?

R: I think for 12 years, one of the highlights of my life and my family’s life has been coming to Santa Barbara to the Music Academy of the West. Why? Well, from a musical standpoint, you have some of the most talented musicians on the trajectory of their professional lives. Here, excited includes hungry, and I get to be part — a small part, but yet a part — of this transformation of them. And it’s never more significant than it is this season, because most of them have just spent a year and a half in seclusion, in isolation, not making music in person, not making music with one another. So I’m often asked, “My, the challenges you always face, cause you’re always the first one up, putting the orchestra together,” and that has now more unique challenges because so many of them have not spent time with

anybody else, let alone each other or in their own music schools. How do you establish a connection and rapport with the orchestra musicians you are conducting?

I think you let the composer do a lot of that for you. If you’ve got Mozart, as we do, that creates this wonderful piece of art and beauty right in front of you, so that inspires everybody to bring more to that. On the simpler side, you try to learn the people’s, the students’, the fellows’ names, something about them. You try, as one always does regardless of age, hopefully, to treat people like you would like to be treated. And as I say, I always try to make old people sound young, and young people sound old, if possible. What do you feel is the significance of this summer’s Welcome Concert following almost a year and a half of no inperson performances?

I believe this might be the first such concert at the Granada Theatre and in Santa Barbara since the pandemic. Live music, with a live audience, no streaming to achieve that connection. It will be hard to know what it feels like when we go out and see people out there

with whom we can share it, because at some of our schools, like the one I’m fortunate to teach at, we’ve been streaming concerts in January, February, March, and April. But when the piece is over — and it could be a 30 minute piece — and we stand, we acknowledge the people who are watching on stream, but there is no applause, except that which we might share with one another on the stage. So because none of us, including me, have had this experience before in our lives, it’s hard to know what Sunday, July 11th will feel like. But the significance of it can hardly be put into words. The return of live classical music, played by young, inspired artists on their trajectory for their livelihoods, taught by some of the great faculty in the world at the Granada Theatre for the community. It becomes the first complete picture most of us have seen in a year and a half. Did you select the pieces to be performed for the Welcome Concert?

I did, of course, in conversation with the Music Academy artistic staff, and there were a few different versions of the program, which was always based on whatever the protocol was at the time. When we began talking Continued on page 6

July 9, 2021

Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com


Board of Trustees Vote Against Required Vaccination

SBCC Faculty Demand Vaccine Mandate For Entire Campus By Daisy Scott / VOICE


N THE FACE OF RETURNING TO IN-PERSON LEARNING, Santa Barbara City College faculty has persistently called for COVID-19 vaccination requirements for employees and students. However, the SBCC Board of Trustees refused these requests in their June 24th meeting, dismissing the Academic Senate’s proposal with a 4-3 vote. In response, the Senate has put forward another motion further demanding a vaccine mandate, and will consider a Vote of No Confidence against select board members and SBCC Superintendent/President Dr. Utpal K. Goswami. “The joint vaccine mandate proposal is backed by sound scientific arguments and based on a desire to create a safe learning and working environment for students, faculty, and staff,” reads the Academic Senate’s new June 29th motion. “The Board of Trustee’s refusal to support even part of the proposal demonstrates a disregard not only of science, but also the unified voice — and safety — of employees and students.” SBCC faculty have offered public comments supporting vaccine requirements to the Board of Trustees since May 13th. Currently, SBCC policy “strongly encourages” employee and student vaccination, and asks that non-vaccinated individuals practice social distancing, undergo periodic COVID-19 testing, and wear a mask. This practice would mean that faculty, staff, and students will have no knowledge of who has been vaccinated. In June, the Academic Senate and the Faculty Association Executive Board, with the support of the California School Employee Association, established a joint Folded Circle Arc by Fletcher Benton near SBCC proposal for a vaccine mandate Administration Building requiring all SBCC staff, students,

Visit Santa Barbara’s newest gallery, now open near the historic Arlington Theater after 25 years in San Francisco.

mac HarSHBerger, The Tennis Set (1925)

The Art of California


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The Mentors by Aristides Demetrios near the Garvin Theatre

and visiting members of the public to be vaccinated. The proposal further stated that no employee should be required to practice in-person teaching or services until the mandate’s implementation. Vaccination mandates have gone into effect elsewhere across California, including the City of San Francisco’s recent announcement of requiring vaccinations for its employees. Moreover, the California State University and University of California institutions have announced that their faculty, employees, and students will be required to be vaccinated. However, on June 24th, the SBCC Board of Trustees opposed the proposed vaccine mandate with a 4-3 vote, with trustees Robert Miller, Peter Haslund, Veronica Gallardo, and Kate Parker voting against. Both Trustees Parker and Miller voiced that they voted against the proposal as it would not go into effect “The joint vaccine until there is an official, FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine, expressing that they would be willing to mandate proposal is backed by sound scientific reconsider a mandate at that time. “It is unknown when final FDA will occur. It arguments and based could occur in a few months, but may not occur on a desire to create a until next year,” commented Miller. “A mandate safe learning and working issued after final FDA approval, however, will still environment for students, present legal considerations and logistical obstacles that must be considered.” faculty, and staff.” Parker also spoke against the proposal’s clause to not require staff work in-person until after the mandate’s implementation. “This isn’t following science—many of us, including me as a high school library director, have been working safely throughout the pandemic with students in schools and in a variety of essential jobs,” said Parker, adding that Trustee Haslund had asked for the clause’s removal. “In essence, this was the faculty union bargaining their working conditions directly with the board, which violates our protocols and which I couldn’t support. That’s up to them to work out with our administration, and I have absolute faith they will!” In response, approximately 100 SBCC faculty have emailed their department heads demonstrating their support for the Academic Senate’s efforts, with many requesting that their Fall 2021 in-person classes be moved online in the face of no vaccine mandate. “The pandemic is not over,” said SBCC professor and 20202021 Academic Senate Vice President Robbie Fischer. “The Delta variant has now appeared in Santa Barbara County, showing how quickly new variants can spread among the unvaccinated. The SBCC Superintendent/ longer unvaccinated people continue to become infected, the President Dr. Utpal K. Goswami higher the chances are of increasingly contagious and dangerous variants evolving and spreading. We don’t want SBCC to be the site of a new superspreader event.” Additionally, on June 29th the Academic Senate passed another motion demanding that a vaccine mandate be put in effect by July 12th. The motion further requests that in the absence of a mandate, in-person class sizes should be reduced to 50% of room capacity, and that SBCC deans should accommodate faculty who ask to transfer their classes online. Moreover, the Academic Senate scheduled a special meeting for July 14th to consider a Vote of No Confidence for the four trustees who voted against the vaccine mandate proposal, as well as SBCC Superintendent/President Dr. Utpal K. Goswami. “While a Vote of No Confidence is an incredibly divisive move, I am confident that the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent/President, and the faculty body all want the same thing: stability for the college, safety for its members, and a mutually respective working relationship,” said Academic Senate President Raeanne L. Napoleon, PhD. For more information on Santa Barbara City College, visit www.sbcc.edu


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021

July 9, 2021


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com



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www.schwartzforsb.com • Ad paid for by Schwartz for Mayor of Santa Barbara 2021


Update Wall Lamp Terralux - TLM - D12A see cutsheet










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New Column Up-Lighting KURV-SW - Flexible (Q-CAP) see cutsheet

New Column Down-Lighting

Update Bridge Lamp Terralux - TLM - D12A see cutsheet

KURV-SW - Flexible (Q-CAP) see cutsheet


SCALE 1" = 50'













July 18 Invitation to Montecito Riven Rock Estate With Mayoral Candidate Deborah Schwartz. Kohanya and Scott Groff invite you to an afternoon of local wines and hors d’oeuvres at their Montecito Riven Rock estate among historic oak trees and a butterfly garden to meet their friend, Santa Barbara city mayoral candidate Deborah Schwartz. (Address of the event will be provided to each attendee via email two days prior to the event.) Please contact jonna@schwartzforsb.com with questions Sunday, July 18, 2021 • 3pm – 5pm • For tickets ($85) visit https://tinyurl.com/ydndy22z

The next meeting of the AAC will be held on the third Thursday of every month at 3:30pm.








U.S. 101 FWY NB


CalTrans R/W

Deborah Schwartz SECTION LEGEND


Invitation to Montecito Estate with Mayoral Candidate














13’-5” 12’-0”

Shelton as a consultant, rather than going through a request for proposals from the AAC. The art portion of the engineering contract, labeled a design feature, includes hand made tiles placed on modified pillars and wrought iron guard rails. “My personal view is that railings and tiles are definitely art elements and the Art Advisory Committee generally sees those elements with a similar perspective,” continued Adams to Voice. Objecting to the results of the design elements created by Shelton was AAC Chair Fredrick Janka, who said, “No they are not art, but they are very aesthetically charged and would compete with and distract from any future art program,” in response to a Voice questionnaire. The underpass, dark and dirty for decades, has been in the sights of Downtown Santa Barbara and was the subject of an AIA Design Charrette about three years ago. The city became more interested in the underpass when the corner of Haley and State Street was rated dangerous for bicycle traffic and pedestrians and a State grant became available. The underpass is the gateway for about 20,000 weekly tourists that stay in hotels on the waterfront.


design elements not previously discussed. “Some of the elements of this come as a surprise,” commented Kai Tepper, AAC member at the meeting. The underpass project design submitted would be funded by a $5.1 grant from the state and would close two lanes of traffic, widen two bike lanes, expand pedestrian walkways, raising the added area to be level with the current pedestrian areas, and improve lighting. Currently, all State Street projects are to be reviewed by a special committee being formed by the city council. Because of the closure of some of State Street, the new dining parklets, all traffic and circulation designs downtown are being reviewed for safety and flow. “It would make sense that the newly formed State Street Master Plan Committee should look at and make recommendations for the Underpass project so that the space is flexible for community based events. It is also important that any design features include the diversity of artists from Santa Barbara to develop elements of place making for the underpass area,” stated AAC member Robert Adams, who also attended the AIA Charrette, in answer to a Voice Magazine question. The “art project,” created by Jeff Shelton’s team, was actually awarded to an engineering company that had hired

Proposed Design




Proposed Design



last minute push by the City Transportation Department to receive approval from the Art Advisory Committee on a proposal for the State Street Underpass ran into more than a few review questions. Given only a four to six week window, the Arts Advisory Committee (AAC) was asked to approve art and design elements they had never seen before and that did not necessarily fit the long range goals for the project area. The plan did not include monies for art pads for sculptures, and needed a diagram for sound equipment wiring, extra lighting wiring, and a plan

on how the space could be used for special events such as public input from the City’s own public workshop on the area or the AIA Design Charrette. The AAC was asked to generate any needed art elements after the design had been submitted to the Historic Landmarks and been approved, leaving very little room to object or modify. The special meeting to review the Transportation Department’s vision for the underpass, which did not include the AIA Design Charrette vision, contained


By Mark M. Whitehusrt / VOICE


Underpass Project Hits Snags At Art Advisory Committee

Proposed Design COLUMNS & LIGHTING


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

didn’t think there would be an audience, we thought there would be a severely limited number of musicians on stage, which there are still some limits... Then we realized that the concert wasn’t going to be streamed, that we might have an audience, and that the numbers in California were looking so good. And then the program changed again. I think there were four versions, depending on no program, to streaming program, to program without audience, to program with audience. And so these pieces kind of germinated out of the different protocols that were going on nationally and in the state.

use now because of the pandemic. How do you feel the Music Academy of the West contributes to the Santa Barbara community? To the world of classical music overall?

I always try to start with musical vitamins. Two years ago, we started with Beethoven Symphony No. 3, and this year we have the Mozart Symphony 39. When I say vitamins, it’s the kind of repertoire that’s great, inspired music from the canon, but that also helps teach the art of orchestral playing — how to make sounds, how to breathe, to play in tune, how to make Conductor Larry Rachleff the right balance, the right rhythms, et cetera. So Mozart 39 was always going to be part of this program. Because we have more brass and fellows, we had to initially make sure we had something for them. So the conductors came up with the opening pieces for the concerts that were sort of brass or brass and percussion. Once I started to get to know this work of Katy Abbott called Punch, I realized that I thought it was such a great piece — woman composer, never been played before in California — I didn’t want to let go of it. So we kept it. Then, when we realized we could slightly expand the numbers on the stage, I realized that now’s an opportunity to have our percussion fellows, our low brass fellows, our horn, trumpet fellows, our harp, piano fellows, and wind fellows, join our strings. And it seemed like Stravinsky’s Firebird Suite from 1919 fit the bill as close as we could get to it, given that the necessity of getting all the fellows involved trumps the ideal instrumentation that you might use for that piece that we can’t

Photo by Phil Channing

What drew you to present these pieces?

That’s a really good question. It might take me hours to answer it, but I could say the vision and the imagination of the board and the administration has proven, especially this summer, that live music shared with the community of Santa Barbara is essential. They could have easily had us in a kind of virtual reality, or they could have had nothing, like lots of festivals are doing, or they could have had something that dealt with everything else but live performance. But instead, there’s this incorporation of live performance and the innovation topics that they started last summer, and has made such a difference in all avenues of the musical universe. And the Music Academy of the West is a leader. What does the Academy experience offer Fellows and Faculty?

Well in a normal summer, it offers them life-changing interactions for the fellows with a world-class faculty, for the faculty with world-class fellows. For the fellows, also the opportunity to interact with one another, who could very well be people that they are going to see, make music again with, for the rest of their lives. In this particular summer, it all reminds us of what’s possible. It all reminds us that being together is an essential part of the human condition. And as soon as this vaccination roll out started to do its thing, options, opportunities, possibilities, began to show itself. This is a dream come true to be here. What’s one of your favorite Academy memories?

I think each summer, each of my two week residencies have been its own special set of memories. But I suspect that we’re already on the way to this being a kind of www.musicacademy.org n untouched memory.

Community News New House Santa Barbara Announces New Board Members


Veronica Zimmerman Garcia Named PSHH Chief Real Estate Development Officer

ew House Santa Barbara is a sober living program for men staffed entirely by clients. It recently welcomed new members to its board of directors. The New House program offers regular meetings on-site by community 12-Step groups, and 12-Step sponsorship is required. The brotherhood and friendships that develop in New House are lifelong and are a gift of sober living. www.sbnewhouse.org EDUARDO CUÉ, the Program Manager of Teen Court at the Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA), was previously the Director of the Daniel Bryant Youth and Family Center. Before serving with CADA, Cué worked with the California Department of Youth Authority for 18 years, co-authoring Gang Awareness Training curriculums for correctional employees and youthful offenders and dealing with special trainings for law enforcement, counselors, and teachers. Cué earned his bachelor’s degree in social service administration from Antioch University. Eduardo Cué

STEPHANIE MOLINA, MFT, serves as the Program Director of Employee Assistance at Cottage Hospital, where she has worked since 2010. Over the years, she has held many roles at Cottage, including working as Admissions Facilitator of the COPE program, with the Substance Use Evaluation Team in the Trauma Unit, as Clinical Supervisor for intern/associates at Cottage, and as a Lead Case Manager for the COPE program. Before working with Cottage, Molina also worked as a Youth Service Specialist at El Puente High School and with the Fighting Back Mentor Program with CADA. Molina earned her master’s degree in clinical psychology from Antioch University, and is a UCSB alumna.

Stephanie Molina

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Behind the Baton, continued from page 2

July 9, 2021

Veronica Zimmerman Garcia

VERONICA ZIMMERMAN GARCIA has been appointed to the new position of Chief Real Estate Development Officer for People’s Self-Help Housing. The former PSHH Director of Acquisitions and Business Development, Garcia will oversee all of PSHH’s real estate development activities in this new role. Prior to joining PSHH, she developed affordable housing for the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura, Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation, Wakeland Housing, and others. Currently, Garcia serves on the board of the California Coalition for Rural Housing and is a Ventura County Planning Commissioner for the 5th District. She is an alumna of UC Los Angeles. www.pshhc.org

Jon Clark Joins CALM Board Jon Clark has joined the CALM (Child Abuse Listening Mediation) Board of Trustees. A Santa Barbara local, Clark has acted as the President of the James S. Bower Foundation for the past 15 years. In the past, he has also served as Executive Director of the Community Environmental Council and the Executive Director of the Wendy P. McCaw Foundation. Beyond these roles, Clark has given back to the community by serving on many local boards, including Santa Barbara Foundation, Storyteller Children’s Center, Carpinteria Children’s Project, Cottage Health, Jon Clark Santa Barbara Region Economic Community Project, and Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce. In 2017, the Santa Barbara Foundation named Clark “Man of the Year.” www.calm4kids.org

July 9, 2021


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Welcome Back!


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2021 Summer Festival 021 S U M M E R F E S T I V A L CALENDAR OF2 PERFORMANCES ~ In-Person and Screenings

Richard O’Neill, violist



SAT, JUL 10, 5:30 PM – OPENING NIGHT GALA Return to Miraflores Miraflores Campus SUN, JUL 11, 2 PM – WELCOME CONCERT with LARRY RACHLEFF Academy Chamber Orchestra, Granada Theatre MON, JUL 12, 7:30 PM – SOLO PIANO SHOWCASE Academy Fellows, Hahn Hall TUE, JUL 13, 7:30 PM – X2 SERIES RACHMANINOFF & MOZART Academy fellows and teaching artists, Hahn Hall WED, JUL 14, 7:30 PM – PIANIST JEREMY DENK with ACADEMY FELLOWS Recital, Hahn Hall THU, JUL 15, 7:30 PM – MOSHER GUEST ARTIST CELLIST STEVEN ISSERLIS RECITAL Video Premiere Screening, Hahn Hall FRI, JUL 16, 7:30 PM – X2 SERIES BEETHOVEN PIANO TRIO Academy fellows and teaching artists, Hahn Hall SAT, JUL 17, 7:30 PM – MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS CONDUCTS BRAHMS Academy Chamber Orchestra, Granada Theatre TUE, JUL 20, 7:30 PM – STRING QUARTET SHOWCASE Academy fellows, Hahn Hall WED, JUL 21, 7:30 PM – MOSHER GUEST ARTIST MEZZO-SOPRANO SASHA COOKE RECITAL Video Premiere Screening, Hahn Hall THU, JUL 22, 7:30 PM – TAKÁCS QUARTET with ACADEMY FELLOWS CONCERT Hahn Hall FRI, JUL 23, 7:30 PM – 21c LIEDERABEND Video Screening Premiere, Vocal Institute, Hahn Hall MON, JUL 26, 7:30 PM – MOSHER GUEST ARTIST COMPOSER TYSHAWN SOREY RECITAL Video Premiere Screening, Hahn Hall WED, JUL 28, 4 PM – SOLO PIANO COMPETITION Academy fellows, Granada Theatre JULY 5 - AUGUST 14 • SANTA BARBARA, THU, JUL 29, 7:30 PM – x2 SERIES MENDELSSOHN PIANO TRIO Academy fellows and teaching artists, Hahn Hall FRI, JUL 30, 7:30 PM – CHAMBER MUSIC SHOWCASE Academy fellows, Hahn Hall

Academy Chamber Orchestra, Granada Theatre TUE, AUG 3, 7:30 PM – MOSHER GUEST ARTIST PIANIST CONRAD TAO RECITAL Hahn Hall WED, AUG 4, 7:30 PM – DUO COMPETITION Academy fellows, Granada Theatre THU, AUG 5, 7:30 PM – X2 SERIES POULENC TRIO Academy fellows and teaching artists, Hahn Hall FRI, AUG 6, 4 PM – MARILYN HORNE SONG COMPETITION Vocal Institute, Granada Theatre SAT, AUG 7, 2 PM & 7:30 PM – COMMUNITY CONCERTS with MARIN ALSOP Academy Chamber Orchestra, Granada Theatre





2021 S U M M E R

ONLINE EVENTS ~ musicacademy.org Mon, Jul 12, 5 PM – INNOVATION INSTITUTE SEMINAR, CHI-CHI NWANOKU Sat, Jul 24, 5 PM – X2 SERIES ONLINE RENAISSANCE TO THE 20TH CENTURY Academy fellows and teaching artists Mon, Jul 26, 5 PM – 21C LIEDERABEND, OP. M.A.W. PART I Tue, Jul 27, 5 PM – 21C LIEDERABEND, OP. M.A.W. PART II Fri, Jul 30, 5 PM – X2 SERIES ONLINE FRENCH FOCUS Academy fellows and teaching artists Mon, Aug 2, 5 PM – FAST PITCH AWARDS Academy fellows Sun, Aug 8, 5 PM – INNOVATION INSTITUTE SEMINAR Highlights Thu, Aug 12, 5 PM – SING! CHILDREN’S CHORUS AND CONCERT CHOIR CA Fri, Aug 13, 5 PM – DIGITAL CHALLENGE Sat, Aug 14, 5 PM – SPECIAL EVENT: MIRRORFLORES Vocal Institute


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIVE MASTERCLASSES Schedule VIOLIN THU, JUL 8, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Martin Beaver THU, JUL 15, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Kathleen Winkler TUE, JUL 20 HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM Kathleen Winkler THU, JUL 22, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Glenn Dicterow MON, JUL 26, HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM Glenn Dicterow THU, AUG 5, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Jorja Fleezanis VIOLA TUE, JUL 6, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Karen Dreyfus TUE, JUL 13, HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM Cynthia Phelps TUE, JUL 27, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Richard O’Neill

DOUBLE BASS Nico Abondolo LEHMANN HALL MON, JUL 12 & MON, JUL 19, 1:30 PM MON, AUG 2, 3:30 PM CELLO MON, JUL 5, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM Alan Stepansky MON, JUL 26, LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM David Geber WED, AUG 4, HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM David Geber FLUTE Timothy Day LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM TUE, JUL 13 / TUE, JUL 20 / TUE, AUG 3 OBOE Eugene Izotov LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM FRI, JUL 9 / FRI, JUL 23 / FRI, AUG 6 CLARINET Richie Hawley HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM THU, JUL 8 / THU, JUL 22 / TUE, AUG 3

BASSOON LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM WED, JUL 7, Dennis Michel WED, JUL 21, Benjamin Kamins THU, JUL 29, Benjamin Kamins HORN Julie Landsman LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM WED, JUL 14 / WED, JUL 28 / WED, AUG 4 TRUMPET HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM FRI, JUL 9, Paul Merkelo FRI, JUL 23 , Paul Merkelo TUE, JUL 27, Barbara Butler & Charles Geyer TROMBONE & TUBA HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM WED, JUL 7, Mark Lawrence THU, JUL 15, Mark Lawrence THU, JUL 29, Ralph Sauer PERCUSSION HAHN HALL, 3:30 PM TUE, JUL 6, Michael Werner

MON, JUL 12, Michael Werner THU, AUG 5, Michael Werner/Joseph Pereira HARP JoAnn Turovsku LEHMANN HALL, 1:30 PM, FRI, JUL 16, SOLO PIANO HAHN HALL FRI, JUL 16, 3:30 PM, Jeremy Denk FRI, JUL 30, 3:30 PM, Conor Hanick MON, AUG 2, 1:30 PM, MOSHER GUEST ARTIST Conrad Tao COLLABORATIVE PIANO Jonathan Feldman HAHN HALL MON, JUL 5, 3:30 PM MON, JUL 19, 3:30 PM FRI, AUG 6, 1:30 PM VOCAL INSTITUTE HAHN HALL WED, JUL 21, 3:30 PM, Daniela Candillari WED, JUL 28, 1:30 PM, Michael Tilson Thomas CHAMBER Takács Quartet WED, JUL 14, HAHN HALL 3:30 PM

musicacademy.org Public tickets for Summer Festival events will be available ONLINE AND BY PHONE ONLY on FRI, JUN 25 AT 10 AM. For questions about ticketing, please call the Ticket Office Mon-Fri, 10 am-5 pm, or visit online at musicacademy.org.


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Safari Local


Online series of screenings & discussions between SBIFF’s programmers & filmmakers. View a short film online each week, followed by a live virtual conversation on Thursdays at 6pm. To sign up for a talk or to watch past talks visit https://sbiff.org/filmtalk/

In Person & Online Activities for Everyone Actividades en persona y en línea para todos

CHARLA DE CINE SBIFF Una serie en línea de proyecciones y debates entre los programadores y cineastas de SBIFF. Cada semana, un cortometraje estará disponible en línea, seguido de una conversación virtual en vivo los jueves a las 6pm. Para inscribirte en una charla o ver charlas anteriores, visita https://sbiff.org/filmtalk/ Photo courtesy of SBMNH


Explore the undersea world of coral in the face of climate change as University of Rhode Island Ph.D. students Danielle Becker and Emma Strand present Reefbuilding Corals’ Response to Environmental Stress from 6:30-7:30pm Monday, July 12th. The latest installment of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History’s Science Pub From Home series, Becker and Strand will discuss how their research could help predict the future of coral. Attendance is free, visit https://tinyurl.com/ymf6hp6t Explora el mundo submarino del coral frente al cambio climático mientras Danielle Becker y Emma Strand, estudiantes de Ph.D. de la University of Rhode Island presentan La respuesta al estrés ambiental de los corales constructores de arrecifes de 6:30-7:30 pm el lunes, 12 de julio. La última entrega de la serie Pub de ciencia desde casa del Museo de Historia Natural de Santa Bárbara, Becker y Strand discutirán cómo su investigación podría ayudar a predecir el futuro del coral. La asistencia es gratuita, visita https://tinyurl.com/ymf6hp6t

Friday • viernes


CHILDREN | NIÑOS STORYWALK AT THE BOTANIC GARDEN Sign up for summer reading program and get a nature journal • At SB Botanic Garden in collaboration with SB Library • Free with registration • https://tinyurl.com/3ap7pw5y • 3-4:30pm Fr, 7/9. STORYWALK EN EL JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Inscríbete en el programa de lectura de verano y obten un diario de la naturaleza • En Jardín Botánico SB en colaboración con Biblioteca SB • Gratis con inscripción • https://tinyurl.com/3ap7pw5y • 3-4:30pm viernes, 7/9.

DANCE | BAILE DANCE STUDIO CLASS IN THE PARK Salsa and bachata dance classes • ME Sabor Dance Studio, Oak Park Stage at 500 W. Alamar Av • $12 • www.mesabordancestudio.com/classes • Weekly, Mo and Fr.


4:30-6:30pm Fridays via Zoom. RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/y7qs3qbf.

RECITAL PARA ESTUDIANTES DE POSGRADO Con la participación de Valdis Jansons, barítono • Departamento de Música de UCSB • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/4hnjfr9k • 6pm viernes, 7/9.

FAMILY FURNITURE: A STORY OF RENEWAL Play directed by Tom Eubanks • The Ojai Art Center Theater • $10-20 • https://ojaiact.org • 7:30pm Fr and Sa, 2pm Su, through 7/18. MOBILIARIO FAMILIAR: UNA HISTORIA DE RENOVACIÓN Obra dirigida por Tom Eubanks • Teatro del Centro de Arte Ojai • $ 10-20 • https://ojaiact.org • 7:30pm viernes y sábado, 2pm domingo, hasta el 7/18.


Enjoy Shakespeare’s classic comedy • Rubicon Theatre Company • Villanova Preparatory, 12096 N. Ventura Ave, Ojai • $10-15 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm Fr, 7/9 & 7/10.



Watch movies in the Mart Courtyard • Montecito Country Mart, 1016 Coast Village Rd. at Hot Springs, SB • https://tinyurl.com/s57t5uns • 6pm Fr through 9/3. NOCHES DE CINE EN EL MART Ve películas en el Mart Courtyard • Montecito Country Mart, 1016 Coast Village Rd. en Hot Springs, SB • https://tinyurl.com/s57t5uns • 6pm de viernes a 9/3.

Resonancia; Pianos at The Luke; Jackson Gillies en Concierto. Gratis en www.luketheatre.org

de Santa Bárbara compartiendo las historias de los fantasmas residentes locales • $ 35-$150 • www.sbghosttour.com



Support the Lobero by watching their virtual concerts including, John Kay, KT Tunstall, and Pianos on State. For tickets (Free-$15) visit www.lobero.org/series/live-streaming

Take a tour, support the Museum Store, or enjoy the beautiful grounds • www.goletahistory.org • 11am to 2pm weekends.

TRANSMISIONES EN VIVO DEL TEATRO LOBERO Apoya al Teatro Lobero para ver sus ofertas de conciertos virtuales, incluyendo John Kay, KT Tunstall y Pianos on State. Para boletos (Gratis-$15) visita www.lobero.org/series/live-streaming

RANCHO LA PATERA & STOW HOUSE Haz un recorrido, apoya la Tienda del Museo o disfruta de los hermosos jardines • www.goletahistory.org • De 11am a 2pm los fines de seman.



SPOOKY TOURS WITH SANTA BARBARA GHOST TOURS Professor Julie Ann Brown tours you through Downtown Santa Barbara sharing the stories of local resident ghosts • $35-$150 • www.sbghosttour.com

CIRCUS VARGAS Enjoy a circus performance • Earl Warren Showgrounds • $18-70 • www.circusvargas.com • opens 7:30pm Fr, 7/9, through 7/19. CIRCO VARGAS Disfrute de un espectáculo de circo • Earl Warren Showgrounds, SB • $18-70 • www.circusvargas.com • abre a las 7:30 pm del viernes, 7/9, hasta el 7/19.



Live music, food, and drink The Granada, Opera Santa Barbara, and The Good Lion • Outside the Good Lion/Granada Theatre, 6pm Th. ROAR & POUR Música en vivo, comida y bebida • The Granada, Opera Santa Barbara y The Good Lion • Afuera del Good Lion / Teatro Granada, 6pm jueves.


SB Singer/songwriter Mendeleyev; Resonance; Pianos at The Luke; Jackson Gillies in Concert & At Home • Free at www.luketheatre.org SERIE DE CONCIERTO/TEATRO VIRTUALES DEL TEATRO LUKE El Cantante y compositor de SB Mendeleyev;

Schedule subject to change. Please visit metrotheatres.com for theater updates. Thank you. Features and Showtimes for July 9-15, 2021 * = Subject to Restrictions on “SILVER MVP PASSES”

www.metrotheatres.com METRO 4


618 STATE STREET SANTA BARBARA 805-965-7684 LP = Laser Projection

225 N FAIRVIEW AVE GOLETA 805-683-3800

The Boss Baby: Family Business (PG): Fri, Mon-Thur: 2:45, 5:15, 7:45. Sat/Sun: 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:45. In the Heights (PG13): Fri-Thur: 5:05. Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard (R): Fri, Mon-Thurs: 2:30, 8:15. Sat/Sun: 12:05, 2:30, 8:15. A Quiet Place Part II (PG13): Fri, Mon-Thur: 3:20, 5:40, 8:00. Sat/Sun: 1:00, 3:20, 5:40, 8:00.


SUEÑO DE UNA NOCHE DE VERANO Disfruta de la comedia clásica de Shakespeare • Rubicon Theatre Company • Villanova Preparatory, 12096 N. Ventura Ave, Ojai • $10-15 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm viernes, 7/9 y 7/10.

NUEVO AL MEDICARE Presentación virtual • Programa de asesoramiento y defensa de seguros de salud • Gratis • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 10am viernes, 7/9.

GRADUATE STUDENT RECITAL Featuring Valdis Jansons, Baritone • UCSB Dept. of Music • Free • https://tinyurl. com/4hnjfr9k • 6pm Fr, 7/9.

GRUPO JUVENIL ORGULLOSO DE PACIFIC PRIDE FOUNDATION Se reúne de 4:30-6:30pm viernes a través de Zoom. Reserva tu lugar en https://tinyurl.com/y7qs3qbf.

CLASE DE ESTUDIO DE BAILE EN EL PARQUE Clases de baile de salsa y bachata • ME Sabor Dance Studio, Oak Park Stage en 500 W. Alamar Av • $12 • www.mesabordancestudio.com/classes • Semanal, lunes y viernes.

NEW TO MEDICARE Virtual presentation • Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program • Free • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 10am Fr, 7/9.


July 9, 2021

Santa Barbara Ghost Tours Walk with Professor Julie as she shares tales of mystery and history... & meet friendly spirits... Call or text to schedule your walking tour! • 805-905-9019

Let’s Go To The M O V I E S NORTH S.B. COUNTY THEATRES Movie Listings for 7/9/21-7/15/21 MOVIES LOMPOC • (805) 736-1558 / 736-0146 BLACK WIDOW -PG13Fri 4-6-7 | Sat-Sun 12-1-3-4-6-7 | Mon-Thu 4-6-7 THE BOSS BABY: FAMILY BUSINESS -PGFri 4:30-7 | Sat-Sun 11:30-2-4:30-7 | Mon-Thu 4:30-7 F9 THE FAST SAGA -PG13Fri 4-7 | Sat-Sun 1-4-7 | Mon-Thu 4-7 HI-WAY DRIVE-IN, SANTA MARIA (805) 937-3515

THE BOSS BABY: FAMILY BUSINESS -PGStarts @ 8:45 F9 THE FAST SAGA -PG13General Admission $11.50 / Kids $8.50 / Seniors $8 BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:45-11:10pm Fr & Sa | 8-10:30pm Su-Th RADIO ACTIVE @ 92.1 FM • Find Us On Facebook – Hi Way Drive In PARKS PLAZA – CLOSED • (805) 688-7434 All Screens Now Presented In Dolby Digital Projection and Dolby Digital Sound!


Black Widow* (PG13): Fri-Sun: 12:15, 2:30(LP), 3:30, 5:45(LP), 6:45, 9:00(LP),10:00. Mon-Thur: 2:30(LP), 3:30, 5:45(LP), 6:45, 9:00(LP). F9 The Fast Saga (PG13): Fri-Sun: 12:45, 3:45, 6:30, 9:30. Mon-Thur: 2:15, 5:15, 8:15. The Forever Purge (R): Fri-Sun: 1:15,4:00, 7:00, 9:45. Mon-Thur: 2:45, 5:30, 8:30.


F I E S TA 5



Black Widow* (PG13): Fri: 1:00, 200, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00. Sat/Sun: 12:00, 1:00, 200, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. 10:00. Mon-Thur: 1:00, 200, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. F9 The Fast Saga (PG13): Fri-Sun: 1:45, 5:10, 6:30, 8:20, 9:40. Mon-Wed: 1:45, 5:10, 6:30, 8:20. Thur: 1:45, 5:10, 8:20. The Forever Purge (R): Fri-Sun: 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:50. Mon-Thur: 3:15, 5:45, 8:30. The Escape Room: Touranment of Champions* (PG13): 5:20, 7:30.


The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 (PG): Fri, Mon-Thur: 2:00, 3:25, 5:30, 7:20. Sat/Sun: 11:45, 3:25, 5:30, 7:20. The Boss Baby: Family Business (PG): Fri, Mon-Thur: 1:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30. Sat/Sun: 12:00, 1:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30. Summer of Soul (PG13): Fri, Mon-Thur: 4:40. Sat/Sun: 2:00, 4:40. Zola (R): Fri-Thur: 5:40, 8:10. Cruella (PG13): Fri-Thur: 2:15, 4:30, 7:45. A Quiet Place Part II (PG13): Fri-Thur: 1:05, 3:30, 5:50, 8:20.

Black Widow* (PG13): Fri-Thur: 1:15, 4:30, 7:45.

Saturday • sábado 7.10.21 CHILDREN | NIÑOS A-Z COOKING CLASS Cook on the patio, for ages 8-12 • Eastside Library • Free, limited registration • https://tinyurl.com/6kp5hxsc • 1-3pm Sa, 7/10. CLASE DE COCINA A-Z Cocina en el patio, para niños de 8 a 12 años • Eastside Library • Inscripción gratuita y limitada • https://tinyurl.com/6kp5hxsc • 1-3pm sábado, 7/10.

MUSIC | MÚSICA OPENING NIGHT GALA - RETURN TO MIRAFLORES Celebrate Music Academy alumni and teaching artists • Music Academy of the West • $1,000 • https://tinyurl.com/48kr8rnz • 5:30pm Sa, 7/10.


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com GALA DE APERTURA NOCTURNA REGRESO A MIRAFLORES Celebra a los ex alumnos de la Academia de Música y artistas docentes • Academia de Música del Oeste, campus de Miraflores • $1,000 • https://tinyurl.com/48kr8rnz • 5:30pm sábado, 7/10.

OUTDOORS | AL AIRE LIBRE COMPOST PRODUCTION WORKSHOP Learn about composting and nutrient cycling • White Buffalo Land Trust, at Summerland Flagship Farm • $150-225 • https://tinyurl.com/xy47vtbr • 9am-4pm Sa, 7/10. TALLER DE PRODUCCIÓN DE COMPOST Aprende sobre el compostaje y el ciclo de nutrientes • $150-225 • White Buffalo Land Trust, en Summerland Flagship Farm • https://tinyurl.com/xy47vtbr • 9am-4pm sábado, 7/10.

SPECIAL EVENTS | EVENTOS ESPECIALES POLO TAILGATE EVENT Benefit polo match and tailgate event for Santa Ynez Valley Therapeutic Riding Program • Folded Hills Ranch, 3250 Alisal Road, Gaviota

• $300/vehicle • https://tinyurl.com/cyu2k2t8 • 10am Sa, 7/10. EVENTO DE POLO TAILGATE Partido de polo a beneficio del Programa de Equitación Terapéutica del Valle de Santa Ynez • Folded Hills Ranch, 3250 Alisal Road, Gaviota • $300 por vehículo • https://tinyurl.com/cyu2k2t8 • 10am sábado, 7/10.

Sunday • domingo 7.11.21 MUSIC | MÚSICA WELCOME CONCERT WITH LARRY RACHLEFF Performance by Music Academy Chamber Orchestra • Granada Theatre, SB • $10-55 • https://tinyurl.com/yhdxcjts • 2pm Su, 7/11. CONCIERTO DE BIENVENIDA CON LARRY RACHLEFF Presentación de la Orquesta de Cámara de la Academia de Música • Teatro de Granada, SB • $10-55 • https://tinyurl.com/yhdxcjts • 2pm domingo, 7/11.

Government Meetings • Reuniones gubernamentales SOUTH BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW • 9am Fr, 7/9. Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 JUNTA SUR DE REVISIÓN ARQUITECTÓNICA • 9am viernes, 7/9. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6


https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 COMITÉ ASESOR DE RESERVA AGRÍCOLA DEL CONDADO DE SB • 9am viernes, 7/9. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6


City of SB Parks & Recreation, at Eastside Neighborhood Park 1-3pm Sa, 7/10. Learn more https://tinyurl.com/6n789n9f CASA ABIERTA DEL PARQUE DEL VECINDARIO DEL LADO ESTE • City of SB Parks & Recreation, en Eastside Neighborhood Park 1-3pm sábado, 7/10. Para más información visita https://tinyurl.com/6n789n9f


Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 ADMINISTRADOR DE ZONIFICACIÓN DEL CONDADO DE SB • 9am lunes, 7/12. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6


https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 COMISIÓN ASESORA DE MONUMENTOS HISTÓRICOS DEL CONDADO DE SB • 10am lunes, 7/12. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6


agenda review • 11am Mo, 7/12. Learn more https://tinyurl.com/45c5yx5c REVISIÓN DE LA AGENDA DE CONSENTIMIENTO DE LA JUNTA DE DISEÑO DE VIVIENDA UNIFAMILIAR de la Ciudad de SB • 11 am lunes, 7/12. Para más información visita https://tinyurl.com/45c5yx5c


consent agenda review • 1pm Mo, 7/12. Learn more www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/ABR REVISIÓN DE LA AGENDA DE CONSENTIMIENTO DE LA JUNTA DE REVISIÓN DE ARQUITECTURA de la Ciudad de SB • 1pm lunes, 7/12. Para más información visita www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/ABR


3pm Mo, 7/12. Learn more www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/ABR JUNTA DE REVISIÓN DE ARQUITECTURA DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 3pm lunes, 7/12. Para más información visita www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/ABR

CITY OF SB NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COUNCIL • 6pm Mo, 7/12. Learn more https://tinyurl.com/he5hx8zn CONSEJO ASESOR DE VECINDARIOS DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 6pm lunes, 7/12. Para más información visita https://tinyurl.com/he5hx8zn

CITY OF SB SIGN COMMITTEE • 9am Tu, 7/13. Learn more www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SIGN COMITÉ DE CARTELES DE LA CIUDAD DE SB •9am martes, 7/13. Para más información visita www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SIGN

SB COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS • 9am Tu, 7/13. Learn more www.countyofsb.org/bos JUNTA DE SUPERVISORES DEL CONDADO DE SB • 9am martes, 7/13. Para más información visita www.countyofsb.org/bos


https://tinyurl.com/4rd5rem6 COMITÉ ASESOR DE LA EXPOSICIÓN DE ARTES Y OFICIOS DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 6pm martes, 7/13. Para más información visita https://tinyurl.com/4rd5rem6

SB COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION • 9am We, 7/14. Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 COMISIÓN DE PLANIFICACIÓN DEL CONDADO DE SB • 9am miércoles, 7/14. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 CITY OF SB STAFF HEARING OFFICER • 9am We, 7/14.

Learn more www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SHO FUNCIONARIO DE AUDIENCIA DEL PERSONAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 9am miércoles, 7/14. Para más información visita www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/SHO


Learn more www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/PC COMISIÓN DE PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 1pm jueves, 7/15. Para más información visita www.SantaBarbaraCA.gov/PC


1pm Th, 7/15. Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 JUNTA DE REVISIÓN DE ARQUITECTURA DE MONTECITO • 1pm jueves, 7/15. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6


1:30pm Th, 7/15. Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 SUBDIVISIÓN DE PLANIFICACIÓN Y DESARROLLO DEL CONDADO DE SB / COMITÉS DE PROBLEMAS ESPECIALES • 1:30pm jueves, 7/15. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6

CITY OF SB HARBOR COMMISSION • 6:30pm Th, 7/15. Learn more https://tinyurl.com/9rjhmeuk COMISIÓN DEL PUERTO DE LA CIUDAD DE SB • 6:30pm jueves, 7/15. Para más información visita https://tinyurl.com/9rjhmeuk CENTRAL BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW • 9am Fr, 7/16. Agenda to be posted https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6 JUNTA CENTRAL DE REVISIÓN DE ARQUITECTURA • 9am viernes, 7/16. La agenda se publicará en https://tinyurl.com/uaywfsj6

Experience a concert from home as UCSB choral conducting graduate student Steven Thomson presents a virtual Master of Music recital at 6pm Wednesday, July 14th. Conducted by Thomson, the program will feature performances by Dr. Naomi Merer, Marta Hovhannisyan, Lauren Vanderlinden, Soohyun Ryu, Kartik Sundaram, and Benjamin Hanson. Attendance is free, visit https://tinyurl.com/4rpfm77r

Photo courtesy of UCSB Dept. of Music

July 9, 2021

Experimenta un concierto desde casa mientras el estudiante graduado de dirección coral de UCSB Steven Thomson presenta un recital virtual de Maestría en Música a las 6pm el miércoles, 14 de julio. Conducido por Thomson, el programa contará con presentaciones de la Dra. Naomi Merer, Marta Hovhannisyan, Lauren Vanderlinden, Soohyun Ryu, Kartik Sundaram y Benjamin Hanson. La asistencia es gratuita, visita https://tinyurl.com/4rpfm77r

FOLK ORCHESTRA SANTA BARBARA Live, outdoor performance • Casa de la Guerra, 15 E De La Guerra St., SB • $35 • https://folkorchestrasb.com • 6:30pm Su, 7/11. ORQUESTA FOLKLÓRICA DE SANTA BÁRBARA Presentación en vivo al aire libre • Casa de la Guerra, 15 E De La Guerra St., SB • https://folkorchestrasb.com • $35 • 6:30pm domingo, 7/11.

OUTDOORS | AL AIRE LIBRE CARPINTERIA SALT MARSH HERB WALK Led by plant guide Lanny Kaufer • Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park, 103 Ash Ave. Carpinteria • $25 • https://tinyurl.com/48hrjafk • 9am Su, 7/11. PASEO DE HIERBAS EN CARPINTERIA SALT MARSH Dirigido por el guía de plantas Lanny Kaufer • Carpinteria Salt Marsh Nature Park, 103 Ash Ave. Carpinteria • $25 • https://tinyurl.com/48hrjafk • 9am domingo, 7/11.


Care for our environment and community • Explore Ecology • At Arroyo Burro Beach, SB • https://tinyurl.com/3kxnj6hp • 10am-12pm Su, 7/11. LIMPIEZA DE LA PLAYA Cuidemos nuestro medio ambiente y nuestra comunidad • Explore Ecology • En Arroyo Burro Beach, SB • https://tinyurl.com/3kxnj6hp • 10am-12pm domingo, 7/11.

Monday • lunes


LECTURES | MEETINGS | WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS | REUNIONES GRIT TALKS Public lecture series from faculty across subjects • UCSB Office of Summer Sessions • Free • https://tinyurl.com/b6rs9pu5 • 5:30pm Mo and We through 7/21. CHARLAS GRIT Serie de conferencias públicas de profesores de todas las materias • UCSB Office of Summer Sessions • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/b6rs9pu5 • 5:30pm lunes y miércoles hasta el 7/21.


Presented by Danielle Becker and Emma Strand • SB Museum of Natural History • Free • https://tinyurl.com/ymf6hp6t • 6:30pm Mo, 7/12. LA RESPUESTA AL ESTRÉS AMBIENTAL DE LOS CORALES CONSTRUCTORES DE ARRECIFES Presentado por Danielle Becker y Emma Strand

• SB Museo de Historia Natural • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/ymf6hp6t • 6:30pm lunes, 7/12.


Panel on how to manage fear of harm, staying safe and living a full life • PFLAG • Free • To register email pflagsantabarbara@gmail.com • 7pm Mo, 7/12. REUNIÓN VIRTUAL DE JULIO DE PFLAG Panel sobre cómo manejar el miedo al daño, mantenerse seguro y vivir una vida plena • PFLAG • Gratis • Regístrate enviando un correo electrónico a pflagsantabarbara@gmail.com • 7pm lunes, 7/12.

OUTDOORS | AL AIRE LIBRE HIKE THE ARROYO HONDO PRESERVE Mondays & Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3pm and the first & third weekends, Saturdays & Sundays from 10am to 12:30pm and 12:30pm to 3pm. Free • https://tinyurl.com/ya3pgxge CAMINA EN LA RESERVA ARROYO HONDO los lunes y miércoles de 12:30 a 3pm y el primer y tercer fin de semana del mes, sábados y domingos de 10am a 12:30pm y de 12:30pm a 3pm. La visita es gratuita • https://tinyurl.com/ya3pgxge

SPECIAL EVENTS | EVENTOS ESPECIALES LUNCH AT THE LIBRARY Children up to age 18 can pick up a free, nutritious meal • Central Library, Santa Barbara • Free, no registration needed • 11:30am12:30pm Mo-Fr, through 8/13. ALMUERZO EN LA BIBLIOTECA Los niños de hasta 18 años pueden recoger una comida nutritiva y gratuita • Biblioteca Central, Santa Bárbara • Gratis, no es necesario registrarse • De 11:30am a 12:30pm de lunes a viernes hasta el 8/13.


Visit the new Library on the Go van • SB Public Library • Old Coast Park • Free • https://tinyurl.com/hztt83rs • 2-4pm Mo, 7/12. BIBLIOTECA SOBRE LA MARCHA Visita la nueva camioneta de la Biblioteca sobre la marcha • Biblioteca pública SB • Old Coast Park • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/hztt83rs • 2-4pm lunes, 7/12.

Tuesday • martes


CHILDREN | NIÑOS STORYWALK IN THE PARK Enjoy a story and outdoor activities • SB Public Library • At Harding Elementary • Free • 2-3:30pm Tu, 7/13.


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Safari Local

In CONTINUES Person & /Online Activities for Everyone CONTINÚA Actividades en persona y en línea para todos

Enjoy a modern retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma under the stars as UCSB Arts & Lectures hosts a screening of Clueless at West Wind Drive-In at 8:30pm Thursday, July 15th. Gates open at 7pm, with guests encouraged to come early to enjoy food trucks, prize drawings, concessions, and entertainment emceed by Catherine Remak of K-Lite 101.7 FM. Admission is free, visit www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu Disfruta de un recuento moderno de Emma de Jane Austen bajo las estrellas mientras UCSB Arts & Lectures presenta una proyección de Clueless en West Wind Drive-In a las 8:30pm el jueves, 15 de julio. Las puertas abren a las 7pm, y se anima a los invitados a llegar temprano para disfrutar de camiones de comida, sorteos de premios, concesiones y entretenimiento a cargo de Catherine Remak de K-Lite 101.7 FM. La entrada es gratuita, visita www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu

STORYWALK EN EL PARQUE Disfruta de una historia y actividades al aire libre • Biblioteca pública de SB • En Harding Elementary • Gratis • 2-3:30pm martes, 7/13.

LECTURES | MEETINGS | WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS | REUNIONES MYSTERIES OF MENTAL ILLNESS The Mental Wellness Center, in partnership with PBS • Free Virtual Live Panel Discussion • Reg Required: https://tinyurl.com/2aprwy2c • 6-7:30pm Tu. MISTERIOS DE LA ENFERMEDAD MENTAL El Centro de Bienestar Mental, en asociación con PBS • Panel de discusión virtual en vivo y gratis • Se requiere registro: https://tinyurl. com/2aprwy2c • 6-7:30pm martes. TECH TUTORING FOR LIBRARY RESOURCES One-on-one tutoring sessions • Montecito Library • Free • By appointment, www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp • 10am-12pm Tu. TUTORÍA TÉCNICA PARA RECURSOS DE LA BIBLIOTECA Sesiones de tutoría individual • Biblioteca Montecito • Gratis • Con cita, www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default. asp • 10 am-12pm martes.

BEGINNING SEWISTS WORKSHOP Make your own top • Community Arts Workshop, 631 Ortega St, SB • www.threadedworkshops.com • $125 • 1011:30am Tu, 7/13-7/15.

TALLER DE COSTURA PARA PRINCIPIANTES Haz tu propia camisa • Community Arts Workshop, 631 Ortega St • $125 • www.threadedworkshops.com • 10-11:30am martes, 7/13-7/15.


Virtual presentation • Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program • Free • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 2pm Tu, 7/13. NUEVO AL MEDICARE Presentación virtual • Programa de asesoramiento y defensa de seguros de salud • Gratis • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 2pm martes, 7/13.

Presentado por Steven Thomson, dirección coral • Departamento de Música de UCSB • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/4rpfm77r • 6pm miércoles, 7/14.



ANNUAL SESSION ON INCLUSION, DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND ACCESS Join this annual IDEA meeting • Association of Fundraising Professionals • Free-$15 • https://tinyurl.com/x8y8ydxu • 10:30am We, 7/14. Photo courtesy of cinemablend.com


las niñas • Campamentos con entrenadores, organizados en Leadbetter Beach • $35 • https://tinyurl.com/32xavf6s • 4-6pm miércoles.


Practice Spanish language in a natural way • SB Public Library • Free • www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp • 4:30-5:30pm Tu. GRUPO VIRTUAL DE CONVERSACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL – INTERMEDIO Practica el idioma español de forma natural • Biblioteca pública SB • Gratis • www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp • 4:30-5:30pm martes.


SESIÓN ANUAL SOBRE INCLUSIÓN, DIVERSIDAD, EQUIDAD Y ACCESO Únete a esta reunión anual de IDEA • Asociación de Profesionales de Recaudación de Fondos • https://tinyurl.com/x8y8ydxu • Gratis-$15 • 10:30am miércoles, 7/14.

NUEVO AL MEDICARE - ESPAÑOL Presentación virtual en español • Programa de asesoramiento y defensa de seguros de salud • Gratis • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 2pm miércoles, 7/14.

APERTURA DE PROJECT FIESTA: LA HISTORIA DE OLD SPANISH DAYS Celebra la inauguración de esta exhibición histórica • Galería y patio del Museo Histórico SB • Gratis-$15 • https://tinyurl.com/b4fw5nxd • 5:30pm miércoles, 7/14.


For all English language learners • Free • www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp • 4:30-5:30pm We. GRUPO DE CONVERSACIÓN VIRTUAL EN INGLÉS DE LA BIBLIOTECA PÚBLICA DE SB Para todos los estudiantes del idioma inglés • www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default • Gratis • asp • 4:30-5:30pm los miércoles.


A French conversation group, all levels welcome • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Olive St., SB • Free • http://sbfrenchgroup.yolasite.com • 5:30-7:30pm We. EL CÍRCULO FRANCÉS Un grupo de conversación en francés, todos los niveles son bienvenidos • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Olive St., SB • http://sbfrenchgroup.yolasite.com • Gratis • 5:30-7:30pm miércoles.

MEDIODÍA EN CASA Únete a Opera Santa Barbara para esta serie de conciertos digitales semanales gratuitos a las 12pm todos los martes. Obtén más información y disfruta en https://tinyurl.com/y76xkfdn


GRADUATE STUDENT RECITAL Presented by Steven Thomson, choral conducting • UCSB Dept. of Music • Free • https://tinyurl.com/4rpfm77r • 6pm We, 7/14.

Enjoy local comedians • Mel’s Cocktail Lounge, 209 W Carrillo St., SB • 7pm We. MICRÓFONO ABIERTO - COMEDIA STAND-UP Disfruta de los comediantes locales • Mel’s Cocktail Lounge, 209 W Carrillo St., SB • 7pm miércoles.

Thursday • jueves 7.15.21 CHILDREN | NIÑOS MUSIC AND MOVEMENT Class for children and their caregivers • SB Public Library • Free • Alameda Park • 10:30-11am Th. MÚSICA Y MOVIMIENTO Clase para niños y sus cuidadores • Biblioteca pública SB • Gratis • Parque Alameda • 10:30-11am jueves.


Focuses on developing babies’ pre-literacy skills • SB Public Library • Free • Alameda Park • 11:1511:45am Th. BEBÉ Y YO Se enfoca en el desarrollo de las habilidades previas a la alfabetización de los bebés • Biblioteca pública SB • Gratis • Parque Alameda • 11:15-11:45am jueves.

TEEN DUNGEONS & DRAGONS GAME Explore and play D&D • SB Public Library • https://tinyurl.com/krp7amnf • Free • 4pm Th, 7/15. JUEGO DE DRAGONES Y MAZMORRAS PARA ADOLESCENTES Explora y juega “D&D” • SB Public Library • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/krp7amnf • 4pm jueves, 7/15.


Lecture by Dr. Allan Langdale • Architectural Fdn of SB • https://tinyurl.com/pmrcuw6d • $10/lecture, $80 series • 6:45pm Th, through 8/19. LA ARQUITECTURA DE LA INDIA Una serie de conferencias de verano a cargo del Dr. Allan Langdale • Architectural Fdn of SB • https://tinyurl.com/pmrcuw6d • $10/conferencia, $80 por todas • 6:45pm jueves, hasta el 8/19.


With T.J. Newman, author of Falling • Chaucer’s Books • Free • https://tinyurl.com/2k532fvc • 7pm Th, 7/15. CHAT VIRTUAL DE CHAUCER’S BOOKS Con T.J. Newman, autor de Falling • Chaucer’s Books • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/2k532fvc • 7pm jueves, 7/15.


Presented by Professor Rick Kennedy • SB Maritime Museum • Free • https://tinyurl.com/ ybhtne5b • 7pm Th, 7/15. LA EDUCACIÓN DE RICHARD HENRY DANA JR. EN SB Presentado por el profesor Rick Kennedy • SB Museo Marítimo • https://tinyurl.com/ybhtne5b • Gratis • 7pm jueves, 7/15.

MOVIES & THEATRE | CINE Y TEATRO CLUELESS Enjoy this classic film under the stars • UCSB Arts & Lectures at West Wind Drive-In, Goleta • Free • www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu • Gates open 7pm, film 8:30pm Th, 7/15. CLUELESS Disfruta de esta película clásica bajo las estrellas • UCSB Arts & Lectures en West Wind DriveIn, Goleta • Gratis • www.artsandlectures.ucsb. edu • Puertas abiertas a las 7pm, película a las 8:30pm el jueves, 7/15.

Enjoy a story and outdoor activities • SB Public Library • At Carpinteria Children’s Project • Free • 3:30-5pm Th, 7/15.

LIBRARY ON THE GO Visit the new Library on the Go van • SB Public Library • Harding School • Free • https://tinyurl.com/hbnn4ths • 3-5pm Tu, 7/13.

STORYWALK EN EL PARQUE Disfruta de una historia y actividades al aire libre • Biblioteca pública de SB • En Carpinteria Children’s Project • Gratis • 3:30-5pm jueves, 7/15.

BIBLIOTECA SOBRE LA MARCHA Visita la nueva camioneta de Biblioteca sobre la marcha • Biblioteca pública SB • Escuela Harding • https://tinyurl.com/hbnn4ths • Gratis • 3-5pm martes, 7/13.



GRUPO DE ADULTOS MAYORES ORGULLOSOS Para personas y aliados LGBTQ + mayores de 50 años • Pacific Pride Foundation • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/86s5ry5p • 12-1pm jueves.



WEDNESDAY GIRLS EMPOWERMENT CAMP A camp to support and inspire girls • Camps with Coaches, hosted at Leadbetter Beach • $35 • https://tinyurl.com/32xavf6s • 4-6pm We.

PROJECT FIESTA: A HISTORY OF OLD SPANISH DAYS OPENING Celebrate the opening of this historic exhibit • SB Historical Museum gallery and courtyard • Free-$15 • https://tinyurl.com/b4fw5nxd • 5:30pm We, 7/14.

Virtual Spanish presentation • Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program • Free • www.CentralCoastSeniors.org • 2pm We, 7/14.



BIBLIOTECA SOBRE LA MARCHA Visita la nueva van de Biblioteca sobre la marcha • Biblioteca pública de SB • Proyecto para niños de Carpinteria • https://tinyurl.com/5538sw8m • Gratis • 3:30-5:30pm miércoles, 7/14.


NOONTIME AT HOME Join Opera Santa Barbara for this free, weekly digital concert series at 12pm each Tuesday. Learn more and view at https://tinyurl.com/y76xkfdn

Wednesday • miércoles 7.14.21

LIBRARY ON THE GO Visit the new Library on the Go van • SB Public Library • Carpinteria Children’s Project • Free • https://tinyurl.com/5538sw8m • 3:30-5:30pm We, 7/14.

July 9, 2021

KIDS SALSA CLASSES Feeling anxious, fatigued, depressed, or just experiencing isolation challenges?

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For kids aged 6 to 10 • ME Sabor Dance Studio, Oak Park Stage, 600 W Junipero St. • Open enrollment https://tinyurl.com/ycljdnsx • 4-5pm Th. CLASES DE SALSA PARA NIÑOS Para niños de 6 a 10 años • ME Sabor Dance Studio, Oak Park Stage, 600 W Junipero St. • Inscripción abierta https://tinyurl.com/ycljdnsx • 4-5pm jueves.

LECTURES | MEETINGS | WORKSHOPS CONFERENCIAS | REUNIONES PROUD OLDER ADULT GROUP For LGBTQ+ folks and allies ages 50+ • Pacific Pride Foundation • Free • https://tinyurl.com/86s5ry5p • 12-1pm Th.

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Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Meet the mind behind the recently released thriller Falling: A Novel as Chaucer’s Books virtually hosts author T.J. Newman at 7pm Thursday, July 15th. A suspenseful, fast-paced story, Newman’s debut novel places its readers in an airplane piloted by a man who just learned his family has been kidnapped, and faces an impossible choice to save them. Attendance is free, visit https://tinyurl.com/2k532fvc.

Premier Sponsor:

’80s & ’90s #ThrowbackThursdays Movies Under the Stars in Your Cars

Conoce la mente detrás del thriller recientemente lanzado Falling: A Novel mientras Chaucer’s Books presenta virtualmente al autor T.J. Newman a las 7pm el jueves, 15 de julio. Una historia trepidante y de suspenso, la primera novela de Newman coloca a sus lectores en un avión pilotado por un hombre que acaba de enterarse de que su familia ha sido secuestrada y se enfrenta a una elección imposible para salvarlos. La asistencia es gratuita, visita https://tinyurl.com/2k532fvc.

July 8


Double Feature

Celebration of musicals past and future • Theatre Group at SBCC • $17-26 • https://tinyurl.com/2ryrp334 • 7:30pm Th, 7/15-7/18. ¡AQUÍ VAMOS DE NUEVO! UN ESPECTÁCULO MUSICAL Celebración de musicales pasados y futuros • Grupo de teatro en SBCC • $17-26 • https://tinyurl.com/2ryrp334 • 7:30pm jueves, 7/15-7/18.

OUTDOORS | AL AIRE LIBRE CARPINTERIA BIRDWATCHERS VIRTUAL MEETINGS Evening birdwatching classes • Free, all ages & ability levels. 4-5:15pm Thursdays via Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/y9rheypj REUNIONES VIRTUALES DE OBSERVADORES DE AVES DE CARPINTERIA Clases nocturnas de observación de aves • Gratis, todas las edades y niveles de habilidad. 4-5:15pm los jueves a través de Zoom: https://tinyurl.com/y9rheypj

July 15


Located on the 900 & 1000 blocks of State St between Carrillo and Figueroa Sts • 3 to 7:30pm Thursdays • https://tinyurl.com/yx9v4pmd MERCADO DEL STATE ST PROMENADE Ubicado en las cuadras 900 y 1000 de la Calle State entre las Calles Carrillo y Figueroa • 3 a 7:30pm los jueves • https://tinyurl.com/yx9v4pmd

Friday • viernes


DANCE | BAILE SUMMER INTENSIVE PERFORMANCE Presented by State Street Ballet • Center Stage Theater, SB • $11.50-23 • https://tinyurl.com/43ynaxhn • 6pm Fr, 7/16.

Photo courtesy of Chaucer’s Books

July 9, 2021

RENDIMIENTO INTENSIVO DE VERANO Presentado por State Street Ballet • Center Stage Theatre, SB • $11.50-23 • https://tinyurl.com/43ynaxhn • 6pm viernes, 7/16.

MOVIES & THEATRE | CINE Y TEATRO SHREK, THE MUSICAL, JR Enjoy this entertaining, modern fairytale • Rubicon Theatre Company • Villanova Preparatory, 12096 N. Ventura Ave, Ojai • $10-15 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm Fr, 7/16-7/18. SHREK, EL MUSICAL, JR. Disfruta de este cuento de hadas moderno y entretenido • Rubicon Theatre Company • Preparatoria Villanova, 12096 N. Ventura Ave, Ojai • $10-15 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm viernes, 7/16-7/18.

SPECIAL EVENTS | EVENTOS ESPECIALES LIBRARY ON THE GO Visit the new Library on the Go van • SB Public Library • San Roque Park • Free • https://tinyurl.com/3scsdkke • 10am-12pm Fr, 7/16. BIBLIOTECA SOBRE LA MARCHA Visita la nueva camioneta de Biblioteca sobre la marcha • Biblioteca pública SB • Parque San Roque • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/3scsdkke • 10am-12pm viernes, 7/16.

Saturday • sábado


MUSIC | MÚSICA MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS CONDUCTS BRAHMS Performance by Music Academy Chamber Orchestra • Granada Theatre, SB • $10-55 • https://tinyurl.com/ yrphwhhf • 7:30pm Sa, 7/17. MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS DIRIGE BRAHMS Presentación de la Orquesta de Cámara de Music Academy • Teatro Granada, SB • $10-55 • https://tinyurl.com/yrphwhhf • 7:30pm sábado, 7/17.

Thursdays at 8:30 PM West Wind Drive-in Gates open at 7 PM. First come, first served. Food trucks! Concessions! Entertainment! Presented in association with the City of Goleta, UCSB Athletics, Carpinteria Movies in the Park, Santa Barbara County Office of Arts & Culture and the UCSB Summer Culture and Community Grant Program

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Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021

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July 9, 2021

Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com


80 Years Strong and they’ve only just begun!

H A popular museum destination with over 100,000 visitors a year, SBMA will re-open August 15th for a Grand Re-Opening Community Day! Advanced reservations/ tickets are available to the public starting July 15th.

By Kerry Methner

The Museum, located at 1130 State Street in Santa Barbara, is open Tuesday to Sunday 11 to 5pm and Thursday, 11-8pm. Admission is $10/Adults/$6 Seniors (65+)/$6 Children (6-17). Free: Members, Active Military and Families, SBC students, SBC teachers (K-12) and Children under 6. Reach them at 805.963.4364 or visit: www.sbma.net


Barbara institution forward helmed the changes. “This was absolutely necessary. It was critical stuff that had to be taken care of, so I’m glad that we did it,” Feinberg noted. “The museum should be just fine and secure for the next 80 years.” Of course the excitement of the newly renewed setting hinges perhaps more on changes in curation style led by Eik Kahng, SBMA Deputy Director and Chief Curator than new plumbing. Kahng is the one responsible for the idea to hang Ludington Court Salon style and mix millenia and continents to create a virtual dialogue between the works. She also selected the works visitors will see as they ascend the new Candace Dauphinot Grand Staircase, all focusing on the human face from a number of ancient civilizations.

ermes, the god of communication, has returned to Santa Barbara’s temple of art. The god will be accepting visitations in the Museum’s Ludington Court when it opens after a major six year renovation on August 15th. Attended The Lansdowne Hermes, stands on a six foot pedestal in the new Ludington Court. Roman, first half of 2nd century CE. Marble. SBMA, Gift of Wright S. Ludington. by a cast of animals, masks, and vessels including preIt’s a“charming idea of remodel, the entire museum collection in a new light. Columbian Art from the them all speaking together. has been renewed, starting at We are grateful to SBMA’s Ancient Americas, to Greek I like the eclectic nature; the the bottom, moving through generous donors and the and Roman Antiquities, as diversity of the collection every floor and gallery Santa Barbara well as American becomes more apparent,” and ending at the roof community for and European Kahng related, pausing from which was raised a foot to their support paintings hung her work on the installation. accommodate an entire new of the Museum salon style and gallery. to make this African masks, In addition to the masks transformation the god will be and portraits Some of the possible. With backdropped by near the Grand highlights include rarely or nevera new rhythm of Staircase that preparatory space before-exhibited the old 1912 post leads up to the with appropriate works on view and office’s restored first space devoted ventilation, an revitalized spaces, arches, as they to contemporary enormous freight we will continue echo Roman and art, the new elevator with using SBMA’s art Larry J. Feinberg, Greek Temples. Contemporary doors that open SBMA Robert and and resources to Mercedes Eichholz Gallery, there is on each floor “We are thrilled Director and CEO transform and a small ornate of the museum once again to enrich the lives mirror that plays to allow ease of open our historic of people in our We are thrilled an integral role in art placement; main entrance community and once again to Eik Kahng, SBMA the Faces portion new plumbing, on State Street beyond.” open our historic Deputy Director and of the installation. including four Chief Curator and welcome the main entrance The Museum, Kahng revealed, new bathrooms, community into on State Street a major economic [It’s a ] charming “I’m really happy new electrical a re-envisioned and welcome the driver for tourism idea of them with my mirror with all L.E.D. SBMA,” said community into and culture in all speaaking because I love how lighting, new Larry J. Feinberg, a re-envisioned Santa Barbara it really reflects HVAC that together. I like the SBMA Robert and SBMA. with 100,000 plus another portrait will keep air eclectic nature; Mercedes Eichholz visitors during a – Larry J. Feinberg on the opposite conditions at the diversity of Director and non-COVID-19 wall, which is optimal standards the collection CEO. “We can’t year, invested $50 sort of just a nice for the priceless becomes more wait to share old plus million to little metaphor artifacts to be on apparent. favorites from the collection turn its older facility into for painting as a displayed. after years in storage and – Eik Kahng a seismically retrofitted, mirror. Then also, to present new exhibitions state-of-the-art institution to Feinberg, with the mirror is used and installations that will house its 25,000 art objects. an attitude of in self-portraiture.” help visitors understand the In much more than a simple moving this major Santa


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021


80 Years Strong, Strong,


A Baule Mask, Côte d’Ivoire hangs near the grand staircase. 19th-20th century. Wood, pigment. SBMA, Anonymous Gift.

The transformation of Ludington court’s architecture, the “most

transformed gallery in the entire place,” according to Feinberg, lends a sense of

Untitled (Butterfly video wall #1), 1998 by Diana Thater. Flat panel monitors, DVD player, synchronizer and orange gels. SBMA, Museum purchase, the Suzette Morton Davidson Art Acquisition Endowment Fund. ©Diana Thater

light and soaring space to the entire building. Feinberg continued, “By opening this up here you can look all the way up to the skylights of the contemporary art gallery...that is completely new. This will allow us to have up more artwork than the museum has ever had up at one time from our permanent collection,” he noted. It also “Adds a new dynamic quality to the space. We have a soaring quality to the space... before it was all kind of broken up.” Adding to the new height and openness are beautiful oak and limestone floors. The extensive renovation has left its mark in other galleries as well. In the Von Romberg Gallery and Emmons Gallery visitors will discover FIRE, METAL, MONUMENT: BRONZE, an exhibition that explores the bronze medium across millennia and organized by SBMA Curator of Contemporary Art James Glisson.

There is new, State-of-the-Art Painting storage

The Preston Morton Gallery will feature highlights of American art from the permanent collection

through a selection of 26 paintings and sculptures that tell the story of major achievements of American art from the first half of the last century—from the urban Realism of Robert Henri and the Ashcan School to the Symbolist inflected landscapes of Arthur Davies or Marsden Hartley, to the daring abstraction of Stuart Davis or Arthur Dove. The exhibition also emphasizes artists who have been critically overlooked in the past, including sculptors Malvina Hoffman and Alice Carr de Creeft, African American and pioneering queer artist Richmond Barthé, and the Japaneseborn artist Yasuo Kuniyoshi.

Oil vessel (lekythos), Greek (Attic).

Attributed to the Haimon Painter. About 490 BCE. Ceramic. SBMA, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Nelson.

In Ridley-Tree Gallery, a refreshed installation from the permanent collection highlights the dialogue between European and American art through a selection of 43 works of art from 1755 to 1947. The new SBMA Works on Paper Study Center will offer visitors a behind-thescenes view into the process of researching and caring for the collection. The Study

Della Shull, American, Self Portrait, 1914. Oil on canvas. Anonymous Donor.

July 9, 2021


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

videos of yellow-flowering plants by the Taiwanese artist Wu Chi-Tsung.

installation will feature a shining Center, located in the Davidson and mirrored orb by Anish Kapoor, a Colefax Galleries, will allow curatorial neon piece by Laddie John Dill, Tony staff to begin the long-awaited process de Los Reyes’s 1851 (#3) (2011), of cataloguing, photographing, and a green and black acrylic lens by digitizing over 20,000 works on paper Frederick Eversley, and paintings by that have been in off-site storage for likes of Kori Newkirk, Dorothy Hood, several years. This project will vastly Helen Frankenthaler, and Roger expand SBMA’s online collections, Shimomura, making it easier to among others. learn more about the Museum’s SBMA will present Through Vincent’s Also on the world-class Eyes: Van Gogh and His Sources second floor, collection. Facing Forward: from February 27 to May 22, 2022. Portraits from The Center’s The exhibition will explore the the Collection, first installation visual imagination of Van Gogh, organized by will feature one of the most beloved artists SBMA Curator watercolors by of Photography Picasso emulator in the world, by placing his works and New Media Eugene Berman, in dialogue alongside some 90 Charles Wylie, lithographs by objects that reflect his surprisingly will present 25 Pop artist James works drawn Rosenquist, and varied interests. from SBMA’s color prints by renowned Los Angeles collection of photographs. Featuring photographer Karen Halverson, works by Kwame Brathwaite, Manuel among others. Álvarez Bravo, Genevieve Gaignard, The staircase and elevator access and Tseng Kwong Chi, among others, lead to the Contemporary Art the installation will provide a look at Gallery. Skylit and suffused with soft how the human face has remained sunlight, this new gallery’s inaugural a timeless and fascinating subject for modern and contemporary photographers. A separate exhibition will be dedicated to photographer Inge Morath, one of the few women photographers to establish a career in the early 1950s as a member of the renowned Magnum Agency in Paris.

Seated Luohan, China, Song-Yuan dynasty, 13th century. Wood, gesso, and polychrome. SBMA, Gift of Ina T. Campbell.

The adjacent Ala Story Gallery will be devoted to new media. Its inaugural installation, Mediated Nature, will showcase video works from SBMA’s growing collection that explore how the contemporary experience of nature has been shaped and influenced by current media technologies. Works on view will include Diana Thater’s 2008 Untitled (Butterfly video wall #1); a digitally-derived still life painting and landscape-inspired videos by Petra Cortright, and two newly acquired

Visitors interested in contemporary art will have additional opportunities for engagement in the new Gail Wasserman and Family Gallery, which leads to the newly renovated historic McCormick Gallery. These galleries will showcase In the Meanwhile… Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary Art Part II, which features paintings and sculptures added to the Museum’s collection by former SBMA curator Julie Joyce during the course of the renovation. While Southern Californian artists feature heavily, including Charles Garabedian, Noah Davis, Sterling Ruby, The new Candace Dauphinot Grand Staircase Jack Goldstein, Peter add a national and global perspective, Halley, Zack Harris, including Mustafa Hulusi, Jeni Spota, Jim Isermann, Edward Kienholz, Cheryl Pope, Jane Wilbraham, Wim Daniel Douke, Brad Eberhard, Delvoye, Kees Goudzwaard, Nigel Raffi Kalenderian, Robert Therrien, Cooke, and Vernon Fisher. n Frederick Hammersley, and Eamon Ore-Giron, there are also artists who

All new plumbing, heating, and electrical as well as earthquake retrofitting

The new freight elevator opens on every gallery level

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Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021

Imagination is the Limit at The Crafter’s Library


Photo by Max Abrams

nviting locals to discover their inner artist, The Crafter’s Library presents a world of opportunities to anyone who wanders through its doors. Located in the heart of downtown, Santa Barbara’s La Arcada Plaza, its shelves of materials and expansive collection of top-ofthe line crafting machines create a co-working environment that can accommodate almost any project. Adding to this welcoming atmosphere are a variety of engaging crafting classes, making The Crafter’s Library the perfect space to explore creativity. “I’m really hoping that communities will organically form in here. Nothing makes me happier than seeing people bond over their love of crafts,” shared founder Andrew Rawls. “That’s what I really hope people take out of this space, that they come in, create that community and meet new friends and become social again after a year and a half of isolation.” Originally from Los Angeles, Rawls first explored Santa Barbara as a UCSB student. Following graduation, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he operated his own luxury tour company. In 2019, he decided to live abroad on U.S. Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, and served Andrew Rawls as the youth director for the base’s teen center. It was there that Rawls discovered his love of crafting, increasingly spending his free time crafting with friends due to his being a gay man amidst a conservative island community. He learned to sew and make macrame wall hangings, enjoying the cathartic nature of focusing solely on creating something. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Rawls carried this newfound passion with him, eventually realizing that sharing it with others could be the basis of his next business. He knew that Santa Barbara would be the ideal location.

“It’s the perfect town for it. It’s the right size; it’s the right demographics; it’s such a crafty community already,” explained Rawls, pointing to the weekly arts and crafts shows on Cabrillo Boulevard, State Street, and Paseo Nuevo. Upon entering The Crafter’s Library, visitors are greeted with a collection of crafting machines that meet a range of needs, including sewing, laser etching and engraving, woodcarving, and 3D printing. Simpler tools like looms, crochet hooks, and knitting needles are also available, with access to all provided with a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual membership pass. Visitors can bring their own supplies to use, although materials such as yarn, canvases, and glasses are available for purchase. There is also an inventory of finished goods, including items created by Crafter’s Library members, with 80 percent of sales price going to the creator. “The goal for that was to get local makers in front of more people, and a way for people to buy from true, local Santa Barbarians,” said Rawls. “Sort of like an in-person Etsy, only a little bit better because the terms are more favorable for the makers.” Beyond its co-working space, The Crafter’s Library offers a series of classes, with topics ranging from introductory courses on sewing and using crafting machines, to specific projects or children’s classes. Some classes are taught by local artists, and private, one-on-one lessons with staff are also available. The space can be rented out for private events as well. Ultimately, through its welcoming environment and classes, Rawls hopes that his business will make a positive impact on individuals and the overall community. “This is a safe space for people to be who they are and leave the outside world behind, and just enjoy the art of making something,” shared Rawls. www.thecrafterslibrary.com

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July 9, 2021

At the Center of Santa Barbara’s Cultural Conversation | www.VoiceSB.com


At the end of the day, spectacular fireworks

The Condor Squadron in flying formation honoring Indepence Day

Never was there a more responsive and appreciative crowd than those gathered to remember the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedoms and country. The Independence Day 2021 gathering was organized by the Pierre Clayessens Veterans Foundation and took place at the Santa Barbara Cemetary.

At the end of the day, spectacular fireworks

Welcoming the enthustiac and participating audience is PCVF Founder LT. John Blankenship, USN (Former) and USN Captain Ben Short, (Ret)

Among the Pierre Clayssens Veterans Foundation Event Independence Day Celebration Sponsors are Deborah Hearst with Hazel Blankenship, Gerd and Pete Jordano

Awaiting the Condor Squadron are Keynote Speaker Navy Captain Charlie Plumb USNR (Ret) and Colonel Rob Long, UNSF Commander, Space Launch Delta 30

See more Photos by Priscilla, ©2021. Contact her at priscilla@santabarbaraseen.com • (805) 969-3301

US ARMY Captain Joe Danley, (Former); Merchant Marine 94 year old LT. Don Seth (Ret) saluting to Service Medley; and USAF Colonel Phil Conlon (Ret) wearer of Air Force Cross


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com



July 9, 2021


By Sigrid Toye, Special to VOICE

APPY BELATED JULY 4TH INDEPENDENCE DAY! Hope everyone had a glorious four day weekend enjoying this mild summer weather. I wish I could report on the yearly celebratory fireworks display from the docks of our picturesque Santa Barbara harbor, but the truth is that I couldn’t even get close to the beach, much less Marina One or the Yacht Club deck. Appreciative fireworks celebrants flooded the parking lots and walked miles to partake in the fun with chairs, tents, blankets and coolers all along the waterfront’s East Beach. However, from the knoll overlooking Butterfly Beach just a short hop to the south with a sparkling view of the nighttime coastline in the background, both the glory of the fireworks and the rockets red glare (and noise) could be seen from there too. And what a spectacular sight the 2021 fireworks display was! Not to take the Lot Full sign as a final answer, my trip to the harbor on Saturday, the day before, was no less busy. However, with some luck, I scored a parking spot the instant someone backed out. Ha! And things were indeed rockin’ with tons of visitors enjoying the beautiful day and noshing at all the eateries along the walkway. The beach in front of the Yacht Club looked like Atlantic City and the shops were also enjoying a brisk business. As I wandered about, I saw that the Saturday Fish Market, located on the main dock, wasn’t interested in taking the holiday weekend off. Why not take this opportunity to stop by for a visit? The fish market, much like the fictional village of Brigadoon, appears (and disappears) on Saturday once a week to sell their fresh catch to the general public. Informed consumers can be seen toting their bags to take home fresh fish at prices not found in other markets city-wide. Saturday’s selections included sea bass, halibut, rock fish and live crabs, and sea Ray Kennedy urchins. I squeezed into a quick empty spot in the “Fish Family Robinson’s” booth and had the good fortune to run into well known lobster fisherman, Ray Kennedy. “This isn’t my booth... I’m babysitting for

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friends,” he chuckled, “they’ve gone for ice.” Not knowing much about lobsters, I inquired why none were available on the dock today. “They get a vacation, same as us... even longer,” Kennedy laughed, “from October to March.” I learned that catching lobster is an ideal and sustainable business: after the catching season ends, the breading season begins. Six months hiatus allows for a plentiful supply of lobster while keeping the ecosystem completely intact. Kennedy explained that the majority of the lobster catch is sent internationally, but the global pandemic of the last 15 months and the political climate was not trade friendly. During our California COVID shut down, the retail business was definitely going strong as ice was plentiful and people were preparing meals at home. I can’t think of how many times I walked by the fish market on a Saturday morning. Fortunately for me, the day before the big Independence Day celebration with the beaches, harbor, and the entire city crowded with escapees from their house-bound confinement, this turned out to be my lucky day. For exceptional sea food, don’t forget to stop by on Saturday mornings from 7:30 to 11am on the harbor’s main dock. On another weekend, trust me, you’ll definitely find a parking spot! Sigrid Toye volunteers for the Breakwater Flag Project. She is on the board of directors of the Maritime Museum and participates in Yacht Club activities. An educational/behavior therapist, Sigrid holds a Ph.D in clinical psychology. She loves all things creative, including her two grown children who are working artists. Send Harbor tips to: Itssigrid@gmail.com

July 9, 2021


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Palminteri’s Community VOICE John Palminteri

What’s Been Happening? Broken Limb

July 4th Clean Up At dawn on Monday, Santa Barbara Parks, Waterfront, and Public Works crews were picking up the 4th of July leftovers. Even with a massive crowd, the area was not decimated and the public hauled out a lot of trash. Also, the debris from the aerial fireworks was located and picked up. The sand was clean by mid morning. Great effort by all!

Fireworks The 4th of July fireworks at the Santa Barbara waterfront drew thousands and was a 20-minute spectacular show. Clear skies. Great viewing. A lot of cheers. No problems.

4th of July spirit in Montecito.

British musician and legendary sound engineer ALAN PARSONS has been awarded an OBE at the annual Queen’s Birthday Honours for his work in the arts. The Honour of OBE stands for “Officer of the Order of the British Empire.” He recently had a reception at his scenic Goleta ranch. Alan has worked with numerous musicians including the Beatles (Abbey Road), Pink Floyd (Dark Side of the Moon), Wings, Ambrosia, Al Stewart, the Hollies, and brought us the Alan Parsons Project. He graciously thanked those attending, and said “...to the Queen!” followed by, “...and now we drink!” Alan will receive his special award in person soon.

Photo by Priscilla, © 2021 SantaBarbaraSeen.com

July 4th - Montecito

Photo by Priscilla, © 2021 SantaBarbaraSeen.com

WINDY EVENING snaps a tree branch on Bath St. (near Carrillo St.) hitting a parked Jeep Patriot and closing the sidewalk. Santa Barbara Public Works 24/7 crew on it.

AP’s Manager Billy O’Connell with Lisa and Alan Parsons

Photos by John Palminteri • www.facebook.com/john.palminteri.5 • Twitter @JohnPalminteri • Instagram @JohnPalminteriNews


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com


July 9, 2021

July 9, 2021



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Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021

A Better Jobs Report By Harlan Green / Special to VOICE


e should be wishing everyone a Happy July Fourth, with the Bureau of Labor Department’s June unemployment report. All those that want work are returning, with 850,000 new nonfarm payroll jobs added to the labor force.

Even better news is wages are rising where most needed, in the lower paying service sector. The June jobs report showed a 2.3 percent month-over-month increase in average hourly earnings in the leisure and hospitality industry. Overall average earnings rose 0.3 percent last month. “Job gains should pick up in coming months as vaccinations rise, easing some of the pandemic-related factors currently weighing them down,” Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told Congress on June 22nd. There is a ways to go, however, to return to the full employment experienced before COVID-19, said the BLS: “Both the unemployment rate, at 5.9 percent, and the number of unemployed persons, at 9.5 million, were little changed in June. These measures are down considerably from their recent highs in April 2020 but remain well above their levels prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (3.5 percent and 5.7 million, respectively, in February 2020).” The separate Household Survey reported the number of persons employed part time for economic reasons decreased by 644,000 to 4.6 million in June. This decline reflected a drop in the number of persons whose hours were cut due to slack work or business conditions. And the number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job was 6.4 million, little changed over the month, but up by 1.4 million since February 2020. These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the last four weeks or were unavailable to take a job. This can give us an idea of the huge size of our labor force, with more than five million jobs created each month, and nine million jobs waiting to be filled, due to the

Marketwatch: https://tinyurl.com/2wj8m4yh


sudden surge in economic activity. It is a reminder that we were at full employment in February 2020. In fact, 6.2 million persons reported in June that they had been unable to work because their employer closed or lost business due to the pandemic—that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer hours at some point in the last four weeks due to the pandemic. Reuters reports, “the underlying theme in the labor market outlook will continue to be that the jobs recovery is being held back by a shortage of willing workers rather than lack of employer demand. The “jobs-plentiful” index in Tuesday’s consumer confidence report from the Conference Board surged to a 21-year high. In yesterday’s (July 2, 2021) NFIB small business jobs report, 46 percent of firms on a net basis reported that they had vacancies they were unable to fill.” Well, as President Biden said in a recent aside to reporters: “Pay them more!” We might be returning to a time when the pay gap between high-school and collegeeducated workers was much less. It has happened before, so a Happy Fourth and better times ahead, maybe. Harlan Green © 2021 Follow Harlan Green on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarlanGreen Harlan Green has been the 16-year Editor-Publisher of PopularEconomics.com, a weekly syndicated financial wire service. He writes a Popular Economics Weekly Blog. He is an economic forecaster and teacher of real estate finance with 30-years experience as a banker and mortgage broker. To reach Harlan call (805)452-7696 or email editor@populareconomics.com.

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July 9, 2021


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Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

July 9, 2021

Art Matters

Fireworks and Art for the Fourth of July

Photo by Edward Goldman Photo by Edward Goldman

Installation view of Lia Halloran exhibition at Luis De Jesus Gallery

Photo by Edward Goldman

Visiting studio of Lia Halloran

Visiting studio of Laurie Raskin

Photo by Edward Goldman

Another exhibition that has explosive energy, matching the sparks of the 4th of July, is the current exhibition by Naotaka Hiro (b. 1972) at The Box Gallery in downtown LA. It was my first interaction with the work by this Japanese artist born in Osaka, who now lives in Los Angeles. His monumental in scale paintings on plywood panels are displayed in an unusual way, not on the walls, but on free-standing wood structures circling the gallery. Even before I read the artist’s statement about his work, I felt a sense of drama and tension permeating from his paintings. Hiro says, “During the quarantine, I was affected not only by physical illness, but also by the external chaos surrounding the election, the storming of the Capitol, and the increase in the number of hate crimes against Asians...The impact was so strong, I couldn’t reject the horrendous feeling, it naturally slid into my work.” What I particularly appreciate about Hiro’s exhibition is the fact that he is not complaining but transforming his personal pain and frustration into a powerful artistic message. The exhibition runs through July 24, 2021.

Now my friends, brace yourselves for a “sublime cosmic phenomenon” of the exhibition by maverick, Los Angeles artist, Lia Halloran (b. 1977) at Luis De Jesus Gallery. The exhibition title, The Sun Burns My Eyes Like Moons, refers to photographs Halloran took during the total solar eclipse in 2017. This body of work is her homage to the sun. Halloran’s large-scale cyanotypes are produced through exposure to the sun. Each cyanotype panel is a unique positive imprint that occurs by placing translucent paper under the sun that acts like negative film absorbing light. Saturated with blues, black and pops of color, Halloran’s painting “evokes the overwhelming grandeur and luminosity of the sun.” The exhibition runs through August 14, 2021. A few months ago, in the midst of the pandemic, I had the pleasure of visiting Lia Halloran’s studio where I experienced these works in progress. Of course, no hugs, no kisses were allowed, just masks and safe distance. But, let me tell you, looking closely at her paintings, I felt that I was diving deep into the cosmos communicating with stars, gods, and muses.

Installation views of Ai Weiwei: Trace at Skirball Cultural Center

Photo by Edward Goldman

’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT WHAT MIGHT BE THE BEST ART ADVENTURE for all of us to explore to extend this past holiday weekend. Here are my choices... Let’s start with a very unconventional exhibition by Chinese dissident artist, Ai Weiwei at the Skirball Cultural Center. On the floor of the main gallery, there are 83 portraits of activists and prisoners of conscience, all of them hand-assembled from thousands of LEGO® bricks. These portraits, created in 2014 when Ai Weiwei was under house arrest, were originally exhibited as a site-specific installation at the former Alcatraz prison in San Francisco. I still feel guilty not seeing this San Francisco exhibition, but two years ago we Angelenos were lucky to have had three simultaneous exhibitions by Ai Weiwei—at Maricano Art Foundation, at Jeffrey Deitch Gallery, and the UTA Artist Space. Now, you definitely don’t want to miss his powerful, political, and artistic message sprawling through the Skirball Cultural Center’s main gallery where Ai Weiwei is literally staring at you. The exhibition runs through August 1, 2021.

Installation view of Naotaka Hiro exhibition at The Box Gallery

Photo by Edward Goldman


By Edward Goldman, ART Matters

Installation view of Naotaka Hiro exhibition at The Box Gallery No matter how familiar you might be with an artist’s work, visiting their studio is the ultimate experience of Edward Goldman was understanding and appreciation of their work. Last art critic and host of “Art weekend, with a couple of friends, I went to see Los Talk,” a weekly program Angeles artist, Laurie Raskin, who showed us her latest which aired prime-time paintings in her studio. Brimming with color and Tuesday evenings during energy, Raskin’s paintings echo geometric compositions All Things Considered on by Matisse. The pleasure of seeing her art made me LA’s largest NPR affiliate, think about resuming my Fine Art of Art Collecting KCRW 89.9 FM, for more than 30 years. Along the way, he classes where I share with class participants the joy of also contributed weekly art reports to the Huffington Post experiencing art in real time and real place. and developed a strong digital following. Here you can learn about these Art Classes (www.edwardgoldman.com/fine-art-of-art-collectingclass). So, let me know if you are interested in being Discover more Art Matters Columns at part of this journey... www.edwardgoldman.com

July 9, 2021


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Facing Ourselves: Reckoning by Patricia Houghton Clarke


elebrate the book launch of Facing Ourselves: Reckoning by Patricia Houghton Clarke from 3 to 5pm Saturday, July 17th at Patricia Clarke Studio, 410 Palm Ave. A18, Carpinteria. Featuring photographs of small central California coastal communities, this collection examines current challenges our society faces, and how we may address them together and as individuals. All net proceeds will benefit the ACLU. Learn more at www.facingourselves.org/reckoning

Facing Ourselves: Reckoning de Patricia Houghton Clarke

Photo by Patricia Houghton Clarke


elebra el lanzamiento del libro Facing Ourselves: Reckoning de Patricia Houghton Clarke de 3 a 5pm el sábado, 17 de julio en el Estudio de Patricia Clarke, 410 Palm Ave. A18, Carpinteria. Con fotografías de pequeñas comunidades costeras del centro de California, esta colección examina los desafíos actuales que enfrenta nuestra sociedad y cómo podemos abordarlos juntos y como individuos. Todos los ingresos netos beneficiarán a la ACLU.

Para más información visita www.facingourselves.org/reckoning Incalculable Loos by Patricia Houghton Clarke

Lost in Time by Patricia Houghton Clarke

An Exhibition of Original Paintings by

Ray Hunter - Ann Sanders


Ray Hunter “Reflections of Goleta” 9 x 12 Watercolor

Ray Hunter “Santa Barbara Harbor” 12x12 Watercolor

Ray Hunter “Discovery” 12 x 16 Watercolor

Ray Hunter “Harbor View” 12 x 20 Watercolor

Artist Reception

June 12th 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Masks Required www.waterhousegallery.com/events

Ann Sanders “East Beach” 12 x 16 Pastel

Ann Sanders “Gaviota Coast” 12 x 16 Pastel


Ann Sanders “The Point” 12 x 16 Pastel

Ann Sanders “Beach Cliffs” 12 x16 Pastel

Waterhouse Gallery

1114 State Street at Figueroa, Santa Barbara 805-962-8885

email: art@waterhousegallery.com


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

Art | Arte

July 9, 2021

GALLERIES • STUDIOS • MUSEUMS • PUBLIC PLACES CORRIDAN GALLERY: Landscapes and Seascapes by Karen Fedderson • 125 N Milpas • 805-966-7939 • www.corridan-gallery.com

Original woodblock prints and mosaic commissions by

Patti Jacquemain

CYPRESS GALLERY: Color Connections! by Chris Jeszeck ~ Jul 25 • 119 E Cypress Av, Lompoc • Sat & Sun 1-4 & By Appt • 805-737-1129 • www.lompocart.org DISTINCTIVE FRAMING N’ ART: 1333 State St • Mon-Fri 10-5:30; Sat 10-4:30 • 805-882-2108 • www.distinctiveframingnart.com

Jessika Cardinahl www.missioncreek.com (805) 682-6724

www.JCardinahlPrints.com Jcardinahl on Instagram JessikaCardinahl@gmail.com

10 WEST GALLERY: Summer Solstice BELLA ROSA GALLERIES: 1103-A State St 7/6/2021 10:35:59 AM Exhibit ~ Jul 18 • 10 W Anapamu • 11-5 daily • 805-966-1707 • Thu-Sun 11-5 • 805-770-7711 • www.10westgallery.com CASA DE LA GUERRA • 805-965-0093

VOICE Magazine 7-6-21.indd 1

ARCHITECTURAL FDN GALLERY: 229 E Victoria • 805-965-6307 • www.afsb.org ART, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE MUSEUM, UCSB: On-line: Outside In: The Architecture of Smith and Williams; & more • 805-893-2951 • www.museum.ucsb.edu ART FROM SCRAP GALLERY: www.exploreecology.org/art-from-scrap ATKINSON GALLERY @ SBCC: Fight for Liberation (augmented reality) http://gallery.sbcc.edu • Maxwell Winslow Overlook adjacent to the Humanities Building’s East Campus • AR link: https://adobeaero.app.link/HIBtng54Bgb

CASA DOLORES: Splendors of “The Tree of Life” / Esplendores de “El Árbol de la Vida” ~ Sept 18 • 1023 Bath Str • www.casadolores.org CHANNING PEAKE GALLERY: 805-568-3994 CLAY STUDIO GALLERY: Selections from the Don Reitz Collection • 805-565-CLAY • By appt • www.claystudiosb.org • 1351 Holiday Hill Rd, Goleta COLETTE COSENTINO ATELIER + GALLERY: 11 W Anapamu • By Appt • 805-570-9863

ELIZABETH GORDON GALLERY: 15 W Gutierrez St • 805-963-1157 • www.elizabethgordongallery.com San Ysidro Ranch Hotel Spa Mural


CASS ENSBERG A. Michael Marzolla

Contemporary Art / Excogitation Services



Art & Architecture


KATHRYNE DESIGNS: 1225 Coast Village Rd, A • M-Sa 10-5; Su 11-5 • 805-565-4700

Jessika Cardinahl

MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART SB: Shana Moulton: The Invisible Seventh is the Mystic Column ~ Jul 31 • 653 Paseo Nuevo • www.mcasantabarbara.org Jessika Cardinahl

LA CUMBRE CENTER FOR CREATIVE www.JCardinahlPrints.com www.JCardinahlPrints.com ARTS: La Cumbre Plaza • Wed-Sun 1-6 www.JCardinahlPrints.com www.sbthp.org/presidio Jcardinahl on Instagram MUSEUM OF SENSORY & MOVEMENT Jcardinahl on Instagram Jcardinahl on Instagram • lacumbrecenterforcreativearts@gmail.com EXPERIENCES: La Cumbre Plaza, 120 S JessikaCardinahl@gmail.com JessikaCardinahl@gmail.com JessikaCardinahl@gmail.com ELVERHØJ MUSEUM • Legacy of Hope Av #F119 • www.seehearmove.com LINDEN STUDIO AND GALLERY: Schock, Decency: Rembrandt, Jews and Snyder, Sparks, and Speirs • By appt • Danes • 805-686-1211 •11-5 Fri-Mon & PALM LOFT GALLERY: Expressions of 963 Linden Av, Carpinteria • 805-570-9195 appts 10-11 Fri-Mon • www.elverhoj.org Love (virtual) • 410 Palm Av, Loft A1, Carp • By Appt • 805-684-9700 • LYNDA FAIRLY CARPINTERIA ARTS GALLERY 113: SB Art Assn • 1114 State www.Palmloft.com CENTER: Human Forms ~ Aug 22 • 12-4 St, #8, La Arcada Ct • 805-965-6611 • Fr-Su • 865 Linden Av • 805-684-7789 • 2-5 daily • www.gallery113sb.com PEREGRINE GALLERIES: 1133 Coast www.carpinteriaartscenter.org Village Rd • 805-969-9673 GALLERY LOS OLIVOS: Inside/Outside: MARCIA BURTT STUDIO: Variations ~ by Renee Kelleher & Jim Tyler ~ Jul 31 PORTICO GALLERY: Notable CA & Aug 22 • Online: Overcast & Clearing • 2920 Grand Ave, LO • Thur-Mo 10-5 • national artists • Open Daily • 1235 • 517 Laguna St • Th-Su 1-5 • 805-962www.gallerylosolivos.com Coast Village Rd • 805-729-8454 • 5588 • www.artlacuna.com • 805-688-7517 www.porticofinearts.com GANNA WALSKA LOTUSLAND: We-Sa & 3rd Sun • Reservations 805.969.9990 • www.lotusland.org

MICHAELKATE INTERIORS & ART GALLERY: Contemporary Art & Design • 132 Santa Barbara St • Tu-Sat 10-6 • 805-963-1411

GITLER &_____ will occupy Grayspace and Gone Gallery • exhibits are open & an artist reception planned for Jul 17, 5-8pm • 219 Gray Av • Wed-Sun 12-7; by appt • 805-689-0858 • www.grayspaceart.com

MOXI, THE WOLF MUSEUM: Exploration + Innovation • Thur-Sun 10-5 • 805-7705000 • 125 State St, SB • www.moxi.org

GOLETA VALLEY ART ASSOCIATION: Spring, Sprang, Sprung ~ July • www.thegoletavalleyartassociation.org HOSPICE OF SB, LEIGH BLOCK GALLERY: 2050 Alameda Padre Serra, #100 • Mo-Fr 9-5, By Appt • 805-563-8820 INSPIRATION GALLERY OF FINE ART: 1528 State St • Weekdays • 805-962-6444

SANTA BARBARA ART WORKS: Artists with Disabilities • 805-260-6705 • www.sbartworks.org SANTA BARBARA ARTS: Local artists • Thurs-Sun 11-5 • 805-884-1938 SANTA BARBARA FINE ART: John Comer: This Sacred Land ~ Sep 1 • 1321 State St • Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat 12-5; Sun 12-4 • 805-845-4270 • www.santabarbarafineart.com

MARCIA BURT T Marcia Burtt Gallery 517 Laguna St., Santa Barbara 805 962-5588 www.artlacuna.com

JAMES MAIN FINE ART: 19th & 20th Cent American & European Fine art & antiques • 27 E De La Guerra St • Tu-Sa 12-5 • Appts Suggested • 805-962-8347 JARDIN DE LAS GRANADAS: re[visit] 1925 by Cochran & Smith • 21 E Anapamu St. JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER SB • 805-957-1115

Susan Belloni

805-691-9771 • www.susanbelloni.com

See my show this summer at Global Eye Shop in Los Olivos, CA

Kerry Methner www.TheTouchofStone.com


KARPELES MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY & MUSEUM: 21 W Anapamu St • We-Su 12-4 • 805-962-5322 • www.karpeles.com

Judith Villa La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts Illuminations Gallery La Cumbre PLaza

July 9, 2021

SB MUSEUM OF ART: Small-Format American Paintings from the Permanent Collection • Tu – Su, 11 –5; Thu, 11-8 • www.sbma.net • 805-963-4364 SB MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: Museum and THE SEA CENTER are now open Wed-Sun 10-5, RSVP required • www.sbnature.org • 805-682-4711 SANTA BARBARA VISUAL ARTISTS: Summer Virtual Exhibition ~ Aug 10 • www.sbvisualartists.com

Anne White SILO Roe 118: www.silo118.com photography

Roe Anne White photography

Padaro Lane 9 www.roeannewhite.com roeannewhite.com

SANTAJuly BARBARA TENNIS CLUB: The New Cannibals: Works by 8 Mixed Media Artists ~ Sep 1 • 10-2 daily • 2375 Foothill Rd • 805-682-4722 SB BOTANIC GARDEN: 10-5 daily • 805-682-4726 • www.sbbg.org SB HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Project Fiesta! Queen on the Hill, Edward Borein, Henry Ford Chapman • The Story of SB • 136 E De la Guerra • Thur noon-5, Fri noon-7; Sat 12-5 • 805-966-1601 • www.sbhistorical.org SB MARITIME MUSEUM: Heritage, Craft & Evolution: Surfboard Design 1885 - 1959 ~ Oct 30 • Love Letters to the Sea, History of Oil in the Santa Barbara Channel • 113 Harbor Way, Ste 190 • Thurs-Sun 10-5 • www.SBMM.org • 805-962-8404


Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com

SLINGSHOT: AN ALPHA ART FORUM • www.slingshotart.org • 805-770-3878.

Loon Point 152

VILLAGE FRAME & GALLERY: 1485 E Valley Rd #1 • 805-969-0524 VITA ART CENTER: John Nava - David Kassan: Elegies; Frank Masserella ~ Aug 14 • 28 West Main St, Ventura • WATERHOUSE GALLERY: Notable CA and National Artists • La Arcada Ct, 1114 State St, #9 • 11-5 Mon-Sat, 12-4 Sun • 805-962-8885 • www.waterhousegallery.com

availableANTIQUES 48” x 10.5” SOLVANG FINE or ARTsmaller GALLERY: Contemporary & Vintage Art • 1693 Copenhagen Dr • 805-686-2322 • www.roeannewhite.com www.solvangantiques.com roeannewhite.com SULLIVAN GOSS: AN AMERICAN August GALLERY: Organic ~ Aug 23; Robin Gowen: Sight Lines ~ Jul 26; Summer Salon ~ Jul 26 • 11 E Anapamu St • 805-730-1460 • www.sullivangoss.com

See your work here!

THOMAS REYNOLDS GALLERY: The Art of California • Thur-Sat 12-5 & By Appt • www.thomasreynolds.com UCSB LIBRARY: Immeasurable Loss ~ online • www.library.ucsb.edu

Art Events | Eventos de arte

SB ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW! • 10am to 6pm on Sundays and some holiday Saturdays from Stearns Wharf and east along Cabrillo Blvd. • (805) 897-2519 • https://tinyurl.com/4vt6j5ex

¡LA EXHIBICIÓN DE ARTES Y MANUALIDADES DE SB! • 10am hasta las 6pm los domingos y algunos sábados festivos desde Stearns Wharf y hacia el este a lo largo de Cabrillo Blvd. • (805) 897-2519 • https://tinyurl.com/4vt6j5ex ART MEETS SCIENCE ONLINE WORKSHOP • Learn about butterflies and create wax resist watercolor art • SB Museum of Natural History • $20-30 • https://tinyurl.com/jz7k9nsd • 11am Sa, 7/10. TALLER EN LÍNEA: EL ARTE SE ENCUENTRA CON LA CIENCIA • Aprenda sobre las mariposas y crea arte de acuarela resistente a la cera • SB Museum of Natural History • $20-30 • https://tinyurl.com/jz7k9nsd • 11am sábado, 7/10.

Evening Glow - Douglas Preserve

WESTMONT RIDLEY-TREE MUSEUM OF ART: Towards a 21st Century Abstraction ~ Aug 14 • 805-565-6162 • www.westmont.edu/museum WILDLING MUSEUM: Bio/Mass: Contemporary Meditations on Nature ~ Sept 5; Art From the Trail ~ Oct 3 • 1511 B Mission Dr, Solvang • www.wildlingmuseum.org

SYV HISTORICAL MUSEUM & CARRIAGE HOUSE: 805-688-7889 • www.santaynezmuseum.org

PATRICK HALL Original Oil Painting by

Ralph Waterhouse Through Sunday July 18

10 WEST GALLERY 10 W. Anapamu St. Thurs. - Sunday 11am - 5pm

Waterhouse Gallery La Arcada at State & Figueroa Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-962-8885 www.waterhousegallery.com

Join VOICE Magazine’s Print & Virtual Gallery! Affordable Advertising & Marketing opportunity in VOICE Magazine (just for Artists) Find out more and reserve a space by emailing


CAMPAMENTO DE ARTE DE VERANO: ARCILLA Y TÉCNICA MIXTA • Campamento en persona para niños de 5 a 7 años • SB Museum of Art, Ridley-Tree Education Center en McCormick House • $300-350 • https://tinyurl.com/4vc9zabk • 9am-3pm Mo, 7/12-7/15 . SUMMER SPARK SERIES: FAIRY HOUSES • Ages 6-9 invited to make own fairy house or garden • SB Public Library • Free • https://tinyurl.com/4cwrwjbf • https:// tinyurl.com/3jcd7b3m • 3pm We, 7/14 & 3pm Th 7/15. SERIE SUMMER SPARK: CASAS DE HADAS • Se invita a niños de 6-9 años a hacer su propia casa de hadas o jardín • Biblioteca pública SB • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/4cwrwjbf • https://tinyurl.com/3jcd7b3m • 3pm miércoles, 7/14 & 3-4:30 jueves, 7/15. DANCING WITH PAINT EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION • Meet artist Marlene Struss • The Architectural Foundation of SB Gallery • https://afsb.org • 5-7pm Fr, 7/16, exhibit open through 9/8.

SUMMER SPARK SERIES • Virtual stamp-making workshop for teens • SB Public Library • Free • https://tinyurl.com/ez27jpw2 • 3-4:30pm Sa, 7/10.

RECEPCIÓN DE INAUGURACIÓN DE LA EXPOSICIÓN DANCING WITH PAINT • Conoce a la artista Marlene Struss • La Galería de la Fundación Arquitectónica de SB • https://afsb.org • 5-7pm viernes, 7/16, exhibición abierta hasta el 9/8.

SERIE DE VERANO SPARK • Taller virtual de fabricación de sellos para adolescentes • Biblioteca pública SB • Gratis • https://tinyurl.com/ez27jpw2 • 3-4:30pm sábado, 7/10.

CAW ART POPUP • Explore art, crafts, handmade goods, vintage objects, and more • Community Arts Workshop, 631 Garden St, SB • www.sbcaw.org • 12-7pm Su, 7/18.

SUMMER ART CAMP: CLAY AND MIXED MEDIA • In-person camp for ages 5-7 • SB Museum of Art, Ridley-Tree Education Center at McCormick House • $300-350 • https://tinyurl.com/4vc9zabk • 9am-3pm Mo, 7/12-7/15.

VENTANA EMERGENTE DE ARTE DE CAW • Explora arte, manualidades, productos hechos a mano, objetos antiguos y más • Taller de artes comunitarias, 631 Garden St, SB • www.sbcaw.org • 12-7pm domingo, 7/18.

Project Fiesta: A History of Old Spanish Days Celebrate and honor the history of fiesta as the Santa Barbara Historical Museum hosts the opening of its Project Fiesta: A History of Old Spanish Days exhibition from 5:30-7pm Wednesday, July 14th in the museum gallery and courtyard. Featuring vintage posters, clothing, film, photos, and oral history, this exhibit captures the spirit of a beloved tradition. Tickets are $15 general admission, and free for museum members and Old Spanish Days volunteers. Visit https://tinyurl.com/b4fw5nxd

Proyecto Fiesta: Una historia de Old Spanish Days Celebra y honra la historia de la fiesta mientras el Museo Histórico de Santa Bárbara alberga la inauguración de su exposición Proyecto Fiesta: Una historia de Old Spanish Days de 5:30-7pm el miércoles, 14 de julio en la galería y el patio del museo. Con carteles antiguos, ropa, películas, fotos e historia oral, esta exhibición captura el espíritu de una tradición querida. Los boletos cuestan $15 de admisión general y son gratuitos para los miembros del museo y los voluntarios de Old Spanish Days.

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