VOICE Magazine: December 23, 2022

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Theater Cover image courtesy of Foodbank of Santa Barbara County Photo by Julia Drummond Right Whale by Michaël Catanzariti www.voicesb.com December 23, 2022 VOICE Magazine cover story see page 2 In This Issue Calendar..18-19* Movies...16-17, 20 * Community News 6, 8,-10 John Palminteri’s Community Voice 13 Daisy Scott: Bookworm Corner 15 Sigrid Toye: Harbor Voice 16 Harlan Green: Economic Voice 22 Galleries & Art Venues...................25-27 * * Español y Inglés Solidarity and suffering during the UC strike 5 Cinema H istory Strike The movie The Fableman’s brightens the holidays, a review by Sigrid Toye 16 Robert F. Adams’ Top 10 movies of 2022 17
25 Gus ,
Clarence Mattei painted drew of Santa Barbara’s famous people Photo courtesy of SBHM Courtesy Photo
12 A round up of upcoming theater productions 11 Whales A suite of new laws have passed protecting whales 9 Photo by Zach Mendez Foodbank is close to reaching its campaign goal of $6 million for food for this winter and to finish the new Sharehouse funding. Can you help? www.foodbanksbc.org
Photo by Tom Costigan Daniel Kepl reviews the Academy’s Mariposa Series Cello Choir

Foodbank of Santa Barbara County

Sharing Food, Education, & Hope


“This fall, we served 111,000 individuals who came to us in need of food,” explained Erik Talkin, Foodbank CEO.

“That’s exactly one in four county residents facing hunger right now,” Talkin noted. “It’s also the most people we’ve served since the first months of the COVID lockdowns, when everyone lost their jobs and businesses all at once.”

With inflation at record highs and not showing much sign of letting up, more families, seniors, and individuals are turning to the Foodbank as the slowest economic time of the year for Santa Barbara sets in.

“We typically see higher need at the holidays and in winter,” Talkin elaborated. “Sectors like hospitality, farming, and education all slow way down at this time of year. Tourists stay home, growing season is over, and hourly employees at schools are out of work for weeks at a time.”

Children being home frequently during the last two months of the year, when schools are closed for vacation, compounds the challenges low-income families face feeding their kids.

“We’re also seeing much needed rain, which is good news. But those working in landscape, construction, and other sectors just don’t earn money during inclement weather,” he added.

The Foodbank served 1,050 families (5,100 individuals) in just three hours at special food distributions on the day before Thanksgiving in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria. When supplies ran out, they had to turn away 200 more families.

Many visitors had lined up in cars at 5 a.m., and waited in line for five hours to receive food.

While responding to record levels of need, the Foodbank has also been campaigning for funds to complete its new south county “Sharehouse” in Goleta.

“Sadly, when we’re seeing this level of need, we’re also turning away 32,000 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies from the Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market every week,” emphasized Judith Smith-Meyer, Foodbank senior communications manager.

The lack of cold storage space at the converted fire station the Foodbank has called home in Santa Barbara for the last 30 years prevents the organization from accepting healthy food donations that are within reach.

“We can’t wait to move into our Sharehouse in Goleta, where we’ll have ten times more space to receive, store, and distribute food,” Smith-Meyer explained.

The Foodbank launched an aggressive fundraising campaign with a goal of $6 million during the last four months of 2022.

“That’s how much we need to continue to meet the mounting need for food our neighbors are facing this winter, and also, to modify to the Sharehouse building to handle dramatically more food than we can now.”

At press time, the Foodbank has reached 90 percent of their goal, but community support is needed to get the organization across the finish line.

“We’re so close,” exclaimed Smith-Meyer. “Gifts of any size really add up, and we’re hoping everyone will give as generously at they can to ensure no one goes hungry this winter.”

The Sharehouse will also serve a critical role for everyone in Santa Barbara when future disasters strike. At 57,000 square-feet, the Sharehouse will enable the Foodbank to have ample food on hand to serve everyone in case of large-scale emergencies.

“As our community has learned the hard way,” Smith-Meyer noted, “anyone who lives in south county, plus commuters and tourists, could be affected if transport lines in and out of Santa Barbara close for any reason. The Sharehouse will mean we’re ready no matter what happens.”

2 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
To donate, visit FoodbankSBC.org or scan the QR code below.
The future Sharehouse
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 3 Nightly Snowfall, Visit With Santa, Costumed Carolers, Holiday Shopping and so much more! PASEO NUEVO PaseoNuevoShopping.com @ShopPaseoNuevo 651 Paseo Nuevo, Santa Barbara CA 93101 EXPERIENCE THE HOLIDAYS AT TheVoice_fullpage_10x12.5 12-23.indd 1 12/21/22 3:44 PM
4 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 montecito.bank • (805) 963-7511 Solvang • Goleta • Mesa • Santa Barbara • Montecito Carpinteria • Ventura • Camarillo • Westlake Village May this season bring joy, love and blessings to you and your family. Happy Holidays from your friends at MB&T.

Sticking to the Union: A Glimpse Inside the UC Strike

PROVING THERE IS NO WINTER BREAK WHEN IT COMES TO THE PICKET LINE, 36,000 University of California academic employees are continuing the largest strike in American higher education history into the holidays.

“I voted to go on strike because I can’t feed myself at the moment, but I feel like increasingly the reason I would stay on strike is for even more marginalized members of the campus community,” said Misa Nguyen, a fourth-year History Ph.D. graduate student who acts as a strike captain with UCSB’s chapter of UAW 2865.

Since November 14th, academic employees who hold

UCSB Opposes Tentative Agreement Between UC and Union Representatives

FIRMLY OPPOSED TO THE TENTATIVE AGREEMENT reached between UC officials and the United Auto Workers bargaining units, UCSB’s UAW 2865 bargaining unit has sent out an email to the graduate student body urging them to vote against ratification.

The basis for the UCSB Bargaining Team members’ is the opinion that the proposed contracts are not strong enough and do not provide any substantial financial relief to students until 2024.

“It is the opinion of the entire UCSB bargaining team that the tentatively agreed upon contract is insufficient, and are against its ratification,” said Becky Martin, a UCSB UAW 2865 Bargaining Team Alternate. “It has dropped accessibility provisions to protect disabled workers, fails to support international students against unfairly levied fees, and does not do enough to support parents. Additionally, we will not see major salary increases until 2024, which is not acceptable when so many of our students are in crisis now.”

Announced on December 16th, the agreements include the raising of graduate student researchers’ beginning salaries to approximately $34,500 by October 2024. Academic student employees would earn at least $34,000 by October 2024. The contracts would also provide students who are parents childcare funding, in the amount of $1,350 per quarter or $2,025 per semester, with $1,350 for summer months.

According to the main UAW website, the approval and implementation of these agreements would make the UC academic employees “the highest paid graduate student workers at any public university in the country.”

The strike will end if the tentative agreements are ratified by UAW 2865 and SRU-UAW, representing academic student employees and graduate student researchers, respectively. Votes are continuing throughout this week.

hourly-paid positions — including tutors, research assistants, and readers — have recorded no hours worked, giving up their wages to strike. UAW financial strike assistance is available to these individuals, and will also be extended to any monthlypaid employees, including TAs such as Nguyen, if they discover their December wages have been impacted.

“This is one of the jokes I make on the picket line, but it’s not actually a joke — I eat better on the picket line than I do when I’m teaching normally,” shared Nguyen.

Nguyen explained that prior to the strike, she was unable to consistently afford to eat three meals a day. However, individuals on the picket line are provided with food, sparking her comment. She added that she remains on strike for her peers who face greater struggles, such as navigating graduate school as single parents, international students, or while living with disabilities.

To date, Nguyen and other teaching assistants, as well as student researchers who are paid by the month, have not had their wages docked amidst the strike. However, if the UC asks academic employees to formally attest if they have withheld labor, their December paychecks could be impacted.

Currently, UC academic student employees earn an average of at least $22,000 a year — prompting thousands of workers to strike for higher wages to better afford California’s soaring costs of living and high rental prices.

Nguyen added that community members outside of the campus who have been historically involved with labor movements have also supported UCSB academic employees by talking and marching with them.

“This has been the most connected I felt to the Santa Barbara community in four years, and that’s what I’ll remember about the strike,” she said.

UCSB Distinguished History Professor Nelson Lichtenstein also commented on the sense of community evoked by the UC strike, and how it has unified campus members’ perspectives.

“It says that all of these academics, whether you’re full professor, or a TA, or a postdoc, that, hey, we’re workers,” said Lichtenstein. “It’s not an ivory tower, not at all, it’s a workplace.”

He emphasized the emotional sense of connection evoked by being on a picket line, stating, “there’s nothing better than to grasp the meaning of human solidarity than that.”

“I’d go to give my labor history class, and I’d say, ‘how many of you have ever been in a demonstration?’ No one raised their hands. But a lot of them have now,” he laughed.

Becky Martin, who is a third-year Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. student and a UCSB UAW 2865 Bargaining Team Alternate, voiced hope for the strike’s lasting impact on participating activists.

“I am certain that the contract we will win will set a new precedent in higher education,” said Martin. “Further, I am excited that the graduate students who are learning how to organize here will graduate, go out into the world and bring these ideas with them. And I feel lucky to be a part of that.”

The UC strike emerges amidst a surge in national union and labor movements. Unions nationwide have voiced solidarity with the UC student employees, including the California Faculty Association; Service Employees International Union, Higher Education Workers; Writers Guild of America West; Actors Equity Association; American Federation of Teachers 2121; Unionize Amazon Northern Kentucky, and more.

Dozens of UC departments and unions across all ten UC campuses have also written statements of support. At UCSB, faculty have actively attended rallies, donated picket supplies, and refused to pick up work assigned to workers on strike to show their support.

“We are striking for better conditions across this campus because if we are better paid, we can be better TAs, better graduate students, and that impacts everyone on this campus,” said Nguyen. “Seeing that human recognition from both undergraduates and faculty has just been really affirming and encouraging throughout the entire process.”

Community members can contribute to the UCSB Academic Worker Mutual Aid Fund, which supports academic workers in need and ongoing strike organization efforts, via Venmo at @UCSB-AW-mutual-aid

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 5
Photos by Tom Costigan

Salud Carbajal Part of Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Visit Ukraine

AMEMBER OF THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE, Congressman Salud Carbajal joined a bipartisan congressional delegation that visited Ukraine over the weekend of December 10th. The delegation initially traveled to Poland to meet with U.S. troops stationed there before going to Ukraine to meet with Ukrainian government officials and community members.

“This past weekend was an important opportunity for me and my colleagues on the House Armed Services Committee to not only reaffirm our commitment to our Polish allies and visit with American servicemembers stationed there, but also to see firsthand the human costs of Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked and ongoing aggression against Ukraine,” said Congressman Carbajal in a statement. “Our bipartisan delegation met with Ukraine’s civilian and military leaders as well as everyday Ukrainians— all of whom wielded a resolve to defeat their invaders that is undeterred by the rapidly-descending winter. The tenacity of their grit and their hope impressed us all. As we return on this critical week for finalizing our government spending bills, I am committed to sharing that determination and their stories in order to impress upon all of my Congressional colleagues the continuing need to support Ukraine through humanitarian and security assistance from both the U.S. and our allies.”

The other House Armed Services Committee members who made up the congressional delegation included Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Sara Jacobs (D-CA), and Seth Moulton (D-MA). www.carbajal.house.gov

George Hoag Family Foundation Gives $10,000 to People’s Self-Help Housing

IN SUPPORT OF HEATH HOUSE, People’s Self-Help Housing’s Santa Barbara property that serves women who formerly experienced homelessness, the George Hoag Family Foundation has donated $10,000 to PSHH. The donation will fund the house’s free, onsite supportive housing services.

“We thank the George Hoag Family Foundation for their generous partnership,” said Rick Gulino, PSHH Director of Neighborhood Development & Resident Services. “This practical expression of their commitment to building strong communities will provide many positive outcomes for the women we serve.”

Historically utilized as a hospice for AIDS patients, PSHH bought the Heath House property in 2020, restoring and reopening the landmark in 2021 to provide a supportive, safe home for women who previously experienced homelessness. The house includes seven bedrooms, fivebathrooms and multiple common areas, including a shared kitchen, a dining room, living room, and outdoor patio. All residents are granted free access to supportive services, such as wellness seminars and more. To learn more visit www.pshhc.org

SB Unified School Board of Trustees Approves $2,500 Stipends for Employees District-Wide

AS STUDENTS EMBARKED ON WINTER BREAK, the Santa Barbara Unified School Board of Trustees approved a stipend check to help with rising inflation and housing and healthcare costs. The checks will be distributed next month.

Overall, the payments will total more than $4,958,000, with funding provided by the Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant.

The proposal was made following faculty and staff members’ voicing concerns about increasese in cost of living during a district listening tour. The SBUSD superintendent, select board members, union leaders, and cabinet members visited all schools to hear input from employees.

Dos Pueblos HS Hosts Environmental Assessment After Staff Voices Health Concerns

AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT IS TAKING PLACE at Dos Pueblos High School over the school’s winter break following some staff members voiced concerns about the number of DPHS employees who have been diagnosed with varying forms of cancer over the past years. DPHS Principal Bill Woodard, District Superintendent Dr. Hilda Maldonado, and Chief Operations Officer Steve Venz learned of the concerns two weeks ago, at which time they began a course of action.

“As soon as we heard about the concerns from our staff, we started the process to bring in expert help to respond in ways that meet or exceed industry standards. While there is no way of knowing at this point if an actual problem exists, we will thoroughly investigate, share the information learned, and take any needed remedial actions. The health and safety of our students, families, faculty, and staff is our top priority. Please know we are moving as quickly as possible to find answers,” said Dr. Hilda Maldonado in a statement.

The district has contacted the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department to receive guidance, as well as the California Department of Public Health Department. The investigation will be conducted by Geosyntec, a firm that specializes in environmental risk assessments.

“Santa Barbara Unified contacted the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department for technical assistance in determining how to evaluate the school (workplace) to assure it is a safe environment for all,” stated the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department. “The Environmental Health Services Director and Health Officer provided guidance on what evaluation could be done for an occupational setting along with linkages to State Health partners.”

Geosyntec’s environmental screening of the campus and Administration Building began on December 19th. This screening will include, but is not limited to, tests to assess potential concerns, such as indoor air, outdoor air, and soil.

School staff and families will receive updated information, and the County Public Health Department will continue guiding district staff in evaluating the Geosyntec report and next steps when it is completed. www.sbunified.org

“I have been meeting with employees and have heard firsthand how hard the cost of inflation here is, particularly for those who care for family members, whether it’s childcare or elder care,” said SBUSD Superintendent Dr. Hilda Maldonado. “We care about our employees and their families. We are committed to looking for ways to improve our employees’ compensation and benefits, and we hope this helps to ease some of that pressure.”

A $2,000 one-time payment will be made to employees, as well as a $500 one-time payment for increasing healthcare costs. Substitute teachers will also be awarded a $1,250 stipend per semester if they work over 45 assignments in that time frame.


East Beach Habitat Restoration Project Begins

TO SERVE LOCAL WILDLIFE AND BIRDS, as well as preserve Santa Barbara’s ecology, the first phase of the East Beach Habitat Restoration Project is now underway. This project includes the restoration of native plants on sand dunes, removing the non-native Ice Plant that has invaded the area.

The project takes place across a 1.13 acre area at East Beach between the bike path and beach sand, stretching from Calle Cesar Chavez and Palm Park Beach House’s adjacent soccer fields. The invasive plants will be removed by hand as well as by black tarp solarization, which entails covering the plants with black tarp for multiple months until the plants all dry out. Once the Ice Plants are dried out, their branches will be cut away but the roots will remain to support sand dune stability. Wooden fencing, native plants, and irrigation methods will all then be placed.

Currently, the project is in phase one, with black tarp solarization covering .44 acres of the area’s Ice Plants. This drying phase will end in the spring, with native plants, irrigation, and fencing scheduled to be installed before Memorial Day.

6 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 COMMUNITY NEWS
Congressman Carbajal (third from right) with Deputy Minister of Defense Rostyslav Zamlynskyi (center) and other members of Ukraine’s armed forces. Reps. Moulton (third from left), Jacobs (fifth from left), Gallego (fourth from right) and Wilson (second from right) all serve with Carbajal on the House Armed Services Committee. Rep. Carbajal with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget A. Brink

A protégé of legendary jazz master Dizzy Gillespie, 10-time GRAMMY® Award-winner Arturo Sandoval has evolved into one of the world’s most acknowledged guardians of jazz trumpet and flugelhorn, as well as a renowned classical artist, pianist, and composer.

with Jason Moran, Larry Grenadier, and Brian Blade

Jazz Master Charles Lloyd felt the

with guest artist Serge Merlaud

Douget has performed with many notable musicians on the New Orleans scene, mixing his Louisiana upbringing with his strong individualism and idiosyncratic voice. The saxophonist will be joined on stage by Ashlin Parker (trumpet), Victor Atkins (piano), and Jason Stewart (bass).

Special thanks to: The Bentson Foundation, John C. Mithun Foundation, Harold P. McAlister Foundation, Brown Family Foundation, The Towbes Fund for the Performing Arts, a field of interest of the Santa Barbara Foundation George H. & Olive J. Griffiths Charitable Foundation

invited these


December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 7 LOBERO.ORG 805.963.0761 Scan the QR CODE , call the BOX OFFICE or GO ONLINE to reserve your seats or make a gift. ARTURO SANDOVAL THE DEREK DOUGET BAND TIERNEY SUTTON BAND 10 FEBRUARY FRIDAY 8 APRIL SATURDAY 12 MAY FRIDAY
Sutton, the 8-time GRAMMY® nominee, has recently headlined at The Hollywood Bowl, Carnegie Hall, The Kennedy Center, and Jazz at Lincoln Center, and has received 7 consecutive nominations for “Best Jazz Vocal Album.” world
needed more tenderness, so he
talented musicians to join him in making an offering to humanity.
with Charles’ 85th birthday, these great artists will all come together for the first time ever – at home on the stage of the Lobero.
SPECIAL PERFORMANCE Enjoy 4 shows @ 20% off select ticket prices.*Plus bonus early bird ticket opportunity for Charles Lloyd 85th Birthday Celebration. Series on sale now / Single tix on sale Dec. 1. The Series is Back. 10 MARCH FRIDAY Subscribe today! Making a gift of $100 to the Brubeck Circle takes subscription benefits a step further20% savings on any added Jazz at the Lobero concert, without committing to a series.
From the heart of the French Quarter to the world’s stage, Preservation Hall Jazz Band has spread the joyful spirit of true New Orleans jazz since 1961, and is now embarking on the nationwide tour Pass It On – 60th Anniversary Musical Celebration

Mouhanad Hammami Appointed SB County Public Health Director

MOUHANAD HAMMAMI, MD, MHSA has been appointed following a national search to serve as the next Public Health Director for Santa Barbara County. Dr. Hammami assumes this position from Interim Public Health Director Daniel Nelson, who has acted in the position since Dr. Van Do-Reynoso departed in July.

Dr. Hammami has worked for over 20 years in public government administration and healthcare, serving as the Chief Health Strategist for Wayne County, MI during the pandemic. He worked for Wayne County for 18 years in total, acting as Director and Chief Health Officer for the Department of Health, Veterans and Community Wellness, serving 1.2 million residents. His accomplishments there include implementing a “no wrong door” customer referral management system, establishing new health centers in underserved areas, and integrating clinical services into the public health department. Dr. Hammami’s experiences also include serving as Senior Vice President at a not-for-profit health system operating 94 hospitals in 22 states. He earned his a medical degree from the University of Aleppo, Syria; a certificate in the foundations of public health from the University of Michigan; and a master’s in health services administration from the University of Michigan.

“I am so excited to be joining the public health team at Santa Barbara County and grateful for the trust of County Executive Miyasato and the Board of Supervisors have placed in me to lead the department. This is such an important time for public health as we are recovering from a pandemic that reaffirmed the importance of public health,” said Dr. Hammami. “It is a great honor and a privilege to serve residents of Santa Barbara County in ensuring that all their health and wellbeing needs are met as we advance towards a, ‘One Healthy, Santa Barbara County.’” www.countyofsb.org/phd

Jose Chang Appointed Agriculture Commissioner/Director of Weights & Measures

JOSE CHANG has been appointed by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors as the new Agriculture Commissioner/Director of Weights & Measures. Chang has worked in agriculture/weights and measures for over 15 years, previously serving the County of Napa and the County of Monterey, where he handled a $13 million budget and 80 staff members as Assistant Agriculture Commissioner/Sealer for the County. In 2018-2019, he served as the President of the California Association of Standards and Agricultural Professionals. Chang grew up in an agricultural family, and earned his bachelor’s degree in plant biology from UC Davis. www.countyofsb.org

Santa Barbara Unified Welcomes New Board Member, Says Goodbye to Others

GABE ESCOBEDO has been sworn in to serve the Santa Barbara Unified School Board representing District 1. Escobedo currently works at UC Santa Barbara as an Intramural Coordinator. Beyond this experience, Escobedo helped manage a UCSB evacuation center during the Thomas Fire, and has served on the City of Santa Barbara’s Planning and Community Formation Commissions over the past three years. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE) and Standing Together to End Sexual Assault (STESA). Escobedo earned his bachelor’s at CSU San Marcos and his master’s degree at St. Mary’s College of California.

As Ecobedo was sworn in, the SBUSD Board said farewell to Kate Ford, who did not run for re-election to represent District 1. Ford served on the board from 2018-2022, previously holding a career as an English and drama teacher as well as a school principal/director. the SBUSD Board also said goodbye to Laura Capps, who has stepped down after being elected to serve as a Santa Barbara County Supervisor. Capps had served on the SBUSD board since 2016, with her experiences including managing a public affairs practice that works with various nonprofit organizations. www.sbunified.org

Councilmember Roger Aceves Honored for his Service to the City of Goleta

THE CITY OF GOLETA’S FIRST LATINO COUNCILMEMBER AND MAYOR, Roger S. Aceves has retired from serving the City of Goleta for over 15 years. The longest serving councilmember in Goleta’s history, Aceves was honored for his dedication and contributions at the December 6th Goleta City Council meeting.

Councilmembers and speakers shared memories of working with Aceves, who was presented with a photo book and City Tile. All joined in giving Aceves a standing ovation.

“When you have had a career like Roger’s it is nearly impossible to capture and recognize all he has done to leave a positive impact on Goleta,” said Goleta City Manager Robert Nisbet. “We are so grateful for his countless hours of service and steady leadership during the vast majority of the City’s first 20 years of existence.”

Aceves first joined the City Council in 2006, later being elected to serve as Mayor in 2009 and 2012. Following this tenure, he was re-elected to the council in 2010, 2014, and 2018. His achivements with the City of Goleta include but are not limited to: purchasing a permanent building for City Hall; establishing the Beautify Goleta program; renovating the Goleta Community Center and launching construction of the Goleta Train Depot; completing a Parks Master Plan; and codifying the first City of Goleta Municipal Code in 2009.

Prior to working with the City, Aceves held a career in law enforcement for over 32 years, working with both the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Santa Barbara’s Police Department. He graduated from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Academy in Quantico, Virginia.

Aceves has been a Goleta resident for 40 years, and was presented with Goleta’s Finest “Man of the Year” award in 2017. At the December 6th meeting, Aceves thanked his family, Goleta staff, and the larger community.

“I think that great things will come,” he said of Goleta’s future. “We are a small city, but we do things in a big way and every time we do something we raise the Goleta flag.”

SB Maritime Museum Board of Directors Welcomes New Members

TWO DEDICATED COMMUNITY MEMBERS - John Doordan and Kate Ford - will join the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum’s Board of Directors in the new year. Together, the board supports the museum’s mission to share the region’s rich maritime history. www.sbmm.org

JOHN DOORDAN initially held a career as a naval aviator, piloting carrier-based strike-fighter aircraft, before he moved to the Bay Area to oversee Hewlett Packard’s Latin American distributors. He later co-founded a Silicon Valley startup in consumer electronics, eventually making his way to Santa Barbara via a 25 years-long career at QAD Inc. He is a past president of the Santa Barbara Club and the current president of its nonprofit Preservation Foundation. Doordan also serves on the SB Trust for Historic Preservation board, where he chairs its Historic Resources Committee.

KATE FORD served as an elected member of the Santa Barbara Unified School District Board from 2018-2022, acting as president of the board from 2020-2021. Prior to this, she worked as an English and drama teacher for 15 years and then a principal/director for 20 years. Her past experiences also include acting as the Area Superintendent for Aspire Public Schools in Los Angeles and Senior Program Officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle. Ford earned her master’s degree in educational leadership from Chapman College and her bachelor’s degree in sociology/education from UC Santa Cruz. Currently, she sits on the Education Committee of the SB Maritime Museum.

8 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
Photos by Ed Zuchelli John Doordan Kate Ford Jose Chang
Mouhanad Hammami Gabe Escobedo Kate Ford and Laura Capps at the December 12th board meeting Roger S. Aceves was presented with a photo book remembering his service

Egg Prices Skyrocket and Shelves are Empty

EMPTY SHELVES AND HIGHER PRICES FOR EGGS in Santa Barbara are part of a national trend resulting from bird flu. Egg prices are at historic highs and they are now at the top the food inflation list.

In November, the Consumer Price Index for eggs rose 2.3 percent, 149 percent over the level of November 2021, to an average price of $3.59 per dozen, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor.

Since early February, the U.S. has experienced one of the worst breakouts of avian flu, impacting 50.3 million birds, with 37 million egg-laying hens have died this year, meaning that egg production has been decimated by around ten percent, it was stated in a CNBC report.

Alexandra Chambers Joins Farmers and Merchants

ALEXANDRA CHAMBERS has joined Farmers and Merchants Trust Company as a Vice President and Trust Officer. Previously, Chambers managed her own law practice specializing in estate planning and charitable giving. She earned her J.D. from the Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law, and earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California with a double major in neuroscience and psychology and a minor in psychology and law. Chambers and her husband live in downtown Santa Barbara, and she enjoys equestrian sports in her free time. www.fmtrust.com

Increased Protections For Whales Enacted

ASUITE OF MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTIONS was recently signed into law by President Biden, which includes the creation of a monitoring and mitigation program to reduce the risk of ship strikes and underwater noise for large whales and the U.S. Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration made changes to vessel traffic in the Santa Barbara Channel to avoid interactions between large cargo ships and whales.

“Whales face many threats due to climate change and the increased industrialization of the ocean—we are beyond thrilled to see the federal government take action that will result in tangible protections for whales,” said Kristen Hislop, Senior Director of the Marine Program at the Environmental Defense Center.

According to an EDC announcement concerning the new laws, the near real-time monitoring and mitigation program for large whales, which was included in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, will address this problem by utilizing technology to alert ship captains to the presence of whales. The bill also directs the Maritime Administration to find and implement technologies to make ships quieter to reduce ocean noise, expands monitoring of underwater noise, and supports initiatives to improve the safety of whales near ports.

“We are grateful for the dedicated staff at the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary who will stop at nothing to find solutions to protect the threatened and endangered whales that rely on sanctuary waters to thrive. We also applaud the U.S. Coast Guard for moving through the daunting International Maritime Organization process to move cargo ships away from important whale feeding and migratory areas,” said Hislop.

In addition, the International Maritime Organization approved changes to the Area to be Avoided around the Channel Islands and Santa Barbara Channel Traffic Separation Scheme (commonly referred to as “shipping lanes”), an effort EDC began advocating for in 2015. Together, these changes to vessel traffic will move cargo ships away from an area around San Miguel Island that is a known whale “hot spot.” This will not only protect whales in this area from being struck and killed by large vessels, but it will also reduce ocean noise in this area, benefiting not only whales, but also other marine life.

The IMO action is the result of a local, multi-year working group process that was initiated by EDC and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary to determine strategies to reduce the risk of ship strikes on whales. After the 2016 culmination of the working group, the CINMS and the U.S. Coast Guard moved forward with a science-based proposal that would move ships away from hot spots. This action, which was supported by the shipping industry, marine mammal experts, and conservation organizations, complements current efforts by EDC and our partners to slow ships to ten knots or less during whale season to reduce the risk of fatal ship strikes.

The Environmental Defense Center, a non-profit law firm, protects and enhances the local environment through education, advocacy, and legal action and works primarily within Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo counties.

City Awarded $20,000 to Expand Urban Forest

SANTA BARBARA BEAUTIFUL, A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO ENHANCING SANTA BARBARA’S BEAUTY, has awarded the City’s Urban Forestry program a $20,000 grant to support treeplanting efforts in 2023. The 57-year partnership between the organization and the Urban Forestry program has led to the planting of over 13,000 street trees – trees located in the parkway between the sidewalk and the street curb.

“Santa Barbara Beautiful is honored to support this incredibly worthwhile program and its long-standing commitment to the sustainable future of Santa Barbara’s urban forest,” said David Gress, Chairman of Santa Barbara Beautiful’s Horticulture Committee. “It is a benefit for all who live and visit here.”

Street tree planting has been a collaborative effort between the City and Santa Barbara Beautiful since shortly after the organization’s inception in 1965. Most efforts began as small-scale projects focused on single blocks or less. In 1976, when the City’s Street Tree Master Plan identified 5,500 empty street tree locations, Santa Barbara Beautiful launched a fundraising campaign to purchase the needed trees and has continued to provide funding for additional trees each year, allowing the Urban Forestry budget to prioritize the care and maintenance of one of California’s most diverse urban forests.

The 2023 funding will be used to purchase more than 200 trees sized 15 gallons or larger. “Planting efforts will focus primarily on the Oak Park and lower Eastside neighborhoods, as these have been identified as having the greatest number of vacant planting sites,” said Nathan Slack, City of Santa Barbara Urban Forest Superintendent. “Specific tree species will be determined by the City’s official Street Tree Designation List.”

Once planted, the new trees will be added to the Urban Forestry program’s maintenance and watering schedule, with extra attention given in the first two to three years to ensure the survival and establishment of the young trees after transplanting. As the trees become established and require less intense maintenance, additional trees can be planted and added to the program’s maintenance schedule. This approach ensures that plantings do not outpace the staff and financial resources needed to maintain Santa Barbara’s urban forest.

“Residents outside the planned planting areas who have the means to water a new street tree are encouraged to contact our office to request a tree be planted,” said Slack. “We have the capacity to plant more trees if residents can assist with watering.”

The public can support Santa Barbara Beautiful’s ongoing tree-planting efforts by making a direct donation or participating in the Commemorative Tree Program (https:// sbbeautiful.org/programs/trees-santa-barbarabeautiful/) and dedicating an available City street tree with a commemorative plaque.

The City of Santa Barbara Urban Forestry program operates within the Parks and Recreation Department and manages approximately 75,000 trees, 35,000 of which are street trees. With over 450 tree species, Santa Barbara has one of the most diverse urban forests in California.

To learn more, visit SantaBarbaraCa.gov/UrbanForest

To learn more about Santa Barbara Beautiful, visit www.SBBeautiful.org

Non-Emergency City Offices Closed for Holidays

THE MAJORITY OF THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA’S NON-EMERGENCY OFFICES, including libraries and many administrative offices, are closed for the holidays. All offices are scheduled to resume operations on January 3rd, 2023. In the meantime, police and fire stations, public parking lots, recreation facilities, and the golf club will remain open.

For a full list of holiday office closures, visit: https://santabarbaraca.gov/government/city-hall/holiday-closures

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 9
Street tree planting ceremony Paperbark Tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) Photo by David Gress Photo courtesy of www.sbbeautiful.org Alexandra Chambers

The Choral Society’s “Hallelujah Project” scores a holiday hit!



THE HOLIDAY SEASON, one of the highlights this year has to have been The Santa Barbara Choral Society’s “Hallelujah Project” last weekend (Dec. 10/11) at the Lobero Theatre. The festive program included everything from audience participation to a diverse selection of music from the sacred choral tradition (Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata 191) to movie music. Under the direction of The Choral Society’s Jo Anne Wasserman, 60-plus singers and a 36-piece orchestra filled the suitably decked hall with a cornucopia of sounds. The concert marks both the 75th anniversary season of the venerable choral group, and Maestra Wasserman’s 30th year at the podium.

A highlight of the program was the participation of 25 children from the Music Academy’s Sing! Program, who charmed the audience with their spirited delivery of Light the Legend’s nod to Chanukah, and Somewhere in My Memory from the film, Home Alone.

Also representing the Music Academy was CEO Scott Reed, who, with daughter Ruby ensconced on his lap, narrated the eponymous ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas set to an orchestration by Phillip Lane. Santa even stopped by to greet the children and pose for photos!

The concert was sponsored by Marilyn and Dick Mazess, with additional support from the Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation and The Lobero Theatre.

For info about The Santa Barbara Choral Society, visit sbchoral.org


Community Environmental Council Invites Community Members to Become Active Climate Stewards

Regional certification course is spurring a wave of grassroots climate action across the California Central Coast

ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN for the upcoming session of the Community Environmental Council’s (CEC) Climate Stewards certification course, designed to empower local community members to take action on climate change. CEC is proud to be the first and only nonprofit on the Central Coast to deliver the Climate Stewards certification program, and one of only a handful across the state.

“The climate crisis is too big and complex to be solved by a single organization, policy, or system. We must mobilize people and resources to ensure that the climate crisis is seen as an immediate, real, and present danger that affects just about every issue we care about. That’s why we are building a committed corps of volunteer leaders ready to effectively engage in transformative local solutions to promote community and ecosystem resilience in a changing climate,” said CEC CEO Sigrid Wright.

Led by CEC’s Director of Climate Education and Leadership, Kathi King, this eight-week course equips participants with insight into how they can take part in the transformative work CEC and other groups are doing on the Central Coast to address and alleviate climate impacts. “We are focused on educating and empowering new climate leaders,” said King. “It’s inspiring to see the ripple effect of the over 80 course alumni to date who are making a positive impact throughout their Central Coast communities and beyond.”

To date, a network of more than 30 programs, working in partnership with the University of California, have certified more than 600 Climate Stewards throughout California.

Each cohort consists of a diverse group of roughly 25 individuals. The Winter 2023 course will meet weekly from January 25 through March 22, 2023. Class sessions are held online via Zoom; the course also includes a few in-person field trips on Saturdays. The course fee is $225 and covers the cost of instructor time for classes and field trips, as well as University of California course fees. Scholarships are available for those who express financial need and no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. Prospective participants are invited to hear more about the course from Climate Steward alumni during a webinar on January 12, 2023 from 6:30 - 7:30pm Pacific. You can learn more and register for the webinar here: www. cecsb.org/webinars

The 40+ hour course curriculum includes online modules, peer-to-peer discussions, small group activities, hands-on and inquiry-based activities, and experiential learning over a ten-week period. Participants will gain access to climate action resources and opportunities to join the movement – and will graduate with a better understanding of the psychology and science behind climate change, the tools necessary to forge greater community connections, and the knowledge to effectively communicate the climate crisis.

The course curriculum includes a capstone project that provides participants an opportunity to explore a passion project. Previous capstones have succeeded in adding climate programs and messaging at foundations, large non-profits, city governments and retirement communities. Many course graduates have gone on to integrate climate action into their professional and volunteer efforts.

One recent alumna of the program, Christina Hernandez, was recently sworn in as a Guadalupe City Council member, bringing her climate action commitment to the role. “Being a member of our community and local organization allows me to know where my heart and passion is,” she said. “It allows me as a council member to know the needs of the community, which is why I chose to serve in this capacity.”

Jenna Tosh, CEO of Planned Parenthood California Central Coast, graduated from the course in early 2022. “What I enjoyed most about the Climate Stewards course was the opportunity to move beyond all of the tragic and heartbreaking aspects of the climate crisis and move into the hope and the solutions that exist, and the practical ways that people like me can be part of an inclusive movement to address the climate crisis here on the Central Coast,” she said.

Learn more and apply for CEC’s UC Climate Stewards program at: cecsb.org/climate-stewards www.CECSB.org

Where to Learn About Local Government Meetings

The Santa Barbara City Council meets most Tuesdays at 2pm • To learn more about the council and other City department meetings, visit www.santabarbaraca.gov

The Goleta City Council meets biweekly on Tuesdays at 5:30pm • To learn more about the council and other City department meetings, visit www.cityofgoleta.org

The Carpinteria City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 5:30pm • To learn more about other City departments visit www.carpinteriaca.gov

The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors meets most Tuesdays at 9am • To learn more about other County departments visit www.countyofsb.org

10 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
Photos by Zach Mendez
Music Academy CEO Scott Reed with daughter Ruby, share a Christmas story with the audience. Choral Society Artistic Director and Conductor Jo Anne Wasserman helmed the large chorus and orchestra in a holiday sampler.

New Year, New Theater!

Santa Barbara Stages to Light Up in 2023

THE FLURRY OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES that defined this fall gives no signs of slowing down in the New Year, with theater leading the charge! Dramas, comedies, operas, and original works will all grace Santa Barbara stages in the coming months, with performances popping up across downtown’s historic theaters.

Kicking off the Granada Theatre’s 2023 lineup is R.E.S.P.E.C.T., a tribute concert experience honoring “The Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin. Between renditions of masterpieces such as Think, Natural Woman, Chain of Fools, and Franklin’s titular classic, Respect, audiences will learn more about Franklin’s personal life and her journey to becoming one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. Performances will

occur on January 3rd and 4th.

The LAUNCH PAD Amplify Reading Series Festival will return to UCSB’s Studio Theater between January 13th and 14th. Formerly titled the BIPOC Reading Series, and hosted in partnership with National New Play Network, the festival promotes the creation of new plays by writers of color by providing 20-hour workshops and guest artists collaboration.

January 13th play readings will include Wife of Headless Man Investigates Her Own Disappearance by Yussef El Guindi, exploring a journalist who discovers her husband to be headless but still alive; and Freedom Hill by Jacqueline E. Lawton, centering on a Reconstruction-era North Carolina town. January 14th will bring readings of Dalia is Dead and Her Dad Keeps Making Dumplings by Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters, about a teenager grieving the loss of her mother; and Replaced by Eric Reyes Loo, depicting a mixed-race novelist struggling with Hollywood taking over the telling of her story.

Opera will leap onto the scene with Westmont College’s back-toback productions of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial by Jury and Rossini’s The Silk Ladder at Center Stage Theater on January 27th and 29th. Presented by the Music Department, these performances will showcase undergraduate students across majors, all united by their shared love of music. The operas are also expected to receive a refreshed interpretation that will allow them to maintain their original scores and Victorian-era England and Parisian charm, but ultimately transport them into the 20th century.

Center Stage Theater will quickly pivot from this production to present The Gin Game from February 2nd through the 5th. Directed by Ken Gilbert and E. Bonnie Lewis, who recently presented Collected Stories at Center Stage, this Pulitzer Prize-winning play follows two retirement home residents — to be played by Kathy Marden and Ed Giron — as they discuss aging, relationships, and life over intensely

competitive games of gin rummy.

Hot on the heels of its comedic production of A Christmas Carol, Ensemble Theatre Company will start the new year with a tense drama: Selling Kabul. Performed at the New Vic Theater from February 2nd through the 19th, the 95-minute play centers on an Afghan U.S. Army interpreter as he attempts to get his wife and child out of Afghanistan — all while hiding from the Taliban.

Feats of creativity will return with the UCSB Department of Theater/Dance’s Winter 24-Hour Play Festival on February 11th. Presented by UCSB students, this festival challenges aspiring playwrights and thespians to write, direct, and perform new works within a 24-hours window.

Opera Santa Barbara will then present the first in a series of local performances dwelling on history with An American Dream at the Lobero Theatre on February 18th.

Set during World War II, this moving tale centers on two women torn from their homes, one a German Jewish immigrant forced to flee her country, and the other a Japanese American due to enter an internment camp.

UCSB will continue its season with a historical focus as it produces She Wolf, Margaret of Anjou from February 22nd through March 5th. Drawing inspiration from Shakespeare’s portrayal of King Henry VI’s wife, this play presents a modern retelling of Queen Margaret’s story and the extraordinarily complicated political scene that surrounds her marriage.

Theatre-goers can also anticipate enjoying a deep dive into local history when Westmont College’s Theatre Department presents The Flying “A” from February 24th through March 4th. Drawing its name from Santa Barbara’s silent film studio, this comedy explores film history from a personal angle, illuminating how early silent works have affected decades of film.

For tickets, visit: www.granadasb.org; www.lobero.org; www.etcsb.org; www.centerstagetheater.org; www.westmont.edu/watchtheater; and www.theaterdance.ucsb.edu

Photo courtesy of Center Stage Theater R.E.S.P.E.C.T will bring Aretha Franklin’s story to life at the Granada Theatre on January 3rd and 4th
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 11
Photo by Julia Drummond Kathy Marden and Ed Giron will star in The Gin Game at Center Stage Theater on February 2nd-5th LAUNCH PAD Amplify Reading Series Festival, taking place between January 13th and 14th, will feature playwrights Yussef El Guindi, Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters, Jacqueline E. Lawton, and Eric Reyes Loo Photos courtesy of UCSB Theater/Dance

HE NUMBER EIGHT IS POWERFUL. Throughout folkloric history it has been considered a symbol for luck and prosperity. Aside from the infinity of its design, eight (8) also represents organization, perseverance, and control of energy. The Eight Immortals, of Chinese legend had extraordinary powers that could be transferred to each of their “power tools.”

Not that the cello is a power tool (cellists would disagree), but the imagery was appropriate last Saturday at the Music Academy. A conflation of marketing genius and artistic purpose brought eight cellists, all Music Academy alums, together for the first time in years to play a big program together in an intimate salon (Lehmann Hall in the main house) which was packed to the wainscoting with a sold-out crowd of a hundred or more eager Music Academy patrons.

The third and last recital of the 2022 season for the new Music Academy Mariposa Series, featured the Music Academy Alumni All-Star Cello Choir, gathered from hither and yon a couple days earlier to rehearse and perform a program of mostly transcriptions (Grieg, J.S. Bach, Johann/Joseph Strauss, Wagner, Piazzolla) together with cellist Paul Wiancko’s 2017 Cello Quartet, Op. 1 “When the Night.”

Opening the program with a transcription for eight cellos of three movements from Edvard Grieg’s Holberg Suite, Op. 40 (1884), the All-Stars - Katrina Agate, Chas Barnard, Shirley Kim, Jennifer Kloetzel, Noah Seng-hui Koh, Marcie Kolacki, Maki Kubota, and Emma Lee – brought the Praeludium into satisfying simile with the string orchestra original, including the replication, high on the cello fingerboard, of the violin tunes. Nice. The Sarabande transcription for eight cellos, perfectly suited the rich timbre of the combined choir. Lovely. The last and trickiest of the three transcriptions, Gavotte, gave the cellists opportunity to levitate a bit.

Colin Hampton’s arrangement for cello quartet (Agate, Kloetzel, Kubota, Lee) of two movements from Bach’s unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 6 in D Major, BWV 1012 gave this listener a “puzzle me this” moment. How could it be? The first movement, Sarabande, found the brain remembering decades of solo cello performances, while the ears heard harmony and counterpoint - the arrangement’s magic. Fabulous! The Gavotte I & II was also a delight in this clever transcription. Little wonder, Colin Hampton (1911-1996) was a world-famous cellist and founder of the California Cello Club (1950) the oldest in the nation.

American composer/cellist Paul Wiancko’s Cello Quartet Op. 1 “When the Night” (2017) –Barnard, Kim, Koh, Kolacki – transported the listener through eight minutes, yes, eight minutes of vaporous cello quartet intoxication; a rich while also transparent palette of colors, a rhythmic pulse that waxed and waned with sometimes ecstatic frenzy, pizzicato and col legno effects to enhance moments of leisurely magic, then away softly into the night, like a dream. A splendid performance.

The last three programmed pieces, all transcriptions for the gang of eight to play together, included a fun Pizzicato Polka by the father/son team of Johann and Joseph Strauss, conducted discreetly as needed for rubato, by one of the team; Friedrich Grützmacher’s brilliant arrangement of Feierlliches Stück from Wagner’s Lohengrin; and a dynamite arrangement by James Barralet of two movements from Astor Piazzolla’s Four Seasons of Buenos Aires – Winter (1969) and Summer (1965)

For encore, a simply beautiful arrangement of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. A good time was had by all.

Eagles Nest Ocean Views

Photos by Zach Mendez Daniel Kepl has been writing music, theatre, and dance reviews or Santa Barbara publications since he was a teenager. His professional expertise is as an orchestra conductor. For more reviews by Daniel Kepl visit: www.performingartsreview.net
12 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
JOHN R. WHITEHURST Property Manager/Owner 805-451-4551 • www.SBOceanViewRentals.com Home Realty & Investment DRE#01050144
Katrina Agate with Chenoa Orne-Stone and a young cellist
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Alumni All-Star Cello Choir – The Eight Immortals Post-Concert Artists Reception
Music Academy

Multiple Downtown Businesses Fail to Meet Runoff Requirements

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20TH - Stormwater runoff requirements have not been met by multiple downtown Santa Barbara businesses after a December 1st deadline. As of December 14th, the total was 15 businesses on the State Street Promenade. City inspections show more work needs to be done to have a clear path and avoid rain impacts.

Carbajal Announces Funding for Vaccinations

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20TH - Santa Barbara County health leaders from different medical agencies met with Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) to discuss a new round of funding for virus protections, including COVID and the flu. The $1.6 million, made up of local federal grants, will help with more shots and outreach.

Warm Clothing Donated to Individuals in Need

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19TH - Hats, scarves, jackets, mittens, socks, and sweaters have been collected just as winter arrives to help those who are in need of warmth or living on the edge outside or in their cars. Thanks to Jeff Clark, Montecito Customs, Adam’s Angels, and The Village Service Service - Montecito, plus the generous community. What a heartwarming effort!

SB Police Activities League Spreads Holiday Cheer

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH - Celebrating 22 years of spreading holiday cheer to local families in need of a little extra help during the holiday season, The Santa Barbara Police Activities League hosted a Winter Wonderland event Thursday. Children and their families received gifts from generous sponsors. It took place at Chase Palm Park. There was holiday music, dancing, art activities, pictures with Santa, and food from El Pastorcito.

Local Law Enforcement & First Responders Updates

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20TH - There was a gusher on the lower Eastside of Santa Barbara today when a vehicle leaving a business on Hutash and Milpas clipped a hydrant. The spout could be seen for miles.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH - Santa Barbara Police responding to a report of a gun used in a clothing theft at Macy’s - La Cumbre Plaza this afternoon. Four suspects left in a silver Toyota north on Hope Ave.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH - One person was detained Friday at 9:50pm in the 400 block of State St. in Santa Barbara after witnesses said two juveniles ran away injured in an apparent assault. One had a face cut. Cottage Hospital was alerted. About six police cars were in the area. All under investigation.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15TH - What a scare, but no injuries during a truck fire Thursday evening on Patterson and Highway 101 in Goleta. Santa Barbara County Fire has a station right at that spot, for a quick response.

On The Street

Santa Barbara Shops Local for the Holidays

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH - Central Coast shoppers on a timeline decide whether to buy in person or click and order on line. Many who are out are looking for local businesses to support, if the gift is right. They also want a festive holiday scene where they shop.

Festival of Trees Returns

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17TH - The Lions’ Festival of Trees in Carpinteria wrapped up today. $1 tickets. You put them in one or several tubs. If you win you get the tree and all the gifts! Thousands of dollars in gifts, and gift cards were available.

Christmas Party!

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15THFun night with Santa and Dave’s Dogs 805 at the Ferris Orthodontic Group Annual Night With Santa Thursday. Hundreds came out with their smiles for the festivities in Santa Barbara.

John Palminteri is a veteran news reporter and anchor for Newschannel 3-12 TV and both KJEE and KCLU radio in Santa Barbara/Santa Maria/Ventura. Off the air, he’s often bringing his smile and positive energy to the microphone at fundraisers and civic events. John’s social media presence has one of the largest followings in Santa Barbara, and this page has the weekly highlights.

Twitter: @JohnPalminteri

Instagram: @JohnPalminteriNews www.facebook.com/john.palminteri.5

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 13
John Palminteri with John Palminteri
14 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 January 13, 2023 | 4pm & 8pm PST January 14, 2023 | 1pm & 5pm PST LAUNCH PAD Amplify Reading Series Festival Readings of 4 bold new plays featuring UCSB students, alumni, and guest artists The UCSB Department of Theater/Dance presents: FREE ADMISSION Scan the QR Code to RSVP UCSB STUDIO THEATER (Plus Facebook Livestream!) In Partnership with National New Play Network Replaced by Eric Reyes Loo JANUARY 14 | 5 PM Freedom Hill by Jacqueline E. Lawton JANUARY 13 | 8 PM Dalia is Dead and Her Dad Keeps Making Dumplings by Stephanie Kyung Sun Walters JANUARY 14 | 1 PM Wife of Headless Man Investigates Her Own Disappearance by Yussef El Guindi JANUARY 13 | 4 PM

Summer Solstice Celebrates Winter Solstice!

Summer Solstice Announces 2023 Theme and Welcomes New Board Members

SUNNY SMILES AND DREAMS OF SUMMER FESTIVITIES lit up this year’s Winter Solstice Fundraiser bash, held in support of Santa Barbara’s cherished Summer Solstice Celebration. Hosted on December 14th at the harbor’s Anchor Rose Restaurant, the evening featured several exciting announcements - including the 2023 festival theme, “Roots!”

“I love this theme because roots can be the roots of almost anything” said Penny Little, Solstice Executive Director. “Roots of culture, roots of Solstice, rootsy music, roots of vegetables like beets and carrots, roots of plants, teeth, or hair. I’m especially rooting for all the different cultures in Santa Barbara who can bring their roots into the 2023.”

The “Roots” theme was one of 150 individual submissions proposed by the general public this past fall. The Board of Directors ultimately voted on which theme they felt was the best fit.

During the the Winter Solstice Fundraiser it was announced that six community members have joined the Solstice Board of Directors, including: filmmakerentrepreneur Justin Gunn; lawyer-videographer Ron Burd; financial & career advisor/entrepreneur David W. Machacek, PhD; artist/Pilates instructor/“horse woman” Amisha Zuber; artist/teaching artist Geoffrey Barber; and counselor/ designer/“fairy-wingmaker” Lesley Bronson

The party also welcomed seven new Advisory Board members who joined in November: Executive Director CAW Casey Caldwell; La Boheme Director Teresa Kuskey; World Dance for Humanity founder Janet Reineck; CEO Oniracom/LoDO

Studios Jacob Tell; Graphic designer/ teacher City College Irene Ramirez; Mime Caravan/former board member Mark Sargent; and KJEE sales manager/former board member Stephen Meade

Bookworm Corner: Little Women

“CHRISTMAS WON’T BE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT ANY PRESENTS,” laments Jo March in the first line of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Yet mere pages later, Jo and her sisters realize the true spirit of the holiday rests in giving rather than receiving, gladly donating their Christmas breakfast to neighbors who are in greater need.

This immediately sets the tone for Alcott’s iconic coming-of-age story, following four sisters as they navigate family, romantic relationships, and society’s expectations for women. Despite being published between 1868 and 1869, Little Women still holds a strong place in popular culture as a sincere story that celebrates love, friendship, kindness, and life in general, all while maintaining a profoundly feminist stance.

Partially based on Alcott’s memories of growing up with her sisters, Little Women focuses on Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March, who range between 16 to 12 years old. Set in Massachusetts during the Civil War, the girls live with their mother while their father is serving as a chaplain with the Union army. Early chapters depict simple dilemmas, such as yearning for Christmas presents or schoolroom squabbles. Jo also befriends the boy living next door, Laurie, and brings him into their circle of fun as they perform plays, ice skate, and more.

danced the night away to folk-rock duo Love Lightning, and Jim Grippo from the Middle Eastern Ensemble, as well as enjoyed performances by Belladona, and a cameo Winter Solstice “angel” appearance. www.solsticeparade.com

However, just as life grows complicated with time, Alcott increasingly introduces more nuanced themes as the sisters age. This includes the grief of losing loved ones and the realities of trying to make one’s way in a world that denies women equal opportunities. Through it all, each sister undergoes strong character development while remaining true to themselves, heeding the advice of their mother to extend compassion to all, maintain respect in their relationships, and pursue their dreams, whether they be of love, marriage, or professional aspirations.

While Alcott wrote this book long before the term feminism entered popular vocabulary, Little Women is a staunchly feminist read. Young readers are not only granted insight into 19th century social class dynamics and gender roles, but how the March sisters directly challenge these conventions. This especially remains true for Jo, who openly rejects many of the trappings of what a “proper” young woman should be and is determined to make her way as a professional writer. Moreover, as Alcott knew transcendentalist writers such as Thoreau, older students can draw connections between Little Women and other emerging ideologies.

Regardless of whether one reads Little Women for pure entertainment or education, the book is a triumph of humanity, and the complicated emotions that continue to define friendships and families.

Available at Chaucer’s Books and the Santa Barbara Public Library

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 15
Photo courtesy of Amazon Photos by Robert Bernstein Bookworm Corner is a weekly column dedicated to highlighting children’s and young adult books that carry positive messages. It is penned by Daisy Scott, a lifelong reader and lover of children’s literature who holds her degree in literature and writing from UC San Diego. Fundraiser attendees Board member Lesley Bronson and former Executive Director Claudia Bratton Teresa Nowak of La Boheme and Penny Little, Solstice Executive Director Artist in residence Pali, Downtown Organization Executive Director Robin Elander, and new Board member Justin Gunn Justin Gunn, a guest, Claudia Bratton, Carlos Cuellar, Tom Adams, Belladonna, and Melika Adams Patrick Davis, Stacie Bouffard, Claudia Bratton, two party-goers, and Ron Glover

The Fablemans Spielberg Tells His Story

INFORMS ME that the world is indeed still rotating on its axis and the Santa Barbara community is fully in the Holiday Spirit - even without my participation! The latest version of the coronavirus stopped by our house for a visit. That nasty bug hasn’t quite disappeared into the background yet so... Stay safe!

Being housebound has its advantages as Steven Spielberg’s latest film, The Fabelmans, a fictionalized autobiographical (is that an oxymoron?) telling of his own story is now available online. Through the magic of film and the character of Sammy Fabelman, Spielberg’s cinematic doppelganger, the legendary filmmaker’s formative years have been reconfigured as a narrative of his earliest memories and experiences from childhood through late adolescence. The Fabelmans is, in effect, a cinematic tapestry woven with the colors of Spielberg’s inner landscape courageously revealed through his chosen medium, the lens of a camera.

Co-written by Spielberg and Tony Kushner, the narrative’s main focus is Sammy’s fascination with cinema and the creative possibles inherent in the use of a camera. Truths normally overlooked in real life do not escape the discerning eye of the camera, including secrets well hidden beneath the surface of Sammy’s own family. Father Burt (Paul Dano) a skilled computer engineer, mother Mitzi (Michelle Williams) a spontaneous but undisciplined creative, and Sammy (played at different junctures by Mateo Zoryon, Francis-DeFord and Gabriel LaBelle) and his three younger sisters are the principle characters in this film, and are rounded out by the transformative presence of Uncle Bernie (Seth Rogan).

After being taken to a screening of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Greatest Show on Earth, with its shattering train derailment scene, five-years-old Sammy enters into something akin to obsessive fascination punctuated by abject fear. In an interview on National Public Radio’s Fresh Air with host Terry Gross, Spielberg admitted that he was a fearful kid by nature and, referring to the DeMille epic, although mesmerized by the spectacle onscreen, “My first movie was a movie that scared the pants off, and I’ll never forget that.”

In the film, alter-ego Sammy recreates the scene with his newly minted toy train set, a Hanukkah present, filmed with his father’s camera in an attempt to assuage his fears from a safer distance. Spielberg explained his motivations at the time: “It helped me get in total control... So I was the one causing something that was going to maybe have a chance to scare other people but no longer myself.” Both in real life and on film, the earliest seeds of a future filmmaker were planted.

Even as Sammy is feeding his burgeoning passion for cinema, staging film shoots featuring his sisters and classmates, his family is slowly fragmenting. Filming the highlights of a family camping trip accompanied by his father’s coworker and close family friend, Uncle Bernie, Sammy makes a life changing discovery: one clearly visible through the lens of his camera but unobserved by the naked eye. Brushing past what looked like an intimate moment between his mother and Uncle Bernie, Sammy runs the clip through his editing machine in slow motion to discover that his mother and Uncle Bernie were deeply involved with one another. Through the lens of his camera, Sammy is traumatically catapulted into reality of his parents’ relationship, which eventually ends in divorce and the break up of his family.

Filmmaking then becomes a refuge for Sammy, a place to hide from the hard realities that gripped his family and the adult world.

In school, it becomes a defense mechanism against harassment by his antisemitic classmates and a way to impress girls. After filming a

class beach party, Sammy edits the event as a narrative to be screened at the Senior Dance. During and after the screening, Sammy is both surprised and paralyzed by the kaleidoscope of his classmates’ strong reactions, both the positive and negative. Spielberg, describing his confusion at the time said, “Sometimes, you know, there is no logic to the choices and the emotional reactions people have to things. You just have to - I just felt I had to tell it the way it happened to me.” A risk inherent in all creative art.

The ending of this film needs little explanation, as it is known to millions of Spielberg fans world wide. The director is indeed a master of his craft! What was interesting to me in watching this film is the way Spielberg suggests that his mother’s unbridled creative instincts and his father’s focused technical abilities, opposites as they might have been, have blended together seamlessly in him as an artist.

Watching this movie I’d hoped to better understand the inner child that created so many other children prominently featured in his films. Admittedly Spielberg enjoys working with child actors and projects his own child-like self into their roles. In The Fabelmans I longed to discover not only that child but the man hidden behind the lens of the camera. I’d like to say I found him in Sammy, and to some degree, I did. But I discovered that the real Steven Spielberg can only be found in his body of work. To create the image I long to see, I’d need to pick and chose the scattered hints that Spielberg chooses to reveal in his many films, indeed a daunting task. The Fabelmans is a courageous effort for a man who has maintained a private life in a chaotic industry for half a century. Kudos to the artist and to the man!

Happy Holidays to you all, hope to be back to my Harbor beat soon!

@ La Cumbre Plaza

FILM REVIEW 16 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
Film stills courtesy of Universal Pictures
Open: Mon-Thurs 10-6 • Fri 10-5:30 • Sat & Sun 1-5 www.VoiceSB.Art
December Artists: Christina Altfeld, Michael Patrick Amato, Andrea Anderson, Bruce Berlow, Merith Cosden, Duane Dammeyer, Adrienne De Guevara, Lynn Dodge, Joanne Duby, Barbara Fedderman, Elizabeth U. Flanagan, Rosemarie C. Gebhart, Barbara Cronin Hershberg, Lenore Tolegian Hughes, Francine Kirsch, Rod Lathim, Al McCurdy, Patrick McGinnis, Jo Merit, Kerry Methner, Elizabeth Riley Olson, Mirella Zuniga Olson, Kimberly Pratt, Chris Provenzano, Edward Rodgers, Ali Shahrouzi, Helle ScharlingTodd, Jeffrey Sipress, Jan M. Smith, John Spivey, Diane Stevenett, Katie Upton, Judith Villa, Debbie Watts, Roe Anne White, Elaine Wilson, Joyce Wilson Midnight Blue by Al McCurdy Padero Beach 319 by Roe Anne White Black Horse #10 by Katie Upton


Best Dramatic Narrative Films


SOPHISTICATED DIRECTORS gifted in casting or in handling acting challenges, several films have risen above the many released in 2022. Following are a few (in no particular order) that Cinema VOICE saw that are worthy of a recommendation to watch or re-watch. Many can be streamed or rented, though several may be harder to find since films are having shorter and shorter stays in local movie theaters.

TÁR – is an intriguing psychological story from director Todd Field featuring a towering lead performance from Cate Blanchett. She is supported by a wonderful cast of players including Nina Hoss, Julian Glover, and young French actress Noémie Merlant (Portrait of a Lady on Fire). The film, set in Berlin, illustrates the icy cold corridors of the top echelon of the classical music business. After the half-way mark the film switches into a mysterious self-destruction fantasy akin to Michael Antonioni’s Blow-Up with some shades of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, where nothing is what it seems. The film also comments on modern sensibilities where things that were tolerated a decade ago are not tolerated in today’s Western world.

Everything Everywhere All at Once - is a box-office success and a story that somehow melds fantasy with a compelling family drama about acceptance and identity. The film features a standout performance from veteran actress Michelle Yeoh, and the filmmakers, a team known as The Daniels, Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, surround Yeoh with an incredible diversity of supporting cast members. The cast offers emotional perspectives and really make the film work on a very relatable emotional level. The story centers on an immigrant business owner and her heroic attempts to realize her own faults in an attempt to keep her family intact.

All Quiet on the Western Front - is a German-made retelling of Erich Maria Remarque’s classic war novel brought to life by filmmaker Edward Berger. The storytelling via the cinematography, European settings, and portrayals are first rate, and compares favorably to other finely wrought WWI films. Composer Volker Bertelmann's modernist, acoustic score is unusually expressive and the production values are of a high order. This All Quiet is straightforwardly made and emerges into a strongly stated anti-war perspective. The film can be streamed on Netflix.

Till – is a surprisingly well made exceptional movie based on civil rights history and the tragedy of Emmett Till. This is a documentary-style film that goes beyond the often trod genre of biographical tropes into an interesting dramatic arc of obsession and perseverance. Nigerian-born, American filmmaker Chinonye Chukwu pulls a singular performance from relative newcomer Danielle

Deadwyler as the mother figure, Mamie Till.

Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio – a movie light years away from Disney’s classic animated version – is one of the most impressive stop-motion animated films made. The army of artists and technicians took more than a full three years of shooting days. Set in WWI Italy, the tale is overlaid with del Toro’s surreal concepts, including Mexican fantasy supernatural figures, dramatic scenes that induce sympathy, and provides an anti-dictator perspective, pertinent to current global concerns. This animated film is also co-directed by Mark Gustafson.

Armageddon Time – a new film from the under-appreciated director James Gray, blossoms into a sympathetic drama that portrays conscious and unconscious bias within the world of a Jewish family in the 1960s. This personal memory story illustrates the bruising moments of a teen struggling with both identity and his own ethical choices, overseen by the ghost of his artistic grandfather. The film also etches another stunning portrayal by Anthony Hopkins playing the artist-grandfather, who is like a ghostly conscience in this coming of age drama.

Living, from South African filmmaker Oliver Hermanus, is a fine study of the social fabric of post-WWII London, with an exceedingly fine lead performance by the subtle and droll British actor Bill Nighy. The film digs deep into a longpast atmosphere of early fifties England, and is a vivid snapshot of the lower to middle rungs of the rigid social classes guided by the movie production team. The film can also be seen via streaming on Netflix.

Other finely wrought films to round out a list of ten movies should include Triangle of Sadness, an entertainingly outrageous satirical film from the insightful Swedish director Ruben Östlund. Triangle is reminiscent of William Golding’s novel, The Lord of the Flies

A Piece of Sky, from director Michael Koch, set in Switzerland is a vivid drama about the heart-breaking circumstances of a rural community of farmers in the Alps. This film does not have a distributor yet, but deserves one.

And finally, The Worst Person in the World, directed by Norway’s Joachim Trier and starring Norwegian actress Renate Reinsve, is a refreshing sexual comedy-drama that is original in it’s scope and structure.

Qualifying this list, Cinema VOICE has not seen the Polish drama about a donkey’s journey, EO, Avatar 2: The Way of Water, or Jordan Peele’s Nope, films that may very well be richly dramatic or visually remarkable.

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 17
Credit: Lynsey Weatherspoon / Orion Pictures
Cinema VOICE
Robert F. Adams, Film Correspondent for VOICE, is a Santa Barbara landscape architect and a graduate of UCLA’s School of Theatre and Film, as well as Cal Poly. He has served on the film selection committees for the Aspen Film Fest and the SB International Film Festival. Email him at robert@earthknower.com
Courtesy of Neon
Courtesy of Netflix
Courtesy Images Living movie still Triangle of Sadness movie still
All Quiet on the Western Front movie still Everything Everywhere All at Once movie still
A Piece of Sky movie still
Till movie still TÁR
movie still
The Worst Person in the World movie still movie
Armageddon Time movie still

An Irish Christmas

Una navidad irlandesa

Celebra las fiestas al estilo celta con bailes irlandeses, villancicos y más cuando Kerry Irish Productions presente Una Navidad irlandesa en el Teatro Lobero a las 7:30 pm el viernes, 23 de diciembre. para boletos ($25-75) www.lobero.org

Friday • viernes 12.23



Festive Irish dancing and music • Lobero Theatre • $25-75 • www.lobero.org • 7:30pm Fr, 12/23.


Danza y música irlandesa festiva • Lobero Theatre • www.lobero.org • $25-75 • 7:30pm viernes, 12/23.



Holiday concert with composer David Arkenstone • Center Stage Theater • $28-43 • www.centerstagetheater.org • 7:30pm Fr, 12/23.


distribute food to those in need • Franklin School, 1111 E. Mason St., SB; and Foodbank warehouse, 490 W. Foster Rd., Santa Maria • Free, while supplies last • 9:30am-1:30pm Fr, 12/23.


El Foodbank of SB County distribuirá alimentos a los necesitados • Franklin School, 1111 E. Mason St., SB; y Foodbank warehouse, 490 W. Foster Rd., Santa Maria • Gratis, hasta agotar existencias • 9:30am1:30pm viernes, 12/23.


Make a chocolate bar and/or paint a chocolate box • Menchaca Chocolates Factory, 4141 State St. E-1 • Call 646-3697277 • www.menchacachocolates.com • 3-7pm every other Fri.



Tómate una foto con Papá Noel • Paseo Nuevo • Todos los días 11am-8pm.


Experience holiday music and “snow” • Paseo Nuevo • Free • 5:30pm & 6:30pm through 12/31.

NEVADA NOCTURNA Experimente la música navideña y la "nieve" • Paseo Nuevo • Gratis • 5:30pm y 6:30pm hasta el 12/31.

Saturday • sábado 12.24

encuentro en 710 State St. • Reserva tu lugar: https://freewalkingtoursb.com • 10am-12pm martes, 12/27.



Shop fresh, local produce and treats • 600, 700, & 800 blocks of State Street • Free • 3-7pm Tu.


Compra productos frescos, locales y golosinas • 600, 700, & 800 cuadras de la calle State • Gratis • 3-7pm martes.

Wednesday • miércoles 12.28



Sunday • domingo 12.25


French conversation, all levels • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Olive St. • http://sbfrenchgroup.yolasite.com • Free • 5-7pm We.


Conversación en francés, todos los niveles • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Olive St. • http://sbfrenchgroup.yolasite.com • Gratis • 5-7pm miércoles.


Monday • lunes 12.26



Italian conversation, all levels • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Garden St. • http://parliamo.yolasite.com • Free • 5-7pm Mon.


Conversación en italiano, todos los niveles • Arnoldi’s Cafe, 600 Garden St. • http://parliamo.yolasite.com • Gratis • 5-7pm lunes.

Tuesday • martes 12.27



With Dr. Bob Bronfman, retired Certified Financial Planner • Free • https://tinyurl.com/3hhympy7 • 11am Tu, 12/27.


Con el Dr. Bob Bronfman, planificador financiero certificado jubilado • https://tinyurl.com/3hhympy7 • Gratis • 11am martes, 12/27.

HIKE ARROYO HONDO PRESERVE Mon & Wed, 12:30-3pm and the first & third weekends, Sat & Sun 10am12:30pm and 12:30pm-3pm. Free • https://tinyurl.com/ya3pgxge


Los lunes y miércoles de 12:30-3pm y el primer y tercer fin de semana del mes, sábados y domingos 10am-12:30pm y de 12:30pm-3pm. La visita es gratuita • https://tinyurl.com/ya3pgxge

Thursday • jueves 12.29



Dinner and benefit concert by Zoe

Guess & Friends, all ages • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • $35, RSVP: www.sohosb.com • 6pm Th, 12/29.


Cena y concierto benéfico de Zoe Guess & Friends, todas las edades • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • $35, Reserva tu lugar: www.sohosb.com • 6pm jueves, 12/29.

Friday • viernes 12.30



Cosmic Rock/Americana concert • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • www.sohosb.com • $15 • 8:30pm Fr, 12/30.


Concierto de Rock Cósmico/ Americana • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • www.sohosb.com • $15 • 8:30pm viernes, 12/30.

Saturday • sábado 12.31



Learn about local architecture • Architectural Foundation of SB • SB City Hall on Sa; Central Library Anapamu St. entrance on Su • Suggested $10 cash donation • https://afsb.org • 10am Sa & Sun.


Aprende sobre la arquitectura local • Architectural Foundation of SB • Ayuntamiento de SB el sábado; Biblioteca Central Anapamu St. entrada en domingo • Sugerido donación de $10 en efectivo • https://afsb.org • 10 am sábado y domingo.


Take a tour • www.goletahistory.org • 11am to 2pm weekends.


Concierto navideño con el compositor David Arkenstone • Center Stage Theater • $28-43 • www.centerstagetheater.org • 7:30pm viernes, 12/23.



The Foodbank of SB County will

Haz una barra de chocolate y/o pinta una caja de chocolate • Menchaca Chocolates Factory, 4141 State St. E-1 • Llama 646-369-7277 • www.menchacachocolates.com • 3-7pm cada otro viernes.


Take your photo with Santa • Paseo Nuevo • Daily 11am-8pm.



Free tour reviewing downtown SB’s history • Meet at 710 State St. • RSVP: https://freewalkingtoursb.com • 10am12pm Tu, 12/27.


Recorrido gratuito repasando la historia del centro de SB • Punto de

18 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 Safari Local In Person & Online Activities for Everyone
/ BILINGÜE fix pain sports massage Gabriela Radu, CMT 805-453-1139 v.gabriela@yahoo.com sports • trigger point • deep tissue • pregnancy • Swedish specializing in injuries, sports and repetitive motion
Walk with Professor Julie as she shares tales of mystery and history... & meet friendly spirits Call or text to schedule your walking tour!
Actividades en
línea para todos BILINGUAL
Barbara Ghost Tours
• 805-905-9019
Celebrate the holidays the Celtic way with Irish dancing, carols, and more when Kerry Irish Productions
presents An Irish Christmas at the Lobero Theatre at 7:30pm on Friday, December 23rd. For tickets ($25-75) www.lobero.org
Photos courtesy of Kerry Irish Productions Christmas Eve



Family-friendly crafts, rooftop dance party, countdown, and more • MOXI Museum • $11-20 • www.moxi.org • 9:30am-12:30pm Sa, 12/31.


Manualidades familiares, fiesta de baile en la azotea, cuenta regresiva y más • MOXI Museum • $11-20 • www.moxi.org • 9:30am-12:30pm sábado, 12/31.


Sip champagne and enjoy ocean views on the Double Dolphin • SB Sailing Center, 302 W. Cabrillo Blvd • $110 • https://sbsail.com • 3:15pm Sa, 12/31.


Bebe champán y disfrute de las vistas al mar en el Double Dolphin • SB Sailing Center, 302 W. Cabrillo Blvd • $110 • https://sbsail.com • 3:15pm sábado, 12/31.


Exclusive New Year’s Eve drink specials • 10+ venues in downtown Santa Barbara • $19 passes • https://tinyurl.com/2e2wrnwp • 8pm Sa, 12/31.


Bebidas especiales exclusivas de Nochevieja • Más de 10 lugares en el centro de Santa Bárbara • pases de $19 • https://tinyurl.com/2e2wrnwp • 8pm sábado, 12/31.


Improv music and comedy show • Rubicon Theatre, Ventura • $40-45 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm Sa, 12/31.


Espectáculo de comedia y música improvisada • Rubicon Theatre, Ventura • $40-45 • www.rubicontheatre.org • 8pm sábado, 12/31.


Concert of Beatles, Broadway, and Bond • SB Symphony • Granada Theatre • $55-250 • www.granadasb.org • 8:30pm Sa, 12/31.


Concierto de los Beatles, Broadway y Bond • SB Symphony • Granada Theatre • $55-250 • www.granadasb.org • 8:30pm sábado, 12/31.


Ring in the New Year with a black-tie ball, Le Bal Cristal • Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort • $300-500 • https://tinyurl.com/t2jp4duy • 8:30-1:30pm Sa, 12/31.


Recibe el Año Nuevo con un baile de etiqueta, Le Bal Cristal • Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort • $300-500 • https://tinyurl.com/t2jp4duy • 8:30-1:30pm sábado, 12/31.


Party with The Boogie Knights and the Spazmatics • Chumash Casino • $50 • www.chumashcasino.com • 9pm Sa, 12/31.


Fiesta con The Boogie Knights y Spazmatics • Chumash Casino • $50 • www.chumashcasino.com • 9pm sábado, 12/31.


New Year's Day Polar Dip

Kick off the New Year with a refreshing plunge in the Pacific when a group of dedicated locals returns to Santa Barbara’s East Beach for the New Year's Day Polar Dip at 11am on Sunday, January 1st. Participation is free and will be followed by food, drinks, and the awarding of prizes. All are encouraged to wear creative outfits and bring snacks, drinks, a reusable cup, and a beach chair if desired. To learn more visit https://hmargerum.wixsite.com/my-site

Dip Polar de Año Nuevo

Comienza el Año Nuevo con un refrescante chapuzón en el Pacífico cuando un grupo de lugareños dedicados regresen a East Beach de Santa Bárbara para el Dip Polar del Día de Año Nuevo a las 11 am del domingo, 1 de enero. La participación es gratuita y será seguida de comida, bebida y entrega de premios. Se alienta a todos a usar atuendos creativos y traer bocadillos, bebidas, una taza reutilizable y una silla de playa si lo desean. Para más información visita https://hmargerum.wixsite.com/my-site




Haz un recorrido • www.goletahistory.org

• De 11am a 2pm los fines de semana.

Sunday • domingo 1.1 OUTDOORS


Rock concert, with guest Christina Holmes • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • www.sohosb.com • $35-40 • 7pm doors, 9:30pm show Sa, 12/31.


Concierto de rock, con la invitada Christina Holmes • SOhO Restaurant & Music Club • www.sohosb.com • $3540 • 7pm puertas abren, 9:30pm espectáculo sábado, 12/31.

• SB City College Lote 3 • Gratis • 3pm domingo.



Hosted by Vivian Storm & Angel D’Mon

• Wildcat Lounge, 15 W. Ortega St. • $5

• https://glitterbrunch.com • Brunch 11am-3pm, Show 12:30pm, Sun.



Presentado por Vivian Storm y Angel D’Mon • Wildcat Lounge, 15 W. Ortega St. • $5 • https://glitterbrunch.com • Almuerzo 11am-3pm, Espectáculo 12:30pm, domingo.


Enjoy a dip in the Pacific, followed by prizes and food • 800 E. Cabrillo Blvd, the beach across from Hilton SB • Free • https://hmargerum.wixsite.com/my-site • 11am Su, 1/1.


Disfruta de un chapuzón en el Pacífico, seguido de premios y comida. • 800 E. Cabrillo Blvd, la playa frente a Hilton SB • Gratis •

https://hmargerum.wixsite.com/my-site • 11am domingo, 1/1.

Lot 3 • Free •
AL AIRE LIBRE SB ROLLERS Rollerskate with an ocean view • SB City College
3pm Su. SB ROLLERS Patinaje sobre ruedas con vista al mar
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 19
Photos courtesy of Polar Dip Santa Barbara
2023! Local New Year’s Eve
Out with the old year, in with the new! Whether you’re looking to ring in 2023 with champagne, disco, and rock n’ roll, or with comedy and family-friendly activities, Santa Barbara has plenty of opportunities to celebrate in style. ¡Bienvenido, 2023! Celebraciones locales de Nochevieja ¡Fuera el año viejo, bienvenido el nuevo! Ya sea que estes buscando celebrar el 2023 con champán, música disco y rock and roll, o con comedia y actividades para toda la familia, Santa Bárbara tiene muchas oportunidades para celebrar con estilo. Enjoy a family-friendly morning of activities and crafts at MOXI's "Noon Year's Eve" celebration
Toast 2023 at Rosewood Miramar Beach Resort's elegant, black tie New Year's Eve ball, Le Bal Cristal Photo courtesy of Miramar Beach Resort Photo courtesy of MOXI




Rodgers & Hammerstein’s fairy tale musical • Marian Theatre, Santa Maria • www.pcpa.org • $25-59 • Through 12/23.


Rodgers & Hammerstein’s fairy tale musical • Marian Theatre, Santa Maria • www.pcpa.org • $25-59 • Hasta el 12/23.

NatureTrack’s Documentary, The Accessible Outdoors, Available for

Free Online Viewing

TO HONOR THE INTERNATIONAL PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES DAY, the NatureTrack Film Festival’s awardwinning short documentary, The Accessible Outdoors, is now available for free, public viewing online through Vimeo.

Directed by Mitchka Saberi and Francisco Lopez, and executive produced by NatureTrack founder Sue Eisaguirre, the 15 minutes-long documentary shines the spotlight on the importance of accessibility for people with disabilities, and the value of nature appreciation overall.

The film specifically highlights the Freedom Trax device, which lets wheelchair users safely traverse beaches and outdoor trails.

NatureTrack has been offering outdoor outings with the Freedom Trax device to dozens of local wheelchair users over the past year.

“This past year, NatureTrack Foundation has expanded its outdoor field trips to be accessible to wheelchair users, and we’ve met so many wonderful people along the way!” said Sue Eisaguirre. “Access to nature is a universal right, which includes our community members with disabilities. Getting out onto the beautiful trails and beaches in California should be accessible to everyone as part of their everyday life.”

To view the documentary, visit https://vimeo.com/634811616

For more information about NatureTrack, visit https://naturetrack.org

Avatar Way of Water* (PG13): Fri-Sun: Fri, Sun-Thur: 12:45, 1:30/3D, 2:20, 4:00/3D, 5:00, 5:45/3D, 6:40, 8:20/3D, 9:15.

Sat: 12:00/3D, 12:45, 1:30/3D, 2:20, 4:00/3D, 5:00, 5:45/3D, 6:40, 8:20/3D.

Babylon* (R): Fri, Sun-Thur: 1:30, 3:15, 5:30, 7:15, 9:15. Sat: 1:30, 3:15, 5:30, 7:15.

Avatar Way of Water* (PG13): Fri, Sun: 12:15, 1:15, 3:00/3D, 4:15, 5:15, 7:00/3D, 8:15, 9:30/3D.

Sat: 11:00, 12:15, 1:15, 3:00/3D, 4:15, 5:15, 7:00/3D, 8:15. Mon-Thur: 11:00, 12:15, 1:15, 3:00/3D, 4:15, 5:15, 7:00/3D, 8:15, 9:30/3D.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (PG13): Fri-Thur: 1:00, 4:30, 8:00.

Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance w Somebody* (PG13): Fri, Sun-Thur: 12:00, 2:00, 3:30, 5:15, 6:45, 8:30.Sat: 12:00, 2:00, 3:30, 5:15, 6:45.

Puss in Boots* (PG): Fri, Sun-Thur: 12:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00, 5:20, 6:30, 8:15. Sat: 2:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00, 5:20, 6:30.

The Menu (R): Fri, Sun-Thur: 9:00.

Pinocchio (PG13): Fri, Mon, Thur: 1:40, 4:20, 7:00.

Bardo (R): Sat: 1:00, 4:30. Tue: 1:00, 4:30, 8:00.

All Quiet on the Western Front (R): Sun, Wed: 1:00, 4:30, 8:00.

Babylon* (R): Fri:, Sun-Thur 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30. Sat: 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (PG13): Fri, Sun-Thur: 12:45, 4:15, 7:45. Sat: 12:45, 4:15.

The Fabelmans (PG13): Fri, Sun-Thur: 12:40, 4:00, 7:20.Sat: 13:40, 4:00.

20 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 225 N FAIRVIEW AVE GOLETA 805-683-3800 FAIRVIEW METRO 4 618 STATE STREET SANTA BARBARA 805-965-7684 LP = Laser Projection FIESTA 5 916 STATE STREET SANTA BARBARA 805-963-0455 The Arlington Theatre PASEO NUEVO 8 WEST DE LA GUERRA STREET SANTA BARBARA 805-965-7451 Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance w Somebody* (PG13): Fri-Thur: 1:15, 4:30, 7:45. Puss in Boots* (PG): Fri/Sat: 1:05, 2:30, 3:45, 5:00, 6:15, 7:30. Sun-Thur: 12:00, 1:05, 2:30, 3:45, 5:00, 6:15, 7:30.
371 South Hitchcock Way SANTA BARBARA 805-682-6512 The Whale* (R): Fri:, Sun-Thur 2:30, 5:15, 6:40, 8:00. Sat: 2:30, 5:15, 6:40. Empire of Light (R): Fri-Thur: 3:45. Schedule subject to change. Please visit metrotheatres.com for theater updates. Thank you. Features and Showtimes for Dec 23 - 29, 2022 * = Subject to Restrictions on “SILVER MVP PASSES; and No Passes” www.metrotheatres.com
3:15, 7:30.
11:00, 3:15.
11:00, 3:15, 7:30.
Let’s Go To The M O V I E S NORTH S.B. COUNTY THEATRES Movie Listings for 12/23/22-12/29/22 MOVIES LOMPOC • (805) 736-1558 / 736-0146 AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER -PG13Fri 3:15-7 | Sat 11:30-3:15 | Sun 3:15-7 | Mon-Thu 3:15-7 I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY -PG13Fri 4-7 | Sat 1-4 | Sun 4-7 |Mon-Thu 4-7 BABYLON -RFri
| Sat
| Sun 3:15-7 | Mon-Thu 3:15-7 PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH -PGSat
| Sun 4:30-7 | Mon-Thu 2-4:30-7 All Screens Now Presented In Dolby Digital Projection and Dolby Digital Sound!





to Fed Chair Powell’s recent remarks on inflation?

“He’s pushing hard to get more people fired because he thinks that is one way to help bring down inflation,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told HuffPost on Wednesday. “But it’s sure painful for the families who lose their jobs.”

But that is not the only way to bring down inflation, because a tight labor market is not even the major cause of current inflation.

Powell had said in his press conference after last Wednesday’s FOMC meeting, “Really there’s an imbalance in the labor market between supply and demand so that part of it, which is the biggest part, is likely to take a substantial period to get down.”

The Fed Governors didn’t like the November unemployment report that 263,000 nonfarm payroll jobs were created, and average hourly wages are still rising 5.1 percent annually. Jobs were created in every job category except retail/ trade and transportation/warehousing.

In other words, the Fed Governors have been saying they won’t know if inflation has been conquered without higher unemployment, which means the unemployment rate rising to five or six percent from its current 3.7 percent.

Why? Because they believe rising wages are a major cause of inflation since wages and salaries make up two-thirds of product costs. But that doesn’t mean it makes up two-thirds of the current inflationary surge.

The Fed has made workers’ wages the culprit of high inflation since the wage-price spiral of the 1970s, when an overly accommodative Federal Reserve kept the credit spigot open to combat soaring oil prices. Unions had bargaining power then and it resulted in wages keeping up with inflation.

So top business leaders formed the Business Roundtable and began spending Big Bucks on lobbying and campaign contributions to weaken labor unions and introduce legislation that cut taxes, resulting in ‘trickle-down’ economic policies that lowered taxes for the wealthiest while asserting that some of their wealth would trickle down to workers.

It was the beginning of an economic counter-revolution, instituted to counter the influence of Keynesian, New Deal, economics that had prevailed since the Great Depression.

But we know that not much trickled down, in part because newly enacted laws not only restricted unions’ bargaining power but cut social programs as well.

We also know that prices have been rising even faster than production costs since the pandemic in various studies, including one such I reported by Nobelist Joe Stiglitz that showed corporate profit margins are the highest since 1950, also as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.

This is while the current 5.1 percent average hourly wage rise of employees doesn’t even match the current annual inflation

rate of 7.1 percent. Wages after inflation have been falling 1.9 percent annually since the pandemic, so they now make up a smaller portion of costs.

Wages and household incomes haven’t kept up with inflation since the 1970s. So Big Business did its job of suppressing the incomes of salaried workers during all those years of trickle-down economics.

It was also the beginning of record budget deficits, since Big Business justified the tax cuts by invoking President Reagan’s famous assertion that “deficits don’t matter.”

But deficits matter now because of record spending needed to vanquish COVID and assist Ukraine. So this is not a good time to penalize workers and shrink the American economy into a probable recession.

Harlan Green © 2022 Follow Harlan Green on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarlanGreen Harlan Green has been the 16-year Editor-Publisher of PopularEconomics.com, a weekly syndicated financial wire service. He writes a Popular Economics Weekly Blog. He is an economic forecaster and teacher of real estate finance with 30-years experience as a banker and mortgage broker. To reach Harlan call (805)452-7696 or email editor@populareconomics.com.

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 21 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CES0500000003# Don’t Blame the Workers
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By Harlan Green

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Insertion Date: Print: 12/23/22


Digital included 12/21/22



The above captioned ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the Santa Barbara City Council held on December 13, 2022.

The publication of this ordinance is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 512 of the Santa Barbara City Charter as amended, and the original ordinance in its entirety may be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, Santa Barbara, California.


/s/ Sarah Gorman, MMC City Clerk Services Manager





I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introduced on December 6, 2022 and adopted by the Council of the City of Santa Barbara at a meeting held on December 13, 2022 by the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Eric Friedman, Alejandra Gutierrez, Oscar Gutierrez, Meagan Harmon, Mike Jordan, Kristen W. Sneddon, Mayor Randy Rowse NOES: None


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Santa Barbara on December 14, 2022.

/s/ Sarah Gorman, MMC City Clerk Services Manager

I HEREBY APPROVE the foregoing ordinance on December 14, 2022.

/s/ Randy Rowse Mayor

Where to Learn About Local Government Meetings

The Santa Barbara City Council meets most Tuesdays at 2pm • To learn more about the council and other City department meetings, visit www.santabarbaraca.gov

The Goleta City Council meets biweekly on Tuesdays at 5:30pm • To learn more about the council and other City department meetings, visit www.cityofgoleta.org

The Carpinteria City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of the month at 5:30pm • To learn more about other City departments visit www.carpinteriaca.gov

The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors meets most Tuesdays at 9am • To learn more about other County departments visit www.countyofsb.org

For more info visit: www.sbbeautiful.org Santa Barbara Beautiful is a 501 (c) 3. Donations

ID: 23-7055360


Contact your local loan agent or mortgage broker for current rates: DRAPER & KRAMER MORTGAGE CORP. Please call for current rates: Russell Story, 805-895-8831 PARAGON MORTGAGE GROUP Please call for current rates: 805-899-1390 HOMEBRIDGE FINANCIAL SERVICES Please call for current rates: Erik Taiji, 805-895-8233, NMLS #322481 MONTECITO BANK & TRUST Please call for current rates: 805-963-7511 • Coastal Housing Partnership Member SB MORTGAGE GROUP Simar Gulati, 805-403-9679 UNION BANK Please call for current rates: Teri Gauthier, 805-565-4571 • Coastal Housing Partnership Member Santa Barbara Mortgage Interest Rates Rates are supplied by participating institutions prior to publishing deadline and are deemed reliable. They do not constitute a commitment to lend and are not guaranteed. For more information and additional loan types and rates, consumers should contact the lender of their choice. CASA Santa Barbara cannot guarantee the accuracy and availability of quoted rates. All quotes are based on total points including loan. Rates are effective as of 11/23/2022. ** Annual percentage rate subject to change after loan closing. CHRIS AGNOLI (805) 682-4304 chris@suncoastrealestate.com www.chrisagnoli.com Experience you can count on! 22 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 To place your classified ad, email advertising@VoiceSB.com The Multi-family Investment Specialist sgolis@radiusgroup.com www.radiusgroup.com 805-879-9606 STEVE GOLIS CA Lic. 00772218 www.neilsteadman.com CalBRE License #00461906 Cascade Capital (805) 688-9697 Fast Private Lending 1st & 2nd Trust Deeds Commercial ~ Land Mixed Use ~ Multifamily No Tax Returns Simple Documentation No Minimum Credit DESIGN &
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1. Bid Submission. The City of Santa Barbara (“City”) will accept electronic bids for its Braemar Lift Station Rehabilitation Project (“Project”), by or before February 2, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., through its PlanetBids portal.

Bidders must be registered on the City of Santa Barbara’s PlanetBids portal in order to submit a Bid proposal and to receive addendum notifications. Each bidder is responsible for making certain that its Bid Proposal is actually submitted/uploaded with sufficient time to be received by PlanetBids prior to the bid opening date and time. Large files may take more time to be submitted/uploaded to PlanetBids, so plan accordingly... The receiving time on the PlanetBids server will be the governing time for acceptability of bids. Telegraphic, telephonic, hardcopy, and facsimile bids will not be accepted.

If any Addendum issued by City is not acknowledged online by the Bidder, the PlanetBids System will prevent the Bidder from submitting a Bid Proposal. Bidders are responsible for obtaining all addenda from City’s PlanetBids portal. Bid results and awards will be available on PlanetBids.

2. Project Information.

2.1. Location and Description. The Project is located at 404 Alan Road, Santa Barbara, California and is described as follows:

The Work involves rehabilitation of the Braemar Lift station. It consists of replacement of existing pumps, valves, and piping, replacement of existing ventilation fans and ducting in the dry well, replacement of valve vaults, installation of new variable frequency drives, construction of dry flood proofing measures, and replacement of existing motor control center and control system.

2.2. Time for Final Completion. The Project must be fully completed within 670 calendar days from the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed. City anticipates that the Work will begin on or about March 2023, but the anticipated start date is provided solely for convenience and is neither certain nor binding.

2.3. Estimated Cost. The estimated construction cost is $5,100,000.

3. License and Registration Requirements.

3.1. License. This Project requires a valid California contractor’s license for the following classification(s): Class A.

3.2. DIR Registration. City may not accept a Bid Proposal from or enter into the Contract with a bidder, without proof that the bidder is registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5, subject to limited legal exceptions.

4. Contract Documents. The plans, specifications, bid forms and contract documents for the Project, and any addenda thereto (“Contract Documents”) may be downloaded from City’s website at: http://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=29959 A printed copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained from CyberCopy Shop, located at 504 N. Milpas Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, at (805) 884-6155.

5. Bid Security. The Bid Proposal must be accompanied by bid security of 5% of the maximum bid amount, in the form

of a cashier’s or certified check made payable to City, or a bid bond executed by a surety licensed to do business in the State of California on the Bid Bond form included with the Contract Documents. The bid security must guarantee that within ten days after City issues the Notice of Award, the successful bidder will execute the Contract and submit the payment and performance bonds, insurance certificates and endorsements, and any other submittals required by the Contract Documents and as specified in the Notice of Award.

6. Prevailing Wage Requirements.

6.1. General. Pursuant to California Labor Code § 1720 et seq., this Project is subject to the prevailing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the Work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the Work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes.

6.2. Rates. The prevailing rates are on file with City and are available online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR. Each Contractor and Subcontractor must pay no less than the specified rates to all workers employed to work on the Project. The schedule of per diem wages is based upon a working day of eight hours. The rate for holiday and overtime work must be at least time and one-half.

6.3. Compliance. The Contract will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR, under Labor Code § 1771.4.

7. Performance and Payment Bonds. The successful bidder will be required to provide performance and payment bonds, each for 100% of the Contract Price, as further specified in the Contract Documents.

8. Substitution of Securities. Substitution of appropriate securities in lieu of retention amounts from progress payments is permitted under Public Contract Code § 22300.

9. Subcontractor List. Each Subcontractor must be registered with the DIR to perform work on public projects. Each bidder must submit a completed Subcontractor List form with its Bid Proposal, including the name, location of the place of business, California contractor license number, DIR registration number, and percentage of the Work to be performed (based on the base bid price) for each Subcontractor that will perform Work or service or fabricate or install Work for the prime contractor in excess of one-half of 1% of the bid price, using the Subcontractor List form included with the Contract Documents.

10. Instructions to Bidders. All bidders should carefully review the Instructions to Bidders for more detailed information before submitting a Bid Proposal. The definitions provided in Article 1 of the General Conditions apply to all of the Contract Documents, as defined therein, including this Notice Inviting Bids.

11. Specific Brands. Pursuant to referenced provision(s) of Public Contract Code § 3400(c), City has found that the following specific brands are required for the following particular material(s), product(s), thing(s), or service(s), and no substitutions will be considered or accepted:

Insertion Date: Print: 12/23 & 30/22


Digital included 12/21 & 28/22

Santa Barbara, CA, 93109 to acquaint all prospective bidders with the Contract Documents and the Worksite. The bidders’ conference is mandatory. A bidder who fails to attend a mandatory bidders’ conference may be disqualified from bidding.

13. This Project is not subject to the terms of the Community Workforce Agreement. The Project is maintenance and repair of an existing facility and therefore exempt from these requirements.

Brian D’Amour, P.E., City Engineer

Publication Dates: 1) December 14, 2022, 2) December 21, 2022





Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Santa Barbara will conduct a public hearing for Introduction of proposed amendments to Santa Barbara Municipal Code Title 30 Zoning Ordinance, Section 30.185.040 Accessory Dwelling Units, and Title 28 Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 28.86 Accessory Dwelling Units, on January 10, 2023 at 2:00pm, and a public hearing on January 24, 2023 at 2:00pm for Adoption, in Council Chambers, 735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, California.

Notice is further given that copies of the proposed amendments to those codes being considered for adoption are on file with the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Santa Barbara, City Hall, 735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101, and are open for public inspection.

Written comments may be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Santa Barbara at the above address or clerk@santabarbaraca.gov .

For further information, please contact Jillian Ferguson, Santa Barbara Community Development Department, Planning Division, (805) 564-5585.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need auxiliary aids or special assistance to gain access to, comment at, or participate in this meeting, please contact the City Administrator’s Office at 805-564-5305. If possible, notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements in most cases. Specialized services, such as sign language interpretation or documents in Braille, may require additional lead time to arrange.


/s/ Sarah Gorman, MMC City Clerk Services Manager December 19, 2022


The following person/persons is/ are doing business as DELMONTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY at 114 W Mission St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. JAMES R DELMONTE at 114 W Mission St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Barbara on November 29, 2022. This statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL). FBN No. 20220002892. Published December 9, 16, 23, 30 2022.

Legal Notices


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South County Sales
Two columns Insertion Date: 12/16/22 & 12/23/22 Notice Inviting Bids BRAEMAR LIFT STATION REHABILITATION PROJECT Bid No. 3932 Item: Required brand: Reference: Variable Frequency Drives Schneider Electric\Altivar Section 3400 (c)(2) Programmable Logic Controllers Schneider Electric\Modicon Section 3400 (c)(2) Ultrasonic Level Sensors Siemens Hydroranger Section 3400 (c)(2) Plug Valves DeZurik Section 3400 (c)(2) CCTV Bay Alarm Company Section 3400 (c)(2) Flood Protection Panels AquaFence USA Section 3400 (c)(2) Gas Monitors MSA Section 3400 (c)(2) Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) APC Section 3400 (c)(2) Local Operator Interface (LOI) Telemecanique Section 3400 (c)(2) 12. Bidders’ Conference. A bidders’ conference will be held on January 9th, 2023 at 11:00a.m., at the following location: 401 Alan Road,


24 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
33 American Riviera was able to meet our tight time constraints and get our home remodel started. TREVOR & MARJORIE LARGE, HOMEOWNERS Together we can expand the possibilities for your business! Visit us at AmericanRiviera.Bank • 805.965.5942
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Clarence Mattei: Portrait Of A Community


STARS, the Santa Barbara Historical Museum opened Clarence Mattei: Portrait of a Community on December 7th. Offering faces from Mattei’s Tavern of old to portraits of wealthy philanthropists, their children, and leading artists of his day, Clarence Mattei (1883-1945) cut a figure as one of the top international portrait artists before cameras were widely available and when selfies were unknown.

An international traveler and art student, Mattei’s roots were so firmly planted in Santa Barbara County, as the son of the founder of the famed Mattei’s Tavern in Los Olivos, that at the peak of his fame, he left the east to return to his home, eventually settling in the city of Santa Barbara.

On view through May 2023, the exhibition showcases Mattei’s work in oil, pen, pencil, and charcoal from 1898 to 1945. It includes drawings made in Los Olivos from the artist’s teenage years, which are on view for the first time.

“This is an incredible

look at one of our most well-known residents and a celebration of a career that spanned more than forty years,” said Museum Director Dacia Harwood. “We’re especially gratified to present the early drawings, which were recently gifted to us and have not been exhibited before.”

At the height of his career in Santa Barbara, Mattei created images of influential people, including President Herbert Hoover, as well as prominent local residents and tourists visiting his El Paseo studio.

His beginnings, though, were in Los Olivos, where his father, Swiss-Italian immigrant Felix, founded the stagecoach stop Mattei’s Tavern in 1886 when Clarence was three. It became a popular hotel and watering hole, a reputation that continues to this day.

The timing of this exhibition is in part due to the recent re-opening of Mattei’s Tavern, a County historic landmark, in November. It is now the restaurant and bar of a new 67-room luxury resort named “The Inn at Mattei’s Tavern,” which is slated to open in February 2023.

Mattei was 15 when he made a pen-and-ink rendition of Emmanuel Leutze’s Washington

Crossing the Delaware, which is included in the exhibit. While staying at Mattei’s Tavern, philanthropists Herman and Ellen Duryea saw Mattei’s work and became his patrons. They paid for his professional training and for him to attend the prestigious Mark Hopkins Art Institute in San Francisco from 1900 to 1902, which ultimately launched his career. He later (1907-10) studied in Paris at Académie Julian under Jean Paul Laurens and opened a studio in New York City.

While in London, Mattei met noted American portraitist John Singer Sargent. Sargent became his teacher, mentor, and friend. Sargent encouraged Mattei to pursue his charcoal portraits, which the artist did beginning in 1914.

Local civic leaders were among those who commissioned portraits from Mattei including Montecito matron Lolita Mitchell nee Armour (meatpacking heiress of legendary El Mirador estate), philanthropist Amy DuPont (industrial heiress), Thomas More Storke (publisher of the News-Press), and many others.

The exhibit includes several unnamed individuals, which the public is invited to help identify. The Museum has also made efforts to identify some of the women in the collection who were only identified as the wife of their husband. Harwood explained, “One of the things that we did that we’re very proud of is we’ve given a lot of these women first names. There were quite a few that were just listed as Mrs. so and so... This one [pointing to Correnah de Pue Neville] was actually referred to as Mrs. Jack Neville. I was obsessed with her and she’s gorgeous. And then I went back and looked and they weren’t even married at the time. They had separated... and she had no name. So I was very happy to give her a name back. Anyway, we did as much of that as we could.”


Museum is located at 136 East de la Guerra Street. Admission is free. Hours are currently Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays noon to 5pm and Thursdays noon to 7pm.

The Barbara Historical
Barbara Hisotrical Museum
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 25
Clarence Mattei Correnah de Pue Neville’s full name was unknown until curators did research and discovered her first name. Mary Jane Wiman, a great-great granddaughter of John Deere founder of the John Deere Company Gus worked at the tavern for 50 to 60 years until his 90’s, and was one of Clarence’s father’s close associates. Two early draws of two of the men inhabiting Mattei’s world when he was a young man. Courtesy of SBHM

10 WEST GALLERY: Holiday AllMember Exhibit and Mata Ortiz Pottery Market ~ Jan 8 • 10 W Anapamu • Thu-Sun 11-5 • 805770-7711 • www.10westgallery.com

ARCHITECTURAL FDN GALLERY: Kids Draw Architecture ~ Jan 4 • 229 E Victoria • 805-965-6307 • www.afsb.org


MUSEUM: Ishi Glinsky: Upon a Jagged Maze; Momentary Stillness; Gods, Glory & Spirituality ~ Jan 22 • www.museum.ucsb.edu

ART FROM SCRAP GALLERY: 302 E Cota St • We 11-4; Th 11-5; Fr, Sat 11-4 • 805-884-0459 • www.exploreecology.org/art-from-scrap

THE ARTS FUND: Teen Arts Mentorship Show ~ • La Cumbre Plaza, 120 S Hope Av • Su-Thu 11-6; Fri, Sa 11-7 • www.artsfundsb.org

ATKINSON GALLERY: Mo-Th 11-5, Fr 11-3 • http://gallery.sbcc.edu

BELLA ROSA GALLERIES: 1103-A State St • 11-5 daily • 805-966-1707

CASA DE LA GUERRA: Haas Adobe Watercolors and Wallpaper Discoveries • $5/Free • 15 East De la Guerra St • Th-Sun 12-4 • www.sbthp.org/casadelaguerra

CASA DOLORES: Native Mexican Garment - extended to Dec 30; Bandera Ware; traditional outfits • 1023 Bath St • www.casadolores.org

CHANNING PEAKE GALLERY: Stepping Out! by the SB Art Assoc • 1st fl, 105 E. Anacapa St • 805-568-3994

CLAY STUDIO GALLERY: Studio Artists • 9-5pm, Mon-Fri; By Appt • 1351 Holiday Hill Rd • 805-565-CLAY • www.claystudiosb.org

CORRIDAN GALLERY: A Winter Group, bringing Color and Light to the Season ~ Jan 28 • Central Coast Artists • 125 N Milpas • We-Sa 11-6 • 805-966-7939 • www.corridan-gallery.com

CYPRESS GALLERY: 119 E Cypress Av, Lompoc • Sat & Sun 1-4 • 805-737-1129 • www.lompocart.org

EL PRESIDIO DE SANTA BÁRBARA: Nihonmachi Revisited; Memorias y Facturas • 123 E Canon Perdido St • Th-Sun 11-4 • www.sbthp.org/presidio

ELVERHØJ MUSEUM: 1624 Elverhoy Way, Solvang • 805-686-1211 • Th-Mo 11-5 • www.elverhoj.org

FAULKNER GALLERY • https://www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/lib/default.asp

GALLERY 113: Members of SB Art Assn • 1114 State St, #8, La Arcada Ct • 805-965-6611 • Mo-Sa 11-5; Sun 1-5 • www.gallery113sb.com

GALLERY LOS OLIVOS: Winter Salon ~ Jan 30 • Thu-Mo 10-5 • www.gallerylosolivos.com • 805-688-7517

GANNA WALSKA LOTUSLAND: 805.969.9990 • www.lotusland.org

GOLETA VALLEY LIBRARY: 12th Annual Picassos 4 Peanuts ~ Dec 28 • 500 N. Fairview Ave • Tu-Thu: 10-7pm; Fri & Sa 105:30pm; Su 1-5pm • www.TheGoletaValleyArtAssociation.org

HELENA MASON ART GALLERY: Art for Good • 48 Helena Ave • 11-5pm Wed-Mon • www.helenamasonartgallery.com

JAMES MAIN FINE ART: 19th & 20th Fine art & antiques • 27 E De La Guerra St • Tu-Sa 12-5 • Appt Suggested • 805-962-8347

KARPELES MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY & MUSEUM: 21 W Anapamu • WeSu 12-4 • 805-962-5322 • https://karpeles.com/museums/sb.php

KATHRYNE DESIGNS: Local Artists • 1225 Coast Village Rd, A • M-Sa 10-5; Su 11-5 • 805565-4700

LA CUMBRE CENTER FOR CREATIVE ARTS: Three Multi-Artist Galleries at La Cumbre Plaza - Celebrating Three Years! • Tues-Sun 1-6 • lacumbrecenterforcreativearts@gmail.com

LA LA LA - SANTA BARBARA: Silkscreen Paintings & Sculpture

By Daniel Dens ~ Dec 31 • 931 State St • 11am-7pm M-W; 108pm Th-Su • www.danieldens. com • 917-288-0065

LYNDA FAIRLY CARPINTERIA ARTS CENTER: Thu-Su 12-4 • 865 Linden Av • 805-684-7789 • www.carpinteriaartscenter.org

MARCIA BURTT STUDIO: Holiday Exhibition - paintings and photographs by gallery artists ~ Jan 29 • 517 Laguna St • Th-Su 1-5 • 805-962-5588 • www.artlacuna.com

MAUNE CONTEMPORARY: Ted Collier: Don’t Quit Your Daydream • 1309 State St • Tu-Su 11-5 & By appt • 805-869-2524 • www.maune.com

MOXI, THE WOLF MUSEUM: Exploration + Innovation • Daily 10-5 • 805-770-5000 • 125 State St • www.moxi.org

MUSEUM OF SENSORY & MOVEMENT EXPERIENCES: La Cumbre Plaza, 120 S. Hope Av #F119 • www.seehearmove.com

MY PET RAM: The Golden Hour ~ Jan 15 • 16 Helena Av • Fri-Sun noon-7pm • www.mypetram.com

PALM LOFT GALLERY: Three old trees ~ Feb 5 • 410 Palm Av, Loft A1, Carp • By Appt • 805-6849700 • www.Palmloft.com

PEREGRINE GALLERIES: Early California and American paintings; fine vintage jewelry • 1133 Coast Village Rd • 805-2529659 • www.Peregrine.shop

PORTICO GALLERY: Open Daily • 1235 Coast Village Rd • 805-7298454 • www.porticofinearts.com

SANTA BARBARA ART WORKS: Artists with disabilities programs, virtual exhibits • 805-260-6705 • www.sbartworks.org

SANTA BARBARA FINE ART: Holiday Show • 1321 State St • MoSa 12-5; Su 12-4 • 805-845-4270 • www.santabarbarafineart.com

SB BOTANIC GARDEN: Pressed: Botanical Art and The Herbarium • 1212 Mission Canyon Rd • 10-5 daily • 805-682-4726 • www.sbbg.org

SB HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Clarence Mattei: Portrait of a Community; Memories of Mountain Drive: SB’s Bohemian Community ~ Feb 28; The Story of SB • 136 E De la Guerra • Thur 12-5, Fri 12-7; Sat 12-5 • 805-966-1601 • www.sbhistorical.org

www.roeannewhite.com Padero Beach 319 Roe Anne White p h o t o g r a p h y roeannewhite.com MARCIA BURTT
Evening Glow - Douglas Preserve Original Oil Painting by Ralph Waterhouse Waterhouse Gallery La Arcada at State & Figueroa Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-962-8885 www.waterhousegallery.com 26 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022 A rt | A rte • GALLERIES • STUDIOS • MUSEUMS • PUBLIC PLACES Kerry Methner www.TheTouchofStone.com 805-570-2011 • VOICE Gallery Mary Dee Thompson La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts Illuminations Gallery La Cumbre PLaza Eric Saint Georges Illuminations Gallery La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts La Cumbre PLaza
Marcia Burtt Gallery 517 Laguna St., Santa Barbara 805 962-5588 www.artlacuna.com


Peaceful Sea: Paintings by Kevin A. Short ~ Dec 31; The Chumash, Whaling, Commercial Diving, Surfing, Shipwrecks, First Order Fresnel Lens, and Santa Barbara Lighthouse Women Keepers ~ Ongoing • 113 Harbor Way, Ste 190 • Thu-Su 10-5 • 805-9628404 • www.SBMM.org


~ Jan 15; The Architecture of Collage: Marshall Brown ~ Jan 2; Portrait of Mexico Today;Ongoing; • Tu-Su, 11-5; Thu, 11-8 • www.sbma.net • 805-963-4364


HISTORY: Native People Through Lens of Edward Curtis ~ Apr 30 • Wed-Sun 10-5 • 2559 Puesta del Sol • www.sbnature.org


Dive In: Our Changing Channel ~ Ongoing • Daily 10-5 • 805-6824711 • 211 Stearns Wharf • www.sbnature.org


Wings ~ Jan 4 • 9-7 daily • 2375 Foothill Rd • 805-682-4722 • www.2ndfridaysart.com

SILO 118: LARRY VIGON: Madonna and Bunny and Friends, A Holiday Exhibit ~ Jan 14 • 118

Gray St • 12-5 Th-Sa/by appt • www.silo118.com

SULLIVAN GOSS: 100 Grand ~ Jan 23; Winder Salon II ~Jan 23; Joseph Goldyne: Imaginary Falls in Charcoal, Ink, and Oil; Natalie Arnoldi: Water And Light ~ Dec 26 • 11 E Anapamu St • 805-7301460 • www.sullivangoss.com

SUSAN QUINLAN DOLL & TEDDY BEAR MUSEUM: 122 W. Canon Perdido • Fr-Sa 11-4; Su-Th by appt • 805-687-4623 • www.quinlanmuseum.com


CARRIAGE HOUSE: Art Of The Western Saddle • 3596 Sagunto St, Santa Ynez • Sa, Su 12-4 • 805-688-7889 • www.santaynezmuseum.org

TAMSEN GALLERY: Work by Robert W. Firestone • 911.5 State St, 805-705-2208 • www.tamsengallery.com

THOMAS REYNOLDS GALLERY: eye am: 47 paintings of the eyes of endangered species by Caroline Thompson and Nancy Taliaferro ~ Dec 31 • Th-Sat 12-5; By Appt • 1331 State Street • www.thomasreynolds.com

UCSB LIBRARY: Learning Commons; Tattooed and Tenacious ~ Jan 1 • 1st Fl Ocean side • www.library.ucsb.edu

VOICE GALLERY: Work by over 30 local artists ~ Dec 30 • La Cumbre Plaza H-124 • 805-965-6448

WATERHOUSE GALLERY: Notable CA & National Artists • La Arcada Ct, 1114 State St, #9 • 11-5 Mon-Sat, 12-4 Sun • 805-962-8885 • www.waterhousegallery.com

WESTMONT RIDLEY-TREE MUSEUM OF ART: • 805-565-6162 • Mo-Fr 10-4; Sat 11-5 • www.westmont.edu/museum

WILDLING MUSEUM: Wildlife on the Edge: Hilary Baker ~ Mar 6; Portals & Pathways by Kerrie Smith ~ February 2023 • 1511 B Mission Dr, Solvang • www.wildlingmuseum.org


Art Events Eventos de


Local artists & artisans • 236 E. Cabrillo Blvd., SB • 10am5pm Sundays.


ARTESANIAS SB • De artistas y artesanos locales • 236 E. Cabrillo Blvd., SB • 10am5pm los domingos.

Send your art openings, receptions, and events to Art@VoiceSB.com to be included in this free listing. Envía tus inauguraciones de arte, recepciones, y eventos a Art@VoiceSB.com para ser incluido en este listado gratuito.

December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village |
VoiceSB.com 27
Silo118 in the Funk Zone • 118 Gray St, SB, CA
Art | Arte CONTINUED: ARTISTS: SEE YOUR WORK HERE! Join VOICE Magazine’s Print & Virtual Gallery! Affordable Advertising opportunity – Just for Artists Find out more & reserve a space by emailing Publisher@VoiceSB.com 1331 State Street, Santa Barbara Thursday-Friday-Saturday through January 7th, 2023 or by Appointment: 415-676-7689 Walking the Dog, watercolor, by Ruth Ellen Hoag RUTH ELLEN HOAG Journey at Thomas Reynolds Gallery www.ruthellenhoag.com “Ordinary, everyday people being central to my work, each painting offers an opportunity to discover new insights into how we act, react, do, think, worry, enjoy or ponder.” – Ruth Ellen Hoag 1st Thursday Reception December 1st from 5 to 8 pm
LARRY VIGON Glittering for the holidays Bunny style!
22 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
www.LeadingLendersSB.com www.LeaderingLendersSB.com ©2020 Leading Lenders. This is not a commitment to lend. Loan approval is subject to qualification. Loan Officers and their affiliated companies do not guarantee that each application will receive a loan. Setting Ourselves Apart with Expertise and Integrity to Deliver the Best Mortgage
for Our Clients
By sharing our knowledge and experience, our clients benefit by having access to more options because we put their interests ahead of our own.
Leading Lenders are committed to continually educating ourselves and our clients about the ongoing changes and nuances of the real estate industry to remain at the top of our field.
Lenders have the experience and professionalism to provide creative solutions in a timely fashion to meet our clients’ financial goals. LeadingLendersSB.com ©2022 Leading Lenders. This is not a commitment to lend. Loan approval is subject to qualification. Loan Officers and their affiliated companies do not guarantee that each application will receive a loan.
Expertise and Integrity to Deliver the Best Mortgage Solutions
Our Clients
By sharing our knowledge and experience, our clients benefit by having access to more options because we put their interests ahead of our own. Educate Leading Lenders are committed to continually educating ourselves and our clients about the ongoing changes and nuances of the real estate industry to remain at the top of our field.
Lenders have the experience and professionalism to provide creative solutions in a timely fashion to meet our clients’ financial goals. LeadingLendersSB.com ©2020 Leading Lenders. This is not a commitment to lend. Loan approval is subject to qualification. Loan Officers and their affiliated companies do not guarantee that each application will receive a loan. Setting Ourselves Apart with Expertise and Integrity to Deliver the Best Mortgage Solutions for Our Clients Collaborate By sharing our knowledge and experience, our clients benefit by having access to more options because we put their interests ahead of our own. Educate Leading Lenders are committed to continually educating ourselves and our clients about the ongoing changes and nuances of the real estate industry to remain at the top of our field. Execute Leading Lenders have the experience and professionalism to provide creative solutions in a timely fashion to meet our clients’ financial goals. LeadingLendersSB.com Annette Jorgensen American Riviera Bank SBA Lender 805-979-3846 Lori Murray American Riviera Bank NMLS 742373 805-730-4987 Elizabeth Winterhalter Bank of the West NMLS 237143 805-904-7328 Eric D. Miller Reverse Mortgage Mutual of Omaha | NMLS 582959 805-570-8885 Liz Heitmann Guaranteed Rate NMLS 777583 805-455-0772 Peter Trent Paragon Mortgage Group NMLS 243483 805-881-3752 Teri Gauthier Union Bank NMLS 515671 805-565-4571 Mark Johnson Guaranteed Rate NMLS 451091 805-563-1100 Susan Bonanno Finance of America Mortgage NMLS 245778 805-252-6324 Jeff Bochsler Guaranteed Rate NMLS 770636 805-450-9616 Featured Lender of the Month ~ Meet Annette
banking experience specializing
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 23
Execute Leading
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Execute Leading
With 30 years
Business Administration Loans, Annette helps people finance their dream of buying or starting a business, expanding their business and she can help with buying real estate for their business with as little as 10% down. “The SBA programs can be difficult to maneuver without the right lender to facilitate the process. Small Business is my business.” Contact Annette today at 805-979-3846 or ajorgensen@americanrivierabank.com

This Holiday Season...

Join the PARC Foundation in strengthening the places and programs that bring Santa Barbara together.

Providing Scholarships

PARC is committed to ensuring high-quality summer camp experiences are available to all families, not just those who can afford them. This year, donor support allowed us to award 151 scholarships to cover over $50,0000 of summer camp costs for local families. We were also able to help fund 9-weeks of free childcare for almost 500 participants through the Parks and Recreation Department’s annual Summer Fun program.

Community Gathering Spaces

This year, PARC supporters raised over $55,000 to restore the historic band shell at Plaza del Mar. This restoration aims to revitalize one of Santa Barbara’s oldest parks as a community destination for music, theater, dance, and celebrations, just as it once was. Next year, we will seek local sponsors to fund free community concerts and performances for Santa Barbara’s newest outdoor performance venue.

Youth and Art Programs

Over the past 20 years, the Santa Barbara Arts Alliance program has provided free art-based mentoring to over 700 youth at risk of violence. This year, the California Park and Recreation Society recognized the program with their annual Creating Community Award of Excellence for its significant impact on the City of Santa Barbara. PARC is proud to support the critical work of the Arts Alliance by providing funding for supplies and stipends for youth artists.


Every Dollar Counts!
22 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022 Local News for a Global Village | www.VoiceSB.com 23
Exclusive Member of VILLAGESITE.COM | 805.969.8900 | DRE 01206734 WE WELCOME YOUR VISIT OR CALL All information provided is deemed reliable but has not been verified and we do not guarantee it. We recommend that buyers make their own inquiries. Village Properties is an exclusive member of Forbes Global Properties. Forbes®️ is a registered trademark used under license. 751 Buena Vista Drive | Riskin Partners Estate Group $18,900,000 4038 Foothill Road | Casey Turpin $12,900,000 4161 Creciente Drive | Jeff Oien $9,750,000 1010 Cima Linda Lane | Riskin Partners Estate Group $10,750,000 4300 Roblar Avenue | Kendall/Riskin Partners Estate Group $8,600,000 2111 Random Oaks Road | Kendall/Kellenberger $8,500,000 1250 Coast Village Road Montecito, CA 93108

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