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Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011 baddy, beast, brute, caitiff, devil, evildoer, fiend, heavy, hound, knave, meanie, miscreant, monster, nazi, nogood, rascale rapscallion, reprobate, villain, savage, scalawag, scamp, scapegrace, scoundrel, varlet, wretch?

group presentation: a+a atrium january 21, 2011 @ 1:00pm



“The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking” —A.A. Milne

The first several questions I asked myself, what’s f*@cking Rogue? I was looking for a definition. How do I define this word and how am I going to portray this in a performace piece or event. My thoughts ran to vandalism: have a room dedicated just to breaking things and releasing tension (break glass, throw things, spray paint the walls) which led to spray painted art (cover an entire wall in butcher paper and let people go crazy with spray paint and film it as a collaborative piece), burn things, blow things up, fireworks in the Atrium of A + A! Ideas got somewhat drastic including pulling the fire alarms and cutting power to the building, throwing marbles on the floor to tagging.

Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011

EPIC 4 STORY SLIDE!! Our goal for this year’s Charrette was to top last years project of the Underwater Super Mario world. Jaclyn and I were collaborating again even though we were encouraged to work with others this semester. It only seemd logical to stick together this time and gather more recruits for our efforts. Tending to have a flare for the dramatic it seemed like an amazing and ambitious project to conceive a 4 story slide down the stairwell of the A + A building. It was only after conculting with my father, an architect, that we realized the project was just not feasible nor safe. Even though we were unable to construct this under tight budget + time constraints, the dream still lives on.

There are several places around the globe that have 4 story slides we discovered. Shanghi International airport as well as a German University. Looking back at this project it’s almost laughable how we were going to try and concieve this project. Building ramps onto the stair landing to curve towards another set of stairs then taking the stairs on a lunch tray! What were we thinking! Not safe and one we would be the testing subjects for this social experiment. With a week or 5 days until our deadline of the Charrette we had to come up with a new idea and quick. Back to the drawing board. We know we liked something large scale, we like quanitiy, impact, color and we wanted it to be an installation.

Charrette 2011


Our next round of brainstorming resulted still along the idea of guerilla type art. We wanted to expand on the of spray painting but fumes/ventiliation and accessibility were an issue for us. We wanted to be seen. We thought about yarn bombing. (Jaclyn + I still both very much in the mindset of DIY projects from 351). This idea stuck. Our goal to yarn bomb the Atrium in A + A nothing would be left sacred. Cover the tables, chairs, trashcans, Einstein’s coffee dispensers. We thought this goal might be a bit more economical as well asking friends for unused yarn.

Charrette 2011


Charrette 2011

STRINGS & THINGS Thinking about string and things. We discussed several options for installation. Wind/Rewind came to mind while I viewed something online about spelling out words with string suspended from a point on a ceiling. A.C. Rayburn provided some amazing

inspiration which we ended up duplicating. Our fascination with yarn, multiples in mass quantities and large scale fell into place. Now our application, location and message needed clarification. At first we thought of an experiencial piece that

people could walk through or interact with, right. Looking up instructions and tutorials didn’t help the cause since more math and stategery was involved that time allowed. So it was back to A.C. Rayburn’s for a plain and simple overlay into Rogue.

Charrette 2011


Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011 A.aron Rayburn Installation OVER IT: A collaberation “Can 18 disparate Portland artists, writers, designers, art directors, fashion designers and illustrators get together and work as a singular unit to make art? Probably not.” Together we crafted 14 miles of string strung through 2500 eye screws spelling the words AFFIRMATIONS, INSULTS, and BANTER.” --Aaron Rayburn and a band of seventeen other Portland-based creatives set themselves the task of creating a collaborative project as a single unit, and the results are magnificent. Their outcome, on display at the Littman Gallery is a giant piece of type using 14.2 miles of string, outlining 25 letters on 2,500 eyelets, strung by hand. Aaron explained things a little more, and also sent us through some more pics… Hey Aaron, woah you’ve been busy – how did this big string piece come about? It came about when I first started working with a gentleman named Jelly Helm, on a whim, we both agreed it would be fun to do a show together since we’re not really artists, to see what advertisers might have to say in a gallery space. We thought it could lead to some interesting tension. That’s quite some list of contributors too, what’s the design scene like in Portland? The design scene in Portland is out of control. It is the land of opportunity, with a seemingly endless flow of people coming from all over the country to settle here. It’s almost like if you’re here and you’re not creatively engaged in some way, you’re odd. Love this city. We’ve got several schools here also churning out hundreds of new designers/art directors every year, so it’s constantly changing and evolving. Do you know if this is some kind of world record? Hm! Well it felt like it during the installation. It took a couple weeks to put up with a rotating crew of 18 people and some students. It certainly is some sort of record for amount of collaborators in this town.

Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011 I have to say this process was a bit tideous but how we ended up here. Upon Cary’s suggestion I will quote, “It’s better to ask for forgiveness later than for permission.” A rather sneaky endeavor with much encouragement. The result. A trip to home depot to buy 400 screw eyes, an 8 hour process of drilling small holes through the door panels then BY HAND screwing each screw eye into the door. I would say at about 2AM our methods improved. We ended up using screw bits to turn the screw eyes into their homes saving our fingers from futher callouses.

Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011

Here is a faster method for pulling our yarn in our premeasured lengths needed to scale the second and third floors of the art building. While this method seemed to be faster at first, it resulted in knot sorting in the end.

Look who it is! Seth Collins made an appearance to reconcile his 252 Charrette karma from the Mario Installation.

You could say there is a definite way to do things and a way not to do them. The installation was an undertaking of mass proportions grossly underestimated in time. There were several methods we experimented with while trying to get our fiber structure laid out, pullied up and secured. To the right you see our final method of measuring and cutting our yarn that was the most effective. We had a plan for our color layout and we were able to count exactly how many screw-eyes we had left to the balance of how many we needed to cut. Below you see Jaclyn sorted the KNOTS upon KNOTS of yarn in our first method that crashed & burned. Here we thought we could just lay out all the strin and pull the cluster up at once. The result was an hour of sorting the knot thus our new method of seperating the letters into resonable sections. This was by far the most supreme idea of the evening making our install go by a little faster. And by faster I mean 6 hours more of installation time!

Charrette 2011


Charrette 2011


Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011

At left you see a fine tuned method of installation. With a string pulley system well set in place and our grouping method in full force we were able to complete the install well after the sun came up and as people and administration were arriving for classes. It was an interesting experience as people came into the building stopped, stared or either talked to us about the installation. We underestimated the dramatic impact this would actually have on the Art and Architecture community.

Charrette 2011


Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011

This project enabled many levels of reflection throughout my Graphic Design career thus far. The SOA charrette cultivated an area of growth in a short time frame for me. I have worked on several collaborative projects one assigned and several by choice and the experiences in comparison are vastly different yet equal learning opportunities. I have been lucky to have such a person I collaborate with on so many levels academically and throughout design this is Jaclyn Salem.

Charrette 2011

Jaclyn and I met our sophomore year and instantaneously became friends. Not only did we figure out our similar personalities, sense of humor and aesthetics taste but cultivated a design sensibility around these factors. We are both driven people and are the late-night-early-morning-not-sleep-til’-it’s-done girls. This drive and similarities have set the framework for amazing and impactful work that has expanded the horizons of my design work and methodologies beyond my imagination.

Charrette 2011 For this year’s SOA Charrette “Rogue” we didn’t have a clue what we wanted to do. First off we didn’t know that we would be collaborating again. Second we wanted to branch out and expand to a larger group and do something large.

Charrette 2011 Reflecting on the installation process since it is complete Jaclyn and I both noticed how well we work together on large projects. We sleep deprivation kicks in we keep going, keep each other motivated and sometimes random outbursts of silliness.

Charrette 2011

Charrette 2011

At left is a sequence of reflections in the Art and Architecture glass near the installation. It was interesting to see ghosts of people walk through the string reflection. Above are some photographs the day of the Charrette and some people interacting with it.

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011


This was a drop everything and run towards the finish line kind of workshop. Every year Graphic Deisgn Juniors participate in a workshop. This year we were honored to host artist Chris Pullman.

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Here was the first draft of my storyboard which was looking to be more like a movie than a short 30 second film. It was back to the drawing board that produced the more refined storyboard above.

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011


not only did one, not two but three interviews with Brooke. I remember meeting with Chris Pullman several times telling him it was hard to uncover who Brooke was so I challenged myself in many ways to get to the root of who she was in a matter of days. He helped a lot by prompting what type of music does she like? What keeps her going? What motivates her? These questions pushed my video to the place it needed to be. I was able to dig deeper in a sense that I didn’t feel like I was prying into Brooke’s life. I wanted the dicotomy of private Brooke vs. the public Brooke.

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

WHO IS SARAH BROOKE MAYS? I would have to say this project got me to open myself to asking the important questions of people. I liked this challenge because it opened my eyes to my other classmates I shared a studio with. Brooke is a private person, she doesn’t trust many people but she is generous and very kind. She has a soft heart and wants nothing more than to find love and be happiness in life. We both share a love of pattern, paper production adn astrology. She travels quiet a bit back and forth from Georgia, her hometown is right outside Atlanta. She really found her footing last semester by force. And her future, she doesn’t know what that holds. The goal of my storyboard was to display Brooke’s love for pattern in her massive collection of striped shirts all the while she is voicing over small parts about herself. I had no choice but to do voiceover when I lost mine during the workshop. Her private life is captured in personality at her apartment then crosses over to her website in the studio. The largest challenge for me during this project was to pry into someone who was so private, perhaps I could have changed my scope or perspective to more observant view. I wanted authenticity and feel like I achieved this in fair representation of Brooke.

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Chris Pullman Workshop

Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


I have to say Evening in Orange felt like a daunting task from the beginning. The scope of cancer could be from any angle. Knowing how much information is also out there is overwhelming and intimidating. So trying to figure out what direction you wanted to go in could have been very paralyzing. It took a few weeks to get adjusted, do research, settle in groups and find a good fit for what I felt I wanted to say this semester.


Cancer + Database How do we visualize all this information? Data from a conceptual standpoint. Where do you want to be? Try something and FAIL this semester! Crack it open! Address problems. Something I need in my portfolio? What’s the good content you would like to create that isn’t there yet? Some aspect of informing....See 1, Do 1, Speak 1. How do you teach your client about design?

Blackboard Info’s: IDEO - Shopping Cart “Conveying movement and sound through the intangible.” What are you interested in? What did you like to do when you were a kid that could get taken away from you? Play/laugh, running, climbing, curiousity, spark What about life becomes richer? Are these the secrets to a good life? Wisdom or truth gained?

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Our semester long project was given to us by Cary for a Community Service/Fundraiser event on April 30th called Evening in Orange. Hosted by Bruce & Mandy Pearl the goal is to raise one million dollars for The Cancer Institute for cancer research. Our goal was to come up with an interesting way to convey Cancer to uninformed patrons of the event. What do you want to say?

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011 A mindmap of some scattered interests and themes we have been discussing in class as of late. Many Youtube videos and PSA’s to find our voice and scope.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


These sketches that started it all. Rachel and I had already decided to collaborate on a video project when we started talking to Simon in class one day. Delivered from the desk of Simon Sok via his Charrette “Freak Factory� inventions.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

After seeing the sketches bounced back and forth we all teamed up together on a Plushies toy idea. Then it just so happen that another classmate mentioned Ugly Dolls stuffed animals. The idea was pushed by Cary who encouraged us to slant a theme towards Childhood Cancer.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


At first our imaginatations ran wild with our plushies. We liked the idea of constructing an app where children could connect in a digital environment with other chilren seeking treatment for Cancer. In this safe environment they could communicate with other children like pen pals using their avatar thus bringing them closer together in a digital age. Even though this idea was an exciting one, it quickly left our plan. The sheer amount of programming didn’t allow us enough time for it to be completed in time for EIO. However, it would be a great idea to pursue in our futures given some experience. With our idea quickly growing we can see how the life cycle of this project could expand outside our college careers.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Meet PeeWee as Cary affectionately calls him. Our first mockup.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Scowering the internet for our aesthetic and attributes. Rachel, Simon and I hit google, etsy and branding websites. Then we moved onto a larger surface to sketch out our dolls.

OBSERVATIONS: FEBRUARY 7, 2011 My mother has temporary custody of a 2 year old and 3 year old which are my cousins children. A hard situation for our family and much stress. Even though there is a lot of trauma brought on by taking in two toddlers playing with Haley and Dakota I realize small amounts of time spent with them can not only change their mood but change mind as well. Waking a child up with hugs and kisses and play can evolve their whole day. Not that children are a comparison to pets as it seems I am doing here but maybe it’s a similarity of the emotion. When you get home exhausted from a horrible day, your car broke down, your boss yelled at you...nothing matters when you step foot across that threshold. When you step foot inside play runs to find you often tackling you around the knees. If you open your heart and mind to it and let it in, love can change your life.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


We knew we wanted to do Plushies and do Concept + Brand Design. Our goal was perhaps a bit high to do the main types of childhood cancer, there are 8 in total. By narrowing our scope to the top 3, three is a more pleasing number we were able to focus on craft and branding.

RESOURCES: Children’s Cancer Assoc. UT Medical Center EAST TN Children’s Hosp. Ronald McDonal House

MAKING DEADLINES Many times our group came back to ground zero in coordinating, list making and planning our schedule for dates to have our projects done. This helped our group communicate very well and we knew exactly what needed to be done when. This constant revaluation is something I will use over and over again.


materials size of dolls which characters which attributes names branding packaging? mock-ups! screenprinted vs. felt

CANCER AFFECTS ABOUT PACKAGE DESIGN IDEAS mailing labels/ 14 OF EVERY 100,000 clear frosted packaging in acrylic or ULINE CHILDREN IN THE U.S. polypropolyene. EACH YEAR. <KIDBRANDING STYLE SHEALTH.ORG> clean type Most Common: laukemia, lymphoma + brain cancerç

illustrative elements



There are 7-8 different types of Childhood Cancer: Each type has different aspects of the body that are affected. For the characters, how does it affect them? How will it translate into the design of the plushies?


leukemia- affects white blood cells which are produced in the bone marrow. WBC’s are teh defense cells that flood the bloodstream--which affect the body’s production of other blood cells; including red blood cells and platelets. Leukemia accounts for 25% of childhood cancers and affects 2,200 Americans each year. Mostly occurs in younger children ages 2 to 8; peaking at 4 years old. Some forms of leukemia have a 90% remission rate.

refers to cancers that orginate in the body’s lympatic system. Lymphnodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, adenoids & bone marrow. Although many cancers eventually spread to parts of the lymphatic system, lymphomas are distinct beacuse they orginate here. Like channel locks in a damn lymphnodes are the gateway to cancer being blocked or spread. 1,700 children younger than 20 years old are diagnosed in the U.S. each year. Treatment: chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplant.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


With each doll our goal was to be gender neutral so they would appeal to all children. Moreover, our goal in entirety was to represent each main type of cancer in color, pattern and attribute. Each of us made copies of Simon’s sketches and began to cut out and paste the attibutes we liked about different dolls and incorporate them all into one cohesive design. This proved to be a great method of execution.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Leuroo as he would later be named came rather easily to me in concept. His color is Orange and his goal as a representation of white blood cells is to fight away cancer. Leuroo’s kangaroo hoodie and boxing gloves give him courage to fight away harm. We also chose a complimentary color scheme to orange with teal and gray as a neutral. Pattern was another element we decided to incorporate in each doll to unify them as a whole. It was thinking about construction that we came up for the idea to make each pattern patch a pouch and include facial expressions which tied in our research and children’s enthusiasm for play.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011 Orbiting Odie as he would later be called would attribute to his color which is lime green and also represent the “channel lock system of the body�. Orbiting Odie is the Commander in Chief of the Survivor-Ship. Our process: We wanted many attributes in the beginning. Glow in the dark skeleton, headset/radio, a superpower, radiation laser gun, and even a monocle. Of course this went through a series of refinements. We liked him in a space suit but the geometrics would be hard to construct via sewing. We had to keep this in mind during the entire character dev process. A helmet was also considered but construction limited execution so we settled on wings! Taking the geometrics into consideration we settled on the design at far right with a few changes along the way. Facial features were chosen based on the aesthetic we were building.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011 DJ Oodles as she would later be named was the last character we developed in our brainstorming session. By this time our process was nailed down and it went by pretty quickly. Brain cancer’s color is gray and since this didn’t seem too inviting to children we decided to use it as an accent and use the color gold to represent childhood cancer as our main body color. This executive decision turned out very well. Rachel having done research on brain cancer discovered children had vision, hearing and sensory problems as side effects. So DJ Oodles would wear headphones to keep her happy so she could hear and play. She would also be long limbed-noodley as we called it. She would have a larger scaled head which would mimick another attribute of this disease. Her hair would be floppy so as she danced it would move and each section would be a different color.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011




I love this question. It has become a staple in my design curiousity. This makes me wonder all possibilites. The old adage: there is more than one way to skin a cat, applies to this question. This gets me thinking. Questioning holes. Flushing out certainties or where research might need to be done.


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Freitag of Germany provided our group with a lot of inspiration. Since LeuRoo was being constructed of jersey knit fabric (what t-shirts were made of) Cary brought to our attention PeeWee our mockup who was made of an old t-shirt. This spawned and idea if the dolls were to ever be mass produced, What if they were made of old Relay for Life, Breast Cancer, or Cancer Fundraiser t-shirts??? They would have new life yet again and be given away to children in need. Not only socially responsible but conceptually interesting.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Playing around with the idea of soft packaging and boxes to an open window display.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


We thought that acrylic would better suit our purpose to display and educate the consumer/parent who purchased the dolls.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Our moodboard was an important aspect of our presentation. Cary was preparing us for professional presentation and this was a great visual aid for non-graphic designers. I feel this is something that could be/should be repeated in the future for “clients�. It helped us to reiterate our goal, the purpose of each doll kind of like a sitemap for a website.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.

uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. UICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG.

ck brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Another aspect of our branding included choosing our typefaces. Display and Body texts for our Moodboard. This was a good decision since we ended up using them in our Children’s Book too.

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through


brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. uick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases


are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Another step in the visualization for “our clients” a painted “sketch” to bring the brand together. We chose watercolor for it’s soft and inviting nature. We also believe in staying a little outside the line nothing is perfect after all.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

BRANDING: NAMING The naming process was rather difficult but a method I’ve brough to our team with experience from my 351 project. Ultimately the goal is to name/write down as many adverbs, nouns, objects you can think of and just keep shifting and rearranging them until you find the “right” combination. With three of us tackling the task through a thesaurus, writing it down on the board then all of us chiming out at random the silliest combinations we could think of. It worked quiet well. We were all very happy with the results. I remember us all exclaiming at one point how difficult it was to come up with a suitable name. I would say this all night session was one of the longest for us as a group to get ready for our presentation. It took us a little over an hour to grasp each name that would relate especially to each character. Thank goodness we don’t have to name anymore dolls!

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


It was quiet the ordeal to be about to expose our screen in the Printshop. Lesson learned always ask permission. We went through the proper channels for interdepartmental cooperation be able to finish our Plushies glow in the dark elements. Even through delays we were able to get them printed and on their way to being sewn together and completed. Each doll has glow in the dark elements that unify the brand. Each has a name tag on it’s back, in the area where a clothing tag would live. They also have heart’s encircled in blue which signifies the area each doll is affected by cancer. Finally they are given the Survivor-Ship logo. In the pages to follow you will see each of these elements.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Yes, it does work Simon. He just wanted to test it out. So after 3 rounds of screenprinting in the Junior Studio or down in the Printshop we finally got it right! Many times trying, failing only to win in the end. Success!

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

PRESENTATION TO “OUR CLIENTS” LISA MURRAY OF THE CANCER INSTITUTION AND BRANDY PEARL I would have to say with any presentation you get a little nervous. This was still part of that rule. We were all extremely nervous and excited. Glad to be at this stage for LeuRoo and to have developed our idea so clearly and effectively. It was a moment to see how far we had come from the beginning of the semester where each of us had no idea what we were doing.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011










"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011






Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

























Evening in Orange Charrette 2011















Evening in Orange Charrette 2011








Evening in Orange Charrette 2011




Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


This section deserves it’s own book really. We had to constantly evaluate our process in character development to figure out if it was something I even knew how to sew. Simon and Rachel cut out patterns while I began sewing which moved the process along. This accounted for many late nights in the studio.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


After a talk with Cary we had a lot of readjustments to make. For the event we really needed to consider the positioning of the dolls: how will they fit into the space? Are we providing and giveaway? Are the dolls going to be a centerpiece or on tables on display? Production: who will make them if a large quantity? Will they be in a container on the table? What type of packaging design? Also large considerations about the life cycle of this project. We had some concerns about the materials of the dolls translating the drawn charm and personality of the sketches. Keep that. Schedule we need to have moving forward: proof of concept, points of interface with the audience. This was something we addressed to Lisa and Brandy hoping they could give us some feedback where the dolls would go. After regrouping we knew there was no way time would allow a mass production/giveaway of the dolls. If was too much for a semester in school.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011



Some advice offered by Cary and classmates which has lead to a redesign of LeuRoo and serious considerations for our other mockups. -needs to be more smiley possibly different facial expressions +10 -looks angry -redesign pouch +vertical puch like a kangaroo +include different facial expressions in teh pouch with velcro. Lifestyle extends beyond the classroom -Educational toy; -copyright our idea; Cary can get us connected with the right people -Peguin Club by Disney incorporate a digital version Should we consider a focus group: find out what children/parents need while going through treatments; what would you like this doll to do; like it? We even thought making Kangaroo Hoodies with ears for us as a team!!!

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Well into the wee hours of the morning of 4 am DJ Oodles was constructed with the generous help of Simon. Above we sent cellphone images of DJ Oodles eyebrow possibilities to Rachel’s phone to see which one everyone liked better. In the end they wanted to stay consistent with the Children’s Book. It was from left to right, Yes, no, no across the board.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Unfortunately while constructing Odie we didn’t really get any pictures of his process. My goal that day was to sew and I didn’t stop until I got as much as I could done. He was the result of 3 hours work.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Why doesn’t this look familiar? Here we are nearly finished with our Children’s Book and yet it has no name. After a large period of time reorganizing, shifting and scaling the contents of the book we got together in class and with the help of some classmates to decide on the name for the book. We knew that our title needed to state the goal of what was inside giving the reader an idea of what to expect. We settled on The Snuggly Sidekicks go to Space. A hit all around.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Above are vector design inspirations I found for the children’s book that I felt we needed to accessorize a little bit. The book at this point didn’t have any background elements. My experience with children led me to encouage our group to make some fun elements for young children to identify while being read to.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


With our Children’s Books from the library Rachel, Simon and I had a brainstorming session on how we wanted our book to look. We all really enjoyed Not Norman, A Fish Story and Bugsy Boo-boo. We were able to divide and conquer yet again to get this project well underway.

Rachel Landrith Diana Lowrie Simon Sok

A Survivor-Ship Story


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Here you can see how Facebook has helped us keep on track and in constant lines of communication about what is due and what direction we were currently going in regarding all matters of this project. We definitely used Facebook to our advantages about staying in contact.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


I wouldn’t say the experience was so much sureal as it was a relief. Relief to finally be done with this semester long INTENSE project with our team. I have to say I am very grateful for the team members I do have they have been fantastic throughout this entire experience. We all were pretty easygoing and worked well together as a team for the common goal of raising awareness for childhood cancer. Here is hoping that one day our book or dolls get published.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


I felt excited more than anything all of our hard work was about to pay off. We had discussed as a group via Cary about selling or taking orders for a copy of the book. I remember talking to Rachel during class one day about our Tom’s Shoes coorelation about how it would be nice to do a 1-and-1 scenerio for the dolls. Since Cary suggested charging for the book we thought it would overlay onto the books as well. After all isn’t it all for charity. Rachel and I felt it would be right to keep the profit so why not print another book and donate it to East TN Children’s Hospital. Cary has spoken with the Law College and we will be working on setting up a NonFor Profit to be able to handle the money and distribute the books.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

Here is our setup at the front of the Art Gallery by the Registration Area. You can see the tunnel in the background. We don’t have many photographs from EIO but I’ll never forget the response to our project. So many people in the community were very proud and surprised by what we created. We have over 30 orders for our The Snuggly Sidekicks Go To Space children’s book!

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011


As of right now we don’t have any immediate plans for LeuRoo and his Snuggly Sidekicks. We are hoping at some point in the Life Cycle of this project that we could potentially make something of them. Perhaps children who suffer from cancer will be helped by the Snuggly Sidekicks on day. I surely hope so. I feel a strong need in the community for such a toy and know that there isn’t a toy to help children with cancer on the market. As a group we felt it would be conducive in the future to have volunteers make the dolls. Making a pattern of course the first on our list. These are just mock-ups. The volunteers could be part of a cancer survivor organization which would tie in a lot of love to this project. The dolls would operate on a 1-and-1 Tom’s scenerio as well, reaching out to children around the globe. Dreaming big but starting small.

Evening in Orange Charrette 2011

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