Adding quiz

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Using MOODLE 2.5 Adding a multiple choice quiz Multiple choice quizzes in MOODLE allow for automatic grading, once set up the system will mark the quiz and enter a student’s score in their gradebook.

Step 1. Go to your MOODLE course and click Step 2. Choose the topic area you wish to add a quiz to and click

Step 3. Choose the


Step 4. You are now seeing the configuration screen for the quiz which allows you to set a number of options. Click ..

Step 5. Work through each section, (clicking on the will give an explanation of the options available.) Step 6. Click‌ (You can return at any time to edit the way you have set up the quiz using the settings icon in the resource icons after the quiz resource in your course..)

At this point your quiz has no questions in it. Step 7. Return to your course and click on the quiz. You will see a message reminding you that no questions have been added to the quiz yet.

Step 8. Click the ‘Edit Quiz’ button. You are taken to the ‘Question bank’ screen where you can add questions.

From the drop down list ‘Select a Category’ choose the name of your quiz..

You will see another box with your category selected and a button to ‘Create a new question’

Step 9. Click the ‘Create a new question’ button.

Choose ‘Multiple choice’ and click ‘Next’ This takes you to the questions configuration page where you can name your question and type the question text. Also you can enter your answer choices and grade them according to whether they are correct or not. Clicking on Allows for setting feedback, multiple tries and whether the tags are being set. Clicking on.. Allows you to view further information on each option.

Step 10. Click.. You have added your first question to the ‘Question bank’ however the question needs to be added to your quiz. You can continue to add more questions using Step 9 and 10 again.

Adding your question bank questions to your quiz. From the question bank page you can now add your questions to your quiz.

Step 11. Select the questions you wish to add by clicking the checkbox to the left of the question name and then click the’ Add to quiz’ button. You can select all or as many questions as you want from your question bank. The questions you have chosen will appear on the left of your screen where you can rearrange them if you wish.

Screenshot of an added question..

At any point you can click the ‘Preview’ option in the ‘Quiz Administration’ block on the left-hand side of your screen to see how your quiz will appear to students.

This allows you to take the quiz to see if you are happy with the way it works. Any alterations to the way the quiz behaves can be accessed using the ‘Edit settings’ link shown in the above image. NB. By default each question will appear on a separate page. By editing the quiz you can choose the option to place a number of questions on each page.

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