Carpet Bombing Culture

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the revenge of the book To be a print publisher in this day and age is to be a romantic. We are romantics. Carpet Bombing Culture is your counter-cultural publisher par excellence. Our aim is to provide you, dear reader, with premium quality art and photography books littered with vitriolic and highly subjective commentary to aid you in pursuing the guerrilla warfare that is 21st century everyday life.* Lush large format photography, provocative and entertaining writing, cutting edge graphic design, infographics, maps, interactivity, personalisation, risk, edge, passion. All these things that routinely go into Carpet Bombing Culture books reflect this romantic vision, that here in the epilogue of the story of the book we are free to go out with both guns blazing every time. Our books are beautiful tactile objects that beg to be picked up and talked about. They are social objects, they say to the world what kind of person their owner is and invite people to discover something new. CBC books are designed to enrich the conversation around their subject with powerful images and provocative but conversational text. In this way you read the books as a way into a culture, an access code to a social network. When you see a beautiful book - you want to touch it. Nobody wants to touch your eReader.



Haikyo The Modern Ruins of Japan NEW TITLE

Shane Thoms

A rare and intimate glimpse into a secret, mysterious and

ÂŁ19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-46-0 Dimensions 249x246mm Pagination 216pp Format Hardback


sometimes bizarre world Dotted over Japan from north to south, hundreds of abandoned abodes lay forgotten and left to decay. These shadowy realms provide a paused, silent and darkly enchanting contrast to a country known for the brightness, sound and movement that swells in it many thriving metropolis’s. Stepping away from the lights and into the shadows, one adventurous photographer embarks on an underground voyeuristic journey, documenting a curious collection of images that provide a rare and intimate glimpse into a secret, mysterious and sometimes bizarre world.



Return to Fukushima Rebecca Bathory (nee Litchfield, Soviet Ghosts)


A haunting behind the scenes




glimpse both heartbreaking and devastating Following on from her epic photographical journey behind the Iron Curtain in ‘Soviet Ghosts The Soviet Union Abandoned: A Communist Empire in Decay’ Rebecca Bathory undertakes an emotional and thought provoking journey to Fukushima. As one of the first photographers to be granted access to the site, Bathory now presents never-before-seen images which provide a unique and moving meditation on human failure seen through the lens of an accomplished artist. Bathory’s images take you behind the scenes of the ghost town that is Fukushima, at turns heartbreaking and devastating. These photographs ask the question - what next for a nuclear future?

£19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-48-4 Dimensions 254x254mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback


SNAPPY CHAT #3 Think of a number between one and 18. Take that question and text it to the person who last texted you. No explanations.

2 minutes. 18 questions. 3....2....1....GO! Your style in one word is...? What is your phobia? What is your spirit animal? What are you reading right now? What is your favourite country? What is your favourite book? What’s your favourite place to hang out? What is your guilty pleasure? What is one talent that you wish you had? What could you not live without? Who is your icon? What word do you think is overused? What do you find overrated? What is your favourite museum? What’s your secret talent? Who is your favourite comedian? If you could spend 24 hours with anyone (living or dead) who would it be? What would you do together?



It isn’t throwing shade if it comes from a place of truth, right? Truth hurts. Truth comes from a place of truth. It’s called Truth Land. You can take the kids there on holiday. It’s great. A word of warning - there is no shade at Truth Land, so you will need sun block. Stay classy.

If you absolutely positively definitely had to choose between the two following things - which would you choose. You can’t say both or neither. You have to choose one. Well, you can do whatever you want really but it’s more fun if you play by the rules. Rules or cheating?


Would you want to be your own friend?


Are you the kind of person you would hang out with?


What is the meaning of life?


Do you know first aid?


Could you give someone CPR?


Would you rather fail at something epic or succeed at something mundane?


Who would you give three wishes to?

Cats or Dogs? Sitcom or Documentary? Books or TV? Tea or Coffee? Go Invisible or Be Able to Fly? Night Owl or Early Bird? Sporty or Arty? Call or Text? Romantic or Realistic? Rock or Hip Hop?


If you could make anyone in the world your slave for a day who would it be and what would you make them do?


If it was easy to switch, would you consider being a different gender for a day?

America or Europe?

10. Your house is on fire. There are no people inside. You can save one thing. What do you choose?

Fairies or Unicorns?

Digital or Analogue? Retro or Contemporary? Asia or Africa? Apple or Android?

11. You have won $1,000,000 Brewster Style and you have to give it all away by midnight. What do you do?

Thrift Store or Flagship Store?




Fifteen Minutes of Fame Why not make all of your friends feel like they’re famous? Why not interview them all? Plan it all out. Get them to film you up close. Twenty questions - that way you can show them what kind of thing you want. Then share the clips with your friends. An instant time capsule. Even do your mom too.

INTERVIEW YOU helps you figure out who you really are by helping you to figure out what you really think. Here are some random applications:

SNAPPY CHAT #7 Why not celebrate the fact that you've made it this far by singing all the answers to these questions in the style of an 80's power ballad?

2 minutes. 16 questions. 3....2....1....GO!

Study Break Any more cramming tonight and it’ll feel like your head is going to explode. Ok. You want to feel like a human being! So you and your study buddies break out the snacks and Interview You. Rapid fire round. No hesitation! Parents downstairs wondering how you can have so much fun studying.

Quality Time Tumbleweed rolls across the dinner table. You pick up the book, flip it open and read out a dozen questions - no effort, the conversation comes, bringing you all back to life. Boom!

Creative Commute

Random Acts of Curiosity

Some nights you wish you could just teleport home. But it’s ok. Flip open your book and do a couple of sections. Remind yourself of who you are before you get home. Leave your work self on the train - get off as a human being.

Why not start asking more questions - random questions to random people at random times. Start a micro-revolution. No more alienation. Maybe ask the postman what their favourite movie is. Small steps, right? Maybe ask the waiter the first five questions on the first page. Then get braver. Maybe even ask your parents.

The Reanimator You know those zombie friendships? They live on, shuffling through your social media accounts long after they died a natural death. Time to get on a mission to reanimate a few. Maybe photograph a page of the book and send it to everyone. Maybe, just maybe that list of random questions can put the spark of life back into a few of them!

The Couple How long has it been since those early days? What happened to those long conversations? Hey, do you want to play a game? I’m going ask you twenty questions out of this book. Then we swap over...



Legalise Drugs Sound Strategy or Misguided Liberalism?

As a wise man once said. Wake up kid. Anyone can dream big. What have you done today to bring you closer to your dreams? And that does not include taking a nap in the lunch hour.

What's the best piece of advice that you've been given? Name your 5 desert island discs? If you could do a cameo in any movie what would it be? 3 things that make you happy to be alive? Who’s your favourite actress? Have you ever taken anything from a hotel? (Even soap counts) What is your favourite word? What was the last film you saw at the cinema? When was the last time you danced? When was the last time that you were scared? Could you live without your phone for a week? You have to give up one of your senses for the rest of your life, which one do you choose? Which sense would you never want to lose? What’s your favourite car of all time? ●- for day to day driving? ●- for posing? What’s your favourite animal?

ONE LOVE Call them like you see them.

Right to Bear Arms Fundamental Freedom or Mental Aberration? War on Terror CIA Conspiracy or Genuine Threat? Kanye West The Greatest Artist of the Last Three Generations or A Monomaniac? Minimum Wage Social Progress or Attack on Small Business? Immigration Healthy or Dangerous? Gay Marriage Yes or No?


Donald Trump Man of the People or Insane Demagogue? Climate Change Fact or Fiction?

You pays your money and you takes your choice (you can choose only one) Starter, Main Course or Dessert MP3, CD, Vinyl or Tape


Who are the most influential people in your life?


What do you spend the most money on?


Do you sing in the shower?


Can you describe yourself in three words?


What would you rather be doing right now?


What actions are you taking to realise your dreams?


What are you looking forward to most, today?


What are you looking forward to most, this week?


What are you looking forward to most, this year?

10. OK, imagine you're a TV chat show host and you get to pick the interviewees for Saturday’s prime time show, which three guests do you pick?

Beach, City Break, Adventure, Skiing, or Cruise Window, Middle or Aisle Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Goldfish or Canary Late Nights or Early Mornings John, Paul, Ringo or George Tokyo, NY, London, Rome, Barcelona, LA or Paris Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter Jazz, Classical, Blues, Reggae or R&B De Niro, Cruise, Nicholson, Di Caprio, Hanks or Brando Internet, TV, Gaming, Music or Sport Rare, Medium Rare, Medium or Well Done

11. What would the show be called? Capital Punishment Dead Wrong or Hang ‘em High 29

12. Who would the house band be? 33




‘Interview You’ uses the ‘Method of Random’ to draw you quickly and deeply into the most fascinating possible conversation with one of the most interesting people in the world today - you! The method is inspired by the art of conversation. This is what Interview You tries to initiate with its semi-random bouquets of questions. They come at you from several angles at once, like life. The fun is the unexpected twists and turns that open up space for you to surprise yourself with your own answers.


Interview You is above all, a game. It should be played lightly. The randomness helps to keep you on your toes and encourages you not to overthink your answers. So think fast. Ask a lot of questions in a short space of time. Read the question - interpret it however you will and start to answer before your internal censors have a chance to review and censor your replies. Just don’t edit yourself. This is meant to be a catharsis.

Who do you think you are?



Patrick Potter



Just who are you and what have


Interview You

you got to say? An adventure of self-discovery with this feast of fun and fascinating questions

£6.95 ISBN 978-1908211-43-9

INTERVIEW YOU helps you figure out who you really are by helping you to figure out what you really think. Just like a massive extended interview with a celebrity - except the star is you. Use it alone or use it on your friends and relationships like some crazy question mark shaped Tiger Balm.

Dimensions 178x121mm

It’s absolutely stuffed with the finest curated interrogatives custom designed for blowing the mind wide open.

Format Paperback

INTERVIEW YOU reinvigorates your ideas about who you are by asking you questions you would never think to ask yourself.

Pagination 128pp





Abandoned America Dismantling the American Dream NEW TITLE

Matthew Christopher

Christopher continues his tour of the quiet catastrophes

Matthew Christopher

dotting American cities, examining losses and ruins

ÂŁ24.95 ISBN 978-1908211-42-2

Following on from his bestselling title Abandoned America: The Age of Consequences Matthew Christopher bring Abandoned America: Dismantling The Dream. From the heartbreaking story of a state school that would become home to one of the country's worst cases of fatal neglect and abuse to the shattered remains of what was once the largest mall in the United States, "Abandoned America: Dismantling the Dream" asks what leads us to leave places behind and what the consequences are of doing so.

Dimensions 254x254mm Pagination 240pp Format Hardback



Hunting the Killer Idea Nick McFarlane



Essential reading for every


single person who knows there's a Killer Idea out there and the time to track it down has come Killer Ideas are out there – wild and free, powerful and dangerous. They’re the alpha ideas that rule over the jungle. Assembling the strongest ideas and sharpest insights from around the world, Hunting the Killer Idea is the definitive guide to creativity. An artist, anarchist, ad-legend and rock star are among the many hunters who reveal the method behind the madness. See creativity approached from all different angles and discover how to capture your own Killer Idea. From the cold blooded stealth of critical thinking, to the instinctive passion of innovation, there are many trails to follow.

£14.95 ISBN 978-1908211-34-7 Dimensions 185x250mm Pagination 200pp Format Softback





(Un)Sanctioned The Art on New York Streets NEW TITLE

Katherine ‘Luna Park’ Lorimer

NYC has been, and continues to be, a beacon for artists who both feed off and contribute to the City's energy

£19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-33-0

Luna Park has spent the last ten years cataloging the art she found on NYC streets. She quickly learned that for those that pay attention, the street can provide as much of an arts education as a museum. Ever since the City banished graffiti from the subway trains, it’s streets have developed into a vast playground for a complex culture, made up of distinct communities, each with their own hierarchies, values and sets of rules. This is Luna Park’s love letter to the City and the artists who continue to aspire and inspire.

Dimensions 240x196mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback




The Mindless Colouring Book


Braindead Colouring for Exhausted People The new way to increase your stress

£5.95 ISBN 978-1908211-47-7 Dimensions 297x210mm Format Softback


Finally! A grown-up colouring book for immature grown-ups. It’s a bit less Zen and a bit like ‘scratching a crudely illustrated penis on your local bus stop’. BRAIN SCIENCE can prove that colouring in an intricate mandala design with expensive colouring pencils can make you more mindful. But we ask the question, what if that mandala was in the shape of a cock and balls? Only science can answer. The hunger for new things for commuters to colour in on their #creativecommute has reached the level of a humanitarian crisis. .

Ron English’s Fauxlosophy




Ron English

Indelible images bring to life his wit and wisdom to live by, delivered through art, humor and ironic inspiration

ÂŁ6.95 ISBN 978-1908211-45-3

A compelling collection of the artist's sayings accompanied by his own iconic images.

Dimensions 140x140mm

Ron English is one of the most prolific and recognisable American artists alive today. Considered the Godfather of Street Art, he has appeared in movies such as Exit through the Gift Shop and Supersize Me and as a character of himself on the Simpsons.

Pagination 196p

New York-based, his work is shown in galleries and museums worldwide.

Format Softback




Ask the Dust


Romain Veillon

Veillon serves up a feast of decay for your contemplation, beautifully shot and artfully

ÂŁ24.95 ISBN 978-1908211-36-1 Dimensions 251x251mm Pagination 216pp Format Hardback


composed Ask the Dust is a feast of urban ruin photography, executed in gorgeous full colour, full page spreads framed by the considerations of the young French adventurer behind the camera. Featuring a potent blend of haunting images of never before seen locations and new angles on classic subjects - Ask the Dust is a visual treat for anyone who cannot keep their eyes away from the elegant corruption of decomposing buildings. Epecuen: The town that drowned. Ghostly images from the real life Atlantis Kolmanskop: The abandoned mining town that was swallowed by sand.



Punk London 1977


Derek Ridgers

Coincides with the 40th anniversary of punk rock 1977. Most people blinked and missed it. Many spent a decade trying to catch up. Derek Ridgers stumbled across it by accident, where it was, in the beating filthy heart of the Roxy in middle of a derelict slum called Covent Garden. Stumbling through the moshpits trying to keep hold of a borrowed camera. Ridgers captured the first wave. Kids in the crowd, never before seen. The punks who made their own clothes because you couldn’t buy punk clothes. The punks who got beaten up time and again for making themselves into targets. Rebellion before it got easy. You won’t see these kids anywhere in the magazines. They weren’t trying to get famous. 1977 will happen again. 1977 is happening somewhere, for someone, right now. More than this, they did it their way.

£14.95 ISBN 978-1908211-44-6 Dimensions 248x197mm Pagination 160pp Format Softback


Stick It


Carpet Bomb Your Culture

How you spin each sticker gives it the magical personal touch. Placement is your art

£12.95 ISBN 978-1908211-28-6 Dimensions 185x185mm Format Softback


STICK IT Illustration is a beautiful colllection of over 300 stunning full colour stickers lovingly created by artists, illustrators and agent provocateurs - bringing you the perfect book to customise your life. Stick It will appeal to both artists and art lovers, designers and students - in fact its the must have publication for anyone with a passion for creativity. Commissioned cutting edge illustration rubs shoulders with stunning typographical messaging, hand lettering, photography and fresh design. Let us commodify your dissent for only £12.95 and we guarantee that your resistance will be spectacular. And if you don’t like it you know where you can...

The Death of Photography The Shooting Gallery Peter Gravelle




Gravelle burns the myths, tells the stories and reveals a textured and intelligent picture of a truly maverick life From the filth and the fury to the elegant extravaganza, ‘Peter Gravelle’, the many named photographer, has remained in the shadows of punk rock, low culture and high fashion, deflecting attention while steadily producing an epic body of iconic work. ‘The Death of Photography’ is a tour de force, a high end art book showcasing forty years of the best punk, fashion and portraiture of Gravelle’s career. Heavily stylised images are woven together with Gravelle’s own fascinating recollections from a live lived in technicolour.

£24.95 ISBN 978-1908211-41-5 Dimensions 285x220mm Pagination 216pp Format Hardback



GraffBook The Graffiti Sketchbook Everything for the armchair graffiti artist


We just gave you the most fun sketchbook ever. Now open

£12.95 ISBN 978-1908211-25-5 Dimensions 297x210mm Pagination 168pp Format Hardback


that book and get busy with the ink Unleash your inner graffiti writer all over the walls, trains, subways and freighters in this beautiful black book. No CCTV. No cops. No rabid dogs. Just tonnes of inspirational illustration for you to deface, bomb over and throw up on at will. GraffBook is all about inspiring you to be the most creative you possibly can be with a nib and an imagination. • Printed on 2 distinctive paper stocks • 120 pages of uncoated art paper • 48 pages of matte coated art paper • Over 160 blank walls to demonstrate your creativity

The Dark Carnival Portraits from the Endless Night Derek Ridgers

A darkly fascinating celebration of 5 decades of London’s alternative nightlife

Derek Ridgers has been stalking the clubs and streets of the dark carnival for many years - indulging in his obsession for collecting the images, the fleeting impressions of people dressed up for the glorious night. At last he serves up for you a delicious cornucopia of the finest of these images, carefully selected and curated by the man himself. Anyone who loves street style, youth subcultures, portrait photography and the curious human penchant for playing dressing up, will find this collection a darkly fascinating celebration of night life to pore over again and again.

ÂŁ29.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-38-5 Dimensions 285x235mm Pagination 216pp Format Hardback




Banksy You Are An Acceptable Level Of Threat Gary Shove & Patrick Potter

People either love this book, or they hate it, or they’ve


never heard of it

ISBN 978-1-908211-30-9 Dimensions 259x221mm Pagination 240pp Format Hardback


Revised and updated new edition includes Banksy's Dismaland Bemusement Park, the Calais Migrant Camp Steve Jobs artwork, his recent Gaza works plus 'Les Miserables' and the Hastings' Migrant Birds. Banksy. You Are An Acceptable Level of Threat also includes his groundbreaking 2013 residency in New York City. The single best collection of photography of Banksy's street work thas has ever been assembled for print. If that isn't enough there are some words too.

Burn After Reading RomanyWG

Compiled from the results of 5 years of exhaustive travel and documentation

£9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-06-4

Legal or illegal graffiti. It’s sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly, but given time it can bee breathtaking in it's skill of execution. Mural graffiti, although it may be unfashionable to say so – is impressive at least in part because it's really bloody difficult to do it well.

Dimensions 200x140mm

Sadly these murals take too long to create for the illegal stuff to proliferate. So, until the revolution of consciousness when our leaders will simultaneously attain enlightenment and put up or shut up, budding muralists need to find legal walls.

Format Hardback

Collected here are 256 pages of the best.

Pagination 256pp



Myths & Legends Vol 1 Myths & Legends Vol 2 Mark Leverton

CoLlEcTeD By mArC LeVeRtOn

Do you want to know the truth, the whole truth

ÂŁ5.95 ISBN - Volume 1 978-1-908211-01-9 ISBN - Volume 2 978-1-908211-31-6 Dimensions 105x148mm Pagination 96pp


Format Softback

and everything but the truth? No single living artist has created as many myths, rumours and legends as Banksy. Many of the tales in these books are from Bristol, some are from further afield. What they share is that they are all told with the wide eyed wonder which Banksy inspires. Volume I was collated between 2009 and 2011, and Volume II between 2011 and 2015. Some of these stories are quite old and have been told so many times they have become the stuff of legend, others are more questionable and best described as myths. Some are laugh out loud bollocks and others are simply gossip. You be the judge.

Spinfluence The Hardcore Propaganda Manual Nick McFarlane

Interested in how to exploit people for profit or power?

ÂŁ9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-11-8 Spinfluence is written from the perspective of an organisation who work directly for the 1%. But in a satirical twist the book exposes the amoral and highly unethical techniques used through propaganda to control the masses. Spinfluence will appeal to crooked politicians, media manipulators and corporate big-wigs alike, in fact anyone interested in how to exploit people for profit or power. Covering fun techniques and tactics such as emotional hijacking, brainwashing and hysteria harnessing.

Dimensions 148x210mm Pagination 264pp Format Hardback


Burn After Writing Welcome to the book of you NEW TITLE

Sharon Jones

The revenge of handwriting: Who are you now?

£9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-23-1

Where are you going?

Dimensions 127x198mm

Burn After Writing is a personal journal that invites you to face all of the big questions in life.

Pagination 144pp

It’s your own interactive confidante encompassing a collection of gently probing questions, mind games, thought experiments and homework assignments - all on your favourite subject: yourself. Have fun with it, or take it too seriously, or both. It’s up to you.

Format Hardback


How did you get here?

It’s an extended feature length interview with you, a radical thought experiment with you as the subject and you as the result.





If I could direct the Hollywood movie of my life story, this would be the cast list



as as as as (I think!)

as as

Burn After Writing TEEN NEW TITLE

Rhiannon Shove

This book will be a unique picture of you as you are right now, as you will never be again

ÂŁ9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-27-9

Burn After Writing asks the question - who are you really? And it keeps asking until you find yourself. This interactive book acts as the epic teenage journey of self-discovery. Hundreds of questions pry open the secrets of your psyche piece by piece.

Dimensions 127x198mm

Some questions are fun, some are deep and some are just plain random. You can take it deadly seriously, or just have fun with it, or both. Flick open the book at any page when you’re bored and answer the question. Let fate decide which one you need to ask yourself next.

Format Hardback

Pagination 144pp


Abandoned Planet The definitive document of cinematic abandoned photography Andre Govia

ÂŁ24.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-26-2 Dimensions 256x256mm Pagination 264pp Format Hardback


The first book by pioneering worldwide Urbex legend Andre Govia brings you the definitive document of cinematic abandoned photography. Having travelled to 22 countries Abandoned Planet is a unique document of exploring places caught in a time-warp, locations where history is frozen in time. Many of these images are downright spooky ranging from the elegant and hauntingly beautiful, to a scare factor that is the stuff of nightmares.

Soviet Ghosts The Soviet Union Abandoned: A Communist Empire in Decay Rebecca Litchfield


The iron curtain frozen in time: A photographic odyssey

ÂŁ19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-16-3

A photographers journey behind what was the Iron Curtain delivering a compelling narrative of both moral bankruptcy and flawed ideology. Featuring stunning imagery throughout, this stunning road trip through the old USSR, breathes new life into these forgotten places, finding both beauty and meaning in their post-apocalyptic decay.

Dimensions 254x254mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback


Beauty in Decay Urbex RomanyWG

Take only pictures, leave only



ISBN 978-0-9559121-4-6 Dimensions 260x260mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback


"Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints." This is the unspoken rule of urban explorers, who sometimes risk their safety, police records, and even their lives to explore abandoned buildings, sewers and storm drains, transit tunnels, utility tunnels, high-security areas of inhabited buildings, and even catacombs such as those in Chenobyl, Rome, Odessa and Naples. Just who decides which doors are closed in our world and whose interests do they serve?

Beauty in Decay II Urbex & The Art of Urban Exploration RomanyWG

This book is not about the Urban Explorer, it’s about the places they explore

ÂŁ19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-10-1

Beauty in Decay. Urbex and The Art of Urban Exploration published by CarpetBombingCulture in August 2010 broke new ground in exploring the global phenomenan of Urban Exploration. The original book garnered critical acclaim and polarised opionion while featuring across both national and international press including a Sunday Times feature. Two years on and RomanyWG has once again gone out in search of new locations to amaze the viewer for Beauty in Decay II, a further peak behind the Urbex curtain. This time the HDR is paired down and the spectacle ramped up.

Dimensions 260x260mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback


Abandoned Futures A Journey to the Posthuman World Tong Lam

What will the end of the world look like?

£19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-13-2


‘Abandoned Futures’ is a breathtaking global overview of the decay and abandonment that sits in the midsts of humanities constant push towards an uncertain future. It’s a visual epic dedicated to the edge of our power, where human industry fails and decay takes over. These are the landscapes that give the lie to our dreams of immortality. Humanity versus nature. It looks like we won the war. But at what cost? The new becomes old at first in centuries, then decades, now it’s merely measured in years. Is anyone driving this train?

Dimensions 240x240mm Pagination 24pp Format Hardback

States of Decay Urbex New York & America’s forgotten North East Daniel Barter & Daniel Marbaix

£19.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-12-5 Dimensions 240x240mm Pagination 160pp Format Hardback

A new breed of urban adventurers take a savage ride through the invisible story of the North Eastern USA. From NYC to the infamous Rust Belt, once home to America’s heavy industry, States of Decay brings you a glimpse of the broken, the doomed, the entropic dreamlands on the flipside of the silver dollar coin. This book will ask disturbing questions and inspire unexpected answers from anyone with an imagination and a heart.

Nightwatch Painting with Light Noel Kerns

£24.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-02-6 Dimensions 260x260mm Pagination 264pp Format Hardback

NIGHTWATCH: PAINTING WITH LIGHT is the first book from Kerns, one of the world’s foremost practitioners of the art of light-painting. Join him as he ventures into the darkness of the American Southwest, exploring remote desert ghost towns under a full moon, or prowling the abandoned, seemingly post-apocalyptic structures of America’s industrial wastelands.


Untitled. Street Art in the Counter Culture Gary Shove

ÂŁ14.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-0-8 Dimensions 234x221mm Pagination 196pp Format Hardback

I've got every darn book printed on the scene including my now much revered first edition of Faith of Graffiti by dear dead Norman Mailer and this magnificent tome beats them all, even anything by El Banksy. Really it's a great book, part fiction, part document, it's in a category all of it's own...Beautiful Crime. Not to be filed under history, photography, design or nonfiction, as it contains outright lies and outrageous subjective opinion, this book is definitely about street art. It is also about now.

Untitled. II The Beautiful Renaissance Gary Shove

ÂŁ14.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-2-2 Dimensions 286x246mm Pagination 192pp


Could Untitled II live up my expectations? In short, it does! I just pulled a half dozen street art books out off my shelf to compare, and it is clear that the guys behind Untitled II have spared no expense in printing or finding the best photos.But the truth is that pictures are only half the story with Untitled II. The text alone is reason to buy this book...Vandalog.

Format Softback

Untitled. III This is Street Art Gary Shove

£16.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-5-3 Dimensions 235x230mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback

Comical but quite cynical words gently probe and provoke the reader throughout on areas such as advertising, hype, society, urban life, rebellion, legislation and other street art related topics but it’s the quality of photography that set’s it head and shoulders above the current spate of pretenders.

Out of Sight Urban Art in Abandoned Spaces RomanyWG

£19.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-7-7 Dimensions 260x260mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback

Not all art craves attention, some of it hides in the secret places. Some of it is buried treasure, out in the urban wilderness, left scattered in empty rooms of derelict buildings like strange markings left by an unknown tribe. These works are gifts given only to the occasional explorer, found in abandoned factories, warehouses, industrial sites and deconsecrated churches. This is art you have to earn by leaving the designated areas and heading out past the No Entry signs of the urban environment.


Cement Eclipses Small Interventions in the Big City Isaac Cordal

£12.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-8-4 Dimensions 214x146mm Pagination 256pp Format Hardback

Cordal’s concrete sculptures are like little magical gifts to the public that only a few lucky people will see and love but so many more will have missed. Left to their own devices throughout London Cordal what really makes these pieces magical is their placement. They bring new meaning to little corners of the urban environment.

Shitsville UK Monty Cantsin

£9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-14-9 Dimensions 200x170mm Pagination 256pp


Format Hardback

I used to think that the British were classy, heaven knows, they’re miserable now. There’s a new book out and it’s saying that your home town is the most awful, vile, disgusting conurbation of degenerate, thumbless, vomit-faced, geneticthrowbacks the civilised world has ever known. You are outraged. You are also desperate to read exactly what it says. This is Shitsville UK.


Volume 1

Lee Crutchley

ÂŁ9.95 ISBN 978-0-9559121-9-1 Dimensions 210x130mm Pagination 144pp Format Hardback

Call it anti-illustation if you want. Lee Crutchley's Quoteskine project takes doodling to a whole new level. It celebrates the love of drawing and the subject matter that inspires each image. Taking in references from movies, books, music, famous figures and even some self penned quotes. Quoteskine is drawing for grown ups.

Unventions Every Invention has an equal and opposite Unvention Cleon Daniel

ÂŁ9.95 ISBN 978-1-908211-03-3 Dimensions 210x210mm Pagination 108pp Format Hardback

Cleon Daniel has created a serious of illustrations challenging the way we look at banal everyday objects and has also invented a collection of bonkers alternative uses for them.


Altered Images New Visionaries in 21st Century Photography RomanyWG

They used to say that the


camera never lies

ISBN 978-1-908211-00-2 Dimensions 260x260mm Pagination 192pp Format Hardback

Blurring the boundary of real and surreal, this book will provide fresh perspectives on photography featuring neverbefore-seen groundbreaking digital masterpieces while also giving a voice to the visionaries who created them. Showcasing those at the forefront of both craft and creativity the book features portraiture, landscape, digital manipulation, social realism, conceptual art, photorealism and digital photo montage.


1977 will happen again. 1977 is happening somewhere, for someone, right now. PUNK LONDON 1977.

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