Potential causes of motorcycle accidents

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Potential Causes of Motorcycle Accidents Riding a motorcycle at a face-melting speed can involve a set of dangers. The majority of people thread their way through the barriers and worst traffic but many of them get involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in serious injury, psychological trauma, loss of wages, pain or even death. Apart from this, the motorcycle accidents also incur expenses including hospitalization bills, repairing of the motorcycle and medication.

The current statistics assert that motorcycle related deaths are on the rise; numerous accidents occur in daylight than dark and not in rain, but in clear and cloudy weather. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 99,536 people died and 84,295 were injured in motorcycle accidents in the United States in 2016. In addition, the motorcyclists account for 29% of all traffic fatalities.

Potential Causes of Motorcycle Accidents:

Reckless Riding


Roadblocks and Potholes

Dangerous Maneuvers

Hazardous weather conditions

Lane Splitting

Alcohol Use

If you have been injured in the motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence, contact the reputed Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer for a free and confidential consultation. The lawyer can make you aware of the compensation for any personal injury or the damage to your motorcycle. Choosing the lawyer with years of experience in handling catastrophic motorcycle cases is a wise decision.

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