Motorcycle Accident Injuries

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Motorcycle Accident Injuries Motorcycle accident injuries should be taken seriously. Motorcycles offer little to protect drivers and riding them, of course, is a blissful experience and an excitement too. But a motorcycle driver must be aware of the injuries that may occur if they are involved in an accident. Motorcycle accidents can have serious consequences, including brain damage, damage to the spinal cord, bones and more.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents : • • • • • • • •

Unsafe lane changes Car doors Speeding Driving under the influence Lane splitting Inexperienced drivers Dangerous road conditions Sudden stops

Types of Motorcycle Accident Injuries: •

Neck Injury: Neck injuries are very common in motorcycle accidents. If there is no frame and safety belt to help absorb the impact, motorcyclists are very vulnerable to neck injuries and other severe neck injuries. Neck injury can lead to paralysis and may be life-threatening. It is necessary to protect both the head and neck in order to reduce the risk of the most common motorcycle injury.

Road rash : When a motorcyclist slips a motorcycle during an accident and the concrete faces any exposed skin, the rider can sustain a rash on the road. In most cases, thin clothes can be rubbed through by the pavement and reach the bottom of the skin. Although cuts, bruises and scratches are all possible side effects of rash, more permanent damage such as skin infection and surface nerve damage can occur.

Spinal Cord Injuries: Car and motorcycle accidents are one of the most common causes of spinal cord injuries. This disastrous damage occurs when the rider is thrown into bicycles and hit the pavement or solid object. This has a life-long effect, including paralysis, loss of sensory or organ dysfunction in the area below the damaged vertebra. Depending on the location and size of the damage, damage to the spinal cord may lead to squaring, paraplegia or partial paralysis and loss of functionality.

Safety tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident •

Use A Helmet : It is very important to wear a helmet every time when you get on your motorcycle to go anywhere. Whether you are riding on the street or around the city, wearing a helmet can be one thing standing between life and death if something happens. In addition, it is always important for passengers to have an additional helmet with the motorcycle. You should always purchase new motorcycle safety equipment. Never wear a used helmet. Used helmets may be damaged and may not meet the latest safety standards.

Avoid Driving Under The Influence: According to the NHTSA, about 50% of fatal motorcycle accidents in the United States are due to alcohol. This figure is more than twice as high as motorcycle accidents causing death due to alcohol.


Excessive Speed : Speed is also a major factor in accidents. Increasing the speed changes the leveling of the motorcycle, as the front end becomes unstable. Then it becomes easier for the rider to lose control and may be faced with a stationary object or other moving vehicle.

Have you or your loved one been involved in a motorcycle accident? Contact the expert LA motorcycle accident lawyers at CZR today for a free consultation.

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