Angus Angles - Winter 2020

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NY-ANGUS.COM | New York Angus Association [ OFFICERS ]

President | Jerry Emerich Mooers, NY 518.236.5907

Vice President | Ric Coombe Grahamsville, NY 914.799.1091

Secretary | Jeanetta Laudermilk Treasurer Truxton, NY 607.345.6466

Past President | Nicole Tommell Fonda, NY 518.369.5149


2020 | Chad Hazekamp Chris Howard Fred Tracy

2021 | Rob Bannister Nicole DeBoer JoAnne King

2022 | John Van Derwerken Tim Pallokat Brian Acomb

Upcoming Events NY Angus Annual Meeting March 14, 2020 | Syracuse, NY

National Junior Angus Show July 5-11, 2020 | Harrisburg, PA

Consignment Deadline for NYAA State Sale April 1, 2020

Advertising Deadline NYAA Directory July 1, 2020 - Any ads that need to be designed July 10, 2020 - Camera Ready Advertising

Advertising Deadline for Spring Angus Angles April 15, 2020 Trowbridge Bull Sale and NYBPA Elite Female Sale May 2, 2020 | Canandaigua, NY Atlantic National Junior Preview Show May 20-24, 2020 | Timonium, MD NY Angus State Sale June 13, 2020 | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Advertising Deadline Summer Angus Angles July 15, 2020 Advertising Deadline Fall Angus Angles October 15, 2020




New York Angus Association | President’s Message Let’s All Get Involved! A fitting title for what will be my last column as your President of the New York Angus Association. NYAA is an all-volunteer organization that serves Angus enthusiasts throughout the state and beyond. I want to thank all who have given of their time and effort to serve you, the membership. You have a great team of officers and board who have taken time out of their already overbooked schedules to make this organization prosper. I would like to personally thank Ric Coombe for serving as your Vice President these last two years. Nicole Tommell as your past President has been a great source of advice and input. She along with JoAnne King have taken on the Junior organization and have added structure to it. In addition, with Nicole’s passion for kids and showing, she has managed our State Fair show the past few years and was instrumental in getting it recognized as an American Angus “ROV” show. Derrick and Nicole DeBoer took on the State Sale a year ago and through their dedicated work restructured it into one of the best state sales in the country. Although they have stepped aside this year due to other personal commitments, I am sure we will see them involved in NYAA for many years to come. I would like to thank Taylor Hoelscher for the marvelous work she does in producing our “Angus Angles” and maintaining our website. Most of all I would like to thank Jeanetta Laudermilk for all she does for this organization as Secretary-Treasurer. Few people burn a candle as brightly as Jeanetta does for the promotion of New York Angus! There is plenty to get involved with NYAA this year. Our Annual Meeting will be held March 14th at Drumlin’s Country Club, Syracuse. Our guest speaker is David MacVane, VP for Retail Sales at Certified Angus Beef. David will present a stellar program on CAB and what it can do to help members of NYAA promote your cattle. Our State Sale will have a different look to it this year. Ric Coombe along with several other NYAA members have worked hard behind the scenes to build upon the success of last year’s sale. This year our sale will be held in the Livestock Pavilion at Cornell University, Ithaca on June 12th 13th. Rich Brown has stepped forward to chair this year’s sale along with assistance from new board member John Van Derwerken. Once again, Dennis Montross will coordinate the Red Angus selections. I am sure Rich will be in contact with many of you soon! It always amazes me when you least expect it, someone comes along wanting to get involved. As Taylor Hoelscher has stepped back somewhat from the “Angus Angles” except for design and layout due to the pending birth of her child, Anna King stepped forward asking to become more involved with the publication as a NYAA intern. With guidance from your board Anna has been tasked this year to continue to make “Angus Angles” one of the premier state publications in the country! Other ways to get involved? Let me name a few. National Junior Angus Show, Empire Farm Days, State Fair “ROV” Show, New York Beef Producer’s Association, various sales and events held by members of NYAA. There are plenty of ways to be involved with NYAA. I know I will!

Jerry L Emerich 3

AAA Convention Report | Robert Groom

The American Angus Association held their 136th annual convention of delegates in Reno, NV over the first weekend in November. For the 5th year this was combined with a trade show and educational program as a stand alone event, having been previously conducted in Louisville, KY for many years as part of the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE). The convention attendees were hosted at the Peppermill resort with the trade show and educational program conducted at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center about a mile away. Shuttle buses were provided throughout the day between the Peppermill and the center. Due to flight times I missed the opening speakers for the convention on the Saturday morning but did make it in time for the trade show opening and the candidates forum. This year there were 8 candidates, 5 of them incumbents running for a 2nd 3yr term who each gave an approximately 10 minute speech to the delegates and members present. The speeches are a good way for candidates to


Superior Local Angus Beef & Quality Registered Angus Gene�cs

The Coombe Family

62 Old Brodhead Rd Grahamsville, NY 12740

Ph: (845) 985‐2189 •


5493 Cheningo Rd Truxton, NY 13158 Carl Hinkle (607) 842-6936 Jeanetta Laudermilk, Mgr. (607) 345-6466 4

Robert Groom | AAA Convention Report introduce themaelves personally to the delegates as a whole, though it is an extremely daunting process. After this many of the larger state delegations will host each of the candidates individually at their caucuses. I was grateful to the Kansas and Mid-West caucases for allowing me to sit in on theirs, it gave me a different perspective on several of the candidates. Sunday was a day of educational programs on many aspects of the associations businesses and programs. The day started with several speakers in the main ballroom where the forum had been held previously. The first speaker was a pastor from Texas who condcted the ecumenical service, he was excellent and thought provoking. The second speaker was Beck Weathers who spoke about his attempt to climb Mt Everest that was dramatized in the film “Thin Air�. Very inspiring and personal story and message. The remainder of the day was taken up with educational meetings, the trade show, a big prize drawing for attendees including a complete Priefert cattle handling system, John Deere gator and a tub grinder. The day concluded with a free concert by Flatland Cavalry. Monday was the convention of delegates in the ballroom at the Peppermill. 297 delegates were present to elect 5 members of the board along with a new President and Vice-President of the association. Voting was conducted electronically using iPads. On the first round of voting the 5 incumbent candidates, Richard Dyer, Dave Gunman, Alan Miller, JP Perry and Barry Pollard were re-elected to their 2nd terms. The convention then passed 2 new amendments to the bylaws that concern eligibility to be delegates and/or directors of the association. Incoming Vice President David Dal Porto gave a thorough treasurers report that detailed the current financial state of our association, this report is available at Our new CEO Mark McCully gave his first report to the convention and was very well received by the membership. The meeting concluded with the election of new President Don Schiefelbein, VP Dave Dal Porto and the announcement that Jerry Connealy would serve as Treasurer for the upcoming year. Thank you to the membership of the New York Angus Association for electing me to represent you at the Convention, it is my honor to serve.

Respectfully submitted, Robert B Groom. Photos of Financial Report and CEO Mark McCully 5


2020 Annual Meeting | Drumlin’s Country Club New York Angus Annual Meeting

Saturday, March 14th 2020

Drumlin’s Country Club 800 Nottingham Rd Syracuse, NY 13224

9:00 am Coffee/Social hour and Registration 10:00 am Business Meeting 12:00 noon Lunch 1:00 pm Guest Speaker – David MacVane, Certified Angus Beef 2:30 pm Adjournment A Junior Meeting will also be held. Time to be determined. Come enjoy Angus fellowship and bring a neighbor who may be interested in getting involved with Angus cattle!



2020 NY State Sale | Cornell University The New York Angus Association is extremely pleased to announce the 85th New York State Sale will be held June 13th at 12:00 noon in the Livestock Pavilion at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Rance Long will once again manage the sale. Many may remember the “good ole days” when the New York State Bull Test Sale was held at Cornell in the eighties and early nineties. NYAA is excited about the opportunity to showcase and offer the finest black and red Angus females the northeast has to offer! We are once again teaming up with NY Red Angus in bringing the state’s best Angus to one of the world’s leading agricultural institutions. Mark your calendars to arrive Friday evening, June 12th for a private tour of the College of Veterinary Medicine along with an ice cream social. Bring your family, especially your future producers to enjoy a tour of Cornell’s campus or take a stroll in the adjacent Botanical Gardens and then settle in for a great sale in the Livestock Pavilion. If you are excited as we are and would like to consign one or more of your top Angus females to be part of this historic sale, please contact sale chairman Rich Brown at 315-406-5335 or rbbrown0243@ In addition NYAA is seeking sponsors for different events at the sale. If you are interested please reach out to NYAA as we have opportunities at many levels. Ric Coombe, Vice President NYAA



2020 NY State Sale Prep Preparing Your Cattle for Consignment Sales Spring sales take extra planning and preparation for consignors. From selection to delivering the day before the sale, there are many items to consider. What animal(s) will bring you the most return for the sale you are consigning to? What age cow? Open, bred, calf at side, calf at side and bred back (3 in 1 combo) and know what is feasible for you and your farm operation. Identifying the sale and your market is important so you can have realistic expectations on the sale outcome. Animal selection. You have selected the animal(s) you will be selling. Be sure if you are selling an animal ‘bred’ you have planned enough time for the animals to be pregnancy checked safe. Otherwise they will be sold as ‘short bred’. Also, will her status be known so it can be printed in the sale book, check the sale info deadline for printing. Selection and breeding come months or even a year ahead of the sale. As time gets closer the work is only just beginning. When making your selection, keep in mind selling animals that are free of recessive genetic conditions. The backside of a registration paper will explain what these genetic markers represent or check the American Angus Association website at A hair sample, punch sample or blood sample on a DNA card purchased through the Angus Association website would be needed and sent to an approved lab. Genomic testing will show greater accuracy with EPDs giving buyers more information. Make sure you leave time (6 weeks) before final selection of your animal for the sale as they must be free from genetic defects to be consigned. Cow condition. You will not represent your farm or the animal to its full potential if the animal is under conditioned. Have someone who has consigned to the sale before or a sale manager view your animals and give you some input. You are looking for a body condition score of 6-7. On average for a Spring sale you would be expected to give the animal some extra groceries. Give them a grain mixture, extra feed or some sort of supplementation. Starting this a month before the sale isn’t going to cut it. Expect to bulk up feed a minimum of three months before the sale. Again, talk to someone knowledgeable to help find a feed program that will work for you. You will need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). This is sometimes referred to as ‘Health Papers’ or ‘Health Certificate’. CVI’s are required to be written within 30 days of the sale. Mark your calendar and talk to your vet about scheduling a visit within this 30 day window. Always check for sale requirements, they vary between states and between sales. For a valid CVI for the New York State Sale the following requirements must be met: Permanent Identification. Tattoo (all registered Angus must have a valid tattoo that matches registration through AAA) along with an ‘840’ RFID or EID button or tag. 12

2020 NY State Sale Prep Bovine Viral Diarrhea Persistent Infected (BVD-PI) negative test. This test can take 2 weeks for results, an animal only needs to be tested once in its lifetime, proof must be shown to your vet so they can include it on the CVI. If you do not have proof a new test must be done for a CVI. Animals must be individually tested. If you have any animals six months or younger an ear notch must be taken. Animals 6 months or older are most often tested through a blood sample but can still be tested with an ear notch. Tuberculosis (TB) negative test within 30 days of the sale date. New York is a TB free state however this sale requires a TB negative test to sell. This is required so all animals meet out of state requirements for the sale. The vet will need to give a small injection next to the tail head, 3 days later the vet must return and feel the spot for a reaction to the injection site. Be sure to notify your vet when you make the appointment that you will need TB test done so they can schedule the visit plus coming back to check the test 3 days later. Doing this will keep your vet happy with you so they don’t have to come on their day off. An individual copy of the TB test chart must be attached to the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) Brucellosis negative test. This is done through a blood sample test. Your vet can pull one blood sample and test for both BVD and Brucellosis. Rabies Vaccine administered by your vet within one year of sale date. Destination address for the CVI which is the location of sale. Multiple lots from one operation. While you may consign more than one lot to the sale, please provide separate CVI’s for each lot as they may be purchased by different buyers and each one must be accompanied by their own CVI. Recommended, Calfhood vaccine to prevent against BVD, shipping fever, brucellosis, leptospirosis, IBR, PR3, BRSV, respiratory vaccine. Spring clip your animal 3 weeks before the sale. This means clipping off the excess winter hair and matted manure. Trim the head completely along with the neck, body, tail or everything you can get off safely. Leave the tail switch but trim it to the point of the hock. A trimmed tail will keep the animal cleaner and younger looking. Doing this 3 weeks before the sale will give the skin and hair a chance to shed out the dead dandruff and gives the coat time to gain shine. This mixed with a proper nutrition program will make the animals ‘blossom’. Lot tagging is important to do before leaving your farm. This will keep the lot tag clean and legible. All lot tags at the NYSS are required to be white. Any other forms of id/tags should be removed to make it easier for buyers and auction staff. If it is important to have a farm id tag for identification, 13

2020 NY State Sale Prep have it in one ear only with the white sale tag in the other. Make sure you don’t put tags in that cover the tattoo. Don’t forget to market your animal(s). So, you’ve done it all, or are going to do it all, sit back, relax… nope not quite. Now it is time to market your animal. Share on your website, social media and contact past buyers and tell them about what you have to offer. One year a consignor called us that we had never purchased from before, I believe they called all the NY Angus members. They told us about their animal and helped peak our interest. It paid off because that animal came home with us that year. Consign animals you are proud out and that represent your farm well, then be proud to market them and talk to prospective buyers about your animal. It takes time and planning to successfully sell your animals. Knowing your bottom line and your market are key to being successful. The rest is responsible management and time management. Don’t be shy, ask for help. The NYAA is strong because of the collaboration of Angus producers throughout the state. Submitting Genetic Testing Samples Body Condition Scoring RFID 840 tag Order form for Producers


Environmental Stewardship Award S-K Herefords, Media

Beef Producer Of The Year Thunder View- Coombe Family

President’s Award Ted Card

Friend Of The Industry Steve Packard

2 0 2 0 N Y B P A A N N U A L C O N F E R E N C E

Beef Promoter John & Anita Kriese, Branchport

2 0 1 9

Beef Promoter NY Beef Council

Seed Stock Producer Simme Valley, Jeanie & Philip

A N N U A Feed Lot Producer L Bill Martin, Meadow Brook Cattle

Friend In The Government Carrie Woerner

A W A R D Extension Educator S Mellissa Spence- CCE Lewis Co.

BQA Award Lisa Kempisty

Value Discovery Award John & Kathi Wagner

To the leftSpecial Service Award Andy & Taylor Hoelscher To the rightSpecial Thank you to Julie Murphy From The Juniors


Junior Report | Anna King Hello All, Even though it is only January many members and association adults are looking forward to the BEST week of summer, And that week is the National Junior Angus Show. This year the show is being held in Harrisburg PA. July 5th - 11th 2020. There are many things that come into play to make this event happen. We want everyone the chance to attend. If you want to attend but have road blocks please let us know as we are here to assist! This is a chance for everyone to attend with or without cattle as it is an experience you won’t want to forget. There are so many things that you are able to do over the course of this week. Your have opportunities such as contests, seminars (you get a lot of free stuff), showing as well many socials to meet new people and have fun! If you are already making plans, or have any questions about making this trip a success and to join the fun please contact any of the advisors or myself as we are always there to help. Lastly as always we work as a TEAM, this is a family affair and all juniors and adults work together supporting each other. Please any questions or concerns please reach out and we look forward to seeing you in Harrisburg. There will be a meeting on February 8th, to learn more about Junior Nationals Hope to see you all there! Anna King

Media Contact Shelia Grobosky Public Relations Coordinator 816.596.8792 Prebiotics vs. Probiotics | Shelia Grobosky To view this article online, visit:

- BioZyme

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics: How are They Different (SAINT JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 26, 2019) Prebiotic and probiotic sound similar; in fact, with just one letter difference, you might even believe they function equally too. However, that is not the case. Both prebiotics and probiotics do play a role in the health of the bacteria found in the digestive tract. Yes, there are good bacteria in there. But they are two very different supplements that play two very different roles in keeping cattle healthy and gaining. Probiotics are a group of living bacteria that are administered to the animal. This life adds “good” microbes and bacteria to the animal. One caution about probiotics is that this “life” can become death with the heat, the cold or other environmental challenges for the product; therefore, causing the probiotic to be ineffective. Simply stated, if you are giving your cattle a probiotic, you are adding live organisms to what is already in their gut.


Prebiotics, on the other hand, are supplements that support the living microorganisms that already exist in the gut. Prebiotics are not alive but rather work to enhance the naturally occurring growth and benefits of the good microbes that are present.

to what is already in their gut. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are supplements that support the living microorganisms that already exist in the gut. Prebiotics are not alive but rather work to enhance the naturally occurring growth and benefits of the good microbes that are present. “The prebiotic is advantageous because it is not alive. It supports the bacteria that are still there, and there is still a large population of live bacteria that are waiting to flourish and grow. I can pellet it or store it on a shelf for extended periods. I don’t have to worry about it dying. A prebiotic gives you a lot of flexibility. In my opinion, a producer should grab the prebiotic first. Prevention always pays over treatment. In really severe cases where we’ve already implemented treatment, and the calves remain stressed and sick, then we would use probiotics.” said Kevin Glaubius, Director of Nutrition at BioZyme® Inc. The prebiotic serves more of a preventative measure to an animal because it can stimulate the growth of all bacteria in the digestive system and is not dependent on the diet of the animal. For living bacteria to survive, they are dependent on specific diets, such as a high-grain finishing diet or a high-roughage starter diet. The probiotics respond differently when introduced to a new population largely due to the diet. However, if you get a prebiotic in an animal early, you shouldn’t experience a declining bacteria population. Glaubius said that the labeling on a probiotic can be confusing, especially since they often talk about adding a big number like adding a million colony forming units per gram. That is just a very small percentage of bacteria to add to the rumen when typically, 3 billion individual bacteria are found in every 1 cc of rumen fluid. And although a probiotic does have its place, it is usually a last resort effort to get calves back to eating and gaining after they have experienced extreme sickness and health. “There is a place for probiotics,” Glaubius said. “I would use probiotics when I have a calf that has been off feed for an extended period of time and has been treated with antibiotics multiple times, which has often killed or reduce the number of rumen bacteria. I expect to see the biggest response in those extremely high-stressed animals. The rumen is very good at digesting lots of different bacteria, and having a diverse population is just as important as having live bacteria.” One way to provide your livestock a prebiotic and help increase performance while decreasing digestive upset is with Amaferm®. Amaferm is a precision-based prebiotic that is designed to maximize the nutritional value of feed. It is research-proven to promote calf health and vigor and stimulate digestion and nutrient uptake of forage for optimum gain. Research also verifies that when Amaferm is added to the diet, there will be a 30% increase in live bacteria counts. Producers want their animals to convert their feed to pounds of gain in an efficient manner. Numerous university trials have shown that Amaferm may have its greatest effect on feed efficiency, and as Glaubius reminds, prebiotics are effective on both sick and healthy cattle, forage and grain-fed diets. He said research has shown that in healthy cattle, the Amaferm advantage has increased gains as much as 0.25 pounds per day. Other advantages that the producer will see include more fiber digestion, increased meat and milk production and less manure waste. Just because two words sound similar, doesn’t mean they are. That one letter makes a big difference in how your cattle’s rumen functions and their overall appetite and gain, which ultimately can make a big difference to your bottom line. Start with a preventative measure, a prebiotic like Amaferm. You’ll see a difference in growth and performance, and when you do have to use a probiotic, that Amaferm should help the probiotic become even more effective. To learn more about the Amaferm advantage, visit About BioZyme® Inc.


Regional Manager | Reese Tuckwiller

Dear Angus enthusiasts,

My name is Reese Tuckwiller and I am your new region one regional manager for the American Angus Association. It is an honor and a privilege to be working with everyone within the region, including the people of the great state of New York. Coming from an Angus background, I understand the needs for production agriculture and I fully intend on assisting the New York membership to the best of my ability. I proudly come from a ninth-generation cattle farm in the Greenbrier Valley of West Virginia. I’ve been participating in junior activities since a young age and served as the vice chairman for the National Junior Angus Association while pursuing a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska. I then had the honor of coaching a collegiate livestock judging team at West Virginia University. After that, I spent some time as a production manager at Western Sire Services in Gordon, Nebraska working with breeders and semen companies across the country before having the distinct privilege of taking this role as regional manager.

This job is very important to me considering the fact that this region played a large role in my development as a young person. It only seems fitting that I can now transition in helping the membership of this region to be productive and prosperous in the cattle business. Without the knowledge and wisdom that your membership provides, I cannot fulfill my duties without your expertise and input. My role as regional manager is to be your voice and ears to relay information to the Association while keeping you up to date with the most current news, events, and education in order to stay at the forefront of the beef industry while raising the best cattle there are, ANGUS.

Sincerely, Reese Tuckwiller Regional Manager - DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WV, NC and New England 2173 Herns Mills Road Lewisburg, WV 24901 Mobile: 308.360.3048 American Angus Association 3201 Frederick Ave. St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100

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