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Outcome for Roberto Cavalli Illustrations

The brief to create two pairs of women’s gloves for a professional exercise for Roberto Cavalli uses the ideal medium of fashion illustration. The signature style of Cavalli is richness, opulence and animal patterns. Cavalli has stated that... “he copies the dress of an animal because he loves to copy God who he regards as the most fantastic designer”. Using the mixed media of pen and ink and crayons, the illustration boards for the two sets of gloves show a richness of detail in the animal and human figures. The hidden narrative and message in the illustrations is that the animals and nature are taking back what they rightfully consider is theirs- their colouring and their patterns. The opulence, colour and detail of the decoration mirrors these qualities in Cavalli’s fabrics and designs, including the choice of patterned animals. The medium of gloves as a luxury item is also symbolic of the opulence of the European jet-set lifestyle to which Cavalli belongs and takes his inspiration.

Rich nature inspiration for glove design. The main nature inspiration being Leopard.



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